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1/29/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

The Harvest Festival

A Festive Adventure for Levels 1-4
Adventure Synopsis A PvP Adventure!?
The party finds themselves entering the city of Ankhor in the This module can also be used as a PvP adventure! Two
midst of its annual Harvest Festival. The entire town is filled parties of PCs can compete against one another instead of
to the brim with people from all walks of life indulging in against the Saviors of Revelheim! There are instructions
food, drinking, games, and trade! As the party joins in the alongside each of the events in the Gladiator’s Gauntlet that
festivities, they are called out by another band of adventures - gives information on how to convert each of them to a PvP
a group calling themselves The Saviors of Revelheim. The encounter rather than PvE. This will mean a crowded table,
Saviors are still novices, but after their recent victory over an but will also hopefully mean a great deal of fun for everyone
attacking squad of orcs, they are feeling quite confident in involved!
their capabilities - confident enough to challenge the party to Disclaimer
competition in the Gladiator’s Gauntlet! I would not recommend the PvP mode for a novice DM, as it
The Gladiator’s Gauntlet was once a massive arena in will likely be overwhelming to try to manage up to 8 players
which people and groups could face off against one another, at the table at once!
but as time went on the people demanded a bit more flash
and pizzaz than simply fighting with blunted weapons! Now,
the Gauntlet has become an entirely new competition with
events that can challenge every skill in an adventuring group’s This adventure uses the Average Party Level (APL) to
arsenal. There is still some bloodshed on occasion, but now scale the difficulty of encounters. This is simply the
there’s also plays, feasts, and fearsome beasts! average of your players’ total character levels assuming
In Rooftop Rush, two runners sprint across the rooftops in you have 4 party members. If your group is larger than 4,
the city’s living district while the rival team pelts them with increase your APL by 1 for each additional player. If your
non-lethal arrows - some of which are filled with oil or even party is smaller than 4, decrease your APL using this
glue! In the Culinary Confrontation, each team must compete same rule.
to create the ultimate culinary experience, choosing a single
(ordinarily repulsive) ingredient that their opponents must Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be read aloud
use in their meal! In the Passionate Performance, the teams for the players when their characters first arrive at a location or
must work together reenact a scene from a famous play, under a specific circumstance that will be noted.
captivating audiences with their charm and swagger on the
stage! And this is only a portion of the potential challenges!
In between events, the party is welcome to indulge in any of
the nine different festival games that are scattered all
throughout the city. Some of these events are based on luck
while others are based on skills, but all of them can
potentially reward a Golden Ticket which allows for a spin on
the Grand Prize Wheel in the town square! The prizes range
from a stay at the finest inn of the city up to a bag containing
up to 100 gold.
Your players best be ready to utilize all of their skills as
they venture into The Harvest Festival! 1/27
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Harvest Festival Crib Sheet

Major Events Specialty Food
Arrival in Ankhor The Gauntlet Food Challenge
Getting a Copper Drinking Token Dragon Wings
Choosing a Tavern The Ramslay Special
Meeting the Saviors Spiked Apple Pie
Gauntlet Overview Goblin Balls
Competition Sign-Up
Entering the Gladiator’s Gauntlet Specialty Drinks
Best of Five Dragonflame Brew
Saviors ask to draw out tournament for gold if Ice Giant Ale
losing The Bog
A Winner Declared Mindwarp Whiskey (Limit 1 per guest)
Additional Rewards Triple A (Ankhor Apple Ales)
Saviors Sendoff
Game Booths
Hammer Slam
The Glass Mug Dagger Toss
Ankhor Ale House Hot Pepper Challenge
The Tower Tavern Drop in the Bucket
Important NPCs Ferret Races
Cake Walk
The Saviors of Revelheim Duck Pond
Marco Vargus - Human Fighter Copper Mines
Relenas Tylina - Elvish Wizard Fishing in the Void
Milo Thatch - Halfling Rogue
Eldon Thatch - Halfling Paladin
Gladiator’s Gauntlet Events
Rooftop Rush
Jubilant Joust
Brawling Beasts
Culinary Confrontation
Passionate Performance
Fishing Frenzy

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Welcome to Ankhor The Harvest Festival

The city of Ankhor is quite large, spanning multiple miles The annual Harvest Festival goes on for an entire week just
with its vast trade district and numerous housing districts. after the bulk of the crops are harvested for the year. Ankhor
The inner portion of Ankhor is surrounded by a thick stone has miles upon miles or orchards filled with fruits of all
wall. At one point in history, the entire city was protected by varieties. These are used to make apple ales and wines that
these walls, but Ankhor’s population has grown far too large keep the city prosperous and make it a hotspot for tourism.
for such constraints now. The businesses within the bounds The festival started as a way for farmers to celebrate and to
of the walls are typically high-class while the areas on the sell off their goods to anyone who enters the city for the
outside are middle to lower class. festival, and while this still occurs, the festival has become so
much more!
Now the festival consists of hundreds of gaming booths,
There are dozens of other groups heading into the city as you performances from individuals from all around the world, and
make your way down a large hill that leads into the beautiful, fierce competition! People come from many towns over to
sprawling city of Ankhor. The view is spectacular as magically enjoy the festival and it is something that people all across
enchanted bonfires cause brilliant flames to dot the town and the region look forward to each year.
sends colorful plumes of smoke up into the air. A pleasant
aroma can be smelt even many hundred yards outside of town The Saviors of Revelheim
- the smell of baked goods and fried meats. As you approach, This section explains how the NPC group comes into
you see town guards in outfits decorated in red, yellow, and conflict with the party. If you are planning on a PvP
orange standing out front and handing each person that enter encounter for the group, you will need to set up the
the city a small copper token. adventure so that the parties are forced to compete! You
can start them off in the same tavern and simply let
things unfold (the players will know that the spirit of this
As each person enters the city, they are given a single copper one-shot is competition, so some light trash talk as the
leaf that is good for one beer at any tavern of their choice challenge is extended gives some fun roleplaying
within the city - and there are many options available! It is opportunities!)
growing late when the party arrives at Ankhor, so most of the When the players enter the tavern of their choice, they will
festivities have moved into the taverns as the game booths find it is filled with individuals enjoying themselves. Once the
and vendors have shut down for the day (aside from a select party has grabbed some drinks and have had some time to
few offering specially seasoned beers and fanciful desserts settle in and chat with other tavern goers, a man approaches.
infused with alcohol).
The party can make their way to a tavern of their choice,
but if they ask a local or a guard they will be told of the You are approached by a drunk man wearing armor that is
following: The Glass Mug, Ankhor Ale House, and The Tower slightly damaged from combat. He has a massive greatsword
Tavern. slung across his back. He is a tan skinned human with short
black hair and an arrogant smile spread across his face. He
The Glass Mug serves all of their alcohol in see-through looks you up and down, evaluating your group with critical
glass mugs and the strength of each drink is indicated by a
special dye that is added to each. A blue drink is weak, but eyes before loudly declaring, “The Saviors of Revelheim could
as they turn purple and then eventually red, the drinks use another member I suppose. Some of you look like you
grow stronger and stronger. This often leads to might not be completely useless on the battlefield.”
competition between patrons!
Ankhor Ale House has all homebrewed drinks made here He hones in on a single member of the party. “How do you
in town. They have over a dozen ales and beers from local feel about ditching these would-be heroes and getting with a
breweries and pride themselves on the sweetness that is group actually capable of doing great things?”
naturally infused with the alcohol from all of the fruits that
grow in the area. Their apple and blueberry ale is
especially popular at the festival.
The Tower Tavern is four stories high, each with a large
balcony that cuts across half of the room. The quality and
price of the drinks increase as you get higher up the tower.
For the price of five silver, you can “Ascend the Tower” and
get a drink on each floor as you rise up to drunkeness! 3/27 3
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Members of The Saviors The elvish woman sighs and walks over. “You really don’t
The characters of the Saviors of Revelhiem are going to be have to do this. He just gets a bit . . . competitive when he is
critical to this adventure. This will give you insight into their drunk.”
attitudes and their individual personalities. Stat blocks for A set of halflings (the Thatch brothers) walk up and flank
each member of the Saviors are provided at the end of the the elf. They are clearly related, sharing the same green eyes,
module. short nose, and matching smiles. They address the elf as
“Rel” and proclaim how excited they are to step into the
Marco Vargas - Human man in his mid-twenties. Fighter Gauntlet, that the competition is sure to be fun, and that it
that uses a greatsword in combat. He is confident and will only help spread their renown in the area.
proud, but shifts to arrogant and cocky with a few drinks
in him. He loves the spirit of competition and will do Challenge Accepted
whatever is needed to keep his party safe. He is If the players are still hesitant, one of the Saviors will tell
considered the leader of the Saviors simply because of his them that the average competitor makes at least 15 gold so
attitude. there really is nothing to lose. As long as they can put on a
Relenas Tylina - Elvish woman nearing the end of her show, people will come to observe and they will make money!
third century. She is a wizard that specializes in Your players will likely have questions about the
protection magics, keeping her allies in the fight even competition so be sure to read the descriptions of the
without healing. She is calm and reserved - quite events in the sections below so you can provide these
intelligent and incredibly calculated in her actions and details via tavern NPCs. Your players may also want to
responses. She typically remains silent, only speaking challenge a group with more renown to earn some extra
when needed. gold, but groups of higher status will refuse to compete
Milo and Eldon Thatch - A set of halfling twins that are against those with no experience as it loses money to
bitter rivals in almost all aspects of their lives. Milo is a compete against rookies.
rogue while his brother, Eldon, is a paladin. Eldon uses a
warhammer and shield combo and worships the God of Once the challenge is accepted, Macro is thrilled and tells the
Justice. Milo is a master with traps and constantly messes party to meet them in the central square near the Brawling
with his brother is non-so-subtle ways that just continues Beasts arena so they can sign-up. The party can continue
to fuel their rivalry. Despite this, the two are inseparable. drinking and asking questions before turning in for the night.
They are both at the end of adolescence for halflings and In the morning they can make their way to sign-ups where
still have some growing up to do, which is made obvious they will need to list the members of their team and come up
by their rather obnoxious mannerisms and their hammer with an official name for the party. They will then get to
meet nail approach to almost all problems. choose the first event (as they were the ones challenged)
Goading to Competition and are given a time slot to show up to compete!
With that done, you are now ready to move onto the
This man introduces himself as Marco Vargus, leader of the competition portion of the one-shot!
band of heroes that were named Saviors of Revelheim after
they stopped a group of orcs from destroying the small town. The Saviors will always lead off with the Brawling Beasts
He brags about their exploits, embellishing the incident as event when given the choice of events, but after that you can
best he can as he drunkenly flaunts his supposed superiority. simply roll randomly for the next event they choose.
He will ask the party of their accomplishments before
suppressing a laugh and once again prompting the party
member he singled out if they would like to switch
An elvish woman in flowing blue robes comes over and puts a
hand on Marco’s chest. She appears regal with silvery hair that
is twisted up in a set of intricate braids that are held in place
with a twin set of hair spikes. Eyes as silvery as her hair regard
you as she apologizes. “Come on, Marco, stop harassing these
people. They are just trying to enjoy the festival,” she says and
uses a bit of force to try to push him away from your group.
Macro seems to give in to her urging and turns away, but
after about three steps he deftly spirals out of her grasp and
runs back up to your table. “I extend a challenge! Face off
against our group in the Gladiator’s Gauntlet! All those I have
challenged thus far have chosen cowardice! If you think
yourselves better than us, then prove it before the entire city!”

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The Gladiator’s Gauntlet Quick Overviews

You can check each of the sections below for more These descriptions can be used to give your players a quick
information on specific Gladiator's Gauntlet events and their description of the events. You can deliver this through
mechanics. whichever NPCs you wish.
Rooftop Rush
Entry and Rewards One member of each team must run through an obstacle
To enter the Gladiator’s Gauntlet, each member of each team course on the rooftops of homes in one of the housing
will be required to throw in 10 gold pieces. At the end of the districts of the city. The runners can take on challenging
Gauntlet, the winning team takes all of the initial buy-in. jumps and feats to get an edge, but must constantly be on
Both teams then split a cut of the entry fees paid by fans to alert, for the enemy team will have an archer firing arrows
view these events. The more exciting the competition, the upon them that are tipped with glue, oil, or simple rubber.
more money the party can make in the end. For this module,
the amount of gold the players make at the end of the Jubilant Joust
competition scales with the APL. H The numbers listed Parties must make their way into the forest on the outskirts
below are modified by individual event performances though! of town and use limited resources and time to capture
(The players know that they stand to earn more gold with a mounts to use in a jousting tournament. Each of the mounts
longer competition but don’t know the actual amounts). have their own strengths and can provide an edge in the
These amounts are the values awarded to an entire party, not competition. From there, it is a best of three with each round
per individual. of the joust requiring a different rider.
Base Gold Rewards Brawling Beasts
This is the simplest of the events. Both of the parties face off
APL 3 Rounds 4 Rounds 5+ Rounds against a set of powerful beasts in the arena. Each team
1 50 Gold 75 Gold 100 Gold fights creatures of relatively equal strength and the team that
2 100 Gold 150 Gold 200 Gold defeats their beasts in the fewest number of rounds is
considered the winner! More daring and exciting maneuvers
3 200 Gold 275 Gold 350 Gold leads to more excited crowds that can earn the party
4 300 Gold 400 Gold 500 Gold additional coin!
Culinary Confrontation
Competition Structure The teams meet up under a massive tent with two matching
The Gauntlet is a best of 5 event. The team that was cooking stations setup within. The parties assign the
challenged gets to choose the first event and from then on opposing team a grotesque and unusual special ingredient
out, the loser of the last event gets to choose the next. There that they must use to prepare a delicious meal for a panel of
are many different groups facing off in the gauntlet, so the celebrity judges. Each team is given limited gold and time to
party does get a bit of time in between events where they can find the ingredients needed for their perfect meal.
go and watch others compete and get some insight into the
challenges that lie ahead of them or simply enjoy the rest of Passionate Performance
the festival. Depending on the downtime options you give The parties band together to put on a performance in front of
your players, this adventure could go quite long! Be sure a live audience. They are required to act out a scene from a
to factor your time constraints and consider just moving popular play in the area - The Desolation of Nayala. Each
directly to the next event if necessary! team has three roles to fill and the superior actors walk away
Since the Saviors of Revelheim were the challengers, the with both the crowds' heart and victory. (Disclaimer: This
party will get to choose first from the list of events below and event requires your players to actually read from a script to
are free to ask the patrons of the tavern what these events are put on a play. Make sure they are aware of what they are
and which are their favorites! getting themselves into before they select this event!)
Fishing Frenzy
Gauntlet Events The parties are set loose on Lake Orenska and have a limited
There are six total events that the party can partake in when amount of time to gather bait, find the perfect fishing spot,
they go up against the Saviors. They each emphasize and return back to the docks with the biggest fish they can
different strengths and weaknesses. Simple combat prowess catch! Different types of baits are better at catching different
is not nearly enough to come out on top in the Gladiator’s fish and each fishing location attracts specific species - some
Gauntlet! These events are Rooftop Rush, Jubilant Joust, bigger and harder to catch than others!
Brawling Beasts, Culinary Confrontation, Passionate
Performance, and Fishing Frenzy! 5/27 5
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Rooftop Rush The Archers

The archers move as a squad, being pulled parallel to the
Overview runners in a horse-drawn wagon. Each archer is equipped
Rooftop rush is a challenge that takes place on multiple with a shortbow or longbow (archer’s choice) and one rubber-
fronts. One member of each team will be designated as a tipped arrow, one glue arrow, and one oil arrow. Each time a
runner that will need to sprint and leap from building to runner enters a new stage of the race, the archers can choose
building in one of the housing districts of the city. People if they want to fire. If they do, they will also have to decide
crowd the streets down below to watch as the runners can which type of arrow they wish to use. With each arrow, they
choose a number of routes to try to make it to the far side of will need to make an attack roll against the runner. On a hit,
the course as quickly as possible. the arrow strikes true and its effect triggers. Milo is the
This is made a bit more difficult by the archers firing upon archer for the Saviors and has a +5 bonus to hit with his
the runners. Each team gets to choose two members of their shortbow.
group to act as archers, firing arrows tipped with either Rubber-Tipped Arrows - The runner is struck by this
rubber, oil, or glue at the runners. Each archer has only one of heavy rubber-tipped arrow, threatening to knock them off
each type of arrow, so they will have to choose wisely when to balance! The runner must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity
use them and how! saving throw or stumble off the rooftop. If they fall, the
runner must repeat the current stage of the race.
The Runners Oil Arrow - The archer fires an oil arrow at either a
The runners climb up a ladder to the top of a home at the runner or at the surface at the edge of a jump. The AC of a
edge of the district. The length of the run is about 500 feet, surface is always 10.
finishing as they jump down into a large pool of water on the Eave of a Roof - If the oil is fired at the edge of a
far side of the course. The runners are not allowed to wear jump, the runner must make the jump with
armor for this competition, so their AC is simply 10 + disadvantage.
Dexterity Mod (unless other bonuses apply). The runners also Directly at a Runner - The DC of their next three
need to have a Strength score of at least 10 or they cannot jumps is increased to 14 as their hands are slicked
succeed on even the easiest of jumps. No magical by the oil.
enhancements are allowed in this competition and you are Glue Arrow - The archer fires a glue arrow at either a
not permitted to interfere with the other runner. Doing either runner or at the surface at the edge of a jump. The AC of a
of these results in an immediate loss of the event! surface is always 10.
This competition takes place in twelve stages. During any Eave of a Roof - After the runner succeeds on the
of these stages, the runners may have to deal with an arrow jump, they must then succeed on a DC 12 Strength
being fired at them and make the appropriate checks. On saving throw or become stuck. This player cannot
some stages, they will have a choice in route to take - making act during the next round of the contest as they
a dangerous jump or maneuver to keep along the straightest must use that time to free themselves.
path to the end or take a longer, safer path. For every two Directly at a Runner - If the arrow fired at a player,
shortcuts a runner succeeds, they advance one extra stage. at the beginning of the next 3 stages that contain a
Additionally, for every two successful shortcuts completed jump, the runner must succeed on a DC 10
by the runner, the party received an additional (10 x APL) Strength saving throw or make their jump with
gold at the end of the tournament. Keep in mind, the disadvantage as their boots stick to the roof.
characters will very likely be on different stages after a
few rounds as checks are failed or shortcuts are taken!
If a runner ever falls off the roof as the result of failing
a shortcut attempt, they will need to climb back onto the
roof of the most recent building they stood on firmly. This
simply causes the runner to repeat the most recent stage
of the race again.
Marco is the Savior’s runner for this event. He has the
following relevant stats:
Athletics [+5]
Acrobatics [+1]
Dexterity saving throws [+3]
Strength saving throws [+5]
AC 11

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Below are quick descriptions of what happens at each stage of the competition.
Stage Option 1 Option 2
1 Sprint across the rooftops to the first jump. N/A
No checks required.
2 Jump to a nearby building on the right. Shortcut - Perform a mighty leap to a building far ahead.
DC (10 + APL) Strength (Athletics) check or fall and repeat this stage.
3 Run around the edge of a pointed-rooftop Shortcut - Run straight up the slanted roof, balancing carefully as to
building to avoid the sloped center. not fall. Succeed on a DC (10 + APL) Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or
slip, roll off the roof, and repeat this stage.
4 A stretch of small jumps between homes N/A
constructed near one another.
5 More narrow gaps between builds that curve Shortcut - Attempt a very difficult jump to land on top of the well at
around a small social square in the district. the center of the social square and then leap to the next building.
Succeed on a DC (12 + APL) Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to make a
narrow jump onto the roof of the well. Then make a DC (10 + APL)
Strength (Athletics) check to leap to the next roof which is far away!
Failure on either of these rolls forces the runner to repeat the stage. A
success on both counts as two shortcut successes.
6 Circling back around the rooftops to get on a N/A
direct path to the end of the race.
7 Jump over and run across the roof of a Shortcut - Try to zipline down a clothesline leading from one set of
horseshoe shaped bath house. buildings to the next. Requires success on a DC (8 + APL) Strength
(Athletics) check to hold on during the slide or fall and repeat this
stage. While ziplining, if the runner is hit by any arrows, they must
repeat this saving throw in addition to the other effects.
8 Leap onto the roof near the peak of a tall N/A
church building.
9 Carefully descend the far side of a roof with Shortcut - Slide down the rooftop and attempt to jump at the right
its steep incline and jump to the next moment and roll onto the roof of the next building over. Succeed on a
building. DC (10 + APL) Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or mistime the jump,
slide off the edge, and repeat this stage.
10 There is a fairly substantial gap between the Shortcut - Choose to simply jump the gap! Succeed on a DC (12 +
next two roofs but there is a board laid APL) Strength (Athletics) check to clear the jump or fall and repeat
between them that you can carefully cross. this stage.
11 Run around the outside of the tavern, almost Shortcut - There are little pieces of stone jutting out of the side of the
at the finish line! tavern. They are thin and spaced a few feet apart. Succeed on a DC (8
+ APL) Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to leap between the stones
carefully and to the next building. On a fail, fall and repeat this stage.
12 Final sprint across rooftops. Leap off the N/A
edge of the last building and splash down
into the pool to the cheers of the crowd! 7/27 7
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Jubilant Joust
Jubilant Joust is a fun twist on traditional tournament The bag of treats gives the players advantage on a Wisdom
jousting. It still contains the common act of two riders (Animal Handling) check to befriend a creature. The lure
charging at one another with lances and trying to dismount allows the party to roll twice on the Mount table and take the
the other, but what makes this particular event unique is that result of their choice. The handbook lists all of the mounts in
the mounts the contestants ride upon can vary drastically. the forest and gives the party rough information on the
Before the joust begins, each team is released into a large creature's special benefits. (e.g. An axe beak is especially
fenced off area in the woods to the northwest of town where a agile and will allow the user to more easily adjust against
variety of potential mounts have been set loose. Each party opposing mounts that might use special movements.) It also
must capture at least two of these mounts without harming gives a general rarity for a creature (e.g. Riding Horse -
them as they are property of the city. They have a few common, Giant Boar - uncommon, Unicorn - rare).
supplies to help them in this endeavor and different creatures
provide different bonuses during the joust portion of the Searching
competition! Roll on the table below to determine which creatures the
The teams then compete against one another in a best of party encounters as they journey through the area. The party
three joust event using these mounts. The teams must use can capture any number of mounts, but they can only have a
both of their captured mounts and must use three different total of two with them at once so they might need to release
riders. There are two different types of lances that can be one when another is caught. If a team does not manage to
used - one for dexterous competitors and the other for strong capture two mounts during their search, then they
competitors. The first team to two dismounts is victorious! automatically lose the event. If neither team captures two
mounts, it is a draw. The party can choose to use a lure
Obtaining Mounts during their search to get advantage on the roll, but this
expends the lure and it is no longer usable.
The first step of the competition is to capture mounts. This is
done in a fenced off area of the forest just to the northwest of Capturing
town. The competitors take turns entering the forest and When the party encounters one of the mounts in the forest,
capturing mounts. The team that did not choose this event they can attempt to tame it with a Wisdom (Animal Handling)
gets to capture mounts first! They will be able to search for check. The party can increase their odds of befriending the
exactly one hour, which gives them six rolls on the table mount by offering it a bag of treats, but they only have 2 of
below. If they fail on a check to capture a mount, they get no these total to use so they must choose wisely! Magic is
second try and must roll on the table again. allowed for the taming process as well, so spells such as
The party is also given a few tools to help in the capture of animal friendship can be especially useful. The DC of the
the mounts: Animal Handling check is listed on the table below. If the
party fails this check, the mount does not trust them and this
2x Bag of Treats check cannot be attempted again.
1x Lure
1x Mount Handbook

d20 Mount Name Training DC Special Benefits
1-3 Riding Horse 10 Domesticated. Rider automatically succeed on Animal Handling checks.
4-6 Camel 10 Spit. Gives the opponent a -1 modifier to their lance attack roll.
7-8 Giant Ram 11 Stalwart. Cannot be intimidated.
9-10 Giant Boar 11 Charge! Opponent must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or get a -3
modifier to their lance attack roll as they cannot reposition the weapon in time.
11-12 Giant Lizard 11 Agile. +2 bonus to Dexterity saving throws and a +1 bonus to lance attack rolls.
13-14 Giant Toad 12 Mighty Leap. Opponent must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or get a
-4 modifier to their lance attack roll as they cannot reposition the weapon in time.
15 Axe Beak 12 Agile. +4 bonus to Dexterity saving throws and a +1 bonus to lance attack rolls.
16 Worg 12 Intimidating. Opposing rider must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom (Animal Handling)
check or get a -5 modifier to their lance attack roll as their mount is startled.
17 Elk 13 High Ground Advantage. Rider gains a +2 bonus to lance attack rolls.
18 Tiger 13 Intimidating. Opposing rider must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom (Animal Handling)
check or get a -5 modifier to their lance attack roll as their mount is startled.
19 Displacer Beast 15 Displacement. Gives the opponent a -3 modifier to their lance attack roll.
20 Unicorn 16 Lucky (2/Day). Rider can reroll any saving throw or skill check and take the higher
of the two results.
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Capturing (cont.) The result of the clash is determined by the result of the
If one of the teams captures a unicorn, displacer beast, attacks:
tiger, or elk, remove that creature from the table below Both Miss - Neither rider manages to land a solid blow
and reroll if you land on that portion of the table during against the other. The riders reset and repeat the clash!
exploration. Both Hit - The riders successfully hit one another, but
To determine the mounts for the Saviors, roll three d20 both manage to stay on their mounts! They use their
and choose the two lowest numbers to represent their shield to keep aloft or shift their bodies to absorb the
mounts. If this would cause them to have the same mount blow!
(for example, if you rolled two 3's) then take the higher value If one of the riders rolls a natural 20 for the attack,
or roll again to ensure they have mount diversity. they dismount the opponent even if they managed
to land a hit as well. If both riders manage to roll a
The Joust! natural 20, both are dismounted and it is a draw for
Once capturing is done, the party takes their mounts to an the round!
arena setup just outside of town. Assistants help the party's One Hit, One Miss - One rider is superior with their
mounts get setup with the appropriate saddlers for a rider. All strike. They get enough purchase with their lance to knock
of these animals are trained and can obey orders from a the opposing rider to the ground! The round is over and
skilled rider, but they are still animals and so they may be the next set of riders move into place unless a winning
affected by the abilities of the opposing team's mounts. team has been declared.
The jousting area has row upon row of bleachers on each Putting on a Show!
side and they are packed full of onlookers excited to see the The competitors can choose to put themselves at risk or
competition! perform dangerous maneuvers in order to please the crowd
Before the tournament begins, each party must choose and receive extra gold at the end of the tournament. For
the order of their riders and which mount they would like example, one of the riders could choose to decline wearing
to use for each round. the padded armor. This causes them to take 1d12 + Str Mod
A different mount must be used for the first and or Dex Mod whenever they are hit but they maintain their
second round, but either mount can be used for the normal 10 + Dex Mod AC for the joust. They could also close
third if a winner has not been decided. their eyes on the approach, choosing to intentionally roll at
Each rider must also choose either a lance that uses disadvantage. Any such actions will grant the team an
Strength for its attack rolls or Dexterity for its attack rolls. additional (25 x APL) gold at the end of the Gauntlet. If the
party wins the jubilant joust with a 2-0 record, they also
Competition! receive an additional (10 x APL) gold at the end of the
Once the mounts and their riders have been chosen, the Gauntlet.
competition begins with the mounts at opposite ends of the
arena. Each rider is given a large wooden shield and their
chosen lance. They must ride towards each other and
attempt to knock the other rider to the ground by striking
them with the lance! All riders are given protective padded
armor to ensure they are not too badly injured if they take a
blow from a lance. During this portion of the competition, no
spells are permitted as this is a display of pure skill. Anyone
caught using spells to enhance their riders receives an
immediate loss.
The confrontation has a few checks that must be made:
The first is a DC 10 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to
determine how well a rider is keeping control of the
mount. A failure on this check gives the rider a -2 modifier
on their lance attack roll for this clash as it is more
difficult to keep their lance on target.
Second, check to see if either of the mounts inflicts a
detriment to the opposing mount. Make any appropriate
rolls and let the players know how their attack rolls are
being modified.
Third, the riders each make an attack roll against the
opposing rider. The shield provided and the padded armor
gives each rider an AC of 15 no matter their Dexterity or
any other AC bonuses they might ordinarily receive.
The attack roll with a lance is Str Mod or Dex Mod
+ any additional modifiers. If the rider is proficient
with a lance, they may also add their proficiency
bonus. 9/27 9
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Brawling Beasts Culinary Confrontation

Overview Overview
This competition is the most straight forward of all of the In this event, your players will use their cooking skills to earn
events and is always the first one that the Saviors of the sweet taste of victory! All members of each team can
Revelheim will choose when given the opportunity. The participate in this event, as having more people helping isn’t
teams are led to an arena and will be set to face off against necessarily advantageous. The entire team is being spectated
deadly creatures captured from the nearby area. The team by the crowd and hosted by a charismatic half-elf named
that completes the task the fastest is the winner! The saviors Tydallen. This event is essentially a cooking show in a D&D
finish their battle in (d4 + 2) rounds. If the players finish on setting, so be sure to have fun with it and get a little less
the same round, it is a tie and no one will gain points towards serious.
victory! The loser of the last event will get to choose again! The way the competition unfolds is as follows:
There are two different sets of monsters that the party can
face. The team that did not choose the event gets to choose First the teams will pick a special ingredient for their
which set of creatures they wish to fight and force their opponents to use in their meal. There are six options and
opponents to fight the other set. the team that did not choose this event gets to pick first!
The teams will each be given 3 gold and access to the
The Beasts marketplace for ten minutes to gather whatever other
ingredients they need for their meal.
The types and number of creatures the party faces depends The teams will then be given two hours to prepare their
on APL: meal in a kitchen with everything needed they need to
APL Option 1 Option 2
prepare a luxury experience! Both groups will be in the
same kitchen, but at different cooking stations.
1 3x Wolf 3x Giant Wolf Spider At the end of the two hours, they will present their dish to
2 2x Brown Bear 2x Dire Wolf a set of three judges who will evaluate the meal and
decide on a winner!
3 2x Ogre 2x Ankheg The plates are judged on selection of ingredients,
4 2x Owlbear 2x Giant Scorpion quality of ingredients, taste, and presentation.
These will be determined by rolls made by the party
Once the enemy is chosen, the party will step down into an throughout the competition.
arena with fans watching from about twelve feet up. There Characters with proficiency in Cook’s Utensils will give a
are a few low walls in the battlefield that provide cover, but player a solid idea of how to cook using these special
nothing else of note. There are a few wrought-iron gates ingredients even without a check. They are trained in the
around the edge of the arena - some small and others quite kitchen and will be a huge help in this challenge. Characters
large. The party will have time to choose a position before the with a proficiency in Alchemist’s Supplies, Brewer’s Supplies,
enemy is released from a random gate. Herbalism Kits, and even a Poisoner's Kit can glean some
As the party goes through this fight, the crowd will cheer information from the DM about their particular ingredients
and ask ask for the group to use specific tactics. Remind your and effective ways to prepare it.
players that the crowd is watching and expecting a show. If
your players go above and beyond in their description of To The Kitchen!
attacks in this combat, they receive an additional (10 x APL)
gold at the end of the tournament. If the party put themselves
at a distinct disadvantage or perform a daring activity to You walk through a back entryway into a massive white and
please the crowd, they receive another (10 x APL) gold. gold colored tent. The sound of an excited crowd echoes
through the area. The interior of the tent is almost completely
empty but there are two fully functional cooking stations
setup side by side. They are equipped with an array of chef’s
knives, a range, a cauldron with a fire pit beneath it, and all of
the plates and bowls needed to present a beautiful meal.
Roughly thirty feet from these kitchen setups is a long table
with three chairs behind it all facing towards the kitchen. Lined
up on this table are six jars, each containing a strange
substance. Standing next to the table is a handsome half-elf
man. He beckons you over to him, a charming smile spread
wide on his face.

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This is Tydallen Fierren, the host of the Culinary ”This chef may be a gnome, but his personality towers
Confrontation. He pulls the parties over and ensures they over other chefs. Don’t let those spectacles fool you, he
know the rules of the competition. He also lets them know can see right through a fancy presentation covering up a
that there is a huge crowd waiting just on the other side of bad meal! It’s Baltonrown!”
the tent. Make sure to answer any of the party’s questions and ”This elf is famous for his spices kicking his meals up
let them know what they need to be doing for this event. The another notch. With some of the best restaurants in the
party can see shadows dancing around as well as cheers of city, let’s give a big welcome to Lerime Essagal!”
excitement and whispers of anticipation. When the party is ”This half-elf woman can breathe life into even the foulest
ready, some attendants rush in and drop the edges of the tent, of meals. With her charming smile and joyful optimism,
revealing a crowd of hundreds and hundreds of excited fans! she is sure to delight even the grumpiest of audience
Tydallen is a showman at heart and will try to make every members as well! It’s Rachelle Sunray!”
detail - no matter how mundane - seem exciting. He will
interact with the party, asking them personal questions and Special Ingredients
making jokes to get a reaction from the crowd. Use this as an Next, Tydallen will lead the party in the selection of their
opportunity for some fun role-playing with your group! special ingredients. He will read each of the items out loud
and the crowd will cheer and wretch in response! The
Starting the Show! potential special ingredients are as follows:
Tydallen steps between the two kitchens and turns to address Jar of Gelatinous Jelly - A jar of heavily acidic jelly from a
the crowd, pulling out a magic wand as he does so. He holds gelatinous cube. It will dissolve through most other
this wand up in front of his mouth and when he speaks his
ingredients, has a strange texture, and almost no
discernible taste or smell. If used correctly, it can unleash
voice booms loudly through the area. “Hello everyone! What a
the true flavor of other ingredients! Ingesting too much of
beautiful Harvest Festival we have this year. Am I right?” He this causes stomach ulcers.
pauses as the crowd cheers, soaking in their adoration before Picked Intellect Devourer Brain - This large pickled
turning to face you. “Looks like we’ve got some new faces brain has a horrid texture and smell, but surprisingly
today in the Culinary Confrontation Kitchen (Sponsored by delicious flavor. The presentation is gruesome, so it will
Marius’s Magnificent Meats - Why settle for mediocre when need to be heavily disguised to allow the person eating the
you can have Magnificent?)” food to appreciate the taste. Ingesting too much of this
causes vivid hallucinations and short-term memory loss.
Nothic Eye - This eye is nearly six inches in diameter and
He steps over to the party. “So, what do you call yourselves?” continues to stare out aimlessly. The juice contained in
He then moves to follow up questions: the eye is considered a delicacy, but extracting it is less
Is this your first time competing? than pleasant. If done improperly, it can completely
Do you have a strategy going into the competition? overpower a meal with a taste that is similar to that of
Which one of you is the best cook? blood, but if used correctly it has a strong umami taste.
Ingesting too much of this causes terrible nightmares and
Star Judges paranoia.
Once Tydallen is done with introductions he goes over the Spectator Tentacles - These long, slender tentacles are
rules once again for the crowd. covered in slime that must first be carefully removed to
use the ingredient. The tentacles are quite tough and if
prepared incorrectly are all but impossible to chew.
“The teams will now choose a special ingredient that must be Different tentacles provide different flavor profiles - some
used by their opponents in their meal. The teams will then be spicy and others naturally sour or salty. Ingesting too
given 3 gold and ten minutes to buy ingredients from the much of this item causes a short-term superiority complex
market - so you better move fast! You will have two hours to and illusions of grandeur.
use your gathered ingredients and craft the perfect meal for Basilisk Heart - This large heart has a good flavor if you
our judges. No magic can be used during this competition and
can extract the tiny pieces of stone from within it. The last
thing a meal-goer wants is to consume little chunks of
only ingredients you gathered at the market at permitted to go stone as they eat their meal! It must be added to the meal
on the plate! Once we hit the two hour mark, it is knives down late, as it slowly petrifies other ingredients if left near
and you must present your meal - complete or not - to our them for too long. Ingesting too much of this item leads to
judges. Speaking of which . . . let’s bring ‘em out!” the development of kidney stones.
Magmin Flame Sac - This sac filled with an orange jelly-
Tydallen introduces the panel of judges. Choose whichever like substance that is spicier than the hottest of peppers!
celebrity chefs you wish to populate your panel. I give some Taking a bite out of a raw flame sac will cause someone to
examples below but you are free to use your own as well! sweat profusely before passing out from sheer pain and
losing the ability to taste for many weeks. Using the
“This half-orc man may have been raised in the wilds, but correct amount to get the spice without the pain is tricky,
now he brings ferociously delicious meals to the kitchen. as is extracting the jelly without burning yourself.
You love to hate him! It’s Goredawn Ramslay!” Ingesting too much of this causes painful chamber pot
adventures, temporary loss of taste, and heartburn. 11/27 11
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Common Dishes Players will need to make a total of three checks as they
interact with these vendors. These checks will determine
Jar of Gelatinous Jelly - Gourmet peanut butter and the quality of their ingredients compared to the opponent.
gelatinous jelly sandwich with peach jelly cobbler for To determine the Savior’s total, roll 3d20 + 10.
Picked Intellect Devourer Brain - A diced brain salad with Vendor Options
a potent sour vinaigrette alongside a pickled brain Marius’s Magnificent Meats
omelette and roasted potatoes. Beatrice’s Fresh-Baked Breads
Nothic Eye - Cream of mushroom and onion with a nothic Veronica’s Fresh-Off-The-Vine Fruits and Vegetables
eye juice base and an eye-juice glazed pork with pineapple Pierre’s Pasta Emporium
slices. Jamal’s Jellies and Jams
Spectator Tentacles - Meatballs and spectator tentacle Sabrina’s Spice Shelf
noodles with garlic bread and a white chocolate coated Daria’s Dessert Destination
tentacle pretzel for dessert.
Basilisk Heart - Basilisk heart and broccoli with teriyaki Let’s Get Cooking
sauce alongside basilisk heart bacon and maple donuts. Once time is up in the marketplace, the teams rush back into
Magmin Flame Sac - Flame sac roasted chicken and rice the tent to start cooking! Only three characters can work
with hot and sour soup and a spicy tomato cocktail. effectively at the cooking station at a time, so the players
Choose a random ingredient for the Saviors to assign. All will have to choose those with the most relevant skills to
are fun and challenging in their own way. The Saviors will represent them! Tydallen walks around the area making
make one of the meals listed in the section above. The comments about how good the food smells, complimenting
players are free to come up with whatever dish sounds fun the techniques the competitors are using, and questioning the
and delicious! If one of the party members has proficiency in introduction of certain spices as the crowd oohs and ahhs. He
a skill relevant to cooking, give them some of the ideas above will even pull one of the party members aside and ask them
as well. This is meant to play out like a cooking personal questions, trying to pry out tragic history to share
competition television show, so keep that in mind as you with the crowd. He will even go so far as to lean in and
play out this event! whisper in their ear, “It doesn’t even need to be true. The
crowd just eats this up!”
The Marketplace
Determining Quality
Once the players have their special ingredient, they can form
a game plan for what they would like to prepare. Give the The party will need to perform three checks for cooking and
players a few minutes to discuss before setting them loose. plating their meal. The players can justify which stat and
Each team is allowed to only use the three gold given to them proficiency they would like to use. All characters in the
for this event. A judge will follow the players around, taking kitchen must contribute one roll and the same check cannot
note of the ingredients purchased and the amount of be made by two different characters (except a Cook's Utensils
remaining gold. Tydallen will walk over during this time and check). This could be an Intelligence (Cook’s Utensils) or
ask the party their thoughts and what they think of their Wisdom (Survival) to prepare the exotic food, a Dexterity
special ingredient. (Sleight of Hand) to carefully cut the ingredients, or even a
Vendors know the competitors are out for the highest Charisma (Performance) check to plate the ingredients in a
quality ingredients and will attempt to lure them to their pleasant manner.
booths. Some can give advice to using the ingredient in a dish The Savior’s will use 3d20 + 8 for their bonus for this
and why the items at their booth are the perfect match. Some portion of the competition.
of the vendors have long lines of ordinary citizens and the If the party’s total from the marketplace and cooking rolls
party may need to shove some people out of line or bribe is between 81 and 95, they receive (10 x APL) additional gold
them to get to the vendor in time! at the end of the tournament. If the total is 96 or higher, they
The characters can use a variety of skills to aid with this receive (20 x APL) additional gold at the end of the
purchase of ingredients and make sure they get the most tournament. Alternatively, if your party’s total is 65 or lower,
bang for their buck! this also brings in (20 x APL) additional gold because people
love to watch the tragedy unfold.
Charisma (Persuasion) checks can lead to better prices
and allowing the players to buy higher quality products.
Intelligence or Wisdom (Survival) checks can help to
know which items in the market are going to pair well
with their special ingredient.
Wisdom (Insight) checks can let the party know if they are
being overcharged for an ingredient or if a vendor is
stretching the truth about an items common usage to get a

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Judging! The Desolation of Nayala

When the plates are sat down before the judges, their total Read this next section aloud to your players to give them
score across the marketplace and in the kitchen determines context for the play and let them get adjusted to their
their reactions. character’s role!
65 and below - The meal is vile. The meat might be raw
or the special ingredient is used at dangerous levels. The The Desolation of Nayala is a play that has been performed in
judges are disgusted and refuse to eat the food with snide these lands for over a hundred years, so the locals know it
remarks and disappointment. The food may literally kill quite well. It tells the story of a fey princess, Rivaldes, that
someone. comes to the world of mortals and falls in love with a man
66 - 80 - The food is edible but doesn’t highlight the
special ingredient or does not look appealing on the plate. named Traxler. She brings her love back to Nayala, her
Spices added at incorrect levels. May be slightly burnt. homeland, where it is revealed that Traxler's adoration was
81 - 95 - A good meal. It has nice presentation and makes simply part of a plot to gain access to Nayala so he can
good use of the special ingredient. This is the kind of food conquer it. He overthrows the fey council and their beautiful
they would expect to receive at a nice restaurant! forest falls to chaos and blight.
96 and above - The meal is mind-blowingly delicious! Rivaldes is cast out her world by Traxler and wanders the
Even some of the professionals don’t know if they could land of mortals in seek of anyone that may help her slay this
have created such a unique and effective combination to
highlight the special ingredient. They each clean their evil. Rivaldes’s trust in creatures of this world was destroyed
plates and the crowd goes wild! by the betrayal and this play tells the story of her journey back
home. She faces brutal challenges, makes new friends, and
The winner is the team with the highest total score across regains faith in the creatures of this world through the
their six rolls. guidance of the Nature Spirit, Silva, and with the
companionship of her faithful toucan, Celes.
Passionate Performance She falls in love with a brave knight named Sir Laranot along
the way. He is a man that prides himself on his strength and
Overview valor and was broken by a recent defeat in which he let
In this portion of the gauntlet, the competing teams will have arrogance get the better of him. He travels with his young
to use a bit of cooperation to appeal to an onlooking crowd. squire, Argus, and his sentient blade, Dawnbright. Together, Sir
They are given a script with assigned parts and must act out a
short scene from a famous play. The winner of this branch of Laranot and Rivaldes make the dangerous trip back to Nayala
this event is chosen by the cheers of the crowd that have to defeat Traxler. They are successful, but Sir Laranot is killed
gathered around to watch the show! in the final battle. As Rivaldes weeps over his body, she is
When the party first arrives to this event, they are pulled finally deemed worthy by the spirits of the forest to ascend to
back stage and a stack of scripts are laid out before them. the role of Emerald Queen and with her newfound magics she
The team that did not choose this event gets to decide which is able to return her love to life.
set of roles they would prefer to play. The first set of roles is You are to play out a scene from Act II of the play, when
Rivaldes, Celes, and Silva while the second set is Sir
Laranot, Dawnbright, and Argus. There are three roles in Rivaldes first meets Sir Laranot after facing the horrors of the
each set of scripts, one major role and two minor. One party Bog of the Hag.
member will also need to play the role of narrator for the non-
dialog lines. Read the players the section below to give
them an overview of the play before forcing them to
decide which set of roles they want to play. If the Saviors
are given the option of choosing, they will decide on Sir
Laranot, Dawnbright, and Argus.
The teams are given an hour to rehearse their part and get
into costume before they are to perform in front of the crowd.
They are permitted to keep their scripts when they perform
as it is such short notice, but the crowd still expects a
heartfelt and passionate show! See The Play Section below
for setup for your players. 13/27 13
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The Play
The party members playing Rivaldes, Laranot, Silva, and
Argus all dress up in elaborate costumes that match their
characters. The party members playing Celes and
Dawnbright are in all black outfits with props that match
their respective characters. Celes is an elaborate toucan
puppet and Dawnbright is a sword that goes alight when a
button on the side is pressed. The scene takes place on a path
deep in the forest and starts with Rivaldes and Celes walking
out into the middle of the stage.
Along the way, characters will need to make Charisma
(Performance) checks (though your players may be able to
argue Deception as well). If they have been pouring
themselves into the role and playing along with this event,
have them roll with advantage.
If the Saviors are acting out the Rivaldes’s lines, Relenas
plays the role of Rivaldes, Eldon plays the role of Celes, and
Marco plays the role of Silva. If they are acting out the
Laranot’s lines, Marco plays the role of Sir Laranot, Relenas
plays Dawnbright, and Eldon plays Argus.
When the play is over, the crowd goes wild and rises to
their feet, tossing flowers onto the stage. The parties step up
one at a time and the crowd cheers and claps. A few judges
survey the volume and intensity of these accolades. Have
each of the party members that performed make a Charisma
(Performance) check. Give them advantage if they really gave
it their all during the show! The Saviors roll 3d20 + 8 for
their total. Once both parties have stood before the crowd,
they are ushered backstage and the winner is announced!.
If the players got advantage on at least 1 of their
performance checks, they receive an additional (10 x APL)
gold at the end of the tournament. If all of the players got
advantage on all of their performance checks, they receive
and additional (25 x APL) gold at the end of the tournament

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The Scripts Dialog

Rivaldes’s Group Rivaldes (relieved): After that filthy bog it is wonderful to be
Major Character on solid ground again! Though I will admit I have no idea
Rivaldes, The Princess in Green. Rivaldes is a beautiful fey where we are!
princess from the city of Nayala. She wears a beautiful tiara Celes (reassuring): Don’t worry, Rivaldes, we will find our
of vines and glowing green leaves. This tiara combined with a way to people! I’m sure one of them will be willing to help us!
beautiful dress that shifts color to match the forest assures You are so beautiful that these mortal men will jump at the
that Rivaldes appears regal. She has come to this world in opportunity to impress you!
search of a hero that can help save her people from a horrible Rivaldes (annoyed): I don’t want them to aid us to impress
blight. She is a confident, powerful woman. She put her trust me, Celes. I want them to aid us because they are pure of
in another and it led to the plight that currently plagues her heart and want to see our world made whole again. I just
people, so she is hesitant to trust humans of this world. question whether there are any people who meet that criteria
Minor Characters
left in this horrid place. Their trees don’t even speak to me!
Celes (reassuring): You don’t give these people enough
Celes, Rivaldes’s Toucan Companion. Celes is Rivaldes’s credit, Rivaldes. Just because Traxler was -
loyal friend and has been with her for over twenty years. Narrator: There is a loud crack of sticks crunching
Celes speaks incredibly quickly in a high pitched voice that is underfoot and the clank of metal rings through the forest.
easy to understand despite coming from a bird. She tries to Celes and Rivaldes hide behind one of the trees in the
be a voice of encouragement to the princess that is now so background of the scene. Sir Laranot, Argus, and Dawnbright
distrusting of those she must rely on for help. Celes hates enter the scene from the left of the stage. Argus is notably
seeing her friend suffer and will do whatever it takes to bring wearing a comically large backpack.
happiness and faith back to Rivaldes. Sir Laranot (amused): If you can’t carry that bag then you
Silva, The Forest Spirit. Rivaldes prays to Silva when she will never be ready to don a set of plate mail, young Argus!
is in need of guidance. The once glorious Forest Spirit’s Argus (straining): With all due respect, sir. I’m not sure
power has begun to wane with the blight brought to Nayala carrying a giant bag of boulders is comparable!
by Traxler. He is the entity that grants Rivaldes her Sir Laranot (amused): Alright then, let’s take a break here
spellcasting abilities and tries to guide her down the path of before you go and collapse on me!
an Emerald Queen. He speaks in a slow, steady voice and Narrator: Sir Laranot takes off Dawnbright and takes a
provides advice to the princess when she needs guidance. seat on a tree near where Rivaldes and Celes are hidden.
Argus (relieved): Thank the gods, I wasn’t going to make it
Laranot’s Group much further.
Major Character Narrator: Argus drops the bag to the ground and is
Sir Laranot, The Hero of Raythorn. Sir Laranot is a brave accompanied by a loud bass drum hit.
and noble knight that has proven his worth on and off of the Argus (excited): I believe it is time to eat! This jerky we got
battlefield. In over fifteen years he was never on the losing from the last town is so delicious.
side of a battle . . . but a few months ago it finally happened. Narrator: Dawnbright begins to glow, flickering as it
He was challenged to a duel to end a conflict between speaks.
kingdoms. A duel he lost because of his arrogance. Sir Dawnbright (calm, then excited): Perhaps not, young
Laranot decided to journey into the wilderness to reflect after squire. We are not alone in this forest. I sense another here.
the humiliating defeat. He wears a shining suit of plate mail A powerful presence - a foreign presence!
and wields a glimmering sentient sword called Dawnbright. Narrator: Sir Laranot jumps back to his feet and
He speaks in a confident, stern voice - the voice of a warrior. unsheathes Dawnbright.
Sir Laranot (cautiously): Who goes there!? Show
Minor Characters yourselves or be slain!
Dawnbright, Sir Laranot’s Sword. Dawnbright is the sword Narrator: Celes comes flying out from behind the tree!
Sir Laranot claimed after facing the Trial of Champions. It Celes (panicked): No need for that, we are friendly! Please
sees valor and protecting the weak as the ultimate goal for don’t attack! (whispering) Rivaldes is already frightened
any knight and will constantly press Laranot to go to the aid enough of your kind. Let’s not give her more reasons!
of those who may not be able to help themselves, even if it Rivaldes (frightened): What do you think, Silva? Can they
means going up against great danger. Dawnbright has a be trusted?
slightly feminine voice and uses firm, but encouraging, words Narrator: Silva steps out from beyond a nearby tree,
to guide Laranot down the path it sees best. standing behind a partially translucent sheet with a backlight
Argus, Sir Laranot’s Squire. Argus is Laranot’s squire to make him appear glowing. The rest of the characters in the
and has been training under him for two years. He is a mere scene freeze as a new conversation begins.
sixteen years of age and still has much to learn. He is not
confident in his own skills at all. Argus sees Laranot almost
as a deity despite what happened in the dueling arena and
wishes more than anything for him to return to his old self.
His voice is still high pitched and always filled with
excitement, even when nervous! 15/27 15
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Silva (serene): These are not questions I can answer, child of Argus (ironically): Says the ridiculous talking bird. (excited)
the forest. Part of being an effective Emerald Monarch is Let’s do it Sir Laranot! This is the opportunity you need to
making such judgements on one's own. This is a fear you prove yourself again!
must conquer if you hope to claim the throne. Celes (angry): I am no mere bird! I am a lesser spirit of the
Rivaldes (trying to build courage): I know . . . I just . . . I forest and guide to the future Emerald Queen!
can’t get him out of my head. I can’t believe I was so foolish. Narrator: Sir Laranot eyes Argus angrily.
My judgements cannot be trusted. Sir Laranot (apologetic): Forgive us, Lady Rivaldes, he is
Silva (encouraging): A monarch that has never made a still young and requires some training in etiquette!
mistake is a monarch that has never been presented with a Narrator: Rivaldes lets her determined and confident
challenge. Leadership is not always making the right choice, facade break for a moment as she giggles.
but learning from our mistakes and persisting regardless of Rivaldes (playful, then serious): It is quite alright. Celes is
the past. The past is a tool, not a weapon! an anomaly in your world. As am I. But as we stand here and
Rivaldes (still frightened): But what if this human is like . . speak, the forests of my lands decay further. Soon my people
. him. will fade as the trees they worship turn to dust. I cannot fight
Silva (sternly): Traxler. this evil on my own.
Narrator: Rivaldes shivers. Narrator: Silva illuminates once again in the background.
Silva (calmly): If you cannot speak his name, he still Silva (encouraging): Do it! Take the leap of faith for your
controls you. Your journey is far from over and it will likely people!
only grow more difficult, but your people need you. Every Narrator: Rivaldes takes a deep breath.
moment wasted is another tree lost to the blight. Rivaldes (confidently): Will you be the champion my
Narrator: Rivaldes takes a deep breath and time resumes realm needs and fight alongside me?
for the rest of the characters in the scene. Narrator: Dawnbright explodes with light.
Rivaldes (confidently): I am princess Rivaldes of Nayala, Dawnbright (ecstatic): Of course he will!
future Emerald Queen and protector of the forest. You need Argus (happily): If this doesn’t break you out of this slump,
not fear me, human. I don’t know what will.
Narrator: A green light pans and illuminates Rivaldes. Sir Celes (happily): Looks like the spirits of luck may be on
Laranot and Argus both gasp in awe of her beauty. our side as well, Rivaldes!
Sir Laranot (astonished): I am Sir Laranot and this is my Narrator: Sir Laranot grabs Dawnbtight and slams the
squire, Argus. I don’t believe I have ever heard of a fey blade into the ground as he kneels before Rivaldes. Argus
princess. What brings you to our realm, my lady? falls to one knee as well, a wide grin across his face as he
Rivaldes (regal): My people are under attack by a terrible, bows before the fey princess. Rivaldes goes alight with
malevolent force from your world. A dark sorcerer by the emerald energy and we see Silva disappear into a burst of
name of Traxler. I seek the aid of brave warriors that may be leaves in the background.
able to help save my people! Sir Laranot (powerfully): You have my blade and my
Narrator: Dawnbright pulses brightly with energy. dedication. The sorcerer that has a stranglehold on your
Darnbright (eager): A maiden in need of aid! We have no home shall taste the steel of Dawnbright before the end of
choice but to respond to her call! this. I will slay this evil on your behalf or die trying! I swear
Celes (confused): Who was it that spoke just now? I did this oath to you, Lady Rivaldes.
not see the mouths of the humans move! Rivaldes (smiling): Excellent. Then rise, my champion,
and let’s prepare for what comes next!
Narrator: End of scene

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Fishing Frenzy
The two competing groups are taken to Lake Orenska near the northern edge of the town. To the east of the lake is a moderately
sized forest that is protected by the city from any additional developments. They wanted to maintain some of the natural beauty of
the area even as the city grew. There are numerous docks surrounding Lake Orenska. These are mostly used to take boats out on
the lake for leisure fishing and romantic excursions.
For this event, the players will be given access to a boat and basic fishing equipment but no bait. They are not permitted to
purchase bait and must find it themselves in the forest or shallow waters. They must then use this bait to go and try to catch the
largest fish. The competitors are given ninety minutes to get this done! They must be back at the docks at the end of the ninety
minutes or none of their fish count!
The lake is filled primarily with bluegill, largemouth bass, and catfish. The catfish are the largest of the potential fish but also the
most difficult to catch. Largemouth bass are also quite big and can easily win the competition. Catching a bluegill is simply a
backup in case you can get nothing else. Bluegill can also be used as bait for catfish! The players will need to use their knowledge
of nature, their survival skills, and a bit of luck if they hope to come out the winners of the Fishing Frenzy!
Gathering Bait
The first step of the tournament is to gather bait. There are many different options in the forest and the shallows of the lake.
Different baits work better on different types of fish. For simplicity, we will narrow this down to just a few options. Each time your
players make a check to find a type of bait, it takes 5 minutes. On a success, they get enough for 2 skills checks of fishing. On a fail,
they get enough for 1.
Do not show the chart below to your players, but any of them can make an Intelligence (Nature) check or a Wisdom (Survival)
check to gain general information about what types of fish prefer specific baits. You can also give them insight as to which are
“better” and which are “more difficult to obtain” using the chart below (but never give specific numbers).
Bait Name Location Effective For Survival Check DC Fishing Check Bonus
Nightcrawlers Forest ALL DC 5 +3
Crickets Forest Bluegill, Bass DC 8 +4
Frogs Shallow Water Bass, Catfish DC 10 +5
Crayfish Shallow Water Catfish DC 13 +6
Minnows Shallow Water Bass, Catfish DC 16 +8
Bluegill Deep Water Catfish N/A [Caught via fishing] +10

Picking a Spot
Once the players have gathered their bait, they can head out to the boat and get ready to do some fishing. There is a map sitting on
the seat of the boat along with oars and two fishing poles. There are replacement hooks, fishing lines, and sinkers as well. The
boat can seat up to six, though with that many it is quite crowded! A smaller boat with a judge follows after the party to ensure they
do not cheat in their catching of fish.
The map in the boat shows some of the key fishing spots in the area. The markers simply communicate the location and the
distance from the docks. Any player can make an Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check to learn more about these
locations. On a result of 10 or more, they learn the types of fish that are likely to be at each location. On a result of 15 or more,
they learn that bluegill can be caught and used as bait for catfish. On a result of 20 or more, they learn relative odds of getting
snagged at each location.
Location Distance From Dock Bluegill DC Bass DC Catfish DC Snag Range Size Modifier
Open Waters 0 minutes DC 15 DC 22 DC 30 N/A 1d6
The Shaded Cove 10 minutes DC 12 DC 20 DC 28 1-2 1d6
Lily Pad Inlet 10 minutes DC 10 DC 18 DC 26 1-4 1d10
The Sunken Ship 10 minutes N/A N/A DC 22 1-6 2d6
Fallen Logs Cluster 15 minutes N/A DC 16 DC 25 1-8 2d8 17/27 17
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Fishing! A Winner Declared

When the party arrive at an area, they can immediately begin Once one of the teams has reached three victories in the
casting. Each competitor that is fishing (maximum 2) gets to Gauntlet, they are declared the winner. Both of the teams are
make 1 check every 5 minutes, assuming they have the gathered in the square of the town where there is a ceremony
required bait. A fishing check is a d20 + (Wisdom Mod or in front of all of the fans they have earned over the course of
Dexterity Mod) + Bait Modifier. If the raw d20 value is within the competition. Tydallen (from the cooking contest) is the
the snag range for the area, the line breaks and that spokesperson for this as well. He will recap all of the events,
character loses 5 minutes as they restring or add new tackle the winners, and any spectacular feats the parties
to their pole. This occurs even if the total roll exceeds the accomplished (spectacular being those that earned additional
DC to catch a fish! These spots are high risk, high gold).
reward! Otherwise, the type of fish is of the type of the He will then give each of the members of the winning team
highest DC that is passed by the check. a special gold leaf token, similar to the copper leaf the party
Determining Size
received when they arrived in the city. Tydallen looks to the
Each type of fish has a base length. You then get to add a the crowd and speaks. “This Gladiator Gold Leaf is good for one
size modifier for the area to this length. round of free drinks for every person in the tavern at any of
our fine establishments during the Harvest Festival, so you
Bluegill - 2 inches may want to find out where this bunch is staying tonight!”
Bass - 5 inches The group that gets second place receives a set of
Catfish - 8 inches Gladiator Silver Leaves. Each of these are good for ten drinks
at any tavern in the city during the harvest festival.
Back to the Docks
Remember, your fish only count if you get back to the docks Once these rewards have been given out, two men carry a
before the 90 minutes is up! So be sure your players are chest out onto the stage. The gold that the party initial paid to
aware of how much time is left in the competition so they can enter the competition has been converted into silver and
plan accordingly! If they want to press their luck, they can copper to fill this chest to the point of overflowing. The men
perform a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to try and get sit it down in front of the winning team and Tydallen calls for
back to the docks in half the time, but on a fail they do not one final round of applause for the winners before ushering
make it and are disqualified! everyone off stage.
The Saviors will spend the entirety of their fishing
adventure out at the Lily Pad Inlet. They manage to catch 2 Additional Rewards
bluegill, 2 bass, and 1 catfish. Roll the size of these fish (using Tydallen will then call over both groups. His hyper energetic
the base lengths plus a d10 for the area) and see which one is and excited demeanor fades and he talks to the party like a
the largest! Compare their largest fish to the party’s largest normal person. “Great work out there, both of you. Take
fish and declare a winner! these scrolls over to the Festival Treasury and they will get
If the party manages to catch a fish of at least 15 inches, the rest of your gold paid to you. You can also trade out all of
they earn an extra (10 x APL) gold at the end of the that silver and copper for gold and platinum while you are
tournament. If they catch a fish of at least 18 inches, they there.” He hands each of the teams a scroll and gives them a
earn an additional (20 x APL) gold at the end of the bow before going off to mingle with the crowds.
tournament! Calculate the amount of gold your party is to receive based
on their APL, the number of rounds in the competition, and
Drawing It Out the additional rewards they may have earned during events.
The first team to three victories across events is the winner!
Whenever the PCs are at two wins, if the Saviors are behind, Saviors Sendoff
they will have an aside with the party. Marco will tell them Win or lose, the Saviors are quite gracious after the
that their bouts have been pretty popular and they could all competition. There will be some trash talk about how they
make a decent amount of money if the contest went as long gave the party a run for their money or perhaps stating that
as possible. He will suggest the party takes a dive so they can they should meet up again next year for a rematch. They will
even things up 2-2 before the final event to draw the largest invite the party to the tavern where they offer to buy everyone
crowds! It is up to the party whether or not they want to go a round of drinks with their coins and get to know each other
through with it, though. a bit better. You can play this out if you’d like or simply skip
over this bit if you are running low on time!

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Triple A (Ankhor Apple Ales)

Other Festival Activities! Ankhor is famous for its apple orchards and its apple ale
As mentioned at the beginning of this module, there is more alone draws in crowds from all around. There are a few key
to do at this festival than simply the Gladiator’s Gauntlet. variations of the ale - red, green, and purple. Red is a stronger
There are all kinds of games the party can indulge in as well drink with a crisp taste. The green is sweet with a bit of a
as specialty food and drinks! Depending on your time sour aftertaste and not nearly as strong as red. Purple is a
constraints, you can simply guide your players from event to careful mixture of the two that creates a strong, but sweet
event, but if you want to play out the downtime, feel free to drink. The purple is often seen as the most dangerous as it
see the sections below for some extra fun! tastes delicious and it is easy to overdrink because it is
unclear just how much alcohol is being consumed.
Specialty Products Food
Drinks The Gauntlet Food Challenge
Dragonflame Brew This 1 gold meal is sure to put your stomach to the test.
An extra spicy beverage made with just a hint of dragon There are six courses to this challenge - a heaping bowl of
pepper that leaves a nice burn. People are warned not to chips and fire giant salsa, a bowl of duck egg soup, a serving
chug the beverage, as those who are not prepared can of catfish, a spinach salad with mushrooms, a sixteen ounce
sometimes pass out from the heat. Usually consumed with an owlbear steak, and finally a fruit salad with whipped topping!
Ice Giant Ale to provide a cooldown afterwards. This combo Anyone who finishes the entire meal (DC 20 Constitution
is served at most taverns and is called a Remorhaz. saving throw) gets their name up on the wall of the restaurant
and five free game tokens!
Ice Giant Ale
This brew made with a glacial root only found up in the Dragon Wings
mountains remains icy cool even on the hottest of days. It is The name typically draws in tourists who think they are going
quite strong, even more so if the root is left out in the heat for to be eating deep-fried dragon’s wings, when in reality these
a few days before being crushed and added to the drink. are merely chicken or duck wings spiced with the dragon
Often paired with Dragonflame Brew as it provides a cooling peppers grown in the area. These wings provide quite the
effect to the other drink’s heat. This combo is served at most kick and a server is always sure to suggest a tall glass of milk
taverns and is called a Remorhaz. to go with the meal!
The Bog The Ramslay Special
This is a drink typically served only during the Festival and is The signature dish of the city’s famous half-orc chef,
as far from a delicacy as one can get. Patrons of the bar order Goredawn Ramslay. It a simple dish that is brought to life
five drinks or any variety. The bartender then pulls out a primarily by the spices and rubs used on the three different
special bowl that contains thick spheres of ice. All of the types of meat on the dish. It contains a slab of thick cut
alcohols are poured together into this bowl and the ice forms bacon, a medium rare steak, and a serving of bass on a bed of
“islands” in the dark mixture of drinks. Patrons then put the rice with a side of roasted spirit sprouts. All of these are
drink at the center of the table and get refills as needed. It products from within the city’s bounds.
tastes foul, but will get you intoxicated in a hurry.
Spiked Apple Pie
Mindwarp Whiskey (Limit 1 per guest) These delicious apple pies are served at many booths after
This whiskey is served neat in a small glass. It is made using the ordinary festival events have come to a close for the day.
a bit of blood from a slain beholder. This drink is high brow, The apples used to make the wine are soaked in alcohol for a
typically costing ~2 gold for one drink. Fifteen minutes after few days before being used and it is cooked with some
downing the drink, the consumer will start to have vivid Ankhor apple ale. The result is an apple pie that is delicious
hallucinations. It also provides a sense of euphoria if but comes with a kick!
consumed at exactly the amount given in a shot. This persists
for a full hour before wearing off. If someone is sneaky and Goblin Balls
has someone bring them a second shot, these visions quickly Fortunately for festival attendees, these sweet treats contain
become nightmares and can lead to permanent insanity. no actual goblin parts. The interior is a deep fried dough ball
with a nice crunch. The dough ball is then dipped in a sweet
cream cheese and wrapped in a thin, flavorless leaf that is
found on the trees around Lake Orenska. These are folded in
such a way that they cover the dough ball and end in two little
points that resemble goblin ears. Some restaurants will also
add two little dabs of chocolate to give them eyes and make a
full goblin head of the treat. These are usually served by the
dozen or half-dozen and sometimes on a large skewer! 19/27 19
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Game Booths
There are many game booths scattered all throughout Ankhor. Each of them have some minor prizes as well as the chance to win
a Grand Prize Ticket! At the center of town is a Grand Prize Wheel where festival-goers can turn in these tickets for a chance to
spin for one of many fabulous prizes including up to 100 gold or 25% off any purchase of a magical item!
The mini-games also each have their own Harvest Festival Patches! In addition to being able to sew these stylish patches onto
your outfits, those who have obtained multiple patches get additional spins on the Grand Prize Wheel! Be sure to collect all nine to
show off how much fun you had at the festival and to get additional chances to win big!
Buying Patches
Many don’t care about the special festival patches as much as others. It is technically against the rules of the festival to get badges
in ways other than earning them yourself . . . but many people do so regardless. Some patches cost more than others to obtain. See
the chart below to determine the cost to buy a patch and how much the players can make if they sell the ones they collected!
Game Patch Buy Price Sell Price
Hammer Slam Hammer 5 gold 3 gold
Dagger Toss Dagger 5 gold 3 gold
Hot Pepper Challenge Dragon Pepper 5 gold 3 gold
Drop in the Bucket Mug 5 gold 3 gold
Cake Walk Cupcake 3 gold 15 silver
Ferret Races Ferret 4 gold 2 gold
Duck Pond Duck 1 gold 5 silver
Copper Mines Pickaxe 5 gold 3 gold
Fishing in the Void Fishing Pole 3 gold 15 silver

Buying Grand Prize Tickets!

It is in even worse spirit to buy a Grand Prize Ticket rather than earn it, but once again people do it and if you know who to talk to
you can buy or sell them. Members of this organization will buy tickets for 3 gold each and sell them for 10 gold.

Hammer Slam
Each play of this game costs 1 silver. The player is given a large sledge hammer and can smash it down on a device that will send a
counterweight up to hit a bell. A player that manages to hit the bell can choose to play again to increase the difficulty and to receive
a better prize. They must pay the 1 silver again to do so. They are free to walk away after any stage and receive the current prize. If
they fail to hit the bell on the new difficulty, the player receives no prizes! There are 5 stages in total.
Each time a player swings the hammer they make a raw strength check.
Stages and Prizes
Stage Strength check DC Prize
1 10 A small bag of rock candies.
2 12 A certificate to get a steak dinner at any restaurant in town.
3 14 A miniature version of the game with tiny mallet and bell mechanism.
4 16 A special Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit. It depicts a Hammer.
5 18 A Grand Prize Ticket and a Hammer patch! On additional wins, the player instead receives a
certificate for a free weapon engraving and a Hammer patch.

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Dagger Toss
Each play of this game costs 1 silver. The player is given three daggers to throw at one of two targets. They must make attack rolls
with the dagger to hit the target, receiving different amounts of points based on the accuracy of their throws. They receive prizes
depending on the number of points earned during the game.
One of the targets is 20 feet away from the counter. There are three point values for this close-range target. The outer ring is
worth one point, the secondary ring is worth two points, and the central circle is worth three points.
The other target is 60 feet away from the counter. There are three point values for this long-range target. The outer ring is worth
one point, the secondary ring is worth three points, and the central circle is worth five points. Keep in mind that 60 feet is long-
range for a dagger! These attacks are made with disadvantage which makes three inner-ring hits quite challenging!
Target Outer Ring AC Secondary Ring AC Inner Circle AC
Short-Range 8 10 13
Long-Range 10 12 15

Total Score Prize
<5 No prize!
6-8 A toy dagger.
9-11 A toothpick crossbow.
12-14 A special Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit. It depicts a Dagger.
15 A Grand Prize Ticket and a Dagger patch! On additional wins, the player instead receives a certificate for a
free weapon engraving and a Dagger patch.

The Hot Pepper Challenge

The cost to take on this challenge is 1 silver piece. The challenger approaches a stand with a line of progressively hot peppers. The
challenger must take a bite of the pepper and then wait thirty seconds without taking a drink of ice cold milk that is sat before
them. If they manage to beat the heat, they can drink the milk and select a prize. Otherwise, they can pay the 1 silver again and try
the next pepper! If the challenger ever caves and has to drink the milk without enduring the full thirty seconds, they leave the
booth with no prizes and some tears in their eyes!
Stages and Prizes
Type of Constitution saving
Stage Pepper throw DC Prize
1 Magmin 10 A bag of magmin peppers
2 Hellhound 13 A bag containing one of each of the peppers from the booth
3 Efreeti 15 A flame mephit stuffed animal and choice of ten peppers.
4 Fire Giant 17 A special Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit. It depicts a Dragon
5 Dragon 20 A Grand Prize Ticket and a Dragon Pepper patch! On additional wins, the player
instead receives a choice of forty peppers and a Dragon Pepper patch. 21/27 21
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Drop In the Bucket

The cost of this booth is 1 silver piece. There is a large, clear container that is partially filled with beer. It has strange proportions
with domed pockets along the outside and some adjustable pieces that can dramatically adjust the shape of the container. Once
you have paid your fee, you choose from a huge set of wooden mugs on the counter. Each of these mugs has a number painted on
the bottom of it. This number represents how many mugs of beer you think are in the container. These mugs are numbered from
25 to 60. Once enough of the mugs have been taken, the man behind the counter will start filling the mugs of competitors and
counting them off until the keg is empty!
To play this game, roll 5d8 + 20. This number determines how many mugs of beer are in the container. The players can then
walk up and examine the strange container and try to determine exactly how much is inside. Have these players make an
Intelligence check and consult the table below for results. Each player in the group that wants to compete in this round of this
mini-game must roll at the same time and you give information from lowest to highest for the Intelligence checks.
Gathing Info
check total Information
<5 You know it is at least 25 . . . but that is about it.
6-15 Roll a d10. Then randomly decide to add or sutract the value from the actual result. Tell the player that the
true amount is within 10 of that number.
16-20 Roll a d6. Then randomly decide to add or sutract the value from the actual result. Tell the player that the true
amount is within 6 of that number.
20-23 Roll a d4. Then randomly decide to add or sutract the value from the actual result. Tell the player that the true
amount is within 4 of that number.
24+ The player knows the exact amount.

Distance From
Actual Amount Prize
5+ No prize! But you got a drink out of it!
4-3 A coupon good for 6 mugs of beer at any local Ankhor brewery.
2-1 A special Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit. It depicts a Mug.
0 A Grand Prize Ticket and an Mug patch! On additional wins, the player instead receives an Mug patch and
a beautiful silver mug engraved with scenes from the Harvest Festival. This mug provides a 1 copper
discount on all drinks from local brewers for life!

Cake Walk
The entry cost for this event is 5 copper. There is a large circular walkway around an area with 50 painted squares, each with a
number written upon it (starting at 1 and ending at 50). Participants in the event will have to choose a square for themselves and
claim it.
Once all of the squares have been filled up, a nearby band starts playing music and people walk around the path until the music
stops about a minute later. Each player progresses 2d20 + 10 squares during this time. Once the players go above 50, they
immediately wraps back around to 1. So if a player started on 40 and the progressed 17 squares, they are now on square 7.
Once everyone has determined their new square, roll a d100 and determine the winner. (If you roll above a 50 on your d100,
simply subtract 50 from the result). They will call a total of 5 numbers and give out prizes before they clear out the area and start
another Cake Walk!
Order Prize
1st Winner A Grand Prize Ticket and choice of a certificate for a custom large cake that serves 24 or a special
Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit. It depicts a Cupcake. On additional wins, the
player instead receives the certificate and the Cupcake patch.
2nd Winner Certificate for a customized large cake cakes serve 24.
3rd Winner Certificate for a customized medium cake that serves 12.
4th Winner A box containing a baker’s dozen beautiful cupcakes.
5th Winner A box containing six beautiful cupcakes.

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Ferret Races
The cost to participate in this booth is 2 silver. There is a large counter with “Ferret Races” written on a sign over it, but behind it
is a massive network of tubes and obstacles. Running around in a play area adjacent to this obstacle course are a dozen ferrets
with varying colors and patterns. Some are sleeping out in the sunlight while others twist and dance as they play.
Every fifteen minutes there is a race. The ferrets are gathered up and put at the beginning of the obstacle course. The first ferret
to make it back to the play area is the winner! The ferrets each have different payouts for winning the race based on their general
performance. The slowest and most easily distracted of the ferrets comes with a special prize for all that bet on him if he wins - a
Grand Prize Ticket!
When the race begins, roll a d100 to determine which ferret is the winner. The amount shown is what is given back to the
person betting on the race when it is complete if their ferret wins the race, otherwise they walk away with nothing. If Oatmeal wins
the race multiple times, players get 90 silver on all additional wins.
Name Payout Winning Range Name Payout Winning Range
Pancake 12 silver 1-15 Cupcake 14 silver 55-67
Waffle 36 silver 16-20 Donut 13 silver 68-83
Crepe 18 silver 21-30 Bearclaw 45 silver 84-87
Gravy 24 silver 31-38 Muffin 24 silver 88-95
Biscuit 21 silver 39-47 Bagel 60 silver 96-98
Syrup 28 silver 48-54 Oatmeal Grand Prize Ticket! 99-100

Describe the race in great detail. A few of them start running out of the gates, but it doesn’t take long before they get distracted,
start fighting, run backwards, or even pass out atop the obstacles. The racecourse is less than fifty feet long in total, but can take
up to 5 minutes for a winner to be chosen as the ferrets run around in chaos.
Each round, one of the ferrets is given a special harvest festival vest to wear. Players know which ferret is in this vest before they
place their bets. If that ferret wins the race, anyone that placed a bet on that ferret receives a special harvest festival patch as well
as half of the ordinary payout. This patch depicts a Ferret!

Duck Pond
The cost to play this game is 5 copper. There is simply a small pool filled with carved wooden ducklings - 100 of them in total!
Each of the ducks has a number carved into the bottom of it and those numbers correspond to prizes! Unlike many of the other
events, everyone's a winner at the duck pond! And if you are incredibly lucky, you just might pull the duck labeled 100 which grants
you a Grand Prize Ticket!
Once a player has paid, they simply walk over to the pond, grab a duck, and see the number it has beneath. Have that player roll
a d100 to determine their duck number. Usually the booth owner will let 10 or 15 people choose ducks before calling everyone
over to claim prizes. Once they have been distributed, players put their ducks into a bucket that is dumped into the pond. The
person running the booth then raises a quick barricade and stirs the ducks a bit to make sure no one can track the location of the
high value ducks before the next set of guests attempt to get that Grand Prize Ticket!
Number Prize
1-20 A miniature wooden duckling souvenir.
21-30 A half-dozen fresh duck eggs.
31-40 A bag of egg shaped sour candies.
41-50 A fine hat with a beautiful duck feather plume.
51-60 A hand-carved duck call.
61-70 An adorable duck stuffed animal.
71-75 A jar of homemade duck sauce.
76-80 A dozen fresh duck eggs.
81-85 A finely painted wooden ducking sourvenir.
86-90 A large bag of chocolate egg candies.
91-95 A duck stuffed animal with three ducklings.
96-99 A special Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit. It depicts a Duck
100 A Grand Prize Ticket and a Duck patch. On additional wins, the player instead receives a Duck patch and small
solid silver duckling worth 10 silver. 23/27 23
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Copper Mines
Each play of this game requires a single copper coin. There are rows of these machines scattered all throughout the city. They are
in secured wood and glass boxes and always have a guard standing nearby. Densely packed copper coins line the bottom of each of
the boxes and a mechanism causes a small pickaxe lying on its side to move back and forth in the box. This pickaxe pushes copper
coins towards a ledge at the front of the device that feeds to an open container below where the player can retrieve them. Each
time coins are knocked down, a few of them are filtered off to side compartments that are kept by the game booth owner.
There are signs on the front of each of the machines that warn players to not shake the box. The city is quite strict on this and it
is considered theft to do so! The guards near the device will haul off anyone who tries to rob the game booth of its coins through
such methods! Magical cheating practices fall under this as well, but is sometimes harder for the guards to spot. Stealing the coins
from a single Copper Mines machine yields (1d4 x 100) + 4d6 copper coins.
To play the game in the traditional fashion, a player needs to merely drop a coin through a slot at the top of the box. This coin
falls down and adds to the coins along the bottom of the box. The pickaxe then slides in and uses this new coin to push the others
closer to the edge! With each new coin added, there is a chance that some of those near the edge will fall. Sometimes a player will
get lucky, but other times the coins will stack up in frustrating ways!
Each time a player puts a coin in the machine there is a chance for a win. The player wins only if they roll the max value on
the corresponding die! See the chart below to determine which type of die they should roll. Any time a player walks up to a
machine that “looks good” or has some coins teetering near the edge, start them out with 10 attempts. There will only be about 3
of these machines at any cluster. The rest are “fresh” and will start at 0 attempts.
Total Attempts Die Payout
0-9 d20 1d6 copper
10-18 d10 2d4 copper
19-24 d6 3d4 copper
25+ d4 4d4 copper

Each of these machines also have special prize coins stacked on top of the copper coins to encourage more play. These coins
can be exchanged at the booth for the special prize depicted on it. These coins are kept face down so a player won’t know what it is
until they win! This prize coin can be any from the table below! Whenever a player wins any amount of coins on a machine, have
them roll an additional d10. On a result of 10, a special prize coin falls down as well!
Roll a d6 and consult the table below to determine what sort of prize is awarded from the coin!
Result Prize
1 Mystery Bag! Contains a random prize from below and a 25% chance to contain a Grand Prize Ticket as well!
2 A miniature pickaxe with a silver head worth 3 silver.
3 A coupon for a 30 minute footrub at the Dryad’s Allure Massage Parlor.
4 A strip of special tokens that give one free play at five other game booths!
5 A Gladiator Silver Coin. Good for ten regular drinks at any tavern in the city.
6 A special Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit. It depicts a Pickaxe.

Fishing in the Void

Each play of this game is 1 silver. The player is given a fishing pole with a blunted claw on the end of it. They must stand behind a
counter as they lower the claw into a bag roughly a foot wide. The claw disappears into an extra dimensional space and the player
tries to fish out something good! Players are given ten seconds before they must pull the claw back out of the bag. Roll a d100 to
determine prizes!
d20 Result Prize
1-32 Better luck next time! The claw came back empty.
33-66 A pouch containing 2d6 copper coins!
67-70 A stuffed animal owlbear!
71-75 A stuffed animal catfish!
76-80 A stuffed animal ferret!
81-85 A frosted glass Harvest Festival mug!
86-90 Two Harvest Festival shot glasses (tied together with twine).
91-95 A small plastic cupcake that can be traded for four cupcakes at Daria’s Dessert Destination!
96-98 A special Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit. It depicts a Fishing Pole.
99-100 A Grand Prize Ticket and a Fishing Pole patch! On additional wins, the player instead receives a Master
Fisherman patch and a bag containing 2d4 silver coins.
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The Grand Prize Wheel!

The grand prize wheel at the center of town is nearly six feet across and is covered in colorful decorations. Some sections are
much larger than others, but there are all kinds of valuable prizes spread across the wheel. There is one tiny sliver at the top of the
wheel that simply has a picture of a stack of gold coins painted on it.
Off to the side of the wheel is a stone building locked up tight with numerous armed guards standing at the ready. A sign over it
reads “Prize Shed”. Fiendish players may hope to break into this shed to steal the prizes! It contains roughly 1,000 gold worth of
coins and coupons but is constantly under watch.
Many folks gather around to watch others try to win big on the wheel. When you players arrive at the wheel, they will need to
hand their ticket to a beautiful woman standing nearby. She will guide the player over to the wheel and get the crowd excited about
the fabulous prizes available! A player ordinarily get to spin the wheel one time, but if they have gathered a few of the infamous
Harvest Festival patches, they get additional spins and get to choose the reward they like best. The player gets 1 additional spin of
the wheel for every 3 unique Harvest Festival patches they have acquired! Have the player roll the appropriate number of d100s
and consult the table below for their prize!
d100 Result Prize
1-15 A free night’s stay at The Estate Inn with complimentary breakfast. The finest Inn in the city! A 3 gold
16-40 An hour long full-body massage at the Dryad’s Allure Massage Parlor. A 2 gold value!
41-50 Four Free Tickets to the Tavern Crawl! An event each evening where guests are carted around to a dozen
different bars and are served their specialty drinks! A 4 gold value!
51-55 A bag containing 10d10 silver pieces!
56-75 A ticket for VIP seating at all six of the Gladiator’s Gauntlet events! A 5 gold value!
76-95 The Gauntlet Survival Pack! A crate of goods containing Cook’s Utensils, a fishing pole and tackle, a
quiver of arrows, a fine dagger, a miniature lance, and a book containing the story of The Desolation of
Nayala. A 10 gold value!
96-99 Coupon for 25% off an item costing 50 gold or more at Marick’s Magical Market. 12.5 Gold value
100 A bag containing 10d10 gold pieces!

Once the prize has been won, the woman disappears into the prize shed and comes back out with it a few moments later. She
will give a big speech to the crowd about what a great deal this prize is and how wonderful the establishments are, etc… She is
really just here to advertise!
A player that uses more than 3 golden tickets will be scrutinized as you are only typically expected to win one from each type of
booth. Obtaining more than 3 will often make the guard assume foul play is at hand and that the party is buying their tickets. This
will cause the party to be followed by a pair of guards for the next few hours!
The experience listed below represents a blend of encounters
of all type. Your players will fight creatures and endure a
number of exciting challenges along the way that should
grant them the experience needed to gain a level!
APL 1 - 300 XP per player
APL 2 - 900 XP per player
APL 3 - 2,000 XP per player
APL 4 - 3,500 XP per player
The players are rewarded via a potentially huge amount of
gold. Consult the chart below for a base value and add the
extra gold that my have been earned from ticket sales during
each individual event.
APL 3 Rounds 4 Rounds 5+ Rounds
1 50 Gold 75 Gold 100 Gold
2 100 Gold 150 Gold 200 Gold
3 200 Gold 275 Gold 350 Gold
4 300 Gold 400 Gold 500 Gold 25/27 25
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Savior of Revelheim Stat Blocks

Marco Vargus Eldon Thatch
Medium human fighter, chaotic good Small halfling paladin, lawful good
Armor Class 16 (chain mail) Armor Class 18 (chainmail, shield)
Hit Points 4 + (8 x APL) Hit Points 4 + (8 x APL)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 25 ft.

16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Str +5 Saving Throws Cha +4, Wis +3
Skills Athletics +5, Insight +2, Performance +4, Skills Athletics +4, Intimidation +4, Performance
Persuasion + 4 +4, Religion +3
Senses passive Perception 10 Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Elvish Languages Common, Elvish, Halfling

Actions Actions
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning
damage or 7 (1d10 + 2) bludgeoning damage if
used with two hands.

Relenas Tylina
Medium elf wizard, lawful good

Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)

Milo Thatch
Small halfling rogue, chaotic good
Hit Points 2 + (5 x APL)
Speed 30 ft. Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
Hit Points 4 + (5 x APL)
Speed 25 ft.
7 (-2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +2 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 12 (+1)
Skills Animal Handling +2, Arcana +6, Nature +6,
Stealth +4 Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +3
Senses passive Perception 10 Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +3, Sleight of Hand
Languages Common, Elvish +5, Stealth +7
Senses passive Perception 8
Spellcasting. Relenas is a Wizard. She uses spells to Languages Common, Elvish, Halfling
aid her in certain events during the competition,
but those spells are listed in each of those sections
and depends on your party's APL.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Actions reach 5 ft. or ranged 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5
(1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
(1d4 + 2) piercing damage. 80/32 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing

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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and all other
Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
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All other original material in this work is copyright [2019] by Nerzugal Role-Playing and published under the Community
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