Amery Hill School Newsletter December 2016

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Amery Hill School 

Autumn term 2016 

Visit to Kerid, a volcano crater lake 

The future’s bright 
Amery Hill School’s ‘Paving the Way’ project has won engage with a tangible, renewable energy solution and
the Judges’ Award in a national renewable will help them recognise the opportunities for an
community energy project competition run by innovative off-grid energy technology within high footfall
M&S Energy. areas, regardless of the weather.

Whilst the majority of winners are selected via a public Talking on BBC Radio Surrey, Project Leader,
vote, ‘Paving the Way’ was one of two groups to be Mrs Amanda Denton, commented “Amery Hill School is
awarded the prestigious judges’ prize. The panel of really excited to have won the judges’ award as it will not
judges consisted of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (writer only help to educate our students on the benefits of green
and broadcaster), Sir Ed Davey (Chairman of Mongoose technology but also those of our visiting primary schools
Energy & Former Secretary of State for DECC), Giles and wider community. A massive thank you to everyone
Bristow (Director at Forum for the Future) and Morven who voted for
Smith (Head of Community Investment at SSE). us.”
The project involves installing ‘Pavegen’ floor tiles, in the overleaf on
ICT corridor which will generate electricity from students’ Page 2.
footsteps. The installation will enable students and staff to

Year 7 swing into action 
Mrs Wylie, Headteacher  

Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter. It always makes me I continue to value the support, help and communication
feel immensely proud to read of all of the achievements that we have with our parents. We are just part of the
of our students, in such a wide range of activities and team that support our young people, and parental input is
experiences. I feel that it is particularly special to see our so crucial to their success. This term we have held our
fundraising for such great charities as Children in Need. I first Parent Consultation Group meeting. I am very
am in awe of the resourcefulness and commitment from grateful to the parents that gave up their time and for
students to so many different aspects of school and expressing their views so eloquently. It was an extremely
community life. helpful and successful meeting, and I'm looking forward
to our next one in the Spring Term.
Amery Hill School continues to grow and develop, with
our ethos continually at the fore. Year 11 are deep in I hope you enjoy reading this newsletter and it just
their mocks. Year 10 have begun their GCSE remains for me to wish everyone a very peaceful
courses. Year 9 are now approaching their Option Christmas time and a successful New Year.
season, with Year 8 showing that they truly
are shining examples to the new Year 7, who have
settled in incredibly well. I would like to thank all the new
parents who have helped with this smooth transition, as
well as Mr Board, Mrs Lee, Year 7 tutors and all the staff.

Head’s Open Mornings 
Following the successful introduction of this informal
drop in, I will be continuing these into the Spring term. I
would like to invite parents to come and meet me to
discuss anything they wish, the last Thursday of each
month, from 9:00am until noon.

New Performing Arts Centre, 
Ex‐Year 11 Presentation Evening at the Maltings, see page 11 
Dining and Kitchen Facilities
We have our planning application approved. We are a Our project includes;
Step Closer to Our Dream.....
 A Theatre
Thank you everyone for supporting us. We are over the  Replacement Dance and Drama Studios
moon! Please visit our website for further information and  Enlarged replacement Kitchen and Dining facilities
drawings. We are now working on our Condition
Improvement Fund (CIF) application. Each year
academies are able to apply to the Department for These enhanced facilities will enable us to improve
Education (DfE) for funding for capital projects. We know access to all parts of the buildings and curriculum by
that our existing canteen facilities are not fit for purpose every single student. We will also be able to offer a wider
and our application will be for funding to build new selection of subjects in our curriculum. We really are keen
Kitchen and Dining Facilities. We will be fundraising for to further encourage our existing close relationship with
the Performing Arts Centre. our community and will be making these facilities
available to our wider community.

project is one of the most innovative

Paving  the  Way  for  a  greener  projects in the competition this year. The
future continued from front page judges were impressed that a new form of
technology had been proposed, but mostly
The energy harnessed and converted from student and were excited by the prospect of the whole
staff footsteps using the ‘Pavegen’ tiles is an innovative school getting involved to power the
and effective renewable energy source. Not only does the school through just their footsteps.”
system harvest energy but the tiles are fitted with wireless
technology which will provide detailed real-time feedback Damian Hinds, MP for East Hampshire
on the power generated. The energy harvested can be commented “I am delighted to see Amery Hill amongst
used to power low-voltage local applications and we plan the list of Judges’ Winners. My congratulations to the
to use this to light the ICT corridor. team; they should be very proud of themselves and the
judge’s view that this was one of the most innovative
The judging panel were impressed by school’s approach projects in the competition this year. “
to embracing new technology: “The Amery Hill School

Year 7 Adventures to Liddington  

Orange Year News 
Mr Board, Year 7 Progress Leader 

Competitive spirit shines  Extending learning 
What a full and fun start to life at Amery Hill for our Year 7 From day one, students have shown an appetite and
students! They have settled in well and any early willingness to try new things. Our time at Liddington
inhibitions have been pushed aside as their competitive showed them to be prepared to take a risk and many
spirit comes to the fore in a number of inter-tutor group students conquered personal fears. They have also been
challenges. able to learn new skills and have proved particularly
adept in the Science labs, where they have taken part in
National Poetry Day saw poetry come alive with a a number of practical experiments including a chicken
number of raps, dances and musical-minded dissection. No doubt such skills will prove useful in Food
performances in assembly. The winning tutor groups, O1 Technology lessons too!
and O4, celebrated with a lunchtime pizza party, although
the talent on display and performances from all tutor
groups were truly memorable.

The inter-tutor notice board competition also

demonstrated great team spirit with all students
contributing to the task. With lots of creative and
imaginative ideas, it was O4 who proved to have just
gone that extra mile with lots of personal touches to win
the competition.

Students are currently working towards completing

individual Progress Cards and will be rewarded on
completion with an invitation to the Year 7 Christmas film
afternoon. The first tutor group to complete twenty cards The Year 7 footballers
will also win a tutor group prize. (11 a-side) have had a
mixed start to the
Bake a cake for Macmillan  season winning
drawing 1 and losing 2
Well done to all the cake bakers for an amazing spread
games. However, they
and for helping us to raise
show huge potential
£156.47 (£66.54 from Year
through their team spirit,
7 and £89.93 from the staff)
effort and commitment
in aid of Macmillan Cancer
to training. The 5-a-side team have also recently entered
their first competition.

Halloween Disco
Year 7 students with their  Year 11 hosted a very popular Halloween disco for
Year 10 reading buddies,  Year 7 as a fundraiser for their school prom. There were
see page 9 
some AMAZING fancy dress and great dance moves.
After such a busy first term there is still plenty to look
forward to in the new year. A fantastic start to life as
Amery Hill Orange Year - keep it up!
Blue Year News  Media Department News 
Mrs Elliott, Year 8 Progress Leader  Mrs Winch, Head of Media 

Five Diamond Challenge  Hunting for horcruxes 
Blue Year have been working hard in the first term of Year Year 10 ICT and Media Studies students recently visited
8 towards the Five Diamond Challenge. We have the Leavesden film studios of the best-selling book and
established high standards in Year 7 and this has been film sensation Harry Potter. With the original Harry Potter
continued in Year 8 so far. The challenge is to ‘collect’ at car on display at the entrance to the studio, our tour
least five of a possible six ‘Diamonds’ to gain a place on started with Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma
the reward trip to Winchester Christmas market in the final Watson wishing us a pleasant tour (unfortunately not in
week of term. The Diamonds: person) and advising us to look out for the Horcruxes.
 Collect 50 merits
 Collect 10 extracurricular points As we walked through the Studios collecting stamps in our
 Maintain over 95% attendance own Harry Potter Passports, we saw so many magical
 Carry out an act of volunteering or community hand-made sets and costumes; we tasted Butter-Beer; we
service were filmed and photographed riding on brooms across
 Achieve higher than a 2.0 average on the first the sky (using green screen technology); we got to ride on
interim report the Hogwarts Express and even went Horcrux hunting.
We also saw the hard work that goes on behind the
 Have consistently immaculate uniform and all
scenes and how crucial every member of the crew were to
equipment needed for lessons.
make it the brilliant story we all loved so much. It really
In addition to the Five Diamond Challenge, Blue Year have gave us a sense of appreciation for everything the crew
continued their fundraising efforts this term. The year did and a much greater understanding of the film industry.
group ran a successful hot chocolate sale for Children in
Need raising £68.10 for the cause. Our future fundraising One student summed up the day, “It was beyond an
activities this year will be directed towards Cancer amazing experience with so many different things to see
Research, the charity that the year group have chosen to and participate in.” It really was truly magical.

Amery Hill Remembers 
       11:00am, 11th November 

Red Year News 
Mr Gibson, Year 9 Progress Leader 
Thank you to all families of Red Year students who
attended the recent Parents' Consultation Evening. We
hope to see even more of you for Options Evening on
Wednesday 18th January - when students and families
can hear more about the content of all the GCSE option
courses available and the process by which students will
choose their options. In relation to Options, the year
group has heard recently from professionals from many
walks of life (in a series of assemblies organised by the
'Inspiring the Future' Foundation) about the routes they Nicky T
took in their own paths through education and the world
of work.

Amongst the many extra-curricular challenges Red Year

students are involved in this year, we are particularly
excited about the Red Year Battle of the Bands....
Members: Nick (rapper and singer) and Tao (singer)
Introducing the bands  Genre: pop and rap
Members of Red Year were invited to form bands with six Bands that inspire us: 5SOS, Hopsin, WU-TANG CLAN
brave new bands taking part in an introductory workshop What makes us different? We rap and write our own raps.
in early November with mentor Emma, from the Triple T We also started at a young age.
Academy. Emma will work with them fortnightly over the
coming months, to help them develop their musical styles
and their team working skills. Their musical performances
at the workshop suggest some hugely exciting potential
with this project - in the words of Dark Autumn, we will
see where this journey takes us!

Machine Around the Island

Members: Rosemary (guitar/vocals), Olly (guitar/vocals),
Lily (drums) and Bonnie (bass/vocals)
Genre: Emo/punk rock
Our musical influence: Green Day, Panic! At the Disco
and Fall Out Boy
We have all always enjoyed music, especially Green Day
and My Chemical Romance.
Members: James Handley (guitar), Mannie Kirchner
(rhythm guitar), Daisy Jones (bass guitar) and Issy Dark Autumn
Vickery (drums)
Our main influences: The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Nirvana
(we like Kurt Cobain’s songwriting style), The Gorillaz,
Radiohead and Muse.

Members: Abi (singer), Megan (guitarist), Imogen

(keyboards/drums), Rachael (keyboard)
Genre: pop-rock
Our main influences: Green Day and Fallout Boy
Four friends who love having a laugh—we formed a band
to broaden our horizons. Who knows where this journey
will take us?


Mrs Riley, Assistant Head Teacher 
Amelia & Poppy Attendance 
Amery Hill School seeks to ensure that all students receive
a full time education. It is important for families to ensure
that each student attends school regularly and punctually. If
your child is not attending school for any reason,
please advise the school or the Attendance Officer on the
first morning of absence by telephone or e-mail with all the
details. It is appreciated at this time of the year, there are
number of cold/sickness bugs but please advise the
Attendance Officer of any absence. It is also important to
advise the Attendance Officer of any forthcoming medical
appointments and supply a copy of any documentation.

We welcome Mr Rod Ware as the school’s new Attendance

Officer. If you wish to talk to him or require any advice,
please don't hesitate to call him direct on 01420 81301 or
the main school number 01420 84545 or e-mail;

Careers Café 
We were delighted to welcome local and national
businesses, local colleges and professional career
advisers to our regular Careers Café event in October. As
well as providing our students with the opportunity to talk
to employers in the fields they are interested in, students
Member: Amelia (piano, singer) and Poppy (singer)
were able to discover new career/learning options.
Genre: mainly pop music, with our singing as the focus,
and musical instruments to a minimum
Musical influence: Whitney Houston, but we like to make
all our songs our own.

The event was well attended by a broad range of

organisations including Middlesex Aerospace, Waitrose
and Specsavers, as well as representatives from catering,
Only the Harmony business consultancy and journalism industries.

Members: Tasmin (vocals), Megan (vocals), Rachel Last spring our exhibitors included The Cutting Room,
(vocals/piano), Maizie (vocals) Amery Vets, Biscoes Solicitors, Highpoint Recruitment,
Genre: primarily pop with soul and acapella influences! Gascoigne-Pees, Southern Health NHS FT, a registered
Musical influence: Little Mix, Destiny`s Child and Fifth midwife, a social worker, and representatives from The
Harmony Army and Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, among
As individuals, we are all very different and diverse; we all others. We are extremely grateful to all our exhibitors for
bring something to the band. We all have different musical their willingness to help our students in their search for
backgrounds, and we can use them to influence our music their ideal career. If you feel you could support or
style. Together, when we unite, we make one!
Together it just sounds right!
contribute to this, please do contact the school. 

Yellow Year News 
Mr Lewis, Year 10 Progress Leader   
The new academic year has started with a bang and we Mrs Rixon and Mrs Ercan-Razvi for being such good
have been working hard to ensure excellent progress in sports. We all got extremely wet in the name of charity
all aspects of our work. This term the students have and raised just over £70 in twenty minutes. Well done to
begun their GCSE courses with rigour and determination. all involved.
With current educational thinking changing rapidly there
is a lot to consider and I thank those parents able to We are celebrating a successful round of interim reports,
make the GCSE Presentation Evening earlier in the term. proving how determined the students are in achieving
success in their education. The ‘Nifty 50’, comprising of
the top fifty students in the year group for average scores
in Attitude, Behaviour and Homework, have been invited
to a reward trip at the Bowlplex in Basingstoke which will
be fun at the end of a long term. In my experience the
top fifty students can change, so there is all to play for
and I hope to make this reward a regular event.

The Peer Mentors

have been
supporting the Year
7 students
fantastically and I
would like to
personally thank
them for their hard
work and welcoming
approach. They are
The Year group welcomed a theatre company into school busy supporting the
that ran an interactive performance on road safety as part library by acting as reading mentors and I know that they
of our Citizenship Programme. The students will also be have already struck up some strong bonds with our
having careers interviews in order to start thinking about younger students. This completely promotes the caring
their next steps. and supportive ethos we have here at Amery Hill.

Yellow Year have just taken part in Children in Need, and Thank you for your continued support and I wish you a
along with the mufti day, we organised a ‘Sponge the merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
Teacher’ event. Thank you to Mr Daffon, Miss Joyner,

Art Department News 
Ms Miller, Acting Head of Art 
GCSE Art Trip to Oxford 
By Anna Musker 
On Thursday 6th October, all of the Year 10 GCSE Art
students attended a day trip to Oxford, to visit the Pitt
Rivers Museum and the National History Museum beside
it. We explored the Pitt Rivers Museum in the morning
and then after lunch outside the museums, we
investigated the Natural History Museum. We were given
the opportunity to bring any dry materials with us, so
many of us began using collage or sketching the artefacts
around us, as well as individually taking many
photographs. We will work from the photographs in our
class work and coursework, using a variety of different
materials for our topic on collections. I found the trip very
interesting and especially enjoyed seeing all the animals
and skeletons in the Natural History Museum. Everybody
thoroughly enjoyed the trip and we found it very
interesting and useful for developing our art work.

 The Freeman Library News 
It has been a busy term in the Library and we have across the curriculum which could be used to promote
said farewell to Ms Thoma, who had been a librarian at reading at home as well as in school. All the titles listed
the school for over twelve years and welcomed on these lists are available for loan from our school
Mrs Morrish to the library team. Mrs Morrish has worked library, with lists available for parents and students to
in school and public libraries for over twenty years, and is browse via the library page of the school website.
a passionate 'Book Pusher'! Reading for pleasure is a valuable part of any child’s
education and has a significantly positive effect on a
National Poetry Day  student’s ability to tackle a range of texts when it comes
This October we celebrated National Poetry Day with a to KS4. As well this, reading can positively help students
Year 7 tutor group choral speaking competition that saw relax and improve their well-being. I have encouraged all
six tutor groups battle for the Pizza Lunch prize. Poetry students to read regularly at home, as well as in their
was brought to life and much fun was had by all. The library lessons at school, as it is so key to their success.
students in Years 8 and 9 continue to work on creating If you would like to discuss further how to support your
short poems on the theme of “Messages in a Bottle” and child with reading at home please do contact Mrs Lee.  
these will be displayed in the library. Teaching staff also
got involved by reading a favourite poem out at the start
of each lesson.

Reading Focus Week 
Our first KS3 Reading Week this term has focused on
fiction, with an emphasis on enthusing students to read
books which relate to their favourite subject areas around
the school. Teachers used subject-based fiction in
lessons during Reading Week and shared some of their
favourite fiction books through live lunchtime storytelling.
Mrs Hearse has created reading lists for all subjects

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 
Mr Cross, DofE Co‐ordinator 
Expedition training commences!
With the launch of the Bronze Award for students in the
summer term, many of them are well in to their
volunteering, physical activity and skill sections of the
award and it is great to see the amount of progress they
have already made. Hopefully this will help them to it was great to take
complete their Bronze Awards before the work in Year 11 advantage of warmer
becomes more pressing. weather for the initial
local walk. 
Expedition training has commenced this term which
should take some of the pressure off the Spring term and

We're supposed to stick to footpaths but I suggest we make a 
slight deviation here! 

Green Year News 
Miss Keen, Year 11 Progress Leader 
September 2016 marked another gear shift for Green Green Year have also fundraised for our chosen charity
Year as they entered their final year of GCSE study. In ‘Dreams Come True’ with a cake sale. We raised £107
September we launched the ‘Passport to the Prom’ for the charity which will be used to fund positive
scheme where students must achieve 95% attendance to experiences for young people with life limiting illnesses.
be able to purchase a prom ticket. The year group have Thanks to Mrs Moore, Green Year also put up a good
responded well to this incentive and are choosing to fight against staff in the Children in Need netball match
attend revision sessions being run by subject teachers in which they narrowly lost but it was a hard fought battle!
preparation for the mock exams.

In October we launched the mentoring scheme and many

Green Year students opted to receive weekly help from a
member of staff who freely gives their time to support the
student through Year 11. We also welcomed parents in
for the Consultation Evening in October which was an
opportunity for me to praise students who had made
significant improvements in their progress scores since
the end of Year 10.

The Green Year raffle was also held and school staff
nominated students for particular achievements, both
pastorally and academically. Raffle winners were Alf
Hamer (third) for contributions in RS, Owen Stansfield
(second) for completing the best assessment question in Green Year are now sitting their mock exams. We have
the class and Hannah Dailly (first) for PE where she had spent time creating revision timetables and talking about
significantly improved her attitude: well done to our effective balances for life in Year 11. We have also
winners and all the nominees. discussed the fact that Year 11 is about a 7 period day
where there is a ‘revision’ lesson after school every day
The college application process has run smoothly. I have until 4 pm. Students know what we expect from them and
lost count of the many references I have gladly written that this year is challenging. Please do look at our
and I was very pleased that many students followed our website to see the resources we have been using along
advice and applied to college early. Congratulations to all with suggestions of how to deal with the pressure of the
those members of the year group who have already been year and stay calm. After Christmas we only have 17
offered college placements! school weeks left until 1st May. GCSE exams begin the
following week. I feel very proud of all that has been
Year 11 students raised over £170 for the Prom fund by achieved by Green Year so far and I know they will push
organising a Year 7 Halloween Disco; thanks to Francis themselves to achieve their full potential in this final
Searle and the students in delivering a ‘spooktastic’ time. stretch of their secondary education journey.

Let’s think in English 
Mrs Pretsell, Head of English 
Talking about the programme Head of English,
Forward thinking is effective  Mrs Pretsell, commented "The skills which the students
are taught are vitally important for the new GCSE
thinking  English examinations; the programme really helps
Amery Hill School welcomed teaching professionals students develop the reasoning skills needed for success
from over 25 Hampshire schools in November as we in English. A particular feature of the approach to learning
hosted the inaugural session of the 'Let's Think in English' is metacognition (structured reflection) which makes
programme for this academic year. The school has students more aware of their thinking processes. This
commissioned the programme and is a venue in programme trains them to think effectively."
Hampshire for development training.

Developed at King’s College London and delivered by

ThinkTalk English consultant Leah Crawford, the
programme sets out an approach to teaching that
successfully develops the quality and depth of thinking in
the classroom through talk. The lessons enhance
students’ ability to reason in increasingly complex ways,
aiming to ensure they have the resilience and the skills to
cope with the difficult challenges posed by the new GCSE
Presentation Evening at The Maltings 
Mrs Miller, Previous Year 11 Progress Leader
Amery Hill School’s annual Presentation Evening took him paralysed. Dan’s fight and struggle to come to terms
place at The Maltings and celebrated the achievements with his own emotional and physical challenges inspired
of the Class of 2016 who were presented with their GCSE him to pursue his dream of starting apprenticeship-style
certificates by Headteacher, Mrs Elizabeth Wylie, and our training schemes for children living in poverty in Colombia
guest of honour, Mr Dan Eley. and Latin America. His main message was about turning
adversity into opportunity.
Many students were also recognised for their hard work
and effort through Subject Achievement prizes, which Speaking after the event Dan thanked the parents,
were kindly donated by the Amery Hill Association. Other students and school for making him so welcome, “Your
students, including Oliver Hunt and Georgina Clark, were pupils are wonderful - a testimony to your dedicated staff.
commended for their academic and personal The retiring collection raised an amazing £418.17.
achievements through the Governors’ and Progress Please thank everyone and tell them how grateful we are
Leader’s prizes respectfully. Mrs Miller, the outgoing for believing in The Dan Eley Foundation.”
Progress Leader for the year group, commented “It was
lovely to see so many of our ex-students on the evening Our thanks to the Amery Hill Association for kindly
and to hear about their current studies and ambitions for providing the refreshments for the evening and for
the future. We wish all of them every success.” donating all the Award Prizes.

Dan Eley was welcomed as the guest of honour this year

and delivered an inspiring and motivating speech.

Dan, a young man from Surrey, worked as a charity

worker with impoverished children in Latin America
before a diving accident in the Colombian Amazon left

“Your pupils are wonderful ‐ a 
testimony to your dedicated staff”

....turning adversity into opportunity 
 Religious Studies Department 
  Miss Stobbart, Head of RS 
importance of Religious Education; we were also told
Students  challenge  MPs  with   about the REC’s plans for the future, which include an
independent commission on Religious Education in
fresh ideas on RS  schools. After this, the keynote speaker Lord Winston
Two of our RS Ambassadors, Alf Hamer and Monty w a s
Moran, visited the Houses of Parliament at the end of the introduced,
summer term for the inaugural Youth Debate on the role who gave a
of Religious Education in schools. fascinating
speech on the
Mrs Keen who accompanied the students along with importance of
Mr Gerlach said, “Issues relating to RE are never far from faith, its role in
the news headlines. It’s a great subject for a varied and modern Britain
heated debate, and our students presented their views and how he
eloquently and robustly, sharing their own ideas and personally
being challenged by the different opinions and balances his
experiences of other young British people.” Orthodox
Jewish faith
While at the Houses of Parliament, the students had the The RE Young Ambassadors with his work in
chance to meet local MP, Mr Damian Hinds, and to share team with Mrs Keen
science in
their own thinking on the importance and relevance of RE
in a modern society.
Meeting Mr Damian Hinds... ...and speaking during areas such as genetic
the debate modification and fertility

We had the chance to

deliver a talk on our recent
work on the Quaker faith,
which was a collaborative
project with the local Quaker
Meeting House just outside
our school and were able to
discuss our work as RE

At Amery Hill we are still

establishing ourselves as a Guest speakers Dr Alan
Young Ambassadors Conference  group, but have already been Montgomery and Ms Rosemary
Report by Lucy Bayliss and Monty Moran  involved with several projects Harker, from the Farnham
Humanists, with Amery Hill
As part of our role as Young Ambassadors for RE, we and events. Last term we students
participated in the RE Council of England and Wales’ invited two speakers to Amery
Conference at Conway Hall - home to the Ethical Society Hill for a presentation and debate on humanism and how
- in London, which had an overall focus on the idea of being humanists affects their everyday lives. Dr Alan
creating community cohesion and looking at the role of Montgomery and Ms Rosemary Harker, from the
RE in promoting this. We began by being introduced to Farnham Humanists, joined students for a thought-
the role of the RE Council, which is to promote the provoking discussion.

 Reporters club 
  Mrs Winch,  Head of Media 
welcome to submit articles
New edition of The Amery Quill  to the editorial team. We
The latest Amery Quill magazine (Autumn edition) has are always looking for new
just been handed out to tutors groups this week. Our articles and contributors for
student magazine reports on everything from school The Amery Quill Spring
events and local news to book reviews and national edition. Please speak to
issues. We hope that you enjoy reading it. Mrs Winch if you are
The Media Suite is open for reporters to use the
Macs every Monday after school and students are

Children in Need raises £1,167.37    
As keen photographers, Max and
Joseph Duncan found being school
photographer for the
day a great
privilege. “It
provided us with the
opportunity to test a
variety of new
techniques and it
has been a great
first-hand experience.” Well done boys.

Photos courtesy
of Joseph and
Max Duncan

Amery Hill School

  Amery Hill Association  THE AMERY HILL ASSOCIATION

Can you help? 
This term has seen some change to the set up of the
AHA. We say a huge ‘thank you’ to Jane Isaac, Ange
Bray, Sue Bayliss and Fiona Reavley for their work as FRIDAY 3 MARCH 2017 @ 7.30pm in Main Hall
dedicated committee members over a number of years
and welcome parent volunteers Melanie Forrester and Please come and support us, it’s a fun night and our
Clare Hodgson as our new co-ordinators of AHA biggest fund raiser of the year. Money raised will
support the school in many ways including the
Over the past 12 months, the AHA has generously BIG PICNIC 2017
supported many school events, including the Big Picnic,
the Year 11 Presentation Evening buffet and prizes and Single tickets £7.50 ~ Table of 8 £50.00
the bar at music concerts. Funds were raised via the
popular Quiz Night and raffle, which we are repeating this
academic year, to help fund all the above again and the Bring your own nibbles but please support
whole school end of term Big Picnic Celebration. If you our fund raising bar!
have an hour or two and can help at an event please do Tickets can be purchased on-line via the Scopay
contact Melanie ( or Clare website. Book early to avoid disappointment.
( Over 18s only.
We will be putting together a raffle for the Quiz Night on inter-tutor group penny wars competition to help raise
3rd March and we would really appreciate donations from funds for the Big Picnic 2017. More on this to follow, but
parents: bottles, vouchers, toiletries or any items you please do get in contact if you fancy helping. Many
fancy re-gifting after Christmas! We also plan to run an thanks.
 Maths Department News 
     Mr Eacott, Head of Maths  
sent to Manchester where they were put on display at the
Students compete in  Museum of Science and Industry. Our pixels along with
others coloured in by people all over the world were
final of National Competition  helping to build a giant megapixel display organised by
In the summer term, four Year 10 students, Rachel mathematicians Katie Steckles and Matt Parker.
Cooper, Marcie Crawford, Aleisha Lloyd and Ophelia
Moon were selected to represent the school in the
national final of the Edge Hill Maths Challenge. Having
made it through
two preliminary
rounds they
were one of only
twenty groups
nationwide to
reach the final
which took place
at Edge Hill

Accompanied by
Year 11
Year 11 have been working hard all term to prepare for
Miss Joyner and Miss Tank, the girls rehearsed their
the new, demanding GCSE. The buzz of concentration in
presentation on the train journey to Edge Hill University.
lessons has been noticed by visitors to the department,
After a tour of the campus, the girls perfected their role-
especially recently as mock exams draw nearer.
play solution to the pre-published problem – a very
unique approach. The girls presented their solution to
three judges, who congratulated them on their Drop-in sessions in Ma5 on Tuesdays after school are
methodology and performance. Although we didn’t win a very well attended, with many students choosing to
prize, all the girls performed incredibly well and it was a complete their homework at these sessions. There are
real achievement to reach the national final of this also invite-only sessions running on Thursdays for the
competition – congratulations! rest of the term. As well as this, a select group of
students are receiving additional tuition at Alton College.
We're really grateful to Dr David Lynch, Head of Maths at
Mega pixels at Manchester  Alton College, for hosting this.
Students have been learning about pixels and have
participated in a Megapixel event run by Manchester
University. They coloured in some pixels which were

Primary Liaison 
Mr Powell, Deputy Headteacher 
This term we have welcomed Four Marks Primary School
and Andrews Endowed to Amery Hill for taster days. We
have also held our annual Primary Schools Maths
Challenge. Six of our feeder schools
battled it out over a number of rounds
testing their problem-solving and
teamwork skills, ably supported by some
of our finest Year 9 Mathematicians.
Congratulations to St Mary’s Bentworth
Primary School who emerged the
eventual winners.

 STEM students become rocket scientists 
  Ms Murphy,  Head of Design Technology 
compared against teams from other schools.
Bloodhound SCC Competition  The winning team will be invited to Hakskeen
Pan in South Africa to watch the Bloodhound
launched  SSC on its desert track for its record breaking race
This term twelve students from Year 8 to 10 have been programme. Any students who are interested in taking
preparing for a rocket competition organised by part please see Ms Murphy in Design Technology or
Bloodhound SCC and run in conjunction with Alton Mrs Rixon in Maths.
College. Students have organised themselves into teams
and have experimented with rockets fired by two different
methods: compressed air and water. By experimenting
with their designs they discovered which ones worked
best for different pressures and which ones ended up on
the school roof!

The competition against

teams from other schools
begins in January. The goal
is simple – the fastest car
through a timing gate and
recorded using a BBC
Microbit on board to gather
acceleration data. This data
will then be uploaded onto
the national leader board and
alongside engineers from industry leading companies
Students get a taste of Uni life  including Jaguar Land Rover, Cyber Challenge UK,
For almost fifty years, the Smallpeice Trust have been Siemens Rail and Transport for London.
giving young people everything they need to fuel their
passion for engineering. Founded in Talking about the course, Joseph Friend commented “I
1966 by Dr Cosby D P Smallpeice, a really enjoyed my experience at Southampton University.
brilliant engineer who invented the I got a feel of what life is like there being a student on
Smallpeice Lathe, the trust provides campus. I learnt lots about a range of engineering
exciting programmes to promote courses, from aerospace to civil, and also got to see and
engineering careers to young use the vast range of resources they have to offer at
people. This summer, five Year 10 Southampton. I would definitely go again if the
students attended a residential course at Southampton opportunity arose and I recommend going even if you are
University which got the students involved in designing slightly interested, as it opened my mind to the options
and making projects, and developing team working, available.”
problem solving and creative thinking skills. They worked

Microscope Club  World of pattern course 
Year 10 and 11 students have been delving into the Year 7 students were given an introduction to designing
microscopic this term looking at algae and microscopic patterns and to the work of a surface pattern designer,
animal life from Holly Denton’s pond! Using the new during our Summer Transition Camp. They were
microscopes purchased from the funds donated by parents encouraged to explore shape and colour combinations and
to the School Trust, students have produced stains and to design their own pattern for a mug.  
slides to show chromosomes in dividing root cells. Many
of the students have used new measuring skills to
measure the width of their
own hair and cells from
various tissues.

PE Department News 
  Mrs Haynes, Head of PE 
Winter sports  Amery  Hill  girls  continue  to  love 
With the Winter sports programme well under way, this half
term has seen the Year 8 basketball team get off to a great their rugby 
start with a victory against Wavell School 27-17. The We have a core group of about fifteen Year 7 and 8 girls
award for most valuable players of the match went to Jack who regularly train on Mondays after school. They are an
Bonham and James Rhodes. enthusiastic bunch and turn up whatever the weather
(wet = mud = more fun!)
The cross country season is also up and running, with Joe
Gasson and Sam Atkins recently qualifying for the County Year 7 and 8 squads both attended a development day at
Championships after being placed in the District Basingstoke Rugby Club in October and it was great to see
competition held at Lord Wandsworth College. them up against other schools and perform really well.

Our KS3 boys’ badminton team have also been victorious Huge congratulations to Ellen Morrish and Emily Neil who
making it through to the next round after beating Eggar’s are now training with the Hampshire U13 development
School. squad having endured a three week trial to get in. They are
the only girls in this squad so well done to them.

Sporting  endeavours  support 

Students have been raising money for the British Heart
Foundation by taking part in a charity dodgeball
tournament. Well done to all those who took part and
supported this worthy cause. The annual charity netball
match for Children in Need, where Year 11 took on the
staff, was a very close game but the staff were victorious
winning by just one goal. Thank you to those who
supported and donated money towards Children in Need.

 Music Department News 
  Ms Worwood, Head of Music 
Musicians on tour to Holland ABRSM exam success 
Last term musicians from various school ensembles Congratulations to all of our students who took exams at
accompanied the Concert Band and Orchestra to the end of the summer term;. We will be celebrating these
Noordwijk, known for its beaches and bulb fields. results at the Christmas Concert.
Students and staff performed in a number of different
locations including Delft Market Square, Noordwijk Dates for your diary... 
seafront and Zandvoort, where their performances were
12th Dec, 7:30pm Carol Service, St Lawrence Church 
welcomed and appreciated by tourists and locals.
15th Dec, 7:00pm Christmas Concert, Sports Hall 
In between
concerts, Did you know that
the group whenever you buy
had chance anything online – from
to explore your weekly shop to your
Amsterdam, annual holiday – you
where they could be raising a free donation for Amery Hill School?
enjoyed a There are nearly 3,000 retailers including Amazon, John
cruise on Lewis and Sainsbury’s, who will donate a percentage of
the canal the amount you spend to us . It’s really simple, and
and visited doesn’t cost you anything.
Zaanse Shan where the iconic images of Holland –
cheese, clogs and windmills – are wholeheartedly Go to
embraced. Students enjoyed discovering the wooden ameryhillschoolalton/ and sign up for free. Every time you
houses and windmills of the old-world village, as well as shop a donation will be collected by easyfundraising and
visiting what many of the students described as “the best automatically sent to Amery Hill School's Big Picnic
pancake house in the world”. Celebration Fund. Thank you for your support.

Extra‐curricular Activities ‐ Spring 
All activities are from 3:00pm to 4:00pm unless specified.
Homework Club takes place daily from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in SH1 and ICT2.
Teaching Assistants are on hand to help.

Student Hub 8:15a.m - Spelling Group -Yr 7 in SH1
Music: Lunchtime - Double Trouble
Brass Ensemble in MU2 all brass players welcome
GCSE Surgery in MU2
PE: Football - Boys Yrs 7, 8, 9
Badminton - Yrs 9, 10, 11
Rugby - Girls All years
MFL: French & German Club, KS4 support group
Media: Amery Hill News Reporters Club
Library: Muggles Book Club (by invitation)
Drama: Drama Club

Student Hub 8:15a.m - Spelling Group - Yrs 9, 10 & 11 in SH1
Music: Lunchtime - Choir - in MU2, all welcome
Percussion Ensemble/Steel Pans in MU2 & MU3
PE: Netball - Yrs 7, 8
Basketball - Yrs 9, 10, 11
Football - Girls Yrs 9, 10, 11
Cross Country/Fitness
Drama: Drama Auditions and Rehearsal for Production
RS: “Thunks” Philosophy Club - Yrs 7 & 8 (RS2); Yrs 9, 10 & 11 (RS1)
Maths: Advanced Board Games MA1
Year 10 Maths Drop-in
MFL: Year 9 Spanish Club

Music: Guitar Ensemble - 8am
Lunchtime - Liquorice Sticks Clarinet Choir
Orchestra Grade 4 upwards in MU2
4-5pm - Music Theory Group in MU2
PE: Rugby - Boys Yrs 7, 8
Cheerleading - All years
Library: Reading Group - Open to all (lunchtime)
Animé/Manga Club - to be confirmed

Student Hub 8:15a.m - Spelling Group - Yr 8
Drop in session - Student Hub
Afterschool drop in support session - open to all
Spelling Group, 3-3.45pm - All years
Library: Animé/Manga Club - to be confirmed
Music: Jazz / Wind Band Grade 4 upwards in MU2
3.15-4.30pm String Ensemble in MU1 (violin, viola, cello and double bass)
All welcome, Grade 1 & above (includes primary schools from 4pm)
PE: Basketball - Yrs 7, 8
Netball - Yrs 9, 10, 11
Football - Girls Yrs 7, 8
Football - Boys Yrs 10, 11
RS: RS Ambassadors
Geog: Film Club - Yrs 7, 8 & 9
DofE: Year 10 Award Group Meeting - SCI 7

Student Hub 8:15a.m - Drop in session - Student Hub
Music: Lunchtime - Choir in MU1 - all welcome
Concert Orchestra Grade 1 to 4 in MU2
Tutti Flutie/Wacky Wind invite only in MU1
GCSE Aid in MU2/Office
PE: Rugby - Yrs 9, 10, 11
Hockey - All Yrs
Badminton - Yrs 7 and 8
GCSE Revision
“The Angry Society” (Debating Society) - Meets monthly - dates to be advised
 Drama Department News 
  Mr Gibbs, Head of Drama 
outstanding work, including effort both within and outside
Blind Man’s Song   the classroom. Congratulations to the following students:
Year 10 GCSE Drama students
visited the Theatre Royal, Year 7: Jess Clarke, Livvy Compton, Jessica Potter
Winchester, to see ‘Blind Man’s Year 8: Paige Hall, Grace Savery, Finley Walsh
Song’ by Theatre RE. This was Year 9: Rachel Boll, Isis Herbert, Abi Tidball
a blend of physical theatre,
mime and live music with the
play coming to life the moment ‘Stage One’ After School Club
the music began. The score Monday’s after school drama club ‘Stage One’ staged a
was simply breath taking, with promenade performance of Charles Dickens’ ‘Scrooge’
just a piano and a violin. Clever in early
live mixing, through effects and December, to
loops, gave the show an an appreciative
unbelievable atmosphere. audience of
parents, staff
Year 11 Drama students have completed their acting and students.
Controlled Assessments and are now working on their
next practical project. Their theatre visit was to see I am looking to
Geko’s ‘Institute’ at the Nuffield Theatre in Southampton. stage my own
This was a mix of physical theatre and absurd acting that version of ‘Alice
had a multi-lingual approach. The story was open to in Wonderland’.
interpretation but the show was amazing and the students I am calling it
are still quoting the zany comments from Martin and ‘Alice Through
Daniel. Jamie Walker described the performance as a Broken Lens’ and will need some technical support in
‘”amazing” and added it “made me consider things with decorating the school hall to transport the audience to
an entirely different perspective in terms of mental Wonderland. Auditions will be
health.” Peter Baillie also added that the show “questions in January - more details to
how our society deals with mental illness and human follow.

It’s back... 
Auditions during January   Mince Pie Parcels
Live Final   2 ready-roll puff pastry sheets or 1 block puff pastry
16th February 2017  1 jar ready-made mincemeat (1 teaspoon per pie)
1 medium egg, beaten
2 tablespoons Demerara (brown) sugar
Drama Prefects Method
I am happy to announce that we now have nine school 1. Heat the oven to 190°C/gas mark 5. On a lightly floured
Drama prefects from Years 7 to 9. They have been surface, roll out 1 puff pastry sheet so that it's as thick as
chosen on commitment to rehearsing and performing a £1 coin. It should be a large rectangle. Using a knife,
trim off 1cm from each edge, saving the trimmings.
2. Onto this sheet, place a heaped teaspoon of mincemeat
Christmas Cooking Club  into 3 x 6 rows, evenly spaced apart, so that you have 18
little mounds of mincemeat.
Mrs Miller, Head of Food Technology  3. Gently dampen around each mound with a little water
using a pastry brush.
4. Lay the second sheet directly on top, encouraging the
Students in Year 7 and pastry to form a ravioli-shaped parcel around each little
8 have been getting in mound. Cut in straight lines in the grooves between the
the Christmas spirit by parcels
5. Bring the reserved pastry together and roll out. Cut out
attending Christmas small star shapes. Break the egg into a small bowl and
Cooking Club after beat with a fork. Brush one side of each star with egg and
school. We started with stick it onto the top of the pies.
making Mince Pie 6. Use a fork to crimp the edges of each parcel together and
snip 2 little holes in the top with kitchen scissors.
Parcels (recipe here if 7. Brush with more egg to glaze, sprinkle with brown sugar,
you want to have a go) then transfer to a baking tray lined with baking parchment.
and will be making Christmas Biscuits and Santa 8. Bake for 20 mins until puffed, golden brown and crisp.
9. Lift from the baking tray onto a cooling rack using a
Cupcakes over the next few weeks.
palette knife.

 Amery Hill Development Update 

Building the future together Community Support and Grant Funding
A massive thank you from all of us at Amery Hill for your Top Marks are again supporting our Year 11
continued support of various development initiatives this
term. Please get in touch if you would like a copy of our
latest development report to see how your support has
 Prefects’ Christmas outing by providing coach
travel free of charge
made a difference to our students and school community Ernest Cook Trust has awarded us a £1,000 grant
 for our Year 7 Identity Project which will be for a
permanent art installation in the school grounds

Hampshire Music Service have awarded us a

 £1,000 grant for a primary school cluster event.
More details to follow

Our Maths Department have benefitted from a

 grant from the Community Kick Start programme
supported by The Breeze
The Year 10 boys football team, proudly wearing their
new kit sponsored by Homes Estate Agents, with Thank you to Aldi Supermarket for their on-going
Rob Price, Director and Mrs Wylie
 support of our pastoral work in the school

 Amery Hill Alumni 
Kylie Radford is an Amery Hill Alumni who left in What was your favourite subject?
2000. Kylie has gone on to set up her own business, At school my favourite subjects were English and Art.
The Tiny Ballet School, with classes run weekly at Unfortunately dance wasn’t offered when I was at school,
Amery Hill School and Alton College. but I definitely would have tried it if it had been.

What did you do when you left school in 2000? How do you remember your time at Amery Hill
I went to Alton College to study for AS and A-Levels. At School?
the time dance wasn’t offered so I took subjects that I I made some really close friends at Amery – some of
thought would be interesting including Film Studies, whom are still a big part of my life today so that time with
which I later went on to study at university. them at school was really valuable.

Did you know what you wanted to do in the future What kind of student would you say you were?
when you were at school? I think I was an ok student – I generally tried pretty hard
No, not at all! Although I did enjoy my Business Studies in lessons but I think I was a lot less confident in myself
GCSE and A-levels. than I am now.

How did your career develop? What is your best memory of being at student at
After university I worked in a couple of administrative Amery Hill?
roles whilst I tried to decide what I wanted to do. I started I remember great English lessons with Mr Williams, when
going to an adult ballet class and loved it so much that I we were studying Journey’s End, going on day trips to
started to look for opportunities to take exams and London as part of Activities Week and also my class tutor
perform. I found a great school, Basingstoke Academy of Mrs Foreman, who was just brilliant!
Dancing, and the Principal was really supportive. I was
working part time for the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) What would you say to your younger self now – given
when I decided to train as a ballet teacher, qualifying in the chance?
2012. Work hard and be kind to people. You are stronger and
more capable than
You have recently spoken at a conference about you think.
contemporary ballet in New York; how did this come
about? Where do you see
I am currently studying for an MA in Education with the yourself in 10 years’
RAD and submitted a proposal to speak at the time?
conference organised by the Society for Dance History. I Hopefully I will have
presented a case study of Uganda National finished my MA and
Contemporary Ballet and how they are incorporating will still be teaching
ballet training within their contemporary dance work.
Kylie (standing left) with friends from dance.
Basingstoke Academy of Dancing

School Calendar 

Thursday 8th December Rugby Trip to Varsity Match, Twickenham

Thursday 8th December ABRSM Examinations

Friday 9th December
Friday 9th December Yr 10 Reward Trip to Bowlplex, Basingstoke

Monday 12th December 7:30pm Carol Service at St Lawrence Church

Thursday 15th December 7:00pm Music Concert

Friday 16th December Christmas Jumper Day

Last day of term - school closes 12:45pm
Tuesday 3rd January First day of Spring Term

Wednesday 18th January 4:00pm-7:30pm Yr 9 Options Evening

Monday 23rd January Alton College Interview Week

Tuesday 7th February GCSE Drama Showcase

Wednesday 8th February
Thursday 9th February Yr 10 Parents’ Consultation Evening

Friday 10th February Yrs 10 and 11 RS Trip to Poland

Thursday 16th February 7:00pm Amery Hill’s Got Talent Live Final

Friday 17th February Last day before half term

Monday 27th February Maths Trip to Maths Feast, Queen Mary’s College

Tuesday 28th February 6:00pm Iceland Trip Parents’ Information Evening

Wednesday 1st March Yr 8 Science Trip to Winchester

Monday 6th March Yr 10 Examinations Week

Monday 6th March Careers Café

Thursday 9th March Maths Trip to UKMT Maths Challenge

4:00-7:00pm Yr 11 Parents’ Consultation Evening - by invitation
Monday 13th March Yr 10 Examination Week

Thursday 16th March GCSE Music Showcase

Yrs 7 and 8, Yrs 9 and 10 Hampshire Girls Rugby Tournament
Friday 24th March INSET day

Wednesday 29th March Yr 10 Geography Trip to Iceland

Thursday 30th March 7:00pm Music Concert

Monday 3rd April ABRSM Examinations

Wednesday 5th April Yr 7 Geography Field Trip

Thursday 6th April
Friday 7th April Ski Trip to Austria
Last day of Spring Term
Monday 24th April First day of Summer Term

For up to date information, please refer to the calendar on the 
website which is updated regularly 

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