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List of architectural


An architectural style is characterized by

the features that make a building or other
structure notable and historically
identifiable. A style may include such
elements as form, method of construction,
building materials, and regional character.
Most architecture can be classified as a
chronology of styles which changes over
time reflecting changing fashions, beliefs
and religions, or the emergence of new
ideas, technology, or materials which
make new styles possible.

Styles therefore emerge from the history

of a society and are documented in the
subject of architectural history. At any time
several styles may be fashionable, and
when a style changes it usually does so
gradually, as architects learn and adapt to
new ideas. Styles often spread to other
places, so that the style at its source
continues to develop in new ways while
other countries follow with their own twist.
A style may also spread through
colonialism, either by foreign colonies
learning from their home country, or by
settlers moving to a new land. After a style
has gone out of fashion, there are often
revivals and re-interpretations. For
instance, classicism has been revived
many times and found new life as
neoclassicism. Each time it is revived, it is

Vernacular architecture works slightly

differently and is listed separately. It is the
native method of construction used by
local people, usually using labour-intensive
methods and local materials, and usually
for small structures such as rural
cottages. It varies from region to region
even within a country, and takes little
account of national styles or technology.
As western society has developed,
vernacular styles have mostly become
outmoded by new technology and national
building standards.

Examples of styles
Ancient Roman architecture: Colosseum,
an amphitheater built in the 1st century
AD, capable of seating 50,000 spectators

Persian Islamic architecture from the 7th-

to 9th-century period: the Shah Mosque,
Naqsh-i Jahan Square, Iran
Gothic architecture: St. Vitus Cathedral in
Prague, Czech Republic
Renaissance: Juleum in Helmstedt,
Germany - built in Weser Renaissance

Baroque architecture: Melk Abbey, Austria

Neoclassical architecture: Cathedral of
Vilnius in Lithuania

Historicism: Resort architecture in Binz on

Rugia Island, a specific style common in
German seaside resorts
Early modern architecture: Bauhaus
University in Weimar, Germany - built in
Postmodern architecture: Wells Fargo
Center in Minneapolis, United States,
completed in 1988
An example of the stylised facade of
Giyōfū architecture. Kaichi School
Museum Japan (1800s).

Beaux-Arts architecture in a bank's

building facade in Puerto Rico.
Art Deco architecture applied to in a city
marketplace building.

Chronology of styles

Early civilizations developed, often

independently, in scattered locations
around the globe. The architecture was
often a mixture of styles in timber cut from
local forests and stone hewn from local
rocks. Most of the timber has gone,
although the earthworks remain.
Impressively, massive stone structures
have survived for years.

Neolithic 10,000-3000 BC

Ancient Americas


Mediterranean and Middle-East

Phoenician 3000-500 BC
Ancient Egyptian 3000 BC - 373 AD
Minoan 3000?+ BC (Crete)
Knossos (Crete)
Mycenaean 1600-1100 BC (Greece)
Ancient Near East and
Sumerian 5300-2000 BC
Iranian and Persian

Ancient Persian
Iranian, c. 8th century+ (Iran)
Persian Garden Style (Iran)
Classical Style - Hayat
Formal Style - Meidān (public) or
Charbagh (private)
Casual Style - Park (public) or Bāgh
Paradise garden

Ancient Asian

Indian rock-cut architecture
Mauryan 321-185 BC (All India)
Māru-Gurjara Temple Architecture
500-?? (Rajasthan)
Historic temple styles
Buddhist Temple 1st century AD
Hindu Temple in 4 styles
Nagara Style
Dravida Style 610-?
Vesara Style (a combination of
Nagara and Dravida)
Chalukyan Temple

Ancient Chinese wooden architecture


Harappan 3300-1600 BC
Classical Antiquity

The architecture of Ancient Greece and

Ancient Rome, derived from the ancient
Mediterranean civilisations such as at
Knossos on Crete. They developed highly
refined systems for proportions and style,
using mathematics and geometry.

Classical 600 BC-323 AD

Ancient Greek 776-265 BC
Roman 753 BC-663 AD
Herodian 37-4 BC (Judea)
Early Christian 100-500
Byzantine 527 (Sofia)-1520
The Dark Ages

The European "Dark Ages" are generally

taken to run from the end of the Roman
Empire, around 400 AD, to around 1000
AD. Relatively little is known of this period,
but Christianity (spread by the Romans)
was already making a significant impact
on European culture, and the Romans left
a technological and social legacy.


Latin Armenian 4th-16th centuries

Anglo-Saxon 450s-1066 (England and
Bulgarian 681+
The First Bulgarian Empire 681-
Tarnavo Artistic School 13th-14th
centuries (Bulgaria)
Pre-Romanesque c. 700-1000
(Merovingian and Carolingian empires)
Iberian pre-Romanesque
Merovingian 5th-8th centuries
(France, Germany, Italy and
neighbouring locations)
Visigothic 5th-8th centuries (Spain
and Portugal)
Asturian 711-910 (North Spain,
North Portugal)
Carolingian 780s-9th century
(mostly France, Germany)
Ottonian 950s-1050s (mostly
Repoblación 880s-11th century (Spain)
Raska School 12th-15th centuries
Morava School

Medieval Europe

The dominance of the Church over

everyday life was expressed in grand
spiritual designs which emphasized piety
and sobriety. The Romanesque style was
simple and austere. The Gothic style
heightened the effect with heavenly spires,
pointed arches and religious carvings.[1]
Byzantine architecture -1520 (see
Kievan Rus' architecture 988-1237

Pre-Romanesque (see above)

First Romanesque 1000-? (France, Italy,
(including "Lombard Romanesque"
in Italy)
Romanesque 1000-1300
Norman 1074-1250 (Normandy, UK,
Ireland, Italy, Malta)
Cistercian monasteries mid-12th
century (Europe)
Associated styles

Timber frame styles (UK, France,

Germany, Holland)
Tarnovo Artistic School 13th-14th
century (Bulgaria)
Architecture of the California missions
1769-1823 (California, US)


Early English Period c. 1190-c. 1250
Decorated Period c. 1290-c. 1350
Perpendicular Period c. 1350-c. 1550
Rayonnant Gothic 1240-c. 1350 (France,
Germany, Central Europe)
Venetian Gothic 14th-15th centuries
(Venice in Italy)
Spanish Gothic
Mudéjar Style c. 1200-1700 (Spain,
Portugal, Latin America)
Aragonese Mudéjar c. 1200-1700
(Aragon in Spain)
Isabelline Gothic 1474-1505 (reign)
Plateresque 1490-1560 (Spain &
colonies, bridging Gothic and
Renaissance styles)
Flamboyant Gothic 1400-1500 (Spain,
France, Portugal)
Brick Gothic c. 1350-c. 1400
Manueline 1495-1521 (Portugal &

Asian architecture
contemporary with the Dark
Ages and medieval Europe

Shinden-zukuri (Heian Period Japan)


Song dynasty architecture


Dravidian and Vesara temple
styles (India)
Badami Chalukya aka "Central Indian
temple style" or "Deccan architecture"
Rashtrakuta 750-983 (Central and South
Western Chalukya aka Gadag 1050-
1200 (Karnataka)
Hoysala 900-1300 (Karnataka)
Vijayanagara 1336-1565 (South India)
Other Indian styles

Kalinga Architecture (Orissa and N

Andhra Pradesh)
Rekha Deula
Pidha Deula
Khakhara Deula
Hemadpanthi 1200-? (Maharashtra)
Islamic Architecture 620-1918

Central Styles (Multi-Regional)

Prophetic Era - based in Medina (c.
Rashidi Period - based in Medina (c.
Umayyad architecture - based in
Damascus (c. 660-750),
Abbasid architecture - based in
Baghadad (c. 750-1256),
Mamluk architecture - based in
Cairo (c. 1256-1517),
Ottoman architecture - based in
Istanbul (c. 1517-1918).
Regional Styles
Early Islamic architecture
(Rashidi + Umayyad) (641-750),
Abbasid architecture (750-
Fatimid architecture (954-
Ayyubid architecture (1174-
Mamluk architecture (1254-
Ottoman architecture (1517-
North Africa (Maghrib)
The Umayyads (705-750),
The Abbasid Era (750-909),
The Fatimids (909-1048),
The Amazigh Dynasties (1048-
Zirids 1048-1148 (Middle
Almoravids 1040-1147
(Far Maghreb),
Almohads 1121-1269 (Far
Hafsids 1229-1574 (Near
and Middle Maghreb),
Marinids 1244-1465
(Middle and Far Maghreb),
Zayyanids 1235-1550
(Middle Maghreb),
Ottoman Rule 1550-1830 (Near
and Middle Maghreb),
Local Dynasties 1549-present
(Far Maghreb).
Islamic Spain
Umayyad architecture (756-
Taifa Kingdoms-1 (1031-1090),
Almoravid architecture (1090-
Taifa Kingdoms-2 (1140-1203),
Almohad architecture (1147–
Taifa Kingdoms-3 (1232-1492)
[Granada architecture
Persia and Central Asia
Khurasani architecture (Late
7th-10th century),
Razi Style (10th-13th century):
Samanid Period (10th c.)
Ghaznawid Period (11th
Saljuk Period (11th-12th
Mongol Period (13th c.)],
Timurid Style (14th-16th c.),
Isfahani Style (17th-19th c.).
The Umayyads (712),
The Sultanate Era (1193-1555):
Mamluks of the Ghurids
1193-1290 (Delhi)
Khaji Dynasti 1290-1320
Teghluqid Dynasti 1320-
1414 (Delhi)
Bahmanid Sultanate 1347-
1527 (Gulbarga)
Sharqi Sultans 1394-1479
Gugerat Sultanate 1391-
1583 (Ahmadabad)
Lodi & Suri Dynasties
1451-1555 (Delhi)]
Mughal architecture (1526-
Seljuk architecture (1071-
Ottoman architecture (1299-

American architecture
contemporary with the Dark
and Middle Ages

Maya architecture
Aztec (ca. 14th century-1521)

The Renaissance and its


1425-1660. The Renaissance began in

Italy and spread through Europe, rebelling
against the all-powerful Church, by placing
Man at the centre of his world instead of
God.[2] The Gothic spires and pointed
arches were replaced by classical domes
and rounded arches, with comfortable
spaces and entertaining details, in a
celebration of humanity. The Baroque style
was a florid development of this 200 years
later, largely by the Catholic Church to
restate its religious values.[3]
Renaissance c. 1425-1600 (Europe,
American colonies)
Central European Renaissance
Polish Renaissance
French Renaissance
Eastern European Renaissance
Palladian 1516-1580 (Venezia, Italy;
revived in UK)
Mannerism 1520-1600
Polish Mannerism 1550-1650
Eastern Orthodox Church 1400?+
(Southeast and Eastern Europe)
United Kingdom

Tudor 1485–1603
Elizabethan 1480-1620?
Jacobean 1580-1660
Spain and Portugal

Spanish Renaissance
Herrerian 1550-1650 (Spain & colonies)
Plateresque continued from Spanish
Gothic -1560 (Spain & colonies, Low
Portuguese Renaissance
Portuguese Plain style 1580-1640
(Portugal & colonies)

Portuguese Colonial c. 1480-1820

(Brazil, India, Macao)
Spanish Colonial 1520s-c. 1820s (New
World, East Indies, other colonies)
Dutch Colonial 1615-1674 (Treaty of
Westminster) (New England)
Chilotan 1600+ (Chiloé and southern
First Period 1625-1725 pre-American
French Colonial
Colonial Georgian architecture

1600-1800, up to 1900

Andean Baroque, 1680-1780

(Viceroyalty of Peru)
Baroque c. 1600-1750 (Europe, the
English Baroque 1666 (Great Fire)-1713
(Treaty of Utrecht)
Spanish Baroque c. 1600-1760
Churrigueresque, 1660s-1750s
(Spain & New World), revival 1915+
(southwest US, Hawaii)
Earthquake Baroque, 17th-18th
centuries (Philippines)
Maltese Baroque c. 1635-1798
New Spanish Baroque, mid-17th-early-
18th centuries (New Spain)
French Baroque c. 1650-1789
Dutch Baroque c. 1650-1700
Sicilian Baroque 1693 earthquake-c.
Portuguese Joanine baroque c. 1700-
Russian Baroque (c. 1680-1750)
Naryshkin Baroque c. 1690-1720
(Moscow, Russian Empire)
Ukrainian Baroque late 17th-18th
centuries (Kiev, Russian Empire)
Petrine Baroque c. 1700-1745
(St.Petersburg, Russian Empire)
Elizabethian Baroque 1736-1762
(Russian Empire)
Rococo c. 1720-1789 (France, Germany,
Italy, Russia, Spain)
Asian architecture
contemporary with
Renaissance and post-
Renaissance Europe


Shoin-zukuri (1560s-1860s)
Sukiya-zukuri (1530s-present)
Minka (Japanese commoner or folk
Gassho-zukuri (Edo period and
Honmune-zukuri (Edo period and
Imperial Crown Style (1919-1945)
Giyōfū architecture (1800s)


Mughal 1540-? (India, Pakistan,
Mughal Garden Style
Sharqi aka Janpur Style


1720-1837 and onward. A time often

depicted as a rural idyll by the great
painters, but in fact was a hive of early
industrial activity, with small kilns and
workshops springing up wherever
materials could be mined or
manufactured. After the Renaissance,
neoclassical forms were developed and
refined into new styles for public buildings
and the gentry.

New Cooperism


Neoclassical c. 1715-1820
Beaux-Arts 1670+ (France) and 1880
Georgian 1720-1840s (UK, US)
Jamaican Georgian architecture c.
1750-c. 1850 (Jamaica)
American Colonial 1720-1780s (US)
Pombaline style 1755-c. 1860 (Lisbon in
Adam style 1760-1795 (England,
Scotland, Russia, US)
Federal 1780-1830 (US)
Empire 1804-1830, revival 1870 (Europe,
Regency 1811-1830 (UK)
Palazzo Style 1814-1930? (Europe,
Australia, US)
Jeffersonian 1790s-1830s (Virginia
in US)
American Empire 1810
Greek Revival architecture
Rundbogenstil 1835-1900
Neo-Grec 1845-65 (UK, US, France)
Nordic Classicism 1910-30 (Norway,
Sweden, Denmark & Finland)
Polish Neoclassicism (Poland)
New Classical architecture 20th/21st
century (global)
Temple 1832+ (global)

Revivalism and Orientalism

Late 19th and early 20th centuries. The
Victorian Era was a time of giant leaps
forward in technology and society, such as
iron bridges, aqueducts, sewer systems,
roads, canals, trains, and factories. As
engineers, inventors, and businessmen
they reshaped much of the British Empire,
including the UK, India, Australia, South
Africa, and Canada, and influenced Europe
and the United States. Architecturally, they
were revivalists who modified old styles to
suit new purposes.
Revival architecture
Resort architecture (Germany)
Victorian 1837-1901 (UK)
See also San Francisco architecture
Edwardian 1901-1910 (UK)
Revivals started before the
Victorian Era
Gothic Revival 1740s+ (UK, US, Europe)
Scots Baronial (UK)
Italianate 1802-1890 (UK, Europe, US)
Egyptian Revival 1809-1820s, 1840s,
1920s (Europe, US)
Biedermeier 1815-1848 (Central Europe)
Russian Revival 1826-1917 (Russian
Empire, Germany, Middle Asia)
Russo-Byzantine style 1861-1917
(Russian Empire, Balkans)
Russian neoclassical revival 1900-1920
(Russian Empire)
Victorian revivals

Renaissance Revival 1840-90 (UK)

Timber frame revivals in various
styles (Europe)
Black-and-white Revival 1811+ (UK
especially Chester)
Jacobethan 1830-70 (UK)
Tudorbethan aka Mock Tudor 1835-
1885+ (UK)
Baroque Revival aka Neo-Baroque
Bristol Byzantine 1850-1880
Edwardian Baroque 1901-1922 (UK
& British Empire)
Second Empire 1855-1880 (France, UK,
US, Canada, Australia)
Napoleon III style 1852-1870 (Paris,
Queen Anne Style 1870-1910s (UK, US)

Neo-Mudéjar 1880s-1920s (Spain,
Portugal, Bosnia, California)
Moorish Revival (US, Europe)
Egyptian Revival 1920s (Europe, US; see
Mayan Revival 1920-1930s (US)
Indo-Saracenic Revival aka Hindu Style,
Indo-Gothic, Mughal-Gothic, Neo-
Mughal, Hindu-Gothic late 19th century
(British India, aka The Raj)
Revivals in North America

Romanesque Revival 1840-1930s (US)

Gothic Revival (see above)
Carpenter Gothic 1870+ (US)
High Victorian Gothic (English-
speaking world)
Collegiate Gothic, 1910-1960 (US)
Stick Style 1860-1890+ (US)
Queen Anne Style architecture (United
States) 1880-1910s (US)
Eastlake Style 1879-1905 (US)
Richardsonian Romanesque 1880s-
1905 (US)
Shingle Style 1879-1905
Neo-Byzantine 1882-1920s (US)
Renaissance Revival
American Renaissance
Châteauesque 1887-1930s
(Canada, US, Hungary)
Canadian Chateau 1880s-
1920s (Canada)
Mediterranean Revival 1890s+ (US,
Latin America, Europe)
Mission Revival 1894-1936; (California,
southwest US)
Pueblo Revival 1898-1930+
(southwest US)
Colonial Revival 1890s+
Dutch Colonial Revival c. 1900 (New
Spanish Colonial Revival 1915+
(California, Hawaii, Florida, southwest
Beaux-Arts Revival 1880+ (US, Canada),
1920+ (Australia)
City Beautiful 1890-20th century (US)
Territorial Revival architecture 1930+
Other late 19th century styles

Australian styles
Queenslander 1840s-1960s
Federation 1890-1920 (Australian)
Neo-Manueline 1840s-1910s (Portugal,
Dragestil 1880s-1910s (Norway)
Neo-Plateresque and Monterrey Style
19th-early 20th centuries (Spain,

Rural styles
Swiss chalet style 1840s-1920s+
(Scandinavia, Germany, later global)
Adirondack 1850s (New York, US)
National Park Service rustic aka
Parkitecture 1903+ (US)
Western false front (Western United

Reactions to the Industrial



Industrial, 1760-present (worldwide)

Arts and Crafts in Europe

Arts and Crafts 1880-1910 (UK)

Art Nouveau aka Jugendstil 1885-1910
Modernisme 1888-1911 (Catalan
Art Nouveau)
Glasgow Style 1890-1910 (Glasgow,
Vienna Secession 1897-1905
(Austrian Art Nouveau)
National Romantic style 1900-1923?
(Norway, Sweden, Denmark & Finland)
Arts and Crafts in the US

American Craftsman, aka American Arts

and Crafts 1890s–1930 (US)
Prairie Style 1900–1917 (US)
American Foursquare mid-1890s - late
1930s (US)
California Bungalow 1910-1939 (US,
Australia, then global)

Modernism and other styles

contemporary with modernism

1880 onwards. The Industrial Revolution

had brought steel, plate glass, and mass-
produced components. These enabled a
brave new world of bold structural frames,
with clean lines and plain or shiny
surfaces. In the early stages, a popular
motto was "decoration is a crime". In the
Eastern Bloc the Communists rejected the
Western Bloc's 'decadent' ways, and
modernism developed in a markedly more
bureaucratic, sombre, and monumental
Parametricism 2008+
Russian avant-garde 1890-1930
(Russian Empire/Soviet Union)
Chicago School 1880-1920, 1940s-
1960s (US)
Functionalism c. 1900-1930s (Europe,
Futurism 1909 (Europe)
Expressionism 1910-c. 1924
Amsterdam School 1912-1924
Organic architecture
New Objectivity 1920-1939 (Italy,
Germany, Holland, Budapest)
Rationalism 1920s-1930s (Italy)
Bauhaus 1919-1930+ (Germany,
Northern Europe)
De Stijl 1920s (Holland, Europe)
Moderne 1925+ (US, global)
Art Deco 1925-1940s (global)
List of Art Deco architecture
Streamline Moderne 1930-1937
Modernism 1927-1960s
International Style 1930+ (Europe, US)
Usonian 1936-1940s (US)
Modernism under communism

Constructivism 1925-1932 (USSR)

Postconstructivism 1932-1941 (USSR)
Stalinist 1933-1955 (USSR)

Fascist architecture
Nazi 1933-1944 (Germany)
Post-Second World War


Modernism (continued)
International Style (continued)
New towns 1946-1968+ (UK, global)
Mid-century modern 1950s (California,
Googie 1950s (US)
Brutalism 1950s-1970s
Structuralism 1950s-1970s
Megastructures 1960s
Metabolist 1959 (Japan)
Danish Functionalism 1960s (Denmark)
Structural Expressionism aka Hi-Tech
Other 20th century styles

Ponce Creole 1895-1920 (Ponce in

Puerto Rico)
Heliopolis style 1905-c. 1935 (Egypt)
Mar del Plata style 1935-1950 (Mar del
Plata in Argentina)
Minimal Traditional 1930s-1940s (US)
Soft Portuguese 1940-1955 (Portugal &
Ranch-style 1940s-1970s (US)
Jengki style (Indonesia)

Post-Modernism and early 21st

century styles

Post-Modernism 1945+ (US, UK)

Shed Style
Arcology 1970s+ (Europe)
Deconstructivism 1982+ (Europe, US,
Far East)
Critical regionalism 1983+
Blobitecture 2003+
High-tech 1970s+
Hostile 2008+ (global)
Interactive architecture 2000+
Sustainable architecture 2000+
Earthship 1980+ (Started in US, now
Green building 2000+
Natural building 2000+
Neo-futurism late 1960s-early 21st
New Classical Architecture 1980+
The Berlin Style 1990s+

Fortified styles
Fortification 6800 BC+
Ringfort 800 BC-400 AD
Dzong 17th century+
Star fort 1530-1800?
Polygonal fort 1850?-

Vernacular styles
Vernacular architecture
Generic methods
Natural building
Ice - Igloo, quinzhee
Earth - Cob house, sod house, adobe,
mudbrick house, rammed earth
Timber - Log cabin, log house, Carpenter
Gothic, roundhouse, stilt house
Nomadic structures - Yaranga, bender
Temporary structures - Quonset hut,
Nissen hut, prefabricated home
Underground - Underground living, rock-
cut architecture, monolithic church, pit-
Modern low-energy systems - Straw-
bale construction, earthbag
construction, rice-hull bagwall
construction, earthship, earth house
Various styles - Longhouse
European Arctic (North Norway and
Sweden, Finland, North Russia) - Sami
lavvu, Sami goahti
Northwest Europe (Norway, Sweden,
Fresia, Jutland, Denmark, North Poland,
UK, Iceland) - Norse architecture,
heathen hofs, Viking ring fortress, fogou,
souterrain, Grubenhaus (also known as
Grubhouse or Grubhut)
Central and Eastern Europe - Burdei,
Bulgaria - Rock-hewn Churches of
Germany - Black Forest house, Swiss
chalet style, Gulf house (aka East Frisian
house), Geestharden house (aka
Cimbrian house, Schleswig house),
Haubarg, Low German house (aka Low
Saxon house), Middle German house,
Reed house, Seaside resort house,
Ständerhaus, Uthland-Frisian house
Holland - Frisian farmhouse, Old Frisian
longhouse, Bildts farmhouse
Iceland - Turf houses
Italy - Trullo
Lithuania - Polish-Lithuanian wooden
Norway - Architecture of Norway: Post
church, Palisade church, Stave church,
Norwegian Turf house, Vernacular
architecture in Norway, Rorbu, Dragestil,
also National Romantic style, Swiss
chalet style and Nordic Classicism
Poland - Zakopane, Polish-Lithuanian
wooden synagogues, wooden churches
of Southern Lesser Poland, Upper
Lusatian house
Romania - Carpathian vernacular,
wooden churches of Maramureș,
Scotland - Medieval turf building in
Cronberry, blackhouses
Slovakia - Wooden churches of the
Slovak Carpathians
Spain - Asturian teito, Asturian hórreo,
Gallician palloza
Ukraine - Wooden churches
United Kingdom - Dartmoor longhouse,
Neolithic long house, palisade church,
mid-20th-century system-built houses
Scotland - Broch, Atlantic
roundhouse, crannog, dun
North American
Shotgun house (US)
Florida Cracker c. 1800+ (Florida, US)
Tidewater (US)
Sibley tent (US)
Sod house (US)
Cape Cod (New England, US)
Saltbox (New England, US)
Farmhouse (US)
Brownstone (US)
Native American
Navajo hogan
Pacific northwest plank house
Plains nations tipi and earth lodge
Northeast nations wetu
Pueblo kiva
Colombian plateau nations quiggly hole
Southwest nations jacal
Southwestern cliff dwellings
Seminole chickee
Sweat lodge, temazcal
Amerindian longhouses
South American
Argentina - Mar del Plata style
Chile - Chilotan architecture
Venezuela and Chile - Palafito
Central and South African countries -
China - Yaodong
Hong Kong - Pang uk
India - Rock-cut, Toda hut
Indonesia - Uma longhouse, attap
Iran, Turkey - Caravanserai
Iran - Yakhchal
Israel - Rock-cut tombs
Japan - Minka
Mongolia - Yurt
Papua New Guinea - Papua New Guinea
stilt house
Philippines - Nipa hut
Russia - Siberian chum
Thailand - Thai stilt house
Australia, New Zealand - slab hut
Australia - Aborigine humpy

Alphabetical listing
Adam style 1770 England
Adirondack Architecture 1850s New
York, US
Anglo-Saxon architecture 450s-1066
England and Wales
American colonial architecture 1720-
1780s US
American Craftsman 1890s-1930 US,
California & east
American Empire 1810
American Foursquare mid. 1890s-late
1930s US
Amsterdam School 1912-1924
Ancient Egyptian architecture 3000 BC-
373 AD
Ancient Greek architecture 776 BC-265
Arcology 1970s AD-present
Art Deco 1925-1940s Europe & US
Art Nouveau c. 1885-1910
1880s-1920s; UK, California, US
Australian architectural styles
Baroque architecture
Berlin Style 1990s+
Biedermeier 1815-1848
Blobitecture 2003-present
Brick Gothic c. 1350-c. 15th century
Bristol Byzantine 1850-1880
Brutalist architecture 1950s-1970s
Buddhist architecture 1st century BC
Byzantine architecture 527 AD
Cape Cod 17th century
Carolingian architecture 780s-9th
century; France and Germany
Carpenter Gothic US and Canada 1840s
Chicago school 1880s and 1890 US
Chilotan architecture 1600-present
Chiloé and southern Chile
Churrigueresque, 1660s-1750s; Spain
and the New World
City Beautiful movement 1890-20th
century US
Classical architecture 600 BC-323 AD
Colonial Revival architecture
Constructivist architecture
Danish Functionalism 1960s AD
Deconstructivism 1982-present
Decorated Period c. 1290-c. 1350
Dragestil 1880s-1910s, Norway
Dutch Colonial 1615-1674 (Treaty of
Westminster) New England
Dutch Colonial Revival c. 1900 New
Early English Period c. 1190-c. 1250
Eastlake Style 1879-1905 New England
Egyptian Revival architecture 1809-
1820s, 1840s, 1920s
Elizabethan architecture (b.1533-
Empire 1804-1814, 1870 revival
English Baroque 1666 (Great Fire)-1713
(Treaty of Utrecht)
Expressionist architecture 1910-c. 1924
Federal architecture 1780-1830 US
Federation architecture 1890-1915
Florida cracker architecture c. 1800-
present Florida, US
Florida modern 1950s or Tropical
Functionalism c. 1900-1930s Europe &
Futurist architecture 1909 Europe
Georgian architecture 1720-1840s UK &
Googie architecture 1950s America
Gothic Architecture History
Gothic architecture
Gothic Revival architecture 1760s-1840s
Greek Revival architecture
Green building 2000-present
Heliopolis style 1905-c. 1935 Egypt
Indian architecture India
Interactive architecture 2000-present
International style 1930-present
Isabelline Gothic 1474-1505 (reign)
Islamic Architecture 691-present
Italianate architecture 1802
Jacobean architecture 1580-1660
Jacobethan 1838
Jeffersonian architecture 1790s-1830s
Virginia, US
Jengki style 1950s Indonesia
Jugendstil c. 1885-1910 German term
for Art Nouveau
Manueline 1495-1521 (reign) Portugal &
Mediterranean Revival Style 1890s-
present; US, Latin America, Europe
Memphis Group 1981-1988
Merovingian architecture 5th-8th
centuries; France and Germany
Metabolist Movement 1959 Japan
Mid-century modern 1950s-60s
California, US, Latin America
Mission Revival Style architecture 1894-
1936; California, US
Modern movement 1927-1960s
Modernisme 1888-1911 Catalan Art
National Park Service Rustic 1872-
present US
Natural building 2000-
Nazi architecture 1933-1944 Germany
Neo-Byzantine architecture 1882-1920s
Neoclassical architecture
Neo-Grec 1848-1865
Neo-gothic architecture
Neolithic architecture 10,000-3000 BC
Neo-Manueline 1840s-1910s AD
Portugal & Brazil
New towns 1946-1968 United Kingdom
Norman architecture 1074-1250
Organic Architecture
Ottonian architecture 950s-1050s
Palladian architecture 1616-1680
Perpendicular Period c. 1350-c. 1550
Ponce Creole 1895-1920 Ponce, Puerto
Pombaline style 1755 earthquake-c.
1860 Portugal
Postmodern architecture 1980s
Polish Cathedral Style 1870-1930
Polite architecture
Prairie Style 1900-1917 US
Pueblo style 1898-1990s
Queen Anne Style architecture 1870-
1910s UK & US
Queenslander 1840s-1960s
Ranch-style 1940s-1970s US
Repoblación architecture 880s-11th
century; Spain
Regency architecture
Richardsonian Romanesque 1880s US
Roman architecture 753 BC-663 AD
Romanesque architecture 1050-1100
Romanesque Revival architecture 1840-
1900 US
Russian architecture 989-18th century
Russian Revival 1826-1917, 1990s-
San Francisco architecture
Second Empire 1865-1880
Shingle Style 1879-1905 New England
Sicilian Baroque 1693 earthquake-c.
Southern plantation architecture
Spanish Colonial Revival style 1915-
present; California, Hawaii, Florida,
Southwest US
Spanish Colonial style 1520s-c. 1820s;
New World, East Indies, other colonies
c. 1900–present; California, Florida, US,
Latin America, Spain.
Stalinist architecture 1933-1955 USSR
Storybook 1920s
Structural Expressionism 1980s-present
Swiss chalet style 1840s-1920s,
Scandinavia and Germany
Stick Style 1860-1890s
Sustainable architecture 2000-present
Soft Portuguese style 1940-1955
Portugal & colonies
Streamline Moderne 1930-1937
Structuralism 1950-1975
Sumerian architecture 5300-2000 BC
Tidewater architecture 19th century
Tudor architecture 1485-1603
Tudorbethan architecture 1835-1885
Ukrainian Baroque late 1600-19th
Usonian 1936-1940s US
Victorian architecture 1837-1901 UK
Vienna Secession 1897-c. 1905 Austrian
Art Nouveau
See also
National Register of Historic Places
architectural style categories
Architectural design values
Feminism and modern architecture
List of house styles
Sacred architecture
Architecture of cathedrals and great
Synagogue architecture
Timeline of architecture
Timeline of architectural styles

1. Robert Stuart (1854), Cyclopedia of
architecture: historical, descriptive,
typographical, decorative, theoretical and
mechanical, alphabetically arranged,
familiarly explained, and adapted to the
comprehension of workmen, A. S. Barnes &
Co, p. 75
2. Gerald Leinwand, The pageant of world
history, Prentice-Hall, 1990, page 330
3. Jackson J. Spielvogel (2010), Western
Civilization: A Brief History. Cengage
Learning. page 333 ISBN 0495571474
White, Norval; Elliott Willensky (2000).
AIA Guide to New York (4th ed.). New
York: Random House. ISBN 0-8129-
Lewis, Philippa; Gillian Darley (1986).
Dictionary of Ornament, NY: Pantheon
Baker, John Milnes, AIA (1994) American
House Styles, NY: Norton

Further reading
Hamlin Alfred Dwight Foster, History of
Architectural Styles, BiblioBazaar, 2009
Carson Dunlop, Architectural Styles,
Dearborn Real Estate, 2003
Herbert Pothorn, A guide to architectural
styles, Phaidon, 1983

External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to
Architecture by style.

Victoria & Albert Museum Microsite on

Introduction to Architectural Styles

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Last edited 1 month ago by DagosN…

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otherwise noted.

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