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Name : Wicha ratnaswari

Class : 12 MIA 1

Succeeding in College ( speech )

Assalamualaikum wr wb..
Good morning everyone..
The honorable ma’am Nenik, ma’am Lina, and my beloved friends.
First of all, i’d like to thank to ma’am Nenik and ma’am Lina to have this oppurtunity
to deliver my speech about succeeding in college. I will tell you the reason why I
choose the topic. It is because we are as a student of the twelve grade are going to
be a student of university letter. So, I think it is important for us to know how to be
success in the college.
There are so many different ways how to manage the study between senior
high school in college. In senior high school we just follow the school program,
means we just came to school in the morning and there is a teacher and the sceadule
arrange by the school. But, it is not in the college. We, ourselves heve to be
independent means we have to arrange our study program by ourselves.
In the beggining in the semester we just follow the schedule given, then in the
next semester till the end we ourselves to decide the schedule. In this case the total
credit we can take is influence to our GPA or the score achievment in each semester.
Therefore it is important to make the right strategy to do it proper. The higher we
get the GPA the more we can take the credit in each semester.
The effectiveness strategy to do it proper will determine the lenght of year
our study periode. And the most important thing is about our GPA. Here are some
strategys to make it effective :
1. Pay attention to the lecture with much credits
We have to pay attention to the lecture that has much credit because the
total credit will be influeced by them. If we got high score for this lecture so
we will get a good GPA at the end. But, if we get bad score for this lecture
therefore we will get a lower GPA.
2. Concentration to the specific lecture in our program
There are 3 kinds of lecture : basic general lecture, basic spesific lecture, and
skilled lecture. Be concentration to the specific and skill lecture. In this case
the lecturer usually are more serious or even killer. They dont have tolerances
if we ignore them because we entered the university because of our interest
in the program.

3. Try to know the carracter of lecturer

Beside our effort to manage our study we have to do some effort to get to
know our lecturer. The independence of the lectures make them have there
own oppurtunity to decide our final achievement. The more we know the
carracter of the lecturer the more we can feel comfort to the lecture given.
Every lecturer has his or her style when handling the class. The ususally inform
their rules in the beggining of the lecture in this point we have to be aware
and follow the rules, because it will make us easier to join the class.

Here is the other strategy it is about deenvironment understanding. As a new

student we will face the new environment in our new college. It is worth while for us
to get to know our friends from many different level. First, our vellow or classmeet.
We need them because we will work together and discuss everything.
Beside that we also have feriends from the higher level. They also important
for us because they will have some important information about the lecture and
lecturer. They will inform us about the material or maybe about the test given by the
lecture. They also inform us about the carracter of the lecturer based on their
experience with them
This is last but not least about social activities. As like at senior high school we
will have some student organisation in the college. Its better for us to join one or
more of them, by joining the organisasition it will help us to apply our knowledge and
enlarge our relationship and network. As a student of university we are prepared to
be skillfull than we can apply our skill in daily life. We will get usefull experience that
we cannot get in the class. Organisation will train us to be a good leader.
I think it is all about my explanation for today. Thank you for your kind
attention and I welcome you to give me input if there is necessary. I’m looking
forward to seeing you again in another occasion. See you!
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb
Thank you!

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