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2240 Motor Control

Q.1) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a closed loop control system:
A. Uses Feedback
B. information issued only to initiate movement
C.movement is typically over very early

Q.2) Which of the following is the most correct definition of coordination:

A. The process or state of coordinating or being coordinated
B. The organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity
so as to enable them to work together effectively
C. Patterning of the body and limb motions relative to the patterning of
environmental objects and events
D. Having the ability to function in a sporting environment (ie. catch a ball,
hit a pitch)

Q.3) Throwing a baseball pitch would be an example of what control system?

A. Open Loop
B. Closed Loop
C. Efference Copy
D. Central Centre (Executive)

Q.4) How many degrees of freedom are there in the shoulder?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Q.5) The degrees of freedom problem explains:

A. the number of independent elements in a central system and the ways
each component can act
B. All the possible movements around a specific limb or joint
C. The various movement possibilities applicable to the body
context of the environment of the head, body and/or limb movements so
that actions can be accomplished

Q.6) Which of the following Motor Control Theories emphasises the role of a memory
representation in the control of coordinated action?
A. Schmidt's Schema Theory
B. Dynamic Pattern Theory
C. Motor Program-based Theories
D. Fitt's Law

Q.7) The Dynamic Pattern Theory:

A. is a memory based construct that controls coordinated movement
B. describes and explains the role of coordinated movement that
emphasises the role of information in the environment and properties of
the body/limbs
C. hypothesises a Generalised Motor Program (GMP)
D. helps to explain the degrees of freedom problem and describes how the
nervous system produces coordinated movement of motor skills

Q.8) Invariant features are defined as:

A. features of a GMP that can be varied from one performance of a skill to
a unique set of characteristics that defines a GMP and does not vary
from one performance to the next
a memory representation that stores information needed o perform an
D. the fundamental of the class of actions

Q.9) Schmidt's Schema Theory proposes that:

memory is the most important component of a GMP
a GMP serves as the central, memory-based mechanism for the control
of motor skill performance
open and closed loop control systems send movement instructions to
the GMP and initiate a movement
when a specific action is performed, specific parameter values must be
added to the GMP

Q.10) In order to adapt an overarm throw for distance in a softball game, which part of the
GMP must
be altered?
A. invariant features
regulatory conditions

Q.11) Anti-phase to In-phase organisation (ie. tapping fingers at seperate patterns - out of
phase -
will eventually lead to tapping at the same time - in-phase) is an exmaple of what:
A. Control Parameter
B. Self-Organisation
C. Coordinated Structures
D. Dynamical Systems

Q.12) Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Motor Program Based Theory?
A. instructions are specified by the CNS
control process is managed by a motor program
C. Motor Program organizes, initiates, and carries out
intended actions
non-linear changes in movement behaviour

Q.13) Which of the following does not apply to proprioception?

refers to the sensation and perception of limb, trunk, head position and
B. densory information is transmitted to the CNS (movement direction,
location in space etc.)
C. More important in open-loop control systems rather than closed-loop
control systems
D. Important source of feedback

Q.14) The function of muscles spindles are:

A. to detect change in muscle fibre length, limb movement velocity and
acceleration and limb spatial position
B. to detect force through the tendon due to lengthening of skeletal muscle
C. to help detect joint spatial position, joint velocity and joint direction
act to detect the limits of joint flexion and extension

Q.15) What is located at the junction of tendons and skeletal muscle?

A. Muscle Spindles
B. Joint Receptors
C. Golgi tendon organs
D. Alpha motor neurons

Q.16) As observed by Taub and Berman (1963, 1968), Monkeys that had undergone
Deafferentation showed:
A. increased precision of motor skills
an inability to perform previously known motor skills
a lesser degree of precision when performing motor skills
no difference in level of motor skill proficiency

Q.17) Which of the following statements about Sensory Polyneuropathy is false?

A. large myelinated fibres degenerate - leading to loss of all sensory
information including pain and temperature
efferent motor pathways are (usually) intact - strength is normal
patients who are unable to see their limbs cannot sense their position
nor detect motion of joints
a) and b)
none of the above

Q.18) If I were to vibrate both of the Achilles Tendons of an individual whom was standing
with their
eyes closed, the likely postural response would be to:
A. do nothing
B. initiate step forwards
sway forwards and fall over
sway backwards and fall over

Q.19) The info from motor areas of the brain that is destined for the muscles is also sent
an attractor
an efference copy
C. the executive
D. feedback

Q.20) When there is a conflict between vision and other sensory sources we tend to:
A. believe our muscles (ie. proprioception)
B. believe our eyes
get so confused our heads explode
need to make an executive decision to decide which sensory source to
rely on

Q.21) The clear surface that covers the front of the eye is:
A. Pupil
B. Iris
C. Lens
D. Cornea

Q.22) Which of the following is the eye structure that covers the back of the eye as an
extension of
the brain (contains neuro-receptors that transmit visual information to the brain):
A. Pupil
B. Retina
C. Iris
D. Lens

Q.23) Which of the following statements about the neural components of the eye is
A. Rods are photoreceptor cells that respond to low levels of light
B. Cones are photoreceptor cells that respond to bright light
C. The Optic Nerve is a cranial nerve - it transfers visual information from
the retina to the brain
a) & b)
all of the above are correct

Q.24) Vision for 'action' is processed via which stream:

A. Dorsal
B. Ventral

Q.25) Which of the following statements about vision is FALSE:

A. Skilled tennis players view an opponents trunk-hip and head-shoulder
B. Less skilled spent more time looking at the opponents racquet
C. Event Occlusion is defined as excluding a part of an opponents body in
a picture
D. Novices found that they had a lower percentage of error predicting the
next action of a tennis player during Temporal Occlusion
Q.26) Central vision (ie. information detected from a small area with a range of about 2 - 5
can also be explained as:
A. Monocular Vision
B. Binocular Vision
C. Foveal Vision
D. Peripheral Vision

Q.27) When reaching to grasp an object, if the peripheral vision is blocked:

A. transportation to reach forward is blocked
B. the grasp is not affected
C. the grasp is affected
a) & b)

Q.28) In order to successfully catch an oncoming object you must see the object until:
you catch it
B. halfway through its flight
you can predict the rest of the flight
D. it leaves the hand of the person throwing it

Q.29) The optical variable Tau is defined as:

A. Tc = kA/A
B. Time to contact
C. the speed and accuracy tradeoff
D. the visual field 200 degrees horizontally and 160 degrees vertically

Q.30) The Ventral Visual system:

A. is the pathway for Action
projects from the primary visual cortex to the posterior parietal cortex
projects from the primary visual cortex to the inferotemporal cortex
D. is the pathway for Perception
a) & b)
a) & c)
c) & d)

Q.31) There is no single, absolute estimate of the time to process information, however
there is a
certain value that is considered reasonable for many tasks. This value is:
A. 215-250ms
B. 100-160ms
C. 150-200ms
D. 180-230ms

Q.33) Prehension describes actions involving reaching for and grasping objects. There are
3components for prehension. Which of the following is not one of them...
A. Transport
B. Limb Movement
C. Grasp
D. Object Manipulation

Q.34) Bimanual Coodination Skills are motor skills that requires simultaneous use of both
arms (or
legs). The skill may require two arms to move with the same or different spatial and/or
temporal characteristics. What sort of bimanual coordination was required in the example,
where the goal is to move both hands to the centre. (Left Hand) (Goal)
(Right Hand)
C. disassociate
D. difficult

Q.35) The "reach and grasp" component of Prehension are no two seperate movement
but are interdependent.
A. True
B. False

Q.36) Which of the following statements about handwriting are FALSE?

A. There is a great deal of individual variation with limb segment
B. Handwriting demonstrates only cognitive elements within a control
C. Motor equivalence demonstrates a person adapting to specific demands
with regard to muscle involvement (eg. writing samples)
D. Lexical, semantic and motor control processes occur simultaneously
when writing

Q.37) Which of the following statesments about Gait is FALSE?

A. There is a non-rhythmic structure of gait patterns that exist between
arms and legs
B. Identification of gait patterns allow assessment techniques of
coordination patterns
C. Head Stability is a high priority is the gait motor control system
D. locomotion cerebral palsy and other neurological impairments adopt
'abnormal' gait to enable head stability

Q.38) When facing a pitch in baseball it is important to track the ball up until:
A. it makes contact with the bat
B. 100-160ms after it leaves the pictures hand
only to a certain spot (before contact) in order to synchronise with the
step forward
until you can predict where the ball will fall in the strikers zone

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