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Floating a new container terminal concept

A proposal for floating tranship-
ment terminals to handle ≥ 18,000
A radical proposal has been made for a pure
TEU container ships has been
published by Dr Asaf Ashar, Re-
transhipment terminal that, it is claimed, would be
search Professor with the US Na- capable of turning around a complete 18,000 TEU
tional Ports & Waterways Institute,
University of New Orleans and ship (2 x 18,000 TEU) in just one day
also an independent port consult-
ant. The terminal, or pure tran- Containership generations from PanamaxMax onwards (Dr Asaf Ashar, 2012)
shipment port (PTP), is predicated Category Example TEU DWT Loa x W x D Under-below-across Figure 1: cross-section of floating pure transhipment port. (Ibid)
on a transhipment share of total
moves of 90% minimum, and PanamaxMax Zim Savannah 5000 67,000 295 x 32.3 x 13.5 8-6-13
Post I Rio Negro 5900 74,000 286 x 40 x 13.5 9-5-15
probably at least 95%. Post II Maersk S 8000 105,000 347 x 42.8 x 14.5 9-6-18
Dr Ashar is involved in a con- Post III New Panamax 13,000 120,000 366 x 49 x 15.2 10-6/19/20
sulting capacity to a group con- Post IV* Maersk E 15,000 157,000 397 x 56.4 x 15.5 10-8-22
sidering such a scheme.The group Post IV* Maersk EEE 18,000 165,000 400 x 59 x 15.5 10-8-23
or location has not been named, Post V MalaccaMax 30,000 295,000 460 x 63 x 21 12-9-25
but one possibility might be some- * Maersk E and Triple-E are both classified by Post-IV as they are very similar, except that Triple-E has
where in the Caribbean. A PTP an extra row across and the slower speed allows for the “boxing” of the hull shape
presentation was also made at a
special seminar in Algeciras. clusively for traffic lanes and no
The PTP concept was first interim buffer storage is allowed.
proposed by Ashar in 1999 as a
Not so fast Figure 2: Notional Algeciras barge fleeting area sorted for destination. (Ibid)
component of his so-called
“fourth revolution” of liner On top of that, automated termi- about the PTP, and it applies to a than a 50m beam, or 12.2m draught
shipping. This was the develop- nals have relatively low produc- number of other floating termi- for a beam of up to 77.5m.
ment of a circular service pat- tivity. The yard needs to support nal concepts aired in WordCargo Ashar says that the SCA is quite
tern focused on transhipment shipside and landside operations News over the years. Floating ter- close to its target of 22m draught.
hubs in an equatorial round- simultaneously, dividing the yard minals can be located in much Assuming a sandy bottom, 1m of
the-world (ERTW) system. cranes’ work. This limitation is deeper water, as there is no need underkeel clearance and relatively
The hubs would be located at most marked in the perpendicu- for land reclamation, and the crane slow speed in the canal’s calm wa-
the interstices of east-west and lar layout (the most popular), even rails would be supported on piles ters, this is enough for his 30,000
north-south routes of the largest with “nested” ASCs such as at or, more likely, caissons. PTP in TEU ship. Since 1999, when
containerships. Ashar estimated CTB Hamburg.Traffic congestion Algeciras and Singapore, for ex- Wijnholst first proposed the 24,000
that the ERTW system could han- in roadways between quay and ample, could readily be located in TEU malaccamax, the SCA has
dle around half the volume of glo- yard is another problem. naturally deep water of 30m. Such added 3m of depth.
bal east-west container trade. “It could well be that auto- depths remove the constraints on Malaccamax is regarded by
The steel slab terminal at Pinto Island, Mobile, with barges between the crane
However, he continues, for mated terminals may eventually legs loaded directly from the ship, is seen by Dr Ashar as a good illustration of ship size. Even a massive invest- Ashar as marking a “new genera-
some time it has been clear that reach productivity averaging 300 the PTP concept. (The barge indexer can just be made out on the left) ment like Maasvlakte II bumps on tion” and as a new “sub-species” of
the ERTW system would not ma- moves a ship hour, say 7-8 cranes the limit at ca. 20m. liner shipping centered around
terialise. The 2014 expansion of at 40 moves an hour,” says Ashar. quired selectivity for destination. whether AGVs or shuttle carriers are The Triple-E has a nominal PTPs. These are presumed to be
the Panama Canal (NPX) - “However, at this productivity The steel slab terminal at Pinto used) are needed for ship-to-ship or intake of 18,000 TEU based on floating terminals as such ships will
around 13,000 TEU - was sup- level, turning around an 18,000 Island in Mobile,Alabama (World- ship-to-barge transhipment. 165,000dwt (ca. 9.1t/TEU). be too big for land-based ports.
posed to be the trigger, but the TEU ship, as mandated by future Cargo News, May 2009, p57 and Preliminary calculations, says Professor Nico Wijnholst’s
Dr Asaf Ashar at the Panama Canal
trend in ship size is post-NPX and shuttle services, would take 3-4 January 2010, p2) is described by Ashar, indicate that the cost of malaccamax (Delft TU, 1999)
it may not stop at 18,000 TEU. days, undermining the feasibility Ashar as an excellent demonstra- barges is lower than the cost of has similar dimensions, but a
of the entire shipping system. Al- tion of the viability of the ship- equivalent land-based storage, par- much deeper draught, resulting
Bi-regional focus together, it seems that the present to-barge direct transfer concept, ticularly in the case of deep water in 245,000 dwt, or 24,500 TEU
The “revised fourth revolution” is kind of automation is not appli- except that there is need for only reclamations, while the operating @ 9.1t/TEU.
based not on the ERTW system, cable for PTPs.” Clearly, Ashar one barge lane there. cost is much lower due to the elimi- With an additional 60m
but on bi-regional shuttle services, does not believe that Maersk’s Barges are moved along the nation of double handling. The mid-section, says Ashar, capac-
which eliminate en route ports of “6000 moves/24 hour” challenge mother ship using an indexer main gain, however, is in lower ship ity would be 28,000 TEU, and
call, as the core service pattern. is feasible even at today’s best- (pulley) system (as also used in cost, due to higher productivity. then adding an extra row on
These shuttle services have gradu- equipped and best-run terminals. Mississippi River grain termi- Using barges facilitates tandem deck (25-across) brings it to
ally been taking over from tradi- nals). Once loaded, the barges and triple lifts, Ashar continues, around 30,000 TEU.
tional multi-trade services (“pen- Floating yards are towed away from the ship since matching containers is sim- The limiting factor today is the
dulum” services). The PTP, in contrast, is tuned to and parked in a protected “fleet- ple, as many containers have the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal Au-
The revised revolution is still the main characteristic of tran- ing area.” Barges destined for the same destination. Similarly, ex- thority (SCA) occasionally brings
designed to exploit fully the hub shipment - moving groups of con- same ship are tied together and changing the whole ship at a sin- out updated tables of width and ac-
and spoke system, with mainhaul tainers between ships.This cannot moved by one push boat. gle terminal simplifies ship han- ceptable draft. Currently, the maxi-
ships calling only at and fully be performed effectively on land, dling, allowing deployment of more mum draught is 20.1m on no more
turned around at PTPs. Hence it says Ashar, but only on water, us- A fleeting view STS cranes per ship and a higher
is just as dependent as the origi- ing barges. Hence future PTPs Figure 2 is based on a typical fleet- percentage of double cycling.
nal fourth revolution on PTPs to could be based on barges. ing area in the Mississippi River, For example, employing nine
handle ships in the 18,000 TEU Figure 1 depicts a cross-section with barges sorted according to STS cranes with tandem lifts (4
range efficiently. of such a PTP. Technically, says the hypothetical outports, in this TEU) throughout the entire op-
Most transhipment currently Ashar, it is relatively simple, as it is case based on an Algeciras PTP. eration with 50% dual cycling
takes place in terminals designed based on modifying existing Containers from the mother ship would result in a productivity of
for gateway traffic. Because of the equipment and operating systems. are discharged onto the barges ac- 1620 TEU/ship hour, based on 30
shortage of waterfront land, they Ashar says he has referred it to port cording to their destination. The moves/crane hour. In the context
are often created through costly, engineers and crane structural en- barges are then towed away from of the “6000/24” debate this claim
deep water reclamation. There is gineers and they did not think that the ship side to the fleeting area is, to say the least, highly contro-
a trend towards automated yards, anything was technically too diffi- and parked there according to versial on several levels.
with a key objective being a re- cult. Containers are trans-loaded destination port.When the feeder
duction in overall land take between mother ships and barges, ship arrives, the barges are towed “Gib-Sig” shuttle
through densification of storage which are used both for storage and back alongside and the contain- Turning around 18,000 TEU (and,
capacity. for transport of containers between ers are transloaded to the ship. in the future, 30,000 TEU) ships
Automated terminals are not feeder and mother ships. The key Using barges also facilitates at the floating PTP can be com-
designed to handle transhipment advantage of barges is their ability “double cycling” one the first bay pleted within a day, aserts Ashar.
and in reality, says Ashar, they han- to move groups of containers. has been discharged, saving on He calculates that a weekly shut-
dle it exactly like gateway traffic - The barges shown are based on barge movements and increasing tle services between Gibraltar and
in and out of the stack - so it in- the common, square-shaped Mis- crane productivity. A different Singapore requires only five ships
volves double handling just like in sissippi jumbo barge, with 160 (10 group of barges would be posi- compared to 10 ships for the
conventional terminals. x 4 x 4) TEU capacity (around tioned empty alongside the feeder present services, in which the ships
Direct ship-to-ship moves are 2000dwt). The cranes have a rail ships in order to take their spend half of their rotation time
inconceivable, because of the dif- gauge of around 50m and a barge offgoing cargo, unless the barges calling at five or more ports in
ference in stowage plans and side cantilever of 35m, sufficient are big enough to have a sufficient each end region (“milk run”).
(un)loading sequencing, and in for eight rows of barges, which number of empty slots after they Likewise, a daily frequency
any case the dock area is used ex- seems sufficient to provide the re- have been loaded by the mother would require 35 ships, certainly
ship. Ashar does say that the Mis- within the reach of super alliances.
Singapore Pasir Panjang phases III and IV as envisaged by Dr Ashar as a sissippi barge is only an illustra- Similar shuttle services could also
floating PTP. However, PSA Singapore is developing more land for an ASC tion; bigger barges with more con- be developed in other major trades
yard for this major expansion programme tainer intake could also be used. such as the transpacific, transatlan-
tic, etc. An interesting possibility,
Two lifts only intended to overcome the size
In this example, the entire ship- limitation of the new Panama
to-ship cycle to and from barge Canal locks, is for developing
requires only two lifts, both by the floating PTPs at both entrances,
same STS cranes (assuming the linking them and the land-based
berth accommodates feeder ships terminals with the same barges
as well). In contrast, a land-based au- used for inter-ship transfer.
tomated terminal requires three dif-
ferent pieces of equipment, and a Deep thinking
minimum of 4-6 lifts (depending on Ashar makes one telling point

February 2013

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