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STUDENT #: 13-1678-264

The three core elements of sustainable development and its relevancy to the Philippines

With the continuous overexploitation of earth’s resources, is our future in peril?

The Bible teaches us that we, the living, are temporary stewards of the earth. “In the
beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1:1)”1 If we look into the biblical
perspective, there must be reason why the earth was created before us- in order that someone has
take care of the resources of the earth. However, day by day, there is constant change in the earth’s
environment. Although the world is dominated by political and economic concerns, environmental
threats are constantly multiplied. Humans can use earth’s resources on a sustainable basis or they
can overexploit it- but since humans have capacity for rational thinking, they have special
responsibility to care for it.2 In order to assess how severely humankind affects the environment, the
core variables affecting human behaviour must be identified.

The theory of intergenerational equity is apropos. Environmentalists explain that this theory
provides that each generation inherits the natural environment from the previous generation and
then holds it in a moral trust for the next generation. 3 Future generations would like to inherit the
earth in good condition with equal access to its resources.

The equality of generations is recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

when its preamble provides:

Xxx Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and
inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the
foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world xx 4

1 The Holy Bible: New International Version. 1997

2 Weiss, Edith Brown. "In Fairness To Future Generations and Sustainable Development." American University
International Law Review 8, no. 1 (1992):page 19-26.
3 Henderson, C. (1998) International relations: Conflict and Cooperation at the turn of 21st Century. McGraw
Hills Companies. Page 430
4 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Preamble.
Society, Economic Growth, and Environment

The rationale behind minimizing the usage of earth’s resources for future generations to
meet their needs is that, although future generations might gain from today’s economic progress,
those gains may be offset by the deterioration of the environment and depletion of its natural
resources.5 It can be observed that the above-mentioned theory put emphasis to the involvement of
the previous and future generations.

The environment can exist without the intervention of man but the latter, without utilizing
environment, cannot. One of the factors that affect the environment is the growing number of the
people. Human population continues to grow. In 2016, over seven billion or approximately 7.4 billion
people live on the earth.6 People manipulate the environment in accordance with their sociological
needs. Functions of human society include food production and industrial activities. 7 Almost every
society produces food from agriculture and marine life. Hence, each mode of obtaining food
adversely affects the environment. In a study about Society and Environment, the four main aspects
of agricultural processes are deforestation, cultivation, livestock and arable crops. The study shows
that these aspects have environmental impacts. For instance in deforestation, its practice shows
detrimental effects to the environment:

xxx When fire is used as a means of clearing trees, a temporary release

of soil nutrients on combustion improves growth of crops or grass.
Human mobility and visibility is enhanced. The environmental
consequences, however, include loss of numbers of some species of
plants and animals, and risk of extinctions. A reduction in natural
habitat size and continuity is also caused, as is a long-term loss of soil
fertility due to reduced organic accumulation on the surface. xxx 8

On the otherhand, cultivation includes problem in an increased risk of soil erosion, loss of
soil organisms and increased soil water throughput. 9 All of these problems can lead to long-term loss
in soil productivity and change in the habitat of plants and animals. With respect to industrial
activities, the problem lies with the negative impact that comes along with development of

5 supra 3
6 2016 World Population Data Sheet". Population Reference Bureau. Retrieved September 15, 2016.
7 Society and Environment retrieved 24 October 2015. accessed on
8 Id
9 Id
industrialization. The usage of fossil fuels became more common and the manufacture of artificial
chemicals that greatly affects the environment.10

Since the human population continues to grow, the life-sustaining capacity of the planet for
future generations is also being threatened. To cater the needs of the increasing population, the
economy must expand – this economic growth carries with it the development of technology which
either adversely affects the environment or contributes to save its resources. 11

As stewards of the earth, majority of the people from all over the world have come into
agreement to create a sustainable world which paved way to the birth of the concept of sustainable
development. “It is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”12 Thus, the core variables of Sustainable
Development which we can deduce from the previous paragraphs are Society, Economy and
Environment. These elements are interconnected because they make up for the sustainable
management of natural resources. The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
provides: protect the planet from degradation, including through

sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its
natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it
can support the needs of the present and future generations. xxx13

It can be observed that the integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development
is crucial because in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development, there should be
harmony among society, economy and nature. The challenge to each States is to create a sustainable
development program that is apt to their country’s needs.

Given the fact that each States are sovereign and have their own interests in its economic
and technological advancement, how will the sustainable development goals be implemented? Do
we need a legally binding international instrument for the proper implementation of these goals?

10 Supra7
11Henderson, C. (1998) International relations: Conflict and Cooperation at the turn of 21st Century. McGraw
Hills Companies. Page 434.
12 Brundland Report
13 Preamble, TRANFORMING OUR WORLD:The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The Philippines vis a vis The Integration of
Three Core Elements of Sustainable

Philippines’ commitment to the three core elements of sustainable development is a

continuous challenge. As a developing country, we are in a difficult position to integrate these core
elements vis a vis our own pursuit of technological advancement and economic growth. In our
country, coal power plants are significant contributors of energy. 14 We have yet to increase concrete
ways to make use of wind and solar energy to promote our commitment to sustainable development
but are government is trying. The then President Fidel V. Ramos in order to materialize our support
for Sustainable Development created Philippine Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD). It is
our government’s mechanism for attaining the principles of Sustainable Development. As a matter of
fact, our country’s core document for sustainable development was first embodied in Philippine
Agenda 21 or PA 21.15 PA 21 recognizes the three core variables of sustainable development and
states that “ these realms and actors while functionally different, are interacting, dynamic and
complementary components of an integrated whole. This suggests that in order to humanize
development, there must be an interplay of market forces, state intervention, and civil society
participation.”16 Moreover, the parameters for sustainable development by Philippine Council for
Sustainable Development provides:

Operationally, sustainable development is development that is

ecologically friendly, economically sound, politically empowering,
socially just and equitable, spiritually liberating, gender sensitive,
based on holistic and integrative science, technologically
appropriate, builds upon positive Filipino values, history, culture
and excellence and rests upon strong institutional foundations.
Securing the right of every Filipino to the good life will require: a
sound and viable economy, social cohesion, responsible

15 Philippine Agenda 21 advocates a fundamental shift in development thinking and approach. It departs from
traditional conceptual frameworks that emphasize sector-based and macro concerns. Philippine Agenda 21
promotes harmony and achieves sustainability by emphasizing.
governance, appropriate productivity, and ecological integrity.17
(emphasis supplied)

To assure the integration of the three core variables of sustainable development in the
Philippine national policies, plans and programs, PCSD put emphasis on social cohesion and
responsible governance. To achieve sustainable development in our country, there is a need for
collective effort requiring the cooperation of the Filipino people and the government. All sectors of
the society must participate in the decision-making towards sustainable development. With
responsible leadership from the government, the Philippines can create a society that is anchored
with the goals of Sustainable Development.

17 Philippine Council for Sustainable Development Publication. EPA 21. Accessed on 24 February 2017

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