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Laboratory # 02 Igneous rocks and their textures.

Guido E. Malán Ch1

1.1 Description of hand samples.

Identification Number: _____

Type of Rock Sedimentary

Name of Rock Mudstone

List of Properties

Color reddish brown

Texture Clastic

Structure Massive

Grain Size very fine

Streak: Brown

Hardness: 5

Cleavage: _______

Luster: Non metallic

​Student of Geology, Yachay Tech University.

Identification Number: 1-006

Type of Rock Igneous (Plutonic)

Name of Rock Granodiorite

List of Properties

Color: Light-coloured

Texture: Phaneritic

Grain Size: Medium grained

Streak: White

Hardness: 5

Luster: Grainy, Pearly and Vitreous

Mineral Content: Quartz, plagioclase,and amphibole


Q’ [(20x100)/75]% = 27%

P’ [(50x100)/75]% = 67%

A’ [5x100)/75]% = 6%

F’ ___

M’ 25%

Identification Number: 1-05

Type of Rock Igneous Ultramafic

Name of Rock Peridotite (Lherzolite)

List of Properties

Color Dark green

Texture Phaneritic

Structure Massive

Grain Size Medium grained

Streak: White

Hardness: 5

Fracture: Partial

Luster: Submetallic

Mineral Content: Olivine,Orthopyroxene and Clinopyroxene

Olivine: 60%

Orthopyroxene: 30%

Clinopyroxene: 10%

Identification Number: 2-016

Type of Rock Igneous (Volcanic)

Name of Rock Rhyolite with pyrolusite

List of Properties

Color: Light brown

Texture: Inequigranular

Grain Size: Medium to coarse grained

Streak: White

Hardness: 5

Luster: Non metallic

Mineral Content: Quartz, plagioclase,and alkali feldspar..

Q’ [(24x100)/98]% = 24%

P’ [(5x100)/98]% = 5%

A’ [71x100)/98]% = 71%

F’ ___

M’ 2%

Identification Number: 2-015

Type of Rock Igneous (Volcanic)

Name of Rock Scoria Basalt

List of Properties

Color: Black

Texture: Porphyritic

Grain Size: Fine grained

Streak: Brown

Hardness: 6

Luster: Non metallic

Mineral Content: Quartz, plagioclase,and alkali feldspar.

Q’ [(5x100)/50]% = 10%

P’ [(35x100)/50]% = 70%

A’ [10x100)/50]% = 93%

F’ ___

M’ 50%

Identification Number: 2-011

Type of Rock Igneous (Plutonic)

Name of Rock Quartz Monzodiorite

List of Properties

Color: Light grey

Texture: Phaneritic

Grain Size: Medium grained

Streak: Brown

Hardness: 6

Luster: Non metallic

Mineral Content: Quartz, plagioclase, biotite and magnetite

Q’ [(10x100)/95]% = 11%

P’ [(80x100)/95]% = 84%

A’ [5x100)/95]% = 5%

F’ ___

M’ 5%

Identification Number: 2-019

Type of Rock Igneous (Plutonic)

Name of Rock Monzodiorita

List of Properties

Color: Black grey

Texture: Phaneritic

Grain Size: Medium grained

Streak: Brown

Hardness: 6

Luster: Non metallic

Mineral Content: Quartz, plagioclase,and alkali feldspar.

Q’ [(5x100)/95]% = 5%

P’ [(75x100)/95]% = 79%

A’ [15x100)/95]% = 16%

F’ ___

M’ 5%

Identification Number: 1-003

Type of Rock Igneous (Plutonic)

Name of Rock Granite

List of Properties

Color: Pink

Texture: Phaneritic

Grain Size: Medium grained

Streak: White

Hardness: 5

Luster: Vitreous

Mineral Content: Quartz, plagioclase,and alkali feldspar.

Q’ [(25x100)/90]% = 26%

P’ [(30x100)/50]% = 32%

A’ [40x100)/50]% = 42%

F’ ___

M’ 10%

Identification Number: 2-014

Type of Rock Igneous (Plutonic)

Name of Rock Hornblende with Plagioclase

List of Properties

Color: Black

Texture: Aphanitic

Grain Size: Massive

Streak: Brown

Hardness: 5

Luster: Sub metallic

Mineral Content: Quartz, plagioclase,and alkali feldspar,


Identification Number: 2-017

Type of Rock Igneous (Subvolcanic)

Name of Rock Latite

List of Properties

Color: Brown

Texture: Phaneritic

Grain Size: Fine grained

Streak: Brown

Hardness: 6

Luster: Non metallic

Mineral Content: Quartz, plagioclase,and alkali feldspar, matrix


Q’ [(5x100)/35]% = 14%

P’ [(10x100)/35]% = 28%

A’ [20x100)/35]% = 58%

F’ ___

M’ 5%

Identification Number: ______

Type of Rock Igneous (Plutonic)

Name of Rock Quartz Monzonite

List of Properties

Color: Black red

Texture: Phaneritic

Grain Size: Medium grained

Streak: White

Hardness: 5

Luster: Vitreous

Mineral Content: Quartz,Plagioclase,alkali feldspar,biotite,pyrite

Q’ [(6x100)/70]% = 9%

P’ [(10x100)/70]% = 14%

A’ [54x100)/70]% = 77%

F’ ___

M’ 70%

Identification Number: ______

Type of Rock Igneous (Pyroclastic)

Name of Rock Lapilli Tuff

List of Properties

Color: Light Grey

Texture: Fragmental

Grain Size: Medium grained

Streak: White

Hardness: 6

Luster: Non metallic

Mineral Content: Ash,lapilli

Ash 65%

Lapilli 35%

Identification Number: 2-004

Type of Rock Igneous (Ultramafic)

Name of Rock Peridotites

List of Properties

Color: Black

Texture: Aphanitic

Grain Size: Fine grained

Streak: Black

Hardness: 5

Luster: Vitreous

Mineral Content: Olivine, Orthopyroxene, Clinopyroxene

Olivine 45

Orthopyroxene 30

Clinopyroxene 25

Identification Number: 2-024

Type of Rock Igneous (Ultramafic)

Name of Rock Columnar Jointing

List of Properties

Color: Black green

Texture: Aphanitic

Grain Size: Fine grained

Streak: Brown

Hardness: 5

Luster: Non metallic

Mineral Content: Olivine, Orthopyroxene, Clinopyroxene

Olivine 35%

Orthopyroxene 30%

Clinopyroxene 35%

Identification Number: 2-27

Type of Rock Igneous (Plutonic)

Name of Rock Monzodiorite

List of Properties

Color: Dark grey

Texture: Phaneritic

Grain Size: Fine grained

Streak: Black

Hardness: 4

Luster: Non metallic

Mineral Content: Pyroxenes, amphibole (hornblende), quartz

Q’ [(2x100)/60]% = 3%

P’ [(45x100)/60]% = 75%

A’ [13x100)/60]% = 22%

F’ ___

M’ 40%
1.2 Analyses of igneous thin sections.

Task 1: ​For thin sections ​M01,V18-8, ​and ​8-79 ​provide a complete description of the rock.
Include major, minor, and accessory minerals, and their approximate modal abundances.
Additionally, report relevant textures in the rock. Finally, classify the rock providing an
appropriate name based on the IUGS recommendation.


Rock Description of thin section

Identification Number: M01

Major minerals: Plagioclase 75 %, Quartz 25 %,

Minor minerals: Biotite

Accessory minerals: Microcline

Note: ​The process of sericitization of plagioclase can be observed. (Granodiorite)


Rock Description of thin section

Identification Number: V18-8

Major minerals: Plagioclase 10%, Olivine

70%,Orthopyroxene 20%

Minor minerals: Biotite, Hornblende

Accessory minerals:

Note: ​(Harzburgite)


Rock Description of thin section

Identification Number: 8-79

Major minerals: Biotite 10 % Plagioclasa 15 %,

Orthopyroxene 20 %, Quartz 15 %

Minor minerals:
Accessory minerals:

Note: ​(Quartz Syenite)


M06: ​The texture of this rock has a funny name. Which is it?
Solution: Rapakivi Texture


412. This is a serpentinized peridotite. Can you provide a more precise classification
of the rock?

Olivino: 85 %
Orthopyroxene: 10 %
Clinopyroxene: 3 %
Hornblende: 2%

Solution: Harzburgite using the IUGS recommendation on igneous rocks.


GM58: Which features allow you recognize zoning of the various minerals species in
this thin section.

The characteristic that allows us to recognize the oscillatory zoning in plagioclase is the
angle of extinction that in different angles presents different compositions such as the layers
of an onion.

The characteristic that allows us to recognize the zonation in the hornblende is the color, in
which two different colors can be seen in the center with a darker color and a clearer one in
both the PPL and XPL.

There is biotite.

Garnet zoning is observed, which differs by the darker color outward and clear in the center.

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