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2. Metode Pencarian dan Kata Kunci (P) AND (I) AND (C) AND (O) AND QUASI
Kata kunci P : Hypertension
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3. Artikel terpilih
a. Judul asli artikel
b. Penulis/pengarang
c. Nama jurnal Effects of Garlic extract (Allium sativum) in combination with
Amlodipine in mild to moderate essential hypertensive patients: An Open randomized
parallel group study
d. Nomor, edisi, tahun terbit, DOI/ISBN/ISSN/e-ISSN jurnal :
e. Jumlah halaman : 8
4. Abstrak
a. Bahasa Inggris
Hypertension (HTN) is a major burning problem worldwide and nearly 1 billion
individuals are affected. Moreover administration of current anti-hypertensive drugs is
usually associated with severe side effects. Hence alternative therapies are
necessitated. In traditional medicine garlic has been widely used to treat various
diseases which also include hypertension. However, the effect of garlic preparations on
HTN in combination with modern medicine has not studied. Hence, the present study
is undertaken. As a part of the a part of the study 60 HTN subjects (mild to moderate
essential hypertensive patients) were randomized and enrolled in to two groups of 30
subjects each, one as Amlodipine group (20 males and 10 females) and other as
combination group (22 males and 8 females ). 30 subjects were received either
Amlodipine 5 mg OD (once in a day) or Amlodipine 5 mg plus garlic (8gm) OD for
duration of eight weeks. Blood pressure (BP) was measured at baseline, weekly and at
the end of 8 weeks. Results indicated statistically significant decrease in SBP (systolic
blood pressure) in combination group as compared to Amlodipine group consistently
from the week 6 to 8. Similarly, significant decrease was also observed in DBP
(diastolic blood pressure) in combination group as compared to Amlodipine from week
3 to week 8. Combination of Amlodipine and garlic found to be more effective than
Amlodipine alone in controlling blood pressure among essential hypertensive patients.
Keywords: Amlodipine, garlic, Systolic blood pressure, Diastolic blood pressure.
b. Bahasa Indonesia
Hipertensi (HTN) adalah masalah pembakaran utama di seluruh dunia dan hampir 1
miliar orang terkena dampaknya. Terlebih lagi pemberian obat anti-hipertensi saat ini
biasanya dikaitkan dengan efek samping yang parah. Karenanya terapi alternatif
diperlukan. Dalam pengobatan tradisional bawang putih telah banyak digunakan untuk
mengobati berbagai penyakit yang juga termasuk hipertensi. Namun, efek persiapan
bawang putih pada HTN dalam kombinasi dengan pengobatan modern belum diteliti.
Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan. Sebagai bagian dari bagian dari penelitian, 60
subjek HTN (pasien hipertensi esensial ringan sampai sedang) diacak dan terdaftar
dalam dua kelompok, masing-masing 30 subjek, satu sebagai kelompok Amlodipine
(20 pria dan 10 wanita) dan lainnya sebagai kelompok kombinasi. (22 pria dan 8
wanita). 30 subyek menerima Amlodipine 5 mg OD (sekali dalam sehari) atau
Amlodipine 5 mg plus bawang putih (8gm) OD selama delapan minggu. Tekanan darah
(BP) diukur pada awal, mingguan dan pada akhir 8 minggu. Hasil menunjukkan
penurunan SBP (tekanan darah sistolik) yang signifikan secara statistik pada kelompok
kombinasi dibandingkan dengan kelompok Amlodipine secara konsisten dari minggu 6
hingga 8. Demikian pula, penurunan yang signifikan juga diamati pada DBP (tekanan
darah diastolik) pada kelompok kombinasi dibandingkan dengan Amlodipine dari
minggu 3 hingga minggu 8. Kombinasi Amlodipine dan bawang putih ditemukan lebih
efektif daripada Amlodipine saja dalam mengendalikan tekanan darah di antara pasien
hipertensi esensial.
Kata kunci: Amlodipine, bawang putih, tekanan darah sistolik, tekanan darah diastolik
5. Analisa PICOT
 Siapa populasi ? All the participants were in the age group between 20 to 65 years with
sitting systolic blood pressure between 140-160 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure
between 90-99mm Hg.
 Berapa jumlahnya ? A total of 60 patients were enrolled in the study.
 Berapa jumlah sampel ? As a part of the a part of the study 60 HTN subjects (mild to
moderate essential hypertensive patients) were randomized and enrolled in to two
groups of 30 subjects each, one as Amlodipine group (20 males and 10 females) and
other as combination group (22 males and 8 females ).
 Kriteria sampel ? 30 subjects were received either Amlodipine 5 mg OD (once in a day)
or Amlodipine 5 mg plus garlic (8gm) OD for duration of eight weeks. Blood pressure
(BP) was measured at baseline, weekly and at the end of 8 weeks.
 Metode pengambilan sampel ?
Fresh garlic cloves were collected from the local market. Peels were removed and fresh
garlic were steamed at 60 0 C for 20 minutes in water bath and crushed to create a fine
paste. The prepared fresh garlic paste (8 g) was admistered to the HTN patients. Thirty
patients were administered either with Amlodipine 5 mg OD (once in a day) or
Amlodipine 5 mg plus garlic (8gm) OD for duration of eight weeks.

Combination of Amlodipine and garlic found to be more effective than Amlodipine alone
in controlling blood pressure among essential hypertensive patients. Hence we recommend
Garlic as an add-on to standard care in treating hypertensive patients. However Larger-
scale long term studies are required know whether standardized garlic preparations could
provide a safe alternative or complementary treatment option for hypertension in clinical
practice to confirm above stated results.

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