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A.C. No. 9000 October 5, 2011 by her before the IBP-Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD).
Likewise, the IBP-CBD allowed respondent to answer the
TOMAS P. TAN, JR., Complainant, Amended Complaint subsequently filed by complainant but she
vs. did not file any answer thereto.6 She also chose not to attend the
ATTY. HAIDE V. GUMBA, Respondent. mandatory conference hearings set on July 18, 2006, June 13,
2007 and January 25, 2008 despite due notice. Thus, she was
deemed to have waived her right to participate in the proceedings.

On February 9, 2009, IBP Commissioner Jose I. De La Rama, Jr.

rendered his report7 finding respondent guilty of violating Canon
1, 8 Rule 1.019 and Canon 710 of the Code of Professional
Before us is an administrative complaint for disbarment filed by Responsibility and recommending that she be suspended from the
complainant Tomas P. Tan, Jr. against respondent Atty. Haide B. practice of law for one year. Commissioner De La Rama opined
Vista-Gumba for gross unethical conduct. that while respondent appears to be a co-owner of the property as
evidenced by an annotation on the back of TCT No. 2055
The facts are as follows. showing that half of the property has been sold to her, it was
evident that she employed deceit and dishonest means to make
Complainant, a self-made businessman with a tailoring shop in complainant believe, by virtue of the SPA, that she was duly
Naga City, filed a verified Complaint 1 against respondent, also a authorized to sell the entire property.
resident of Naga City, before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
(IBP)-Camarines Sur Chapter. Pursuant to Section 1, Paragraph On August 28, 2010, the IBP Board of Governors adopted and
3,2 Rule 139-B of the Revised Rules of Court, as amended, the approved the report and recommendation of Commissioner De La
said Chapter forwarded the complaint to the IBP Board of Rama, Jr. in its Resolution No. XIX-2010-446:
Governors for proper disposition.
RESOLVED to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is hereby
Complainant narrated that sometime in August 2000, respondent unanimously ADOPTED and APPROVED the Report and
asked to be lent ₱ 350,000.00. Respondent assured him that she Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner of the above
would pay the principal plus 12% interest per annum after one entitled case, herein made part of this Resolution as Annex "A";
year. She likewise offered by way of security a 105-square-meter and, finding the recommendation fully supported by the evidence
parcel of land located in Naga City, covered by Transfer on record and the applicable laws and rules, and considering
Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 20553 and registered in her father’s Respondent’s violation of Canon 1, Rule 1.01 and Canon 7 of the
name. Respondent showed complainant a Special Power of Code of Professional Responsibility and for her failure to submit
Attorney4 (SPA) executed by respondent’s parents, and verbally verified Answer and did not even participate in the mandatory
assured complainant that she was authorized to sell or encumber conference, Atty. Haide V. Gumba is SUSPENDED from the
the entire property. Complainant consulted one Atty. Raquel practice of law for one (1) year. 11
Payte and was assured that the documents provided by respondent
were valid. Thus, complainant agreed to lend money to We agree with the findings and conclusion of the IBP, but find
respondent. With the help of Atty. Payte, respondent executed in that a reduction of the recommended penalty is called for,
complainant’s favor an "open" Deed of Absolute Sale over the pursuant to the principle that the appropriate penalty for an errant
said parcel of land, attaching thereto the SPA. Complainant was lawyer depends on the exercise of sound judicial discretion based
made to believe that if respondent fails to pay the full amount of on the surrounding facts.121avvphi1
the loan with interest on due date, the deed of sale may be
registered. Accordingly, he gave the amount of ₱ 350,000.00 to
Well entrenched in this jurisdiction is the rule that a lawyer may
be disciplined for misconduct committed either in his professional
or private capacity. The test is whether his conduct shows him to
Respondent, however, defaulted on her loan obligation and failed be wanting in moral character, honesty, probity, and good
to pay the same despite complainant’s repeated demands. Left demeanor, or whether it renders him unworthy to continue as an
with no recourse, complainant went to the Register of Deeds to officer of the court.13Verily, Canon 7 of the Code of Professional
register the sale, only to find out that respondent deceived him Responsibility mandates all lawyers to uphold at all times the
since the SPA did not give respondent the power to sell the dignity and integrity of the legal profession. Lawyers are similarly
property but only empowered respondent to mortgage the required, under Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the same Code, not to
property solely to banks. Complainant manifested that he had lent engage in any unlawful, dishonest and immoral or deceitful
money before to other people albeit for insignificant amounts, but conduct.
this was the first time that he extended a loan to a lawyer and it
bore disastrous results. He submitted that respondent committed
Here, respondent’s actions clearly show that she deceived
fraud and deceit or conduct unbecoming of a lawyer.
complainant into lending money to her through the use of
documents and false representations and taking advantage of her
Upon being ordered by the IBP to answer the above allegations, education and complainant’s ignorance in legal matters. As
respondent filed a Motion for Extension of Time to File a manifested by complainant, he would have never granted the loan
Responsive Pleading5 but no answer or comment was ever filed

to respondent were it not for respondent’s misrepresentation that SO ORDERED.

she was authorized to sell the property and if respondent had not
led him to believe that he could register the "open" deed of sale if
she fails to pay the loan.14 By her misdeed, respondent has eroded
not only complainant’s perception of the legal profession but the
public’s perception as well. Her actions constitute gross
misconduct for which she may be disciplined, following Section
27, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court, as amended, which A.M. No. 17-11-06-CA
SEC. 27. Disbarment or suspension of attorneys by Supreme Pictures) AGAINST ASSOCIATE JUSTICE NORMANDIE
Court, grounds therefor. — A member of the bar may be B. PIZARRO, COURT OF APPEALS,
disbarred or suspended from his office as attorney by the Supreme
Court for any deceit, malpractice, or other gross misconduct in DECISION
such office, grossly immoral conduct, or by reason of his
conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, or for any MARTIRES, J.:
violation of the oath which he is required to take before the
admission to practice, or for a wilful disobedience appearing as an This administrative matter arose from an anonymous letter-
attorney for a party to a case without authority so to do. The complaint1 charging Associate Justice Normandie B.
practice of soliciting cases at law for the purpose of gain, either Pizarro (Justice Pizarro) of the Court of Appeals (CA) of
personally or through paid agents or brokers, constitutes habitually gambling in casinos, "selling" decisions, and
malpractice. immorally engaging in an illicit relationship. The subject letter-
complaint was initially filed with the Office of the
xxxx Ombudsman (Ombudsman) on 20 September 2017. The matter
was referred by the Ombudsman to this Court on 24 October
We further note that after filing a Motion for Extension of Time 2017.2
to File a Responsive Pleading, respondent wantonly disregarded
the lawful orders of the IBP-CBD to file her answer and to appear The anonymous letter-complaint accused Justice Pizarro of being
for the mandatory conferences despite due notice. Respondent a gambling addict who would allegedly lose millions of pesos in
should bear in mind that she must acknowledge the orders of the the casinos daily, and insinuated that Justice Pizarro resorted to
IBP-CBD in deference to its authority over her as a member of "selling" his cases in order to support his gambling addiction.
the IBP.15
The anonymous complainant further accused Justice Pizarro of
Complainant now asks that respondent be disbarred. We find, having an illicit relationship, claiming that Justice Pizarro bought
however, that suspension from the practice of law is sufficient to his mistress a house and lot in Antipolo City, a condominium unit
discipline respondent. It is worth stressing that the power to in Manila, and brand new vehicles such as Toyota Vios and Ford
disbar must be exercised with great caution. Disbarment will be Everest worth millions of pesos. Lastly, the anonymous
imposed as a penalty only in a clear case of misconduct that complainant alleged that Justice Pizarro, together with his
seriously affects the standing and the character of the lawyer as an mistress and her whole family, made several travels abroad to
officer of the court and a member of the bar. Where any lesser shop and to gamble in casinos.
penalty can accomplish the end desired, disbarment should not be
decreed.16 In this case, the Court finds the penalty of suspension Attached to the anonymous letter-complaint are four (4) sheets of
more appropriate but finds the recommended penalty of photographs3 showing Justice Pizarro sitting at the casino tables
suspension for one year too severe. Considering the allegedly at the Midori Hotel and Casino in Clark, Pampanga.
circumstances of this case, the Court believes that a suspension of
six months is sufficient. After all, suspension is not primarily
On 21November2017, the Court issued a Resolution4 noting the
intended as a punishment, but as a means to protect the public and
27 September 2017 Letter of the Ombudsman referring the
the legal profession.17
anonymous letter-complaint; and requiring Justice Pizarro to file
his comment on the anonymous letter-complaint.
WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Haide B. Vista-Gumba is found
administratively liable for grave misconduct. She is
On 8 December 2017, Justice Pizarro filed his comment 5 wherein
SUSPENDED from the practice of law for SIX (6) MONTHS,
he admitted to his indiscretion. He stated that he was indeed the
effective immediately, with a warning that a repetition of the
person appearing on the subject photographs sitting at a casino
same or a similar act will be dealt with more severely.
table. He explained that the photographs were taken when he was
accompanying a balikbayan friend; and that they only played a
Let notice of this Resolution be spread in respondent’s record as little in a parlor game fashion without big stakes and without their
an attorney in this Court, and notice thereof be served on the identities introduced or made known. Justice Pizarro averred that
Integrated Bar of the Philippines and on the Office of the Court the photographs may have been taken by people with ulterior
Administrator for circulation to all the courts concerned. motives considering his plan for early retirement.

He further confessed that sometime in 2009 he also played at the corruption and immorality against Justice Pizarro must be
casino in what he termed, again, a parlor game concept. He dismissed for lack of merit.
maintained, however, that such was an indiscretion committed by
a dying man because, prior to this, he had learned that he had Inasmuch as the Court would want to cleanse the Judiciary of its
terminal cancer. erring and undesirable members and personnel, such policy could
only be implemented with the strict observance of due process,
He also found as cruel, baseless, and highly unfair the accusation such that substantial evidence is required to prove the charges
that he is the "most corrupt justice in the Philippines" noting that against a member of the Judiciary.9 The Court is duty bound to
no administrative case had been filed against him for the past protect its ranks or any member or personnel of the Judiciary
seven (7) years; that his first administrative case, which this Court from baseless or unreasonable charges. 10
resolved in his favor, actually involved his former driver in Ilocos
Sur who forged his signature to make it appear that the driver was Indeed, while the law and justice abhor all forms of abuse
employed in the judiciary; and that all of the few administrative committed by public officers and employees whose sworn duty is
cases filed against him did not involve corruption; and that he was to discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity,
absolved in all. competence, accountability, and loyalty, the Court must protect
them against unsubstantiated charges that tend to adversely affect,
Justice Pizarro likewise categorically denied having a mistress. rather than encourage, the effective performance of their duties
He characterized such accusations as cowardly acts of his and functions.11
detractors, who even furnished· copies of the anonymous
complaint to the presiding justice of the appellate court and the As regards the accusation of habitually playing in casinos, it is
leader of a major religious group, with the intent of destroying his clear that the anonymous complaint was not supported by public
character. records of indubitable integrity as required by the rules.
Nevertheless, it is equally undisputed, as in fact it was admitted,
ISSUE that Justice Pizarro was the same person playing in a casino in
Clark, Pampanga, as shown by the photographs attached to the
The sole issue before the Court is whether Justice Pizarro is guilty anonymous complaint. He also admitted that he played in a casino
of the accusations against him for which he may be held sometime in 2009. The Court cannot simply ignore this evident
administratively liable. and admitted fact. The issue now is whether Justice Pizarro may
be held administratively liable for gambling in casinos.
Recently, the Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) reminded
judges and court personnel to strictly comply with the prohibition
Under the Rules of Court, administrative complaints against
against gambling or being seen in gambling places such as the
judges of regular courts and special courts as we11 as justices of
casino.12 The OCA cited Circular No. 413 issued by the Court on
the CA and the Sandigan,bayan may be instituted: (1) by the
27 August 1980 which reads:
Supreme Court motu proprio; (2) upon a verified complaint,
supported by affidavits of persons who have personal knowledge
of the facts alleged therein or by documents which may The attention of the Court has been invited to the presence of
substantiate said allegations; or (3) upon an anonymous some judges in gambling casinos operating under Presidential
complaint, supported by public records of indubitable integrity. 6 Decree No. 1067- B. This is clearly violative of Section 5(3-b) of
said Decree. It reads as follows:
The rationale for the requirement that complaints against judges
and justices of the judiciary must be accompanied by supporting (3-b) Persons not allowed to play -
evidence is to protect magistrates from the filing of t1imsy and
virtually unsubstantiated charges against them. 7 This is consistent (a) Government officials connected directly with the operation
with the rule that in administrative proceedings, the complainants of the government or any of its agencies."
bear the burden of proving the allegations in their complaints by
substantial evidence. If they fail to show in a satisfactory manner In accordance with law and pursuant to the Resolution of the
the facts upon which their claims are based, the respondents are Court en bane in Administrative Matter No. 1544-0, dated August
not obliged to prove their exception or defense. 8 21, 1980, judges of inferior courts and the court personnel are
enjoined from playing in or being present in gambling casinos.
In this case, the anonymous complaint accused Justice Pizarro of
selling favorable decisions, having a mistress, and habitually Moreover, judges are likewise enjoined to keep in mind the
playing in casinos; and essentially charging him of dishonesty and Canons of Judicial Ethics, paragraph 3 of which provides:
violations of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Law,
immorality, and unbecoming conduct. These accusations, 3. Avoidance of appearance of impropriety. - A judge’s official
however, with the only exception of gambling in casinos, are not conduct should be free from the appearance of impropriety, and
supported by any evidence or by any public record of indubitable his personal behavior, not only upon the bench and in the
integrity. Thus, the bare allegations of corruption and immorality performance of judicial duties, but also in his everyday life,
do not deserve any consideration. For this reason, the charges of

should be beyond reproach." (emphases supplied and italics in the Section 2(14) of E.0. No. 292 also defines an "officer" as
original) distinguished from a "clerk" or "employee" as "a person whose
duties, not being of a clerical or manual nature, involves the
With respect to Circular No. 4 and Administrative Matter No. exercise of discretion in the performance of the functions of the
1544-0, it is with regret that the Court finds them inapplicable to government." On the other hand, when used with reference to a
the present case. It is clear from the words of these issuances that person having authority to do a particular act or perform a
the prohibition from entering and gambling in casinos is particular function in the exercise of governmental power,
applicable only to judges of inferior courts and court personnel. "officer" includes any government employee, agent or body
Stated differently, the aforesaid issuances do not cover justices of having authority to do the act or exercise that function.
collegial courts for the simple reason that they are neither judges
of the inferior courts nor can they be described as personnel of the As regards the qualifying phrase "connected directly with the
court. Although the term "judge" has been held to comprehend all operation," its definition could not be found in the Administrative
kinds of judges, the same is true only if the said term is not Code and other similarly applicable statutes and rules. It is settled,
modified by any word or phrase.14 In the case of Circular No. 4 however, that in the absence of legislative intent to the contrary,
and Administrative Matter No. 1544- 0, the term "judge" has been words and phrases used in a statute should be given their plain,
qualified by the phrase "inferior courts." Thus, absurd as it may ordinary, and common usage meaning.18
seem, Justice Pizarro cannot be held administratively liable under
Circular No. 4 and Administrative Matter No. ] 544-0. The words should be read and considered in their natural,
ordinary, commonly accepted and most obvious signification,
Nevertheless, the inapplicability of the aforestated Court according to good and approved usage and without resorting to
issuances to justices of collegial courts does not necessarily mean forced or subtle construction.19Indeed, the lawmaker is presumed
that Justice Pizarro is absolutely cleared of his evident and to have employed the words in the statute in their ordinary and
admitted act of playing in casinos. common use and acceptation.20

Section 5 (3-b)(a) of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1067-B and Thus, the words "connected," "directly," and "operation" must be
Section 14(4)(a) of P.D. No. 1869, which consolidated P.D. No. given their ordinary meaning in relation to their ordinary use in
1067-B with other presidential decrees issued relative to the organizations or institutions such as the government. Hence, the
franchise and powers of the Philippine Amusement and Gaming term "connected" may mean "involved" "associated" or "related;"
Corporation, did not define the meaning of the term "government "directly" may mean "immediately" "without any intervening
officials connected directly with the operation of the government agency or instrumentality or determining influence" or "without
or any of its agencies" as well as the words used therein. The any intermediate step;" and "operation" may mean "doing or
same is true with respect to the presidential issuances relative to performing action" or "administration." Additionally, "to operate"
such prohibition.15 Considering, however, that the obvious is synonymous to the terms "to exercise" and "to act."
purpose of the subject prohibition is the regulation of conduct of
government officials, reference may be made to pertinent From the foregoing, it is opined that the term "government
administrative laws and jurisprudence pertaining thereto to official connected directly to the operation of the government or
comprehend the meaning of the term under scrutiny. any of its agencies" refers to any person employed by the
government whose tasks is the performance and exercise of any
In this regard, Section 2(1) of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 292 or of the functions and powers of such government or any agency
the Administrative Code of 1987 defines "Government of the thereof, as conferred on them by law, without any intervening
Republic of the Philippines" as "the corporate governmental agency. Simply put, a "government official connected directly to
entity through which the functions of government are exercised the operation of the government or any of its agencies" is a
throughout the Philippines, including, save as the contrary government officer who performs the functions of the government
appears from the context, the various arms through which on his own judgment or discretion - essentially, a government
political authority is made effective in the Philippines, whether officer under Section 2(14) of E.O. No. 292.
pertaining to the autonomous regions, the provincial, city,
municipal or barangay subdivisions or other forms of local Applying the above definition to the present case, it is clear that
government."16The term "Government of the Republic of the Justice Pizarro is covered by the term "government official
Philippines" or "Philippine Government" is broad enough to connected directly with the operation of the government." Indeed,
include the local governments and the central or national one of the functions of the government, through the Judiciary, is
government which, in turn, consist of the legislative, executive, the administration of justice within its territorial jurisdiction.
and judicial branches, as well as constitutional bodies and other Justice Pizarro, as a magistrate of the CA, is clearly a government
bodies created in accordance with the constitution. 17 official directly involved in the administration of justice; and in
the performance of such function, he exercises discretion. Thus,
Section 2(4) of E.O. No. 292 further states that "Agency of the by gambling in a casino, Justice Pizarro violated the prohibition
Government" refers to any of the various units of the from gambling in casinos as provided under Section 14(4)(a) of
Government, including a department, bureau, office, P.D. No. 1869.
instrumentality, or government-owned or -controlled
corporations, or a local government or a distinct unit therein.

Although P.D. No. 1869 did not provide for a penalty for any act The Court has repeatedly reminded judges to conduct themselves
done in contravention of its provisions particularly the prohibition irreproachably, not only while in the discharge of official duties
on gambling, in City Government of Tagbilaran v. Hontanosas, but also in their personal behavior every day. 23 No position
Jr., 21 it was held that such transgression constitutes violations of demands greater moral righteousness and uprightness from its
Paragraphs 3 and 22 of the Canons of Judicial Ethics, which occupant than does the judicial office. Judges in particular must
respectively provide: be individuals of competence, honesty and probity, charged as
they are with safeguarding the integrity of the court and its
3. Avoidance of appearance of impropriety - proceedings. Judges should behave at all times so as to promote
public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary,
and avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all
A judge’s official conduct should be free from the appearance of
their activities. A judge's personal behaviour outside the court,
impropriety, and his personal behavior, not only upon the bench
and not only while in the performance of his official duties, must
and in the performance of judicial duties, but also in his everyday
be beyond reproach, for he is perceived to be the personification
life, should be beyond reproach.
of law and justice. Thus, any demeaning act of a judge degrades
the institution he represents.24
Accordingly, the Court finds respondent Justice Pizarro guilty of
22. Infractions of law - conduct unbecoming of a member of the judiciary. Considering,
however, that this is the respondent justice's first transgression,
The judge should be studiously careful himself to avoid even the and further bearing in mind his immediate admission of his
slightest infraction of the law, lest it be a demoralizing example to indiscretion as well as the number of years he has been in
others.22 government service, the Court finds the imposition of a fine in the
amount of ₱100,000.00 sufficient in this case.
Further, Justice Pizarro also violated Canons 2 and 4 of the New
Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary which WHEREFORE, the Court finds respondent Associate Justice
pe1tinently provides: Normandie B. Pizarro GUILTY of conduct unbecoming of a
member of the judiciary, and is hereby ORDERED to pay a fine
CANON 2 in the amount of ₱100,000,00.
Integrity is essential not only to the proper discharge of the
judicial office but also to the personal demeanor of judges. A.M. No. 09-5-2-SC April 11, 2013

SEC. 1. Judges shall ensure that not only is their conduct above IN THE MATTER OF THE BREWING CONTROVERSIES
reproach, but that it is perceived to be so in the view of a IN THE ELECTIONS OF THE INTEGRA TED BAR OF
reasonable observer. THE PHILIPPINES.

SEC. 2. The behavior and conduct of judges must reaffirm the x-----------------------x
people’s faith in the integrity of the judiciary.1âwphi1 Justice
must not merely be done but must also be seen to be done. A.C. No. 8292


Propriety and the appearance of propriety are essential to the ESTRADA, BONIFACIO T. BARANDON, JR.,
performance of all the activities of a judge. EVERGISTO S. ESCALON, and REYMUND JORGE A.
MERCADO, Respondents.
SEC. 1. Judges shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of
impropriety in all of their activities. RESOLUTION

SEC. 2. As a subject of constant public scrutiny, judges must MENDOZA, J.:

accept personal restrictions that might be viewed as burdensome
by the ordinary citizen and should do so freely and willingly. In The Court, exercising its power of supervision over the Integrated
particular, judges shall conduct themselves in a way that is Bar of the Philippines (IBP), resolves this matter of the election of
consistent with the dignity of the judicial office. the Executive Vice-President (EVP) of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) for the 2011-2013 term.

This administrative matter was triggered by the Petition for the EVP and the officers of the House of Delegates to be directly
Intervention filed by petitioner-intervenor IBP-Southern Luzon elected by the House of Delegates.12
Region (IBP-Southern Luzon), seeking a declaration that the post
of EVP-IBP for the 2011-2013 term be held open to all regions Unfortunately, history recalls that this mode of electing the IBP
and that it is qualified to field a candidate for the said position. national officers was marred with unethical politicking,
electioneering and other distasteful practices. Thus, on October 6,
This matter comes at the heels of the controversies resolved by 1989, the Court in Bar Matter No. 491, dated October 6, 1989,
the Court in its December 4, 2012 Resolution regarding the ordered: 1] the annulment of the just concluded national elections;
application of the rotation rule in determining which chapter of 2] the abolition of the system of election of national officers by
the IBP-Western Visayas region (IBP-Western Visayas) was direct action of the House of Delegates; 3] the restoration of the
qualified to field a candidate for the position of governor. In the former system of having the IBP-President and the EVP elected
said resolution, the Court clarified that the rotation rule was one by the IBP-BOG from among themselves, with right of
by exclusion. Similar to this recently resolved controversy, the succession by the EVP to the presidency and subject to the rule
present dilemma calls for the application of the rotation system at that "the position of Executive Vice President of the IBP shall be
the national level. rotated among the nine (9) IBP regions;"13 4] the holding of
special elections for the election of the first set of IBP-President
The Factual Antecedents and EVP;14 and 5] the appointment of a caretaker board to
administer the affairs of the IBP pending the holding of special
To understand the nature of the controversy and the issues
presented for resolution, an examination of the structure of the
IBP and its history is in order. In the same Bar Matter No. 491, the Court ordered the
amendment of Section 47, Article VII of the IBP By-laws, to
In 1973, the Philippine Bar was integrated1 to elevate the
standards of the legal profession, to improve the administration of
justice and to enable it to discharge its public responsibility more SEC. 47. National Officers. - The Integrated Bar of the
effectively.2 Governing the IBP was the IBP Board of Governors Philippines shall have a President and Executive Vice President to
(IBP-BOG), consisting of the governors from each of the nine (9) be chosen by the Board of Governors from among nine (9)
geographic regions of the archipelago,3 namely: Northern Luzon, regional governors, as much as practicable, on a rotation basis.
Central Luzon, Southern Luzon, Greater Manila, Bicolandia, The governors shall be ex officio Vice President for their
Eastern Visayas, Western Visayas, Eastern Mindanao, and respective regions. There shall also be a Secretary and Treasurer
Western Mindanao.4 The governors of the IBP-BOG are, in turn, of the Board of Governors to be appointed by the President with
elected by the House of Delegates which consists of members the consent of the Board. (As amended pursuant to Bar Matter
duly apportioned among the chapters of each region. 5 No. 491)

At the helm of the IBP is the IBP National President (IBP- The Executive Vice President shall automatically become
President),6 who is automatically succeeded by the EVP. When President for the next succeeding term. The Presidency shall
the Philippine Bar was first integrated, both the IBP-President and rotate among the nine Regions.16 [Emphasis supplied]
the EVP were elected by the IBP-BOG from among themselves or
from other members of the Integrated Bar,7 with the right of Following the rotation system just ordered, the following
automatic succession by the EVP to the presidency for the next individuals representing the different regions of the IBP served as
succeeding full term. The presidency rotated among all the nine IBP-President:
regions in such order as the IBP-BOG had prescribed.8 Both the
IBP-President and the EVP held a term of one (1) year, with the
presidency rotating from year to year among the regions. 9 1. Eugene Tan Western January 28, 1990-
(Capiz) Visayas April 199117
On November 1, 1974, the IBP By-Laws took effect, providing 2. Numeriano Central Luzon April 1991-June 30,
that the IBP-President and the EVP be chosen by the Board of Tanopo, Jr. 1991
Governors from among nine (9) regional governors, as much as (Pangasinan)
practicable, on a rotation basis.10 It was also provided that the
IBP-President and the EVP hold office for a term of two (2) years 3. Mervin Encanto Greater Manila 1993-1995
from July 1 following their election until June 30 of their second (Quezon City)
year in office and until their successors shall have been duly
chosen and qualified.11 4. Raoul R. Southern Luzon 1995-1997
Later, several amendments in the IBP By-Laws were introduced, (Makati)
among which were the provisions relating to the election of its 5. Jose Aguila Eastern Visayas 1997-1999
national officers. In Bar Matter No. 287, dated July 9, 1985, the Grapilon
Court approved the recommendation allowing the IBP-President, (Biliran)

6. Arthur Lim Western 1999-2001 for the term 2007-2009 can no longer be annulled as this
(Zambasulta) Mindanao has already expired, Atty. Vinluan is declared unfit to
hold the position of IBP Executive Vice President for the
7. Teofilo Pilando, Jr. Northern Luzon 2001-2003 2007-2009 term and, therefore, barred from succeeding
(Kalinga Apayao) as IBP President for the 2009-2011 term;

8. Jose Anselmo Bicolandia 2003-2005 4. The proposed amendments to Sections 31, 33, par.
Cadiz (g), 39, 42, and 43, Article VI and Section 47, Article
(Camarines Sur) VII of the IBP By-Laws as contained in the Report and
Recommendation of the Special Committee, dated July
On January 27, 1999, in Velez v. de Vera,18 reasoning that the 9, 2009, are hereby approved and adopted; and
rotation system applied only to the EVP, the Court considered the
election of then EVP Leonard De Vera (De Vera), representing 5. The designation of retired SC Justice Santiago
the Eastern Mindanao region, as one completing the first Kapunan as Officer-in-Charge of the IBP shall continue,
rotational cycle and affirmed the election of Jose Vicente B. unless earlier revoked by the Court, but not to extend
Salazar (Salazar) of the Bicolandia region as EVP. The Court beyond June 30, 2011.
explained that the rotational cycle would have been completed
with the succession of EVP De Vera, representing Eastern SO ORDERED.
Mindanao as IBP-President. For having misappropriated his
clients’ funds and committing acts inimical to the IBP-BOG and Attempts to seek reconsideration of the Court’s resolution were
the IBP in general, De Vera was removed as governor of Eastern denied by the Court in its Resolution, dated February 8, 2011.20
Mindanao and as EVP, and his removal was affirmed by the
Despite Bar Matter No. 491 and Velez,21 which recognized the
operational fact that the rotation was from the position of
Thus, Salazar became IBP-President for the 2005-2007 term with President to that of the EVP, Section 47 was not immediately
Feliciano Bautista (Bautista) of Central Luzon as EVP. The term amended to reflect the official position of the Court. It was only
of Salazar was the start of the second rotational cycle. Bautista amended through the December 14, 2010 Resolution. 22 Section 47
eventually succeeded to the IBP presidency with Atty. Rogelio of the IBP By-Laws now reads:
Vinluan (Vinluan) as his EVP.
Sec. 47. National Officers. – The Integrated Bar of the Philippines
In 2009, however, the national and regional IBP elections were shall have a President, an Executive Vice President, and nine (9)
again tainted with numerous controversies, which were resolved regional Governors. The Executive Vice President shall be
by the Court in its December 14, 2010 Resolution, 19 in the elected on a strict rotation basis by the Board of Governors from
following manner: among themselves, by the vote of at least five (5) Governors. The
Governors shall be ex officio Vice President for their respective
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court resolves that: regions. There shall also be a Secretary and Treasurer of the
Board of Governors.
1. The elections of Attys. Manuel M. Maramba, Erwin
M. Fortunato and Nasser A. Marohomsalic as Governors The violation of the rotation rule in any election shall be
for the Greater Manila Region, Western Visayas Region penalized by annulment of the election and disqualification of the
and Western Mindanao Region, respectively, for the offender from election or appointment to any office in the IBP.
term 2009-2011 are UPHELD;
In the special elections that were held thereafter, Roan I. Libarios
2. A special election to elect the IBP Executive Vice (Libarios), representing IBP-Eastern Mindanao Region, was
President for the 2009-2011 term is hereby ORDERED elected EVP and he later on succeeded as president.
to be held under the supervision of this Court within
seven (7) days from receipt of this Resolution with On April 27, 2011, the IBP-BOG, acting on the letter of then
Attys. Maramba, Fortunato and Marohomsalic being Gov. Erwin M. Fortunato (Fortunato) of IBP-Western Visayas
allowed to represent and vote as duly-elected Governors requested that the Court provide guidance on how it would
of their respective regions; proceed with the application of the rotational rule in the regional
elections for governor of IBP-Western Visayas.23
3. Attys. Rogelio Vinluan, Abelardo Estrada, Bonifacio
Barandon, Jr., Evergisto Escalon, and Raymund On December 4, 2012, the Court issued a resolution24 addressing
Mercado are all found GUILTY of grave professional the issues with respect to the election of governor for IBP-
misconduct arising from their actuations in connection Western Visayas. In clarifying that the rotational rule was one by
with the controversies in the elections in the IBP last exclusion, the Court explained that in the election of governor of
April 25, 2009 and May 9, 2009 and are hereby a region, all chapters of the region should be given the
disqualified to run as national officers of the IBP in any opportunity to have their nominees elected as governor, to the
subsequent election. While their elections as Governors

exclusion of those chapters that had already served in the ● As he was just elected on January 5, 2013, Ubano
rotational cycle. Once a rotational cycle would be completed, all cannot be considered qualified to seek the position of
chapters of a region, except the chapter which won in the EVP cum IBP-President due to his lack of experience. 37
immediately preceding elections, could once again have the equal
opportunity to vie for the position of governor of their region. The Position of IBP-Western Visayas
chapter that won in the immediately preceding election, under the
rotational cycle just completed, could only vie for the position of For its part, IBP-Western Visayas advances the following
governor after the election of the first governor in the new cycle. arguments in support of its position that it is the only region
qualified to field a candidate for EVP for the 2011-2013 term:
The Current Controversy
● The Petition in Intervention of IBP-Southern Luzon
Earlier, on July 27, 2012, IBP-Southern Luzon filed its Motion should not be entertained as it would be contrary to
for Leave to Intervene and to Admit the Attached Petition In Section 2, Rule 19, it being filed following the finality of
Intervention25 and the subject Petition In Intervention, 26 seeking a the December 14, 2010 Resolution of the Court. 38
declaration that the post of EVP for the 2011-2013 term be held
open to all regions and that it be qualified to nominate a candidate ● With the term of current IBP-President Libarios
for the position of EVP for the 2011-2013 term.
coming to an end, IBP-Western Visayas is the only
region left qualified to field a candidate for EVP,
The Petition in Intervention was, in turn, opposed by pursuant to the December 14, 2010 Resolution of the
Fortunato,27 who insisted that IBP-Western Visayas was the only Court.39
region that could vie for the position of EVP for the 2011-2013
term. ● The IBP Southern Luzon had already taken its turn in
the rotation system following the election of Vinluan as
In the December 4, 2012 Resolution, the Court deferred its action EVP (2007-2009) and Raoul R. Angangco (Angangco)
on the intervention sought by the IBP-Southern Luzon and who also served as EVP during the 1995-1997
required the IBP-BOG to submit its comment.28 term.401âwphi1

In its Comment, dated January 2, 2013, the IBP-BOG prayed that ● The election of Eugene Tan cannot be considered as
the "IBP-Southern Luzon be allowed to nominate a candidate for part of the current rotation as he was elected following
EVP for the 2011-2013 term, without prejudice to the right of the special elections held as a result of the October 6,
other regions except IBP-Eastern Mindanao, to do the same."29 1989 Resolution of the Court.

The opposition of Fortunato to the subject petition in intervention Synthesized, the core issues that must be addressed for the
of IBP-Southern Luzon was joined by his successor, Marlou B. resolution of the Court are the following:
Ubano (Ubano), Gov. Manuel L. Enage, Jr. of IBP-Eastern
Visayas,30 and the members of the House of Delegates of IBP- A. Whether the motion for intervention of IBP-Southern
Western Visayas.31 Nasser A. Marohomsalic Luzon can be allowed and admitted.
(Marohomsalic),32 one of the original parties in this case, Gov.
Leonor Gernoa-Romeo33 of IBP-Bicolandia, and the IBP-
BOG34 likewise filed their respective comments. B. Whether the first rotational cycle was completed with
the election of Atty. Leonard De Vera.
Position of IBP-Southern Luzon
C. Whether IBP-Southern Luzon has already served in
the current rotation.
In support of its bid to qualify in the election for EVP for the
2011-2013 term, IBP-Southern Luzon takes the following
positions: D. Whether the IBP-Western Visayas has already served
in the current rotation.
● In view of the Court’s resolution to bar its
representative, Vinluan, from succeeding as IBP- The Motion for Intervention Should be Allowed and Admitted
President for the 2009-2011 term, the IBP-Southern
Luzon was effectively deprived of its right to the IBP There is no dispute that the Constitution has empowered the
presidency.35 Supreme Court to promulgate rules concerning "the integrated
bar."41 Pursuant thereto, the Court wields a continuing power of
● With the election of Eugene A. Tan as IBP-President supervision over the IBP and its affairs like the elections of its
(January 29, 1990-April 1991), IBP-Western Visayas officers. The current controversy has been precipitated by the
should no longer be allowed to field a candidate in the petition in intervention of IBP-Southern Luzon, praying that the
forthcoming election for EVP.36 election of the EVP for the 2011-2013 term be opened to all and
that it be considered as qualified to field a candidate for the said

In the exercise of its continuing supervisory power, the Court is As previously mentioned, in Velez,48 the Court stated that the
allowing the matter to be raised as an issue because it has not yet rotation system applies to the election of the EVP only and
been squarely settled, as will be pointed out later considered the service of then EVP De Vera, representing the
on.1âwphi1 Moreover, it is not only an exercise of its Eastern Mindanao region, as having completed the first rotational
constitutional and statutory mandated duty, but also of its cycle. For said reason, the Court affirmed the election of Salazar
symbolic function of providing guiding principles, precepts and of Bicolandia as EVP. The Court explained that the rotation cycle
doctrines42 for the purpose of steering the members of the bench with respect to the presidency would have been completed with
and the bar to the proper path. the succession of EVP De Vera as IBP-President. The specific
words used in Velez49 were:
It should be noted that this is merely an administrative matter, a
bar matter to be specific, where technical rules are not strictly In Bar Matter 491, it is clear that it is the position of IBP EVP
applied. In fact, in administrative cases, there is no rule regarding which is actually rotated among the nine Regional Governors.
entry of judgment. Where there is no entry of The rotation with respect to the Presidency is merely a result of
judgment, finality and immutability do not come into play. On the automatic succession rule of the IBP EVP to the Presidency.
several occasions, the Court has re-opened administrative cases Thus, the rotation rule pertains in particular to the position of IBP
and modified its decisions that had long attained finality in the EVP, while the automatic succession rule pertains to the
interest of justice. A recent example is Talens-Dabon v. Judge Presidency. The rotation with respect to the Presidency is but a
Arceo,43 where the Court lifted the ban against the disqualification consequence of the automatic succession rule provided in Section
of the respondent from re-employment in government. In Re: 47 of the IBP By-Laws.
Letter of Judge Augustus C. Diaz, Metropolitan Trial Court of
Quezon City, Branch 37, Appealing for Clemency,44 the Court In the case at bar, the rotation rule was duly complied with since
granted clemency so the respondent could transfer to a higher upon the election of Atty. De Vera as IBP EVP, each of the nine
position. In Petition for Judicial Clemency of Judge Irma Zita v. IBP regions had already produced an EVP and, thus, the rotation
Masamayor,45 the respondent was given judicial clemency for her was completed. It is only unfortunate that the supervening event
past administrative offenses so she could apply for a lateral of Atty. de Vera's removal as IBP Governor and EVP rendered it
transfer. impossible for him to assume the IBP Presidency. The fact
remains, however, that the rotation rule had been completed
At any rate, granting that technical rules are strictly applied in despite the non-assumption by Atty. de Vera to the IBP
administrative matters, the Court can exercise its power and Presidency.
prerogative to suspend its own rules and to exempt a case from
their operation if and when justice requires it. "The power to The notion that the ruling in Velez50 should not be considered at
suspend or even disregard rules of procedure can be so pervasive all by the Court because it is barred by the Omnibus Motion Rule
and compelling as to alter even that which this Court itself had deserves scant consideration. It may have been earlier overlooked,
already declared final."46 but the Court is not barred from motu propio taking judicial
notice of such judicial pronouncement, pursuant to its continuing
The First Rotational Cycle Already Completed supervisory powers over the IBP.

As earlier recited, Section 47 of the IBP By-Laws was amended The Second Rotational Cycle
in the December 14, 2010 Resolution47 of the Court to read as
follows: While there may have been no categorical pronouncement in
Velez that the second rotational cycle started with the election of
Sec. 47. National Officers. – The Integrated Bar of the Philippines Salazar as EVP, it cannot be denied that it was so. With the Velez
shall have a President, an Executive Vice President, and nine (9) declaration that the election of De Vera as EVP completed the
regional Governors. The Executive Vice President shall be first cycle, there can be no other consequence except that the term
elected on a strict rotation basis by the Board of Governors from of EVP Salazar commenced a new rotational cycle. From the
among themselves, by the vote of at least five (5) Governors. The records, it appears that the following had already served as
Governors shall be ex officio Vice President for their respective EVP in the Second Rotational Cycle:
regions. There shall also be a Secretary and Treasurer of the
Board of Governors.
1. Jose Vicente Salazar Bicolandia 2005

The violation of the rotation rule in any election shall be 2. Feliciano M. Bautista Central Luzon 2005-2007
penalized by annulment of the election and disqualification of the 3. Rogelio Vinluan Southern Luzon 2007-2009
offender from election or appointment to any office in the IBP.
4. Roan L. Libarios Eastern Mindanao 2009-2011
From the above, it is clear that the amendment was effected to
underscore the shift of the rotation from the position of president
As there were only four (4) regions which had served as EVP,
to that of EVP. The purpose of the system being to ensure that all
there are still five (5) other regions which have not yet so served.
the regions will have an equal opportunity to serve as EVP and
These regions are:
then automatically succeed as president.

1. Northern Luzon Arthur D. Lim (Zambasulta) ------------- Western Mindanao--

2. Greater Manila Area
Teofilo S. Pilando, Jr. (Kalinga-Apayao)-Northern Luzon –---
3. Eastern Visayas 2001-2003

4. Western Visayas Jose Anselmo I. Cadiz (Camarines Sur) –Bicolandia ----------

5. Western Mindanao
Jose Anselmo I. Cadiz (Camarines Sur) –Bicolandia -----2005-
Aug 2006
Needless to state, Western Visayas is not the only region that can
vie for EVP for the 2011-2013 term. This answers the query of Jose Vicente B. Salazar (Albay) ---------- Bicolandia ---- Aug.
Fortunato. 2006-2007

With respect to IBP-Southern Luzon, following the ruling in Feliciano M. Bautista (Pangasinan) ----- Central Luzon ------
Velez,51 it is clear that it already had its turn to serve as EVP in 2007-2009
the Second Rotational Cycle.
Only the governors of the Western Visayas and Eastern Mindanao
The Special Committee failed to take into account the Velez regions have not yet had their turn as Executive Vice President
ruling cum next IBP President, while Central Luzon and Bicolandia
have had two (2) terms already.
In arriving at its December 14, 2010 Resolution, 52 the Court then
was confronted with limited issues. Among those were: 1] the Therefore, either the governor of the Western Visayas Region, or
validity of the election of Nasser A. Marohomsalic as governor of the governor of the Eastern Mindanao Region should be elected
the IBP-Western Mindanao Region; 2] the validity of the election as Executive Vice-President for the 2009-2011 term. The one who
of Manuel M. Maramba as governor for the Greater Manila is not chosen for this term, shall have his turn in the next (2011-
Region for the term 2009-2011; 3] the validity of the election of 2013) term. Afterwards, another rotation shall commence with
Erwin M. Fortunato as governor for Western Visayas Region for Greater Manila in the lead, followed by Southern Luzon, Eastern
the term 2009-2011; and 4] the validity of the elections for EVP Visayas, Western Mindanao, Northern Luzon, Bicolandia, Central
for the 2009-2011 term presided by then IBP-President Bautista. Luzon, and either Western Visayas or Eastern Mindanao at the
The four issues were intertwined since the validity of the elections end of the round.54
presided by IBP-President Bautista was questioned on the alleged
lack of quorum, as it was attended by Marohomsalic, whose own Apparently, the report of the Special Committee failed to take
election was then also being questioned. into account the ruling in Velez55 that the service of then EVP
Leonard De Vera, representing the Eastern Mindanao region,
With those limited issues resolved, the Court directed that special completed the first rotational cycle.
elections should be held for the election of EVP for the remaining
2009-2011 term "to heal the divisions in the IBP and promote Thus, it committed two inaccuracies. First, it erroneously reported
unity by enabling all the nine (9) governors-elect to elect the EVP that "only the governors of the Western Visayas and Eastern
in a unified meeting called for that purpose."53 In ordering the Mindanao regions have not yet had their turn as Executive Vice
special elections to be conducted, the Court took into account the President." Second, it erroneously considered Central Luzon and
report of the Special Committee as follows: Bicolandia as having had two terms each in the First Rotational
Cycle, when their second services were for the Second Rotational
The list of national presidents furnished the Special Committee by Cycle.
the IBP National Secretariat, shows that the governors of the
following regions were President of the IBP during the past nine The unfortunate fact, however, is that the erroneous statements of
(9) terms (1991-2009): the Special Committee were used as bases for the
recommendation that "either the governor of the Western Visayas
Numeriano Tanopo, Jr. (Pangasinan) --- Central Luzon ------- Region, or the governor of the Eastern Mindanao Region should
1991-1993 be elected as Executive Vice-President for the 2009-2011 term."

Mervin G. Encanto (Quezon City) -------- Manila --------------- Worse, they were cited by IBP-Western Visayas as bases to
oppose the Petition in Intervention of IBP-Southern Luzon,
arguing that it would be contrary to Section 2, Rule 19, it being
Raoul R. Angangco (Makati) ------------- Southern Luzon ----- filed following the finality of the December 14, 2010
Resolution56 of the Court.
Jose Aguila Grapilon (Biliran) ----------- Eastern Visayas ----–

At any rate, the statement of the Court in its December 14, 2010 IBP in a succeeding election until after the rotation of the
Resolution57 that "only the governors of the Western Visayas and presidency among the nine (9) regionsshall have completed;
Eastern Mindanao regions have not yet had their turn as whereupon the rotation shall begin anew."
Executive Vice President," did not pertain to the lis mota of the
case. Thus, it did not settle anything so as to be deemed a Rotation by Exclusion
precedent-setting ruling. Those statements, therefore, could not be
considered as overturning, vacating and setting aside the ruling in As clarified in the December 4, 2012 Resolution of the Court, the
Velez58 that the service of then EVP De Vera completed the first rotation should be by exclusion. In said resolution, it was stated:
rotational cycle.
Resolution of the Court
The election of Eugene Tan As IBP President
Re: IBP-Western Visayas Region
Much has been said about the election of Eugene Tan as IBP-
President. IBP-Southern Luzon argues that with his election and
service as IBP-President from January 29, 1990 to April 1991, the After an assiduous review of the facts, the issues and the
IBP-Western Visayas should no longer be allowed to field a arguments raised by the parties involved, the Court finds wisdom
candidate in the forthcoming elections for the EVP. 59 IBP- in the position of the IBP-BOG, through retired Justice Santiago
Western Visayas counters that his election could not be M. Kapunan, that at the start of a new rotational cycle "all
considered as part of the current rotation as he was elected chapters are deemed qualified to vie for the governorship for the
following the special elections held as a result of the October 6, 2011-2013 term without prejudice to the chapters entering into a
1989 Resolution of the Court. It has also been argued that he consensus to adopt any pre-ordained sequence in the new rotation
merely served as Interim President. cycle provided each chapter will have its turn in the rotation."
Stated differently, the IBP-BOG recommends the adoption of the
rotation by exclusion scheme. The Court quotes with approval the
As Velez60 declared that the election of EVP De Vera completed reasons given by the IBP-BOG on this score:
the first rotational cycle, it could only mean that all regions had
their respective turns in the first rotational cycle. Thus, in this
second rotational cycle, issues as to the nature of his election and 6. After due deliberation, the Board of Governors agreed and
service as IBP-President during the First Rotational Cycle are resolved to recommend adherence to the principle of "rotation by
inconsequential. exclusion" based on the following reasons:

At any rate, Eugene Tan could not be considered as an interim a) Election through "rotation by exclusion" is the more
president. It was Justice Felix Antonio who was designated by the established rule in the IBP. The rule prescribes that once
Court as Interim Caretaker until the election of the IBP-President a member of the chapter is elected as Governor, his
by the elected IBP-BOG. The election of the new President and chapter would be excluded in the next turn until all have
Executive Vice-President was directed by the Court itself and in taken their turns in the rotation cycle. Once a full
no way can it be said that they served on an interim basis. rotation cycle ends and a fresh cycle commences, all the
Besides, at that time, under Section 47, the rotation concerned the chapters in the region are once again entitled to vie but
presidency only. Section 47 was ordered to be amended only in subject again to the rule on rotation by exclusion.
the December 14, 2010 Resolution,61 despite Bar Matter No. 491
and Velez,62 which recognized the operational fact that the b) Election through a "rotation by exclusion" allows for a
rotation was from the position of President to that of EVP. more democratic election process. The rule provides for
freedom of choice while upholding the equitable
If Eugene Tan served only up to April, 1991, it was not because principle of rotation which assures that every member-
he served merely in the interim. He served up to that time only chapter has its turn in every rotation cycle.
because he resigned. As reflected in Bar Matter No. 565, dated
October 15, 1991, Tan resigned as IBP-President when he was c) On the other hand, rotation by pre-ordained sequence,
charged by several staff members of the IBP in a letter-complaint or election based on the same order as the previous
to the Chief Justice, with favoritism or discrimination in the cycle, tends to defeat the purpose of an election. The
hiring of officers and employees in the IBP and with extravagant element of choice – which is crucial to a democratic
and irregular expenditure of IBP funds. The Court found the acts process – is virtually removed. Only one chapter could
of Eugene Tan as constituting grave abuse of authority and vie for election at every turn as the entire sequence, from
serious misconduct in office, which would have warranted his first to last, is already predetermined by the order in the
removal from office. Considering that he had earlier tendered his previous rotation cycle. This concept of rotation by pre-
resignation as IBP-President and his term of office already ordained sequence negates freedom of choice, which is
expired on June 30, 1991, the Court imposed on him the penalty the bedrock of any democratic election process.
of severe censure only.63
d) The pronouncement of the Special Committee, which
Moreover, in A.M. No. 491, the Court stressed that: "One who has the Supreme Court may have adopted in AM No. 09-5-2-
served as President of the IBP may not run for election as EVP- SC, involving the application of the rotation rule in the

previous election for GMR may not be controlling, not It is to be noted that in the December 14, 2010 Resolution, 68 the
being one of the principal issues raised in the GMR Court did not categorically overturn the ruling in Velez. 69 It
elections. merely directed the election of the next EVP, without any
reference to any rotational cycle.
7. Thus, applying the principle of ‘rotation by exclusion’ in
Western Visayas which starts with a new rotation cycle, all To declare that the first rotational cycle as not yet completed will
chapters (with the exception of Romblon) are deemed qualified to cause more confusion than solution. In fact, it has spawned this
vie for the Governorship for 2011-2013 term without prejudice to current controversy. To consider the service of current president,
the chapters entering into a consensus to adopt any pre-ordained Libarios, as part of the first rotational cycle would completely
sequence in the new rotation cycle provided each chapter will ignore the ruling in Velez.70
have its turn in the rotation.
The Best Option: Open to All Regions
The Court takes notice of the predictability of the rotation by
succession scheme. Through the rotation by exclusion scheme, How then do we treat the turns of those who had already served in
the elections would be more genuine as the opportunity to serve the second rotational cycle? Shall we treat them as anomalies? As
as Governor at any time is once again open to all chapters, unless, aberrant developments, as Justice Brion puts it?
of course, a chapter has already served in the new cycle. While
predictability is not altogether avoided, as in the case where only A remedy is to reconcile the conflicting decisions and resolutions
one chapter remains in the cycle, still, as previously noted by the with nothing in mind but the best interest of the IBP. It appears
Court "the rotation rule should be applied in harmony with, and from the pleadings, however, that the differences are irresoluble.
not in derogation of, the sovereign will of the electorate as
expressed through the ballot."
To avoid the endless conflicts, confusions and controversies
which have been irritably plaguing the IBP, the solution is to start
Thus, as applied in the IBP-Western Visayas Region, initially, all another rotational round, a new cycle, open to all regions. At any
the chapters shall have the equal opportunity to vie for the rate, all regions, after the election of Libarios, would be
position of Governor for the next cycle except Romblon, so as no
considered as already having its turn in the presidency. This is not
chapter shall serve consecutively. Every winner shall then be to detract from the fact that under Section 47, as amended, and
excluded after its term. Romblon then joins the succeeding from the pertinent rulings, the position of EVP-IBP is the one
elections after the first winner in the cycle. 64 being actually rotated, but as stated in the December 14, 2010
Resolution,71 it will enable the IBP "to start on a clean and correct
As stated therein, it would be without prejudice to the regions slate, free from the politicking and the under handed tactics that
entering into a consensus to adopt any pre-ordained sequence in have characterized the IBP elections for so long."
the new rotation cycle, provided each region would have its turn
in the rotation.
Section 47 of the IBP By-Laws should be further amended

As noted by the Court in its December 4, 2012 Resolution, there Whatever the decision of the Court may be, to prevent future
is a sense of predictability in the rotation by the pre-ordained wranglings and guide the IBP in their future course of action,
scheme. Through the rotation by exclusion scheme, the elections
Section 47 and Section 49 of the IBP By-laws should again be
will be more genuine, as the opportunity to serve at any time is amended. Stress should be placed on the automatic succession of
once again open to all, unless, of course, a region has already the EVP to the position of the president. Surprisingly, the
served in the new cycle. While predictability is not altogether automatic succession does not appear in present Section 47, as
avoided, as in the case where only one region remains in the ordered amended by the Court in the December 14, 2010
cycle, still, as previously noted by the Court "the rotation rule Resolution. It should be restored. Accordingly, Section 47 and
should be applied in harmony with, and not in derogation of, the Section 49, Article VII, are recommended to read as follows:
sovereign will of the electorate as expressed through the ballot."65
Sec. 47. Election of National President Executive Vice President.
The December 14, 2010 Resolution – The Integrated Bar of the Philippines shall have a President, an
Executive Vice President, and nine (9) regional Governors. The
That the Court, in its December 14, 2010 Resolution, 66 ordered Governors shall be ex-officio Vice President for their respective
the election of the EVP-IBP for the next term based on the regions.
inaccurate report of the Special Committee, is a fact. That cannot
be erased. As a consequence thereof, Libarios of IBP-Eastern The Board of Governors shall elect the President and Executive
Mindanao is now the IBP President. He, however, is part of Vice President from among themselves each by a vote of at least
the second rotational cycle because 1] in Velez67 it was five (5) Governors. Upon expiration of the term of the President,
categorically ruled that the service of then EVP De Vera, the Executive Vice-President shall automatically succeed as
representing the Eastern Mindanao region, completed the first President.
rotational cycle; and 2] he could not be part of the first rotational
cycle because EVP de Vera of the same region had already been
elected as such.

Each region, as enumerated under Section 3, Rule 139-A of the committee for IBP affairs to primarily attend to the problems and
Rules of Court, shall have the opportunity to have its needs of a very important professional body and to make
representative elected as Executive Vice-President, provided that, recommendation for its improvement and strengthening.
the election for the position of Executive Vice President shall be
on a strict rotation by exclusion basis. A region, whose WHEREFORE, the Court hereby resolves to:
representative has just been elected as Executive Vice President,
can no longer have its representative elected for the same position 1] GRANT the Motion for Leave to Intervene and to
in subsequent elections until after all regions have had the Admit the Attached Petition In Intervention;
opportunity to be elected as such. At the end of the rotational
cycle, all regions, except the region whose representative has just
served the immediately preceding term, may be elected for 2] DECLARE that the election for the position of the
another term as Executive Vice-President in the new rotational EVP for the 2011-2013 term be open to all regions.
cycle. The region whose representative served last in the previous
rotational cycle may be elected Executive Vice-President only 3] AMEND Section 47 and Section 49, Article VII of
after the first term of the new rotational cycle ends, subject once the IBP By-Laws to read as recommended in the body of
more to the rule on exclusion. this disposition.

The order of rotation by exclusion shall be without prejudice to 4] CREATE a permanent Committee for IBP Affairs.
the regions entering into a consensus to adopt any pre-ordained
sequence in the new rotation cycle provided each region will have SO ORDERED.
its turn in the rotation.

A violation of the rotation rule in any election shall be penalized

by annulment of the election and disqualification of the offender
from election or appointment to any office in the IBP.

SEC. 49. Terms of office. - The President and the Executive Vice-
President shall hold office for a term of two years from July 1
following their election until June 30 of their second year in
office and until their successors shall have been duly chosen and

In the event the President is absent or unable to act, his functions

and duties shall be performed by the Executive Vice President,
and in the event of the death, resignation, or removal of the
President, the Executive Vice President shall serve as Acting
President for the unexpired portion of the term. His tenure as such
shall not be considered a new turn in the rotation.

In the event of death, resignation, removal or disability of the

Executive Vice President, the Board of Directors shall elect
among the regions qualified to be elected as Executive Vice
President to serve the unexpired portion of the term or period of

In the event of the death, resignation, removal or disability of

both the President and the Executive Vice President, the Board of
Governors shall elect an Acting President to hold office for the
unexpired portion of the term or during the period of disability.
Unless otherwise provided in these By-Laws, all other officers
and employees appointed by the President with the consent of the
Board shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board or for such
term as the Board may fix.

u>Creation of a permanent Committee for IBP Affairs

To further avoid conflicting and confusing rulings in the various

IBP cases like what happened to this one, the December 14,2010
Resolution and Velez,72 it is recommended that the Court create a

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