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Paper on Information Communication Technology: Anuma Franklin.

C 2013




Technological education is a sine-qua-non in the development of any society. In

Nigeria’s millennium development goal attainment, technological education is
vital to its attainment and ICT, the hub of modern scientific development is of great
importance to this attainment. The primary aim of this paper is to showcase the
importance of information and communication technology in different areas of
educational development as a panacea to achieving the anticipated millennium
development goal.

The millennium summit of September outlined eight goals of the MDG’s
2000 which was the largest gathering are:
of world leaders in history adopted a 1. Eradication of poverty and
Millennium Declaration that hunger.
committed nations to reduce poverty 2. Achievement of Universal
amongst its citizens, improve their Primary Education.
health standard and peace, human 3. Promoting gender equality and
rights and environmental women empowerment.
sustainability. According to Zubair 4. Reducing child mortality.
(2000) : “The eight millennium 5. Improving maternal health
development goals set out a mutual 6. Combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria
commitment between developed and and other diseases.
developing countries, to make 7. Ensuring environmental
sustained progress towards achieving sustainability.
the millennium development goals 8. Developing a global
vision”. Specifically, “the MDG’s are partnership for development
a global compact between developing These eight goals are the primary
and developed countries and they necessity for material development in
become the fulcrum on which the the quality of life of citizens in our
international communities engage nation and its attainment can be fast
around” Az-Zubair (2000). The
Paper on Information Communication Technology: Anuma Franklin. C 2013

tracked through technological Technology in Education

Technology has been defined as a affected society in many ways. It has
systematic study of technique for helped in the development of more
making and doing things by man. advanced economics and his
Better still, it is the means of activity facilitated educational developments
by which man seek change of of nations. Education can be looked
manipulating his environment upon as the transfer of accumulated
(Ebenir, 2002). It has also been knowledge and experience such that
defined as an assembly of equipment, the recipients would acquire
often of a complex nature, which knowledge and experience such that
discharges a given function such as the recipients would acquire
electricity generation, transmission, knowledge and experience for a life
distribution of satellite of fulfillment (Obanu, 2008).
communication, etc. (Obanu, 2008). Education in the largest sense is any
The sustainable development of any act or experience that has a formative
nation, which redefines such a nation effect on the mid and character or
as being rich and prosperous or poor physical ability of an individual. In its
and backward, is dependent on its technical sense, education is the
technological development and this process by which society deliberately
invariable defines a nation’s quality of transmits its accumulated knowledge
life and expectancy. skills and values from one generation
Technology is the usage and to another. Education in Nigeria is
knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, traditionally formal or informal.
systems or method of organization in Informal education entails a person –
order to solve a problem or create an to – person transfer of knowledge and
artistic perspective. Technologies experience without structural
significantly affect human as well as organization. Examples include a
other animal species ability to control child learning from the mother and
and adapt to their natural master craftsman transferring
environments. The human species use traditional technology to an
of technology began with the apprentice. It is by informal education
conversion of natural resources into that most craftsman and artisans like
simple tools. The recent technological carpenters, tailors, mechanics etc.,
development of telephones and the receive their training and acquire their
internet have lessened physical knowledge or skill.
barriers to communication and
allowed humans to interact freely. On
a global scale, technology has
Paper on Information Communication Technology: Anuma Franklin. C 2013

qualification as criteria for certain

attainments will be of importance.
Technological Development of
Formal education starts from the Nigeria and other Nations
primary or elementary school which There is a great need to re – orient
consists of the first 5 – 7 years of Nigeria’s development needs through
formal, structural education. In technological development. This
general, primary education consists of needs emphasizing and encouraging
six or eight years of schooling starting practical training of students for
at the age of five or six, although knowledge and skill acquisition in the
there is a lot of variation these days. technical field. Celebrating of Golden
Under the education for all program jubilee without meaningful
driven by UNESCO, most countries development in Nigeria is very
have committed to achieving disheartening. Some fifteen years ago,
universal enrollment in primary Nigeria was categorized as a
education by 2020 which is one of the developing nation with South Korea,
millennium goals. Nigeria’s education Singapore and Malaysia. These
system in the 1970s and 1980s countries now referred to as Asian
included handicraft and handwork by Tigers have gone thousands of miles
pupils which was a basic training in ahead of Nigeria because of their
technological development, but this is regard for technological development
not a practice today. Our hand craft and application of this technology in
centers are abandoned and children all spheres of their countries
use other things in place of handwork. development policies. An instance of
In the secondary level, science Malaysia that picked palm fruit from
subjects are taught without Nigeria and tried it in their country
laboratories and introductory found it productive.
technology and craft taught without Today Malaysia with the aid of
workshops and practical. This trend is technology is one of the world’s
extending to higher institution leading largest producers and export of palm
to the production of unbaked oil while Nigeria has lost all spheres
graduates. Technological education is of development in palm oil production
vital to the attainment of the because of dependence on crude oil.
millennium development goals and ICT and Technological Education
this can be achieved by providing Az – Zubair (2000) said ICT are keys
basic amenities for training in our to any development strategy and will
tertiary institutions. More so be instrumental in transforming the
encouraging proficiency and de- Nigerian economy into a globally
emphasizing certificate and paper competitive one. The 21st century is a
Paper on Information Communication Technology: Anuma Franklin. C 2013

knowledge age built on innovations use of mobile cell phones has

and there is a direct correlation gone a long way to improve
between the benefit of ICTs and the communication amongst
challenges faced achieving the individuals in both urban and
MDG’s Az – Zubair (2000). rural areas. The government
should use the recently
launched NICOM SAT1 and
NICOM SATx facilities to
The prevailing MDG challenges extent satellite facilities to rural
which could be tackled by ICTs are: areas as this will no doubt boast
1. High illiteracy rate ICT literacy rate in the rural
2. Low quality of public education areas. Then there can be growth
facilities and delivery. in the use of computers and the
3. High maternal mortality rates internet. With available
and deaths of children materials, one can teach
4. Prevalence of diseases, malaria, oneself.
TB, Polio, HIV/AIDS. 2. Low Quality of Public
5. High unemployment and Education facilities and
progressively lesser Delivery: Our public primary,
opportunities for youths and secondary and tertiary
first time job seekers. institutions are below standard.
Information and communication The government has out rightly
technology is a recent development abandoned these schools to
which is a digital merging of their fate. The only help to the
computing with high speed deteriorating rate of education
communication links, carrying data, in Nigeria is the use of
sound and video. This technology is computers which can help
applied in many fields of life with individual learn from their
promises of faster, better and cheaper houses through e-learning. E-
operations. The application of ICT to learning is a way of educational
technological education will create exposure used in many
leverage that will aid attaining the advanced societies. The
MDG. Sequel to the above identified introduction of the National
challenges, we need to discuss how Open University of Nigeria
ICT could be used to achieve the (NOUN) by the Obasanjo
MDGs. administration (1999 – 2007) is
1. High Illiteracy Rate : one way of deploying E-
Improving literacy rates can be learning, as it helps people
achieved with the help of ICT study and write their
application to remote areas. The examination with the use of
Paper on Information Communication Technology: Anuma Franklin. C 2013

computers. This creates room improvement in internet

for computer literacy coupled operations and the use of Cyber
with acquisition of knowledge Cafes, created employment for
in the specified area of interest. young school leavers. People
However, this is not practically get opportunities through the
achievable if there is no steady internet in and outside Nigeria
power supply. The government and lots of people get lots of
should therefore encourage the contact through the use of ICT
delivery of E – learning and facilities. ICT therefore has
other E – applications by been on the aid of
providing basic power supply unemployment.
to the populace.
3. High Maternal Mortality Conclusion
Rates and Deaths of From our discussion so far it can be
Children: One primary goal of seen that Technological education is a
MDG is to improve the prerequisite to millennium
mortality rate of Nigerians and development goal and this can be
this can also be achieved with done through exposure and
the aid of computers through application of ICT which has actually
the use of specialized software helped nations that saw the need for
called expert software. technological development and
DENDRILLS is an expert applied it in their national policy like
software that helps in parent the Asian tigers. These countries who
diagnosis. The use of such were in the same pedestal with
software and development of Nigeria are now far ahead of us
similar software to help because they have made good use of
medical experts to carry out their technological development.
diagnosis and medication will
help in improving medical care, Recommendation
thereby reducing maternal 1. Encourage the development of
mortality rates and deaths of artisans and handcrafts like the
children. National Directorate of
4. High Unemployment Rate: employment (NDE) is doing.
The unemployment rate which 2. Equip the available craft
has been on the increase can be centers for students to learn
attested leveraged with how to use or make crafts.
development in ICT, the 3. Technical colleges should be
introduction of the cell phone equipped to help develop the
and the development in zeal of young people in
communication which led to technical crafts.
Paper on Information Communication Technology: Anuma Franklin. C 2013

4. Government should try and Brian R. Wellborn and Stacy

encourage technological C.Sawyer (2003) Using Information
education and equip Technology.
polytechnics and Universities (5th Edition) Boston McGraw Hill
of Technology with current Irwin Publishers.
5. Every institution should Dr. C. O Uwadia et Al (2003):
encourage development of ICT Contemporary issues in Information
centers which is the base of Technology
technological research in Application. In NCS proceeding.
modern time.
6. The importance, use and Itegboje A. O (2005). Information
application of computers in Technology Capacity Building. In
diversified area of life should NCS proceeding.
be emphasized.
7. Practical skills and Obanu Z. A (2008): Technology and
entrepreneurship should be Development in the 21st Century
encouraged in place of paper Nigeria.
certificate in areas where Conversation Lecture
practical technological
knowledge matters.
8. Managers of industries should
encourage and promote
technical staffs who are
practically competent as a
motivational factor.
9. Government and other
employers of labour should pay
their workers very well to
motivate them to give in their
best in an effort to boost
technological education.

Az – Zubair Amma (2000: 44)
“Achieving MDG’s through ICT” –
Sunday Punch.

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