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The Hess Screen Test

Gill Roper-Hall, D.B.O.T., CO., C.O.M.T.

The Hess screen test was designed by Walter Rudolf Hess
in 1908 with subsequent modifications.' - Hess was a fa-
mous neurophysiologist who was awarded the Nobel Prize
in 1949 for his research into the functional organization of
the vegetative nervous system.' ^' The original test used a
black screen on which was marked a square-meter tangent
scale. The tangent nature of the coordinate lines converts
equidistant points, seen in a virtual sphere like a perimeter,
into a two-dimensional chart. The test relies on color dis-
sociation using red/green complementary filters. This max-
imizes the ocular deviation. A red target is illuminated or
projected at the juncture where each tangent line crosses. A
green light is projected by the patient and each plot is
recorded. The test is repeated for the opposite eye result-
ing in a chart showing an inner and outer range of ocular ro-
tation for each eye.

EARLY SCREEN TESTS images described by the patient that were

subsequently joined with prisms. This did
Methods of documenting the field of ac- not allow for full dissociation of the devia-
tion of individual muscles in various gaze tion.^
fields date back as far as 1874 by Hirsch- In 1907, Ohm designed a black cloth
herg, who marked a tangent scale on the screen based on Hirschberg's tangent scale
wall of his examining room. However, the with blue strings outlining the coordinates.
test relied upon the separation of diplopic Complimentary red and blue filters used
with a red arrow created color dissociation.
From tbe St, Louis University Eye Institute, St. Louis. Mis-
He subsequently constructed a transpar-
souri. ent screen from wire mesh so that the pa-
tient could be observed from the other side
Requests for reprints should be addressed to: Gill Roper-
Hall, D.B.O.T., CO.. C.O.M.T, St. Louis University Eye In-
of the screen.•*
stitute, 1755 S. Grand Blvd., St, Louis, MO 63104- e-mail: In 1908, Krusius also designed a glass screen through which the examiner could
Supported in part by a ^ a n t from Research to Prevent observe the eye movements in different
Blindness, New York, New York. gaze fields, but mostly relied upon cor-

©2006 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, .American Orthoptic Journal, Volume 56, 2006, ISSN 0065-955X, E-ISSN 1553-4448


neal reflections for interpretation.^ In from Kodak Wratten complementary red

1927, Sattler designed a black screen us- and green filters. These were molded to
ing red/green dissociation, but employed conform better to the midface and were
a system of green coordinate lines.^ Fur- held on by an adjustable elastic band.
ther details and analyses of these modifi- Eoster torches were designed and dis-
cations are described in the AOS thesis by tributed by Clement Clarke in London.
Sloane.^-'" These can run off an electrical source or
batteries. A goalpost filament is used to
HESS SCREEN TEST project a linear beam of light. A gray plas-
tic sleeve with the matching complemen-
Hess designed several versions of his tary red or green filter at its distal end is
screen. The original screen was construc- slipped over the end of the flashlight. By
ted of black cloth 80 x 80 cm on which red moving this sleeve up or down, the image
embroidered dots were stitched where the may be focused on the screen. These gen-
tangent coordinates crossed. A pointer 50 erally come as a pair and are used together
cm long was used, on the end of which was to project a red fixation light onto the
a green arrow. One version had a string screen by the examiner while the patient,
with a counterweight attached to the wearing the Armstrong goggles, aims the
pointer, the string passing through the cen- green line at the red one. The fixating eye
ter of the screen.^ Later versions showed a can be changed by switching the goggles,
Y-shaped string with the top part extend- so the red filter is on the opposite side, or
ing from each corner and the lower part at- by the examiner and patient exchanging
tached to the pointer." the Eoster torches.'"
Hess used red/green color dissociation in The modern electric Hess screen is a
all his versions, including the more recent gray board on which is scored a tangent
screens. The patient wore complementary scale. The screen is mounted on the wall of
red and green glass lenses mounted in a the examining room. Small red lights at
spectacle frame. The cloth screens could be the juncture where each scored line crosses
rolled to store or transport them or un- can be illuminated in turn by bulbs behind
rolled and hung on the wall. They were the screen. The examiner presses a keypad
lightweight and portable. to switch on a specific target while the pa-
Other screen tests were designed or mod- tient projects the green line and bisects the
ified after Hess, the best known being the red dot. Since the red lights are an integral
Lancaster red-green test, initially called part of the screen, the goggles must be re-
the Lancaster-Hess test and the Lees versed to obtain the plots for the opposite
screen.^^"^"^ field. The keypad is conveniently placed on
a clipboard next to the chart being plotted
SCREEN TEST Since the invention of personal comput-
ers, several newer versions of the Hess or
With the advent of electricity and the in- Lancaster screens have been designed.^*^^^
troduction of plastics, new equipment be- These are used in research settings and in
came available. By the late 1960s, the some clinics, but are not yet in wide use.
screen was gray, wall-mounted, and avail- Some of the advantages include storage
able in an electrically operated version. and manipulation of data retrieved dur-
The red and green glass lenses were re- ing testing. Maintaining a distance of at
placed with Armstrong goggles, made least 33 cm is necessary to avoid inducing

American Orthoptic Journal 167


accommodative or convergence influences. red/green filters are used, but a white light
If this can be surmounted, perhaps by a is common to each eye. This means that
larger screen, the test may be used reliably the deviation in the Hess screen test is di-
on a laptop computer and allow the test to rect, or drawn as if each fovea were look-
become portable again. Recent variations ing directly at the screen at the point to
include a three-dimensional Hess test and which it deviated. An esotropia looks
testing aniseikonia on a computerized Hess crossed on the board in the same direction
screen.^•'•^^ as the deviation. In contrast, in a regular
diplopia test a white light is used and the
PRINCIPLE OF THE HESS images will appear uncrossed or homony-
SCREEN TEST mous. Each fovea perceives the image of
its respective target to be located straight
The Hess screen test can be described as ahead. This is maculo-macular projection
a fovea-to-fovea (maculo-macular) test. or confusion (Eigure 2).
This occurs because two different colored
test objects are used. Each fixation target PLOTTING THE CHART
is red and the projected light is green.
Wearing complementary red and green Armstrong goggles are worn by the pa-
filters means that neither eye can see the tient during the test. The patient is seated
opposite test object. This is in contrast 0.5 m from the screen with the head erect
to a regular diplopia test (maculo- and immobile using a chin or headrest. The
paramacular) or the Worth lights where examining room lights are dimmed to re-

FIGURE 1: The electric Hess screen.

168 Volume 56, 2006


Hess screen

= Fovea
• Red
H Green

Left eye Right eye
FIGURE 2: Fovea-to-fovea projection used to dissociate the eyes.

move fusional background cues and further view a target away from primary gaze
dissociate the eyes. This is usually suffi- without moving the head. The outer fields
cient to reveal a well-controlled heteropho- measure twice that amount, representing
ria. The patient projects a green line onto an exaggerated excursion, one that nor-
the screen and is asked to bisect each red mally is accompanied by a head turn. De-
dot with the green line as each dot is illu- fects appearing on the inner field are likely
minated in turn. It is usually easier to plot to be more symptomatic.
a predominantly horizontal deviation, such
as a sixth nerve palsy, with the green light INTERPRETATION OF THE
projecting a vertical line and plot a verti- HESS CHART
cal deviation, such as a fourth nerve palsy,
with a horizontal line. Each dot is tested Once the chart is drawn, the examiner
and plotted in turn—first for the inner can assess the overall pattern to identify
field, then the outer. Once this task has the eye with the muscle(s) involved (the
been completed, the goggles are reversed, smaller field), the biggest overactions in
the patient still projecting a green line, and the opposite field (whether the overall
the test repeated. pattern shows incomitance or concomi-
The dots are joined by the examiner tance), and generally whether the pattern
forming an inner and outer field for each looks paralytic or restricted (Figure 3).
eye. These can be thought of as isopters or One of the most valuable roles that se-
lines joining points of equal value, the com- quential Hess charts can provide is useful
monality being the distance from primary information about the course ofa disorder,
gaze in each direction. At 0.5 m each square indicating whether it is resolving, pro-
represents 10-^ so the inner square mea- gressing, or stabilizing. This will permit
sures 30-^ or about 15°. This is about the appropriate management decisions to be
range an individual will move the eyes to made (Figure 4).

American Orthoptic Journal 169


FIGURE 3: Hess chart in a patient with a longstanding concomitant hyperdevi-


ADDITIONAL TECHNIQUES Maddox rods or other methods such as the

Harms or Lancaster screens.
Sometimes a patient will show variahil- On occasion, a patient will demonstrate
ity during testing that is suggestive of ocu- difficulty in locating the next target, when
lar myasthenia. The test can he repeated nothing is ohstructing their view. It is pos-
using Tensilon®, with those parameters sihle to detect scotomata in glaucoma pa-
already plotted used as a haseline in the tients or even suspect a hemianopic visual
Tensilon-Hess test (Figure 5).'^^ The pres- field defect from the manner or direction in
ence of an intermittent or variahle condi- which a patient hesitates during plotting.
tion such as superior ohlique myokymia, Patients with Parkinson disease, ataxia,
superior ohlique click syndrome, or ocular or other balance prohlems should be mon-
neuromyotonia can also he documented itored during the test, perhaps assisted hy
during testing. a family member, to ensure that they re-
Occasionally, the patient's view of the main seated upright in the darkened room.
screen will he obstructed hy ptosis, a heavy A helpful hand behind the patient's head
hrow, swelling from injury or surgery or the will keep the head erect and not tilted,
position of the goggles. The red and green keep the forehead on the headrest and offer
filters overlap in the center of the goggles. assurance that they will not fall. If there is
This excludes all light hecause the colors pronounced dysmetria or tremor, holding
are complementary and the goggles must the green light with both hands close to the
he adjusted. In patients with marked ex- chest is helpful.
ophthalmos, care must he taken to avoid It can be challenging to perform the test
touching the cornea; it is helpful to ask pa- on someone with a hearing problem. It is
tients if they can hlink freely when the gog- not possible to lip-read while wearing gog-
gles are first introduced. gles in the dark, with the examiner stand-
Torsion cannot he interpreted easily on ing hehind the patient. It may he neces-
a Hess chart as it is difficult to relate the sary to give instructions face-to-face before
angle of the torted image when projecting the test hegins, making sure the patient
a line of light onto a tangent scale. The can understand. In patients with suppres-
test certainly can reveal the presence of sion or ARC it may not he possible to ob-
torsion, hut this is hetter quantitated tain responses on a Hess chart as the prin-
using standard methods such as douhle ciple of the test relies on normal retinal

170 Volume 56, 2006



FIGURE 4: Hess charts (top, bottom) demonstrating resolving, bilateral fourth

nerve paralyses.


FIGURE 5: A T^nsilon-Hess test in a patient suspected of having ocular myas-


correspondence. However, sometimes the pression and a newly acquired paralysis.

fovea-to fovea dissociation used is suffi- It is sometimes possible to plot incomi-
cient to disrupt suppression and the chart tance in a patient with paralysis or re-
can be plotted. This is useful in a patient striction with ARC but the angle of anom-
with a longstanding deviation with sup- aly should be noted.

American Orthoptic Journal 171


HESS CHARTS IN DIFFERENTIAL rior oblique weakness often reveals asym-

DIAGNOSIS metric bilateral involvement not apparent
on other clinical testing.
Hess charts are invaluable in the differ- Most restrictive conditions such as or-
ential diagnosis of many different clinical bital fractures with entrapment or thyroid
conditions. Characteristic patterns are re- restrictive disease have an accompanying
vealed on the chart in congenital disorders history to guide tbe diagnosis. However,
such as Duane or Brown syndrome. An ob- these can be differentiated from paralysis
vious restriction in the affected gaze posi- by the different patterns each condition ex-
tion does not produce the usual overaction hibits (Figure 7).
of the ipsilateral antagonist as it would in A Hess chart can be instrumental in cor-
a paralysis (Figure 6). The chart may help rectly identifying the affected eye when
differentiate these conditions from sixth other clinical signs suggested otherwise. A
nerve palsy or an inferior oblique weak- sledding accident caused an orbital floor
ness, respectively. fracture in a 64-year-old grandmother. The
Observing the nature of concomitance fracture was confirmed by CT scan. She
and spread of muscle sequelae can help dif- complained of vertical diplopia. The Hess
ferentiate a recently acquired paralysis chart revealed that she had sustained a
from a longstanding and recently decom- mild traumatic fourth nerve palsy in the
pensating one (Figure 3). It is particularly side opposite the fracture. The fracture was
useful in planning surgery on a patient allowed to heal without intervention; the
with a stable superior oblique muscle palsy fourth nerve palsy also resolved.
by comparing the overactions of the ipsi-
lateral antagonist (inferior oblique) versus CONCLUSION
the contralateral synergist (opposite in-
ferior rectus) in deciding which muscle A Hess screen is a valuable addition to
should be weakened, or weakened first if any strabismus clinic, particularly one in
two-staged surgery is planned. which a high percentage of adults is seen.
Unilateral and bilateral fourth nerve The test can be performed quickly and
palsies can be identified by their char- provides extensive information about the
acteristic patterns (Figure 4). The Hess respective motility disorder. The baseline
chart of a patient with an acquired supe- chart is used in differential diagnosis, and

FIGURE 6: Hess chart of a patient with Brown syndrome. Note absence of any
obvious problem in down-gaze.

172 Volume 56, 2006


FIGURE 7: Hess chart ofa patient with an orbital floor fracture with mild en-
trapment demonstrating restriction on both up and down-gaze in the right eye.

comparison of subsequent charts is im- stellung von Bewegungsstorungen der Augen.

portant in management. It compares Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde
favorably with other screen tests, and pro- 1927;78: 161-178.
vides graphic representation for interpre- 9. Sloane A: Analysis of methods for measuring
diplopiafields.AMAArc/iOp/K/in/1951; 277-310.
tation. 10. Roper-Hall G, Burde RM: Clinical analysis of
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT ogy of the Eye, 7th ed. Moses RA, ed. St. Louis: CV
Mosby Co.; 1981. pp. 166-183.
11. von Noorden GK. Binocular Vision and Ocular
The author wishes to thank Antonia Ra- Motility. Theory and Management of Strabis-
sicovici, CO., for her assistance in trans- mus. Chapter 12. St. Louis: CV Mosby Co.; 1990.
lating some of the more difficult German p. 181.
passages. 12. Lancaster WB: Detecting, measuring, plotting
and interpreting ocular deviations. Arch Oph-
thalmol 1939; 22: 867-880.
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Key words: Hess screen, Lancaster
Lasker AG, Straumann D: Three-dimensional screen, Lees screen, Harms tangent screen,
Hess screen test with binocular dual search coils diplopia, confusion, Walter Rudolph Hess

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