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Fundamentals of Programming (FOP) [ 610001 ]


1. Introduction to programming& Basics of C: Concepts of Algorithm and
Flowcharts, Process of compilation, Generation of languages, Basic features of C
Language like Identifier, Keywords, Variable, data types, Operators and Expression.
Basic screen and keyboard I/O
2. Control Statements: Test Conditions, Conditional execution and selection, Iteration
and Repetitive Executions, Nested loops.
3. Arrays: Introduction to contiguous data types. One dimensional arrays,
multidimensional arrays, Array as strings, multidimensional character arrays.
Operations on strings.
4. Functions: Concept of modular programming, Using functions, Scope of data,
Recursive functions. Command line arguments.
5. Pointers: Need of pointer, Types and uses of pointer, Array and Pointers, Pointers
and strings, Pointer to Pointer, Pointers and functions, other aspect of pointers.
6. User Defined Data Types: Introduction to structures, usage of structure, nested
structures, Union and its usage, Enumeration types, bit fields.
7. Files: Types of files, working with files, usage of file management functions.
8. Linked List: Introduction to dynamic memory allocation, singly link list, operations
on singly link list.
9. Other features of C: Bitwise operators and its usage, C Preprocessor statements.

Main Reference Book(s):

1. Programming in C, by Pradip Dey & Manas Ghosh, Publisher – Oxford

Suggested Additional Reading :

1. Programming in ANSI C, by Balagurusamy, Publisher - Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C, by
Behrouz A. Forouzan & Richard F. Gilberg, Publisher – Thomson Education.
3. Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, by Ashok N Kamthane, Publisher –
Pearson Education.
4. Mastering C, by Venugopal & Prasad, Publisher – Tata McGraw Hill.
5. C: The Complete Reference, by Herbert Schildt, Publisher – Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Let us C, by Yashwant Kanitkar, Publisher – BPB Publication
7. Schaum's Outline of Programming with C, By: Byron Gottfried, Publisher
Shaum Series.

Chapter wise coverage from main reference Book(s) :

Chapter 1 to 11 except 10.4-10.6, 11.5-11.7
Programming Skills-I (FOP) [610002]
Program Implementation using C language
Programs based on following topic should be carried out during practical hours.
Basic C Programs
Programs based on constants, variable and diff data types.
Programs based on Operator and Expression
Programs based on Decision Making and Branching
Use of Do While loop ,For loop, while loop, if loop, if else if ladder, switch, go to
Programs based on One dimensional and two dimensional array
Programs based on character array and String manipulation functions.
Programs based on user-defined functions, Recursion
Programs based on Structures and pointers
Programs based on file management in C.
Programs based on Dynamic memory allocation and linked list

Following list is just a sample guide line:

1. Write a program to print “Hello World” message.
2. Write a program to print Name , Address and Birth Date.
3. Write a program to add, multiply and divide two integers and float numbers.
4. Write a program to convert Rupees(float) to paisa(int).
5. Write a program to accept number of days and print year, month and remaining
6. Write a program to check whether the entered number is prime or not.
7. Write a program to check whether the entered number is even or odd.
8. Using While loop print 1 2 3 4 5 …..10.
9. Print series 2, 4, 6, 8,…….n.
10. Print series 2, 4, 16,……n*n using shorthand operator and while loop
11. Write a program to generate fibonnacci series.
12. Write a program to print the multiplication table.
13. Write a program to find a factorial of the entered number.
14. Write a program to print all the numbers and sum of all the integers that are
greater than 100 and less than 200 and are divisible by 7.
15. Write a program to find the roots of an equation ax2 + bx + c = 0.
16. Write a program that accept basic, HRA, and convergence from the user and
calculate total salary.
17. Print the following triangle.
18. Write a program that prints the following Floyd’s triangle.
7 8 9 10
11 ……….15
19. Write a program to find maximum element from 1-Dimensional array.
20. Write a program to sort given array in ascending order.
21. Given the two 1-D arrays A and B, which are sorted in ascending order. Write a
program to merge them into a single sorted array C that contains every item from
arrays A and B, in ascending order.
22. Write a program to add two matrices.
23. Write a program to find string length.
24. Write a program to print size of int, float, double variable.
25. Write a program that will read a text and count all occurrences of a particular
26. Write a program that will read a string and rewrite it in the alphabetical order. i.e.
the word STRING should be written as GINRST.
27. Write a program that appends the one string to another string.
28. Write a program that finds a given word in a string.
29. Use recursive calls to evaluate
f(x) = x – x3/3! + x5/5! – x7/7! + ……
30. Write a function prime that returns 1 if its argument is a prime no. and returns 0
31. Write a program to add first n numbers.
32. Write a function which returns 1 if the given number is palindrome otherwise
returns 0.
33. Write a function that will scan a character string passed as an argument and
convert all lower-case character into their upper-case equivalent.
34. Write a function to reverse the string.
35. Write a program that search an item from array of string.
36. Define a structure called cricket that will describe the following information:
Player name
Team name
Batting average
Using cricket, declare an array player with 50 elements and wire a program to
read the information about all the 50 players and print a team-wise list containing
names of player with their batting average.
37. In a program declare following structure member: name, code, age, weight and
height. Read all members of the structure for 100 persons and find list of persons
with all related data whose weight > 50 and height > 40 and print the same with
suitable format and title.
38. Write a program using pointers to read an array of integers and print its elements
in reverse order.
39. Write a function to calculate the roots of the quadratic equation. The function
must use two pointer parameters, one to receive the coefficients a, b, and c, and
the other to send the roots to the calling function.
40. Write a function using pointers to add two matrices and to return the resultant
matrix to the calling function.
41. Write a program to read data from keyboard, write it to a file named STUDENT
again read the same data from STUDENT file and write it into DATA file. same
data should be displayed on the screen.
42. Write a program to create linear linked list interactively and print out the list and
total number of items in the list.
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science [610003]
Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide a coherent development to the
students for the courses like Fundamentals of Computer Organization, RDBMS, Data
Structures, Analysis of Algorithms, Theory of Computation ,Cryptography, Artificial
Intelligence and others.

1. Mathematical Logic : Introduction, Connectives, statement formulas, principle of
substitution, validity of arguments, Quantifiers, Proof techniques.
2. Lattices and Boolean Algebra : Relation and ordering, partially ordered sets,
Lattices as poset, properties of lattices, Lattices as algebraic systems, sublattices,
direct product and homomorphism, complete lattices, bounds of lattices, distributive
lattice, complemented lattices.
Introduction, definition and important properties of Boolean Algebra, Sub Boolean
algebra, direct product and homomorphism, join-irreducible, meet-irreducible,
atoms, anti atoms, Stone’s representation theorem. (Without Proof),
Note : No proof is required for Theorems or Results on lattices and Boolean
Algebra. Theorems should be justified and explained by suitable examples .
3. Applications of Boolean Algebra : Boolean expressions and their equivalence,
Minterms and Maxterms, Free Boolean algebra, Values of Boolean expression,
canonical forms, Boolean functions, representation of Boolean function, Karnaugh
maps, minimization of Boolean function, Quine_ Mccluskey algorithm, Application
to Relational Database.
4. Group Theory : Definition and examples of groups, abelian group, cyclic groups,
permutation groups, subgroups & Homomorphism, Cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem
(without proof), Normal subgroups, Quotient Groups.
5. Graph Theory : Basic concepts of Graph theory, paths, reachability and
connectedness, matrix representation of graph, trees.

Main Reference Books :

1. “Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science”, J. P.
Tremblay and R.Manohar ,Tata McGraw-Hill
2. “Discrete Mathematical Structure”, D. S. Malik, M. K. Sen, Cengage Learning

Suggested Additional Reading :

1. Discrete Mathematics and its applications, Tata McGraw-Hill, 6th edition, K. H.Rosen.
2. Discrete Mathematical Structure, Pearson Education, Bernard Kolmann& others, Sixth
3. Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory, PHI, Edgar G. Goodaire, Michael M.Parmenter.
4. Logic and Discrete Mathematics, Pearson Education, J. P. Tremblay and W. K.Grassman.

Chapter wise coverage from the main reference books:

1. From Book # 1
Chapter – 2, article 2-3 (2-3.1 to 2-3.9)
Chapter-3, article 3-5 (3-5.1 to 3-5.4) upto Theorem 3-5.8
Chapter – 4, articles 4-1 to 4-4
Chapter – 5, article 5-1 (5-1.1 to 5-1.4)
2. From Book # 2
Chapter – 1, articles 1.2 to 1.5
Chapter-3 article 3.3
Fundamentals of Computer Organization [ 610004 ]
1. Basic Components of a digital computer
2. Number Systems
Decimal System
Bistable Devices
Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal numbers.
Number Base conversions
Binary Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
o Use of complements to represent Negative Numbers
o Binary Number Complements
o Complements in other Number Systems.
Binary codes
o Weighted and Non-weighted codes
_ BCD Code
_ Excess Three (XS-3) Code
_ Gray Code
Binary to Gray & Gray to Binary
o Error detecting and correcting codes
_ Parity and Hamming code
3. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
Fundamental Concepts of Boolean Algebra
Logical Multiplication
AND & OR gates
Complementation & Inverters
Evaluation of Logical Expressions
Basic Laws of Boolean Algebra
Proof by Perfect induction
Simplification of Expressions
De Morgan’s Theorems
Basic duality of Boolean Algebra
Derivation of a Boolean Expression
Interconnecting gates
Sum of Products and Product of Sums
Derivation of Product-of-Sums expressions
Derivation of Three input variable expressions
NAND & NOR gates
Map Method for Simplifying Expressions
o K-map ( Four Variables)
o Cubes & covering
o Don’t Cares
Design Using NAND Gates
Design Using NOR Gates
NAND to AND & NOR to OR gate Networks
4. Logic Design
Transfer Circuit
Flip-Flop Designs
Gated Flip-Flop
Master Slave Flip-Flop
Shift Register
Binary Counter
BCD Counter
Counter Design
5. The Arithmetic-Logic Unit
Construction of the ALU
Integer Representation
Binary Half-Adder
Parallel Binary Adder
Positive & Negative Numbers
Addition in the 1’S Complement System
Addition in the 2’S Complement System
Addition and subtraction in a parallel Arithmetic Element
Binary Coded Decimal Adder
Sift Operations
Binary Multiplication
Binary Division
6. Digital Components
Integrated Circuits
o NAND gate Decoder
o Decoder Expansion
Memory Units
o Random-Access Memory
o Read-Only Memory
o Types of ROMs
7. Central Processing Units
Stack Organization (Intro.)
Instruction Formats
Addressing modes
8. Input-Output Organization
Peripheral Devices
Asynchronous Data Transfer
o Handshaking
Modes of Transfer
o Programmed I/O
o Interrupt-initiated I/O
o Direct Memory Access (DMA)
Direct Memory Access (DMA)
9. Memory Organization
Memory Hierarchy
Main Memory
o RAM, ROM, Bootstrap Loader
Auxiliary Memory
o Magnetic Disk
o Magnetic Tape
Cache Memory (Intro)
Virtual Memory (Intro)
10. Peripheral Devices * ( Intro)
Key Board
Display Unit
Printer (Types)
Multimedia Projector

Main Reference Book(s):

1. Digital Computer Fundamentals , Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition, Thomas C.
2. Computer System Architecture, PHI/Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, M. Morris

Suggested Additional Reading:

1. Fundamentals of Digital circuits,PHI/Pearson Education, A. Anand Kumar

Chapter wise Coverage from the main reference book(s):

1. Digital Computer Fundamentals – Thomas C. Bartee

Chapter – 1 : 1.7
Chapter – 2 : Whole
Chapter – 3 : 3.1 to 3.23
Chapter – 4 : 4.1 to 4.9, 4.12
Chapter – 5 : 5.1 to 5.9, 5.11, 5.14, 5.16 to 5.18
2. Computer System Architecture – M. Morris Mano
Chapter – 2 : 2.1 to 2.3, 2.7
Chapter – 8 : 8.3 to 8.5
Chapter – 11 : 11.1, 11.3, 11.4, 11.6
Chapter – 1 : 12.1 to 12.3, 12.5, 12.6
* Peripheral Devices may be covered from Internet or any latest books.
Database Management Systems-I [ 610005 ]
1. Introduction : Basic Concepts: data, database, database systems, database
management system, Purpose and advantages of Database management system (over
file systems), data models: Introduction; Three level architecture, Overall architecture
of DBMS, Various components of a DBMS
2. Relation Data Model : Relational Structure – tables (relations), rows (tuples),
domains, columns (attributes), Entity sets, attributes, Types of entities, Relationships
(ER) and Types of relationships, Database modeling using entity and relationships,
Enhanced entity relationship diagrams , keys: super key, candidate keys, primary key,
entity integrity constraints, referential integrity constraints.
3. Database Design : Relational structure – tables (relations), rows (tuples), domains,
columns (attributes), Database design process, Anomalies in a database, Functional
Dependencies (Lossless decomposition, Dependency preservance, Closure set of FD,
Canonical Cover, Lossless Joins), Finding Candidate keys using Armstrong rules,
Stages of Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF (with general definition also) and
Multivalued Dependency: 4NF & 5NF (Project Join NF) Translation of E-R schemes
(logical design) to relational schemes (Physical design): A case study.
4. Data Dictionary & Utilities
Introduction to data dictionary, Usage of data dictionary.

Main Reference books :

1. Database System Concepts- Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan, Fifth Edition,
McGraw Hill
2. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmsasri ,Navathe, Pearson Education, Fifth
Edition (2008)
3. An Introduction to Database Systems, C.J.Date, a Kannan, S Swaminathan,
Pearson Education, Eighth Edition (2006) (Equivalent Reading)
4. Oracle 9i, PL/SQL Programming by Scoot Urban, Oracle Press

Suggested Additional Reading:

1. Database Systems: Concepts, Design and Applications, S. K. Singh. Pearson
2. Database Management Systems, Ramakrishnan, Gehrke, McGraw Hill,Third
3. Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management, Peter Rob, Carlos
Coronel, Cengage Learning, seventh edition (2007)
4. Practice book on SQL and PL/SQL by Anjali, Amisha, Roopal and Nirav
5. SQL, PL/SQL – The programming Language Oracle-by Ivan Bayross
6. Database management Systems, Leon and Leon, Vikas Publication

Chapter wise Coverage from the Main book(s):

Book No. 1: Chapter 1, 6,7, 11( 11.8)
Book No. 2: Chapter 14,15

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