Solution:: Exercise Sheet: Java If Statement

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MIS 202 – Introduction to Programming Exercise Sheet: Java Operators


Ex 1. Write a Java program that reads a value from user and check if it is odd or even. Display
the output on screen.

Ex 2. Write a Java program that reads two values from user and check if either of them is
divisible by the other, then print the result on screen.
Examples of running:
If the user entered 15 and 5, the output should be: Yes, 15 is divisible by 5.
If the user entered 3 and 12, the output should be: Yes, 12 is divisible by 3.
If the user entered 7 and 13, the output should be: None is divisible.

Ex 3. Write a Java program that reads 2 integers from the user and prints the greater value.

Ex 4. Write the Java program that asks the user to enter the car speed, the program reads the
speed and check:
if the Speed is from 0 to 60, the program will print: “No ticket”
if the Speed is from 61 to 80, the program will print: “Small ticket”
if the Speed is more than 80, the program will print: “Big ticket”

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