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Belajar Bahasa Inggris dari Nol 4 Minggu Langsung Bisa

Name :

1. If gasolin vapor__________ with air, combustion will occure.

a. Mixed c. Mixes
b. Had mixed d. Mixture
2. General grant had General Lee _______him at Appomattox to sign the official surrender of the
confederate forces.
a. Meet c. Met
b. To meet d. meeting
3. If a person does not have any attorney, the court __________one.
a. Will appoint c. Would appoint
b. Appointed d. Appointing
4. Adult eagles let their offspring ___________ nests near their original nesting area.
a. Build c. Building
b. Builds d. To build
5. If it _________ more humid in the desert of the Southwest, the hot temperatures would be unbearable.
a. Be c. Was
b. Is d. Were
6. _________ small specimen of the embryonic fluid is removed from a fetus, it will be possible to
determine whether the baby will be born with birth defects.
a. a c. If a
b. That a d. When it is a
7. a cure for juvenile diabetes __________ until more funds are allocated to basic research.
a. Won’t develop c. Don’t develop
b. Aren’t developing d. Won’t be developed
8. Florida has not yet ratified the amendment, and
a. Several other states hasn’t either c. Some other states also have not either
b. Neither has some of the others states d. Neither have several other states
9. Air constricted between the vocal chords makes them ___________, producing sound.
a. To vibrate c. Vibrate
b. Vibrating d. The vibration
10. The committee has come and ___________
a. they have reached decision c. its decision was reached at
b. it has formulated themselves some opinion d. it has reached a decision
11. Children enjoys listening to music especially on Saturday night.
a b c d
12. Nurul and she friend are discussing about their work right now.
a b c d

13. General demage that been caused by aphids or pollution is sometimes known as blight.
a b c d
14. If the oxygen supply in the atmosphere was not replenished by plants, it would soon be exhausted.
a b c d

By Mr. Wakhid Nugroho. S.S., M.A
Belajar Bahasa Inggris dari Nol 4 Minggu Langsung Bisa

15. Although some higher structures have been build in New York City, none characterizes the skyline
a b c
better than the Empire State Building.
16. Peter and Tom play tennis every afternoon together with theirs wives.
a b c d
17. Most ducks and geese have webbed toes for swimming and to stand on soft mud, while
a b c
perching birds have feet designed for grasping branches.
18. American baseball teams, once the only contenders for the world championship, are you being
a b
challenged by either Japanese teams and Venezuelan team.
c d
19. Fertilizers are used primarily to enrich soil and increasing yield
a b c d
20. Bones composed chiefly of calcium, phosphorous, and a fibrous substance known as collagen.
a b c d
21. The U.S Congress consists of both the Senate as well as the House of Representatives.
a b c d
22. After she had bought herself a new automobile, she sold hers bycicle.
a b c d
23. Commercial letters of credit are often used to finance export trade, but them can have other uses.
a b c d
24. the CBT will test your ability to understand spoken English, to read non technical language, and
a b
writing correctly.
c d
25. Neither the marketers nor the director are promoting the products to the society
a b c d


1. Kesalahan maksimal 5
2. Materi yang diujikan adalah materi yang sudah disampaikan

By Mr. Wakhid Nugroho. S.S., M.A

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