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Date: May, 30th 2006

Aims of the lesson:

Lesson stages/
Timing Aims (individual Procedure Methods and Classroom Teaching Comment on
tasks) (short description of steps) techniques organisation aids methodology
INTRODUCTION: Activating Teacher puts circles of green cut out color paper on The class is arranged so
preknowledge, the chalk board. Asks students: that students sit on chairs
4 minutes motivating students «What is this? Can you guess?» around the teacher (a semi-
-when the last circle is on the board (head of the circle) while the story is
caterpillar) students should be able to guess it is a told;
T: «Let's repeat the word: CATERPILLAR, all
together and each one of you.»
(students say outloud the word, and then teacher
ncourages each student to pronounce the word
T: «What color is the caterpillar?»
(students say «Caterpillar is green.»)

MAIN PART: Step 1. 2 minute

T: «A sada, poslušajmo priču o gusjenici. Što
31 minutes mislite kako se ona osjeća?»
(teacher mimes the feelings of being happy, sad,
sleepy and hungry; she waits for the students to
recognize her mime, and when she mimes the last
word she hints to them that caterpillar is

Step 2. 6 minutes
-one teacher starts telling the story, while other puts
different coloured circles over the caterpillar,
according to the story;
T: «This is a storyabout a hungry caterpillar. He is
always hungry. He walks and walks and sees a
banana. «I'm hungry,very hungry.» he eats the
banana and... surprise, surprise – he is yellow.
He walks and walks and sees an apple. «I'm
hungry, very hingry.» He eats the apple
and...surprise, surprise – he is red.
He walks and walks and sees a carrot. «I'm
hungry, very hingry.» He eats the carrot
and...surprise, surprise – he is orange.
He walks and walks and sees a flower. «I'm sleepy,
very sleepy.» He wakes up and...surprise, surprise
– he is a beautiful butterfly.»
(during the storytelling, the teacher mimes feelings
of being hungry and being sleepy);

Step 3. 2 minutes
T: «What color is the caterpillar?»
(when the teacher shows picute of a green
caterpillar taken out from a bag, students should
say: «Green.»)
T: «What color is a banana?»
(students see a picture of a banana and say:
T: «What color is ana apple?»
(students see the picture and say: «Red.»)
T: «What color is a carot?»
(students now say: «Orange.»)

Step 4. 4 minutes
T: «Sada ćete se podijeliti u grupe po tri učenika.
Mi ćemo vam podijeliti radne listove na kojima su
sličice koje prate radnju. Vaš zadatak je označiti
sličice rednim brojevima, u skladu s tokom priče.»

-when the students do the assignment, teacher turn

on the OHP with the transparency of the picture
story, so they can check whether they did the
assignment correctly);

Step 5. 4 minutes
-while thepicture story is on the OHP,
T: «Još jednom ćemo ispričati priču, a vi ćete mi
pomoći. Sigurno ćete znati što treba reći kada
naiđemo do određene riječi.»
(teacher tells the story, stopping before the key
words – caterpillar, hungry, banana, yellow, apple,
red, carrot, orange, sleepy, butterfly – directing to
students to say the word outloud);

Step 6. 5 minutes
T: «Slijedeća igra zove se BINGO. Svatko će dobiti
radni listić sa tablicom za bingo, na kojoj su riječi s
kojima smo se danas susreli. Ja ću vam pokazivati
kartice sa sličicama, a vi morate prekrižiti tu riječ
ako je imate u svojoj tablici. Ako imate riječ,
dignite ruku pa ćete ju izgovoriti na glas. Tko prvi
prekriži sve riječi pobjednik je bingo igre);

Step 7. 5 minutes
«On the Walls Activity» - teacher (arranged before
the class) put posters, maps, and pictures all over
classroom's walls; they contain targeted words (an
apple, a banana, a carrot, a caterpillar, a butterfly,
hungry, sleepy)
T: «U slijedećem zadatku, svatko će dobitit karticu
sa nekoliko riječi, a vaš zadatak je da pronađete na
zidovima sličice koje se odnose na riječi s vaše
(students walk around the class searching for the
pictures their cards refer to);

Step 8. 3 minutes
T: «Sada ću zamoliti svakog od vas da na glas
pročita riječi sa svoje kartice. Kada pročita jednu
riječ, ostatak razreda treba ponoviti riječ na glas.»
(an apple, a banana, a carrot, a caterpillar, a
butterfly, hungry, sleepy);

CONCLUSION: T: «Podijelite se u dnije grupe. Igrati ćemo

Hangman Game. Svaka grupa će pogađati riječ, a
10 minutes učenici iz rupr predlažu slova.»
(every group gets three words to guess, related to
the story they heard; winners get candies at the

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