Suggestions & Limitations of Study

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The following recommendations have been provided by the


1. Public sector banks should be provide different housing loan schemes

with attractive features like rate of interest, margin etc. for attractive

more and more people in rural area.

2. Housing schemes and process of passing loan should be easy to make

the people understand.

3. Counter facility should be provided in all banks to help the customers.

4. To attract more customers, public sector banks should make process

of loan repayment easy.

5. Loan passing process should be quicker by public sector bank like

private sector bank.

6. File processing charges should be eliminated in the banks.

7. For customer’s awareness public sector banks should also distribute

booklets and advertise attractive advertisements for the awareness of

the customer on different housing loan scheme.

8. The number of staff, handling loan affairs should be increased.

9. To respect the customers by giving them individual attention and also

help them to know the bank better by public sector bank.

10. There should be lesser formalities for providing the home loans so that

home loans are easy available.

11. The bank should disseminate information using web staegery and

personal contract programs for providing information on various

product and services.


• It is only covering 4 banks(2 private banks and 2 public banks)

• The sample is limited to New Delhi (South)

• The data of only 3years has been used.

• The responded very not very much keen to discloses personal

information and decision making process.

• The customer base of high and product like high value

residential property has not been taken into consideration.

• The financial performance of the banks is depending on

customers however , the customer do not adequate

understanding for the performance of banks

• The information on defaults of the home loan customer segment

is very little and banks do not provide the same easily.


Large sample cover more bank. Researcher wants to cover more

banks in future research to analyze, in detail, customers views on

financial performance of banks.

Cover other metropolitan city. India has four metropolitan cities.

Researcher did research on one city, i.e. New Delhi. Future research

in other cities can help researcher to know to different metro cities bank

home loan customers’ views.

Cover people BPL (below poverty line). In this research, the

researcher had not taken BPL bank customers. So in future, take their

views for research

Data for last 10 years. In this research, the researcher has taken only

3 years data to analyse financial performance of banks, which is very

limited. So, in future data can be of last 10 years.

Defaulter data with reference to performance of bank. In this

research defaulter data has not been taken which can affect the

financial performance of the bank. So the researcher can take

defaulter data with reference.


On the basis of the feedback received from the respondents the

following recommendations are made for the banks:-

1. The working efficiency of the bank need to be increased so that

more and more personal attention is given to the customers.

2. There should be a fewer and easy terms and conditions and

paperwork for the customers while providing the loans to them.

3. There is a need of automated services by the banks.

4. There is a need for improvement in the customer service.

5. The behavior of the bank staff towards the customer need to be

more personalized.

6. Banks need to improve their customer satisfaction level due to

stiff competition among the banks.

7. The loan disbursement amount should be made promptly to the

customers enabling them to buy or construct their home at the

earliest, thereby satisfying the customers.

The method for the loan sanction to the customers needs to be short

and easy. Lesser legal formalities will make the sanctioning of loan

procedure easy and swift. Hence, attract more and more customers to

apply for home loan.

The banks should try to lower their interest rate on, at least on specific

norms, so that they can lower customer’s cost of house. There is no

need to say bank with the lower rate of interest for home loans will

have maximum clients.

The scheme of PNB is quite beneficial for the person who want to buy

or construct their own home. But their scheme is not properly

reachable to the general public in rural area. That’s why they have

customers for home loans from their own staff or the account holders in

their bank only. So they should make the scheme more transparent

and reachable to the common man, so that they can avail the benefit of

the scheme.

Although ICICI bank is the market leader in home loan sector, but they

innovate their service, viewing the increasing competitions from other

bank such as HDFC bank.

The loans are provided by the banks as per customers’ eligibility and

their capacity to repay. As result of many customers do not get the

loan amount as per their need because of such norms. Therefore, the

bank should try to offer the loan amount according to their norms.


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