Akeroyd & Hicks

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OcT-a7-99 4 ‘Maurice Akeroyd Maurice Akeroyd from Leeds University with a BSc In civil engineering. then moved to South Africa where he worked for civilengl- ‘neering contractors and the Capetown City Council roads department. before joining Mobil Oll. He was responsible !-*o¢ starting the CAPSA confer “ee in Durbanin 1969 andhas sinco written snd presented technical papers. on asphalt technology at several interna tional conferences. Now, in ‘addition to managing the Spe- lal Products Division at Mobil Oil, High Wycombe, heisprest- dent of the Institute of Asphalt Technology and a member of the British Road Federation technical committee. Brian Hicks graduated in 1969 witha. degree In CWvil Engi: ‘eering. In 1973 he qualified to ‘become a member of the instl- tule of Civil Engineers. He gained his initial experi- ‘ence working for contractors selena hie own company, ‘some years wi Reclande in order fo gain a wider management” under- Standing. Road Recycling was eatabl- Ished to specialise in low cost reconstruction. its alm,tomect the growing demand to carry ‘outpermanentmaintenanceto the rapidly deteriorating urban ‘and rural road network. ‘Over the yaara the company 6 FROM: TRANSPORTEK a12-8412698 Toe11s by FML Akeroyd and B J Hicks teak fae apis ty el cos al se hhe Molst patente foamed Sn uh hares to sain wate Pwovess involves the pool working. patrine for all neti of coi iter under Clays wad and her pave tea, contralled conditions and with cer ilitives ite hot penetration itumen before apliction Feouhessnengt compre na tins barns mira ‘ie teamed bitumen pcs Bad heen wea forme saben (OAMSTAG) inthe USA: Ausial nd Seah Alia amy year tmure recemily in Newry, Based on this sre al the wi woe te UK er the past tow ys ae fat sl txyctng win FOAM: STAB appeans to ove nk coor FOAMSIAI recysig resis it si the structural snteraty to od ‘ising eis at inl very energy lei ingly el bine fii cogent dese Of normal a tafe have eon ea ‘ opps Fling ‘ielcrmrasirentensa theta Bianth 300 pon The nal weningertacestoaldbe sapped tmmeitey the fot ilfae dress owiht rac bat mfr henvir tlc hat FOAM STAB then cin be pone Tigh traffic wii Its PAGE: AL Highways Janay 1988 bisa Foamed bitumen road recycling lonely the Energy Elsen Ofce Dera cayenne Site investigation Before any FOAMSIAL projet vesaheidor stendered forsale rl and teal evaluation ens ‘eunderiakentonbian he fbn espe ewes, (pe ang crersingjad alosmty ngwead oven ayes sect agri lx por ay Hh ne Airestion, 2. Subarade CBR n csuted tater Key features eg steep hil sharp beri Tane wii inersetuine 5. Glnsirietion timitstions. lindergroand services depths, eum that cane tp any lowered or covered) Bek ‘celina depth el the eon he ‘ed ibe sg aller te Doeen Utes: cumnpe mere | eumeenae ae Mobil Bitumen Aggregate grading Origin of aggregate monn Figure 1 . thas expanded a6 the demand grows for this rapid recon Struction ‘method. The com- pony undertakes rocyciing Contracts using cement, lime, iSttumen ‘emulsion or foamed bitumen ‘depending on. the guising, road , construction rou the United Use in the UK The firs! UK FOAMSTAB teak were n Boe Susseand Rest in (ONG find subsequently Mobil has unr Taken an estemuve ahoratory testing ind Tiel Yaetgaion prams finder develop nena desig ‘method. In 194) 9 swccessl com mete programme waseo Kent, East Sones, Gra ‘Shrmpmhinesnelalnng ane project Ken tha 8 sported a a ln he carly worn the UK the ew pwblems that have gceurred have benerally ‘been associated mth Snknownh weak subgrade conditions ind a roptience tape eae toguikly ei es tn 24 hts se compaction, Materials Theessing material seta for FOAMSTAB can fst he cece hy n iy Materials whose grading pulversing alsin Zone A have from experience and analysis proved suitable for FOAMSTAB, Zone Bare fe’ praded material which aa he succesfully abled slong a a9 ‘lay fractions ate modified by wea ‘ment with hyrated ime, Zone C ate coarse materia lacking in fines and on only be wied i saleted. fine ‘terials added using he grading shin Zone A, A critical aspect of the grading fe amount passing the 75 miro Sicvethatss NOT clay. Atleast Sam ‘oscing 7S micron Iydeated time ‘8 very elective in reducing is influence Bitumen The bitumen contents required fo FOAMSTAB are generally propor onal to the percentage mate pasting the 75 microm sieves and a8 4 guide ‘ary fom 33% for materials with pushing the 75.micron to 5% for ‘materials with 20% passing the 75 microm sieve size, Lally a ful x design inchoding Marshall Stability, Flow and Quotient, Immersion Swengih and. Voids inthe Mit at various bitumen contents should be Undertaken, ‘The optimum bitumen content is stay clay defined in FOSMSTAS. fs mot mic and good steengts can be obtained ever wide range of Damen contents Hence it snot 85 ‘rte 1 be accurate with bitumen ‘content and 3.75% 20.73% would be "Type! spee. Normally 200) pen biiutnen is the basin ul the special foamable bitumenand although other fades ean be used tf rarely neces ry Exsting bitumen iol fecycled talerilienotcomidered totally sctive and is nly parily nel in the tora bitumen content A key ele tment of he test is meaning Mars: Ralltabity ster (mersiontn mater for 24 noursat °C to simulate per- formance ie saturated ground A. y S.5EN and Marshall Quotient te ater than I'SKN/rm are current bcceptance criteria, Pavement design “The surfacing and FOAMSTAB base" icknesses recommended in Table 2. were derived Troe Dp HDI6/87 ‘Siructaal Design of new Pavements and. TRRL Report ‘by inereasing the stipulate ru base thicknesses by 2: to allow forthe ester variability in thickness resulting from the ine method, the possi of lesser som faction tthe underskle of the FOAMSTAD layer and. the lower iniialstrength a opening Table 21st these designs The aoe thicknesses fssume that Dencath the. FOAM: STAB layer there sa substantial and able subgrade Where he subgradeis weak itmay a12-8412698 Table 1 Foamstab recycling sites 1986-1987 FOAMSTAB, (ihicxneas in mon) Commercial Vehicles | Surtacing inone direction -~cvlal_ (Thickness in mm) Upto 20 Surface Dressing 20-100 40 Wearing Course 100-200 | 40+ 60 Basecourse 200 ~ 300 100 3900 = 400 100 400 500 100 00 — 600 100 600 ~ 800 100 00 ~ 1900 100 1000 — 1250 100 150 10 150 20 eco 250 2s Table 2 Foamstab Pavement Designs 100 4 oe joo 160 oe | rina rien coxsraverton (nes) Figure 2 ‘ve feurible 10 remove the overving Construction materials and wabivetheop {S00 fof the subgrade with ime, then put _ The specials plant that contractor back the Material for Toamsti- “a Bom Road Hecyeling Lid employs is a rmowied MPH IO Reoyelet. The machine has at one ‘board bitumen” cirulating sytem from which ts fed along aspray bar into expansion chambers wach r= vide comtoledeondions for he hot biumen and the wr 40 i and foam. The plants fly computerised tenure accurato measurements of biamen and water “The MPHI003 Recycler can work to depths of up vo 380mm in angle layer effectively puversing toeticr the blacktop, (i not recoverable) the ‘ous andthe sub base ayes, The ‘onded material ater single pass usually has grading slaw hat Type 2 material with 2 masienm Slimm stone size. To date most FOAMSTAB layers have Deen Sum aral 20.mm thick ‘but 300mm ayers bine Deen sees fully processed anu compacta 3 sgl ayer on two very Henly trl fcked road projects ‘lier inital pulverisation samples ave taken ad tested to ext the Beading and uniformity of the pre pared layer and It does ot fl io done A of Figure 1, sable fine ‘materidls imported and added the layer before the foamed bitumen is salted The specially converted bien tanker ecoupled upto the MPH (4 i thebitumensslreulated theo the sister ata. tomperaure ‘of 168°C. Water from the Recyclers Sboard take in nected inthe Stream of bitumen at each norzle on the spray har system ereatag. foam, ‘Ths foam sprayed into the machine howd where the igotoss mixing pr ces together wath tn exparded foam Intugien ensures intimate rising of the finest materia "The reat layer i then shaped to the dengned road profi hy grater nd thotoughly compacted. Walt vibratory rollers are good or deep Compaction they should be uses wstinout vibration forthe ey parses Unit te layer Iteyey i obtained, Processed layer eraze of appear unstable ican hereprocessed (nth adding turer Patuinen) a {est uncompacted we monte tf the weather conditions ure favour bie teen then berecompacted up or 2 daystater- When tek layers of up to 300m are recycle te mone dient 0 gt complete compaction to the ful depeh of te layer wan tis wih" not med asphalt The right roller and the righ technique then Bocome eitea Following salsfactory compaction the surfoce can be pened tI traffic ma temporary tg xarlace Unt the final wearing rarace com Structed. Densities are. preter ‘measured with a Auelar gauge because inthe early days aero cessing, FOAMSTAB may note st fiently cobesive to ful depth 0 pro ide a tmoth uniform eure, Retre pening wo alice cent and con Uhetor must agree that compaction tard stably are adequate tochey he intial wate, pareuatly iis heaty tnd concentrated on one sige of the ead: rin doubt about init tty, continued on page 45 8 FROM: TRANSPORTEK a12-8412698 Toe11s PAGE: 83 Highways January 1988 Hephalley, continued from page 43 Energy consumption for FOAM — StAatiecyclingn hnezanplvonly 12% of that required for seeonstrtion methods nnn, the delays ta wale ae usualy only SURbof the delaysansocited wht nal reconstruction methods and bene these are further substantia savings io trafic energy vse which Fave not Dee ela |r fy beter aot to pen wo wae Because FOAMSTAB. condrually fguinssrenginasiteuresandeven one fea ay results lags improve ‘ment asiuicaed in Figure 2 FOAMSTABs an fasita recycling process of existing mater al 8 {Meohihe tolerances for gualty contrat Imustof necenity be wider thn thse Fequzed for wautionat methods The following are hebieved to he relic ad scovablo ind should esl Salisfatory performances! Conclusion FOAMSTAB is fox tolerant hituminous material an wists processing is specialist operation |s felatively easy to ensure access provided: design ‘and construction follow good engineering principe. Layer Thickaess — 20mm face Fish — 10m Birumen Content ~ 40.75% Densily — 93% Refusal Density Suey showing 2 adoa! or ening of road. m rae roads ad hen sa great need Energy Efficiency ‘opudan ow nergy ~The realy educa consunpsion | Traltional Construction BTU's X 10 per 1000 q. yd ] “stim reine many erst of energy tor resnaracon the METAS Coa he the met FOAWSTAR procs fas atracie | excavate, load and haul avay 21° ol old road 100 sigitcan break nrmgh ia a theauenton nd fnaneil spp | Brocess, haul and tay now 13" sub base “63 the Energy Ei ve of the | Process, Haul and lay new 8" hot mx base 224 Deparment of Energy: Their denn stration project im Darord, Kent fe as ve Ie sgt that resonate ‘TOTAL: $88 twa costs can he ax how a hal that of fata anele Atal a Spano oat energy usage is given right) assum ‘only a tenth. Its success to date is very cehtieniniciiarmin | puversa excing mauris may 29 ‘eturaging for the fare at oe SRoRTACCaae ese | Coat aa nator "ooo x Suc syetminn eens eae the. Anptalt fasts publication | FOAMSTAB and compact 10° existing m Say to evaluate fll its poten Energy Requirements for Kosiway Pavements ISI7¥ fsck unis). HEMEL HEMPSTEAD Sears rere Series ven envizonments © Rapa ead reconstruction, © Cost rections up t0 40% Specialists in: isan bitumen recycling Bicumen emulsion eecyeling Lime reeyeling (Cement recye The White House 51 Marlowes Hemet Hempse Herthinshure HPL ILD, 4 Highs 271 a Reader Engiy Forme ge OTT oa Render Enaaey Fors —] “ss

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