Excel Practical Exercise - 3 Formulas and Charting: Instructions

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Formulas and Charting


1. Copy the following data into a new Excel spreadsheet. Be sure to keep the cell data the

1 Customer A Customer B Customer C Customer D
2 Suits 3 6 6 2
3 Pants 5 10 8 6
4 Shirts 8 5 2 7
5 Jackets 9 3 7 9

2. Save the workbook as yourname_P3

3. Beginning with cell A10 add the following information:
a. TAX (cell A10) 7.3% (cell B10)
b. Suits (cell A11) $ 15.22 (cell B11)
c. Pants (cell A12) $ 3.14 (cell B12)
d. Shirts (cell A13) $ 2.79 (cell B13)
e. Jackets (cell A14) $ 5.87 (cell B14)

4. In Column F add the column title Total Items

a. Calculate the number items to be cleaned
5. At A6 add the row title Subtotal
a. calculate the subtotal amounts for each Customer
b. use the information from step 3
c. Be sure to use ABSOLUTE REFERENCE to calculate the subtotals
i. Use the Fill Handle to copy the formulas
6. At A7 add the row title Taxes
a. Calculate the taxes
i. Use cell ABSOLUTE REFERENCE to calculate TAX
7. At A8 add the row title Amount Due
a. Show the total amount due for each Customer
8. Insert 2 rows above the column titles
9. In cell A1 add the title Very Clean Dry Cleaners
10. Change the Font, Font Size and Color of your Title
a. Format the title to your liking
11. Center the Title across the table
12. Change the font of table cells
a. You choose color, size and fonts
13. Place a Border around all the cells in the table like above
a. Format the rest of the table to your liking
14. Center all of the data except for column A
15. Adjust column widths as needed
16. Change the name of the worksheet to Dry Cleaners and color the tab RED
17. Create a Column Chart showing the amount due by each of the Customers
18. Move the Graph to a new worksheet
a. Call this new worksheet Total Due
b. Color the tab BLUE

19. Enter your name and Student ID # in the Header of the worksheet
20. Complete the Page Properties
a. Include your name
b. Tags (use a minimum of 3, separated by commas)

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