MC Text Assalamualikum Wr. WB: Now We Have Quiz For Parents, If You Can Answer The Question, Please Raise Your Hand

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MC Text

Assalamualikum Wr. Wb
Good morning all parents, the teachers and also all the students.
How are you today?
Alhamdulillah, today we meet in this special agenda, that is My Conference of Level
3 in the 1st semester.
Before we begin, lets say Basmalah together ….
Today I will guide the agendas from the beginning till the end.
Here are the rundown for today:
1. Opening
2. Reciting Al- Ghosiyyah
3. Singing the song of Energy
4. Performances
5. Questions session and quiz
6. Closing
Now is the time to recite Al Ghosiyyah together.
Now we want to sing the song of Energy, enjoy the show!
Alright all parents …now it’s the time to the main agenda that is the performances
from us.
The first is going to Syakina time is your.
Thanks to Syakina.
The second is going to Reizel time is your.
Thanks to Reizel.
The third is going to Abel time is your.
Thanks to Abel.
The fourth is going to Raihan time is your.
Thanks to Raihan.
The last is going to Intan time is your.
Thanks to Intan.

Alhamdulillah the performance session has finished. Now time for question session.
If you have question, please raise your hand.
Thank you ….. for your question.
Now we have quiz for parents, if you can answer the question, please raise your hand.
Those are the agendas for today. Thank you for your attention and participation.
Thank you so much. Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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