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AP MBI 2018

30-9-22018 fro
om12.000 pm on

Oral Preseentation
n - Facu
Mini Auditoorium
Presentting authoor &
S.No Titlee of the stu
PA-1 Prevalennce of Obeesity and itss associatioon Drr T Sharmiila Krishnaa
with streess levels among
a Unddergraduate Asssociate Prrof. Biocheemistry
Medicall Students ofo Narayanna Medicall Naarayana Meedical Colllege
College, Nellore, A A.P., India.  Neellore
PA-2 Arterial stiffness and
a lipid prrofile as Drr B Sowjannya
predictoors of CAD D. Prrofessor of Biochemisstry
Naarayana Meedical Colllege
PA-3 Study off Insulin Resistance
R a Lipid
and Drr M Krishn namma
Profile in
i Obese annd Non-Obbese in Prrofessor & HOD
Polycystic Ovariann Syndrom me Deepartment of o Biochem mistry
Naarayana Meedical Colllage
PA-4 Serum magnesium
m m levels in patients with
w Drr N Harini Devi
type 2 diabetes
d meellitus Asssistant tPrrofessor
SVVIMS, Tiruupati
PA-5 Study off serum myyeloperoxidase activiity in Drr V S Kirannmayi
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus annd its Assst Professoor
association with suubclinical atheroscler
a rosis SVVIMS, Tiruupati
PA-6 Externall Quality Assurance
Scheme Drr SowjanyaaYerram
(EQAS)): Criteria ffor evaluating Asssistant Proof of Biochhemistry
mance of a Clinical
C Laaboratory NR RI MC, Chhinakakani
PA-7 Comparrative Studyy of Bloodd Glucose L Levels Drr Lingraj Patil
and HbA A1c in new wly diagnossed tubercuulosis Tu utor of Biochemistry
patients and healthhy controlss Biidar Instituute of Mediical
Scciences, Biddar
PA-8 Evaluatiion of micrroalbuminuuria in typee2 Drr Sadananjaali
diabetess mellitus ESSIC Medicaal College
Guulbarga, Kaarnataka

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