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Problem Statement:

Everyday many harmful substances enter the ways as a result of chemical, domestic and
industrial activities which may have an adverse effect on aquatic lives. These substances contain
chemical compounds which are harmful to the fishes living in the polluted water. When the fishes from
these polluted waters are consumed by human being it may have detrimental effects on the human
health including cancer and other diseases. Other than these illnesses, having these contaminants in the
waterways also poses a threat to the environment which comes about in the form of eutrophication,
which if develops can have tremendous impact on the waterways itself. Fish, one of the main food in
Guyana comes from our waterways. If the chemical compounds from our daily activities continue to
enter our waterways these fishes can be affected and the Guyanese population from the polluted water
which some may consume.


The daily activities of humans cause various chemical ions such as nitrates, phosphates and
sulfates to pollute the water which in turn affects the fishes and also the human populace of the


1. To test for the presence of phosphates, nitrates and sulphates in household chemicals used in
everyday domestic activities (soaps, detergents and toilet cleaner).
2. To investigate the effect of bleach ,sewage and other waste products on the life of fishes after
long term period (three weeks)

Materials and Apparatus

1. Tanks (4)
2. Water
3. Measuring cylinders
4. Teat pipette
5. Test tubes (9)
6. Test tube rack
7. Detergents
8. Dish washing soaps
9. Soaps
10. Shampoos
11. Bleach
12. Bright bowl
13. Sewage
14. Industrial waste
15. Ammonium Heptamolybdate
16. Stannous Chloride
17. Sulphuric acid
18. Iron (II) sulphate
19. Barium chloride
20. Hydrochloric acid


1. Add 15cm³ detergent to 15cm³ of distilled water into a beaker and swirl vigorously to dissolve.
2. Place 10cm³ of the mixture into 3 test tubes.

Test for the phosphate​ :

3. Add 3 drops of ammonium heptamolybdate to one sample and shake vigorously.
4. Add Stannous chloride reagent and observe any colour changes.
5. In the second test tube perform the test for the presence of nitrates by 2cm³ adding iron(II)
sulphate to the sample.
6. Add drop wise sulphuric acid and look for any noticeable changes.
7. In the third test tube perform the test for sulphates by adding 2cm³ barium chloride followed by
hydrochloric acid and look for any visible changes.
8. Repeat the first 7 steps using dishwashing soap, hand soap and shampoo instead of the
9. Fill the four fish tanks with water.
10. In the first fish tank ass detergents, soaps, shampoo and dish washing soaps.
11. Label this tank A.
12. In the second tank, add sewage.
13. Label this tank B.
14. In the third tank, add industrial waste.
15. Label this tank C.
16. In the fourth tank, do not add anything to the water and label this tank D.
17. Add 2 fishes to each fish tank and place the tanks by the window.
18. Leave the tanks for 3 weeks and observe any possible changes to the water and the fish.


Controlled: The water tank with nothing added to it.

Independent: The growth of algae.

Dependent: the amt of substances added to the water

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