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Group 3:

1. Velani analan
2. Refi Noor Indah
3. Dwi Mifta Nur Janah
4. Noor Amalia
5. Ratih okfita
6. Irfan Faruq S

Question for page 37

1. Choose those not included in the nursing plan and interventions in the contraction test above
are :
a. Monitor maternal blood pressure and contractions every 15 min or with each increase
of IV oxytocin
b. Administee oxytocib iv drio as ordered. Follow agency protocol
c. Minitor mateenal blood pressure every 5-10 min
d. Explain procedure

2. Estrogen stimulates irrutability of uterine muscles and enhances uterine cobtractions

the theory above is the correct answer below?
a. Estrogen theory
b. Estrogen stimulation theory
c. Fetal cortisol theory
d. Fetal membrane
3. How many minutes is the nonstress testing section on the maternal blood pressure monitor?
a. 15 min
b. 1-5 min
c. 10-15 min
d. 5-10 min
Question for page 38

4. “Contractions range from every 15-30 minutes and last 15-30 second. The intensity begins as
mild and progresses to mederate”. The statement above included in stages of labor and birth :
a. First stage
b. Second stage
c. Third stage
d. Fourth stage

5. 1. Place mother in lithotomy position

2. Assist with visualization of the presententing part and securing of blood specimen
3. Secure FHR monitor
4. Explain procedure
5. Postprocedure, observe for maternal bleeding and fetal tachycardia.
Select the nursing plan procedure and intervention in the fetal blood sampling above :
a. 4,5,2,1,3
b. 4,1,3,2,5
c. 1,2,3,4,5
d. 1,5,3,2,4
6. How premonitory signs of labor, except :
a. Rupture of amniotic membranes
b. Softening of the cervix
c. Blood out of the rectum
d. Braxton hick contractions increase in frequency and may become uncomfortable
7. What is meant by complete opening in the intranatal phase is the opening of how
many centimeters : .......
a. < 10 cm
b. > 10 cm
c. > 15 cm
d. > 20 cm
8. The tightening of uterine muscles during labor is called : ........
a. Dilatation
b. Lightening
c. Contractions
d. Rest period

Question for page 44

9. The second stages of cervical dilatation has reached
a. 1-4 cm
b. 4-7 cm
c. 8-10 cm
d. Complete

10. the stage of delivery of cervical dilation reaching 4-7 cm is the phase stage?
a. Stage 1
b. Active phase
c. Transition
d. Stage 2

Question for page 45

11. The nursing process during the second stage there is such a thing as planning,
below what is included in the planning of physiological integrity is : ........
a. Assess coping pattern
b. Monitor maternal and fetal status
c. Provide encouragement for pushing effonts
d. Prepare for the birth

12. The nursing process during the second stage is called physical assessment, in assessing
blood pressure, pulse, and breathing performed every minutes : ........
a. 2-5 minutes
b. 1 minutes
c. 30-60 minutes
d. 5-15 minutes

Question for page 46

13. Choose the correct assessment of the nursing process during the third stage below
a. Asses maternal blood pressure,pulse, and respirations every 5-15 minutes
b. The amount of bloody show increases
c. The woman birth plan
d. Birth of placenta occures 5-30 minutes afrer birth of the baby
14. Normal initial evaluation of newborns the right one below, except
a. Rate 40-50 regular
b. Skin temperature 36,5 °C
c. No retractions and no grunting
d. Body pink with bluish extremities
15. Select the unchecked aspect value in the APGAR score
a. Appearance
b. Pulse
c. Color
d. Actyvity

Question for page 39

16. thats is not include the process of maternity
nursing is
Question for page 41

17. Nursing process during the first stage is

a.Mental assesment
b.hemopoietic system
c.respiratory system
d.physical assesment
18. Which of the following images shows the breech presentation?



19. which of the following pictures shows a decrease in oxygen levels in the fetal blood so that it
triggers chemoreceptors in the fetus which causes narrowing of the vascular reflexes?




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