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HIP Wacana ELO/DELO Evaluation

This evaluation form is designed to gauge participants' views on the HIP Wacana
programme, held at ELTC from 27 February - 28 February 2018. Feel free to provide any
relevant feedback and offer suggestions for further improvement. Your comments are
greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Your response is anonymous.

1. Please select the most suitable option for the statements below.

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

a) The workshop is
beneficial for you in
implementing HIP

b) The workshops are


c) The workshop
helps you generate
more ideas on HIP
implementation in
your state/district.

d) The workshops
deepen your
understanding of

e) The workshops
and presentations
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

allow you to share

HIP best practices.

f) Through the
workshops and
presentations, you are
now able to
overcome issues or
challenges in the
implementation of

2. What other issues would you like to raise regarding HIP implementation?
Please elaborate your answer.

3. Any suggestions or recommendations for further improvement?

4. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the 'HIP Wacana ELO/DELO 2018'?

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