Classification of Pelvic Fractures and Its Clinical Relevance

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Classification of pelvic fractures and its clinical relevance

Rehan Ul Haq, Ish K Dhammi, Amit Srivastava

Department of Orthopaedics, University College of Medical Sciences and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Delhi, India
Address for correspondence: Dr. Rehan Ul Haq, Department of Orthopaedics, University College of Medical Sciences and Guru Teg
Bahadur Hospital, Delhi-110 095, India. E-mail:

Pelvic fractures are one of the common cause of mortality in polytrauma patients, especially following
high velocity trauma. The management in emergency requires good clinical judgment and access to
radiological modalities. There are various classifications to define the pattern of injury in pelvic fractures.
Previously, fracture patterns were described on the basis of anatomical fracture pattern on radiographs.
With the introduction of concept of force vector and stability defined by Pennal and Tile, which was further
modified by Young and Burgess, the corrective forces required to reduce such fractures were defined. With
the introduction of these newer classification systems along with the introduction of external fixators, the
mortality and morbidity has significantly reduced in pelvic fractures.

Key words: Classification, pelvic fractures, ring injuries

INTRODUCTION On the basis of these views along with computer

tomography (CT) scan of pelvis, we can identify stable
Pelvic fractures constitute 3% of all skeletal injuries.[1-6] or unstable fracture patterns, and thus manage the
Its incidence amongst polytrauma patients ranges from patient accordingly.[9-12] CT scan better defines the
25% to 30%. It is one of the most common causes posterior pelvic injury, better delineates rotation of
of mortality in polytrauma patients and these rates fragments and comminution of the bone.
have been found to be in the range of 16-19% in
such patients.[1-6] The most common cause of death in
these patients is hemorrhagic shock or coagulopathy
(60-65%), thus, control of hemorrhage is of utmost The pelvis is a ring with two parts; each part is formed
importance. Additional causes of death are sepsis in by ilium, ischium, and pubis. These units do not have
pelvic hematoma and acute renal failure.[7] inherent stability but rely on ligamentous support
for stability. The stability of pelvic ring depends on
Management of pelvic fractures in emergency requires the SI joints and the pubic symphyses, both of which
good quality radiographs, which is quite a task in are fibrous joints and only allow minimal movements.
such patients as they cannot be lifted and turned The sacrum and ilium are attached to each other
repeatedly. Anterioposterior view, oblique views and by short interosseous ligaments, short posterior
“inlet” and “outlet” views should be done.[8-12] These ligaments, and long anterior ligaments. In addition
views provide useful information regarding pelvic ring to these ligaments, further stability is provided by
fractures and associated sacroiliac (SI) disruption. sacrotuberous ligament (arising from lateral border
of the sacrum to the ischialtubeosity) and sacrospinal
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ligament (from lateral border of sacrum to the spinous
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Website: process of the pelvis).[1,6]

10.4103/0975-7341.133997 The spectrum of pelvic fractures ranges from pubic
ramus fractures, which are low energy fractures to high

8 Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation ⋅ Vol-7 ⋅ Issue-1 ⋅ Jan-Apr 2014

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Haq, et al.: Classification of pelvic fractures

energy unstable fractures, which can result in massive Pennal et al.,[9] described the fracture pattern on the
blood loss and associated morbidity and mortality. basis of mechanism of injury:
• Anteroposterior compression (APC) injury
Fracture classification systems must identify and • Lateral compression (LC) injury
describe the fracture pattern, must aid in treatment • Vertical shear (VS) injury pattern
protocol, and help in predicting the treatment
outcome. There are classifications of pelvic fracture All classifications prior to this were dependent on
which adequately define the injury pattern and assist radiographs for describing the pelvic injuries. They only
in management planning, but are associated with gave documentation of individual fracture pattern and
inter- and intraobserver variations.[10] were not found to be useful in further management of
patients. With the introduction of this classification the
The various classification systems which are commonly concept of force vector was introduced, which aided in
used in pelvic fracture are: the surgical management of patients.
A. Anatomical classification by Letournel.
B. Classification based on stability and deformity. Bucholz described three fracture patterns.[2]
C. Orthopedic Trauma Association classification —
mainly useful for research. Group 1
D. Classification based on vector force and associated Displaced anterior ring fractures with minimally
injuries by Young and Burgess. displaced, stable fracture, or incomplete tearing of
anterior SI ligament.
Anatomical Classification by Letournel
Letournel defined the fracture pattern on the basis Group 2
of the area of pelvic bone involved. He divided all Anterior pelvic ring injury associated with rotational
fractures in two groups — anterior and posterior.[13] opening of SI joint with disruption of only SI ligament.

Anterior fractures include Group 3

• Ramus fractures Complete disruption of anterior and posterior
• Symphyseal disruption hemipelvis.

Posterior fractures include Tile modified the Pennel classification, and

• Iliac wing fracture categorized the injuries as “stable” and “unstable”.
• Iliac wing/SI joint fracture (crescent fracture) The alphanumeric system defined by Tiles is one of
• SI joint fracture the most commonly used classifications.
• Sacrum/SI joint fracture
• Sacrum fracture Stability
It is ability of pelvic ring to withstand physiologic forces
This classification defined the fracture pattern, but without abnormal deformation. Forty percent of the
it did not mention the stability of the fracture and pelvic stability is provided by the anterior ring and 60%
therefore is not useful in deciding the management by posterior ring. Stability of the pelvis following trauma
protocol or outcome of these fractures. This is assessed by clinical and radiological parameters.[1,8,9]
classification was introduced at the time when CT
scans had not been introduced and there were limited Clinically, stability is examined by pelvic compression
surgical options for managing such fractures. Thus, and distraction test.
most of the fractures were treated conservatively by
Radiological criteria of instability are:[1,10-12]
skeletal tractions, slings, or abdominal binders.
• SI displacement of 5 mm in any plane
• Posterior fracture gap (rather than impaction)
Classification based on stability and deformity
• Avulsion of fifth lumbar transverse process, lateral
by Pennal, Bucholz, and Tile border of sacrum (sacrotuberous ligament), or
With the introduction of external fixators, there
ischial spine (sacrospinous ligament).
was marked improvement in managing pelvic
fractures.[14-17] The concept of “force vector” causing According to Tiles classification [Figure 1], fracture
the fracture and “counter force” required to reduce pattern was classified as follows:
the fracture was understood. This concept was
introduced by Pennel in 1961 and was further • Type A: Stable fracture.
modified by Bucholz and Tiles, who added the These are the fractures with intact soft tissues
concept of stability in the classification. around the pelvis, not disrupting the ligaments. It

Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation ⋅ Vol-7 ⋅ Issue-1 ⋅ Jan-Apr 2014 9

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Haq, et al.: Classification of pelvic fractures

includes — avulsion fractures and transverse fracture Type C — Complete disruption of posterior arch
of sacrum and coccyx. • C-1 — Unilateral, complete disruption of posterior
• Type B: Rotationally unstable, but vertically stable. • C-2 — Bilateral, ipsilateral complete, contralateral
These fractures are rotationally unstable and incomplete
vertically stable. There is less than 1 cm rotation of • C-3 — Bilateral, complete disruption
the hemiplevis. These types of injuries are caused by
external or internal rotational forces. The external This classification system has been found to be
rotational forces produce ‘open book’ injury pattern. advantageous in comparing studies in literature rather
There is disruption of pubis symphysis associated with than being used in emergency situation.
unilateral or bilateral SI joint disruption. The posterior
SI ligaments remain intact, thus the pelvis is vertically Young and Burgess classification
stable. The concept of direction of forces causing
fracture, associated instability of pelvis and its
• Type C: Rotationally and vertically unstable. surgical management was further refined by the
These injuries are characterized by disruption of introduction of this classification. In association
posterior SI ligaments as well as pelvic floor, this result with clinical examination, this classification
in gross displacement of pelvis. These injuries are due provided the logical approach to the pelvic trauma
to VS forces, resulting in the mark displacement of the management.[18]
SI joint. There is complete disruption of both SI and
sacrotuberous ligament leading to rotationally and Four mechanisms of injury were defined in this
vertically unstable fracture pattern. classification[10] [Figure 2].
Orthopedic Trauma Association Classification is a • Lateral compression (LC) (implosion)
further modification of the Tiles classification: • Anteroposterior compression (APC) (external rotation)
• A — Lesion sparing (or with no displacement of) the • Vertical shear (VS)
posterior arch • Combined injury
• B — Incomplete disruption at posterior arch;
partially stable Koo et al. and Furey AJ et al., found that inter- and
• C — Complete disruption of posterior arch; unstable intraobserver reliability of this classification is better
than Tiles classification.[19,20]
Type A
• A-1 — Fracture of innominate bone; avulsion The pattern of fracture and mechanism of injury
• A-2 — Fracture of innominate bone; direct blow according this classification are as follows:
• A-3 — Transverse fracture of sacrum and coccyx
• LC fracture of anterior ring plus:
Type B — Partially stable pelvic ring injuries LC-I — Compression fracture of anterior sacrum
• B-1 — Unilateral partial disruption of posterior LC-II — Iliac wing fracture posteriorly (unstable)
arch, external rotation (“open book” injury) LC-III — Windswept pelvis (contralateral SI
• B-2 — Unilateral, partial disruption of posterior joint injury)
arch, internal rotation (LC injury)
• B-3 — Bilateral, partial lesion of posterior arch


a b2 c
Figure 1: (a) Stable fractures. (b1 and b2) Rotationally unstable and Figure 2: LC = Lateral compression injury, APC = anteroposterior
vertically stable. (c) Rotationally and vertically unstable compression injury, VS = vertical shear force injury

10 Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation ⋅ Vol-7 ⋅ Issue-1 ⋅ Jan-Apr 2014

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Haq, et al.: Classification of pelvic fractures


APC-I — Partial disruption
APC-II — Posterior SI ligaments intact Additional anteroposterior force causes splaying of
APC-III — Posterior SI ligaments disrupted anterior pelvis with external rotation of iliac wings.

• VS — Cephalad and posterior displacement

• Combined mechanism — LC and VS most common

The LC fracture is the most common pattern in pelvic

LC-I fracture pattern

The direction of force of injury is from the side and
is associated with either horizontally oriented pubic
fracture and/or impacted fracture of the sacrum.
Thus, this fracture pattern is associated with impacted
fracture of posterior SI complex and may be unstable Figure 3: Lateral compression (type I) injury pattern, showing
[Figure 3]. impaction of sacrum with superior and inferior pubic rami fracture
LC II fracture pattern
With increasing lateral force on the anterior pelvis,
the major fracture fragment is rotated inwards, with
anterior sacrum acting as the pivot. This gives rise
to the disruption of the posterior SI joint associated
with or without oblique fracture of posterior ilium
extending lateral to the SI joint [Figure 4].

LC III fracture pattern

This is the most severe form of LC fracture. There is
further continuation of LC force which continues on
the contralateral pelvis. This lateral force becomes a
distracting force for the contralateral hemipelvis and
causes its external rotation. This external rotation Figure 4: Lateral compression (Type II) injury. Oblique fracture
occurs due to SI, sacrotuberous, and sacrospinous of posterior ilium, superior and inferior pubic rami with posterior
ligament disruption. This leads to unstable pelvic dislocation of hip, and fracture shaft of femur
injury with associated hemorrhage and neurological
injury [Figure 5].

The direction of force is from the front of the pelvis.
These forces disrupt the anterior pelvis and as the
force vector progresses there is disruption of posterior
pelvis leading to unstable pelvic injury.

There is vertical fracture of pubic rami with rupture of
the ligament of pubic symphysis, associated stretching
of posterior ligaments. There is less than 2.5 cm of Figure 5: Lateral compression (Type III). Posterior iliac blade with both
symphyseal diastasis [Figure 6]. rami fracture and associated sacrospinous ligament tear

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Haq, et al.: Classification of pelvic fractures

The iliac wings hinge at the posterior SI joint. There is ligaments, which leads to gross instability of the pelvis
rupture of sacrotuberous, sacrospinous, and symphyseal more commonly in the cephaloposterior direction. This
ligaments with intact posterior SI ligaments (open book injury is also associated with neurovascular injury and
pattern). Symphyseal diastasis of more than 2.5 cm is hemorrhage [Figure 9].
seen, vertical stability is maintained [Figure 7].
This fracture pattern is seen in 23% of all cases of
There is complete disruption of all ligaments associated pelvic fracture. The direction of force vector is both in
with posterior SI ligament. This results in rotational anteroposterior and lateral plane.[21,22]
instability and lateral displacement of pelvis. This type
of injury pattern is highly unstable and is associated This classification is useful in predicting the resuscitation
with highest rate of vascular injuries [Figure 8].[21,22] requirements and further surgical reconstruction
because of the better understanding of the structures
injured and energy the pelvis has absorbed. For
VS INJURY PATTERN example, APC injuries are associated with bladder and
other visceral organ injuries, which are associated with
This injury occurs because of fall from height on the extensive blood loss. On the other hand, LC-I type
extended lower limbs. There is associated disruption of injury rarely require surgical intervention.
sacrospinous, sacrotuberous, SI, and pubic symphysis

Figure 7: Anteroposterior compression injury pattern (Type II). Shows

Figure 6: Anteroposterior compression injury (Type I). Shows rupture symphyseal diastasis >2.5 cm, with disruption of sacrospinous,
of pubic symphisis ligament (<2.5 cm symphyseal diastasis) sacrotuberous, and symphisis ligaments

Figure 8: Anteroposterior compression injury pattern (Type III). Shows Figure 9: Vertical shear injury pattern. Shows complete disruption
complete disruption of all ligaments along with posterior SI ligament of all ligaments in ipsilateral side associated with disruption of pubic
and SI disruption symphisis, with vertical displacement of hemipelvis

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Haq, et al.: Classification of pelvic fractures

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