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Grades of Concrete

Group Ordinary Concrete Standard Concrete High Strength Concrete

Grade M10 M15 M20 M25 TO M55 M60 TO M100
28 10 15 20 25 55 60 100
th in
Advantages of Concrete
• Concrete possesses a high compressive strength and is not subjected to
corrosive and weathering effects.
• Concrete can be easily handled and moulded into any shape.
• Concrete can even be sprayed in and filled into fine cracks for repairs by
gunniting process.
• In reinforced cement concrete (R.C.C), concrete and steel form a very good
combination because the co-efficients of expansion of concrete and steel
are nearly equal.
• Construction of all types of structures is possible by reinforcing the concrete
with steel. Even earthquake-resistant structures can be constructed.
• Cinder concrete can be used as a sound proofing material.
• Where strength is not a main requirement, but fire-resistance, insulation
and light weight are major considerations, light weight concrete is
• The concrete can be pumped and hence it can be laid in difficult positions
• Form work can be used a number of times for similar jobs which results in
• Concrete is economical in the long run as compared to other engineering
• Frequent repairs are not needed for concrete structures and the concrete
gains strength with age.
Disadvantages of Concrete
• Concrete has low tensile strength and hence cracks easily. Therefore,
concrete is to be reinforced with mild steel bars, high tensile steel bars or
• Concrete expands and contracts with the changes in temperature. Hence
expansion joints are to be provided to avoid the formation of cracks due to
thermal movements.
• Fresh concrete shrinks on drying. It also expands and contracts with
wetting and drying. Provision of contraction joints is to be made to avoid
the formation of cracks due to drying shrinkage and moisture movements.
• Concrete is not entirely impervious to moisture and contains and contains
soluble salts which may cause efflorescence. This requires special care at
the joints.
• Concrete prepared by using ordinary Portland cement disintegrates by the
action of Alkalies, Sulphates, etc. Special type of cements are to be used
under such circumstances.
• Concrete is heavy in weight and requires large quantity of steel in the
construction as the self load is greater.
• Creep develops in concrete under sustained loads and this factor is to
taken care of while designing dams and pre-stressed concrete structures.
Portland cement is manufactured by crushing,
milling and proportioning the following materials:
•Lime or calcium oxide, CaO: from limestone, chalk,
shells, shale or calcareous rock
•Silica, SiO2: from sand, old bottles, clay or argillaceous
•Alumina, Al2O3: from bauxite, recycled aluminium,
•Iron, Fe2O3: from clay, iron ore, scrap iron and fly ash
•Gypsum, CaSO4.2H20: found together with limestone
Oxide composition of Ordinary Portland Cement
Compound Formula Percentage Average Effect
Calcium oxide Ca0 60-65 63 Controls strength and
(lime) soundness
Silicon dioxide SiO2 17-25 20 Gives strength, excess
(silica) quantity causes slow
Aluminium oxide Al2O3 3-8 6.3 Quick setting, excess
(alumina) lowers strength
Iron oxide Fe2O3 0.5-6 3.6 Imparts colour, helps
in fusion of
Magnesia MgO 0.5-4 2.4 Colour and hardness,
excess causes
Sulphur trioxide SO3 1-2 1.5 Makes cement sound
Alkalis (Soda & Na2O + 0.5-1.3 1 Controls residues,
potash) K2O excess causes
Functions of Ingredients in Cement
1. Function of Lime in Cement
• It is the major constituent of cement . Its exact
proportion is important.
• The excess makes the cement unsound and causes the
cement to expand and disintegrate.
• In case of deficiency, the strength of cement is
decreased and cement sets quickly.
• The right proportion makes cement sound and strong.
2. Function of Silica in Cement
• It imparts strength to the cement due to formation of
di-calcium silicate (2CaO SiO2 or C2S) and tri-calcium
silicate (3CaO SiO2 or C3S).
• Silica in excess provides greater strength to the cement
but at the same time it prolongs its setting time.
Functions of Ingredients in Cement Contd.
3. Functions of Alumina in Cement
• It imparts quick setting quality to the cement.
• It acts as a flux (rate of flow of energy) and lowers the
clinkering temperature.
• Alumina in excess reduces strength of cement.
4. Functions of Iron Oxide in Cement
• It provides colour, hardness and strength.
• It also helps the fusion of raw materials during manufacture
of cement.
5. Harmful Ingredients in Cement
• Alkali oxides (K2O and Na2O): if the amount of alkali
oxides exceeds 1%, it leads to the failure of concrete made
from that cement.
• Magnesium oxide (MgO): if the content of MgO exceeds
5%, it causes cracks after mortar or concrete hardness.
Manufacturing Process

• The materials, without the gypsum, are proportioned

to produce a mixture with the desired chemical
• then ground and blended by one of two processes -
dry process or wet process.
• The materials are then fed through a kiln at 1450º C to
produce greyish-black pellets known as clinker.
• The alumina and iron act as fluxing agents which lower
the melting point of silica from 1650 to 1450º C.
• After this stage, the clinker is cooled, pulverized and
gypsum added to regulate setting time. It is then
ground extremely fine to produce cement.
Compound Composition of Ordinary Portland Cement
(Bogue’s Compound Composition)

Compound Chemical formula Abbreviation % by mass in

Tricalcium silicate 3CaO.SiO2 C3S 25-50

Dicalcium silicate 2CaO.SiO2 C2S 20-45

Tricalcium aluminate 3CaO.Al2O3 C3A 5-12

Tetracalcium alumino 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 C4AF 6-12

Properties of cement compounds
These compounds contribute to the properties of cement in
different ways
• Tricalcium silicate, C3S:-
This compound hydrates and hardens rapidly. It is largely
responsible for portland cement’s initial set and early strength gain.
• Dicalcium silicate, C2S:-
C2S hydrates and hardens slowly. It is largely responsible for
strength gain after one week.
• Tricalcium aluminate, C3A:-
It liberates a lot of heat during the early stages of hydration, but has
little strength contribution. Gypsum slows down the hydration rate
of C3A. Cement low in C3A is sulphate resistant.
• Tetracalcium alumino Ferrite, C4AF:-
This is a fluxing agent which reduces the melting temperature of
the raw materials in the kiln (from 1650o C to 1450o C). It hydrates
rapidly, but does not contribute much to strength of the cement
paste. By mixing these compounds appropriately, manufacturers
can produce different types of cement to suit several construction
Hydration of cement
• When Portland cement is mixed with water its
chemical compound constituents undergo a series of
chemical reactions that cause it to harden. This
chemical reaction with water is called "hydration".
• Hydration starts as soon as the cement and water are
• The rate of hydration and the heat liberated by the
reaction of each compound is different.
• Each compound produces different products when it
• Each one of these reactions occurs at a different time
and rate.
• Together, the results of these reactions determine how
Portland cement hardens and gains strength.
Hydration of cement contd.
• Tricalcium silicate (C3S). Hydrates and hardens rapidly and is
largely responsible for initial set and early strength. Portland
cements with higher percentages of C3S will exhibit higher
early strength.
• Tricalcium aluminate (C3A). Hydrates and hardens the
quickest. Liberates a large amount of heat almost immediately
and contributes somewhat to early strength. Gypsum is added
to Portland cement to retard C3A hydration. Without gypsum,
C3A hydration would cause Portland cement to set almost
immediately after adding water.
• Dicalcium silicate (C2S). Hydrates and hardens slowly and is
largely responsible for strength increases beyond one week.
• Tetracalcium aluminoferrite (C4AF). Hydrates rapidly but
contributes very little to strength. Its use allows lower kiln
temperatures in Portland cement manufacturing. Most
Portland cement colour effects are due to C4AF.
Hydration of cement contd.
Reactions of Hydration
•2C3S + 6H = C3S2H3 + 3Ca(OH)2
•2 C2S + 4H = C3S2H3+ Ca(OH)2
•C3A + 6H = C3AH6[C3A + CaSO4 . 2H2O = 3Cao.
Al2O3.3CaSO4. 31H2O]
Calcium Sulfoaluminate is a needle like
crystals leads to the loss of workability and to
gain setting.
Hydration of cement contd.

Characteristics of Hydration of the Cement Compounds

Compounds Reaction Strength Heat

Rate Gain Liberation

C3S Moderate High High

C2S Slow Low initially, Low

high later

C3A Fast Low Very high

C4AF Moderate Low Moderate
Strength gain of cement phases
Heat of Hydration
•The heat of hydration is the heat generated when water and Portland cement react.
Heat of hydration is most influenced by the proportion of C3S and C3A in the cement,
but is also influenced by water-cement ratio, fineness and curing temperature. As
each one of these factors is increased, heat of hydration increases.
•For usual range of Portland cements, about one-half of the total heat is liberated
between 1 and 3 days, about three-quarters in 7 days, and nearly 90 percent in 6
•The heat of hydration depends on the chemical composition of cement.

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