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Romeo P. Javier Jr.


1. Life of Ramon Magsaysay

I. Biography

A. His brilliant counterinsurgency efforts were unprecedented.

In the early 1950’s, the insurgency launched by a group of peasant farmers called
Hukbalahap (Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon or People’s Anti-Japanese Army) was at its
peak. Both the previous and incumbent presidents struggled to stop the rebellion: Roxas simply
banned the organization in 1948 while his successor, Quirino, was stained with corruption and
cronyism, infuriating the Huks even more.
Desperate to stop the Hukbalahap threats from worsening, Quirino made a strategic move: He
appointed Ramon Magsaysay–a celebrated WWII guerrilla leader–as the new Secretary of
National Defense. As a new appointee, Magsaysay did what his predecessor failed to do: He
identified the root cause of the problem and started from there.

With the help of Lieutenant Colonel Edward G. Lansdale, an Air Force intelligence officer who
served as his personal advisor, Magsaysay toured the whole country and saw firsthand the
driving force behind the insurgency. At that point, he realized that most of the Huks were not
actually Communists; they were simple peasants who thought that rebellion was the only
answer to their sufferings.
In the words of historian Teodoro Agoncillo, the Hukbalahap was the “culmination of centuries
of peasant degradation, loss of self-respect, and abject poverty.”
Of course, in order for Magsaysay to execute his plans of ending the rebellion, he needed the
help of the Armed Forces. But here’s the catch: The country’s military arm was also suffering
from several issues, most serious of which were poor leadership, corruption and patronage

In other words, ending the insurgency wouldn’t be possible without first addressing the serious
problems that had plagued the Armed Forces. It was a challenging task, but this is when Ramon
Magsaysay showcased his exemplary leadership skills and political prowess.

Magsaysay completely transformed the AFP. He fired the AFP Chief of Staff, the Chief of
Constabulary, and other officers who were implicated in graft and corruption. He also changed
the way the AFP fight the insurgents, emphasizing that “the Huks are fighting an unorthodox
war” so they should also fight them “in unorthodox ways.”
This warfighting innovation, also known as “Find Em, Fight Em, Fool Em,” was a
combination of intelligence, combat operations, and psychological warfare.
Eventually, the Huk rebels were tracked down and their members surrendered one by one,
culminating to Luis Taruc’s arrest on May 17, 1954. All of these were achieved through the
newly revamped AFP and Magsaysay’s social reforms, namely the legal assistance program for
the peasants and the Economic Development Corps (EDCOR), a rehabilitation program that gave
surrendered Huks an opportunity to have their own house and land.

Magsaysay’s military and social reforms were so effective that the Communist Party leader Jesus
Lava himself admitted that many Huk soldiers left the insurgency group “because repression
was ending.”

B. He gave land to the landless.

When Magsaysay ran for president, the barrio-to-barrio campaigns only opened his eyes even
more to the issues of the rural folk that had been neglected by previous presidents.

He realized that the Philippine government shouldn’t be a government of the elites, but an
entity fully dedicated to the welfare of all its people–especially the peasant farmers long
considered to be the “backbone of the nation.”
Magsaysay believed that insurgency would continue to exist as long as the government stays
deaf to the calls of the rural folk. “To be really secure,” he once said, “a country must assure
for its citizens the social and economic conditions that would enable them to live in decency, free
from ignorance, disease, and want.”
To turn his vision into a reality, Magsaysay implemented several projects–all for the benefit of
the rural poor.

He improved the land tenure system through the Agricultural Tenancy Act in 1954, which gave
tenants the “freedom to choose the system of tenancy under which they would want to
work,” and the Land Reform Act of 1955, which was passed to enhance landlord-tenant
Public lands were also distributed to qualified settlers: A total of 28,000 land patents, covering
241,000 hectares, were issued during the first year of Magsaysay Administration alone. By 1955,
an impressive 23,578 agricultural lots were distributed to landless applicants. In the same year, a
total of 8,800 families were also resettled by the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation
Administration (NARRA) in 22 settlement projects.

Magsaysay also initiated an intensive community development through the Presidential Assistant
for Community Development (PACD). The said agency helped build roads and other facilities
for the rural folk as well as improved both the medical and educational services in the barrios.

C. Ramon Magsaysay created a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
President Ramon Magsaysay was genuinely pro-Filipino. For instance, he wore the
traditional barong tagalog during his inauguration. He also used the Ilokano wine called basi to
exchange toasts with foreign diplomats, and took every chance he could get to promote local
For the Filipino people, however, Magsaysay’s most memorable achievement was his effort to
earn back people’s trust in the government. Known as the “The Champion of the Common
Man,” Magsaysay would listen to the problems of the common “tao” for at least two to
three times a week. In fact, he established the Presidential Complaints and Action Committee
(PCAC) to make sure that the complaints of the masses were taken care of.
For the first time in many years, Filipinos gained the courage to condemn corrupt public officials
without fear of repression. PCAC was so successful that in 1954 alone, they already received an
overwhelming 59, 144 complaints.

Wanting to prove that his government was really for the people, Magsaysay also opened the
doors of the Malacañang Palace to all its citizens–and he meant it quite literally. Soon, the
masses began swarming the official residence, transforming the lawns into picnic grounds. So
many people flocked to Malacañang during the Magsaysay era that some began to describe
it as a “miniature Divisoria,” a combination of market and cockpit.
D. He is a good role model for the youth.
Magsaysay’s upbringing holds the answer on why he turned out to be a man of principle. Born in
Iba, Zambales to a blacksmith and a schoolteacher, the young Ramon Magsaysay was trained to
respect the elders and develop the virtues of humility, honesty, frugality, and love for hard work.

It is said that when he was only six years old, Magsaysay’s father, Exequiel, lost his job in a
public school after refusing to pass the school superintendent’s son in his carpentry class. For
this reason, the Magsaysays were forced to move to Castillejas, where Exequiel built a small
blacksmith shop to support his family.

Although a minor hurdle, this experience instilled the importance of honesty and clean living to
the young Monching.

As a young man, Monching loved to play with other boys of his age. He was a bit of a prankster,
but he never forgot how to respect and shower his parents with love. One day, Exequiel bought
several blocks of ice because he was expecting to receive several guests the next day. He was
planning to make an ice cream but was surprised upon finding out that the buried ice blocks were
As it turned out, Monching and his friends took the ice blocks the night before, drove out of
town, and enjoyed all the ice cream they made. In her biography, Perfecta (Monching’s mother)
described how furious his husband was when he found out that there was no ice. He immediately
rushed towards the rice field where he found Monching together with the other children.

Exequiel was so mad that he was ready to spank his son. However, his heart melted when
Monching showed him the ice cream and said ‘Father, I brought the ice in the field to make the
ice cream myself so that you won’t get tired making it.’ In the end, he gave more ice cream to the
boys, and what’s left behind were given to the guests.

E. He refused special treatment.

President Magsaysay was so loved by the masses because he didn’t think highly of himself. He
earned people’s trust because of his humility and sincerity to address the needs of the ordinary

Unlike other politicians, Magsaysay refused to name towns, bridges, avenues, and plazas
after him. He lived in a simple home, wore simple clothes (usually an “aloha” shirt and slacks),
drove his own car, and spoke a language easily understood by the masses. Indeed, the late
President Ramon Magsaysay was the epitome of simplicity.
He wanted to set an example, someone that other public officials would look up to. When he was
still a Defense Secretary, for example, he refused special treatment and lived within his means–a
government salary of about $500 a month.

Historian Xiao Chua also shared two anecdotes about the great president. It is said that while
Magsaysay was on his way to the Malacañang to meet then President Elpidio Quirino, their car
suddenly stopped. Because his driver, Kosme, was clueless on how to fix it, Magsaysay–who
once worked as a mechanic at the Try Transportation Bus Company in Manila–didn’t
think twice in fixing it himself, even while wearing a barong tagalog.
The same driver also once violated traffic rules. When the policeman saw the plate number and
the passenger within the car, he allegedly said “My goodness! Pardon me Mr. President. You can
now proceed.”

However, Magsaysay refused to accept the “privilege” and said this instead: “Oh no, sargeant.
You said awhile ago that the law is the law. And in that principle I do believe. While I am the
president, the law applies to everyone, there is equality. Please give us the necessary ticket.”
F. Ramon Magsaysay banned nepotism and corruption.

Unpretentious, selfless, and completely uninterested in money, President Ramon Magsaysay had
all the qualities that an ideal politician should have.

While the rest of Philippine politics were being plagued with nepotism and “compadre system,”
Magsaysay was working hard to break the stereotype. He wanted to set an example so he put the
needs of the Filipino people above all–even at the expense of his own relatives.
He hated nepotism so much that when he learned that a community well was being dug on a
property owned by a relative, he immediately sent a directive and had the well moved in the
middle of the village square. An uncle, on the other hand, failed to get a big government cement
contract after Magsaysay personally canceled the order.

He also banned his brother, who was a lawyer, from accepting any case for anyone
connected with the government, or for anyone “who wants to get close to the government.”
Magsaysay also hated corruption, and he started to fight it as soon as he entered Philippine
politics. On his first day as Defense Secretary, for example, he fired several high-ranking
officials in the AFP–including the Chief of Staff and the Chief of the Constabulary–as part of his
military reforms. When he became president, his administration was synonymous to honesty and
clean governance.

Such was his effort to combat graft and corruption that public officials–from top to bottom–
started to fear his presence. “Every time I sit here and look at my stamp drawer,” recalled a local
postmaster, “I start to think, well, I don’t have much money and my family needs food, maybe I
ought to swipe some. Then I start thinking that that damn Magsaysay might suddenly show up …
just as my hand is going into the petty cash drawer, and he’d throw me in jail.”

Awards & Achievements

-During Magsaysay’s administration, Philippines became Asia’s second cleanest and well-
governed country. His tenure is often referred to as the Philippines' Golden Years.
-Magsaysay’s Presidential Complaints and Action Committee heard nearly 60,000 complaints in
a year, and settled more than 30,000 through direct action and a little more than 25,000 through
government agencies.
-Magsaysay established the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA)
which granted about sixty-five thousand acres to three thousand poor families for settlement
-He also established the Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration
(ACCFA) to make available rural credits of almost ten million dollars.
-Magsaysay initiated the formation of Liberty Wells Association that managed to raise a
considerable sum for the construction of artesian wells for the development of agrarian sector.
-March 17, 1958 Ramon Magsaysay was awarded the Golden Heart Presidential Award
-He received the Order of the White Elephant (April 1955) from the government of Thailand and
the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Cambodia (January 1956) from the government of

Agoncillo, T. (2012). History of the Filipino People. 8th ed. Quezon City: C & E Publishing,
Inc., pp.474-488.

Chua, M. (2012). Ramon Magsaysay: Role Model for the Youth. [online] It’s XiaoTime!.
Available at: [Accessed 9 Sep. 2014].

Francisco, R. (2013). Magsaysay and the AFP: A Historical Case Study of Military Reform and
Transformation. [online] Presidential Museum and Library. Available at:
[Accessed 6 Sep. 2014].

Gin, O. (2004). Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor,
Volume 1. 1st ed. ABC-CLIO, p.54.

Greenberg, L. (1986). THE HUKBALAHAP INSURRECTION, A Case Study of a Successful

Anti-Insurgency Operation in the Philippines, 1946-1955. [Case study] Library of Congress,
Historical Analysis Series. Washington, D.C.

Halili, C. (2004). Philippine History. 1st ed. Rex Bookstore, Inc., pp.257-260.

Magat, M. (2013). Ramon Magsaysay’s continuing relevance. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 9 Sep. 2014].

Rivett, R. (1954). Magsaysay–The Racket ‘Killer’. The Argus, [online] p.4. Available at: [Accessed 6 Sep. 2014].

Editors, (2017) Ramon Magsaysay Biography Retrieved at
II. Reflection

While reading some articles about Ramon Magsaysay (the Champion of the masses) i never
noticed That I fell in love. He is the one of my ideal type of a president and the one i wish for. If
I would be a president I want to be like him. I thought that have not had a good leader in this
country, but i'm supposedly wrong he is so perfectly imperfect.

Imagine he is genuinely a pro-Filipino who always wear a Barong Tagalog. He also promotes
our local products and not getting anything outside. Instead of hating his enemy, he loves them
and he gave them a hug. His simplicity and humility is all out there. A president who never been
deaf and give a voice for the voiceless. He once tried to cut out the name of the Malacañang
Palace into Malacañang (only) because his desire Malacañang is for the people and be able to
speak of. He listened thrice a week and we can see his effort for being a president. He is a
traveler not for fun, but for helping the needy. He once disguises a stranger not to be figured out
by the people. He tried by himself to know what social needs and where the corruptions occur.
Speaking of corruptions Monching hate corrupt people actually thousands of corrupt government
is kicked out during his term and also in their administration truly bad company corrupts good
character. I admire him for being wise, during guerilla time he hides his face using his hat while
he is in the carabao cart because the Japanese truck is going near him. He hit the hip of carabao
to run faster. Suddenly his servant attitude is there when his comrades collected a money to buy
him a car but he refuses to accept it, he said "I am not working for you for a car". There was an
anecdote when Ramon Magsaysay car was broken, his personal driver tried to fix it, but he can't
Ramon Magsaysay get outside the car and pull his clothes in arms he didn't double think to fix
the car and easily fixed It. He has background work as mechanical in some car shop. The one I
most proud of when he gave land for the landless. I believe in a statement that farmers are the
backbone of the country. What if there is no land for the poorest? Where are the farmers going to
plant? Where they can get their income? I wish that there is someone like him who run in
presidency. Making know who is Ramon Magsaysay was, It’s differenciate the meaning
between Politics and Leadership. Ramon Magsaysay got the true meaning of leadership.

He has no plan for our country in the future, but he does everything to do for the sake of the
country. I feel sad when he died so fast I think if he not died earlier he can finish his mission.
Many theories about his death in a plane crash, but one thing for sure, he creates a legacy and for
me he is the best president of the Philippines.

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