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We are thankful to our Lord Almighty in helping us and guiding us

through the work of these Sunday school books. These books are the
translations of the “Padamanjari” published by Malankara Jacobite
Syrian Sunday School Association.
Children of our community, unable to read and write Malayalam were
finding it very difficult to study and understand the faith of our church
taught in Malayalam. Even in Kerala, children studing in CBSE and En-
glish Medium schools are not able to assimilate Malayalam. Circumstances
forced us to have English verson for the text books. Now the syllabus has
changed that caused the second edition of the text books.
A number of persons contributed to this noble venture. We take this
opportunity to thank them all. Let God bless every person who contributed
to make these books available to His children. We are happy to submit
these books in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .
We are also gratefull to St.Peters Jacobite Syrian Church Baharin who helped
us for publishing these text Books in English.

Puthencruz Che.Adv.P.Benjamin Paul & Baby Mathara

17.08.2009 Dr. Jos D. Kaippallil General Secretary
Text Book Committee
1) H.G.Kuriakose Mor Dioscoros Metropolitan (President, M.J.S.S.A)
2) H.G..Geevarghese Mor Policarpose Metropolitan
3) H.G.. Dr.Geevarghese Mor Coorilose Metropolitan
4) Rev.Fr.Jacob Michael (Vice President)
5) Rev.Dr.Adai Jacob Cor-Episcopa (Principal, M.S.O.T. Seminary)
6) Rev.Prof. Mathai Padath B.Sc (Hons.)
7) Rev.Fr.Koshy P.George M.A., B.Th., B.Ed
8) Rev.Fr.M.T.Kuriachan M.Th.
9) Rev.Fr.Jossy Abraham M.A., B.Ed.
10) Chev. K.V.Paulose M.A., B.Ed.
11) Chev.Joy P.George
12) Mr. P.V.Alias
13) Mr.M.K.Lukose B.Sc, B.Ed
14) Dr.Jaimon Jacob M.Sc, Ph.D
15) Mr.M.J.Markose (Treasurer)
16) Mr.Baby Varghese (Secretary)
17) Dr.Jose D.Kaippillil M.Sc., Ph.D (Secretary)
18) Chev.Adv.Benjamin Paul B.Sc., LL.B, D.B.M.(Secretary)
19) Mr.Baby Mathara (General Secretary)

Prayer 6
Qurbono Songs 12
1. Prophets - General Description 15
2. Isaiah 17
3. Jeremiah 18
4. Daniel 20
5. Ezkiel 21
6. Minor Prophets 23
7. Prophets of 7th Century 26
8. Gospels 29
9. Synoptic Gospels 30
10. The gospel according to St.John 34
11. The royal entry of jesus in to Jerusalem 36
12. The Passion of the Lord 37
13. Trial of Jesus 40
14. Crucifixion 44
15. Burial, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus 46
16. Moronoyoto Festivals 49

17. Worship A Study 54


18. Mulanthuruthy Synod 65

19. Mor Dionysius V 67
20. Visit of Of H.H. ABDED ALOHO 68
21. Visit of Of H.H. ELIAS III 70
22. St. James of Sarung 71
23. Mor Ivanios 72
24. Mor Koorilose 73


Malankara Syrian Sunday School Association was formed in December 27, 1920 at
a meeting held at Piravom seminary presided over by St. Paulose Athanasious Metropolitan,
known as the” Protector of the True Faith”. In 1964 when peace was established in the
church M.S.S.A. joined the Sunday School Association of the catholicos faction and contin-
ued functioning in the name O.S.S.A.E. But the Catholicos ordained by H.H.the Patriarch in
1964, put forward the claim of a new throne in the church contrary to the true faith and
canons of the Church which resulted in the split in the Sunday Association also.

In 1973 a meeting of the Sunday school teachers held in connection with the Partriachal
day decided to reorganize the Sunday Schools which owed allegiance to the Holy Throne of
Antioch and All the East. Thus Malankara Jacobite Syrian Suday school Association was
formed in the meeting held at St. Peter’s Church, Ernakulam on February 20, 1974. The
association byelaw was passed in the meeting held at Baker Memmorial School, Kottayam
on October 2, 1974. The Association is governed by the byelaws amended and approved
by the Genereal Body from time to time and subsequently got registerd under the Charitable
Societies Act.

H.H. the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East is the Supreme Patron and H.B. the
Catholicose is the patron of the Association.

The “Atma Deepam” magazine, an organ of the Association enlightens the souls as the
name itself implies. There is an examination wing which controls and conducts the examina-
tion from Class I to XII including JSSLC. The JSVBS wing prepares study materials and
conducts training camps for teachers for the Vacation Bible School all over India. There is a
wing which conducts “Balakalolsavam” at Sundayschool, District, Diocese and Association
level. Another wing conducts camps for teachers and students. All these wings are function-
ing from the headquarters. Thus the headquarters at Puthencurz is the nerve centre of various
activities of the MJSSA.

M.J.S.S.A. has also started a charity scheme in the name “Mor Baselios Paulose II
Catholicose charitable Fund” for the poor and backward.

Plus two course was started for those who passed JSSLC. Syriac language is also
taught in Sunday School classes. Several counselling centres are functioning under MJSSA.
These were introduced as a Millennium Programe.Spread over in 74 districts there are 600
Sunday Schools, more than 8000 teachers and 60,000 students under MJSSA. No doubt
MJSSA has a very important place in the Jacobite Syrian Christian Church in India.

Psalms 63

O God, You are my God and I will wait for You.

Like a dry and thirsty land longing for water, my spirit thirsts for You and my body longs
for You.
I truly looked up to You, to behold Your power and glory.
Because Your loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You.
Thus I will praise You while I am alive and I will raise my hands in Your name.
My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fat and my mouth shall sing Your glory with
joyful lips.
I remember You as I lie on my bed. All night long, I think of You and meditate.
Because You have been my help, I will be protected under the shadow of Your wings.
My soul follows You and Your right hand keeps me safe.
Those that seek to destroy my soul shall go into the depths of the earth.
They shall fall by the sword and their bodies eaten by wolves. But the king shall rejoice in
Everyone that swears by him shall be glorified. But the mouth of the liars shall be shut.
To you belongs praise, O God. Barekhmor.



O heavenly King, in the morning I come in Your presence and bow before Your throne.
Pardon all the sins that I committed against you.
Gracious and compassionate Lord, I plead and long for your mercy. Pardon all the sins that I
committed against you.
The one who is light and lives in light, make me worthy of Your light that does not succumb
todarkness. Barekhmor.
I praise the Lord whose name is being glorified in the heaven above by the heavenly beings
and by the people on the earth. Amen.



Psalms 113
Praise the Lord, the creator of light. Praise Him, you servants of the Lord. Praise the name
of the Lord.
May the name of the Lord be blessed from the beginning and for ever.
Prom the rising of the sun to its setting great is the name of the Lord.
The Lord is high above all nations, and His glory is above the heavens.
Who is like the Lord, our God? He dwells in the heights above and yet He looks upon the
He raises up the poor from the dust and make them sit with princes. He makes the barren
women to be a joyful mother of children and he grants her a home.
To you belongs praise, O God. Barekhmor.


God help us. The whirls and waves of sins that we committed are encircling us. You be the
port of peace for us that we may not sink in the sea of sins. We are waiting to repent. As
You extended Your hand to Peter, extend Your hand to us and help us. Stomen ...

O Christ, our Lord, You offered Yourself as a pleasing incense before God the Father.
Because of You, we may be a pleasing incense before God. Though our prayers and
offerings are abominable and foul smelling, touch and purify us with Your holy hand which
cleansed the lepers to make our prayers and offerings sweet smelling fragrances.

For the Intercession of Mother of God

God our Lord, by Your presence You jolted Mount Zion. While You were bearing the
heights and the depths, You willed that Virgin Mary conceive You without marriage and
bring You forth beyond description. May Your mother’s name be glorified and help us by
For the Intercession of Saints
Martyrs! pray for us that He may have mercy on us by His grace and save us from the
punishment of the last day. Pray for us that we may be made worthy to see you when you
receive the victorious crowns.
For the Intercession of the Patron Saint
St. (Name), those who are in distress seek your help. May your prayer be a fortress and
refuge for us. By your prayers, may our petitions be granted, sick people be healed and
those who are being tempted by satan be liberated.

For Repentance
O God, You do not deny Your mercy to the sinners who call upon You. By Your
compassion spare us from punishments and the rods of wrath. To praise You for Your
mercy, grant us joyful months and prosperous years. By glorious sign of Your cross guard
us from the evil.
Lord, may we not be silent from praising you and withdrawn from glorifying You. Lord, do
notjudge us according to Your righteousness. We confess that we are sinners. If You judge
us according to our sins; we cannot hope eternal life and cannot plead before You and shall
inherit fiery-hell. Therefore, according to Your mercy pardon and forgive our sins.

Lord, when You judge us, let our sins not conceal us. When the righteous garb in glory,
we not be naked at the judgment. We confess that we have fallen in sin, extend Your hand
unto us that we may stand again. O compassionate One, who opens the door to all those
who repent, have mercy on us as You forgave the thief on Cross9 at Your side.
For the Departed
Lord, grant peace and good memory to our departed fathers and brothers. Include them in
the company of saints and in their ranks. When you sit at the throne for judgment and to
separate the righteous from the evil, may they receive Your compassion. When You appear
in Your grace, may they stand on Your right side. Moryo rahem ‘a lay noo ‘adarayn.
Bo‘ootho of Mor Ya‘qub
O Lord, open Your great door full of mercy. Hear our petitions and show mercy to our
O glorious light which enlightens all creation in the morning, enlighten our intellects so that
we may praise Your mercy.
Lord, it is good to give thanks to You and to sing praise to Your exalted name, to proclaim
Your goodness in the morning and Your faithfulness in the night. Lord, hear my voice in the
morning. May I be seen ready before You in the morning.
Lord, have compassion on Your people. Lord, pardon and forgive all our sins. Holy One,
let Your right hand overshadow us and Your name heal our weaknesses.







NAME. MORIYO ..............




Pattakkaran : Subuho .....
Janam : Menolam ...




Priest:: Subuho .....Haleluyya



People : Menolam ... Haleluyya









Prophets have an important role in the history of Israel during the period of old testa-
ment. Prophets informed the will of God to the kings and the people at large. “Long ago God
spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways by the prophets, but in these last days he
has spoken to us by a Son”. (Heb. 1: 1-2) There were many who had earned the gift of
prophesy, but all of them were not known as prophets; prophetic work was not their main
role. Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Deborah, Miriam, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, and so on are not
known as prophets.
The word ‘Prophet’ is originated from the Greek word ‘Prophetes’. Prophet is the
one who communicates divine revelation to others. The word for prophet in Hebrew is ‘Nabi’.
Prophetic Books
Depending on the size of the book, prophets are classified as major and minor.
There are 16 Prophetic books of which 4 are of major prophets - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel
and Daniel and 12 books are of minor prophets - Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah,
Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.
Period of Prophets
Generally 8th Century to 5th Century B.C. is considered as the period of the prophets.
Prphets of 8th century(800-700 B.C.)Amos, Jonah, Isaiah and Hosea
Prphets of 7th century(700-600 B.C.)Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Jeremiah and Habakkuk
Prphets of 6th century(600-500 B.C.)Daniel, Obadiah, Ezekiel, Haggai and Zechariah
Prphets of 5th century(500-400 B.C.)Joel and Malachi .
Prophetic Mission
The Mission of the Prophets was to reveal the will of God to the people. Up to the time
of Samuel, they were called seers who predicted future events.The prophets or seers fortold
events to come. Their mission was not restricted in fortelling future events alone. They were
also engaged in other activities.The following were also the important duties of prophets.
1. Prophets were messengers of God who revealed God to the people.
2. They were true interpreters of Law.
3. They were preachers and teachers in relation with religious and social matters.
4. They were political advisers and conveyed the will of God to both the kings and the people
5. They were social reformers who opposed evil practices among the people.

Porphetic Message
There are similar ties and differences between all the prophesies, depending on the
period in which they lived. They were influenced by political, religious and social atmosphere.
However, there are certain distinctive features in the message of prophets who are guided by
the Holy Spirit.
1. Their messsages were Christ centerd (Luke 10 : 24).
2. It was interpreted by Christ (Luke 24: 27-44)
3. It was a testimonial of Jesus Christ (Acts 3: 21-24)
4. It included the message of grace and salvation ( 1 Pet. 1:9-12)
5. It was filled with revelations that would endure till the end of the world (Mat 5:17 -
Not only men but women were also involved in prophesy. They were:-
Miriam ( Exo. 15:20-21)
Debora (Judg. 4: 4-5)
Huldha (2 Kings 22:14)
Anna (Luke 2:36)
In short, prophets were representatives of God. They gave guidance in matters of
politics, traditions and faith to both the king and his subjects. Quite often, the moral fervour of
prophets made kings virulent and many prophets became martyrs.
The Vision about Christ in Prophesies
All prophesies either directly or indirectly point to Jesus Christ. Even though proph-
esies are apparently centred around Israel and God they also give hope about the new earth
and new heaven ruled by God, the King. They also gave an indication of a King of Kings who
would take the power after destroying all the enemies of the Israel. That king of kings is Jesus
Christ. The birth of Jesus, his activities, Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection, Second Advent
and Judgement - all are mentioned in these prophesies.
1. Briefly expalin the role of prophets in the lives of Israelites .
2. What were the duties of prophets?
3. Which period is known as the era of prophets?
4. Who all are major prophets and in which period they lived?
5. Who all are minor prophets and in which period they lived?
6. Name the prophetess of Israel


Isaiah son of Amoz prophesied during the period of Ussiah, Jonathan, Ahaz and
Hezekiah who were the the kings of Judah. It is Isaiah who prophesied more about Christ
in old testment. He illustrates Mesiah as a Suffering Servant. He predicted the birth of Jesus
from a Virgin (7:14) Sufferings and Crucification (Chaprters 52 and 53)
The traditional belief of jews is that Isaiah was murdered during the period of Manasseh,
son of Hezekiah. Isaiah prophesied for about 40 years.
Theologians consider the book of Isaiah as a miniature Bible. The first 39 chapters are
prophesies about the punishment for idolatry and injustice. Judha, God’s own people have
sinned ; The nations around them and whole world has committed sin. Therefore, a judge-
ment is certain ; God would not allow idolatry, immorality and injustice to continue forever.
The last 27 chapters are messages of salvation. Isaiah gives hope that the Lord will
come and save the whole mankind by removing all the sins of mankind through the cross. He
concludes his prophesies by giving hope of a new earth and a new heaven (66:22). We can
see this hope also in Book of Revelations in new testment. (Rev. 21: 1).
Some theologians are of the opinion that the prophesies of Isaiah were written in two
periods. According to them the first 1-39 chapters of the book were written before the
Babylon exile and chapters 40-66 were written during the exile. However, Some others
differ and say since the whole book was written by one author, there is no need to differen-
tiate between the first and second part. There are more similarities than differences between
these two parts.. Therefore, it is better to study the book as a whole.
Vison about christ
There is no other book in the old testment that contain this much of prophesies about
Christ. He has clearly prophesied about the two phases of the redemption plan of Christ.(The
events that took place from the birth of Christ to His ascension is the first phase of the
redemption plan. The second Advent of Christ and the related events is the second phase of
the redemption plan). The prophesies about first phase were already fulfilled. See some
Off-spring of a Virgin
There for the Lord himself shall give you a sign: “ Look, the young woman is with child
and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel” (Ish 7:14) St. Matthew proclaims that his
prophesy has come true. through the birth of jesus through St.Mary.(St.Matthew 1:22,23)
Great Light
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land
of deep darkness - on them light has a shined(Issh 9:2) In the gospel of St. Mathew it is

explained how this was fulfilled. (St.Matt. 4:12-16).
The Chosen Servant
“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put
my spirit upon him; ” (Ish 42:1) St. Mathew proclaims this has come true. (St. Matt. 12:
Numbered with Transgressors
Isaiah 53:12 states: “...and was numbered with the transgressors;yet he bore the sin of
many, and made intercession for the transgressors”. St. Mark states how this prophesy has
come true. “And with him they crucified two bandits,one on his right, and one on his left”
(St.Mark 15:27)
The prophesy of Isaiah is much different from other Old Testament books. God would
punish severely and destroy the sinner. However, Isaiah elucidate that God is one who saves
the man without remembering his past sins if the man rpent and return. Judgement and Hope
reflect one after the other in the book of Isaiah.

1. In which period Isaiah lived ? Who were the kings of Israel at that time ?
2. Why book of Isaiah is described as a miniature of the Bible ?
3. Write in brief Isaiah’s vision about Christ.


Jermiah prophesied during the period of King Josiah, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah. He
was the son of Hilkiah, the priest of Anathoth Jerusalem. He is often known as the ‘weeping
prophet’ . The Lord appointed him as a prophet for nations even before he formed in the
womb and cosecrated him before he was born(1:5).
The Mission of Jeremiah
He had a glorious mission See, today I appoint you over nations and over kingdoms,
to pluck up and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant (1: 10).
The mission of Jeremiah was noble but at the same time he had to face hardships which
were severe.He had to suffer rdicule and contempt even in the service at his native place.

They caught hold of him and put him in prison. The king and the kinsmen sought to kill him.

Still he was steadfast in his ministry of prophesy. They put him in a cistern of mud. Later he
was deported forcibly to Egypt. At the end of 40 years of prophesying, he was stoned to
Major Thoughts
Trust in God is the important message given by Jermiah. He informed the leaders and
people who do not keep moral laws, in strong language, about the coming punishment.He
explained that the Lord punish the sinner, but at the same time He awaits the repentance of
the sinner.
Vision about Christ
Jeremiah in the chapter 23:1-8 has very clearly illustrated about Messiah. He gives
hope to the people that the Saviour would come as a good shepherd and as a righteous
branch of David. Jeremiah prophesed that He will reign as a king and deal wisely and will
execute justice and righteous in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in
The book, Lamentations
The book, Lamentations is considered as a part of the book of Jeremiah. However,
there is an arguement that it is not written by Jeremiah . The misery of Jerusalem is the major
theme of the book. The book is written as an eyewitness account of the situation of Jerusalem
when the city and Temple were destroyed, the leaders were caught as slaves and when the
sacrifices were stopped.
The author expresses his agony at the destruction of the city and the temple. He also
confesses that the cause of their distruction are their sins. The author who depends on the
mercy of God , hopes that Israel, the bride of Lord will be accepted again.The book, Lam-
entations accepts that the prophesies about the punishments were inspired by God. While the
Lamentations express deep anguish and sorrow at the destruction of Jerusalem and Israel,
they also proclaim the mercy of Lord and faith in the promises of Lord.
Even though Jeremiah forewarned the people about the total distruction of Israel, they
did not accept that.. The Lord through the prophet warned the people to forgo their evil ways
but they rejected. Jermiah foretold the people about the exile in Babylon for 70 years. Still,
they did not believe him (Jeremiah chapter 25) Jeremiah illustrated the people through many
symbols about the Lord’s mercy and his punishments. Still the people refused to believe in
him and as a result they had to go on exile to Babylon as his prophesy.

1. What was the mission of Jeremiah ?

2. Write in brief the important message in the prophecy of Jeremiah ?
3. What is vision about Christ of Jeremiah ?
4. Write the content of the book, Lamentations?
5.Write in brief the prophecy of Jeremiah about exile in Babylon ?
(The prophet of Exile)

Daniel lived in the 6th Century B.C. during the Babylonian exile. When King
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon attacked Jerusalem in 605 BC and carried away many cap-
tives to BABYLON. Daniel and his three friends were among them. When Nebuchadnezzar
attacked Jerusalem, a second time, he completely destroyed the city and carried away many
more as slaves including the prophet, Ezekiel ( 587 B.C.)
There are different opinions regarding the period, when the book of Daniel was writ-
ten, even though Daniel prophesied during the Babylonian exile. When some say it was at the
time of exile, others say it was written during the religious oppression by Antiochus Epiphanes
in 167-164 B.C. In the original Hebrew version, the book of Daniel has 12 chapters where
as in Greek it has 14.
Major thoughts
The book, having 12 chapters, can be divided into two parts. The first part chapters 1-
6 contains the unshakable trust in God and adhereance to the traditional rituals of Jews,shown
by Daniel and his friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.(Shadrach, Meshach, abednego)
Chapters 7-12 is a narration of the vision of Daniel. The vision of Daniel reveals that
all colonialist powers against God and His plans will be destroyed and the kingdom of God
will survive.
The references about son of God ( Jesus Christ) makes this books noteworthy. indications
about resurrection makes this book different from others (12:2-3)
Vision about Jesus
1. The vision of Daniel about the Messiah is peculiar in many respects. When the huge
statue made up of gold, silver, bronze, iron, and clay was standing up, a stone touched by
none came and shattered the statue, and it crumbled to the dust and wind carried it all away.
The stone touched by none is Messiah and the statue is many colonialist forces. Daniel points
out that in the appropriate time, Messiha will remove all colonialist forces and will rule the
world (2:31-35,44).

2. Through his vision Daniel introduce Messiah as the Son of Man who received
absolute dominion. He was given dominion and kingship,that all peoples, nations, and lan-
guages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away,
and his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed.(7:13-14).
2. The cut off anointed prince
Daniel prophesied to rebuild Jerusalem an anointed prince will come but he will be cut
off and thereafter there will be war and misery. This anointed prince is Messiah.( 9:25-27)
3. A Man clothed with belt of gold (glory)
This vision of Daniel is similar to that of St.John’s revelations (Rev: 1:12-16). man
clothed with golden sash across the chest.
The essence of the visions of Daniel is that ultimately God’s side will win and Kingdom of
God will be established. He clarifies that there will be days of severe persecutions and afflic-
tions before this.
Prophesy of Daneil gives hope and comfort to those people who suffer from slavery
and severe persecutions. It is made clear in the prophesy that those who trust in God, in spite
of severe persecutions, will be saved and reinstated in the end by God .

1. In which century did prophet Daniel live ? When was this book written ?
2. What are the main thoughts in the prophesy of Daniel ?
3. Write in brief about the vision about Christ by Daniel.
4. What do Daniel clarify in his prophesies ?

(Prophet in Exile)

Prophet Ezekiel lived in the 6th Century B.C. During the period of exile he worked
among the Jews. Both Daniel and Ezekiel were contemporaries. Ezekiel was in the group of
slaves carried away to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar in the 2nd invasion in BC 587. Jeremiah
had prophesied earlier about this exile and its period as 70 years. (Jeremiah 29:1-11).

The Mission of Ezekiel

Some jews who had no faith in the word of the God about the return from exile after

70 years believed that their plight was due to the failure of God. They neglected the true God
mingled with the Babylonian way of life and became a part of Babylonian culture. Even in
Slavery they did not seek the true God. However, another group sought the true God after
realising that their plight was due to their misconduct and also due to their reluctance to turn
to the God neglecting the warnings of prophetsThey believed completetly in God’s com-
mandments. Being steadfast in Lord, they began to return to Jerusalem and offer sacrifices
Elders of Judah offered sacrifices under the leadership of Ezekiel who was also a priest.
Ezekiel received the gift of prophesy while he was living on the banks of river,Chebar
.The great task of Ezekiel was to turn the people to God who were turned to idol worship
and false prophets during their long period of exile.
Major Thoughts
The first part of the prophesy (chapters 1to 33) generally speaks of punishment. The
prophet exposed the infidelity and sins of Judah and Jerusalem and also told that they will get
severe punishments for that. Nobody can slip away from it. The prophet repeatedly states
that the day of the judgement is at hand. He also states that the nations who oppressed Israel
will also be punished.
The second part (chapters 34-38) mainly speaks of the deliverance of Israel. Prophet
says that the Lord God himself will feed His sheep, will seek and rescue the scattered sheeps
and will bind up the injured.
The prophet gives hope and speaks of a time when Israel will be reinstated after the
distruction of all its enemies. The desolate city will be full of inhabitants. There will be safety
and prosperity for the people. A renewed heart will be given to the people.The new temple
will become the fountain of living water.
The prophesy of Ezekiel applies to social order as well as individuals. While he speaks
about the punishment and the salvation of Israel as a whole, he makes it clear that the same
punishment and salvation is personal also . Like Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:29) Ezekiel too op-
posed the saying, ‘the parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on
edge’(Esk.18:2). The prophet makes clear that each one get salvation and punishment ac-
cording to his own deeds
Vision about Christ
Ezekiel presents Messiah mainly in three ways.
1. The cedar tree planted on high and lofty mountain: ( Ezkiel 17:22-24) A
tender sprout of a cedar tree will be planted on a high and lofty mountain of Israel. It will
produce boughs and bear fruits and would become a noble cedar. Under it every kind bird
will live and in the shade of its branches will nest winged creatures of every kind. This
denotes the supremacy of Messiah.

2. The real heir of the Ruler (21:27). ‘Until He comes whose right it is; to him I will
give it. This denotes that Messiah will come as the real ruler.
3.The True Shepered (34:11-31) “...............I will judge between sheep and sheep. I will
set up over them one shepherd ............”.
The prophet states that Israel, the flock will be safe under Jesus Christ, the True Shep-
herd. (See chapter 10 of St.John).

1. Which King made Ezekiel slave and took him to Babylonia ? In which year ?
2. What are the main thoughts of Ezekiel prophesy ?
3. What is Ezekiel’s vision about Christ ?


It is studied earlier that the prophets can be classified as major and minor prophets.
For the convenience of learning, minor prophets can be grouped in to three.
1. Prophets before the exile (before 6th Century B.C.).
2. Prophets during exile (6th Century B.C.)
3. Prophets after the exile (After 6th Century B. C.)
1.Prophets before the exile
Amos, Jonah, Hosea (8th Century), Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah (7th Cen-
tury) are minor prophets before the exile.
Amos lived in the beginning of the 8th Century B.C. . The meaning of the word
‘Amos’ is one who carries burden.
The background of the prophesy
During the reign of King Jeroboam, Israel enjoyed prosperity. This prosperity created
a new set of hegmony leaders. This group include land lords, business men and officers . The
traders sold wheat mixed with chaff and used false measurments. (8:4) The Judges took
bribes and set aside justice (5:12). To persue hedonism the women wanted more money and
they encouraged their husbands to oppress the poor(4:1). Rituals became an extraneous
show. They irritated God by conducting insincere sacrifices everyday.(4:4-5).
This is the background of the prophecy of Amos who was a shepherd. Amos told the
people through the prophecy that as Lord is just, He expect justice and righteousness from

His worshippers..
The main message of the prophesy of Amos is Justice, True and Sincere worship and
Care for the weak .
Vision about Christ
A clear picture of Christ can be seen in the prophecy of Amos (1:1-10, 9:11-15). He
expects Jesus as the Ruler, Saviour who restores his people and also as the Judge with all
powers .
The meaning of the word ‘Jonah’ is ‘dove’. Jonah was a contemporary of Amos who
lived in the 8th Century B.C. Theologians consider that the book of Jonah was written after
the exile between 400-300 B.C.
The content of the book is the story about Jonah than his prohesies. God asked him to
go to Nineveh, a city in the north east, to deliver the message of God but he disobeyed God
and boarded a ship going to Tarshish, a country in the west.
The disobedient Jonah who tried to run away from God’s command is thrown over-
board and a large fish swallowed him and again he was brought to the shore of Nineveh.
Jonah preached the people to repent. They repented and God saved them. God make realise
the truth to depressed Jonah through an incident of the castor bean plant and Jonah became
happy in that.(4:6-11)
Jews beleived that salvation is their right and nobody else had any right to it. But the
book of Jonah is a fitting reply to this narrow mindedness. This book gives us the message
that God’s mercy have no boundaries and all people are the children of God like Jews and
God desire to give salvation to all. In the Three-Day Lent, it is coustomary in our church to
read the book of Jonah and meditate on it.
Vision about Christ
Jonah is the only prophet whom which Jesus has compared Himself . (St.Matthew
12:39-41)” An evil and adulterous generation asks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it
except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the
belly of sea monster, so for three days and three nights the Son of Man will be in the heart of
the earth. The people of the Nineveh will rise up at the judgement with this generation and
condemn it, because they repented at the proclamation of Jonah, and see, something greater
than Jonah is here.” The experience of Jonah in the belly of the sea monster was a hint of the
death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

The prophet Hosea lived in the 8th century B.C. He is the prophet who declared God’s

commands through his own life expeiences. .
This book has 14 chapters. The first three chapters illustrates the relationship between God
and Israel in the background of his own marriage life. In the chapters 4-13 he explains the
punishments that would fall on Israel for their sins and their unfaithfullness towards God. The
14th chapter states the calling for repentance and it tells the endless mercy of God who
restore the people to His Love by forgetting their sins.
Hosea started his prophesy at a time when the people of Israel had forsaken their true
Lord and started worshipping other gods. On the command of the Lord, Hosea marries a
woman of whoredom. After a while she left Hosea and turned again to whoredom. Hosea
bought her and accept her again.
The Message of Hosea
Through this action prophet gives the message of redemption. Hosea gives a message
to the world through this prophecy that God will redeem those who return to God even if
they were much unfaithfull.
Vision about Christ
St.Matthew quotes Hosea 11:1, when he describes the childhood of Jesus “ This was
to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet ,’out of Egypt I have called
my Son “. (St. Mathew 2:15).
God called back Israel from Egypt when Israel was a child .Similarly God called back
the child Jesus from Egypt. Both Israel and Jesus at the time of their childhood runawayed
from their native place to Egypt and God restored them both. Hosea compares God’s own
people Israel and Jesus the Son of God. in these two events. Like Hosea redeemed the
whoredom woman by giving price Jesus redeemed us by paying his Blood as its price.

1. Into how many groups can the minor prophets be classified ?
2. Which century is considered as the time of exile ?
3. Who are the minor prophets who lived before the exile ?
4. What is the background of the prophecy of Amos ?
5. What is the main message of Amos ?
6. Explain the vision about Christ by Amos ?
7. The book of Jonah is an apt reply. To what ?
8. What is the message of the prophecy of Jonah ?

9. Which prophet declared God’s commands through his own life experience ?
10. What is the message of the prophescy of Hosea ?

The word Micah means “Who is similar to God ?” . He was from Moresheth, south
west of Jerusalem . He was a villager and nothing more is known about his family.
Background of the Prophecy
Authorities and leaders exploited the poor; traders took undue profit and judges be-
came partakers of injustice and even the priests were indulged in sinful, immoral lives. This
was the background when Micah started his prophecy.
Theme of Prophecy:
There are seven chapters in the book of Micah. One third of it describes the sin of the
people. The second one-third speaks of the punishments by God for their sins. The last
portion is about message of Redemption. It is sure that sinners would be punished, but if they
repent and turn back to God, he is gracious enough to forgive their sins. This is the main
message of Micah’s prophecy. “Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over
the transgression of the remnant of your possession” ( 7:18)
Vision about Christ
The birth place of Messiah and his everlasting rule have been clearly stated by Micah.
It is noteworthy that this prophecy was made about 700 years before Jesus was born.
“O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall
come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days.”
The scribes and priests were quite aware of this prophecy. Wise men from the east
asked Herod the king, where the baby to be the King of Jews was born.. Herod in turn
enquired with the scribes and chief priests where the Messiah was to be born. They an-
swered immediately, “In Bethlehem of Judea” (Matt. 2: 1-6).

The main theme of Nahum’s prophecy is the utter destruction of the city of Nineveh.

Nineveh was once the capital of Assyria. The people of this heathen city heard the
preaching of prophet Jonah and repented for their evil doings. Seeing their change of mind,
the compassionate God averted the punishment. After about a century, the people of Nineveh
again changed their minds and indulged in all sorts of evil deeds and started serving idols.
They forgot the true God. They also cruelly tortured Israelites, the people of God. In this
background the prophet predicted their destruction.
Unlike the prophecy of Jonah , Nahum predicts the utter destruction of Nineveh with-
out giving the people a chance to repent. Nahum prophesised that the city would be com-
pletely destroyed such that at a later date nobody would know where the city was. The
Israelites had suffered so much from the Assyrian kings.
Nahum’s prophecy does not have any complaint against his own people. Jonah went
to Nineveh and prophesied, but Nahum prophecised against Nineveh without going there.
Vision about Christ
In this prophecy there is no direct reference about Jesus Christ. In chapter 1:2-8, there
is an indirect reference to Christ. Here Lord is being described as a King of Kings who
judges all people,wielding absolute power. This will happen at the second advent of Jesus

This is a small prophecy containing only three chapters. The main theme of this
book is the destruction of a powerful ruler who tortured the people of Israel. It is not clear
who that ruler was. Some opine that it was an Assyrian emperor.Nothing more is known
about the prophecy.
This book is a song of lamentations containing two questions asked by the prophet
to God and God’s reply to them.
This book has three chapters. The first two chapters contains the two questions
and their reply from God.The third chapter is a song of praise to the Lord.
First Question 1:1-4
How long shall I cry for help, and you willot listen? Or cry to you “Violence!” and you
will not save?
Second Question 1:12-17
Why do you look on the treacherous, and are silent when the wicked swallow those
more righteous than they?

The Reply of the Lord - Chapter 2

The Lord replied that the wicked people would be destroyed and the righteous would

be saved.God said,”The righteous live by their faith.”
Vision about Christ
There is no direct reference about Jesus Christ in the prophecy of Habakkuk. How-
ever, there are referencs about Salvation or Saviour in two places (3:13-18). The name
Jesus, which means “Saviour”, has been derrived from the word Salvation.“She will bear a
son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins”.(St.Matthew
We can also see an indication of the Kingdom of Messiah in this book. “But the earth
will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”(2:14).
This is going to happen at the reign of Messiah.

The word Zephaniah means ‘hidden by God’
Zephaniah who is known as the prophet of judgement, speaks with very strong words
about the sin of Israel and God’s punishment for it. Zephaniah prophesied when the people
of Israel was full of wickedness and idol worship and they led a life renouncing the true God.
A Day of Judgement would come and it would be the Day of the Lord (1:14-16).
Call for Repentance
Although the prophet very strongly declares about the Day of the Lord’s wrath, he
also tells the people about the mercy of God. He consoles the people that God will forgive
their sins if they repent.(2:3)
Vision about Christ
There is no direct prophecy about Christ in this book. Still, the prophet expects a
Saviour of Israel to come and that Saviour is Jesus Christ (3:9-20).
Jesus speaks twice indirectly about Zephaniah. When we compare Zephaniah 1:3 and
St. Matthew 13:41 and Zephaniah 1:15 and St.Matthew 24:29 we can understand it. Both
these are related to the second advent of Jesus.

1. Who are the minor prophets lived in the 7th Century B.C. before the exile ?
2. What is the message of the book of Micah ?
3. Who clearly prophesied the birth place of Jesus ? Write the chapter and verse of the
prophecy ?
4. Against whom did Nahum prophesy ?
5. Which is the prophesy that does not have any complaints about his own people ?
6. Which prophet did not give any chance for repentance ?

7. Describe the two questions of Habakkuk and their reply by God ?
8. Who is called the prophet of judgment ?


In the new testament of the Holy Bible, the first four books are known as Gospels.
Gospel means good news. The root of this word is from the Greek word “Evangelion” and
in English it is “Gospel”. In old English, it was “Good spell”. Jesus calls his messages “Good
News” (Luke 4:18, Mark 1:14).
In the Christian Church that came into existence after the Pentecost,the memories of
the life of Jesus, his ministry, Passion and Resurrection were very much alive. When the lives
of most of the people who lived with Jesus and witnessed his ministry, were nearing an end,
many tried to record those events and preserve them. St.Luke begins his Gospel reminding
this need to write an account, orderly and carefully, of all matters from its beginning. Many
wrote such records, but those of St. Mathew, St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John were ac-
cepted as Gospels. The idea of four Gospels got recognition from about AD 100.These
Gospels are included in the Holy Bible. None of these are a complete biography nor a full
description of the ministry of Jesus Christ. They, in their totality, reveals the personality of
Jesus. Each one of the authors gives importance to a particular trait of Jesus and goes on
explaining that point with proofs and instances.
Synoptic Gospels
The first three Gospels, i.e. St.Matthew, St.Mark and St.Luke are known as Synoptic
Gospels. The similarity in the contents, narration of the events and order of incidents in these
three Gospels forced theologians to have a detailed study. There are also clear differences
between them.These similarities and differences are still a point of debate among the theolo-
gians. This is known as Synoptic Problem.
The Gospel according to St. Mark is the first written Gospel . St.Mark was a close

associate of St. Peter. He was also the translator of the preaching of St.Peter. Pappiyas, one
of the church fathers had recorded that St.Mark must have used the information received
from St. Peter and made a chronological record of events in the Gospel. Both St.Mathew
and St. Luke used this book and they used the same chronology in writing their books.
Almost 90% of instances quoted by St.Mark are used in the other two gospels. There are
differences too. St.Mathew and St.Luke have added some 200 verses in their books. It
shows that they have depended on another source. This source is noted as ‘Q’ by theolo-
gians. ‘Q’ is ‘Quelle’, a German word meaning ‘source’. This source is not available now.
The Gospel according to St.John is the last gospel written. This gospel is quite different
from others in message, expression and substance. St.John is giving a theological interpreta-
tion of the redemptive works of Jesus.
In short , Gospels are books written by the Evangelists based on the traditions of the
early church developed from the experiences of the Apostles and other eyewitnesses, inter-
preted by the Evangelists with their own view points and theological visions.
1. What is the meaning of the word ‘Evangelion’ ?
2. What are the reasons to write the Gospels ?
3. How can we fully understand the teachings of Jesus Christ ?
4. What is ‘Synoptic Problem’?
5. How can we understand that there was a source known as ‘Q’ ?
Write two miracles written in Synoptic Gospels and explain how they are described in


I. The Gospel According to St.Mark

St.Mark was a co-worker and helper to both St.Peter and St.Paul. St.Peter sent him
to Alexandria and he established a church there. His house in Jerusalem is famous- the
Mansion of St.Mark or Zeion Mansion. Today the Mansion of St.Mark is a Dayara and a
blessed monument of our church.
The Gospel of St.Mark was written between AD 66-70 in Rome. The sources for the
book are those matters that St.Mark learned from the preachings and teachings of St.Peter.
When we examine the contents, we can understand that the book was written for believers
other than Jews. He has left out topics like the genealogy, the fulfilled prophecies and cita-
tions from the Law. St.Mark has recorded only those events from John the Baptist to the
Ascension of Jesus. There is no mention of the birth and childhood of Jesus. The intention of
the book is to draw a clear picture of Jesus as the Son of God. Rituals of Jews and names of
places are given in detail so that the gentiles may understand them (7:2,14:12,15:42). Also
meaning of Aramaic (Syriac) words are given (3:17,5:41, 7:11, 7:34, 15:34). Most part of
the Gospel deals with the ministry of Jesus. Presentation is short and vivid. St.Mark presents
the story of Jesus in a straight forward manner with an emphasis on what Jesus did rather than
on the words and teachings.
Vision about Christ
The Gospel begins with the statement: “ The beginning of the good news of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God”. St. Mark points out this at the time of His Baptism (1:11), Trans-
figuration (9:6), Declaration of Peter (8:29) and the Declaration of the Centurion (15:39). At
the same time, St.Mark gives equal importance to the idea that Jesus is also the ‘Son of
Man’. He uses the word ’Son of Man’ 14 times. In the Old Testament this word first appears
in the book of Daniel (Daniel 7:13). Also Jesus calls himself the “Son of Man” (8:31).
Of the four Gospels, St.Mark states the most about the human traits of Jesus- about
his emotions like anger (3:5), surprise (6:6), compassion (6:34), hunger (11:12).
Smallest Gospel : Chapters 16: Verses 678
Ministry in Jordan (1:1-13)
Ministry in Galilee (1:14-7:23)
At places between Galilee and Jerusalem (7:24-10:52)
In Jerusalem (11-13)
Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension (14-16)
2. Gospel according to St. Matthew
St. Mathew was a disciple of Jesus. He is also called Levi. Both St.Mark and St.
Luke calls him Levi. He was a tax collector. The Gospel was written in Aramaic between
65-75 A.D.
The Gospel begins with the genealogy of Jesus from Abraham to David and then to his
foster father Joseph. Thus Jesus is pictured as a person of the chosen people of God. It is
mainly written for the Jews. Therefore, Hebrew words are not further explained (5:22) the
rituals of the Jews are given without explaining their origin.(15:3; 23:5)
Vision about Christ
a) As the new Moses and Teacher : Jesus is revealed as the new Moses by St.Matthew.
Like Moses gave them the Commandments of God at Mount Sinai, Jesus through the Ser-
mon on Mount teaches these Laws in their fullness.

b) As Messiah, the King: In this Gospel, Jesus is depicted as Messiah the King, the hope
of Israel. The phrase ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is used 32 times in this gospel. In the New
Testament, this phrase cannot be seen anywhere else. There are 40 quotations from the Old
Testment to prove that Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of the Law and prophecies.
The word ‘Church’ can be seen only in this Gospel. There is a special reference to the
Church in this Gospel.(16:18, 18:17). Therefore, this Gospel is also called the ‘Church Gos-
St.Matthew reports many events not included in the other Gospels such as the ap-
pearance of the angel of the Lord to Joseph (1:18-26), visit of the Wisemen, escape to Egypt
(2:1-18), dream of Pilate’s wife.

Chapters 28: Verses 1071
St. Matthew, while writing the ministry of Jesus, has deviated from the chronological
order, inter-connecting identical events together.
The Gospel can be divided into the following classes:
1. Genealogy and Birth (1:1-2:23)
2. Beginning of the ministry of Jesus (3:1-4:25)
3. Sermon on the Mount (5:1-7:25)
4. Miracles (8:1-9:35)
5. Preaching about the Kingdom of God (9:38-11:1)
6. The unfaith and rejection of Jews (11:2-12:50)
7. The Parables about the Kingdom of God (13:1-52)
8. Training for the Apostles and teaching about the Church (13:53-18:35)
9. Ministry in Judea and Jerusalem (19:1-23:39)
10. Sermon about the End of the Age (Sermon on the Mount Olive) (24:1-25:46)
11. Passion of Christ (26:1-27:66)
12. Resurrection ( Chapter 28)
3. Gospel According to St. Luke
Among the four who wrote Gospels, St.Luke is the only gentile converted to Christanity.
He has also written the Acts of Apostles. Both these books are dedicated to Theophilus.
St.Luke was the companion and co-worker of St.Paul. During the captivity of St. Paul,
St.Luke was a helper to him. He was a physician and an artist too. A picture of St.Mary
drawn by St.Luke is still preserved in the Dayara of St.Mark. It is believed that this book
was written around 70 A.D. before the destruction of Jerusalem.
St.Luke depicts a clear picture of Jesus, who was born as a man, as the Saviour of the
whole mankind. In the prologue the author declares that as many wanted to write about

Christ, he too desired to write everything orderly. With beautifull language and excellent
presentation, this book stands prominent amoung the New Testament books. St.Luke has
written elaborately about the birth and childhood of Jesus. Unlike St.Mathew, St.Luke does
not give much imprtance to fulfilment of prophecies. St.Luke quotes only very few Old Tes-
tament verses. Like St.Mark, St.Luke gives the meaning of the Aramic words. St.Luke gives
the genealogy of Jesus while presenting the beginning of His public ministry. While St.Mathew
writes the geneology from Abraham onwards, St.Luke states it from God himself to prove
that salvation is for the whole humanity. Many things related to prayer are mentioned in this
Gospel (3:21, 5:16, 6:12, 9:18, 9:29, 23:46). Hence, this book is also called the ‘Prayer
Gospel’. Compared to other Gospels, names of women are given more in this Gospel.
‘Mary’s Song of Praise’, which is used in our prayers is from St.Luke 1:46-55.
Vision about Christ
1. St.Luke gives importance to the fact that Jesus came for the salvation of the entire
humanity, and not for the chosen races. John the Baptist presents Jesus, quoting from the
Book of Isaiah: “ All flesh shall see the salvation of God.”(3:3-6)
2. St.Luke has written the Gospel giving emphasis to the love and compassion that
Jesus had for the humble and poor. It is made clear that Jesus was the true Son of Man, who
was sympathetic to the sorrows and sufferings of the sinners and offered them invaluable gift
of salvation.
3. St.Luke also establishes, through the parables of lost sheep, lost coin and lost son,
that Jesus is the perfect Man who came in search of sinners.(chapter 15)
Chapters 24 Verses 1151

1. Introduction 1:1-4
2. Birth and childhood of Jesus and John the Baptist 1:5-2:52
3. Activities of John the Baptist 3:1-20
4. Baptism and Temptation of Jesus: 3:21 - 4:13
5. Ministry in Galilee 4:14 - 9:50
6. Journey from Galilee to Jerusalem 9:51-19:27
7. Ministry in Jerusalem 19:28-21:38
8. Passion of Jesus 21:1-23:56
9. Resurrection and Ascension to Heaven 24:1-53

1. Which Gospel was written first?

2. How do we know that St.Mark wrote the Gospel for believers other than Jews?
3. Who is the apostle among the synoptic gospel writers ?
4. For whom did St. Mathew write the Gospel? Explain
5. Which Gospel is known as the ‘ Church Gospel?’ Why ?
6. In the Holy Bible which are the books written by St.Luke?
7.Name the Gospel writer who was a physician and an artist too?
8.How the Gospel according to St.Luke is defferent from the other Gospels?

St. John is the son of Zebedee, and brother of St. James. Only St.John had a natural
death among the Apostles. This book was written in Ephesus in 98 or 99 A.D. This means
that it is the last written Gospel. St.John has given more importance to the personality of
Jesus rather than his ministry. The 17th Chapter deserves special attention. This is a long
Prayer of Christ as the High Priest, to the Holy Father. This is known as the ‘High Priestly
The Gospel according to St. John is different from the other Gospels in substance,
presentation and content. His intention was not to write an historical record. Taking into
account the needs and challenges of that time, his aim was to reveal to the world who was
Jesus and what was his mission. His style of writing is also noteworthy. This Gospel gets
special attention because of symbolism, discourse style and usage of irony.
St.John records seven allegories that Jesus had said about himself.
1. I am the bread of life (6:48)
2. I am the light of the world (8:12)
3. I am the gate (10:9)
4. I am the good shepherd (10:11)
5. I am the resurrection and the life (11:25)
6. I am the way, and the truth, and the life (14:6)
7. I am the true vine (15:1)
The differences of the Gospel of St.John from the Synoptic Gospels.
1. St.John has written six miracles of Jesus which are not recorded in the Synoptic Gospels.
They are water turned into wine; healing of the official’s son, healing at the pool of Bethzatha;
healing of the man born blind, raising of Lazarus, the miraculous fishing.
2. In the Synoptic Gospels many parables are included whereas in the Gospel of St.John

there are no parables.Instead allegories are used. eg. Living Water, Bread of Life, True Vine,
and so on.
3. Birth from a Virgin, Baptism, Temptation, Transfiguration, establishment of the Holy Qurbana
which appears in the Synoptic Gospels are not found in the Gospel of St.John.Washing of
the feet of the Apostles is found only in the Gospel of St. John.
4. Synoptic Gospels gives more emphasis tothe activities of Jesus in Galilee and nearby plac
es, whereas St.John gives more improtance to His activities in Jerusalem.
5. Synoptic Gospels mention about only one Passover feast.St.John records that Jesus cel
ebrated three Passover feasts.(2:13, 6:4, 12:1). So we can assume that the public ministry
of Jesus lasted at least three years.
6. The farewell speech of Jesus at the Mansion is elaborately explained by St.John.(chapters
14-17).These is not found in the Synoptic Gospels.
Vision about Christ
St.John himself declares that his intention is to prove that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son
of God. (20:30-31) St.John proves that Jesus is the Complete God (1:11-18; 5:20, 8:25;
10:30; 20:28) and the Complete Man (4:6; 11:33; 12:27; 13:21). St.John undoubtedly shows
the union of the personalities of Christ. The Eternal Word became a human being. St.John
depicts this Word as giving life to the World (6:33), the Bread of Life (6:48), the Living
Water(7:37) and the Eternal Light (8:12).
Chapters 21: Verses 876
1. Introduction 1:1-18 :- Says about the Word.
2. Book of Signs and Symbols 1:19-12:50 :- Seven miracles(signs) of Jesus are described in
12 chapters .
3. Book of Glory. 13:1-20:31 :- Jesus reveals His glory to the disciples who accept him. The
farewell speech at the Mansion, High Priestly Prayer, the Passion, Death and Resurrection
are included in this part.
4. Appendix Chapter 21 :- Appearance of Resurrected Jesus Christ to the disciples.

1. What is known as the ‘High Priestly Prayer’?
2. Describe the writing style in the Gospel of St.John?
3..What are the allegories used by St.John about Jesus?
4. How St.John’s Gospel is different from the Synoptic Gospels?
5. What is the proof that the public ministry of Jesus lasted three years?

Make a list of the Miracles of Jesus, written in the Synoptic Gospels, quoting Chap-
ters, Verses and the book, which are not mentioned in the Gospel of St.John.



(St.Matthew 21:1-22; St. Mark 11:2-26; St. Luke 19:28-48; St.John 12:12-19)

You have studied important events, teachings and instructions in the ministry of Jesus
in the lower classes. Jesus had instructed his disciples not to disclose the important facts that
He is the Son of God, and that they had seen His Glory at the mountain. But, Jesus now
decides to reveal who he is and to make the people understand that He is the expected
Messiah, the King of Jews. Jesus gives instructions to his disciples for the same.
He enters Jerusalem as the King of Kings. This was the time of the Passover feast.
This was a time when Jews from all over the world gathers in Jerusalem. Jesus starts his
journey from Mount Olive which is on the eastern side of Jerusalem.
As they approached Jerusalem, near the town of Bethphage and Bethany, He sent two
of His desciples to fetch a young donkey that had never been ridden. They brought the
donkey to Jesus and they threw their cloaks over it. Jesus mounted on it and continued His
journey to Jerusalem. This journey of Jesus on the young donkey was the fulfilment of the
prophecy of Zechariah.(9:9 :- “Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter
Jerusalem! Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on
a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” In those days it was believed that a king coming on
a horse is for war and on a donkey is for peace. Jesus rode on a donkey, the symbol of
humility, to testify that the Kingdom of God is not worldly one as others had expected.
The people accepted Jesus in a royal way. They spread their cloaks and branches of
trees on the road. These were all things of reception given to victorious kings. The people
who went ahead of and followed Jesus shouted in great joy, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one
who comes in the name of the Lord - the King of Israel.” Hosanna is a Hebrew word
meaning, ‘Lord save us.’ This song was sung by Jews at the feast of Tabernacle.The seventh
day of the feast was called the ‘Hosanna Day’ and the small Olive branches held by the
worshippers were known as ‘Hosanna’.(Psalms 118:25). They symbolised the palm leaves

that we use on Palm Sunday.
On seeing this royal reception given to Jesus, a group of Pharisees became jealous and
asked Jesus to stop the disciples. Jesus answered: “ I tell you, if these were silent, the stones
would shout out.” Jesus saw the city of Jerusalem from far off. On foreseeing the utter de-
struction of Jerusalem, as it rejected Him,Jesus wept. As Jesus said, the city was completely T
destroyed in A.D.70 .
Purification of the Temple
After entering Jerusalem, He first went to the temple. He drove out those who were
selling things there. This was the fulfilment of the prophecy of Malachi.(Malachi 1:3). The
temple court was a place for the gentiles and buying and selling were being done there. As a
result, gentiles could not freely participate in the prayers. The coins offered in the temple
were special and as a result money exchange was essential. Similarly, animals and birds for
sacrifices were to be certified by the priests that they were without any defect. If an animal or
bird is brought from outside, the priest would raise some lame reason to reject it. In both the
cases relatives of the priests were making immense profits. The anger of Jesus rose against
this undue profit making practice in the place for worship. He not only purified the temple but
also cured blinds,lames etc. Here we can see Jesus who rises against exploiters and at the
same time gives showers of blessing to the faithful.
Jesus purified the temple and He used to preach there daily. The High Priests, Scribes
and the Pharisees began to think of a plan to destroy Jesus.

1. What was the intention of the royal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem?
2. His journey on the young donkey was the fullfilment of which prophecy?
3. How did the people receive Jesus when he entered Jerusalem?
4. Why did Jesus purify the temple by driving out people engaged in business?
5. Why did Jesus weep on seeing Jerusalem?
Project: Write a brief account on how Palm Sunday is different from other Sundays?

(St. Matthew 26, 27, St.Mark 14, 15; St. Luke 22, 23; St. John 11,13,18,19)

In all the four Gospels detailed explanations are given about the Passion of the Lord.
More importance was given to this by the early Church because the fulfilment of His ministry
of salvation was through His Passion, death, Ressurection.
For ease of study, Passion of the Lord can be divided in the following parts.

1. The plot against Jesus
2. Celebration of the Passover Feast and institution of the Holy Qurbana.
3. The prayer at Gethsemane
4. Arrest of Jesus
5. Trial of Jesus
6. Crucifixion

1. The plot against Jesus

St.Matthew 26: 1-5, St.Mark 14:1-2; St.Luke 22:1-2; St.John 11:45-53

The Pharisees and the Scribes were scared at the royal reception Jesus received in
Jerusalem. They were afraid that sooner or later all the people will be at His side. Therefore,
they planned to destroy Jesus at any cost. High priests,Scribes and elders of the people met
at the court of Caiaphas,the High Priest. They conspired to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill
Him. However, they decided to execute their plans after the feast so that a riot among the
people can be avoided during the days of the feast. At this time, one of the disciples of Jesus,
Judas Iscariot went to the Chief Priest and agreed to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. 30
pieces of silver was the price of a slave. Thus the prophecy of Zechariah was fulfilled.(11:12)

2.Celebration of the Passover Feast and institution of the Holy Qurbana

St. Matthew 26:17-25; St.Mark 14:12-21; St.Luke 22:7-14; St. John 13:1-30

Jesus entrusted Peter and John with certain instructions to prepare the Passover Feast.
They did accordingly. The Passover feast was prepared at the Mansion of Mark.They ate
the Passover meal in accordance with the Law. (Exodus12). During the meal , Jesus men-
tioned about the betrayal of Judas. Judas left the place. There was a dispute among the
disciples as to which one of them was to be regarded as the greatest. Jesus washed the feet
of the disciples like a servant. Thus Jesus illustrated the model of humbleness and service.
After completing the observsance of Passover feast according to the Law, Jesus instituted
the Holy Qurbana. (You have studied this in Class VI.)

3. Prayer at Gethsemane
St.Matthew 26:36-46; St.Mark 14:32-42; St.Luke 22:39-46
After the celebration of the Passover feast and the institution of the Holy Qurbana,
Jesus went to Mount Olive,east of Jerusalem, along with His disciples. Jesus reminds them of
the prophecy of Zechariah that “Strike the shepherd, that the sheep may be scattered”

(Zechariah 13:7). Howevere, He gives them hope by saying that He would resurrect and go
to Galilee ahead of them. Peter declares that he would never desert Jesus even if all become
deserters.But Jesus told him that before the cock crows, Peter would deny Him three times,that
very night. From there, Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane at the western valley of
Mount Olive. Leaving the other 8 disciples at one place, Jesus took Peter, Jacob, and John
(those who had witnessed His transfiguration) and went ahead to pray. Jesus shared with
them His mental agony. He told them to stay awake with Him and going a little farther, He
threw himself on the ground and prayed, “My father if it is possible, let this cup pass from me;
yet not what I want but you want.” Jesus was without sin. So He had great anguish when He
took upon Himself the sin of the whole world.Therefore His blood came out as drops of
sweat. We must fully understand the complete dedication of Jesus to His Father even in this
great mental distress. In the Garden of Eden the first man started the sin by disobeying God.
On the other hand, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus,by His perfect obediance, opened
the way for salvation.
After gaining strength through His prayer to His Father, Jesus came back to His dis-
ciples, but He found them sleeping. He told them, “ See, the hour is at hand, and the Son of
Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Get up, let us be going.”
4. Arrested of Jesus
St.Matthew 26:47-56, St.Mark 14: 43-52, St.Luke 22:47-53, St.John 18:3-12
After eating the Passover meal with Jesus, Judas Iscariot went staight to the high priests.
He informed them that it was the right time to arrest Jesus. Judas led a group of soldiers and
police carrying swords,clubs and lanterns to there. He had given them a signal that whom he
kisses is Jesus. He came forward and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed Him. Jesus calls
him, “Friend”. Here we can see the eternal love of God who calls the one who betrays him,
‘Friend’. The soldiers arrested Jesus. Seeing these, Peter who was standing nearby got so
angry that he drew the sword and struck the High Priest’s slave, and cut off his ear. The
slave’s name was Malcuse. Jesus warned Peter and cured the man. When the disciples saw
Jesus being arrested, they fled in fear. They did foolishness and fled in fear since they slept
while they should have been praying. Jesus was strengthened through prayer and he could
face the situation calmly. But the disciples, who became lazy, lose their courage. However,
those disciples who ran away today, were strengthened after Resurrection and suffered hard-
ships and died as Martyrs for Jesus.

1.Why did the Jews decide to destroy Jesus?
2. Jews gave the price of a slave for Jesus. Explain?

3. How did the Jews observe the Passover?
4. How Jesus taught his disciples the way of humbleness?
5. What hope did Jesus give to His disciples during His passion?
6. How did Jesus gain strength for His passion?
7. Why did the disciples sleep even when Jesus wanted them to be awake?
8. Jesus called Judas Iscariot His friend. What do you understand from this?
9. Why did Jesus warn Peter?
10. Why did the disciples flee when Jesus was arrested?

(St. Matthew 26:51-27:32; St.Mark 14:53-15:21;
St.Luke 22:54-23:25; St.John 18:13-19:17)

Jesus faced trial in 6 important phases.

1. Before Annas,the previous High Priest, during the night.(St.John 18:12-14)
2. Before Caiaphas,the High Priest, and the Scribes and elders, informally at night.(St.Matthew
26:57, St.Mark 14:53, St.Luke 22:54)
3. Before the Sanhedrin formally, in the morning .(St.Matthew 27:1-12, St.Luke 22:66)
4. Before Pilate (St.Matthew 27:1,2, St.John 18:28-41)
5. Before Herod (St.Luke 23:6-12)
6. Again befores Pilate (St.Matthew 27:15-26, St.Mark 15:6-15, St.Luke 23:13-25, St.John
Illegal Trial
Jesus faced a trial devoid of any natural Justice. All decisions were one-sided. Ac-
cording to their own law itself, it was wrong. The trial faced by Jesus was not according to
the Laws of the Jews nor that of the Romans.
Justice was denied to Jesus in the following ways.
1. They had condemned Jesus to death, before they questioned him (St.Mark 14:1, St. John
2. False witnesses were produced. (St. Matthew 26:59). The statements of the witnesses
were accepted as proofs only after verification of the faithfulness of the witnesses by religious
leaders through various ways.
3. No chance or opportunity was given to Jesus for self defence. (St.Luke 22:67-71)
4. It is unlawful for the Sanhedrin to meet at night.(St.Luke 22:53-55)

5. They put Jesus under oath. When Jesus answered they used his own reply for
judging.(St.Matthew 26:63-66)
6. Sanhedrin should meet in their office adjacent to the temple.Trial can be conducted only
there. But in the case of Jesus, they met at the house of the High Priest. (St.Luke 22:54)
7. It is not lawful to pronounce judgement on the same day of the trial. It could be done only
on the next day . In this case also they broke their own law.
1. Trial Before Annas
This incident is recorded only in the Gospel of St.John. Annas was the father-in law of
Caiaphas. His family was selling doves in the Jerusalem Temple. He was a very influential
man. He questioned the disciples and teachings of Jesus. Annas wanted to establish that
Jesus was the leader of a group of conspirators against the Roman government.His intention
was not lawful. The trial of the convict must be conducted only after the trial of the witnesses.That
is why Jesus said to ask those who heard Him.
One of the police standing nearby struck Jesus on the face. Jesus asked him, “If I have
spoken wrongly, testify to the wrong. But if I have spoken rightly, why do you strike me?”.
Then Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas.
2. Before Caiaphas
Jesus was trialled twice before Caiaphas. First during the night itself when there were
only a few members of Sanhedrin . Later in the morning, when all the members of Sanhedrin
met, they questioned Jesus formally.
Sanhedrin means ‘Council’. It was a council of the Judges of the Jews. It included
Pharisees, Sadducees and elders of the people (70-72) members. High Priest was head of
the council. This council had no legal authority to put a man to death. They could trial convicts
only in the day time.There should be atleast 2 witnesses. The statement of the witnesses
should agree with each other.
They engaged false witnesses by giving bribes to give witness against Jesus. But the
statements were contradictory.When High Priest asked Jesus why he was not answering
anything, Jesus was silent.He told Jesus, “I put you under oath before the living God, tell us if
you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”. The intention of this question was to make Jesus
declare that He is the Messiah. Their plan was to impose blasphemy on Jesus and thereby
request Roman government for executing death sentence. Jesus declares that He is the Mes-
siah. The High Priest tore his clothes and gave verdict that Jesus had blasphemed. The High
Priest tears his clothes when he hears blasphemy. They spat in his face and struck him.
At this time, Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard and warming himself. Many

people there identified him. He became feeble and denied Jesus three times. At that moment
the cock crowed. Peter remembered the word of the Lord. Jesus turned around and looked
at Peter. Peter went out and wept bitterly.
This incident gives us a warning. Peter was proud that he was more loyal to Jesus than
anybody else. When he was to pray, he slept. Instead of being with Jesus, he kept away.
When Jesus looked at him, he was heart-broken of his guilt and it led to his repentance. He
wept bitterly. Later he requested his oppressors to crucify him upside down so that he could
kiss the feet of his master when he died.
After the trial, the Council decided to take him to Pilate for trial and Crucifixion.

3. Before Pilate
Pilate was the Governor of Judea from 26-36 A.D. His headquarters was in Caesarea.
He came to Jerusalem to look after law and order during the festival.
Trial of Jesus was done both inside and outside his palace. They themselves did not
enter the headquarters so as to avoid ritual defilement and to be able to eat the Passover.
Sanhedrin accused Jesus of only blasphemy. But thinking that Pilate would not take it
seriously, the Jews imposed two more charges against Jesus - (1) Jesus taught not to pay tax
to Caesar(Roman Emperor); (2) Jesus declared himself a King. When Pilate heard that Jesus
was from Galilee, he sent Jesus to Herod who was the ruler of that province. As it was the
festival season, Herod was also in Jerusalem.

4. Before Herod
Herod Antipas was the son of Herod the Great who ruled Judea at the eve of the birth
of Jesus . Herod Antipas beheaded John the Baptist. Jesus had called him ‘fox’. (St. Luke
When Herod saw Jesus he was happy since he thought that he could see some miracles
from Jesus. He asked Jesus many questions but Jesus was silent. Herod and his soldiers
treated him with contempt and mocked him; then they put an elegant robe on him and sent
him back to Pilate. On that very day Herod and Pilate became friends; before this they had
been enemies.

5. Again before Pilate

Pilate realised that Jesus was innocent. He tried to explain this to the priests and the
people. Since Herod did not see anything wrong with Him and as He had not done anything
to deserve death, Pilate told the people He could be flogged and released. At every Passover
feast, the Governor was accustomed to release a prisoner for the crowd, anyone whom they

wanted. Pilate asked if he could release Jesus accordingly.They replied that they wanted
Barabas and Jesus should be crucified. Barabas was a notorious prisoner. Again Pilate re-
quested to set free Jesus. Then the crowd shouted, “Crucify, Crucify Him”. In the meantime,
Claudia Procula,Pilate’s wife, sent him a message not to involve in the judgement concerning
Jesus. Pilate requested them for the third time to flog and release Him, as He had not done
anything to deserve death. At last Pilate ordered to crucify Jesus and set Barabas free.
The Roman soldiers stripped Jesus off His clothes and put a purple robe around him;
and flogged Him. They wove a crown of thorns and put it on His Head.They put a reed in His
right hand and knelt before Him and mocked Him, “Hail, King of the Jews!”. Jesus came out,
wearing the crown of thorns and dripping blood all over, before the crowd.Pilate told them,
“Here is the man!”. The crowd answered back, “We have a law, and according to that law he
ought to die because he has claimed to be the Son of God.” Hearing that Jesus was the Son
of God, Pilate became afraid.
Pilate entered his headquarters (the Praetorium) and asked Jesus, “Where are you
from?” But Jesus gave him no answer. Pilate asked Jesus the reason for his silence and
reminded Jesus that he had authority to crucfy or set him free. Then Jesus said, “You would
have no power over me unless it had been given you from above.” Hearing this, Pilate be-
came restless and wished to release Jesus. But the crowd shouted back, “If you release this
man, you are no friend of the Emperor. Everyone who claims to be a king sets himself against
the Emperor.” He decided to go along with the wish of the people since he did not want to
lose his position. He took Jesus outside and sat on the Gabbatha ( Stone Pavement - Judge’s
bench) and said to the Jews, “Here is your king!” The crowd answered, “We have no king
but the Emperor.”Then he handed Him over to them to be crucified. The soldiers made Jesus
to wear his own clothes and led him to Golgotha to be crucified.

1. What are the phases in which Jesus faced trial?
2. Prove that the trial of Jesus was unlawful?
3. What was the intention of Annas in questioning Jesus?
4. What is Sanhedrin?
5. Which are the two trials before Caiaphas?
6. Why did Caiaphas ask Jesus on oath?
7. What made Simon Peter to repent?
8. What was the guilt Sanhedrin put on Jesus?
9. Why did Pilate come to Jerusalem?
10. What was the guilt the Jews raised against Jesus before Pilate?

11. Why did Pilate send Jesus to Herod?
12. Why was Herod happy when he saw Jesus?
13. How did Herod and Pilate became friends?
14. Why did Pilate sentence Jesus to death even though he knew that he was innocent?
15. What are the sufferings that Jesus had to face at the heaquarters of Pilate?
16. Why did the Jews not enter the palace of Pilate?
17. What did Jesus tell Pilate about authority?

St. Mathew 27:33-56; St. Mark 15:21-41; St.Luke 23:26-49; St. John 19:16-37

Crucifixion was a punishment awarded to rebels, rioters, traitors and to the slaves who
deserted their masters. This punishment was the most cruel and painful. It was considered as
a warning to others. The convict has to carry his own cross to the place where he is to be
crucified. A inscription describing the crime is put on the cross.
Roman soldiers took Jesus outside the Jerusalem city to Golgotha for crucifixion. A
multitude of people and leaders of Jews followed them. Criminals were not executed inside
the city. The word Golgotha (Calvary) means ‘skull hill’. Calvary is a Latin word. It is only an
elevated place in the shape of a skull just about 30 feet high. In the Holy Bible this place has
many significances.
1. It is believed that the skull of Adam is lay buried there.
2. Melcizedek offered sacrifice at this place.
3. Abraham built an altar to sacrifice Isaac.
4. David offered sacrifices at this place.
Jesus was very much tired due to the cruel punishment that he suffered. Still Jesus
moved on carrying the cross. On seeing this heart breaking scene, the women who followed
him cried loudly. Jesus turned to them and said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, Do not weep for
me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.” Jesus was prophesying about the immi-
nent destruction of Jerusalem. When the soldiers saw Jesus becmae very weak, they com-
pelled Simon of Cyrene(Tripoli-Libya) to carry His cross (He later became Christian).
On reaching Golgotha, they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with myrrh(gall). This
was a drink to reduce the pain of death. He tasted it but refused to drink as He wished to die

suffering pain. They crucified Jesus in between two criminals. Pilate wrote an inscription and
put on the cross, which read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.”(Iesus Nazerenus
Rex Iudaeorum - INRI). It was written in Greek, Latin and Hebrew languages. The Jews
wanted Pilate to change the inscription to ‘This man said, I am king of the Jews’. Pilate
refused and said, “What I have written, I have written.”
One of the criminals who was crucified along with Jesus, believed in him and he said to
Him, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”Jesus replied, “ Truly I tell
you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” This man repented when he heard Jesus praying
to God to forgive those who crucified him. He also criticised and advised his friend who
insulted Jesus. This proves that even at the time of death, one can have repentance and
forgiveness of sin.
The soldiers took His clothes and divided them into four parts, one for each soldier.
However His robe was seamless, woven in one piece from the top. So, they decided not to
tear it but cast lots for it.
At the foot of the cross there stood His mother, His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of
Clopas,Mary Magdalene and His disciple John, whom He loved the most. Jesus the respon-
sibility of His mother to his disciple John.
Jesus was crucified at the 3rd hour(morning 9 o’ clock). From sixth hour to ninth
hour(from noon to 3 pm), there was darkness over the whole earth. At that moment, the
curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; the earth shook, the rocks were
split apart, and the tombs were opened. Jesus breathed his last at the 9th hour. Seeing all
these, the centurion who was a gentile believed in Jesus.
Soldiers used to break the legs of the crucified to verify their death. They broke the
legs of the two criminals and then came to Jesus. They saw that He was already dead. They
did not break His legs. Instead, one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear and at once
blood and water came out. This incident has not been recorded in the Synoptic Gospels.
St.John who was a witness to it has recorded it to show that Jesus who died on the cross was
truly the complete Man and the complete God.

1. Death by crucifixion is given to what kind of people?
2. What is the importance of Golgotha according to the Holy Bible?
3. What did Jesus tell the weeping women who followed Him?
4. Why did Jesus not take the drink to reduce the pain of death?
5. How did one of the criminals obtain salvation?
6. What was the circumstance that made the gentile centurion to believe in Jesus?


The Burial of Jesus

St. Matthew 27:57-66; St. Mark15:42-47; St.Luke 23:50-56; St. John 19:38-42
Joseph of Arimathea, who was a secret disciple of Jesus, and Nicodemus, who was a
Pharisee and leader of the Jews, boldly came forward to undertake the burial of Jesus. Both
of them were members of the Sanhedrin. Joseph asked Pilate to let him take away the body
of Jesus. Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, weighing about a hundred
pounds(40 kg). They took the body of Jesus and wrapped it with the spices in linen clothes,
according to the burial custom of the Jews. There was a garden in the place where He was
crucified, and in the garden there was a new tomb in which no one had ever been laid. It
belonged to Joseph. They buried Jesus in that tomb. A large stone was rolled to the door of
the tomb.
Next day the chief priests and Pharisees met Pilate and told him that Jesus had said
that he would raise to life on the third day. They requested him to give orders to guard the
tomb carefully until the third day, so that His disciples could not steal the body at night and
propagate that Jesus came back to life from death. Pilate told them to take their own guards
and make the tomb as secure as they desired. They made the tomb secure by sealing the
stone and by posting guards.


St. Matthew 28:1-20; St. Mark 16:1-19; St.Luke 24:1-53; St. John 20:1-21:23
It was a Jewish custom to anoint the body with spices upto the third day. It is usually
done by women. The women who had been witnesses to the crucifixion and burial of Jesus
came to the tomb early morning on Sunday when it was still dark. They found the stone kept
at the entrance rolled away and an angel of the Lord sitting on it. The angel gave them the
message that Jesus had risen from the dead and showed them the empty tomb. They were
told to inform the disciples of the news of the Resurrection. When they were returning form
the tomb, Jesus appeared and told them to inform His disciples that He was going to Galilee.
Seeing all these, the guards Becmae frightened.

The guards went to Jerusalem and told the chief priests everything that had
happened.They feared that if the people came to know the resurrection of Jesus, they would
believe in Him and the chief priest will be punished for crucifying an innocent man. They
forced the guards, by giving a large sum of money, to tell that His disciples stole the body of
Jesus while they were asleep .They did so.
It is recorded in the Holy Bible that the resurrected Jesus had appeared 10 times to his
disciples and others.
1. To Mary Magdalene alone, near the tomb. St.John 20:11-18
2. To Mary Magdalene and the other Mary - St. Matthew 28:1-10
3. To St.Peter alone - St.Luke 24:34, 1 Corinthians 15:5
4. To the two disciples who were going to Emmaus - St.Luke 24: 13-35
5. To the 10 disciples except St. Thomas on the same day of Resurrection in the
evening at the Mansion of Mark. St.John 20:19-24
6. To the 11 disciples including St. Thomas on the 8th day of the Resurrection at the
Mansion of Mark - St.Mark 16:14-18.
7. To the disciples at the shore of the Sea of Tiberias - St.John 21: 1-23
8. To the 11 disciples and 500 other brothers and sisters in Galilee - St.Matthew
28:16-20, 1 Corinthians 15:6
9. To St.James - 1 Cor. 15:7
10. To all those who had gathered at the time of His Ascension - St.Mark 16:19,
St.Luke 24:50-52

It is also recorded in the Acts of Apostles that Jesus appeared to St.Paul - Acts. 9:3-9.
Jesus had told in advance about His Resurrection to His disciples. But they could not
understand it. Now they experienced it directly. In the evening of the same day of His Resur-
rection, Jesus appeared to His disciples in the Mansion of Mark. When the doors of the
Mansion where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and
stood among them. Jesus came inside the Mansion without opening the doors and greeted
them with Peace. This proves that the Resurrected body of Jesus was beyond the limits of
space and time. When they got the presence of Jesus, frustration and fear disappeared from
the disciples and they were delighted. He then gave them the authority to forgive sins.He gave
them the authority by breathing on them and saying, “As the Father has sent me, so I send
you.”(St.John 20:21-23). As the Son of God, Jesus had the authority to forgive sins. He
gave that authority to His disciples and through them to the priests. The essence of the Sac-
rament of the Holy Confession is involved in this.
Apostle Thomas was not with the disciples when Jesus first appeared. When they told

Thomas that they had seen the Lord, he did not believe them. He said, “Unless I see the mark
of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I
will not believe.” The next Sunday His disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was
with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said,
“Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands.
Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe”. Thomas answered him,
“My Lord and My God!”. By saying so, he declared his faith.
As decided earlier, the 11 Apostles went to Galilee. Eventhough only St.Matthew has
described it, St. Mark gives hint about it. Here Jesus appears to them. This gathering was an
incident since the angel has told once (St.Matthew 28:7) and Jesus has spoken twice about
it.(St.Matthew 26:32,28:10). In addition to what has been given, Jesus gave the Apostles
more authority,duties and promises in Galilee. The powers and duties given are:-
1. Make disciple of all nations.
2. Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
3. Teach them to obey the commandments of Jesus.
The great promise that Jesus gave to the Apostles was, “I am with you always, to the
end of the age.”
Resurrected Jesus appeared to His disciples for the third time at the Sea of Tiberias
Here, a miraculous fishing takes place. Jesus gives them food. After food, Jesus gave Peter
the administrative powers of His church. (You have larned more about this in class 7, chap-
ters 14,15)
The facts that we should understand about the resurrection of Jesus Christ are:-
1. The foundation of Christain belief is on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - 1 Cor. 15:14
2. The most important message of Resurrection is Peace. Resurrection removes fear and
gives hope.
3. Even before Christ, dead men have came back to life. Thay did not came back to life on
their own. But they were brought back to the same life in which they lived once. It was not a
resurrection to eternity. Through His Ressurection, Jesus acquires the glorified body,which is
beyond physical laws.
4. Through Resurrection, Jesus defeated death completely and released man from the sla-
very of sin and Hades.
5. Resurrection of Jesus is a forerunner of the resurrection of the human race to be taken
place in the future.(Romans 8:11, 1 Cor. 6:15, 1 Cor. 15:44-54, Philippians 3:21)
6. Jesus Ressurected for the justification of the human race.(Rom. 4:25)

Ascension of Jesus
St. Mark 16:19; St.Luke 24:50,51; Acts 1:3-11
For 40 days after His resurrection, Jesus appeared to his desciples and confirmed to
them that he is alive and taught them many things concerning the Kingdom of God, through
many miracles. He told them to stay in Jerusalem itself until they receive the Holy Spirit.
After this, they went to Mount Olive. There Jesus blessed them by raising His hands.
As they were watching, Jesus was lifted up, and a cloud took Him out of their sight. While He
was foing and trhey gazing up towards Heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by
them. They said, “This Jesus who has been taken up from you into Heaven, will come in the
same way as you saw Him go into the Heaven.” As Jesus had told them, they returned to
Jerusalem and waited for the Holy Spirit.

1. Who took the initiative for the burial of Jesus?
2. Explain the burial of Jesus.
3. Why did the chief priests and the Scribes demand Pilate to put guards at the tomb of
4. To whom did the Resurrected Jesus appear first?
5. To whom and when did the Resurrected Jesus appear, according to the Holy Bible?
6. How did Jesus confirm the faith of St. Thomas?
7. What are the duties and authorities that Jesus gave to His disciples in Galilee?
8. How did Jesus give the authority to forgive sins to Apostles?
9. What are the lessons that we have to understand from the Resurrection of Jesus?
10. Describe the Ascension of Jesus?


A. Holy festivals that are to be observed like Sundays

You have studied the six moronoyoto festivals that are to be celebrated like Sundays
in the standard VII. Try to recollect them. Let us study the other festivals in this category.

7. Pesaha ( Maundy Thursday)

Passover (Maundy Thursday - Pesaha) and Good Friday are the two most important
incidents in the life of our Lord in this world.
Thursday of the Passion week is observed as the Maundy Thursday(Pesaha)by the
church. The word Pesaha means Passover. It is the annual feast of the Jews to commemo-
rate their exodus from Egypt, under the leadership of Moses by the command of the Lord.
To redeem Jews from a defiant Pharaoh, the destroyer of the Lord entered each and every
house of Egypt in the midnight and killed their first born; while the destroyer passed over
Jewish homes sealed by the blood of the lamb. This pasover is celebrated as the Pesaha by
the Jews.(Exodus Chapter12).
The slaughtered lamb was the forerunner to the Messiah, who was sacrificed to save
the whole world from sin.
On this Pesaha day, after completing the old testament Pesaha in the Zion Mansion,
Jesus in the presence of his disciples instituted the new testament Pesaha. After transforming
the bread and wine to the body and blood of Christ, He gave it to His disciples and com-
manded them to observe it until His second coming. The new testament Pesaha is a com-
memorates this.
On Pesaha wednesday, the celebrations begin in the church with evening prayers
followed by Soothara and midnight prayers. Then the Pesaha special service and prayers
starts and ends with the Holy eucharist and its acceptance by the believers.
Good Friday
Observence of the Good Friday is an unavoidable in the life of a Christian. On Good
Friday, Jesus Christ was slaughtered for the atonement of the sin of the world in Calvary.
Good Friday service begins at 9 am and ends at 3.30 pm.
There are two circumambulations (Pradakshinam) in the good Friday observance -
the first one is conducted after 3rd hour prayers. It starts by going out through the southern
door of the church, moving westwards, completing one revolution and entering the church
through the north door. Umbrellas and flags are not permitted in this circumambulation. It
symbolises the journey of Jesus to Golgotha carrying the cross.
The second circumambulation is conducted towards the end of the service. After the
noon and 9th hour prayers and cross adoration services, everyone kneels and kisses the
cross. The 2nd circumambulation is conducted after this. This also leaves the church through
the south door and after completing one circut around the church, enters the church through
the North dorr. Black umbrellas and flags that shows grief are permitted for this cirambulation.
In some churches the 2 nd circumambulation is conducted inside the church. In this case, the
journey moves through the southern side of the church and returns through the northern side.
Umbrellas and flags are not required for this circumambulation. It commemorates the carry-

ing of the body of Jesus for burial by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemous.

After the service, the faithful disperse after drinking the chorukka (blessed bitter wa-
ter from the cross). It commemorates the giving of sour wine to our Lord on the cross when
He felt thirsty.
Easter (Kymtha)
The Resurrection of our Lord on the 3 rd day of his crucifixion is known as Easter or
Kymtha. Our Lord who died and buried on friday, defeated death and resurrected on the
3rd day, Sunday. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the basis of Christian faith. We are
worshipping the Resurrected Christ rather than the dead Lord lying on the cross. If the Lord
had not risen from the tomb, there is no benefit for mankind. It is the resurrected Lord who
defeated death and saved the mankind from the slavery of satan.
It is Mary Magdalene and her friends who first came to know the fact of the Resur-
rection of Jesus. When they reached the tomb in the early morning of sunday , they saw it
opened. It is the angel of the Lord who informed them the good news of the resurrection of
Jesus.The Lord first appeared to the weeping Mary Magdalene who remained near the
tomb, even after the departure of her friends. He blessed her and entrusted her the mission of
informing the disciples the good news of his Resurrection and then disappeared.
Easter is the festival of peace. When the Resurrected Lord appears to the disciples
who were grieved due to His death, He first says, “Peace be with you”. To get that heavenly
peace, we must attend the Easter Services.
Easter services begins with evening prayers on saturday. After completing all prayers,
the Easter services end with the Holy Mass. Either after sleeba celebration or after the Holy
Mass, the faithful kiss the sleeba and greets peace to each other. Obeisance of the cross is
not permitted between resurrection and ponticost.
Thursday that comes after of forty days of resurrection is celebrated as festival of
Ascension. Resurrected Jesus appeared many times to his disciples during that forty days. he
made them known that as promised, he has resurrected from death and taught them many
lessons. On the 40th day after his resurrection accompanied by his disciples, he went to
Mount Olive, and ascended to heaven in their presence (Act- 1 :9-11) The disciples were
stunned to see that spectacle. They were consoled by the angles and assured them that he
will come back in the same way. He has given us an assuranse that ''after I go prepare a
place for you, I will come back and take you to myself '' (John 14 :1-4 ) '' and I will pray the
father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may ebide with you forever''. He has

further assured us that. when he ascends to heaven , he shall sent the Holy spirit. He has
ordered us to wait and pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
You should not leave Jerusalem you should wait for the offer, that you heard from me,
from father John has baptised you with water.You will recieve baptism by the Holy spirit with
out delay (Acts 1 : 4 - 5 )
Ten days between ascesion to penticost is known as days of expectation. Festivals,
ceremonies and marriges are not permiteed during these days.
Pentecost means 50th day sunday the 10th day that comes after ascension is cel-
ebrated as pentecost. It was on that day the Jews celebrated Pentecost . As directed by
Jesus while all the disciples along with Mariam, the Mother of Jesus and other women were
praying hermoniously in the mansion of St.Marks on that sunday, the 10 th day after ascen-
sion; That the Holy spirit, the stewered descended and dwelled in them .The Holy Spirit still
remains in this world and will be here until the 2 nd coming of the Lord .
pentecost is an important festivalof the Jews .It is a festival of harvest- It is also called
1. Feast- of gathering ( Exodus 2 : 3 -16)
2. Feast of weeks ( Exodus 3 : 4 -22 ,Deut. 16 : 19 -22)
3. Feast of gathering
4. festival of the first fruits(Num. 29 :26 )
This festeval is celebrated after the 7th week of the beginning of harvest - (50th day )
count Seven weeks from the time that you began to harvest the corn and then celebrate the
harvest festival, to honour the Lord your God, by bringing to him a free will offering in
proportion to the blessing he has given you “ (Dut. 16 : 9-10 )
It was on that day of the festival of the harvest of the Jews (50 th day) that the Holy
Spirit discended up on the disciples. For the christians, it is on the 50th day after resurrection
that the pentecost came. For that reason it is the festival of the gift of Holy Spirit for christians.
The Penticost Service is conducted in three orders. First is the special prayers to God , the
Holy father; Second to God, the Holy son; and the third to God, the Holy Spirit . At the end
of each one of these services water is springled up on the belivers as a symbol of obtaining
Holy Spirit.
Festival of the Cross.
Memory of the discovery of the Cross of our Lord is celebrated as the festival of the
cross. In 306 A.D., Roman emperor constantain had a vision about the greatness of the
cross. He defeated Mayentinus in 312, with cross as the symbol in his flag. Quean Mother
Helena, went to Jerusalem and discovered the cross and the Tomb of the our Lord in 326
A.D. she constructed a beautiful church around the Tomb and brought the Holy cross to

Sepember 14 th is celebrated as the Holy day of the cross since it is Kanni harvest
season in Kerala, It is celebrated with festival of the new rice.
Lord Jesus earned salvation for mankind through obedience, endurance and unflinch-
ing faith in God. He, by his life, earned atornment for the sin of Adam.One should show
respect and obeisance to the cross, the symbol of obediance and endurance. In doing so we
are showing respect to Jesus, who earned our salvation through the cross.
Other Moronoyoto Festival.
Memorail day of the saints in whose sacraed name the church is dedicated, is to be
observed like a moronoyoto festival. Even if these memorial day falls on wednesday or
friday, that day need not be observed as fasting days and believers are allowed to use fish or
When the people of Isreal in their exodus from Egypt to Canan angered Yahweh fiery
serpants discented from heaven to bite them and those who were bitten died on the spot.
The people cried to Moses. They wailed that we have sinned against you and the great God.
Moses then prayed to God and as God had commanded Moses made a brass snake and
placed it on top of the flag mast in the centre of the encampment. Those who were bittern by
fiery snake was asked to look at the brass snake with faith and those who were bitten looked
at the brass snake and escaped from death. It is in this memory, the victorious Cross of our
Lord is fixed in the centre of the church. Those who look at the Cross with faith can escape
from satanic torments. All beleivers entering the church should bow anad show obeisance
to the Cross.
Holy saturday is the memorial day in which our Lord discended to Hades and preached
the gospel to the souls who were imprisoned there.
Other Important Moronoyoto festivals
Wednesday of the Ninevah feast(three day lent), Feast of Ascension of St. Mary(Agust
15 ) Feast of St. Peter’s and St.Paul (June 29 th ) and St. Thomas day (July 3 rd ) are the
other festivals that are to be observed along with moronoyoto festivals.


Worship - A study
The instrument used to burn incense during the Holy Mass and other Sacraments is
known as censer. Burning of incense was an important custom in Jewish Worship
There are two stairs for the censer, a base and a lid (an inverted cup) connecting the
two there are four chains each with three bells a total of twelve, The chains are joined
together at the top by a hook and a ring.
The lower cup of the censer indicates womb of Virgin Mary the Mother of God and
the fire inside it represents our Lord who stayed in the womb of the virgin. The 1st chain
indicates the Holy Father , Second & Third the Holy son, and the fourth Holy spirit . While
the twelve bells indicate the twelve apostles of Jesus. The conjoining of the hook and the ring
represents the the unity of the Trinity. Incense put in the censer is a gum. It reminds us that
as the gum produces pleasent smell in the presence of fire, our prayers should be Holy and
sincere so as to become acceptable fragrance to God.
There is another meaning also for the censer. The upper cup represents heaven, the
lower cup the earth, and the charcoal in it the sinners and the fire, the holy spirit. Just like the
coal blazes in the fire, the sinners are to be purified in the presence of God.
Evangelion table (Simhasana)
It is the Gospel stand where the Evangelion containing the four fospels is kept. It is
usually placed on the right side of the Thronose or Altar. The Gospels represent Jesus, the
Holy Son. The abode of Jesus in the Heaven is on the right side of the Holy Father.
In our prayers, we face the east. It is believed that God is sitting facing west and the
churches are built with a western face with an eastern view. Then the right hand side is the
northern side of the church.
At the time of Holy Qurbana, the north corner of the Shooshepo is folded. It is done
during the preparatory prayers ( Thuyobo), after burning incense in the name of the Holy son.
It is because of the belief that the seat of the Holy son is in the right hand side of the Holy
On the day of his Martyrdom Saint Stephen saw the Heaven opened and Jesus stand-
ing on the right hand side of the Holy Father . (Acts 7 : 54 -56)

It is a small piece of board used to place the Vessels ( Chalice & Patern ) It has been
consecrated by a high priest by Holy Chrism. Each Thablitho has an inscription of the name
and the date of its consecration . It is to prevent a second consecration or to prevent the use
of one which is not consecrated . In places where there is no church, the priests can offer the
Holy Mass by placing the holy vessels on it.
Thalbeshtho (Viri koottam)
The Thablitho is placed in the centre of the Throne and a multi coloured cloth,
Virikottam is spread on it. The Chalice and Paten are placed on it. It is made up of three
pieces of cloth - red, green and white. The outer piece is red,symbolising the universe cre-
ated by God. The middle piece is green which symbolises the earth,and the innermost piece
is white, symbolizing the Holy church.The white portion covers Tabalitho and Chalice and
Paten are placed on it. The Virikoottam is either plain or decorated with embroidary work.
Now a days, there is a tendancy to use the Virikoottom stiched in any order or colour, this is
because of ignorance regarding its meaning. It is highly wrong.
Chithola ( Altar cloth )
The cloth that covers the whole Altar is called chithol. Only red, green and white clothes are
permitted to stich the chithol. It is decorated with embroidery works showing Cross , Dove,
Vine and Wheat.
While the cross singifies Jesus, the Dove denotes the Holy Spirit. The Grape stalks
shows the blessings of God, the bread made from wheat, and the wine taken from the
grapes are used for the Holy Mass.
One of the Vessels that is used in the sHoly Qurbana. It holds wine for the Holy Mass.
It has a long handle.
Paten is a flat small plate. It is used to place bread for the mass. When it is arranged
for the Holy Qurbana the chalice is kept in the east while paten is kept in the West.
Kaucbo (Star)
The is a star shaped frame made up of Gold or Silver.It is placed over the paten to
hold the Mkablono (Paten’s cover ) from touching the bread. It Symbolizes the star of nativ-
ity, the star which appeared to the wisemen, that stood above the manger where Jesus was
born. ( Mathew 2 :10- 11)
The cover made of cloth used to cover the Holy vessels when they are not covered by
Shooshepo. It symbolizes the cloud that foreshadowed the Tabernacle.

The white silk cloth that cover the Holy vessels. There will be embroidery work showing
dove or cross on it. After the Thuyobo, the priest covers the chalice and paten with this
cloth. Shooshopo represents the hard rock which gave forth water to the twelve tribes of
Israel, the stone which closed the tomb of Jesus and the great sheet which descended before
St.Peter in his vision.
A small cushion of 3 inches x 1.5 inches
This is a small spoon used to drink the holy eucharist from the chalice. It represents the
tongs which the angel used in giving the coal to the mouth of Isaiah in his vision.
Finger bowl (Mshamshanito)
This is used by the priest to mix wine with water and also to clean his fingers at the
fraction and at the conclusion of the celebrant’s communion. This water is consumed by the
priest along with the eucharist at the end of the Mass. The chalice and paten is washed many
times at the end of the Mass. And the priest drinks the water, so that not even a small
fragment of the Holy eucharist is lost.
The Cross
A cross is placed in the middle to the eastern end of the Altar. It should have Oororo
( a small strip of red silk) and a superscription
A small and narrow strip of red silk put on the cross is called Oororo. It is an evidence
tfor the resurrection of Jeus. While Jesus was buried his head and face was covered with a
special cloth , a custom practiced by the Jews. The body is wrapped with cloths only after
covering the face and head with this special cloth. This special cloth will put only on the face
of a dead man not on the face of an alive.
When Peter and John heard the good news of the resurrection of the Lord, they ran
to the tomb, entered and searched it. They saw the linen wrappings lying there, and the cloth
that had been on Jesus’ head, not lying with the linen wrappings but rolled up in a place by
itself. The removal of the cloth from the face is the symbol of resurrection. This cloth was the
best evidence that the disciples received to prove the resurrection of the Lord from the dead.
This cloth is used as Oororo after making alterations in shape. Though Jesus and thieves
were crusified on the cross only Jesus was resurrected. Oororo as an indication of the
resurrection of the Lord.


Pilate had written the reason for the crucification of Jesus on the top of the cross. It
was “ Jesus of Nazareth, the King of Jews”. INRI is its latin abbreviation. The cross placed
on the Altar should have this title and Oororo on it.
Thirteen candles are to be placed in the Altar, six each on either side of the cross and
one in front of the cross. The twelve candles on either side represents the twelve disciples of
Jesus. The disciples never walked in front of their Guru, Jesus always kept themselves on
either side or back.
The one candle in front of the cross represents St. John The Baptist. Since he is the
forerunner of Jesus, the candle that represents him is kept in front of the cross.
The open celebration of the Holy mass marks the public ministry of Jesus. At the time
of the public ministry of Jesus, John the Baptist was in jail and was later executed. So at the
beginning of the open celebration of the Holy mass the thirteenth candle in front of the cross
should be removed.
The candles remind us that we should be prepared to sacrifice ourserlves to light others.
Two types of Bells are used in the church, Big bells(Church Bell) and Hand Bells.
Big Bells
Ringing of the big bell is a reminder to the people that the Holy worship is about to
start. Under no circumstances the big bells can be used while the worship is in progress.
This was originally, striking on a piece of wood, in the early church. Moses Bar Keepho says
that “When we hear its voice it reminds us about the death of Jeus on Cross.” Mor Jacob
says,” When you hear the sound of bell hasten your run to the holy church”
When we hear the ringing of the bell we sign ourselves with the cross bow our head .
Hand bells- are rung during the Holy mass, along with Marvathtso, to call the attention of
the people.
It is a small metal fan mounted on a large pole, and has many small bells on the rim of
the fan. In the centre is seen the Seraphic face and wings represented. It reminds us that
angles are present in the Holy Mass.


The Heirarchical order of the priest hood in the Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Church is given
1. Qoruyo(4 th order Deacon)

2. Apodyaqno(5th order Deacon)
3. Shamosho(6th order Deacon)
4. Kaseeso(7th order - The priest)
5. Episcopa- Metropolitan - (High priest)
6. Catholicose ( Head of the Region )
7. Patriarch (Supreme Head of the Universal Church )
The first 3 orders of Deaconry can be given to all laity. They are Hymano , Moumyono
and Msamrono.
The present regional Head of our church, the catholicose, is His Beatitude Baselius
Thomas I.
The present supreme head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox church, the patriarch of
Antioch, is His Holiness Ignatius Zakka Iwas I
1. Camees or Casak
From the time on which a laity is ordained to priest hood (Korooyo) there occurs
changes in his dress. A white dress, camees, or casak is put over their ordinary dress. This
dress should be used by the priest attending all religious services or in a journey or attending
a public function. It helps to indentify the priests from others or to remind him of his special
postion. The priest of all ranks up to the high priest should wear this dress. An ordained high
priest puts on a red comees or casak.
2. Black gown (kutheeno)
All ordained priest from fourth order deacon should have a black camees.Whenever
they are attending services , they are bound to wear it.When they are celebrating the Holy
mass or performing other sacraments, they must wear other specific dresses in addition to the
black casak or camees
3. The priest offering the Holy Mass and the Deacon who attends it, are to wear a white
gown above the black camees. It is known as the sevice gown or alb.
4. Oororo - The long strip of cloth put above the service gown by all decons below the rank
of a priest while serving in the sanctuary.
5. Hamnico is the breast plate put on by priests high priest above the service gown. It is a
modified form of oororo used by the deacons. It is a chest armour to resist the enemy. It
reminds us that the life of a priest is a continuous war against the world, flesh and satan the
three enemies
6. Zenoro This is the girdle or belt worn by priests around the waist. It shows the prepared-
ness to fight against the enemy at all times.
7. Zendo These are the sleeves worn over the forearms .It symbolizes the priest’s readiness

to keep God’s Law and do works of righteousness.
8. Phayno The outer vestment worn by the priest and High priest while celebrating the Holy
Mass. It is the robe of holinesss and righteousness It represents the overcoat of the Lord
which the woman with the issue of blood touched and was healed and also the mantle of Elija
which fell on the prophet Elisha.
9. Shoes .The special ceremonial footwear usd by priests of all ranks while celebrating the
Holy Mass. It shows the readiness to tread down the oppnent, the evil one.
1.Masnapso is the black head cover worn by all the High priests always.It is the officia
head cover of a Monk. It symbolizes that when a person accepts hermitage he relingushes
worldly life. Once it is accepted it can be removed only during bath or other personal daily
2.Veil- Mitre - is the Head veil worn by prelates while participating in important sacraments.It
is compared with the veil of Moses. On Easter Sunday Peter who entered the tomb of our
Lord first saw the shroud folded and kept seperately. He took it as a mortal remain of our
Lord and wore it while consecrating priests. Dionysius Bar Sleebi says that it was a practice
in church that the the prelates began to use the Head veil while administering the sacraments.
3. Patrasheel or Pallium. Itis similar to the Hamnikho but extends both front and back.
It symbolises the chest rob of Aaron decorated by a studed chest medal where in is grafted
the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. It illustrates the fact that the prelates is the protector
of all sacraments and true faith, the performer of all holy sacraments and the governer of the
Entering the church - Before entering the church either for worship or for any other
purpose we must remove your sandals.We should enter the church with all resepect, bow
our head, making the sign of cross upon us and do the pray ,” With reverence do I enter thine
house and make mine offerings unto thee”.
Since the church is the abode of God, the king of kings, it is a manson that should be
honoured with all reverence. So one should enter the church with all humility .
Since we are swaring that we will dedicated our offerings,one should not enter the
church with an empty hand, but with a share of his fruits to the God. God has demanded from
Isreal the tithe and they paid it.
Before entering the church one should make their body, mind and soul pure and should
wear their finest clean dress. Women should cover their head.
All sextons serving in the Altar are to wear pants and white Service clok.
Attending the service outside the church or in Church office is a serious offence. Officals

of the church are not permitted to transact any business during worship. Believers are ex-
pected to give the names that are to be remembered in the Holy Qurbana before the begin-
ning of the service.

Midnight, Morning , Third hour and Sixth hour prayers are to be completed before the
the Holy Qurbana. If the Midnight and Morning Prayers were completed at home, the Holy
Qurbana can be offered after completing the Third hour and Sixth hour prayers in the
Resurrection - Sleeba prayers
The worship calendar of the church is divided in to two periods- Kyomtha period and
Sleeba period. The period from Easter Sunday to Sleeba Festival ( September -14 ) is
known as Kyomtha period.
Preparations by the priest
The priest offers the Holy Qurbana after completing all the canonical prayers.These
prayers are conducted by the priest in Kesthrumo ( Azhikkakam) wearing Kutheeno (black
gown) By reciting specific prayers he wears the particular shoes to be used in Altar. After
kissing the hands of the prelate ( if present) and offering peace to all associate priests he
moves to the southern side of Kesthrumo, offers special prayers and after kissing the sanc-
tuary he enters the sanctuary through right side. Then the priest turns to the west and bows
the people requestsing for their prayers. After this the priest turns to east , bows the altar
walks around the altar, kissing its four corners. The sexton then pulls the veil.
Thuyobo - prepration
Then the celebrant arranges the things on the altar for Holy Qurbana.
This preparatory service is done inside the veil only. This is known as Thuyobo. These
preparations are to be made by the same priest who offers the Holy Qurbana. Thuyobo
consists of two orders of prayers such as order of Melchizedek and order of Aaron.
Order of Melchizedek.
When Abraham returned after defeating kings, he was received by Malchizedek the
king of Jerusalem by presenting Bread & Wine. He was the priest of the Most high God.
Abraham paid him tithes of all that he had and Melchizedek blessed Abraham.The arrange-
ment of bread and wine for the Holy Qurbana by the celebrant remembering the service of
Melchizedek narrated in chapter 14 Book Genesis, is known as the order of Melchizedek.The
celebrant place the bread in the paten and wine ( wine mixed with water in equal amounts) in
chalice with specific prayers . All these time the priest wears the black gown.

Order of Aaron
After completing the order of Melchizedek, the celebrant washes his hands and wears
the vestments. The he kneels before the Altar and pray in silence. Through these prayers he
request for the mercy from God for any of his weaknesses and sins that he might have
committed and to make eligible him to celebrate this Holy Qurbana.
After the Secret prayers the celebrant enters the Durgo (Altar Step) and begins the
order of Aaron.
In the old Testament, until the comming of anointed Aaron, nobody had the right to
offer a blood sacrafice or to touch the sacrificial blood. It is only after the anointment of
Aaron as the anointed high priest, that the priests began to touch the Sacrificial blood. Prepa-
ratory prayers to transform the Bread and Wine into the body of Jesus Christ are performed
here. That is why it is known as the order of Aaron. In this preparatory prayers he prays for
the whole universe and all men. This clearly shows the universality and oneness of the Holy
Introductory prayers are offered, remembering the salvation works of our Lord . The
order of Aron begins by remembering the first father Adam and mother Eve, St. Mary the
mother of God, Prophets, Apostles, Authors of the 4 gospels, Martyrs, Confessors, Ascet-
ics, Saints, Priests, Holy Fathers, True Sheperds, True Preachers, Ihidayae (Ascetics),Monks,
Teachers, Parents, Brothers, Fellow Believers, Departed Priests and Relatives, all those who
had helped in the construction of the Church.The order of Aaron is completed by remember-
ing, dedicating and requesting the intercession of, St.Mary, the patron saint of the church ( the
saint in whose name the church is dedicated), patients, repenters, deceased parents of the
celebrant, living parents of the celebrant, the known and unknown departed souls , brothers,
Then the celebrant places the Chalice in the east and paten in the west on the top of the
Tabalitho and covers them with the Shooshepo and descends from the durgo (Altar step).
Then he offers incense and recites the general Promion and the Sedro.
He again ascends the durgo and incenses the holy vessels.Then he descends from the
dugro and offers incense and kisses at the middle of the Altar in the name of Holy Father by
saying ‘worship be to the kind Father’, then at the northern end in the name of Holy Son by
saying ‘worship be to the merciful son’. Here he folds the north coner of the Shooshepo. It
symbolizes the dual nature in Christ - the divine and human and it reminds us that our Lord
Jesus who assended to heaven is sitting on the right side of Holy Father. Finally the celebrant
offers incesnse and kisses at the southern corner in the name of Holy Son by saying ‘worship
be unto the living and Holy Ghost. Then he gives the Censer to the server or deacon and
finishes the Seal or conclusion prayers. Thuyoobo is concluded with prayers to Lord God the

Almighty to have mercy on us, the whole world and all the departed souls with the interces-
sions of Hail Mary and all the saints . Then after reciting the Lord’s prayer and nicene creed,
kisses the Altar and completes the Thuyoobo. By this all preparations are completed for the
open celebration of the Holy Qurbana.
Preparation by the Congregation
While the celebrant is engaged in Thuyoobo, the congregation completes the prayers,
deacons read chapters from the old testament and sings the hymns. Reminding the congrega-
tion that it is time to start the Holy Communion, Sextons rings the third bell and pulls back the
Veil(curtain) and the celebrant commences the open celebration of the Holy Qurbana..
Remembering the names of persons in the Holy Qurbana
The members of the congregation are required to reach the church before the com-
mencement of the Holy Qurbana. The names that are to be remembered in the Holy Qurbana
should reach the celebrant before Thuyoobo. Celebrant remembers these names first during
the thuyoobo. Hence if it is not received earlier it cannot be remembered.
The celebrant remembers these names again during the recital of the Nicene creed. He
kneels before the Altar and puts a cross mark for each and every name as if entering them in
the book of life. If the names are not given before that time, it will not be remembered in that
Qurbana.. Given names are again remembered during the recital of Thubden/Diptycs. The
names that are not remembered during Thuyoobo or the nicene creed will not be remem-
bered during Diptych. It will be kept away for the next Qurbana.So the names that are to be
remembered should reach the celebrant atleast before the nicene creed.
Lighting the candles in the Cemetery
Now a days a custom is seen in some places that few people coming for the Qurbana
first visit the cemetery and light the candles on the tombs of their departed one’s. It cannot be
treated as wrong. But visiting the cemetery during the Holy Qurbana is highly wrong.While
transubstanteiation,Even when the Angels are looked upon the Holy Qurbana with awe and
fear and the departed souls are attending the Holy Qurbana any act like praying and lighting
candles on the tomb or cleaning the tomb area is highly unjustifibale.
Kurbana Panam (Donations for Qurbana)
In the Jewish Church it was customary that the believers must bring their offerings and
should be given to the priests. They have to co-operate with the priest in the sacrifice and
they were received and ate a portion of the offerings.
Likewise in the early church the believers used to bring wheat flour and wine as offer-
ing and the priest used a portion of that offering for the Holy Qurbana and all the congrega-
tion shared the eucharist. Later it was found that payment of money is easier than bringing

objects and thus people began to pay money for the offerings instead of objects. Later it is
known as Kurbana Panam or donations for Qurbana‘.

The Offertory Box (Bhandaram)

Believers are not allowed to drop money in the Offertory box or pour oil in the lamp
while the Qurbana is Celebrated. All are expected to associate with the Qurbana with awe
and respect and is not permitted to do other unimportant things.
Children & Aged People
Children, laughing and crying, running around and making noises with anklets and
shoes will distract the attention of the congregation. It should not be allowed. Likewise eld-
erly members should not obstruct the young ones by standing in front of them. Seperate
arrangements may be made for the elders so that their presence will not disturb others.
Sitting during Holy Qurbana
The people are not allowed to sit in the Church except during the Diptychs or any time
by the consent of the priest. On the contrary, elders and patients can sit without disturbing
Receiving the Holy Eucharist
The communicant has to prepare themselves from the previous day to receive the Holy
Eucharist. They have to complete all the canonical prayers and should reach the church
earlier, to attend all the prayers. Before receiving the Eucharist one has to confess before the
priest, if they felt that they have committed a sin. Once confessed it is not necessary to do
confession for next 40 days. How ever if one has committed any sin with in these 40 days, he
has to undergo confession before accepting Eucharist. Even though one felt that he has com-
mitted no sin one might have committed many wrongs without his own knowledge . One has
to receieve atonement for that sin before receiving Eucharist. So those who need no confes-
sion, has to receive atonement prayers (Husoyo prayers) from the priest before the Holy
Qurbana. All the faithfuls should take a confession once in 40 days before accepting Eucha-
rist. They are not allowed to take any food or water, after the previous days supper. How
ever serious patients may get cocession from these norms. The belief that anybody can ac-
cept Eucharist provided he has fasted after the last supper is wrong.
Reading of the Bull(Kalpana)
The believers are not allowed to sit while reading the bull of the prelates. Two aids,
with lighted candles, has to stand on either side of the priest while reading the bull of the
Patriarch. Only one lighted candle is required if the bull is from the Catholicose. No candle is

required if the bull is from the Bishops.
Readings from the Old Testament & Hymns

After completing the 6th hour prayer (noon-prayers), before the commencement of
the open celebration of the Holy Qurbana Old Testement readings are done. Incarnation of
Jesus, God’s plan for the redemption of mankind, How God protected his chosen people in
Old Testament times, Predictions made by God through the prophets regarding the future are
all remembered here. The Holy Qurbana begins with the remembrance of the beginning of
the public ministry of the Jesus, the redeemer. The person who read the Old testament should
stand in the north east corner of the prayer table facing the congregation.
Serving the Holy Eucharist to the sick at home .
Sick persons, who are incapable of attending service in the Church, are given the Holy
Eucharist at home. For this, both the patient and members in his home should be prepare
themselves. The priest or sexton should be informed of this matter in the morning itself. If the
Holy Unction (anointing with oil) is also given along with this it should be informed well in
The sick person after a nice bath, wearing clean dresses, should be seated or laid in a
neat place, a room set apart for the same, dirty clothes and other materials should be re-
moved from there. The house and the surroundings should be kept neat and tidy.
Arrangements are to be made, if the Holy unction is also performed. After completing
the Prayers of the Holy Unction, water for washing hands of the priest , a basin for collecting
water, a small cup for pouring water, a new soap and a neat towel should be provided. If the
sick is incapable of taking solid food, the priest should be informed of it in advance; Such
patients are given Eucharist wine rather than Eucharist bread, If the sick is incapable of
consuming the whole Holy Eucharist, the priest should consume the whole balance . The
Casket vessel used, to bring the Holy Eucharist should also be washed and the priest should
drink that water. The priest is not permitted to consume anything, not even water until the
patient is served with Holy Eucharist . Since the priest has not broken the fasting, the family
should prepare breakfast for him and the accompanying sexton in advance and the priest
may be allowed to return as early as possible since he has to attend other engagements in the


The Holy Synod of Mulanthuruthy is an important event in the History of the Malankara
Jacobite Syrian Church. The Synod was summoned by His Holiness Ignatius Peter III -
Considering St.Peter as the 1st Patriarch, His Holinesses is counted as Peter IV in certain
documents. The Holy Synod met at Mar Thoman Church Mulanthuruthy in Kanayannoor
Thaluk of Ernakulam District (old Cochin State). It lasted for 3 days - 28, 29 and 30 th of
June 1876 (15,16,17 of Midunam 1051).
Three weeks before, His Holiness Patriarch Peter III had sent a summons bull to all
churches informing the meeting of the Holy Synod, to discuss and decide on the general
spritual matters of the Church. 130 priests and 144 laymen from 103 churches attended the
Synod. It was also attended by two metropolitans - His Grace Abdulla Mar Gregorious of
Jerusalem (Later H.H. Patriarch Ignatious Abdulla) and Joseph Mar Dionysius from Malankara
Church.The arrangements for the Synod were done by the secretary to His Holiness, Very
Rev. Geevarghese Ramban Chathuruthil of the Mulanthuruthy parish (the great sacred saint,
Geevarghese Mor Gregorius ‘Kochu thirumeni’).
On the first day of the Holy Synod, the registration of the representives took place.
The agreement papers brought by the Church Representatives were submitted before the
Holy Father. The inaugural speech by His Holiness also took place on the same day.
The Apostolic Bull of the Patriarch was read on the second day. The consequences of
the ordination of Palakunnath Mathews Mor Athanasius in the Malankara Church and the
measures taken by His Holiness to eliminate them were narrated by His Holiness in detail.
The bull also mentioned on the need of a powerful administrative machinery to avoid such
occurrence in the future. Detailed discussion took place for giving a suitable replay to the bull.
The reply was submitted by the Holy synod on the 3rd day to the Holy Father. It
declared the obedience, attachment and obligation of the church to the Holy see of Antioch.
1. The members of the Malankara church, maintaing the past true faith shall unitedly stand

behind the Holy see of Antioch. Accordingly, those who violates that Holy faith shall have no
position either in the congregation or in the Church. In the light of this the reformers who
move away from the holy faith became alien to the Church.
2. It was decided to provide the printed canon law of the Church to all the congregations
3. It was decided to keep seperate registers for baptism, marriage and burial in all
4. It was decided to create a permanent fund for the common use of the church.
5. It was also decided to constitute a committee of priests and lay men under the Chairman
ship of Metropolitan to look after the general administrative system of the Church.
Thus a communal democratic administrative system under spritual leadership came into ex-
istence in the church.
It was decided to record the minutes of the decisions of the Holy synod, undersigned
by all the members who attended the meeting of the Holy Synod and to submit one copy of
the same to His Holiness and to keep another copy in the Head quarters of the Church. An
Affidavit recording all these decisions were submitted by the members of the Church to His
Holiness. This is the famous document known as Mulanthurthy Padiyola.
Realising the vastness of theMalankara Church and the difficulty to administer it by one
Bishop, the Holy Father decided to divide Malankara church into Seven diocese. It was
decided to continue the H.Q. of the Malankara metropolitan at Kottayam itself and to create
3 dioceses each in the north and south of Kottayam. The new dioceses were Angamaly,
Kochi and Kandanad in the North and Kottayam, Niranam and Thumpamon in the south.
For administering these dioceses six more Bishops were consecrated by this Holiness.
The Dioceses and Their Bishops
Angamaly - Geevarghese Mor Koorilose ( Ambat)
Kochi - Simon Mor Dionysius ( Karottuveettil)
Kandanad - Paulose Mor Ivanios (Murimattom)
Kollam - Paulose Mor Athanasius (Kadavil)
Niranam - Geevarghese Mor Gregorios (Chathuruthiil)
Thumpamon - Geevarghese Mor Julius
The Malankara Metropolitan, Joseph Mor Dionysius ( Pulikottil) was also
in charge of Kottayam Dioceses. Later taking into consideration, the heavy work load of
Malankara Metropolitan, His Holiness ordered the Mutual exchange of Kollam Dioceses to
Joseph Mor Dionysius and Kottayam Dioceses to Paulose Mor Athanasius.
As per the discussion of the Holy synod,a committee of 8 priests and 16 laymen from
different parts of the Malankara Church, was constituted for administrative purpose. This
committee under the chairman ship of Malankara Metropolitan is known as Syrian Christian

Association. This Holy father who worked for the unity and existence of the Malankara
Church with his spiritual and temporal action will be remebered ever as its saviour. His Ho-
liness returned to the Holy See in 1877.

His Holiness who was born in Grece, the cradle of democracy, have had no difficulty in
taking such a decision. By this the Jacobite church suceeded in keeping and maintaining the
true faith even in the lack of the leadership of a Bishop.

Dionysius V (Joseph Mor Dionysius Pulikottil) was the formost - Bishop among the
celebrated Metropolitans of Kerala. He was consecrated by His Holiness Paptriarch Yacoob
II in 1865. He managed the most difficult cases for the Church and the court accepted him as
the Head of the Malankara Church. In 1879, he filed a civil suit against Thomas Mar Athanasius
(Palakunnath) in Alleppy District court to get release of the properties of the community. The
Old seminary and the adjunct properties were the main items of the case. Hence this case is
known as “ Seminary Suit”. He became eligible to receive the interest of the lented money
(Vattipanam). All the Churches were taken back from the Marthomites.

The Parumala Seminary and the printing press in Old seminary were started by him. It
helped the social development of the church. Many schools, including MD Seminary schools
were started by him. He established the church Thiruvananthapuram and Vettikkal Dayara.
Holy book and books on rites were printed. He also started Magazines like ‘Edavaka
Pathrika, and ,Suviseshakan’.

Since all the Bishops, except Mor Dionysious and Mar Ivanios (Murimattom) passed
away, the representatives of the church met and decided to elect Paulose Ramban
(Kochuparambil) and Geevarghese Ramban (Vattasseril) to Bishoprics in the Malankara
Church. They were sent to the Holy See of Antioch and were duely consecreated as Bishops
on May 31st 1908 by the then Patriarch H.H. Adulla II, as Paulose Mor Koorilose and
Geevarghese Mor Dionysius respectively. They were returned to the Malankara Church
along with the representatives of the Holy See, Sleeba Mor Osthathius. Joseph Mor Dionysius
expired on July 1st 1909 and was buried in Old Seminary at Kottayam.
Division in the Church
Vattasseril Geevarghese Mor Dionysius was elected as Malankara Metropolitan after
Joseph Mor Dionysius. It received consent from H.H. Abdulla II, the Patriarch of Antioch.

He is also known as Mallappilly Methran, Vattasseril Thirumeni or Mor Dionysius VI.
Schism began to develop in the Malankara Church when Mor Geevarghese Dionysius
became selfish and self willed. Very Rev. Konatt Mathen Malpan and Sri. C.J. Kurian were
joint Trustees. When Malankara Metropolitan began to handle the church possessions with
out consulting the joint trustees there developed a conflict between, the Metropolitan and
the joint trustees on their respective powers and rights. This difference of opinion led to a
division in the church. Two parties came into existence, one supporting the Patriarch and the
other supporting Mor Dionysius, they were known as Bhava Party and Methran Party re-
spectively. Very Rev. Konattu Malppan and Sri.C.J. Kurian the joint trustees along with Mor
Dionysius declared their allegiance to the Holy see of Anthioch.

His Holiness Ignatious Abdulla, the Patriarch of Antioch and all the East reached
Bombay on September 24th 1909. H.H. was received at Bombay, with all devotion and
reverence by His Grace Dionysius VI and was brought to Malankara. H. H. was given a
royal welcome at Kottayam. H.H. then proceeded to Trivandrum to meet His Highness Sree
Moolam Thirunal, the Maharaja of Travancore and returned to Kottayam. To bring an order
in the administration in the Malankara Church, H.H. demanded from the two Bishops, whom
he had consecrated to give an agreement as per law. The Bishops who were consecrated by
H.H. Peter III had given such an agreement . Even though H.G. Paulose Mor Koorilos readly
made such an agreement while H.G. Mor Dionysius VI refused. Not only that he also spread
blasphemous charges against His Holiness. His Grace instigated his supporters to insult His
Holiness by calling him power greedy. As a result His Holiness convened a meeting of the
representatives of the church at Kottayam on November 28th 1909. (On the instigation of
Mor Dionasius VI his supporters raised an uproar in the Meeting.
His Holiness consecreated Painadath Paulose Ramban, as the Metropolitan of Angamaly
in the name of Paulose Mor Athanasius, at Akapparambu Church. A separate diocese was
created for Cananites and Edavazhikkal Geevarghese Kaseesa was consecrated as Mar
Saverius for that diocese on 28th August 1910.
Since Mor Dionasius VI continued his quarrel. The atmosphere in the church has become
agitative. This prompted H. H. to suspend H.G.Dionasius VI from all his temporal duties in
the Malankara church.
In 1911, H.H. consecrated Mooron at St. Thomas church Mulanthuruthi. He also convened
a meeting of the representatives of the church at Alwaye in the same year. The meeting
elected Paulose Mor Koorilose as Malankara Metropolitan and Very.Rev. Konattu
He was suceeded to the Holy see of Antioch by H.H. Moran Mor Ignatius Elias III. The next move by H.G.
Dionasius VI, suspended by H.H. Abdulla, resulted in permanent schism in the Malankara church. He was well
aware of the fact that, the relatio cnship of Malankara church with the Holy see of Antioch is very much needed
for its perfection. However he refused to follow a proper way to achieve it. Mor Abdul Messiah, a one time
Patriarch of Antioch who dismissed from the throne of Holy See by the Holy synod due to mental disorders and
vanishing memory, was brought to Malankara in 1912.Abdul Messiah consecreated, Kallisserry Punnoose Ramban
as a bishop and Murimattom Mar Ivanius as Catholicose. Rev: Fr. P. T. Geevarghese the close aide of Mar
Dionasius VI, was responsible for bringing Mor Abdul Messiah to Malankara. He later became a Bishop in the
“Methrhan Party” in the name of Mor Ivanius and started the “Reeth” under the cover of christain revival and
joined the Roman Catholic church. Dionasius VI, who was well aware of the fact that a consecration done by a
suspended Holy father is illeagal, kept himself aloff from the consecration ceremony under the pretext of eye
disease. It is to be noted that these title holders were neither elected by the representatives of the Malankara
church nor the Holy synod. They were conscerated to Bishoprics by a disgraced Patriarch. The tradition in the
church that at least two Bishops should be present at the consecration of a new Bishop was also violated.
The interest of the lented money (Vattipanam)was not collected by anybody after 1908. In 1913 the British
Government filed a suit in the District Court at Trivandrum to decide on, to whom the interest should be given.Later
this suit changed into a suit representing the whole community. Mor Dionasius VI and the joint trustee were the
plaintiff and Mor Koorilose and joint trustee were respondents.
Paulose Mor Koorilose, a supreme devotee and Malankara Metropolitan expired on 15th December
1917 and was buried at Panampady Church. The meeting of the representatives of the Malankara chuch held at
Alwaye elected Paulose Mor Athanasius as the Malankara Metropolitan in his place. But due to the 1st world
war and the chaotic political conditions in Turkey, Syrya and Iraq, confirmation could not be obtained for this
election from the Holy See of Antioch. Hence the court ordered that Paulose Mor Athanasius has no right to
suceed to the office of Paulose Mor Koorilose. In the mean while H.G. Dionasius VI approached H.H. Elias III
at the Holy See to get his suspension revoked. He showed grief and agreed that he and other Bishops would
submit an agreement as has been done by H.G. Mor Koorilose. He also agreed that such an agreement will be
signed in Malankara and will be submitted to H. G. Elias Mor Julious the representative of the Holy see in
However later reaching in Malankara he refused to oblige his words. So his suspension remained. He continued
with civil suits. In 1926 H.H. Elias III consecrated Michael Mor Dionasius as Metropolitan for Kottayam,
Niranam, Thumpamon and Quilon diocese and Thomas Mor Dioscorus for the Cananite Diocese in 1927. H.H
also consecrated Augan Mor Timotius as the metropolitan for Kandanad diocese.
Malankara visit of His Holiness Moran Mor Elias III
Patriarch of Antioch

Though His Holiness was a heart patient, His ambition to end the schism in the Malankara church ,
forced him to visit Malankara in 1931. His Holiness visited India on the invitation of the then Viceroy Lord
Irwin, who made all arrangements for the Holy visit. His Holiness who reached Delhi Via Karachi as an
honoured guest of the Viceroy. He continued his journey via Madras and reached Alwaye on 20 th March
1931. Without any delay Mor Dionysius VI reached Alwaye, met and kissed the hands of His Holiness, and
entereated his desire for peace. His Holiness who desired peace, was ready to withdrew the suspension of
Dionysius. However from that moment Mor Dionysius became obstinate and demanded that His Holiness
should recognize the establishment of the Catholicate. But H.H.refused this. From this one can deduce the
fact that Mar Dionysius was realised that the powers and authority of the patriarcate and that the title of
Catholicose that he had defended is against traditions and canon laws and that it requires approval from the
Holy father. All repeated attempts by His Holiness ended in failure due to the obstinacy of the Mor Dionsaius.
Mean while many churches in Kerala gave pious and royal welcome to His Holiness. In February 1932 His
Holiness reached St. Stephen church Manjnikara. On 13th February 1932, He had a heart attack and
succumbed to it. His holy remains are buried in Manjinikara . His Holiness is a martyr who sacrificed his life
for attaining peace in the Malankara church. His tomb in Manjanikara is a place of consolation for thousands
all around the world . He is remembered in 5th Diptych during the Holy Mass.
Mor Dionysius expired in 1934 and was buried at the old seminary Kottayam. His Knowledge and
expertise was never beneficial to the church. It is he who started the litigation culture in the church which is
still continuing.
We have already mentioned earlier about the election and approval of Paulose Mor Athanasius to
the office of the Malankara Metropolitan. A meeting of the representatives of the Malankara church was
convened on 22 August 1934 at St. George church Karingachira and elected Paulose Mor Athanasius as
the Malankara Metropolitan. This election was confirmed by His Holiness. At the same time the representa-
tives of the 'Methran party under the chairman ship of their Catholicose, Baselious Geevarghese II, met at
Old seminary Kottayam and accepted a new constitution and decided to unite the offfice of the Malankara
Metropolitan and the title of Catholicose under one person thereafter. This meeting was not attended by the
representatives of the Bava party. Mean while, Augan Mor Timotheous, consecrated by H . H. Elias III for
the Kandanad diocese crossed over to the Methran party. He was suspended by his Holiness and the
administration of the Kandanad diocese was given to H G. Paulose Mor Athanasius.

Very soon Vayliparambil Thomas Kasessa and Mulayirickal Paulose Ramban were conse-
crated as Bishops by H. H. Ignatius Aprem I for Angamaly and Cochin dioceses respectively in 1946.
It was followed by the consecration of Abraham Mor Clemis and Paulose Mor Philoxinos for Knanaya
and Kandanad Dioceses respectively.
Paulose Mor Athanasius, the Malankara Metropolitan expired in January 25, 1953. Later the
meeting of the representatives of the Malankara Church held at St.Mary’s church Manarcad on 21 st
of June 1957 elected Abraham Mor Clemis as his successor .

St. James of Sarug
St.James, the renowned scholar, a great poet and a great preacher was born in Kurtam, a village in the
banks of river Euphrates in Sarung district in 451 A.D. He was the son of a priest in his old age. There
is an interesting incident about him at the age of 3. He along with his mother went to the church for the
Danaha festival. . While the prelate was singing the prayers of summoning the Holy spirit, the boy went
to the sanctuary, bowed the Altar 3 times and returned to his mother through a large crowd.
St.James in his youth made hardwork to teach the true faith through his letters and sermons. At
the age of 22 he was ordained as a priest and later cor- episcopa (bishop of the village) later he was
consecrated as the Bishop of Batnae Sarug .
St James who is also known as “ the flute of the Holy Spirit” has decorated the prayers of the
Church with his poems and supplications. He had written 760 such poems, copied by 70 copy writers.
He had also written many moral letters based on practicality rather than principles. His poetic writings
iinclude treatises on the great men of the old Testament, of angles, the mysteries of the Son of God,
moral lessons for festiveles, sermons, funeral orations, hymns codyfying biographies and many others.
He has also written two books on Baptism rites and the biographies on Mor Daniel and Mor Hananya.
His poems are very easy for the common people to understand . His Ideas are very simple. In
the wealth of words and ease of expression, he ranks next to Ephraem He died on 29 th november 521
A.D.His tomb in the Sarug church reads “Yacob of Sarug, spiritual scholar and compiler of faith’’

Mor Ivanios, the Golden mouthed

Mar Ivanius was the Patriarch of Constantinople.He was born in Antioch in 344 A.D., and was
named John. He studied Theology under Mar Militheos, Patriarch of Antioch; law, philosophy and
rhetoric under Libanius. He was ordained as a priest in 386 and consecreted to Bishop and later
Patriarch of Constantinople in 398 AD.
His elequent rhetoric earned him the nickname’’ Golden mouthed’’ Ivanios. He had received
universal support for his attempts to reform priests and the elevation of the destitutes. He had opposed
the extravagance of the wealthy, attacked vehemently the misuse of wealth. He believed that a persons
wealth is not his private property. It has been faithfully entrusted to him to help others and excess wealth
if any, should be shared with the needy. He always rebuked the lazy clergy, punished guilty bishops,
advised the monks, criticised the rich and warned officials and members of the royal family. Eudoxia,
the queen of the Eastern Roman emperor, who wished to erect her statute near the church was pre-
vented by His Holiness and nick named her as ‘Jezebel’ for which she desired to take revenge up on.
His Holiness. He also became the enemy of Theophilos, the patriarch of Alexandria since Mor Ivanios
refused to co-operated with the acts of Theophilos. Theophilos convened a meeting of the bishops
who supported him and deposed His Holiness. The Holy father was banished from the country by the
emperor due to the compulsion and Theophilos and Eudoxia . Even though his Holiness was recalled
due to earth quake and other un pleasant incidences in the palace later He was banished again.
From the exile he wrote more than 200 letters to the believerse in Constantinople . He was
removed to a remot area to prevant his friends from meeting him. Exhausted by difficult journey and
unbearable weather His Holiness expired on September 14, 407 A.D.
Mor Ivanios was popular as a great preacher and commentator. His main topics of lecturers
were the Gospel of St. Mathew and St. John and the eight letters of St. Paul. One of the rites for the
Holy Qurbana(Thaksa) is in His name. He used analogies of Moses & Christ, crossing of the Red sea
& baptism, passover lamb & The lamb of God in his lectures. He brought back many drunkards,
dishonests, friends of jews, nominal christians and idol worshippers to real christianity. His books
that deals with the nobility of priesthood, and his lectures on baptism are very popular.
When he heard that queen Eudoxia is making plans to banish him from the country He wrote
a letter to his friend like this:”when I was driven from the city, I felt no anxiety, but said to myself: If the
empress wishes to banish me, let her do so; ‘the earth is the Lord’s.’ If she wants to have me sawn
asunder, I have Isaiah for an example. If she wants me to be drowned in the ocean, I think of Jonah. If
I am to be thrown into the fire, the three men in the furnace suffered the same

If cast before wild beasts, I remember Daniel in the lion’s den. If she wants me to be stoned, I have
before me Stephen, the first martyr. If she demands my head, let her do so; John the Baptist shines
before me. Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked shall I leave this world’. Brave words
indeed. Let his prayers be our fortress.

Mor Koorilose ( St. Cyril of Alexandria)

St. Cyril, the Patriarch of Alexandria is described in the 5th Diptych as “ Particularly St. Cyril;
exalted and veritable tower of knowledge who declared and made manifest the incarnation of the Word
God who took flesh” Because of his deep and meaningful intrepretations he was known as “ Doctor
iof ncarnation“
St.Cyril was born in Egypt (Alexandria ) in 376 A.D. He was consecreted as a bishop by his
paternal uncle ,Theophilose, the patriarch of Alexandria. After the death of the latter St. Cyril was
elevated to the Partriarchate of Alexandria. He is also known as Cyril of Alexandria .
He was the chairman of the Holy synod of Ephesus convened by emperor Theodosious II in
431 AD .The Holy synod of Ephesus was summoned to discuss the teachings of Nestorius, the
Patriarch of Constantinople against the Holy Virgin Mary. Nestorious stated that Virgin Mother was
only the mother of Jesus for his human incarnations. Jesus attained Godhead after his human birth. It is
not proper to call Virgin Mary as the mother of God; she is to be addressed as the ‘’Mother of Christ
‘’. The Holy synod discussed this interpretation of Nestorius and stated that ‘’after the miraculous
conception, our saviour Jesus Christ has got only one individuality, one charactor and declared without
doubt that Virgin Mary is the ‘Mother of God ‘. He has encouraged only the true creed that which the
church received from the early fathers.
St.Cyril, the guardan of true faith, had to face many harassments from the supporters of Nestorious
since he objected the hersey of Nestorious. However he was not ready to surrender holy faith for
Commends on the Gospels of St. Mathew and St. John and the true faith on the incarnation of
Lord are his great publications. He died on 27 June 444 A.D.


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