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BCM 524
Assignments are concerned about the main
problems and solutions of the Bird's nest
stadium in Beijing China through a video
provided by the lecturer.

Prepared For:

Mr. Mohd Reza Bin Esa

Prepared By:

Mohamad Idzwaan Bin


Submission Date: 26th

November 2013
Beijing Bird’s Nest National Olympics Stadium 2


1.0 Introduction - The Beijing Olympic Stadium Construction 3

1.1 Construction of National Olympics Stadium 4

1.2 Start of Construction 4

2.0 The Main Problems and Solutions. 4

2.1 Earthquake resistance of Beijing National stadium 4

2.2 Structural design problems occur at the Bird's Nest Stadium 5

2.3 Time management problems 5

2.4 Use of CAD in Beijing Olympics Stadium to organize the structure problems 6

2.5 Using 800 ton cranes to bringing up beam to the top 8

2.6 Removal the Formwork using hydraulic jack 9

Mohamad Idzwaan B Ali BCM 524 | Construction Technology V

Beijing Bird’s Nest National Olympics Stadium 3

1.0 Introduction - The Beijing Olympic Stadium Construction

In 2001, after Beijing had been awarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympics, the city
held a bidding process to select the best arena design. Multiple requirements including the
ability for post-Olympics use, a retractable roof, and low maintenance costs, were required of
each design. The model was approved by as the top design by a professional panel. The
stadium was built for one-tenth the cost that it would have cost to be built in the West.

Its steel roof is 320m long and 297m wide. It accommodated 91000 spectators to see 200
countries competing. When Beijing was selected as the venue of 2008 Olympic Games, in
2002, Chinese officials announced a global competition for the design of Beijing Olympics

Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron also participated in the competition. They wanted to
get inside the Chinese way of thinking. They explored the Chinese culture for ideas. They
came up with a concept inspired by Chinese art, particularly vases.

Mohamad Idzwaan B Ali BCM 524 | Construction Technology V

Beijing Bird’s Nest National Olympics Stadium 4

1.1 Construction of National Olympics Stadium

In April 2003, Herzog & de Meuron's design was chosen and was named as the Bird's nest.
Now the architects faced the challenge of transforming this highly ambitious project into a
reality. It has grand curving beams, which criss-cross in an inter cut pattern of woven steel.
Its price was estimated to be 250 million pounds. 3000 acres of land was allocated for the
Olympic park, surrounding the stadium.

1.2 Start of Construction

Construction started on 24rth Dec, 2003 with a grand breaking ceremony. Within a few
months pouring of concrete foundations began.

2.0 The main problems and solutions.

2.1 Earthquake resistance of Beijing National stadium.
As China is surrounded by some of the deadliest fault lines, the stadium had to be earthquake
proof. The building structure of Beijing Olympics stadium had to pass vigorous seismic tests.
J. Parrish was given the responsibility of making the Bird's nest earthquake proof. The
immediate problem was that the stadium was so large that it would not shake uniformly
altogether with the same frequency. J. Parrish came up withe solution to construct concrete
bow in parts, then surround it with metal bow.

Dividing the concrete building structure of Beijing stadium into 6 parts was the key to safety.
Being isolated, each part could move flexibly and independently in earthquake so that it
could absorb the energy by its free movement, instead of being broken into pieces by this
energy. Then it was to be surrounded by metal bow. So that, if in the worst case concrete
fails, the steel would be unaffected and would support the structure frame.

The structural guidelines of the Olympic committee were also to be met accordingly i.e. the
stadium should have giant screens, shops, restaurants, cafes, bars and above all spectacular
views of the competitions. Every seat was designed to be as close to the action as possible.
No seat was more than 142m from the center of the stadium.

Mohamad Idzwaan B Ali BCM 524 | Construction Technology V

Beijing Bird’s Nest National Olympics Stadium 5

2.2 Structural design problems occur at the Bird's Nest Stadium

With the design phase completed, work on the concrete bow structure of the stadium began.
By May 2003, construction was on the way.

The project faced new problem when the newly constructed airport terminal in France,
having the same un-supported roof structure as in Beijing Olympic Stadium, fell to ground
without warning. The roof of the terminal was designed without any interior supports, same
as the design of the bird’s nest.

The work on the project came to halt as Chinese officials reviewed the safety of the stadium.
The officials reduced the number of seats, cancelled the roof design and recommended a new
cheaper and safer design.

After 5 months the project resumed. The architects had to redesign the stadium as an open air.
It made the stadium cheaper and more safer.

2.3 Time management problems

Another problems was of the time, too much time had been wasted in the reviewal process,
now more workers were required. Also winter was approaching in which water in concrete
could freeze, causing strength reduction problems. 7000 workers were brought in, who would
work in 3 shifts. With increased speed of about 1 floor a week, the workers finished
concreting in 5 months.

The main structure was now ready but the giant steel structure was yet to be made, which
made it look like a Bird’s nest.

On 28th October, 2005, 1st steel pillar was hoisted. For the rest of the structural design, the
architects’ plans called for massive steel beams that would twist and turn around the 300m
wide stadium. The pattern needed to look random to create the illusion of the Bird’s nest. But
the same time, the beams had to support each other and carry the heavy loads safely so that
this artistic vision could stand on its own.

Mohamad Idzwaan B Ali BCM 524 | Construction Technology V

Beijing Bird’s Nest National Olympics Stadium 6

2.4 Use of CAD in Beijing Olympics Stadium to organize the

structure problems.
To organize the beams in the required patter, engineers wan build a 3D Model of the Beijing
Stadium using advanced CAD technology. For this purpose, Aerospace software was used.
The structure consisted of 24 pillars around the stadium. The pillars were in the form of
trusses, encircling the concrete bow.

Unlike other concrete structure where skeleton is inside, in this stadium the skeleton was
designed to be on the outside of the reinforced concrete structure. A second set of beams
filled the spaces between earlier ones. They linked all the beams and held them together to
form a braided structure.

A third set of beams supported the stairways and provided a frame for the roog membrane
cover. Its main purpose was to fill all the gaps left by the second system.

Mohamad Idzwaan B Ali BCM 524 | Construction Technology V

Beijing Bird’s Nest National Olympics Stadium 7

Before construction could begin, the team had to make sure that the steel had enough strength
to bear the loads especially around the curved edges where the steel beams had the twists.
The beams start from the floor to the top of the building, bend perpendicularly over the roof
and then cross the stadium to bend down again to reach the floor. The length of these beams
comes out to be more than 300 metres from one to the other.

For this highly ambitious beams, the team had to engineer a new, special kind of steel to
handle the loads and yet flexible enough to withstand the earthquake shaking.

Computer models of the stadium were developed and shaking load were applied to see the
dynamics of the structure. This enables the engineers to determine the amount of shaking and
distress caused in the stadium due to earthquake loads. The flexibility of steel required to
withstand the earthquake was determined by these CAD models of the Beijing Stadium. The
existing brands of stell did not have the required flexibility so Q460- a new brand of steel was
invented especially for this Project.

This brand was to be manufactured in Shanghai. Many tests were performed on this steel to
confirm its strength. But the more complex work of really constructing this steel structure
was still left. These steel sections had to be curved, lifted, placed and connected properly to
each other. Making curving beams also required engineerity. To bear the loads and create the
right aesthetics, engineers came up with the box design.

Four steel plates were welded together and bent into the required shape to form a twisted bar
section. The trucks carrying Q460 had to cross 6 cities in 5 provinces from Shanghai to

Mohamad Idzwaan B Ali BCM 524 | Construction Technology V

Beijing Bird’s Nest National Olympics Stadium 8

2.5 Using 800 ton cranes to bringing up beam to the top.

The engineer using 800 ton cranes to bringing up the welding beams to the top.

On site the workers welded the beams together to form even larger sections, forming a truss,
some ot the truss formed were up to 12m in length. Each weighed up to 350 tons and were
hoisted by 800 ton cranes to the top of the roof. Positioning these heavy structures also
required great skill because the pattern was random and the job was just as to fit pieces of
jigsaw puzzle together. It was difficult to fit all the parts without any error because in
positioning one end the other would go out. This took 2-3 days to weld the joints and secure
them in place. As the strength of the structure also depended now on welds, so for welding of
the special steel, over 1000 skilled workers were trained. Welding the Beijing Stadium was a
hard, dangerous and slow job. Q460 proved to be hard steel and required temperatures higher
than common steel for welding. About 320 km lengths of welds were to be made.

Some ends were left open and un-welded to allow for temperature changes during

Temperature in Beijing ranges from -20 to 30o C. When the temperature rises, so does the
Bird’s nest and when it drops, the Bird’s nest also settles down.

The open joints were to be welded in a weather neither too hot, not too cold. So the nights of
summer were selected for the job and 400 workers took part in the job at night shift. August
31, 2006, the workers finished the welding.

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Beijing Bird’s Nest National Olympics Stadium 9

2.6 Removal the Formwork using hydraulic jack.

After finished the steel work, the form work and other supporting structure were to be
removed which held the beams in place. Until then the building was standing on 78
supporting columns. These columns were evenly spaced below the structure and were
subjected to 42000 tons of steel load. The unloading was to start in Sept, 2006.

To remove the columns from beneath the roof, hydraulic jacks were used. These jacks would
first support the roof, the columns would be removed and the load would transfer to the jacks
which would eventually lower, allowing the structure to support its own weight.

According to calculations, the roof had to settle up-to 30cm and it did so after the supports
were removed. Still they had to wait to see any further sinking or cracking. If so, it would
mean that serious damage would occur. In full 1 week all of the supports were removed.

The frame was finally standing on its own on Sept, 17, 2007. Still the structure was just a
hollow steel structure. It had to be furnished and fabricated to be an Olympic stadium.
Flouro-Carbon polymer transparent sheets were used to fill up the spaces between the steel
structural members.

Mohamad Idzwaan B Ali BCM 524 | Construction Technology V

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