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Drive·10 (abbreviated D·10) is a framework This document was designed to be printed Written and Compiled
for tabletop role-playing games. Think of it off and kept in a binder or notebook, as by R.E. Davis & Matt Bryant
as a prototype — the bare essentials to loose sheets to be referenced and passed ( )
quickly create characters and play. Use it for around as needed. They may also be freely
a new setting, or to quickly plug-in your distributed digitally.
Original CarPG System Design
favorite pre-existing one and get to gaming. The game text is released under Creative Matt Bryant
This document operates under the Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0,
assumption that you already know what a which means you’re free to remix and reuse
role-playing game is (and how they for your own projects, commercial or Graphics provided by
function), and for that purpose is written otherwise. Just make sure to credit the
with a brief, “rules-necessary” approach authors, and that your work is shared under
a similar license.
The system uses a ten-sided die (abbreviated Released Under
d10) and all participants will want a couple, Creative Commons Attribution Share
as well as a method for keeping up with Alike 4.0
character sheets and notes.
Special Thanks To:
D·10 is designed for easy arbitration and stat
Drive·10 is a traditional system, in the sense S.M. Ketcham, Marcus Burggraf,
that the participants consist of a Game generation on the fly, allowing you to focus
Chris Cortright, Johnny White
Master and the Players. Players take on the more on world building and adventure
plotting. It should feel familiar to veteran Always Thankful To: Michael Wolf,
role of individual characters, while the
gamers, and be easy for newcomers to pick Audrey Winter, Tim Kirk, and my wife
Game Master arbitrates the rules and
up. Learn the rules, make characters, and Kortney Davis
narrates the events and interactions of the
get to gaming in one evening. Great for pick Drive·10 is based on CarPG by Matt
rest of the world.
up games, conventions and small Bryant. Should you desire a “diceless”
The system is meant for Game Masters to campaigns. mechanic you can port the characters and
build and tinker with. Don’t like a rule?
tags made with D·10 to the Fate’s Wheel
Change it. Feel something is missing?
Add it. No rule is sacred here.
CHARACTER CREATION TAGS & EQUIPMENT Another example: a lycanthrope character
may have a Werewolf Form that gives an
• Choose a core Vocation. Rate it at +2. Tags are the traits attached to characters and edge in melee combat, Razor Claws that
Consider using an “Adjective-Verb” items that grant special features. Character function as weapons, and Keen Senses that
format. Examples: Fierce Soldier, Cryptic Tags establish details or facts on how the also give an edge to tracking prey. There’s a
Mage, Sleek Hacker, Hard-Boiled Cop, Ace character may interact with the world. They lot of ways to synergize tags, so feel free to
Star-Fighter, Mystic Herbalist, Stern come in one of two forms: talk it over with your GM about how to
Diplomat tinker with them for their setting.
• Rate Attributes. Assign 7 points across • Functions establish something the
character can do that normally others
the following three stats:
can’t. For example, Wings may grant a The GM may allow for tags whose
• Body (Physical Performance)
character flight. Telepathy may establish a Functions may be incredibly powerful, but at
• Mind (Mental Aptitude) psychic talent to read minds. the price of warranting some kind of limit or
• Spirit (Willpower & Personality) restriction. An easy way to do this is to
• Edges, meanwhile, enhance or improve establish a “1/X” limit. X in this case is a
• Choose 3 Character Tags certain actions. Someone who’s measurement — either of time or resources.
• Pick up to 5 pieces of Equipment. The Charming may have an edge in For example: In a fantasy game a Wizard
GM may optionally allow these to be socializing. In a cyberpunk setting, may want to be able to cast a Fireball that
chosen in-game. Muscle Augmentation could give an edge attacks all enemies in an area. The GM may
to actions that rely on strength like lifting restrict it as “1/Scene” (once per scene) or
• Hit Points (HP) start at 10 + (Body x 5)
or fighting. Having the Edge is even 1/Day. It may even be possible to
explained on the Basic Rules page. upgrade as the character progresses,
CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT Equipment, in game terms, functions as tags spending an advancement to crank it up to
that can be exchanged, dropped, lost or even 2/X, 3/X etc.
After every completed chapter/episode, stolen. Most serve a single function — a Alternately, the GM may rule certain
a character may improve in one of the Pistol can make a light ranged attack. A powers use a Resource pool (like “Magic
following ways: Grappling Hook lets you scale walls, etc. Points”) where every power draws from that
• +1 to a single Attribute (max +4) Others can grant an edge, like a Fake ID upon use (and X is the point cost).
helping you bluff a guard to let you in.
• +1 to a Vocation (max +4) Example: Fireball 1/2 MP
Tags can be linked together, especially with
• Pickup a new Vocation (at +1) Not all “powers” need to be limiting. A
equipment. A Rifle, for example, functions
wizard may have a “Magic Dart” tag which
• Earn a new Tag as a medium ranged attack, and it may have
effectively functions the same as a Pistol
a Scope that grants an Edge at long distances.
• Gain +5 Hit Points (light ranged attack / 2 base damage).
To Test an Action Multiple edges do not stack (you’ll only As long as the defender can roll higher than
Roll 1d10 (+ Proficiency) roll two dice at most) BUT opposing edges the DoS of their opponent’s attack, they
do cancel each other out. There is no suffer no damage. Note that against
Success on totals of 10+
“disadvantage” in this system — you either multiple attackers, a character can only
Proficiency is the value of the Attribute have the edge in a task roll or you don’t. defend against one of them as a normal
used in the action, plus an applicable action! Damage dealt to a character is
Vocation rating (as long as the action subtracted from their Hit Points (HP).
benefits from experience in its field). COMBAT & DAMAGE
When a character hits “0” HP, they fall
The maximum Proficiency is +8. Rolls of a Whenever two opponents engage each other unconscious. Depending on the nature of
“1” (regardless of Proficiency) on the die in combat, they may choose to either make the damage, they may be grievously
always fail; rolls of a “10” will always an attack action or to defend. Successful wounded or dying.
succeed. Attacks deal a base amount depending on
Armor that is worn has a rating that
If a task is declared to be Challenging, then the type of attack made, plus the DoS of the
represents the amount of damage reduction
the Proficiency rating added to the roll is cut attack roll!
that is applied to any successful physical
in half (rounded down.) • Unarmed: 0 Base Damage. attack towards the character.
Some rolls depend on the Degree of Success Light: -1, Medium: -2, Heavy: -4
(DoS), which is the total value over 10. • Light Attacks: 2 Base Damage
Light armors are easy to conceal and
(Single-handed armed attacks)
maneuver in. Medium armor is more
OPPOSING ACTIONS obvious, but still functional for movement.
• Medium Attacks: 4 Base Damage Heavy armor is bulky, and may cause the
When two characters are in active (Two-handed armed attacks) wearer to find any special movement tasks
opposition, they both roll action tests (like sneaking, climbing, swimming, or even
against the other. Should they both succeed, running) a Challenging task.
whoever has the highest DoS wins. • Heavy Attacks: 6 Base Damage
(Military Gunnery or Siege Weapons) Hit Points recover at a rate equal to the
character’s Body per Scene of rest. Those in
HAVING AN EDGE vocations that would know first-aid may
If a character is considered to have an edge Should both opponents make attacks perform a check to aid healing, allowing an
in a task, they may roll the die twice and towards each other, their rolls are made extra amount of HP recovered equal to the
take the better result. Edges can be defined as simultaneously. This means it’s possible DoS. Settings with magic, high-tech
character tags, items, and special both sides of a fight may hurt the other in medicine or super powers may provide other
circumstances that may give a character an the same turn of combat. Alternately, one methods of healing.
advantage when performing a task. may attempt to Defend as their action,
turning the conflict into an opposing roll.
EXTENDED TASKS Should the chase die ever reach 10, the QUICK & DIRTY NPCs
Quarry manages to escape the Pursuer. If
Some tasks may require prolonged action the die is reduced to 1 or lower, the Pursuer The GM can create important Non-Player
over time: hacking a computer system, catches the Quarry. Characters just fine using the player
performing a ritual, researching esoteric character creation guidelines. However, in a
Extend Opposing Actions can be used for
books for a clue, etc. In these instances, the pinch or in a hurry, the GM can easily get
more than physical chases or races. Two
GM may declare it to be an Extended Task. away with the following approach:
mages attempting to finish their rituals
Each extended task has a Task Pool that
before the other could be a race, while a
must be depleted in order to succeed. For chase may simulate a hacker dodging
every roll made, the DoS of the action is • List the NPC or Monster with a single
network security. Vocation or descriptor. Give it a single
subtracted from the pool. The GM may
arbitrate how long each task roll takes (turn, Proficiency bonus. Actions that fall
round, hour etc.). They may also opt to QUANTIFICATIONS under that descriptor use the full bonus,
assign time limits or max number of failures. TIME but cut it in half for all other actions.
Characters who have the Edge may use both • A Turn is a moment of Action in a conflict.
dice rolls should they both succeed, and • Hit Points are 4 x Proficiency
• A Round is the time it takes for all
count their total degrees of success as part of participants in a conflict to take a turn and
a single action. The value of the extended act. • Apply any tags, weapons or equipment
task is determined in increments of five, as needed. Tweak HP or any other
with 5 being a simple task to complete and • A Scene is a segment of continuous action
or dialogue within a narrative.
numbers as you see fit.
20+ being lengthy endeavors.
• A Chapter (or Episode) is all of the scenes
Extended Opposing Actions in a gaming session. QUICK NPC PROFICIENCY
These occur in two forms: races and chases.
For a race, two or more opposing sides are DISTANCE
rolling against individual task pools, and the
first to deplete theirs wins the opposing task. • Close is within reach of the character.
• Near is within 10 meters / 30 ft.
For a chase, a separate 10-sided die is used
A character can move nearby and still
to count success between the Pursuer and perform an action on their turn.
the Quarry. Opposed rolls are made, and the
chase die is either added to or subtracted by • Far is beyond near, up to 20 meters / 60 ft
the difference in the DoS of the two sides away. A normal person can move that MOOK (+2) MINION (+4)
(higher Quarry rolls adds the die value, approximately in one round as their full
action. GRUNT (+6) BOSS (+8)
higher Pursuer rolls subtract from it.)

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