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Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2015 series

9691/11 Paper 1 (Written Paper), maximum raw mark 75

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.

® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations.

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 11

1 (a) 1 mark for device + correct reason.

Input devices

barcode reader/scanner – to read the barcode on the product

keyboard / keypad – to key in barcode if scanner fails
– key in PIN from customer credit card
– key in number of items
touchscreen – select items of fresh fruit, etc.
weighing device – to weigh loose items
magnetic stripe / chip reader – to read magnetic stripe / chip on credit card

Output devices

screen / monitor – to show item description / price/total bill

printer – to produce itemised bill/coupons
beeper / loudspeaker – to indicate barcode read OK
– to indicate barcode failed to read OK [4]

(b) Four from:

– data is sent to the printer buffer

– once buffer is full, printer empties the buffer …
– … meanwhile processor gets on with other jobs
– when (printer) buffer is empty …
– … printer sends interrupt to processor
– requesting more data
– interrupt processed according to its priority [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 11

2 (i) Three from:

– software which erases contents of whole disk

– to setup / configure the disk for first use
– tracks and sectors checked to ensure correct format/identifies bad sectors
– identifies FAT (file allocation table) / NTFS (new technology file system)
– used to prepare a new disk for use
– disk surface divided into tracks and sectors (both) [3]

(ii) Three from:

– to allow the printer to communicate with the computer

– software supplied with printer hardware
– many often recognised by operating system automatically
– allows communication between hardware and operating system
– converts commands into instructions that can be carried out [3]

(iii) Three from:

– software that continuously checks for viruses …

– … and is running in the background
– indicates when / if a virus is found
– can remove / quarantine the virus
– checks disks and downloads for viruses automatically / asks user if they want virus scan
– to protect the computer from viruses / to detect viruses [3]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 4 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 11

3 1 mark for each correct line entered

Data transmission in which all the bits are

sent simultaneously using a
communications path for each bit

Data compression

Uni-directional communication where data

are sent in the form of analogue signals;
this system allows multiple transmissions
at the same time
Circuit switching

A method of checking for the successful
transmission of a sequence of bits


Encoding of data to take up less storage

space and therefore use less bandwidth
when carrying out data transmission

Bi-directional communication where data

are sent as digital signals; the
communication uses a single channel Parity
which utilises the entire bandwidth of the

Packet switching

Set of rules or instructions to govern the

transmission or exchange of data


© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 11

4 (a) 1 mark for each correct tick ().

If more than two ticks then take away 1 mark for each incorrect tick.

Sensor Suitable ()



acidity (pH) 



(b) (i) Two from:

– greater security than “public” line / less likely to be “tapped into” / hacked than a
public line
– faster data transmission
– doesn’t share data with other users
– lower level of latency (less time between initiating a request and receiving an
– always available
– no rental costs from public companies [2]

(ii) Serial

– data sent one bit at a time

– down a single channel / line (NOT cable)


– data sent in both directions

– at the same time / simultaneously [4]

(iii) Four from:

– data from sensors sent to processor

– ADC reference if it is clear sensor is analogue
– data stored on computer / in a database / in a spreadsheet
– data are compared against predefined acceptable values
– if values are not within the limits a warning is generated
– visually on monitor / audio signals
– graphs can be automatically produced from sensor data [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 6 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 11

5 (a) Bus

– requires less cabling (than other two)
– cheapest (of the three) to set up
– easier to expand the network
– one node fails the rest still operate

– if there is a fault in central cable, whole network goes down
– number of nodes/stations is limited
– doesn’t work well under heavy load
– less secure (than others)
– difficult to isolate a fault / troubleshoot


– each node/station has its own cable
– failure on one connection doesn’t affect others
– different communication methods possible for different branches
– easier to identify faults / troubleshoot
– easier to expand the network
– network is more secure

– if the central hub fails, whole network goes down
– more expensive (than others) to set up
– number of nodes/stations that can be added depends on capacity of hub


– traffic is uni-directional so has fast data transmission
– works better than bus under heavy loading
– possible to form very large networks
– no need for a central server
– less costly to set up than a star network

– faulty connection / failed node can shut down whole network
– more difficult to expand the network
– less secure (than star)
– difficult to find faults/troubleshoot [6]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 7 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 11

(b) Four from (need some correct description as well as just hardware name)

If name only given, then a maximum of two marks.

– hub
– forwards data/packets to all the devices connected to it

– bridge
– device/software used to connect two or more segments so they can communicate

– switch
– reads the IP/MAC address of all the devices connected to it; the switch reads the
destination address of the data/packet and sends the data to the destination device

– network (cat 5) cabling // cable terminators

– high quality cabling is essential for high speed data transfer // bus network requires
two cable terminators

– network interface card (NIC)

– a circuit board inserted into each node (PC/workstation or server) to allow
communication with other nodes

– gateway
– a network point that acts as an entrance to another network (using a different

– router
– operates at the network layer (layer 3) //
routing data between nodes //
if the router receives a packet which doesn’t have a known destination address, it
forwards the packet to the default gateway

– server
– there are many dedicated servers, such as a file server, which have different tasks
within the network environment

Accept other sensible hardware items [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 11

6 (a)

1 mark

1 mark

1 mark

1 mark
Accept other correct alternative diagrams


Input Output
Working space

0 0 0 1

0 0 1 0

0 1 0 1

0 1 1 1

1 0 0 1

1 0 1 1

1 1 0 0

1 1 1 0

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 11

7 (a)


Distance ← 1


Is SpeedCheck Yes
< MaxSpeed

No 1 mark

1 5

1 mark No



1 mark



© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 11

(b) Three from (need name + description which fits scenario) for 1 mark

– writing the program code

– implement the flowchart design as a working program

– testing

– check to make sure the program works correctly / ensure there are no errors

– documentation

– creating a user manual for the control room staff / technical documentation for the
programmers/operations staff

– implementation / installation

– installing the new software in the train system

– evaluation

– checking the new software system meets all of the requirements [3]

(c) 1 mark for type + 1 mark for situation

– corrective

– errors have been found in the software which need to be corrected / not found
during testing

– perfective

– the overall performance of the system needs to be improved [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 11

(d) (i) A: 158

B: 85 [2]

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

8 (a) (i) Navigation buttons // move to a different screen // move backwards and forwards [1]

(ii) One from:

– use of colour green/red to show valve is open/closed

– show this visually at position 6 in diagram
Accept sensible alternatives [2]

(iii) Slider, which is labelled 0 and 20, arrow pointer indicates current value
Accept sensible alternatives [2]

(b) Two from:

– usually have limited desk space in a control room

– need for a mouse pad to ensure its correct operation
– known health risks from long term use of a mouse
– mouse tends to pick up dirt/dust/chemicals which hinders its operation
– difficult to operate if wearing protective gloves/clothing [2]

(c) Two from:

– computers respond faster than humans to a dangerous situation

– computers can monitor many plant parameters at the same time
– computers don’t lose concentration / get tired / operate 24–7
– reduce human error factor
– it is easier for a human to “miss something”
– idea of keeping humans away from dangerous situations [2]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2015 series

9691/12 Paper 1 (Written Paper), maximum raw mark 75

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.
Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 12

1 1 mark for type of software + 1 mark for justification

No BRAND names for type of software

(a) (i) – word processor

– to enter/edit text for any part of her report

– spreadsheet
– to produce graphs/charts to show her results
– to carry out calculations on her results

– desktop publishing (DTP)

– allows use of frames, etc., to produce a professional report
– easier to manipulate graphs and images in her final report

– photo editing software

– to edit photographs of the experiment

– database
– use of queries (to group and calculate totals, sub–totals, etc.)
– use of the ‘report’ facility
– NE store data

– presentation software
– to present her findings to teachers/other pupils using slides/sound/animation [6]

(ii) off-the-shelf [1]

(iii) – usually less expensive; the development costs can be spread over many purchasers
of the software
– they are frequently more sophisticated since the money generated from large sales
(often global) allows more development work to be done
– there will usually be user groups who can give help and support
– the ability to export/import files into/from other packages is often easier since they
are more likely to be compatible
– the software is available immediately/readily; there is no need to wait while it is
being written and developed
– the software is usually relatively “bug free” since it has been highly developed using
feedback and targeted user groups. [2]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 12

(b) (i) custom-written [1]

(ii) – these are designed and written to meet the user’s specific requirements;
consequently they will be more efficient and won’t contain unwanted features
– software developer can develop it so that it will not interfere with other software
being used by the exam board; this will avoid any software clashes
– it is often easier to use since the software can be written in conjunction with the end
users in mind (the users get exactly what they need)
– any modifications needed (e.g. due to changes in the business requirements) can
be done more easily and more quickly since the changes are probably specific to
the exam board
– usually better customer support since the users can be in direct contact with the
software designers/writers [2]

2 1 mark per point (3 marks maximum for each one).

– commands/instructions need to be typed in/entered
– user needs to remember the commands/use the correct syntax
– user needs to have some knowledge of how computers work
– user has more control over computer
– needs less system/memory resources
– user is in direct communication with the computer
– it is difficult to edit commands once they have been entered
– accesses the whole of the operating system

– only need to click/select an icon to carry out function
– (standard) icons represent (intuitive) applications
– menus are used to select action/options
– use a windows, icons, menus and pointers environment (not just WIMP) [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 4 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 12

Problem identification

(Feasibility Study)

Installation// Information collection


//installation Analysis



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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 12

4 (a)

memory which is non-volatile


memory which allows its

contents to be read as well as

memory which is used to store

the operating system or the RAM

memory which is volatile


memory that stores the part of

the operating system currently in


(b) RAM
– stores the camera settings input by the user (focus, shutter speed, etc.)

– stores camera’s factory settings/start up routines when camera switched on

Solid state memory

– stores/transfers photos/videos (captured by the camera) [3]

(c) – USB cable connecting camera to computer/by using a USB port

– use of Bluetooth wireless connectivity

– insert memory card from camera into (card) reader in computer

– via the Internet – WiFi [2]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 12

(d) (i) the size of the file is reduced (by removing unnecessary/redundant data) [1]

(ii) – reduces memory used to store files (NOT ‘space’)

– allows transmission of files via email
– faster transfer of photos since files are reduced in size [1]

(e) Any four from:

Assumes buffer in computer:

– photo files sent to (hard drive) buffer from camera
– when transfer complete, (computer) processor carries on with other tasks
– buffer is emptied (onto the hard drive)
– once the buffer is empty, an interrupt is sent to the (computer) processor requesting
more data
– transfer is carried out according to job priorities

Assumes buffer in camera:

– photo files sent to (camera) buffer from camera (using camera processor)
– during this transfer, (computer) processor carries on with other tasks
– once the buffer is full, an interrupt is sent to the (computer) processor …
– for the buffer to be emptied into computer memory/hard drive
– when buffer empty, (computer) processor carries on with other tasks while the camera
(processor) refills the (camera) buffer
– transfer is carried out according to job priorities


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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 12

5 1 mark per correct link (5 marks maximum)

software that allows a computer to

batch processing communicate with a device

software that manages hardware

and software resources

software that searches for malware

hardware driver signatures that have been attached
to executable programs

protocol data are collected together and then

processed in one go

operating system the preparation of a storage device

to allow for read/write operations

an agreed format or set of rules

virus scanner decided before transmission of data
between devices begins


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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 12

6 (a) Explanation (3 marks maximum)

Decision (1 mark)

– the key parts of the digital image of the worker’s face …/biometric comparison
– are compared to image of worker stored in computer memory/on chip on card
– card details need to match/find database details
– worker keys in his PIN into the reader
– the keyed in number is compared …
… the PIN stored on the chip embedded in the card
– compares the card details with those stored on the computer
– compares card details with photo check details
– Decision – the worker must pass both checks [4]

(b) full duplex

– data can be transmitted in both directions simultaneously

serial transmission
– data is transmitted bit by bit along a single wire/channel [2]

(c) knowledge base

– contains all the facts/data/information/knowledge gathered from experts

rules base
– rules are applied to the facts
– allows inference engine/set of rules to draw conclusions/make decisions

inference engine
– applies the rules in the rules base to the facts/knowledge (if not already stated)
– acts as a kind of reasoning engine
– uses the facts/knowledge stored in the knowledge base [3]

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 12

7 (a) 1 mark to be allocated per gate except where shown differently.

1 mark X

1 mark

Single NOR gate 2 marks, also a single 3 input OR gate at end. [6]

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 12

(b) 1 mark for each pair of outputs (shaded in table).

inputs output

0 0 0 1

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 0

0 1 1 1

1 0 0 1

1 0 1 0

1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1


(c) (i) 93 [1]

0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0


(iii) pattern with any consecutive 1 bits [1]

(iv) 31 [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 12

8 (a)
zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 5


west TX11 east


TX15 VK30

1 mark 3 correct in platform. 2 marks correct in zones 1 and 5 [2]

– flip direction of graphic
… face left for west/right for east

– add arrow to show direction

… point left for west/right for east

– colour code the direction

… using a different colour for each direction or by example

– add to the data list

… add value ‘east/west’ [2]

(c) (i) Updating the screen (display) in line with the changed data list values [1]

(ii) Train data is continually changing/Display must reflect reality of the train network/data list
is dynamic/or by example [1]

(d) Max. 2 marks for hardware and max 2 marks for software

– sensors (along sections of the track)

… when train passes sensor sends train data to computer system

– train is fitted with an RFID tag/or equivalent GPS

… identifies the train

– remote camera optical character recognition used from the captured image

– database
… stores/continually updates the data list data

– software calculating speed/position and comparing for that part of track [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2015 series

9691/13 Paper 1 (Written Paper), maximum raw mark 75

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.

® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations.

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 13

1 (a) 1 mark for device + correct reason.

Input devices

barcode reader/scanner – to read the barcode on the product

keyboard / keypad – to key in barcode if scanner fails
– key in PIN from customer credit card
– key in number of items
touchscreen – select items of fresh fruit, etc.
weighing device – to weigh loose items
magnetic stripe / chip reader – to read magnetic stripe / chip on credit card

Output devices

screen / monitor – to show item description / price/total bill

printer – to produce itemised bill/coupons
beeper / loudspeaker – to indicate barcode read OK
– to indicate barcode failed to read OK [4]

(b) Four from:

– data is sent to the printer buffer

– once buffer is full, printer empties the buffer …
– … meanwhile processor gets on with other jobs
– when (printer) buffer is empty …
– … printer sends interrupt to processor
– requesting more data
– interrupt processed according to its priority [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 13

2 (i) Three from:

– software which erases contents of whole disk

– to setup / configure the disk for first use
– tracks and sectors checked to ensure correct format/identifies bad sectors
– identifies FAT (file allocation table) / NTFS (new technology file system)
– used to prepare a new disk for use
– disk surface divided into tracks and sectors (both) [3]

(ii) Three from:

– to allow the printer to communicate with the computer

– software supplied with printer hardware
– many often recognised by operating system automatically
– allows communication between hardware and operating system
– converts commands into instructions that can be carried out [3]

(iii) Three from:

– software that continuously checks for viruses …

– … and is running in the background
– indicates when / if a virus is found
– can remove / quarantine the virus
– checks disks and downloads for viruses automatically / asks user if they want virus scan
– to protect the computer from viruses / to detect viruses [3]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 13

3 1 mark for each correct line entered

Data transmission in which all the bits are

sent simultaneously using a
communications path for each bit

Data compression

Uni-directional communication where data

are sent in the form of analogue signals;
this system allows multiple transmissions
at the same time
Circuit switching

A method of checking for the successful
transmission of a sequence of bits


Encoding of data to take up less storage

space and therefore use less bandwidth
when carrying out data transmission

Bi-directional communication where data

are sent as digital signals; the
communication uses a single channel Parity
which utilises the entire bandwidth of the

Packet switching

Set of rules or instructions to govern the

transmission or exchange of data


© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 13

4 (a) 1 mark for each correct tick ().

If more than two ticks then take away 1 mark for each incorrect tick.

Sensor Suitable ()



acidity (pH) 



(b) (i) Two from:

– greater security than “public” line / less likely to be “tapped into” / hacked than a
public line
– faster data transmission
– doesn’t share data with other users
– lower level of latency (less time between initiating a request and receiving an
– always available
– no rental costs from public companies [2]

(ii) Serial

– data sent one bit at a time

– down a single channel / line (NOT cable)


– data sent in both directions

– at the same time / simultaneously [4]

(iii) Four from:

– data from sensors sent to processor

– ADC reference if it is clear sensor is analogue
– data stored on computer / in a database / in a spreadsheet
– data are compared against predefined acceptable values
– if values are not within the limits a warning is generated
– visually on monitor / audio signals
– graphs can be automatically produced from sensor data [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 13

5 (a) Bus

– requires less cabling (than other two)
– cheapest (of the three) to set up
– easier to expand the network
– one node fails the rest still operate

– if there is a fault in central cable, whole network goes down
– number of nodes/stations is limited
– doesn’t work well under heavy load
– less secure (than others)
– difficult to isolate a fault / troubleshoot


– each node/station has its own cable
– failure on one connection doesn’t affect others
– different communication methods possible for different branches
– easier to identify faults / troubleshoot
– easier to expand the network
– network is more secure

– if the central hub fails, whole network goes down
– more expensive (than others) to set up
– number of nodes/stations that can be added depends on capacity of hub


– traffic is uni-directional so has fast data transmission
– works better than bus under heavy loading
– possible to form very large networks
– no need for a central server
– less costly to set up than a star network

– faulty connection / failed node can shut down whole network
– more difficult to expand the network
– less secure (than star)
– difficult to find faults/troubleshoot [6]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 13

(b) Four from (need some correct description as well as just hardware name)

If name only given, then a maximum of two marks.

– hub
– forwards data/packets to all the devices connected to it

– bridge
– device/software used to connect two or more segments so they can communicate

– switch
– reads the IP/MAC address of all the devices connected to it; the switch reads the
destination address of the data/packet and sends the data to the destination device

– network (cat 5) cabling // cable terminators

– high quality cabling is essential for high speed data transfer // bus network requires
two cable terminators

– network interface card (NIC)

– a circuit board inserted into each node (PC/workstation or server) to allow
communication with other nodes

– gateway
– a network point that acts as an entrance to another network (using a different

– router
– operates at the network layer (layer 3) //
routing data between nodes //
if the router receives a packet which doesn’t have a known destination address, it
forwards the packet to the default gateway

– server
– there are many dedicated servers, such as a file server, which have different tasks
within the network environment

Accept other sensible hardware items [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 13

6 (a)

1 mark

1 mark

1 mark

1 mark
Accept other correct alternative diagrams


Input Output
Working space

0 0 0 1

0 0 1 0

0 1 0 1

0 1 1 1

1 0 0 1

1 0 1 1

1 1 0 0

1 1 1 0

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 13

7 (a)


Distance ← 1


Is SpeedCheck Yes
< MaxSpeed

No 1 mark

1 5

1 mark No



1 mark



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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 13

(b) Three from (need name + description which fits scenario) for 1 mark

– writing the program code

– implement the flowchart design as a working program

– testing

– check to make sure the program works correctly / ensure there are no errors

– documentation

– creating a user manual for the control room staff / technical documentation for the
programmers/operations staff

– implementation / installation

– installing the new software in the train system

– evaluation

– checking the new software system meets all of the requirements [3]

(c) 1 mark for type + 1 mark for situation

– corrective

– errors have been found in the software which need to be corrected / not found
during testing

– perfective

– the overall performance of the system needs to be improved [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 13

(d) (i) A: 158

B: 85 [2]

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

8 (a) (i) Navigation buttons // move to a different screen // move backwards and forwards [1]

(ii) One from:

– use of colour green/red to show valve is open/closed

– show this visually at position 6 in diagram
Accept sensible alternatives [2]

(iii) Slider, which is labelled 0 and 20, arrow pointer indicates current value
Accept sensible alternatives [2]

(b) Two from:

– usually have limited desk space in a control room

– need for a mouse pad to ensure its correct operation
– known health risks from long term use of a mouse
– mouse tends to pick up dirt/dust/chemicals which hinders its operation
– difficult to operate if wearing protective gloves/clothing [2]

(c) Two from:

– computers respond faster than humans to a dangerous situation

– computers can monitor many plant parameters at the same time
– computers don’t lose concentration / get tired / operate 24–7
– reduce human error factor
– it is easier for a human to “miss something”
– idea of keeping humans away from dangerous situations [2]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2015 series

9691/21 Paper 2 (Written Paper), maximum raw mark 75

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.

® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations.

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 21

1 (a)
Example of size
Field Identifier Data type
input data (in marks

course STRING (approx.) 1
CourseCode 015110217
code (not text/alphanumeric) (accept
a range)

STRING Programming (approx.)
title Title
(not text/alphanumeric) for Beginners (accept
a range)
(3-letter STRING 3/6
Tutor PGL
initials) (not text/alphanumeric)

day of BYTE / INTEGER 1/4

week Day
Accept CHAR/STRING(1) 2 1

lab based? IsLabBased BOOLEAN TRUE 1/2 1

duration in SessionHours REAL/FLOAT/SINGLE 2.5 4/8 1

fee ($) CourseFee
SINGLE/REAL/DOUBLE 25.50 8 / 16 1

course StartDate DATE/REAL (STRING) 03/11/2015 8 (10)
course EndDate DATE/REAL (STRING) 03/12/2015 8 (10)

[max 5]

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(b) Mark as follows:

1 mark for correct record header
1 mark for correct definition terminator
1 mark for the first 5 fields defined correctly for language
1 mark for the remaining 4 fields defined correctly for language

Do not accept pseudocode

Field names must be as given, but ignore capitalisation/spaces
Declared program language must match code given
Ignore field sizes and data type
If misused DIM in VB, penalise once
If statement separators missing, penalise once

Example Pascal
TYPE CourseRecordType = RECORD
CourseCode: STRING[10];
Title: STRING[30];
Tutor: STRING[3];
Day: BYTE;
IsLabBased: Boolean;
SessionHours: REAL;
CourseFee: Currency;
StartDate: TDateTime;
EndDate: TDateTime;
END; [4]

(c) Note that some candidates may already have done this in part (b). In that case, give marks
according to part (b).

VAR Course : ARRAY[1..50] OF CourseRecordType [2]

VAR DummyRecord : CourseRecordType

WITH DummyRecord DO
CourseCode :='';
Title := ''; [1]
Tutor := '';
Day := 0;
IsLabBased := FALSE;
SessionHours := 0; [1]
CourseFee := 0;
StartDate:= 01/01/2010
EndDate := 01/01/2010 [1]
FOR i := 1 to 50 DO [1]
Course[i] := DummyRecord; [1]

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VAR Course : ARRAY[1..50] OF CourseRecordType [2]
FOR i := 1 to 50 DO [1]
Course[i].CourseCode :='';
Course[i].Title := ''; [1]
Course[i].Tutor := '';
Course[i].Day := 0;
Course[i].IsLabBased := FALSE;
Course[i].SessionHours := 0; [1]
Course[i].Course Fee := 0;
Course[i].StartDate:= 0;
Course[i].EndDate := 0; [1]
[max 6]
Do not penalise again for incorrect data type

(d) (i) – EOF() returns TRUE or FALSE

– depending on whether it found the marker at the end of the file [2]

(ii) Mark as follows:

– Open file CourseData.DAT
– … for reading/input

– loop while not end of file CourseData.DAT

– read record from file
– assign to array element
– correctly initialised and incremented index
– Close file CourseData.DAT

Example pseudocode:
i ← 1
Course[i] ← record
i ← i + 1
CLOSEFILE CourseData.DAT [max 6]

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(e) Mark as follows:

– change outer FOR loop to a REPEAT/WHILE loop
– decrementing the iterations of the FOR loop
– introduce a Boolean variable NoSwaps (or similar)
– initialise Boolean variable correctly (inside outer loop and outside inner loop)
– terminate REPEAT loop when no swaps made
– leave comparison and swapping code the same
– change upper limit of inner loop to NumberOfCourses – x (instead of 49)

Example pseudocode:
PROCEDURE SortData(NumberOfCourses)
x ← 0
// NoSwaps ← FALSE (required for WHILE loop)
x ← x + 1
NoSwaps ← TRUE
FOR y ← 1 TO NumberOfCourses - x
IF Course[y].CourseFee > Course[y + 1].CourseFee
NoSwaps ← FALSE
TempRecord ← Course[y]
Course[y] ← Course[y + 1]
Course[y + 1] ← TempRecord

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2 (a) (i) Mark as follows:

– parameter
– Return data type
– Correctly formed CASE statement (including the end)
– with all cases present (characters in quotes)
– ELSE clause
– Return of value (implied)

Example PASCAL
FUNCTION DenaryDigit(Letter : CHAR) : INTEGER;
CASE Letter OF
'K': DenaryDigit := 0;
'D': DenaryDigit := 1;
'L': DenaryDigit := 2;
'C': DenaryDigit := 3;
'F': DenaryDigit := 4;
'H': DenaryDigit := 5;
'B': DenaryDigit := 6;
'G': DenaryDigit := 7;
'E': DenaryDigit := 8;
'A': DenaryDigit := 9;
DenaryDigit:= -1
END; [max 5]


Letter Type of data

Expected result
(normal, borderline or invalid)

'1' –1 Invalid (digit)

'X' –1 Invalid (letter)

'G' 7 normal

1 mark per row [3]

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(b) (i) Mark as follows:

1 mark per column (2 to 6)
if zero marks then mark by row

CodedNumber Denary i ThisChar ThisNumber OUTPUT

"LED" 0

20 1 L 2

100 2 E 8

110 3 D 1 110


(ii) line number 08

Denary ← Denary * 10 + ThisNumber [2]

Do not accept concatenation of separate digits (unless they are CHAR/STRING)

(iii) logic error [1]

(iv) Second and third mark dependent on first mark.

When and how interchangeable

Type: – syntax error
When: – during compilation of program // in IDE environment // running an interpreted
How: – reported by the translator diagnostics // highlights/stops at the statement with the
syntax error // compiler/interpreter checks against syntax rules / rules of the language
Type: – run-time error
When: – during testing/execution
How: – program will ‘crash’ e.g. attempted ‘divide by zero’ error [6]

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(c) (i) – Meaningful variable names

– Capitalisation of keywords
– Empty lines
– Use of indentation
– Initialisation (of variables)
– Use of (library/built-in) functions [max 3]

Do not accept white space / camel case on its own.

(ii) Comments/annotations/remarks [1]

(iii) 1 mark per line of pseudocode correctly written in the high-level language chosen.
1 mark for declarations:
Example Pascal:

PROCEDURE ConvertToDenary(CodedNumber: STRING); // [1]

VAR Denary, ThisNumber, i : INTEGER;
ThisChar : CHAR; // [1]

Denary := 0; // [1]

FOR i := 1 TO LENGTH(CodedNumber)DO // [1]

ThisChar := MIDSTR(CodedNumber, i, 1); // [1]
ThisNumber := DenaryDigit(ThisChar); // [1]
Denary := Denary + ThisNumber * 10; // [1]
Accept 'corrected version'
END; // [1]

WriteLn(Denary); // [1]
END; // [1]


(iv) – IF ThisNumber = – 1 THEN

– output statement giving the error message
– instead of OUTPUT Denary
– exit from the loop [3]

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3 (a) Give credit for answers to “why” rather than “how”.

(i) Set a breakpoint in the program code

Execution will pause at this point [2]

(ii) Stepping allows one statement to be executed at a time

The program execution pauses after each statement
Often used from a set breakpoint
Can use variable watch at each step
Stepping over to skip statements [Max 2]

(iii) Variable watch allows tester to see the current contents of a variable
// Used to see how variable contents change when stepping through program
Tester chooses variables to watch [2]

(b) White-box [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2015 series

9691/22 Paper 2 (Written Paper), maximum raw mark 75

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.

® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations.

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1 (a)
Example Marks
Field size
Field Identifier Data type of input
(in bytes)

30 approx.
Title Title
(not text) (accept a
solve it

STRING 20 approx.
Author Author
(not text) G Polya (accept a

Standard STRING / 97806911 13
Book LONGINT 19663 minimum

Number of NumberOfPages INTEGER 253 4 1


Price($) BookPrice /SINGLE/REAL 12.50 8/16/32/64 1

Date started DATE / REAL

DateStarted 28032012 8
to read book (Accept STRING)
Date finished DATE / REAL
DateFinished 17052012 8
reading book (Accept STRING)

Paperback? IsPaperback BOOLEAN TRUE 1/2 1

(Range 0 to 4
Rating /CHARACTER 4/1 1
5) /STRING(1)

[max 5]

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(b) Mark as follows:

1 mark for correct record header
1 mark for correct definition terminator
1 mark for the first 5 fields defined correctly for language
1 mark for the remaining 4 fields defined correctly for language

Do not accept pseudocode

Field names must be as given, but ignore capitalisation/spaces
Declared program language must match code given
Ignore field sizes and data type
If misused DIM in VB, penalise once
If statement separators missed, penalise once

Example Pascal:

TYPE BookRecordType = RECORD

Title: STRING[20];
Author: STRING[20];
NumberOfPages: INTEGER;
BookPrice: Currency;
DateStarted: TDateTime;
DateFinished: TDateTime;
IsPaperback: Boolean;
Rating: INTEGER;
END; [4]

(c) – set up a dummy record // assign each field a dummy value // use a constructor
– …and store this in every element of the array // loop 100 times

Accept code [2]

(d) 1 mark per point below (marks are for method)

• Record size ~ 80bytes
• * 10 (number of records)
• + 10%

Divide by 1024 (do not accept division by 1000) [4]

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(e) Mark as follows:

– Open file BookData.DAT
– … for writing/output/append
– test for book data // test this is not a dummy record
– write record to file
– correctly working loop (FOR/WHILE/REPEAT)
– Close file BookData.DAT (or channel number)

Example pseudocode:


i  1
WHILE i <= 100
IF Book[i].Title > "" // accept any field and its dummy value
WRITE record to FILE
i  i + 1
CLOSEFILE BookData.DAT [Max 5]

(f) – EOF returns TRUE or FALSE

– Depending on whether it found the marker at the end of the file [2]

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(g) (i) Mark as follows:

– initial value of TopRatingSoFar (outside loop)
– loop
– compare rating
– update rating if appropriate
– keep note of title/array index
– output top title only
– correct field notation

Example pseudocode:

TopRatingSoFar  0
i  0
i  i + 1
IF TopRatingSoFar < Book[i].Rating
TopRatingSoFar  Book[i].Rating
TopBookTitle  Book[i].Title
UNTIL Book[i].Title = ""
OUTPUT TopBookTitle

Alternative answer:

TopRatingSoFar  0
FOR i  TO 100
IF TopRatingSoFar < Book[i].Rating
TopRatingSoFar  Book[i].Rating
TopBookTitle  Book[i].Title
OUTPUT TopBookTitle [max 6]

(ii) – first loop to find highest rating

– second loop to output relevant titles [2]

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2 (a) (i) Mark as follows:

– parameter
– Return data type
– Correctly formed CASE statement (including the end)
– with all cases present (characters in quotes)
– ELSE clause
– Return of value (implied)

Example PASCAL:

FUNCTION NumeralValue(Letter : CHAR) : INTEGER;

CASE Letter OF
'M': NumeralValue := 1000;
'D': NumeralValue := 500;
'C': NumeralValue := 100;
'L': NumeralValue := 50;
'X': NumeralValue := 10;
'V': NumeralValue := 5;
'I': NumeralValue := 1;
NumeralValue := -1;
END; [max 5]


Letter Type of data

Expected result
(normal, borderline or invalid)

'D' 500 normal

'V' 5 normal

'I' 1 normal

–1 (Do not accept

'Y' invalid

1 mark for 3 rows of normal data (Do not accept borderline)

1 mark for –1
1 mark for invalid [3]

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(b) Mark as follows:

1 mark per column (2 to 6)

If zero marks then mark by row

RomanNumber Denary i ThisLetter ThisNumber OUTPUT


1000 1 'M' 1000

1500 2 'D' 500

1600 3 'C' 100

1650 4 'L' 50

1651 5 'I' 1 1651

Ignore quotes [5]

(c) (i) Meaningful variable names

Capitalisation of keywords
Use of (library/built-in) functions
Accept empty lines
Do not accept white space
Camel case on its own is too vague [max 2]

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(ii) 1 mark per line of pseudocode correctly written in the high-level language chosen:

RomanNumber  "MDCLI"

Denary  0

FOR i  1 TO LENGTH(RomanNumber)
ThisLetter  MID(RomanNumber, i, 1)
ThisNumber  NumeralValue(ThisLetter)
Denary  Denary + ThisNumber

OUTPUT Denary (ignore any message)

Example Pascal:

RomanNumber := 'MDCLI';
Denary := 0;

FOR i := 1 TO LENGTH(RomanNumber) DO
ThisLetter := MIDSTR(RomanNumber, i, 1);
ThisNumber := NumeralValue(ThisLetter);
Denary := Denary + ThisNumber;
WriteLn(Denary); [8]

(d) Mark as follows:

1 mark for per row

RomanNumber Expected result Reason for choice

"MDCLXVI" 1666 Each letter used once in descending order

"CCC" 300 Multiple letters (but not 4 identical letters)

"IIII" 4 Multiple letters (4 identical letters)

"IV" 4 Lower value letter followed by higher value


"XIV" 14 Order of letters: higher value, lower value,

higher value

"XY" Error (Do not accept Invalid symbol Y // invalid data


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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 22

(e) (i)

RomanNumber ThisLetter ThisNumber i NextLetter NextNumber Denary

"IV" 'I' 1 0

-1 2 'V' 5 -1

5 4

1 mark for each row above (accept rows spread over more than one row) [2]


RomanNumber ThisLetter ThisNumber i NextLetter NextNumber Denary

"XY" 'X' 10 0

2 'Y' -1 10

-1 9

1 mark for each row above [2]

(iii) – does not give expected result // logic error

Change required:

– if value returned from NumeralValue function is – 1

– need error trapping code // error message [3]

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(f) (i) – during compilation of program // in IDE environment // running an interpreted

– reported by the translator diagnostics
// highlights/stops at the statement with the syntax error
// compiler checks against syntax rules/rules of the language

Accept by example [2]

(ii) – during testing (running code is not enough)

– When (using test data and) expected results do not match actual results [2]

3 (a) Also give credit for answers to “why” rather than “how”

(i) Set a breakpoint in the program code

Execution will stop at this point [2]

(ii) Stepping allows one statement to be executed at a time

Program execution pauses after each statement
Often used from a set break point
Can use variable watch at each step
Stepping over to skip statements [max 2]

(iii) Variable watch allows tester to see the current contents of a variable
// Used to see how variable contents change when stepping through program
Tester chooses variables to watch [2]

(b) White-box [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2015 series

9691/23 Paper 2 (Written Paper), maximum raw mark 75

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.

® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations.

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – October/November 2015 9691 23

1 (a)
Example of size
Field Identifier Data type
input data (in marks

course STRING (approx.) 1
CourseCode 015110217
code (not text/alphanumeric) (accept
a range)

STRING Programming (approx.)
title Title
(not text/alphanumeric) for Beginners (accept
a range)
(3-letter STRING 3/6
Tutor PGL
initials) (not text/alphanumeric)

day of BYTE / INTEGER 1/4

week Day
Accept CHAR/STRING(1) 2 1

lab based? IsLabBased BOOLEAN TRUE 1/2 1

duration in SessionHours REAL/FLOAT/SINGLE 2.5 4/8 1

fee ($) CourseFee
SINGLE/REAL/DOUBLE 25.50 8 / 16 1

course StartDate DATE/REAL (STRING) 03/11/2015 8 (10)
course EndDate DATE/REAL (STRING) 03/12/2015 8 (10)

[max 5]

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(b) Mark as follows:

1 mark for correct record header
1 mark for correct definition terminator
1 mark for the first 5 fields defined correctly for language
1 mark for the remaining 4 fields defined correctly for language

Do not accept pseudocode

Field names must be as given, but ignore capitalisation/spaces
Declared program language must match code given
Ignore field sizes and data type
If misused DIM in VB, penalise once
If statement separators missing, penalise once

Example Pascal
TYPE CourseRecordType = RECORD
CourseCode: STRING[10];
Title: STRING[30];
Tutor: STRING[3];
Day: BYTE;
IsLabBased: Boolean;
SessionHours: REAL;
CourseFee: Currency;
StartDate: TDateTime;
EndDate: TDateTime;
END; [4]

(c) Note that some candidates may already have done this in part (b). In that case, give marks
according to part (b).

VAR Course : ARRAY[1..50] OF CourseRecordType [2]

VAR DummyRecord : CourseRecordType

WITH DummyRecord DO
CourseCode :='';
Title := ''; [1]
Tutor := '';
Day := 0;
IsLabBased := FALSE;
SessionHours := 0; [1]
CourseFee := 0;
StartDate:= 01/01/2010
EndDate := 01/01/2010 [1]
FOR i := 1 to 50 DO [1]
Course[i] := DummyRecord; [1]

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VAR Course : ARRAY[1..50] OF CourseRecordType [2]
FOR i := 1 to 50 DO [1]
Course[i].CourseCode :='';
Course[i].Title := ''; [1]
Course[i].Tutor := '';
Course[i].Day := 0;
Course[i].IsLabBased := FALSE;
Course[i].SessionHours := 0; [1]
Course[i].Course Fee := 0;
Course[i].StartDate:= 0;
Course[i].EndDate := 0; [1]
[max 6]
Do not penalise again for incorrect data type

(d) (i) – EOF() returns TRUE or FALSE

– depending on whether it found the marker at the end of the file [2]

(ii) Mark as follows:

– Open file CourseData.DAT
– … for reading/input

– loop while not end of file CourseData.DAT

– read record from file
– assign to array element
– correctly initialised and incremented index
– Close file CourseData.DAT

Example pseudocode:
i ← 1
Course[i] ← record
i ← i + 1
CLOSEFILE CourseData.DAT [max 6]

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(e) Mark as follows:

– change outer FOR loop to a REPEAT/WHILE loop
– decrementing the iterations of the FOR loop
– introduce a Boolean variable NoSwaps (or similar)
– initialise Boolean variable correctly (inside outer loop and outside inner loop)
– terminate REPEAT loop when no swaps made
– leave comparison and swapping code the same
– change upper limit of inner loop to NumberOfCourses – x (instead of 49)

Example pseudocode:
PROCEDURE SortData(NumberOfCourses)
x ← 0
// NoSwaps ← FALSE (required for WHILE loop)
x ← x + 1
NoSwaps ← TRUE
FOR y ← 1 TO NumberOfCourses - x
IF Course[y].CourseFee > Course[y + 1].CourseFee
NoSwaps ← FALSE
TempRecord ← Course[y]
Course[y] ← Course[y + 1]
Course[y + 1] ← TempRecord

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2 (a) (i) Mark as follows:

– parameter
– Return data type
– Correctly formed CASE statement (including the end)
– with all cases present (characters in quotes)
– ELSE clause
– Return of value (implied)

Example PASCAL
FUNCTION DenaryDigit(Letter : CHAR) : INTEGER;
CASE Letter OF
'K': DenaryDigit := 0;
'D': DenaryDigit := 1;
'L': DenaryDigit := 2;
'C': DenaryDigit := 3;
'F': DenaryDigit := 4;
'H': DenaryDigit := 5;
'B': DenaryDigit := 6;
'G': DenaryDigit := 7;
'E': DenaryDigit := 8;
'A': DenaryDigit := 9;
DenaryDigit:= -1
END; [max 5]


Letter Type of data

Expected result
(normal, borderline or invalid)

'1' –1 Invalid (digit)

'X' –1 Invalid (letter)

'G' 7 normal

1 mark per row [3]

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(b) (i) Mark as follows:

1 mark per column (2 to 6)
if zero marks then mark by row

CodedNumber Denary i ThisChar ThisNumber OUTPUT

"LED" 0

20 1 L 2

100 2 E 8

110 3 D 1 110


(ii) line number 08

Denary ← Denary * 10 + ThisNumber [2]

Do not accept concatenation of separate digits (unless they are CHAR/STRING)

(iii) logic error [1]

(iv) Second and third mark dependent on first mark.

When and how interchangeable

Type: – syntax error
When: – during compilation of program // in IDE environment // running an interpreted
How: – reported by the translator diagnostics // highlights/stops at the statement with the
syntax error // compiler/interpreter checks against syntax rules / rules of the language
Type: – run-time error
When: – during testing/execution
How: – program will ‘crash’ e.g. attempted ‘divide by zero’ error [6]

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(c) (i) – Meaningful variable names

– Capitalisation of keywords
– Empty lines
– Use of indentation
– Initialisation (of variables)
– Use of (library/built-in) functions [max 3]

Do not accept white space / camel case on its own.

(ii) Comments/annotations/remarks [1]

(iii) 1 mark per line of pseudocode correctly written in the high-level language chosen.
1 mark for declarations:
Example Pascal:

PROCEDURE ConvertToDenary(CodedNumber: STRING); // [1]

VAR Denary, ThisNumber, i : INTEGER;
ThisChar : CHAR; // [1]

Denary := 0; // [1]

FOR i := 1 TO LENGTH(CodedNumber)DO // [1]

ThisChar := MIDSTR(CodedNumber, i, 1); // [1]
ThisNumber := DenaryDigit(ThisChar); // [1]
Denary := Denary + ThisNumber * 10; // [1]
Accept 'corrected version'
END; // [1]

WriteLn(Denary); // [1]
END; // [1]


(iv) – IF ThisNumber = – 1 THEN

– output statement giving the error message
– instead of OUTPUT Denary
– exit from the loop [3]

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3 (a) Give credit for answers to “why” rather than “how”.

(i) Set a breakpoint in the program code

Execution will pause at this point [2]

(ii) Stepping allows one statement to be executed at a time

The program execution pauses after each statement
Often used from a set breakpoint
Can use variable watch at each step
Stepping over to skip statements [Max 2]

(iii) Variable watch allows tester to see the current contents of a variable
// Used to see how variable contents change when stepping through program
Tester chooses variables to watch [2]

(b) White-box [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Cambridge International Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2015 series

9691/31 Paper 3 (Written Paper), maximum raw mark 90

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.

® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations.

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 31

1 (a) The table has a repeated group of attributes //

There are several orders for the same customer/CustomerID [1]

(b) (i) CUSTOMER(CustomerID, ………………………………………..)

PRODUCT(ProductID) [1]

ORDER(CustomerID, OrderDate,……………………………………………..) [1]



1 mark for each correct one-to-many relationship

(iii) Primary key //CustomerID in the Customer table [1]

Links to foreign key (CustomerID) in the ORDER table [1]

(c) SELECT ProductID [1]

WHERE RetailPrice>=100 AND RetailPrice<=200 [1]

Creates a new record in the ORDER table

Amends an existing record in the ORDER table  [1]

Assigns the Dispatched attribute a TRUE value  [1]

Creates a new attribute Dispatched

Changes all the existing records for customer 647

Changes one record for customer 647  [1]

Remove 1 mark for each additional tick.


(CustomerID, OrderDate, ProductID, Dispatched,
DispatchDate) 1
VALUES (447, #17-10-15#, 982, FALSE, (NULL)) 1 [3]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 31

(ii) Attempt to add a record in ORDER table 1

But, no corresponding ProductID in the PRODUCT table 1
// Delete a record in the PRODUCT table 1
and, matching records in ORDER table remain 1 [2]
Or: Similar explanation with ORDER and CUSTOMER and the CustomerID
attribute // Allow use of the term ‘update’ if mentions a change to
TutorID/foreign key attribute

2 (a) (i) Building a model of the system // Models the behaviour of the system 1
The model records over time the result of changing parameters/conditions/
circumstances // predicts outcomes for the real-world scenario 1 [2]

(ii) A computer program can be written to build the model 1

The computer system can process results very quickly // can change the
time frame // Can process large volumes of data 1
Use of the computer avoids possible health and safety issues 1 [max 1]

(b) Temperature sensor 1

Air pressure sensor 1
Moisture sensor 1 [max 2]

(c) Wind tunnel requires that an actual physical model is built 1

The modelling of the weather is only an abstraction realised by the computer
software 1 [2]

3 (a) (i) 0101 1000 1

0111 1101 1 [2]

(ii) 16 [1]

(b) (i) Action

MAR ← [PC]
The contents of the Program Counter are copied to the Memory Address register [1]

PC ← [PC] + 1
The contents of the Program Counter are incremented [1]

MDR ←[[MAR]]
The contents of the address currently in the Memory Address Register are copied to
the Memory Data Register [1]

The contents of the Memory Data Register are copied to the Current Instruction
Register [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 4 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 31

Fetch Special purpose registers
stage (Contents shown in hex)


MAR ← [PC]
PC ← [PC] + 1

MDR ←[[MAR]] 
CIR ← [MDR] 867A

[max 5]

4 (a)

Instruction ACC Index Register


LIX 400 3

LDD 401 616

LDI 401 96

LDX 401 63

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 5 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 31

(b) Use the text editor to write the assembly language program
PROG.ASM is input to the assembler software 1
IF errors reported
Amend PROG.ASM using the text editor 1
UNTIL No errors reported
Produce the PROG.EXE executable file 1
Run PROG.EXE 1 [max 4]

5 (a) (i)



Root correct 1
Left subtree correct 1
Right subtree correct 1 [3]

(ii) Labelling ….
Root [1]
Left subtree // FT for their tree [1]

(iii) 4 // FT for their tree [1]

(b) (i) INTEGER

ARRAY[1 : 2000] OF STRING [2]

RootPtr 1

1 3 LIMA 2
2 4 PARIS 5
5 0 WARSAW 0

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 6 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 31

(c) //binary tree search

INPUT SearchCity [1]
IsFound ← FALSE
Current ← RootPtr
IF City[Current] = SearchCity [1]
OUTPUT "Found"
IsFound ← TRUE [1]
IF SearchCity > City[Current]
// move right
Current ← RightPtr[Current] [1]
Current ← LeftPtr[Current]
UNTIL Current = 0 OR IsFound = TRUE [1]

IF IsFound = FALSE [1]

OUTPUT SearchCity "Not Found"

6 (a) (i) SumRange 1

ThisInteger1, ThisInteger2, Flag 1
Must be identifiers only … [2]

(ii) 6 [1]

(iii) ERROR [1]

(iv) ERROR [1]

(v) 11 [1]

(vi) ERROR [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 7 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 31

7 (a) More than one program loaded into memory at the same time [1]

(b) Anything reasonable …

printer drivers
compiler / assembler
backup software

R. “System software” and “Utilities” [max 2]

(c) All the (data) is processed together/at the same time 1

There is a time delay before processing 1
Output is generated as a batch 1
Processing cannot start until all data has been collected/input 1
There is no user involvement // the process runs until completion 1 [max 3]

(d) (i) Each program can use the processor in turn 1

For a time of 100 milliseconds // for the fixed time slice 1 [2]



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

1 mark each [5]

(iii) Input/output request [1]

8 (a) The diagram includes the following

One or more communication links to ….
A modem // router 1
Firewall 1
Laser printer 1
File server // database server 1 [max 4]

Penalise once only the omission of a comms. link line

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 8 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 31

(b) Twisted pair 1

Description 1
Or …
Coaxial cable 1
Description 1
Or …
Optical fibre 1
Description 1

Allow descriptors CAT 5, CAT 6 [max 2]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Cambridge International Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2015 series

9691/32 Paper 3 (Written Paper), maximum raw mark 90

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.

® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations.

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 32

1 (a) MEMBER (MemberID, – any two sensible attributes e.g. name, DOB [1]
COURSE – CourseID, Instrument, StartDate, Duration,
CourseTutor [1]

(b) COURSE-MEMBER (CourseID, MemberID)

Correct two attributes 1
Correct primary key 1
If CourseName used – refer back to part (a) for possible FT [2]

(c) The table has a repeated attribute //

There are several Instruments for the same TutorID [1]

(d) (i) TUTOR – has primary key TutorID [1]

TUTOR-INSTRUMENT – has primary key TutorID + Instrument [1]

(ii) Many-to-one // M:1 // ∞ : 1 [1]

(iii) SELECT TutorID can be reverse for 1 mark [1]

WHERE Instrument = 'saxophone' [1]

‘saxophone’ – allow mixed case / spelling must be correct

Quotes must be present

Creates a new record in the

Amends an existing record in the


Assigns the INSTRUMENT attribute the value ‘guitar’ FALSE [1]

Assigns the INSTRUMENT attribute the value ‘Piano’ FALSE

Make a change to all the existing records for all tutors FALSE [1]

Changes one record in the TUTOR table FALSE

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 32


(TutorID, Instrument)
VALUES (57, 'flute') 1 [2]

(ii) Attempt to add a record in TUTOR-INSTRUMENT table 1

But, no corresponding TutorID in the TUTOR table … 1
// Delete a record in the TUTOR table 1
and, matching records in TUTOR-INSTRUMENT table remain 1
// Allow use of the term ‘update’ if mentions a change to TutorID/foreign key
attribute 1 [max 2]

2 (a) (i) (0) 101 1010 [1]

(ii) 5A [1]

(iii) 8 [1]

Register transfer

MAR ← [PC] The contents of the Program Counter are

copied to the Memory Address Register.

PC ← [PC] + 1 (The Contents of) the Program Counter are


MDR ← [[MAR]] The Memory Address Register contains an

address. Copy the contents of this address to [1]
the Memory Data Register.

CIR ← [MDR] Copy the contents/data in/instruction in the

Memory Data Register to the Current [1]
Instruction Register

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 4 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 32

(c) (i) Sends control signals (A. commands) from/to the processor and various
devices // individual lines are each dedicated to a particular signal // uses
timing signals to coordinate various actions 1

Timing signal // reset // memory write/read // I/O operation completed //
interrupt 1 [2]

(ii) Data bus 1

Connects/used to transport a data value between main memory and the
processor // data bus is bi-directional 1

Address bus 1
Carries the memory address about to be accessed // it connects the Memory
Address Register to main memory // Address bus is uni-directional from the
processor 1 [4]

3 (a)

Instruction ACC Index Register


LIX 902 2 [1]

LDD 901 917 [1]

LDI 901 13 [1]

LDX 901 25 [1]

(b) Use the text editor to create the assembly language program PROG.ASM
Can be
PROG.ASM is input to the assembler software [1]
reverse for
1 mark IF errors reported [1]
Amend PROG.ASM using the text editor [1]

UNTIL No errors reported [1]

Produce the PROG.EXE executable file [1]

Execute PROG.EXE

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 32

4 (a) (i)


(ii) Root labelled [1]

Right subtree labelled // FT for their tree [1]

(iii) 3 // FT for their tree [1]

RootPtr 0

0 1 MELON 2

Mark as follows:
Root showing 0 1
Data values in correct positions 1
Correct left pointers 1
Correct right pointers 1 [4]

Ignore values showing any unassigned pointers

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 32

(c) (i) //binary tree search

INPUT SearchFood
IsFound ← FALSE [1]
Current ← RootPtr [1]
IF Food[Current] = SearchFood [1]
OUTPUT "Found"
ISFound ← TRUE [1]
IF SearchFood < Food[Current]
// move left
Current ← LeftPtr[Current]
Current ← RightPtr[Current] [1]
Current = 0/Null/-1/Unassigned [1]

IF IsFound = FALSE
OUTPUT SearchFood, "Not Found"

(d) (i)

Mark as follows:
Left subtree 1
Right subtree 1 [2]

(ii) Correct conclusion is made from ‘their’ tree [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 7 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 32

5 (a) (i) Building a model of the system/real-life situation // Models the behaviour of the
system 1
R. ‘imitates’
The simulation records the result of some changing parameters/conditions/
circumstances 1 [2]

(ii) A computer program can be written to build the model 1

Computer system can process results very quickly/can change the time
frame // can process large volumes of data 1
Computer avoids any health and safety issues 1 [max 1]

(b) (Current) traffic flows between Town A and Town B 1

Usage of the road(s) by pedestrians 1
Number of houses to be built 1
Number of vehicles per house 1 [max 2]

(c) (i) BEWARE : NOT traffic lane changes (given in the rubric)

Width of the road 1

Time interval between traffic signal changes 1
Signal changes activated by sensors 1
Rate of arrival of vehicles // vehicle speed 1
Variation in the type of vehicle using the junction 1
Left/right filter used 1
Time of day 1
Weather conditions 1
Outside influences e.g. zebra crossings 1 [max 2]

(ii) Queue length 1

Waiting time 1
Vehicle throughput to/from Housing development to Town A/Town B 1 [max 1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 32

6 (a) (i) 4 [1]

(ii) 3 [1]

(iii) ERROR [1]

(iv) 0 [1]

(v) ERROR [1]

(b) (i) A – Parameter identifiers labelled 1


RejectCount ← CountBig (Rejects, 83, 'Y')

1 mark 1 mark

RejectCount ← CountBig (Rejects, 82, 'N')

1 mark 1 mark

(c) FUNCTION StringFound (ThisArray : ARRAY OF STRING ,


Mark as follows:
FUNCTION StringFound( ….. 1
ThisValue : STRING 1

7 (a) A number of connected (allow: ‘linked’) computers/devices … 1

Sited in a small geographical area // room/building/site 1 [2]

(b) (i) Network Interface card // NIC [1]

(ii) (Use of user IDs and) passwords // use of biometrics/by example 1

Firewall // Proxy server 1 [2]

(c) Storage/Management of all user data/files 1

Management of centrally stored software 1

Granting of access rights/permissions to various users 1

Note: refuse just mention of ‘security’

Sharing of peripherals // Control of all output to a printer device 1

Management of user accounts/Log-ons 1
Recording/Monitoring the use of the network // Accounting 1 [max 3]

(d) (File) server // Network attached storage (NAS) [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Cambridge International Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2015 series

9691/33 Paper 3 (Written Paper), maximum raw mark 90

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.

® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations.

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 33

1 (a) The table has a repeated group of attributes //

There are several orders for the same customer/CustomerID [1]

(b) (i) CUSTOMER(CustomerID, ………………………………………..)

PRODUCT(ProductID) [1]

ORDER(CustomerID, OrderDate,……………………………………………..) [1]



1 mark for each correct one-to-many relationship

(iii) Primary key //CustomerID in the Customer table [1]

Links to foreign key (CustomerID) in the ORDER table [1]

(c) SELECT ProductID [1]

WHERE RetailPrice>=100 AND RetailPrice<=200 [1]

Creates a new record in the ORDER table

Amends an existing record in the ORDER table  [1]

Assigns the Dispatched attribute a TRUE value  [1]

Creates a new attribute Dispatched

Changes all the existing records for customer 647

Changes one record for customer 647  [1]

Remove 1 mark for each additional tick.


(CustomerID, OrderDate, ProductID, Dispatched,
DispatchDate) 1
VALUES (447, #17-10-15#, 982, FALSE, (NULL)) 1 [3]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 33

(ii) Attempt to add a record in ORDER table 1

But, no corresponding ProductID in the PRODUCT table 1
// Delete a record in the PRODUCT table 1
and, matching records in ORDER table remain 1 [2]
Or: Similar explanation with ORDER and CUSTOMER and the CustomerID
attribute // Allow use of the term ‘update’ if mentions a change to
TutorID/foreign key attribute

2 (a) (i) Building a model of the system // Models the behaviour of the system 1
The model records over time the result of changing parameters/conditions/
circumstances // predicts outcomes for the real-world scenario 1 [2]

(ii) A computer program can be written to build the model 1

The computer system can process results very quickly // can change the
time frame // Can process large volumes of data 1
Use of the computer avoids possible health and safety issues 1 [max 1]

(b) Temperature sensor 1

Air pressure sensor 1
Moisture sensor 1 [max 2]

(c) Wind tunnel requires that an actual physical model is built 1

The modelling of the weather is only an abstraction realised by the computer
software 1 [2]

3 (a) (i) 0101 1000 1

0111 1101 1 [2]

(ii) 16 [1]

(b) (i) Action

MAR ← [PC]
The contents of the Program Counter are copied to the Memory Address register [1]

PC ← [PC] + 1
The contents of the Program Counter are incremented [1]

MDR ←[[MAR]]
The contents of the address currently in the Memory Address Register are copied to
the Memory Data Register [1]

The contents of the Memory Data Register are copied to the Current Instruction
Register [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 4 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 33

Fetch Special purpose registers
stage (Contents shown in hex)


MAR ← [PC]
PC ← [PC] + 1

MDR ←[[MAR]] 
CIR ← [MDR] 867A

[max 5]

4 (a)

Instruction ACC Index Register


LIX 400 3

LDD 401 616

LDI 401 96

LDX 401 63

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 5 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 33

(b) Use the text editor to write the assembly language program
PROG.ASM is input to the assembler software 1
IF errors reported
Amend PROG.ASM using the text editor 1
UNTIL No errors reported
Produce the PROG.EXE executable file 1
Run PROG.EXE 1 [max 4]

5 (a) (i)



Root correct 1
Left subtree correct 1
Right subtree correct 1 [3]

(ii) Labelling ….
Root [1]
Left subtree // FT for their tree [1]

(iii) 4 // FT for their tree [1]

(b) (i) INTEGER

ARRAY[1 : 2000] OF STRING [2]

RootPtr 1

1 3 LIMA 2
2 4 PARIS 5
5 0 WARSAW 0

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 6 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 33

(c) //binary tree search

INPUT SearchCity [1]
IsFound ← FALSE
Current ← RootPtr
IF City[Current] = SearchCity [1]
OUTPUT "Found"
IsFound ← TRUE [1]
IF SearchCity > City[Current]
// move right
Current ← RightPtr[Current] [1]
Current ← LeftPtr[Current]
UNTIL Current = 0 OR IsFound = TRUE [1]

IF IsFound = FALSE [1]

OUTPUT SearchCity "Not Found"

6 (a) (i) SumRange 1

ThisInteger1, ThisInteger2, Flag 1
Must be identifiers only … [2]

(ii) 6 [1]

(iii) ERROR [1]

(iv) ERROR [1]

(v) 11 [1]

(vi) ERROR [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 7 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 33

7 (a) More than one program loaded into memory at the same time [1]

(b) Anything reasonable …

printer drivers
compiler / assembler
backup software

R. “System software” and “Utilities” [max 2]

(c) All the (data) is processed together/at the same time 1

There is a time delay before processing 1
Output is generated as a batch 1
Processing cannot start until all data has been collected/input 1
There is no user involvement // the process runs until completion 1 [max 3]

(d) (i) Each program can use the processor in turn 1

For a time of 100 milliseconds // for the fixed time slice 1 [2]



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

1 mark each [5]

(iii) Input/output request [1]

8 (a) The diagram includes the following

One or more communication links to ….
A modem // router 1
Firewall 1
Laser printer 1
File server // database server 1 [max 4]

Penalise once only the omission of a comms. link line

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 8 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge International A Level – October/November 2015 9691 33

(b) Twisted pair 1

Description 1
Or …
Coaxial cable 1
Description 1
Or …
Optical fibre 1
Description 1

Allow descriptors CAT 5, CAT 6 [max 2]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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