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For better understanding of *mat_072r3, See these references ...

- Malvar (1996),

- Schwer, L.E., and Malvar, L.J., "Simplified Concrete Modeling with

*MAT_CONCRETE_DAMAGE_REL3," 4th German LS-DYNA Forum, Bamberg, Germany, October,

- "Recent Improvements to Release III of the K&C Concrete Model", Magallanes et

al, .

- "K&C Concrete Material Model Release III—Automated Generation of Material Model

Input, Malvar et al, 2000."
(Contact Joe Magallanes at to request this one.)

The following is from Jim Kennedy:

would like to share some documentation for the concrete

material models MAT_016, MAT_072, MAT_084, and MAT_096 I
recently had gathered.

This list is not all inclusive; just a list I had made.


Malvar, L.J., D. Simons, "Concrete Material Modeling in Explicit

Computations," Workshop on Recent Advances in Computational Structural
Dynamics and High Performance Computing, USAE Waterways Experiment
Station, April 24-26, 1996.


A concrete impact analysis review paper I came across:

Murthy, A.R.C., Palani, G.S., and Iyer, N.R., "Impact Analysis of Concrete
Structural Components", Defense Science Journal, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 307-319,
May, 2010.


I believe the following paper provides the basis for MAT_016

Pseudo_Tensor model:

Burton, D.E., Lettis, L.A., Bryan, J.B., and Frary. N.R.,

"Physics and Numerics of the Tensor Code," Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, Internal Document, UCID-19428, July ,1982.


I believe the following paper provides the basis for MAT_072

Concrete_Damage model:

Malvar, L.J., J.E. Crawford, J.W. Wesevich, and D. Simons,

"A Plasticity Concrete Material Model for DYNA3D,"
International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 19,
Numbers 9-10, pages 847-873, 1997.
[From the mat_072 source code comments... "This material nodel is based on the
work Malvar, Crawford and Wesevich. See Defense Nuclear Agency
report DNA001-91-C-0059."]

The following paper is a very recent update to MAT_072:

Schwer, L.E., and Malvar, L.J., "Simplified Concrete Modeling

with *MAT_CONCRETE_DAMAGE_REL3," 4th German LS-DYNA Forum,
Bamberg, Germany, October, 2005.
( or

You also might find the following paper of interest which

uses both MAT_016 and MAT_072:

Yonten, K., Manzari, M.T., Eskandarian, A., and Marzougui, D.,

"An Evaluation of Constitutive Models of Concrete in LS-DYNA
Finite Element Code," 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics
Conference, New York, June, 2002.

I believe the reinforcement model for MAT_072 is the same as

that for MAT_016 which is briefly described on page 20.72 of
the LS-DYNA Version 970 User's Manual.


I believe the following papers provide the basis for MAT_084

Winfrith_Concrete model. The last two are available in (see

Ottosen, N.S., "A Failure Criterion for Concrete," Journal of

the Engineering Mechanics Division, Volume. 103, Number 4,
pages 527-535, July/August, 1977.

Broadhouse, B.J., "DRASTIC - A Computer Code for Dynamic

Anaylsis of Stress Transients in Reinforced Concrete," Safety
and Engineering Science Division, United Kingdom Atomic Energy
Authority, Winfrith, AEEW-R 2124, 1986.
Broadhouse, B.J. and Neilson, A.J., "Modelling Reinforced
Concrete Structures in DYNA3D," Safety and Engineering Science
Division, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Winfrith,
AEEW-M 2465, October, 1987. Paper presented at DYNA3D User
Group Conference, London, September, 1987.

Broadhouse, B.J., "The Winfrith Concrete Model in LS-DYNA3D,"

Safety Performance Department, Atomic Energy Authority
Technology, Winfrith, SPD/D(95)363, February, 1995.

A recent paper using the reinforced option:

Algaard, W., Lyle, J. and Izatt, C., "Perforation of Composite

Floors," 5th European LS-DYNA User's Conference, Birmingham,
United Kingdom, May, 2005.


I believe the following paper provides the basis for MAT_096

Brittle-Damage model:

Govindjee, S., Kay, G.J., and Simo, J.C., "Anisotropic

Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Brittle Damage in
Concrete," International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Engineering, Volume 38, pages 3611-3633, 1995.

James M. Kennedy
KBS2 Inc.
December 22, 2005

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