Naval Command v3.0

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Copyright © 2018 Rory Crabb

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, record or otherwise whatsoever, without the prior permission of the author.

Permission is granted to print the PDF edition for personal use only.

Unless otherwise attributed all photographic works are public domain.

United States Department of Defence Imagery ( "The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual
information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement."

Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
The Battlespace ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Sequence of Play..................................................................................................................................................... 8
The Initiative Phase ................................................................................................................................................ 9
The Navigation Phase ............................................................................................................................................. 9
The Detection Phase ............................................................................................................................................. 11
The Attack Phase .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Air Defence ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Surface to Surface Missiles (SSM) ......................................................................................................................... 16
Torpedoes ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Anti-Submarine Weapons (ASW) .......................................................................................................................... 17
Gunnery ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Strike and Intercept Aircraft ................................................................................................................................. 18
Damage ................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Additional Rules .................................................................................................................................................... 23
Scenarios............................................................................................................................................................... 30
Scenario: Air Defence Duty ................................................................................................................................... 30
Scenario: Merchant Protection ............................................................................................................................ 32
Scenario: Exclusion Zone ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Data Tables ........................................................................................................................................................... 35
United Kingdom – Royal Navy – Cold War Ship Data List 1 .................................................................................. 41
United Kingdom – Royal Navy – Cold War Ship Data List 2 .................................................................................. 46
United Kingdom – Royal Navy – Modern Ship Data List ....................................................................................... 50
United States Navy – Cold War Ship Data List 1 ................................................................................................... 55
United States Navy – Cold War Ship Data List 2 ................................................................................................... 61
United States Navy – Modern Ship Data List ........................................................................................................ 67
Soviet Union – Cold War Ship Data List 1 ............................................................................................................. 72
Soviet Union – Cold War Ship Data List 2 ............................................................................................................. 77
Russian Federation – Modern Ship Data list ......................................................................................................... 86
Argentine Navy –Falklands (1982) Ship Data List ................................................................................................. 90

I would like to extend my thanks to the following for their assistance and advice while creating these rules: David
Manley, Dave Sharp, Simon Stokes, Ivan Angel, David Whitehouse, Jake Collins, Andy Rucker, Paul Davies, Mark
Densham, Dan Owen, and Nik Harwood, Members of the Minehead Wargames Club and the Naval Wargames
Society and members of “The Miniatures Page”, “The Wargames Website” and “Man Battlestations” online

Welcome to Naval Command

Welcome to the world of modern and cold war naval warfare recreated in miniature on the table top using scale
model ships and aircraft. Naval Command is a set of wargame rules for recreating naval battles with fleets of
warships and aircraft in the age of the guided missile and jet aeroplane. Covering the period from the late 1950s
to the modern day or near future.

The game can be played with battlegroups ranging in size from one or two ships per side to full sized battlegroups
of ten or more ships. The rules can be used for different sizes of ships ranging from small fast attack craft up to
super-carriers engaged in open sea battles or littoral (coastal) and amphibious missions.

Design Notes

This updated new edition of naval command is the result of many hours of play and numerous comments and
suggestion of players from around the world. This is still essentially the same game as the previous version
however a few areas of the rules have been “trimmed-down” and streamlined to help the game flow better.

The aim when originally designing these rules was to create a game that captures the feel of and provides a fairly
accurate re-creation of modern naval engagements but is still relatively quick to play with reasonably sized fleets
and does not require excessive book-keeping and paperwork (a common problem with naval wargame rules).

The most important factor to keep on mind when using these rules is that it is still only a game. It is not a highly
accurate military simulation, it is intended as an enjoyable way to spend a few hours with friends playing a fun
game with collections of miniatures.


Most naval wargames need to make concessions when presenting distance and time scales as modern naval
engagements are often carried out distances of hundreds of miles and with large variations in speed between
ships, aircraft and missiles which can be difficult to represent effectively on an average sized gaming table.

In these rules the ground scale used is one centimetre approximately equals one nautical mile (Nm). A nautical
mile is equal to 1852 metres of distance and is slightly longer than a statute land mile.

Each movement phase represents approximately 15 minutes of real time. While the attack phase represents a
shorter period of approximately two or three minutes of real time.

Helicopter speeds in the game have been reduced as they are assumed to be flying cautiously at a slower speed
carrying out search manoeuvres. Patrol and AEW
Aircraft speeds have also been reduced from their
maximum as it is assumed they are flying at a
slower “search” speed.

All measurements in the game are in centimetres

and are measured from the centre points of the
model ships, aircraft or submarines. Pre-measuring
of distance and ranges is allowed at any time in
these rules. This represents the accurate ship-
board navigation systems and the range-finding
ability of radar and sonar systems fitted to modern
ships and combat aircraft.
US Dept. Defence 2011


The following items are required to play a game using these rules.

Playing Area

A playing area such as a table covered with a blue cloth used to represent the sea. 6’ x 4’ is a good size but larger
or smaller can be used if players wish. The playing area can be open sea or islands or coastline may be added.
Land can be created by either using pieces of green cloth or specially modelled terrain.


Miniatures to represent the ships are required. Any scale can be used but larger models may require some
changes in ranges and scales to fit on a normal sized table. The rules were developed and tested using 1/3000
scale miniatures. Miniatures or counters are also required to represent aircraft. Aircraft of a larger scale than
the ship miniatures (Such as 1/1200 or 1/600) may be used to aid recognition and provide a good visual effect.


A tape measure or other measuring instrument marked in centimetres is required. A short ruler or measuring
stick is useful for moving ship models while the tape measure is good for measuring ranges.


A number of ten-sided dice referred to in the rules as d10. Ideally as many dice as the greatest number of missiles
any one ship taking part in the game can fire in one salvo (usually around 8).


The following counters are also required to play this game:

• Active RADAR
• Active SONAR
• Detected [Active RADAR]
• Detected [Passive RADAR]
• Detected [Active SONAR]
• Detected [Passive SONAR]
• Defence
• Light Damage
• Heavy Damage
• Shallow Depth
• Deep Depth

US Dept. Defence 2008

Ship and Submarine Characteristics

Each vessel has four primary characteristics, these are unique to each vessel type and class.

Electronic Warfare (EW)

This characteristic describes a vessel’s Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) against above water threats (such as
anti-ship Missiles). It also represents the ships’ ability to jam and deflect the RADAR of other ships and of
incoming guided missiles. In game terms this determines how easy it is to detect the ship by radar or sonar and
how easy it is to lock onto and hit the ship with guided weapons.

Acoustic Signature (AS)

This characteristic describes the level of underwater noise and vibration created by a vessel’s hull moving
through the water cavitation from its propulsion and noise from any onboard machinery. It also describes the
SONAR reflecting characteristics of the vessel as well as the effects of any Acoustic Countermeasures used to
prevent detection or protect against weapons such as guided torpedoes.

Search RADAR

This characteristic represents the abilities of a vessel’s surface search RADARS and electronic search and
detection systems, used to detect threats such as hostile vessels.

Air Defence RADAR

This characteristic is mainly concerned with the vessels RADARS used to detect airborne threats such as hostile
aircraft and missiles.

Fire Control RADAR

Ships are also fitted with an array of RADARs designed to work with weapons such as missiles and RADAR gun
directors that provide ranges and bearings to targets for gunnery.


This represents the abilities of the vessels SONAR and underwater search and detection systems. A ships
SONAR characteristic is mainly concerned with the vessels’ active and passive SONAR systems used to detect
enemy vessels or submarines

US Dept. Defence 1995

Aircraft Characteristics

Aircraft are described by the following characteristics.


This generally only applies to helicopters and AEW aircraft and is the same as the RADAR characteristic for ships.


This generally only applies to helicopters and AEW aircraft and is the same as the SONAR characteristic for ships.

Combat Radius

This works in the same way as “range” for shipboard weapons and missiles. This describes the maximum range
from its base that an aircraft can carry out a strike or intercept mission.


This describes how difficult the aircraft is to hit with anti-aircraft weapons. It combines the effects of electronic
countermeasures with the aircrafts manoeuvrability and pilot’s skill.


The aircrafts air-to-air fighting capability. This describes both the aircrafts defensive weapons such as guns and
air to air missiles (AAMs) and its speed and manoeuvrability in combat.

US Dept. Defence 1966

Defensive Weapons and Systems

Defensive weapons are designed to shoot down incoming missiles and aircraft. In the game they are used to
provide air or missile defence saves. When used defensive weapons are assumed to have automatically detected
their target (either by RADAR or visually) and their operators will fire at the opportune moment.


This is the range over which the weapon can intercept targets. There are three range bands for defensive
weapons; Close, Intermediate and Long. These also determine the radius over which a vessel can provide its own
air defence to other vessels in its battlegroup.

Defence Rating

This represents the effectiveness of the defensive system and is added to dice rolls when making air defence or
missile defence saves. This is a combination of the weapons director and targeting systems combined with its
power and ability to inflict damage to its target. Some systems will have a different defence rating for each range

Primary or Offensive Weapons

These are the weapons carried by a vessel designed to be used against other vessels, land based targets or


This is the maximum distance in centimetres at which the weapon system can engage targets. Note that this is
often outside of visual range. In these situations, the target must have already been detected.


This describes the quality of weapons on-board guidance systems and how accurately it can hit its target and is
expressed as either a positive or negative modifier. Weapons without this characteristic are un-guided so use
the gunnery rules when rolling to hit.


This describes how difficult the weapon (missile) is to hit with anti-aircraft or anti-missile weapons. It combines
the effects of electronic countermeasures with the missiles speed and type of flight (such as high level or sea-


This describes how much damage the weapon can cause including its ability to penetrate armour and its
explosive power. This characteristic is added to dice rolls when determining if damage has been caused.

Rate of Fire

“Rate of fire” is the number of missiles or shots that a weapon system can simultaneously fire each turn. This
depends on the launch system of the ship. For example, an Oliver Hazard Perry class Frigate only has a single
arm missile launcher so only has a rate of fire of 1. While a Kirov class cruiser has a vertical launch system so can
fire all of its missiles at once

US Dept. Defence 2003

The Battlespace
This is the area represented by the gaming table. The battlespace can be open sea or may include islands or a
coastline. The description plus type of terrain and depths represented on the table must be agreed by both
players before the game begins.

Islands and Coastline

Terrain blocks lines of sight for detection between surface ships and submarines. Aircraft are not affected. Note
that all lines of sight are determined by tracing a line between the centre points of each model.

Most guided missiles and guns may be fired across terrain as long as their target has been detected. Any terrain
s that blocks missiles and guns such as mountains and high ground must be specified before the game begins.


Different areas of the table may be designated as having different depths of water at the start of the game.
These can be represented on the table top however players wish some examples include using different shades
of blue cloth or specially modelled patches of breaking water. In the game there are three classes of water depth,
each has different effects on the game.

Shoal This is water approximately less than 10m deep. Only small vessels such as patrol craft, corvettes
and landing craft may enter this area. Before the game starts players must agree which vessels
may and may not enter these areas.

Shallow All ships can enter this water however submarines may only move at “shallow” depth. Any ships
that are destroyed and sunk in these areas remain on the table as a visible wreck.

Deep This does not restrict the movement of any type of vessel. Any ships that are destroyed and sunk
in these areas are removed from the table.

Sequence of Play
The game of Naval Command is divided into turns in which both players move and carry out actions with their
fleets. Each combat turn is divided into five phases as follows:

1. Initiative
2. Navigation
3. Detection
4. Attack
5. Damage Control

US Dept. Defence 1983

The Initiative Phase

Initiative represents each fleets level of situational awareness over the entire battlespace and the speed to which
the fleet’s commanders react to this information. The player who succeeds in gaining the initiative during a turn
may choose to act first or can decide to wait for their opponent to act. The sequence of play during the initiative
phase is as follows:

1. Roll for Initiative

2. Declare ship detection status

Roll for Initiative

Each player rolls 1d10 plus an extra d10 for each AEW helicopter or aircraft currently airborne. Each player then
chooses the highest scoring d10 and compares it to that of the opponent. The player with the highest score can
decide to take the initiative or pass it to the opposing player. If both players have the highest score, compare
the second highest dice.

Declaring Detection Status

During this phase players must also declare which ships have active RADAR detection switched on and mark this
by placing an active RADAR counter beside the miniature. This is carried out one vessel at a time alternating
between the initiative and non-initiative player. All other ships are assumed to be using passive detection.

Players must also declare which submarines and ships are using active SONAR detection, mark this by placing an
active SONAR counter beside the miniature. All others are assumed to be using passive Sonar.

As, Patrol and AEW (Airborne Early Warning) aircraft do not follow the same detection rules as for ships and
submarines these do not need to declare their status. They are assumed to use active or passive systems as

The Navigation Phase

Sequence of Play

Starting with the player who won the initiative each player moves one element (ship, helicopter, patrol aircraft
or submarine) at a time, alternating between the initiative and non-initiative players.

Ship Movement

The following table lists the distances that different classes of vessel can move each turn. Note that ships can
move any distance up to this maximum figure.

Vessel Type Speed

Fast Attack Craft/ Hovercraft 10
Patrol Boat/ Missile Boat/ Corvette 9
Carrier/ Battleship/ Cruiser/ Destroyer/ Frigate 8
Merchant Vessel/ Auxiliary 7
Landing Craft/ Barge 6

Due to the scale at which this game is played coupled with the manoeuvrability of modern ships, vessels can
carry out as many turns as they wish and there is no restriction on speeding up and slowing down.

Note that actual ship movement speeds are affected by the prevailing weather conditions. Rules for different
weather and sea conditions are provided later in this book.

Helicopter and Patrol Aircraft Movement

Helicopters and AEW aircraft are also launched and moved during the movement phase. Any carrier or ship with
a flight deck can launch and recover helicopters and patrol aircraft.

The combined number of launches and recoveries a ship can carry out depends on the type of flight deck (See
the carrier operations section)

Helicopters and patrol aircraft are moved at the same time as their base ship. Shore based helicopters and patrol
aircraft are moved after everything else has moved. During the turn in which a helicopter or patrol aircraft is
launched it may move up to its full movement distance from its base ship. The following table lists the distances
that different types of helicopters and patrol aircraft can move each turn.

Aircraft Type Speed

Transport Helicopter 30
Strike/ ASW/AEW Helicopter 35
Fixed-Wing AEW/ MPA 40
High Level AEW/MPA 50

Helicopters and patrol aircraft do not need to move their full distance. They may also remain stationary and are
assumed to be hovering or circling over one area. ASW helicopters and aircraft must remain stationary if they
wish to carry out Sonar detection. This represents them lowering dipping sonar or deploying sonar buoys.

Submarine Movement

Modern submarines are primarily designed to operate underwater and do not have good seakeeping abilities
while surfaced. To reflect this, submarines, move at two different speeds, 8cm while submerged and 6cm while

Like surface ships submarines can carry out as many turns and changes in speed as they wish.

As part of their move submarines can also increase or decrease their depth. There are three depth levels a
submarine can move between. These have different effects on detection and which weapons the submarine can
A submarines’ depth level kept track of using counters placed beside the miniature.


Submarines on the surface fully exposed to surface detection and attack. For the purposes of the rules they are
treated as a surface ships and have a maximum speed of 6cm.


Submarines at this depth are operating just below the surface at periscope depth. While at this depth they may
not be detected by surface ships with radar, but may attack surface ships with missiles and torpedoes and attack
submarines at deeper depths. At this depth submarines can also carry out visual detection using their


While at deep depths submarines are operating below the thermocline (a layer in the water where the
temperature changes that affects sonar transmission). Submarines at this depth may only be detected by Sonar.
May not attack surface ships, may only attack other submarines.

The Detection Phase
Sequence of Play

Detecting the enemy is an important element of modern naval warfare. One of the main tactics of modern naval
warfare is to detect the enemy while avoiding detection yourself.

Ships can only be fired at or have air strikes launched against them once they have been detected. This means
the firing ship has determined the type of enemy ship and has accurately plotted its range and position.

Starting with the initiative player each player can make one attempt to detect a target vessel (using either
passive or active detection systems) with each ship, submarine, helicopter and patrol aircraft, alternating
between the initiative and non-initiative players.

Detecting Aircraft

Attempts to detect incoming aircraft do not use the rules from this section. Aircraft detection is incorporated
into air defence rolls (See the Attack Phase section).

Visual Detection

Ships can only see as far as the horizon while in open sea. The distance to the horizon is determined by the
curvature of the earth. Due to their higher altitude aircraft can see further than vessels on the surface. Ships and
aircraft automatically detect and identify any target within visual range (12cm for surface vessels and 30cm for
airborne aircraft). There is no need to make any dice rolls to successfully carry out visual detection.

Active RADAR Detection

Active radar detects and tracks targets by transmitting radar signals and receiving the reflection. The advantage
of active radar is that it allows the range, angle and velocity of the target to be accurately determined and
monitored to provide a good firing solution for a vessel’s weapon systems. The disadvantage of active detection
is that it risks giving the she ships own position away as its radar transmissions can be picked up on enemy ships
passive sensors. Active RADAR also allows vessels to add their RADAR characteristics when attempting to detect
other vessels, carry out air defence and fire its weapons.

Any ship, helicopter or patrol aircraft with active detection switched on (as specified in initiative phase) may
attempt to detect any surface vessel within detection range.

Passive RADAR Detection (ESM)

Passive radar (Sometimes referred to as Electronic Search Measures or ESM) detects and tracks targets by
processing information on the targets own radar emissions. When using passive detection ships are not emitting
any radar signals so are therefore harder to detect themselves.

Passive detection can be used over a larger range than active detection however it does not provide the same
level of accuracy as active detection making it less accurate for firing a ship’s weapon systems.

The chances of successful Passive detection are greatly increased when targets using active Radar detection
systems. If a ship successfully detects another ship using passive detection it may decide to immediately switch
on its active radar to actively detect the target (assuming the target is within active detection range) allowing it
to more accurately targeted by its weapons.

In this situation there is no need to roll again for detection. Place a “detected (Active)” counter next to the target.
This is the only situation outside of the initiative phase that a ship may switch on its active radar.

If a ship with active detection switched on wishes to actively detect any ship within range that has already been
detected with passive detection and is within active detection range it does not need to roll, the target will
automatically be detected and the detected (passive)” counter is replaced with a detected (Active)” counter.

Detection Attempts

Each turn a vessel or aircraft can make one attempt to detect a target.

Detection Procedure
1 Measure the Range from the detecting vessel to its target

2 Roll 1d10

3 Add the detecting vessels “Search RADAR” characteristic

4 Add or subtract the detection modifier.

The detection modifier is determined using the tables below. Cross reference the type of
detection with the target’s type and range. For Passive detection use the section of the table
corresponding to whether the target has active detection switched on or not.

5 Compare the result to Target’s “EW” characteristic

If total is less than EW: Detection failed

If total is equal to EW:
Active: Partially Successful Detection (only passive detention is achieved)
Passive: Successful Detection
If total is greater than EW: Successful Detection

6 If a successfully place a “Detected (RADAR)” counter beside the ship model. The target remains
detected for the rest of the game.

RADAR Detection
Type of Passive (ESM) Passive (ESM)
Detection (Target Using Active RADAR) (Target Using Passive RADAR)

20 30 40 60 80 100 20 30 40 60 80 100 20 30 40 60 80 100
Shipboard +3 +2 +1 +0 +3 +1 +0 +4 +3
Airborne +4 +3 +2 +1 +0 +3 +2 +2 +0 +4 +3 +2 +1
AEW +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 +0 +4 +3 +2 +1 +0 -1 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1

Detection Example 1

A Lynx helicopter from the type 23 Frigate HMS Iron Duke is flying ahead of player A’s battlegroup. Player A
decides to try and detect a nearby Russian Cruiser with the helicopter’s active RADAR. The range to the cruiser is
30cm. This is looked up on the detection table and is within range and provides a +1 detection modifier.

Player A rolls a 7 on 1d10 adds the helicopter “RADAR” characteristic of +1 and adds the +3 detection modifier,
giving a result of 11. The cruiser has an EW rating of 11. The total detection score is equal to this; therefore, a
partial detection is attained. As the attempt was for active detection, only a passive detection is made. A
“Detected: Passive RADAR” counter is placed beside the cruiser.

Detection Example 2

Player B is in command of a Soviet Kashin class Destroyer, patrolling the Baltic sea. Player B decides to attempt
an ESM passive detection on an American frigate in the area. The frigate is at a range of 42cm and has its active
detection switched off, giving a detection modifier of +0, as shown on the detection table.

Player B rolls a 5 on 1d10 adds the ships “Search RADAR” characteristic of +3 and adds the +0 detection modifier,
giving a result of 8. This result is less that the frigates EW rating of 10, meaning that the detection attempt is
Detection Example 3

An E2 Hawkeye AEW aircraft from Player A’s battlegroup is patrolling at high altitude above the battle area.
Player A decides to make a passive detection attempt on a Soviet Frigate that is using its active detection systems
to detect Player A’s Cruiser the USS Ticonderoga. The range to the Soviet Frigate is 22cm, giving a detection
modifier of +1, as shown on the detection table.

Player A rolls a 9 on 1d10 adds the aircrafts “RADAR” characteristic of +3 and adds the +1 detection modifier,
giving a result of 13. The Frigate has an EW rating of 12. The total detection score is greater to this; therefore,
the detection attempt is successful. A “Detected: Passive RADAR” counter is placed beside the cruiser.

The Ticonderoga now decides to switch on its active systems to provide itself with an accurate firing solution for
its missiles. As the enemy frigate has already been detected no dice need to be rolled. The passive detection is
automatically changed to an active detection.

Submarine and Sonar Detection

Surfaced submarines are detected in the same way as ships either visually or by using active or passive detection.
Surfaced submarines can also use their own radar in the same way as other surface vessels. Submarines below
the surface at both “shallow” and “deep” depths can only be detected using Sonar. Submarines can also use
Sonar to detect surface ships.

Passive SONAR

Passive SONAR systems listen for the noises produced by vessels moving through the water. This noise can be
caused by the vessels engines and machinery, its propeller and even its crew.

Active SONAR

Active sonar works by emitting a sound (often called a “ping”) and measuring how long it takes to be bounced
back from a target, allowing a range and bearing to be calculated. This gives an accurate position of a target
however immediately gives a vessels position away.

Detection Procedure
1 Measure the Range from the detecting vessel to its target

2 Confirm target’s depth level


3 Roll 1d10

4 Add the detecting vessels “SONAR” characteristic

5 Add or subtract the detection modifier. The detection modifier is determined using
the tables below. Cross reference the type of detection with the target’s depth level
and range. For Passive detection use the section of the table corresponding to
whether the target has active SONAR switched on or not.

6 Compare the result to Target’s “AS” characteristic

If total is less than AS: Detection failed

If total is equal to AS:
Active: Partially Successful Detection (only passive detention is achieved)
Passive: Successful Detection
If total is greater than AS: Successful Detection

7 If a successfully place a “Detected (SONAR)” counter beside the ship model. The
target remains detected for the rest of the game.

If a ship or submarine with active sonar detection switched on wishes to actively detect any ship or submarine
within range that has already been detected with passive sonar and is within active sonar range it does not need
to roll, the target will automatically be detected and the detected (passive SONAR)” counter is replaced with a
detected (Active SONAR)” counter.

Active SONAR Detection

Detecting Surface Target Range Shallow Target Range Deep Target Range
Vessel 20 30 40 60 80 100 20 30 40 60 80 100 20 30 40 60 80 100

Surface +4 +3 +3 +2
Shallow +3 +4 +3 +3 +2
Deep +2 +3 +2 +5 +4 +3

Passive SONAR Detection (Target Using Active SONAR)

Detecting Surface Target Range Shallow Target Range Deep Target Range
Vessel 20 30 40 60 80 100 20 30 40 60 80 100 20 30 40 60 80 100

Surface +4 +3 +2 +1 +0 +3 +2 +1 +0 +2 +1 +0 -1
Shallow +3 +2 +1 +0 +2 +1 +0 -1 -2 -3 +1 +0 -1 -2 -3
Deep +1 +0 -1 -2 -3 -4 +0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -4 -4

Passive SONAR Detection (Target Using Passive SONAR)

Detecting Surface Target Range Shallow Target Range Deep Target Range
Vessel 20 30 40 60 80 100 20 30 40 60 80 100 20 30 40 60 80 100

Surface +2 +1 +0 -1 -2 +1 +0 -1 -2 +0 -1 -2
Shallow +1 +0 -1 -2 -3 +0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -4
Deep +0 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 -4 -4 -2 -3 -4 -4 -4 -4

SONAR Detection Example 1

British Submarine HMS Trafalgar is on patrol in the North Atlantic at deep depth. The player in charge of the sub
decides to try and detect a nearby Soviet Alfa class SSN using passive SONAR. The Soviet SSN is at a range of
30cm and at a shallow depth and is only using its passive SONAR. This results in a detection modifier of -1 from
the detection table.

The player rolls a 9 on 1d10 adds the SSNs “SONAR” characteristic of +3 and applies the -1 detection modifier,
giving a result of 11.

The Alfa has an AS rating of 11. The total detection score is equal to this; therefore, the detection attempt is
successful. A “Detected: Passive SONAR” counter is placed beside the Alfa class SSN.

SONAR Detection Example 2

A Russian KA-28 ASW helicopter is operating a dipping sonar and tries to detect an American Los Angeles Class
SSN using Active SONAR. The US SSN is at shallow depth at a range of 20cm. This results in a detection modifier
of +2 from the detection table (airborne sonar is classed as being at surface depth).

The player rolls a 4 on 1d10 adds the Helicopters “SONAR” characteristic of +3 and adds the +2 detection modifier,
giving a result of 9.

This result is less than the SSNs AS rating of 11 so the attempt to detect fails.

The Attack Phase
Sequence of Play

During the attack phase players can fire their ships weapons, launch strike aircraft and carry out antisubmarine
attacks. Starting with the initiative player each player activates one ship or aircraft at a time alternating between
the initiative and non-initiative players. When a ship is activated it can fire as many of its weapons at as many
viable targets as it wishes and launch as many airstrikes as it is able.

Viable Targets

For a ship or submarine to be targeted with a missile, air or gun attack it must be a viable target.

✓ The target must have been detected with active, passive or visual means. Note that it may be detected
by another ship or aircraft (it is assumed target data is passed between ships in the players fleet either
by datalink or radio communications).

✓ The target must be within range of the weapon firing.

✓ If firing missiles or torpedoes the firing ship must have a clear line of sight to the target that does not
travel within 2cm of another ship (including friendly and merchant ships).

✓ If rules of engagement are being used the target must be identified as being “hostile”.

Air Defence
When a surface vessel is attacked by aircraft or guided missiles it gets the opportunity to make an air defence
save, this represents the ships Air Defence RADAR detecting and acquiring the target and then its air defence
weapons such as AA Guns, surface to air missiles (SAMS) and close in weapon systems (CIWS) engaging the
Weapon Range Band Range
Close (C) 0-12
Intermediate (I) 12-30
Long (L) 30-100

Roll 1d10 for each aircraft or incoming missile and add the Defence Rating for each defensive weapon in range.
When the target vessel is rolling to defend use the close (c) range band. For vessels providing air defence use
the range band that corresponds to the distance to the target vessel or the missile or aircraft’s line of attack.

If the target vessel has active RADAR switched on its “Air Defence RADAR” characteristic is also added to the

Attacker Type
Result Missile Aircraft
Less than Defence Characteristic Miss -Missile hits target Miss - Aircraft continues its attack
Equal Defence Characteristic Hit - Missile is destroyed Hit - Aircraft immediately returns to base.
Greater than Defence Characteristic Hit - Missile is destroyed Hit - Aircraft is destroyed

Multiple Saves

Each time a ship makes a set of air defence saves (regardless of the result) against an air or missile attack for
itself or while defending another target assign a defence marker to the ship. Each defence marker subtracts 1
from any missile or air defence roll. This represents the diminishing effects of air and missile defence due to
firing missiles and systems tracking too many targets.

At the end of each turn remove any defence markers as ships crews will re-load any weapon systems ready for
further attacks.

Surface to Surface Missiles (SSM)
Launching Missiles

Once a viable target has been decided the player in control of the firing ship must declare how many missiles
they are firing. The maximum number that can be fired is shown next to the weapon listing in the ship entries in
brackets. For example, a listing showing 8 x Harpoon [8] can fire 8 missiles per turn. Note that SSMs have a
minimum range in the game of 5 cm

Resolving Missile Attacks

To hit a target the missiles must first successfully lock onto the target with their guidance systems. Roll 1d10 for
each missile being fired and add or subtract the firing weapons “Accuracy” characteristic.

If the firing vessel has Active RADAR switched on it also adds its “Fire Control RADAR” characteristic to the total.

To successfully lock onto a vessel the roll must equal or beat the target ships “EW” (Electronic Warfare)
Characteristic. Any missiles that fail are assumed to have ditched in the sea, failed to gain a lock on their target
or malfunctioned and been lost in-flight.

Any vessels (including the target) with air defence weapons in range of the target vessel, the firing vessel or
aircraft or in range of the missile’s line of attack (the imaginary line drawn between the aircraft and its base),
may now attempt to fire at the missiles (See the air defence section).

Un-guided Torpedo Attacks

To try to hit a target with unguided torpedoes roll 1d10, add the firing vessels “SONAR” characteristic then add
or subtract the following modifiers.

Situation Modifier
Target has moved more than 8 cm -1
Stationary target +1
Target has been Visually Detected (By Periscope) +1

The score required to hit different targets is shown below.

Attacks with Un-Guided Torpedoes

Vessel Type Score to Hit Vessel Type Score to Hit
Super-Carrier 2+ Destroyer 4+
Carrier 3+ Frigate/ Corvette 4+
Assault Ship 3+ Patrol Boat/ Missile Boat/ Sub (surface) 5+
Battlecruiser/ Battleship 3+ Landing Craft/ 6+
Cruiser 4+ RIB/ Yacht/ Skiff 6+

Guided Torpedo Attacks

To try to hit a target the torpedo must first successfully lock onto the target with their guidance systems. Roll
1d10, add or subtract the firing weapons “Accuracy” characteristic.

If the firing vessel has Active SONAR switched on it also adds its “SONAR” characteristic to the total.

To successfully lock onto a vessel the roll must equal or beat the target ships “AS” (Acoustic Signature)
Characteristic. Any torpedoes that fail are assumed to have failed to gain a lock on their target, malfunctioned
or have failed to arm.

Anti-Submarine Weapons (ASW)
Anti-Submarine Missiles (ASM)

This type of ASW weapon usually consists of a missile that when above a detected submarine drops a separate
homing torpedo. Examples include the US ASROC and the Soviet Silex missile.

To try to hit a target with an ASM roll 1d10 and add or subtract the firing weapons “Accuracy” characteristic.
The following modifiers are also applied.

If the firing vessel has active SONAR switched on it also adds its “SONAR” characteristic to the total.

To successfully hit the target submarine the roll must equal or beat the target submarine’s “AS” Characteristic.

As ASMs travel through the air prior to dropping their torpedo, they can be intercepted by any vessels within
range using the same air defence procedure as for SSMs. Generally, only one ASM is fired per attack. This allows
the torpedo that it deploys to effectively use its Sonar guidance systems to lock on to the target.

Depth Charges

These are explosives that are set to explode at a certain depth. Depth charges were first developed during the
first world war and are generally outdated in the modern era and have been replaced by ASW missiles and

Generally, the firing ship must me directly above or very close to the target submarine.

To try to hit a target with depth charges roll 1d10 then add or subtract the firing weapons “Accuracy”
characteristic (this is usually a negative for depth charges as they are un-guided and inaccurate). To successfully
hit the target submarine the roll must equal or beat a score of 8+.

Anti-Submarine Mortars and Rockets

This type of weapon uses a mortar or rocket launcher to deliver depth charges at a greater range than traditional
depth charge launchers. Examples include the Soviet RBU-6000 and the Hedgehog Anti-Submarine Mortar.

Firing these weapons follows the same procedure as for depth charges, however the range is usually longer. This
type of weapon is usually fired as salvos of multiple rockets or bombs however for the purposes of the game this
is counted as a single shot

Large Calibre Weapons

Large calibre weapons (anything above 76mm or 3”) are listed with a ships main weapons. Gunnery generally
fires over visual range (12 cm) however some longer-range guns such as those found on Battleships can fire
beyond visual range. To try to hit a target roll 1d10.

If the firing vessel has Active RADAR switched on, add the firing vessels “Fire Control RADAR” characteristic.

The score required to successfully hit different types of vessel are shown in the table below. Larger ships such
as carriers are generally easier to hit with gunnery than small fast-moving vessels such as corvettes.

Hitting with Gunnery
Vessel Type Score to Hit Vessel Type Score to Hit
Super-Carrier 2+ Destroyer 4+
Carrier 3+ Frigate/ Corvette 4+
Assault Ship 3+ Patrol Boat/ Missile Boat/ Sub (surface) 5+
Battlecruiser/ Battleship 3+ Landing Craft/ 6+
Cruiser 4+ RIB/ Yacht/ Skiff 6+

Secondary Weapons

As well as primary anti-ship and submarine weapons ships also carry an arsenal of lighter, short ranged weapons
used for defence against small craft. This includes machine guns, small calibre guns and other small arms.

As ships carry a wide array of light weapons these are grouped into a single weapon in the ships weapon list with
its own rate of fire. This describes the combined effect of the ships light weaponry.

When rolling for damage for any successful hits from secondary weapons, only a light damage result can be
achieved. Even if the roll would normally result in heavy damage (see damage section.)

Strike and Intercept Aircraft

Aircraft Bases

During a game strike and intercept aircraft must be launched from and return to an appropriate base. This can
be one of the following:

• An aircraft carrier controlled by the player.

• An on-table air-base
• An off-table airbase or aircraft carrier.

An entry point on the edge of the table for all airstrikes must be specified before the game. This is used when
measuring an air strikes approach route for the purposes of air defence.

Launching Fixed Wing Aircraft

A Fixed wing strike aircraft may only be launched if they have a designated target that has already been detected
(unless they are launched in a CAP role) within their combat radius.

Land based aircraft enter the table from a pre-decided point on the table edge. This is assumed to be in the
direction of the nearest air base.

Holding Patterns

A Carrier or airbase may launch strike aircraft into a holding pattern in which they circle in the general area of
the carrier. This allows players to build up a group of aircraft before carrying out a strike. Aircraft in a holding
pattern must already have a designated target.

Aircraft in a holding pattern may change their mission to intercept if required (in the same way as a CAP).


When aircraft are launched they must be launched with a specific mission. There are two types of mission for
fixed-wing aircraft: strike and intercept.

Strike Missions

When a strike is launched, move the aircraft models directly into a position where their weapons are in range to
their target (this is often referred to as the weapons stand-off range).

Any vessels (including the target) with air defence weapons in range of the aircraft or in range of the aircrafts
line of attack (the imaginary line drawn between the aircraft and its base), may now attempt to fire at the

Any surviving aircraft now fire their weapons. The procedure for firing weapons depends on the type of weapon
being used.

Guns, Bombs and Rockets

Roll 1d10 for each weapon being fired. The score required to hit different targets is shown in the following table.

Hitting with Bombs and Rockets

Vessel Type Score to Hit Vessel Type Score to Hit
Super-Carrier 2+ Destroyer 4+
Carrier 3+ Frigate/ Corvette 4+
Assault Ship 3+ Patrol Boat/ Missile Boat/ Sub (surface) 5+
Battlecruiser/ Battleship 3+ Landing Craft/ 6+
Cruiser 4+ RIB/ Yacht/ Skiff 6+

Guided Missiles (ASM)

When an aircraft fires a guided missile the same rules are used as for ships firing surface to surface missiles
SSMs. Note that when the missiles are fired the target vessel will get the opportunity to carry out air defence
against the incoming missies as normal.

Air Strike Example

A squadron of two Royal Navy Buccaneer jets armed with bombs are launched from their carrier Ark Royal to
attack an enemy cruiser. As bombs have a range of 0, the aircraft models are moved beside the target ship model.
Before any bombs re dropped the target ship rolls two air defence saves.

One is successful and the other fails. The successful save results in the aircraft being shot down. The other jet has
survived the defensive fire so carries out its attack. The player rolls 1d10 and adds the accuracy characteristic of
the bombs: +1. The total result is 7. The enemy score required to hit is 4+, therefore the bomb hits. The jet then
turns around and returns to the carrier and is removed from play for re-fuelling.

Combat Air Patrol (CAP)

A combat air patrol or CAP is a squadron of aircraft that remain airborne in the area of a battlegroup, vessel or
target area with the purpose of intercepting and attacking hostile aircraft before they can carry out an attack.
When a CAP is launched the aircraft, miniatures are based beside their ship.

The CAP can intercept any aircraft carrying out an attack on its own ship or any ship within its battlegroup.
Intercept aircraft move directly into contact with their target and engage in a dogfight. Move the interceptors
into contact with the target aircraft models.

Fixed wing fighter aircraft can also be launched immediately to intercept any other airborne aircraft in the area
such as Helicopters, AEW and patrol aircraft.

Fighter Escorts

Strike missions may be launched with a number of fighter escorts. These do not take part in the actual strike so
do not attack the target there are only there to protect the strike aircraft. If enemy aircraft attempt to intercept
the attack they must engage in dogfights with the fighter escorts first.

Air to Air Combat

Any time that an aircraft model is moved into contact with another it engages in air to air combat (a dogfight).
As soon as an aircraft is involved in a dogfight it carries out no further actions until the dogfight is resolved.

Any aircraft involved in a dogfight, whether it wins or not must immediately abort any attacks or patrols and
return to their base to re-fuel and re-arm.

Resolving Dogfights

Roll 1d10 for each aircraft involved in the dogfight and add their “dogfight” characteristic. If multiple aircraft are
involved on either side the highest score is picked out. The side with the highest score wins the dogfight. If both
sides have the same high score neither wins and all aircraft involved return to base.

The winning side rolls another d10 for each of their aircraft and adds their “dogfight” characteristic. If the result
is equal to or greater than the losing aircrafts Defence characteristic the aircraft is shot down and destroyed
otherwise it immediately returns to its base.

Engaging Multiple Targets

Aircraft with a positive “dogfight “characteristic (+1 or greater) may engage more than one target during a turn.
If an aircraft wins a dogfight and there are other enemy aircraft within 10cm it may immediately move into
contact with another and start a new dogfight.

An aircraft can do this a number of times equal to its “dogfight” characteristic before it must return to its base.

Air to Air Combat Example

A US Navy F14 Tomcat is intercepted by two Mig-29s. The aircraft models are moved into contact and engage in
a dogfight. Each player rolls 1d10 for each aircraft. The F14 rolls a 5 while the Mig-29s roll a 7 and an 8. This
means that the Migs win the dogfight.

Another d10 is rolled for each Mig-29 resulting in a 4 and a 6, the Migs “Accuracy” of +2 is added resulting in 7
and 10. The Defence characteristic of the F14 is 10 therefore the score of 6 results in the F14 being shot down.
Both Mig-29s must now return to their base.

Strike Helicopter Combat

Helicopters launched in strike roles or fixed wing patrol or ASW aircraft carry out their attack on a target in the
same way as a fixed wing aircraft however they move at their normal speed so may take more than one turn to
arrive at their target or a position where their weapons are in range.

Once a helicopter has carried out an attack it must start to return to its base or ship at its normal speed.

Firing at Helicopters and AEW Aircraft

If a helicopter, AEW, ASW or patrol aircraft moves within range of one of a vessels air defence weapons, the ship
may attempt to shoot it down during the attack phase, even if the aircraft is not attacking the ship.

Resolving Damage

For each successful hit roll 1d10 and add the firing weapons “damage” characteristic. The following table shows
the scores required to cause light or heavy damage to different types of vessel.

Vessel Type Light Heavy Vessel Type Light Heavy

Damage Damage Damage Damage
Super Carrier 9+ 11+ Destroyer/ Frigate 6+ 9+
Aircraft Carrier/ Assault Ship 8+ 11+ Corvette 5+ 7+
Battleship 9+ 12+ Patrol Boat/ Missile Boat 4+ 5+
Armoured Cruiser 8+ 11+ Landing Craft/ Hovercraft 3+ 4+
Battlecruiser 8+ 11+ Submarine 3+ 4+
Cruiser 7+ 10+ Merchant Vessel 4+ 5+

If the result fails to cause light or heavy damage only superficial damage Is caused that has no immediate effect
on the ships performance or ability to operate.

Light Damage

If light damage is caused, mark the vessel with a damage counter and then roll 1d10 to determine the effect of
the damage and consult the table on the next page. The effects of light damage are cumulative with two light
damage results equalling a single heavy damage result (therefore a ship will be destroyed after 4 light damage

Roll Damage Effect

Surface Vessel Carrier Submarine
1 Engines/Propulsion Damaged Engines/Propulsion Damaged Engines/Propulsion Damaged
Half Speed Half Speed Half Speed
AS score reduced AS score reduced AS score reduced
2 RADAR Damaged RADAR Damaged SONAR Damaged
All RADAR characteristics reduced to +0 All RADAR characteristics reduced to +0 SONAR rating reduced to +0
3 RADAR Damaged SONAR Damaged SONAR Damaged
All RADAR characteristics reduced to +0 SONAR rating reduced to +0. If no SONAR rating reduced to +0
SONAR is fitted, RADAR is damaged
4 SONAR Damaged ECM Damaged Acoustic Countermeasures Damaged
SONAR rating reduced to +0. If no EW rating reduced by 1d10 points AS rating reduced by 1d10 points
SONAR is fitted, RADAR is damaged
5 ECM Damaged Flight Deck Damaged Primary Weapon Knocked Out
EW rating reduced by 1d10 points Number of launches and recoveries A randomly determined weapon system
reduced by half (rounded down) is put out of action for the rest of the
6 Flight Deck Out of Action Flight Deck Damaged Primary Weapon Knocked Out
No launching or recovery of aircraft can Number of launches and recoveries A randomly determined weapon system
be carried out for the rest of the game. reduced by half (rounded down) is put out of action for the rest of the
7 Defensive Weapon Knocked Out Flight Deck Severely Damaged Heavy Damage
A randomly determined defensive Number of launches and recoveries See Heavy Damage section.
weapon system is put out of action for reduced to [1]
the rest of the game.
8 Primary Weapon Knocked Out Flight Deck Out of Action Heavy Damage
A randomly determined weapon system No launching or recovery of aircraft can See Heavy Damage section.
is put out of action for the rest of the be carried out for the rest of the game.
9 Primary Weapon Knocked Out Defensive Weapon Knocked Out Heavy Damage
A randomly determined weapon system A randomly determined defensive See Heavy Damage section.
is put out of action for the rest of the weapon system is put out of action for
game. the rest of the game.
10 Heavy Damage Heavy Damage Heavy Damage
See Heavy Damage section. See Heavy Damage section. See Heavy Damage section.

Heavy Damage

Heavy damage means that a vessel has received damage severe enough to prevent it from carrying out most
tasks. This is often referred to as a “mission kill”. The following lists the effects of heavy damage.

Heavy Damage Effects

Maximum movement speed is halved
May not carry out any detection attempts
May not fire any primary weapons
All defensive weapons other than AA guns out of action.
EW and AS characteristics reduced by 1d10 points
May not launch or recover aircraft
Submarines must immediately surface
May not carry out Damage Control

Damage Control

When a ship sustains light damage, its crew can attempt to carry out immediate repairs and carry out fire
fighting. Each turn a ship can attempt carry out damage control by 1d10 and trying to get a score of 7 or more.
The score required is modified by the following factors.

Features Modifier
Poor Materials (Wood, Aluminium etc) +1
Flammable cargo/ stores / carrier (aviation fuel) +1
Small Vessel (Patrol Boat/ Missile Boat etc) +1
Submarine +2
Modern Vessel (post 1990) -1

A successful damage control roll removes a single “light damage” result. Note that any effects of the light
damage such as knocked out weapon systems or damage to other systems remains.

Destroyed Vessels

If a ship receives two heavy damage results (or a single heavy damage and two light damage) it is destroyed. A
“destroyed” ship either sinks or becomes a floating hulk. All aircraft carried on board are also destroyed. A
destroyed submarine will immediately sink.

Any airborne aircraft may land on alternative ships but may not be re-fuelled and re-armed and take no further
part in the game. If no alternative ships are available airborne aircraft that have completed strikes must ditch in
the sea or attempt to reach land off-table so are removed from the game

US Dept. Defence 2002

Additional Rules
Aircraft Carriers

Often the most valuable vessels in a modern fleet, carriers provide a floating base for their air wing and are able
to launch, recover, re-fuel and re-arm aircraft at sea.

When an aircraft has been recovered it takes two turns for it to be re-armed and re-fuelled. On its third turn on-
board it may be re launched as part of an air strike. Aircraft carriers may also wish to launch a Combat Air Patrol
(CAP) see the aircraft section for the CAP rules.

Flight Decks

Flight decks allow ships to operate helicopters or STOVL aircraft. Each ship with a flight deck has a certain number
of aircraft it can launch each turn. This is shown on the ship’s data block as a number enclosed in brackets.

When a helicopter or aircraft has been recovered it takes two turns for it to be re-armed and re-fuelled. On its
third turn on-board it may be re launched.

Flight Deck Configuration Number of Launches/Landings per turn

Single helicopter landing pad 1
Multiple helicopter landing pads 2
Straight through deck (with or without ski-jump) 2
Angled deck with ski-jump 3
Angled deck (1 Catapult) 3
Angled deck (2 Catapults) 4
Angled deck (3 Catapult) 5

Hidden Deployment (Optional Rule)

These rules are optional and involve replacing un-detected ship or submarine miniatures with “Contact
Markers”. This means that players have no idea what type of vessel they are attempting to detect and gives a
more realistic level of situational awareness.

At the start of the game ship models are not placed on the table. Instead numbered contact markers are placed.
Each numbered marker corresponds to one ship or submarine in the fleet.

These markers are only replaced with the corresponding miniature when they are visually identified (within
12cm), detected after switching on their own active detection systems or fire their own weapon systems.
Helicopters and AEW aircraft miniatures are placed on the table as normal and do not use contact markers.


Some ships and submarines may also deploy a number of decoy contact markers representing their ECM
systems interfering with or disrupting enemy detection systems. The number of decoys available to each
vessel is based on a ships EW characteristic or a submarine’s AS characteristic.

EW/ AS No. Decoys

1-6 0
7-10 1
11+ 2

Decoys are removed when the ship creating them has been actively or passively detected. For detection
purposes decoys have the same EW or AS characteristic as the vessel creating them.

Weather and Sea Conditions

Weather and sea conditions are a vital consideration when carrying out operations at sea. Storms and poor
conditions can quickly ruin plans or put ships in danger.

These rules are optional, players may wish to play their game in fair calm condition, especially if they are only
just starting to learn the rules. Otherwise weather conditions are determined before the game begins.

Prevailing Conditions

Before the game begins the prevailing weather conditions must be determined. This describes the weather
conditions in the wider area of a battle and how likely they are to change during the game.
Roll 1d10 to determine the weather conditions.

Score Condition Effect

1-4 Settled Roll 1d10 and subtract 3 (any score below 1 counts as a 1) for wind and sea state at the start of the game.
Roll 1d10 and subtract 3 (any score below 1 counts as a 1) for visibility at the start of the game.
These conditions will remain for the duration of the game.
5-7 Un-Settled Roll 1d10 for wind and sea state at the start of the game.
Roll 1d10 for visibility at the start of the game.
At the start of each turn roll 1d10. On roll of 1, 2 or 3 the weather conditions change (roll 1d10 for sea conditions
and visibility). On a roll of 4 or more conditions remain the same
8-9 Approaching Roll 1d10 and subtract 2 (any score below 1 counts as a 1) for wind and sea state at the start of the game.
Storm Roll 1d10 and subtract 2 (any score below 1 counts as a 1) for visibility at the start of the game.
At the start of each turn roll 1d10. On roll of 1 the weather conditions change (roll 1d10 and add 3 for sea
conditions and visibility). Each turn the chance of change increases by 1 i.e. on the second turn the weather
changes on a roll of 1 or 2, on the third turn 1,2 or 3 and so on.
10+ Storm Roll 1d10 and add 3 (any score above 10 counts as a 10) for wind and sea state at the start of the game.
Roll 1d10 and add 3 (any score above 10 counts as a 10) for visibility at the start of the game.
These conditions will remain for the duration of the game.

Wind and Sea State

Roll 1d10 and apply any modifiers specific to the prevailing weather conditions to determine the wind and sea

Score Condition Effect

1 Dead Calm No effect
2-3 Calm No effect
4-7 Moderate No effect
8-9 Rough Surface Speed reduced by 2cm
Aircraft may not be launched and recovered
10 Storm Surface Speed reduced by 3cm
Visual detection range reduced to 6cm on the surface and 12cm from the air.
Aircraft may not be launched and recovered.
Amphibious operations may not be carried out
11+ Hurricane Surface Speed reduced by 4cm
Visual detection range reduced to 6cm on the surface and 12cm from the air.
Aircraft may not be launched and recovered.
Amphibious operations may not be carried out


Roll 1d10 and apply any modifiers specific to the prevailing weather conditions to determine the visibility

Score Visibility Effect

1-5 Clear No effect
6-7 Rain Visual detection range reduced to 6cm on the surface and 12cm from the air and -1 to all radar detection
8-9 Mist Visual detection range reduced to 6cm on the surface and 12cm from the air
10+ Fog Visual detection range reduced to 3cm on the surface and 6cm from the air

Night Operations

Before the game starts roll 1d10. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 the game will take place at night. Visual detection ranges
at night are reduced to 6cm for surface vessels and 12cm for aircraft. Radar and Sonar detection ranges are not

Amphibious and Littoral Operations

Landing Craft

Landing craft (including boats and hovercraft) are treated in the same way as helicopters for the purposes of the
rules. Each has their own movement speed. Once launched they can move towards the coast. On arrival at the
shore they can unload one land element per turn. On completion of unloading they must return to their ship.

Landing Ships

Landing ships can move up to the edge of land and beach themselves. They can then unload one land element
per turn. It takes a landing ship a further turn after it has completed unloading to re-float and leave the beach.

Airborne Operations

Airborne landing aircraft such as transport helicopters are launched in the same way as normal helicopters. They
must fly to a designated landing zone, spend 1 turn at the zone dropping off their passengers or supplies and
then return to their ship. All shipboard transport helicopters can carry one land element at a time.

Shore Installations

Ships operating in the littoral area must constantly be aware of and ready to counter threats coming from the
land. Many modern ships are also tasked with missions to launch attacks on shore based targets, often in support
of wider land operations.

Shore installations include shore basted gun batteries, missile sites, radar installations and even mobile SAM
launchers. For the purposes of these rules shore installations are treated in the same way as ships, each having
its own data block.

Note that shore installations more than 6 cm inland from the coast cannot be detected by surface ships or
submarines and can only be detected from the air.

Merchant Ships

Merchant ships are usually controlled by one of the players. Other than convoy scenarios where a player has full
control over civilian ships in most games there are restrictions on how a player can move merchant ships.

Shipping Routes

Once merchant ships have been positioned on the table the controlling player must indicate the direction of
travel of each ship by designating the ships exit point (one side of the table).

Throughout the game the merchant ship must move over the most direct route at full speed towards its
designated exit point. Once the ship reaches the edge of the table it is removed from play.

Merchant Ship Damage

If a merchant ship receives “heavy damage” its crew will immediately abandon ship to lifeboats. The ship model
is left on the table and is assumed to be drifting and takes no further part in the game.

Electronic Warfare

Some ships and aircraft are equipped with specialized electronic warfare (EW) equipment designed to disrupt
the enemies EW and ECM systems. This feature allows the element to disrupt the electronic systems of any ships
and aircraft within its operating range.

This feature is listed with two numbers in brackets such as EW [6/2]. The first number is the range of the
disruption. Any enemy within this range has their EW rating reduced by the second number. All weapon accuracy
characteristics are also reduced to +0 within this range.

Rules of Engagement

Modern ship commanders must be careful only to attack the enemy and prevent collateral damage to civilians
or neutral parties. Each game must have specific rules of engagement. This details which ships may be attacked
during the battle. The three types of engagement rules are as follows.


Ships may engage and attack any detected target (including merchant ships) even if it has not been visually

Positive Identification

Ships may only engage and attack targets that have been positively identified visually. Note that submarines do
not need to be visually identified.

Higher Authority

Ships must request permission from a higher authority before attacking any enemy ship. All targets must also
be visually identified. To request authority to attack roll 1d10.

On a roll of 5+ permission is granted to attack. If less than 5 is rolled the attacking ship and any other ships in
the players fleet may not carry out any attacks on the target. During the next turn a further request for authority
can be made.

Mine Warfare

Mined Areas

Certain scenarios will allow players to deploy areas of naval mines. Each mined area is circular with its centre
point marked with a counter (or a miniature of a mine) and has a radius of 10cm.

Any surface vessel or submarine that enters a mined area risks detonating an underwater mine. Each turn that
a vessel is inside a mined area the opposing player rolls 1d10. If the score is equal to or greater than the vessel’s
“AS” characteristic a mine is triggered. A mine automatically hits the vessel and inflicts damage in the same way
as a standard weapon with a damage rating of +3.


Mine sweeping vessels can safely move through mined areas and clear a safe path for any vessels behind them.
Any vessel in a line behind a minesweeper is not at risk of detonating a mine.

Shore Installations


Buildings and shore installations near the coast may be used in some scenarios. During the game buildings do
not need to be detected (They are assumed to be marked on charts, maps or aerial photos).

For the purposes of combat buildings also treated in the same way as surface vessels. The scores required to
cause damage to a building are shown in the following table.

Building Type Score Required

Light Construction (Wood etc) 8+
Standard Construction (Brick, Concrete) 9+
Reinforced concrete 10+
Bunker 12+

Any hit that causes damage is assumed to have caused enough physical damage to the building or installation
to put it out of action for the duration of the game.

Weapon Systems

Coastal gun batteries or missile sites are often involved in naval combat near the coast.

During the game Weapons based in buildings do not do not need to be detected, however mobile systems do.
For the purposes of and combat these are also treated in the same way as surface vessels (without the ability to

Anti-Piracy Operations

The Piracy Problem

Piracy targeted at merchant vessels is a major world issue, costing the global economy over $16 billion a year.
Piracy is most prevalent in the waters between the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, off the Somali coast, and also in
the Strait of Malacca and Singapore, which are used by over 50,000 merchant ships a year.

The offshore oil industry has also been put at risk in areas such as West Africa and the Gulf of Guinea forcing oil
companies to pay for their own security services to protect their commercial interests.

Multinational efforts are now being made to combat piracy and protect merchant ships in these high-risk areas

Pirates in the Game

Various scenarios can be played involving pirates. These are described in more detail in the scenario section of
this supplement.

Rules of Engagement

During anti-piracy missions a fleet must follow the “Positive Identification” rules of engagement.


Usually pirates will attempt to board a ship to take its crew hostage and demand ransom money from the ship’s
owners or flag state.

During the game if a pirate vessel wishes to carry out a boarding attempt it must move into contact with its
target (both miniatures must be in base-to-base contact). Once alongside the target ship will try to prevent the
pirates boarding either by manoeuvring the ship or physically fighting the attackers off.

While the pirate vessel is alongside roll 1d10. The score required to successfully board are as follows.

Type of Vessel Being Boarded Score

Civilian Yacht 2+
Merchant Vessel 3+
Merchant Vessel with anti-piracy defences 5+
Merchant Vessel with armed defenders 8+
Merchant Vessel with military defenders 9+
Naval Vessel 10+
Offshore Platform 4+
Offshore Platform with anti-piracy defences 6+
Offshore Platform with armed defenders 9+
Offshore Platform with military defenders 10+

If the roll is unsuccessful the pirates fail to board the vessel. They may make another attempt during the
following turn. If the roll succeeds the pirates successfully gain access to the vessel and take control. Place a
marker beside the ship miniature to indicate that it has been captured.

A captured merchant vessel, civilian yacht or offshore platform is now under the total control of the player in
charge of the pirates.

Naval vessels cannot be taken under total control by pirates. A naval vessel will simply stop moving and may not
carry out any further actions until the pirates are defeated. Each turn after the ship has been boarded roll 1d10.
On a roll of 4+ the pirates are captured or killed by the ship’s crew and full control of the ship is regained.


There are various methods of defending a ship from a pirate attack. Some of these are designed to kill the pirates
while others are only designed to prevent them gaining access to a vessel or drive them away.

Fixed Defences (Barbed Wire etc.)

Merchant ships will often add protection such as barbed wire and razor wire attached to the rails and bulwarks
on their decks to prevent pirates from climbing on board.

Fire Hoses

Merchant vessels also rig fire hoses on their decks, ready charged with water to be fired at pirate attempting to
approach and board the vessel. Although not fatal the water jets are strong enough to repel attackers and cause
minor injury.

In the game fire hoses can only be used if attackers are attempting to board and works in the same way as small
arms, however successful hits cause no damage and can only drive off their target.

LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device)

This is another non-lethal method designed to repel would-be attackers. The LRAD uses directed high intensity
sound to repel attackers. In the game an LRAD works in the same way as small arms, however successful hits
cause no damage and can only drive off their target.

Small Arms

While operating in high risk areas naval vessels will post personnel on deck to operate small arms such as assault
rifles and fixed machine guns. Merchant ships may also have armed defenders on deck either supplied by a

military force or hired as commercial armed protection. These follow the standard rules for small arms fire (see
“Small Arms” section)

Boarding a Vessel Held by Pirates

In some situations, special forces soldiers may be used to re-capture a vessel that has been taken hostage by
pirates. Troops can gain access to a vessel either by boat or by helicopter. While the special forces boat is
alongside or their helicopter directly above roll 1d10. The score required to successfully board different vessel
types are as follows.

Type of Vessel Being Boarded Score

From Boat From Helicopter
Civilian Yacht 3+ 6+
Merchant Vessel 4+ 5+
Naval Vessel 4+ 4+
Offshore Platform 5+ 3+

If the roll is unsuccessful the special forces soldiers fail to board the vessel. They may make another attempt
during the following turn. Each subsequent turn they receive an additional –1 modifier to their dice role to
simulate that they have lost the element of surprise.

If the roll succeeds the special forces successfully gain access to the vessel and take control, killing or capturing
all the pirates.

US Dept. Defence 2011

Nuclear Weapons

Due to their devastating power, nuclear weapons are generally not used in the game. A single nuclear warhead
would be capable of wiping out an entire battlegroup which would not make for an enjoyable game.

Although some vessels are listed as being armed with these weapons, no characteristics are given. The only time
they may be used in a game is as a scenario objective. For example, a ballistic missile submarines mission may
be to evade the enemy so as to arrive at its launch position and begin its nuclear strike on an off-table target.


Each scenario description refers to each side as either “Player A” or “Player B”.


Each scenario specifies the number of each ship type that each player can select prior to the game.

Victory Points

Throughout the game each player will score victory points, at the end of the game these are added up and the
player with the most is the winner.

[US Dept. Defence 2004]

Scenario: Air Defence Duty
Player A Briefing Player B Briefing

You are in command of a small surface group and You are in command of a land based air group. An
have been tasked with providing a first line of air amphibious operation is being carried out by the
defence for an ongoing amphibious operation. enemy on part of your territory. Your aircraft are
Enemy air attacks are expected, these must be required to carry out attacks on this operation.
prevented from leaving the area and carrying out Before these attacks can be made the enemy air,
attacks on the rest of the fleet defence must be bypassed or preferably neutralised.

Player A Battlegroup Player B Battlegroup

• 2-4 x Destroyers, Frigates or Corvettes. • 1 x land-based AEW or MPA aircraft (on table)
• 1 x land-based AEW aircraft (already airborne • 4-8 x land-based Strike aircraft squadrons (each
squadron is made up of 2 to 4 individual

Player A Deployment Player B Deployment

Player A deploys first and deploys ships anywhere Player B deploys any AEW or MPA aircraft anywhere
within 6cm of a line that crosses the width of the on the table that is not within 30cm of an enemy
battle area 40cm from one of the short table edges. vessel or aircraft. The rest of Player B’s aircraft begin
Any AEW aircraft can be deployed anywhere on the the game off-table.

Weather Conditions

Prevailing conditions: Settled

Sea Condition: Calm
Visibility: Clear

Scenario Rules

Each turn there is a chance that some of Player B’s aircraft will arrive over the battle area. At the beginning of
each turn Player B rolls 1d10 to determine how many aircraft arrive and from which entry point they arrive on

Roll Result Roll Result

1 No aircraft arrive 6 1 squadron – Entry Point 4
2 No aircraft arrive 7 2 squadrons – Entry Point 1
3 1 squadron – Entry Point 1 8 2 squadrons – Entry Point 2
4 1 squadron – Entry Point 2 9 2 squadrons – Entry Point 3
5 1 squadron – Entry Point 3 10 2 squadrons – Entry Point 4

Game Length

The game ends if all of Player A’s ships have been destroyed or if all of Player B’s aircraft have been shot down or have left
the battle area. Otherwise at the end of turn 10 roll 1d10. The result is the number of extra turns the game lasts.

Player A Victory Points Player B Victory Points

• 2 points for each enemy aircraft shot down • 2 points for each ship destroyed
• 1 point for each enemy aircraft forced to withdraw or • 1 Point for each aircraft that leaves the table through
return to base. the objective zone (shown on the map)
Scenario Map

Scenario: Merchant Protection

Player A Briefing Player B Briefing

Your battlegroup has been tasked with protecting You have been ordered to cause as much disruption
merchant shipping transiting a narrow strait to civilian shipping transiting the area as possible.
bordering hostile territory. You must protect any
merchant vessel from both land attack, airborne
strikes and enemy vessels.

Player A Battlegroup Player B Battlegroup

• 1 x Carrier or Assault Ship (Flagship) • 4-8 x Corvettes, Patrol Vessels or Missile Boats
• 1 x Cruiser + 1-3 x Destroyers, Frigates or • 0-10 x Fast attack craft
Corvettes or 2-4 x Destroyers, Frigates or • 1-4 x Mined areas
• 1 x Submarine
• 1 x land or carrier-based AEW aircraft


Firstly, Player B may place two ports anywhere along one side of the strait and places any mined areas.

Player A then deploys first and deploys ships in an area in the middle of the strait at least 30cm from one end
(as shown in the diagram). Any AEW aircraft and Submarines can be deployed anywhere on the table.

Player B then deploys their vessels anywhere within 10cm of a port.

Weather Conditions

Prevailing conditions: Settled

Sea Condition: Calm
Visibility: Clear
Merchant Ship Rules

Roll 1d10 and add 5 to determine how many merchant vessels will be placed on the table. Each player then takes
turns placing 1 merchant vessel at a time on the table according to the following rules:

• No vessel may be placed within 20cm of either end of the strait

• No vessel may be placed within 10cm of another
• Vessels may be traveling in either direction

Generally, vessels will follow traffic rules and travel on the starboard (right) hand side of the channel (as shown
in the diagram).

Game Length

The game ends if all either players ships have been destroyed or if all the merchant vessels have been destroyed or have
left the area. Otherwise at the end of turn 10 roll 1d10. The result is the number of extra turns the game lasts.

Player A Victory Points Player B Victory Points

• 2 points for each merchant ship that leaves the • 2 points for each merchant ship destroyed
table • 1 point for each enemy ship or submarine
• 1 Point for each merchant ship that remains on destroyed
the table at the end of the game.

Scenario Map

Scenario: Exclusion Zone

Player A Briefing Player B Briefing

Your nation has established a “Total Exclusion Zone” You have been ordered to put the enemies resolve
around a conflict area. Any hostile vessels entering to the test by transiting through their exclusion
the area must be engaged and put out of action. zone. Any enemy forces must be engaged.

Player A Battlegroup Player B Battlegroup

• 1 x Submarine • 1 x Cruiser
• 1-2 x Frigates or Destroyers
• 1-2 x Corvettes, Patrol Vessels or Missile Boats
• 1 x Shore-based MPA or ASW Aircraft (arrives at
the beginning of turn 3)


Firstly, Player B deploys all of their ships in one corner of the battle area. All ships must be deployed within
10cm of at least one other ship in the battlegroup.

Player A then places 10 numbered contact markers anywhere in the opposite side of the table (See diagram).
No marker may be placed within 20cm of another. Player A then writes down which contact represents their
hidden submarine. This is kept secret until the submarine is detected or carries out an attack.

Weather Conditions

Randomly determine the weather conditions (See the weather section of the rules).

Game Length

The game ends if all either players ships have been destroyed or if all of player B’s ships leave the area via the
corner opposite to their deployment position. Otherwise at the end of turn 10 roll 1d10. The result is the number
of extra turns the game lasts.

Player A Victory Points Player B Victory Points

• 2 points for each enemy ship sunk • 2 points for each ship that reaches the exit point
• 15 points if the enemy submarine is sunk

Scenario Map

Data Tables
Defensive Weapon Systems


Defence Rating/ Range

Close Intermediate Long Nationality
Anti-Aircraft Guns (Large Vessel) +1 - - -
Anti-Aircraft Guns (Standard Vessel) +0 - - -
Goalkeeper CIWS +2 - - Netherlands
Phalanx CIWS +1 - - USA
AK-630 CIWS +1 - - USSR
Type-730 CIWS +2 - - China
Type-1130 CIWS +2 - - China
Kashtan CIWS +2 - - USSR
Dardo CIWS +1 - - Italy
Meroka CIWS +2 - - Spain

Surface to Air Missiles (SAM)

Defence Rating/ Range

Close Intermediate Long Nationality
HQ-2 +2 +2 - China
HQ-7 +2 - - China
HQ-10 +2 - - China
HQ-16 +1 +3 +2 China
HQ-17 +1 +3 +2 China
HQ-15 - +2 +2 China
S-300 +1 +2 +2 China
FL-3000 +2 - - China
Aster 15 +2 - - EU
Aster 30 +2 +3 - EU
Masurca +2 +2 - France
Crotale +2 - - France
Mistral +2 - - France
Barak +2 - - Israel
Aspide +2 +1 - Italy
Sea Slug +1 +1 - UK
Sea Cat +2 - - UK
Sea Dart - +2 - UK
Sea Wolf +2 - - UK
RIM-24 Tartar +1 +1 - USA
RIM-2 Terrier +1 - - USA
RIM-8 Talos +1 +2 +2 USA
RIM-7 Sea Sparrow +2 +1 - USA
Rim-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow +3 +2 - USA
RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) +2 - - USA
RIM-66 Standard +2 +3 +2 USA
SM-2 Standard +2 +3 +2 USA
SA-N-2 Guideline +2 +2 - USSR
SA-N-3 Goblet +1 +1 - USSR
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2 USSR
SA-N-5 Grail +1 - - USSR
SA-N-6 Grumble +1 +2 +2 USSR
SA-N-7 Gadfly +1 +3 +2 USSR
SA-N-8 Gremlin +2 - - USSR
SA-N-9 Gauntlet +2 - - USSR
SA-N-10 Grouse +1 - - USSR
SA-N-11 Grisson +1 - - USSR

Primary Weapons


Range Damage
Light Gun (3”, 76mm etc) 12 +0
Medium Gun (4.5”, 5”, 100mm etc) 12 +1
Heavy Gun (6”, 127mm, 150mm etc) 18 +2
Battleship Gun (15”-18” etc) 20 +3
Secondary Weapons (Small Arms etc) 6 -3

Note: A Single “Secondary Weapon” represents a selection of onboard weapons including small calibre guns and small arms.

Surface to Surface Missiles (SSM)

Range Accuracy Defence Damage Nationality

HY/SY-1 50 +2 10 +3 China
HY/SY-2 50 +3 10 +3 China
YJ-7 70 +3 11 +3 China
YJ-83 150 +3 11 +3 China
Exocet 80 +3 11 +3 France
BrahMos 1000 +2 11 +3 India
Gabriel 100 +3 11 +3 Israel
Otomat 100 +2 11 +3 Italy
Type 80 70 +3 11 +3 Japan
Hsiung Feng 70 +2 11 +3 Taiwan
Sea Eagle 80 +1 10 +2 UK
BGM-109 Tomahawk 200 +2 11 +4 USA
AGM-84 Harpoon SSM 70 +3 11 +3 USA
SS-N-1 Scrubber 25 +1 9 +2 USSR
SS-N-2 Styx 50 +1 10 +2 USSR
SS-N-3 Shaddock 300 +2 10 +4 USSR
SS-N-7 Starbright 35 +2 11 +3 USSR
SS-N-9 Siren 100 +2 11 +3 USSR
SS-N-12 Sandbox 300 +3 11 +3 USSR
SS-N-19 Shipwreck 300 +3 11 +4 USSR
SS-N-22 Sunburn 150 +2 11 +3 USSR
SS-N-25 Switchblade 70 +2 11 +3 USSR


Range Accuracy Damage

Light Torpedo (Un-Guided) 12 +0 +2
Light Torpedo (Guided) 12 +1 +2
Heavy Torpedo (Un-Guided) 20 -0 +3
Heavy Torpedo (Guided) 20 +2 +3

Anti-Submarine Weapons (ASW)

Anti-Submarine Weapon Type Range Accuracy Defence Damage Nationality

Depth Charge (Salvo) 1 -2 - +1 -
Ikara Missile 12 +1 11 +2 Australia/UK
Type-75 Rocket (Salvo) 6 +0 - +0 China
Type-87 Rocket (Salvo) 6 +0 - +0 China
Malafon Missile 12 +1 11 +2 France
M-1972 Mortar (Salvo) 6 +0 - +2 France
Hedgehog Mortar (Salvo) 3 -1 - +1 UK
Squid Mortar (Salvo) 6 +0 - +2 UK
Limbo Mortar (Salvo) 6 +0 - +2 UK
RUR-5 ASROC Missile 12 +1 11 +2 USA
SS-N-14 Silex 30 +2 11 +3 USSR
RBU-1000 Rocket (Salvo) 6 -1 - +0 USSR
RBU-6000 Rocket (Salvo) 6 +0 - +0 USSR
UDAV-1 Rocket System (Salvo) 3 +1 - +1 USSR

Note: Weapons marked with “Salvo” fire multiple rockets or charges in a single attack. For the purposes of rate of fire and
ammunition this is counted as a single shot.

These aircraft are separated into the following categories.

Intercept (I) Designed to intercept and shoot down enemy aircraft. (May also act as a combat
air patrol [CAP] or fighter escort). These are armed with air-to-air combat
weapons and are designed to be manoeuvrable and effective in a dogfight

Strike (S) Armed with anti-ship or ground attack weapons such as missiles or bombs.

Strategic Bombers (B) This type includes large long-range bombers such as the B-52, TU-95 Bear and
Tu-22M Backfire.

Multi-Role (S/I) These are designed to fulfil both the role of strike and interceptors. Multi role
jets are able to carry different types of weapon system. Prior to launching a multi
role aircraft players must declare which role it is being launched in (aircraft will
have a different weapons payload for each role).

Fixed Wing Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Nationality
F-35 B Lightning (STOVL) I/S 1200 12 - - +3 USA
F-35 C Lightning I/S 1200 12 - - +3 USA
F-22 Raptor I/S 1000 12 - - +3 USA
F-18 Hornet I/S 400 11 - - +3 USA
F-16 Fighting Falcon I/S 400 11 - - +3 USA
F-15 Eagle I/S 1000 11 - - +3 USA
F-14 Tomcat I/S 500 11 - - +3 USA
F-4 Phantom II I/S 400 10 - - +2 USA
A-6 Intruder I/S 800 10 - - +2 USA
A-7 Corsair I/S 800 10 - - +2 USA
F-8 Crusader I/S 400 10 - - +2 USA
A-4 Skyhawk I/S 600 10 - - +1 USA
F-9 Cougar I/S 600 10 - - +1 USA
F-104 Starfighter I/S 400 10 - - +1 USA
AV-8 Harrier (STOVL) I/S 300 10 - - +2 USA
EA-18 Growler S (EW 6/2) 400 11 - - +3 USA
EA-6 Prowler S (EW 6/2) 800 10 - - +2 USA
A-10 Thunderbolt S 300 10 - - +1 USA
F-117 Nighthawk S 800 12 - - +1 USA
F-111 Aardvark S 2000 10 - - -1 USA
B-52 Stratofortress S 4000 8 - - -5 USA
B-1 Lancer S 3000 11 - - -3 USA
B-2 Spirit S 6000 12 - - -3 USA
Eurofighter Typhoon I/S 800 12 - - +3 UK
Tornado I/S 800 11 - - +3 UK
Harrier (STOVL) I/S 300 10 - - +2 UK
Sea Vixen I/S 700 11 - - +1 UK
Sea Venom I/S 600 11 - - +0 UK
Buccaneer S 1000 10 - - +0 UK
Scimitar S 1000 10 - - +0 UK
Canberra S 800 10 - - +0 UK
Vulcan S 2600 9 - - -4 UK
Victor S 5000 9 - - -5 UK
Valiant S 4000 9 - - -4 UK
Rafale I/S 1000 12 - - +3 France
Etendard I/S 500 10 - - +2 France
Super Etendard I/S 500 11 - - +2 France
Mirage III I/S 700 11 - - +2 France
Mirage V I/S 700 11 - - +2 France
Mirage 2000 I/S 800 11 - - +3 France
IAI Nescher I/S 700 11 - - +3 Israel
IAI Dagger I/S 800 11 - - +3 Israel

Fixed Wing Aircraft Type Combat Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Nationality
Mig-19 Farmer I/S 400 9 - - +0 USSR
Mig-21 Fishbed I/S 400 9 - - +1 USSR
Mig-23 I/S 400 10 - - +2 USSR
Mig-25 Foxbat I/S 900 10 - - +2 USSR
Mig-27 Flogger I/S 400 10 - - +2 USSR
Mig-29 Fulcrum I/S 700 11 - - +3 USSR
Mig-31 Foxhound I/S 800 11 - - +3 USSR
SU-7 Fitter I/S 400 9 - - +1 USSR
SU-25 Frogfoot S 400 10 - - +1 USSR
SU-27 Flanker I/S 800 11 - - +3 USSR
SU-33 Flanker I/S 800 11 - - +3 USSR
TU-16 Badger S 4000 9 - - -4 USSR
TU-22 Blinder S 3000 10 - - -4 USSR
TU-22M Backfire S 1500 10 - - -3 USSR
TU-165 Blackjack S 7000 10 - - -3 USSR
TU-95 Bear S 8000 8 - - -5 USSR
Yak-38 Forger (STOVL) I/S 300 10 - - +2 USSR
Saab Draken I/S 1200 11 - - +2 Sweden
Saab Viggen I/S 1200 11 - - +3 Sweden
Q-5 Fantan S 300 10 - - +2 China
J-6 I/S 400 10 - - +0 China
J-7 I/S 400 10 - - +1 China
J-10 I/S 340 11 - - +2 China
J-15 I/S 800 11 - - +3 China
Pucara I/S 200 9 - - +0 Argentina

Airborne Early Warning, Anti-Submarine and Maritime Patrol Aircraft

These aircraft are separated into the following categories.

Airborne Early Warning These are long range aircraft used for high level aerial reconnaissance and
(AEW) long-range radar detection of other ships and aircraft. Each element
represents an individual aircraft.

Anti-Submarine (ASW)/ This category includes slower speed fixed wing aircraft used for maritime
Maritime Patrol search and anti-submarine warfare. These are treated in game terms in the
same way as AEW aircraft and helicopters. Each element represents an
individual aircraft.

AEW, ASW Aircraft Type Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Nationality

P-2 Neptune ASW 8 +1 +2 -3 USA
P-3 Orion ASW 8 +1 +3 -3 USA
S-2 Tracker ASW 8 +2 +2 -3 USA
S-3 Viking ASW 8 +1 +2 -3 USA
E-1 Tracer AEW 8 +2 - -3 USA
E-2 Hawkeye AEW 8 +3 - -3 USA
E-3 Sentry AEW 9 +4 - -5 USA
Nimrod AEW/ASW 9 +4 +2 -5 UK
Gannet AEW/ASW 8 +1 +1 -3 UK
Shackleton AEW/ASW 8 +1 +1 -3 UK
IL-38 May AEW/ASW 8 +1 +2 -4 USSR
IL-76 AEW 9 +3 - -5 USSR
TU-126 Moss AEW/ASW 9 +1 +2 -4 USSR
TU-142 Bear F AEW/ASW 8 +1 +3 -5 USSR
Alize AEW/ASW 8 +2 +2 -3 France
Atlantique AEW/ASW 8 +2 +2 -3 France


Helicopters are separated into the following categories.

Airborne Early Warning Designed for long range radar detection of other ships and aircraft. These carry
(AEW) out a similar role to AEW and patrol aircraft.

Anti-Submarine (ASW) These helicopters are designed to search for enemy submarines. They are
equipped with systems such as dipping sonar arrays or carry sonobouys that can
be dropped into a search area. Most ASW helicopters also carry torpedoes
allowing them to attack a submarine once detected.

Strike (S) This type of helicopter is armed with anti-ship missiles and weapons and are
tasked with attacking other ships.

Transport (T) Used mainly in amphibious assault operations or for resupply missions at sea.
This type of helicopter is usually only lightly armed leaving maximum space for
crew, passengers and cargo. Large transport helicopters such as chinooks are
referred to in these rules as “Heavy Transport”.

Helicopter Type Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Nationality

SH-2 Sea Sprite ASW 8 +1 +1 -2 USA
SH-3 Sea King T, ASW, AEW 8 +1 +1 -3 USA
SH-60 Sea Hawk T, ASW, AEW 8 +1 +2 -2 USA
CH-46 Sea Knight T 7 +0 - -4 USA
CH-47 Chinook T 7 +0 - -4 USA
CH-53 Sea Stallion T 8 +0 - -4 USA
H-34 Choctaw T, ASW 8 +0 +0 -3 USA
H-19 Chikasaw T, ASW 8 +0 +0 -4 USA
UH-1 Iroquois T 8 +0 +0 -3 USA
AH-1 Cobra S 8 +2 - +0 USA
AH-64 Apache S 8 +2 - +0 USA
V-22 Osprey T 8 +1 - -1 USA
Bell 212 T, ASW 8 +1 +1 -3 USA
Whirlwind T, ASW 8 +0 +0 -4 UK
Wessex T, ASW 8 +0 +0 -3 UK
Sea King T, ASW, AEW 8 +2 +1 -3 UK
Merlin T, ASW, AEW 8 +2 +2 -3 UK
Wasp ASW 8 +1 +1 -2 UK
Lynx ASW/S 8 +2 +1 -2 UK
Wildcat ASW/S 9 +2 +1 -2 UK
Apache S 9 +2 - +0 UK
AW-101 T, ASW, AEW 8 +2 +2 -3 UK/Italy
NH-90 T, ASW, AEW 8 +2 +2 -3 EU
Puma T, ASW, AEW 8 +1 +1 -3 France
Super Frelon T, ASW, AEW 8 +2 +1 -3 France
Alouette ASW, AEW 8 +1 +1 -2 France
Gazelle ASW, AEW 9 +1 +1 -2 France
Dauphin ASW, AEW 9 +2 +2 -2 France
Z-8 T, ASW, AEW 8 +1 +2 -3 China
Z-9 ASW, AEW 8 +2 +2 -3 China
Z-19 ASW, AEW 8 +2 +2 -3 China
KA-25 Hormone ASW, AEW 8 +1 +1 -3 USSR
KA-27 Helix ASW, AEW +2 +2 -3 USSR
Mil-24 Hind S 9 +2 - +0 USSR
Mil-28 Havoc S 9 +2 - +0 USSR
Mil-4 Hound T, ASW 8 +0 - -4 USSR
Mil-6 Hook T 8 +0 - -4 USSR
Mil-7 Hip T 8 +0 - -4 USSR

Aircraft Weapons

Air to Surface Missiles (ASM)

Range Accuracy Defence Damage Nationality

AGM-122 Sidearm 8 +1 10 +2 USA
AGM-123 Skipper 9 +1 10 +2 USA
AGM-12 Bullpup 6 +2 11 +2 USA
AGM-65 Maverick 12 +2 12 +2 USA
AGM-84 Harpoon SSM 70 +3 11 +3 USA
AGM-45 12 +1 11 +2 USA
AGM-88 HARM 80 +3 11 +2 USA
Sea Eagle 70 +1 10 +2 UK
Sea Skua 8 +2 11 +2 UK
Brimstone 12 +3 12 +3 UK
Storm Shadow 300 +3 12 +3 EU
AS-1 Kennel 60 +1 10 +2 USSR
AS-2 Kipper 100 +1 10 +2 USSR
AS-3 Kangaroo 300 +1 10 +2 USSR
AS-4 kitchen 250 +1 10 +3 USSR
AS-5 Kelt 200 +1 11 +3 USSR
AS-6 Kingfish 250 +2 11 +3 USSR
AS-7 Kerry 10 +2 11 +3 USSR
AS-10 Karen 6 +2 11 +3 USSR
AS-12 Kegler 70 +2 11 +3 USSR
AS-14 Kedge 30 +2 11 +3 USSR
Exocet 80 +3 11 +3 France

Bombs and Rockets

Bombs and Rockets Range Accuracy Damage

Rocket Pod 1 +1 +2
100lb Bomb 0 -1 +2
250lb Bomb 0 -1 +3
500lb Bomb 0 -1 +4
1000lb Bomb 0 -1 +5
100lb Bomb (Guided) 4 +1 +2
250lb Bomb (Guided) 4 +1 +3
500lb Bomb (Guided) 4 +1 +4
1000lb Bomb (Guided) 4 +1 +5

Anti-Submarine Weapons

Anti-Submarine Weapons Range Accuracy Damage

Torpedo (Un-Guided) – Air Dropped 6 +0 +2
Torpedo (Guided) – Air Dropped 12 +1 +2
Depth Charge – Air Dropped 0 -1 +2

United Kingdom – Royal Navy – Cold War Ship Data List 1
Audacious Class Carrier (Ark Royal) 1950
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Angled Flight Deck, 2 x Catapults
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-4 Phantoms I/S 400 10 - - +2 -
4 x Buccaneers S 1000 10 - - +0 2 x 500lb Bomb
1 x Gannet AEW - 8 +1 +1 -3 -
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Audacious Class Carrier (Eagle) 1950

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +2 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Cat +1
Angled Flight Deck, 2 x Catapults
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x Sea Vixen I 700 11 - - +1 -
4 x Buccaneers S 1000 10 - - +0 2 x 500lb Bomb
1 x Gannet AEW - 8 +1 +1 -3 -
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Modernised Illustrious Class Carrier (Victorious) 1960
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +2 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Angled Flight Deck, 2 x Catapults
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
3 x Sea Vixen I 700 11 - - +1 -
3 x Scimitar 1 1000 10 - - +0 -
4 x Buccaneers S 1000 10 - - +0 2 x 500lb Bomb
2 x Wessex Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Centaur Class Commando Carrier (Albion/Bulwark) 1960

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Flight Deck, Transport [10], 6x Landing Craft
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
2 x Wessex Helicopters T - 8 +1 - -3 -
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Tiger Class Cruiser 1959

Speed EW AS Light Heavy Damage
8 8 4 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Heavy Guns 4 18 - - +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Tiger Class Helicopter Cruiser (Lion & Blake) 1959
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
2 x Wessex Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Heavy Guns 2 18 - - +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

County Class Destroyer 1962

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 5 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Cat +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Whitby Class Frigate 1956

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 5 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 +0 - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Medium Gun 2 12 - - +1
6 x Squid Mortar Salvos 1 6 +0 - +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Leopard Class Frigate 1956

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 +0 - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Medium Gun 2 12 - - +1
6 x Squid Mortar Salvos 1 6 +0 - +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Salisbury Class Frigate 1957
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 +1 - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Cat +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Medium Gun 2 12 - - +1
6 x Squid Mortar Salvos 1 6 +0 - +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Rothesay Class Frigate 1957

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 +1 - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Cat +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Wasp Helicopter ASW - 8 +0 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Medium Gun 2 12 - - +1
6 x Squid Mortar Salvos 1 6 +0 - +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Leander Class Frigate 1963

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 +1 - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Cat +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Wasp Helicopter ASW - 8 +0 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Medium Gun 2 12 - - +1
6 x Limbo Mortar Salvos 1 6 +0 - +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Oberon Class Submarine 1960
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 9 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
- - - +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
16 x Heavy Torpedoes (Un-Guided) or 1 20 -0 - +3
16 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3

Valiant Class Submarine 1966

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 9 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
- - - +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
20 x Heavy Torpedoes (Un-Guided) 1 20 +0 - +3

Churchill Class Submarine 1966

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 9 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
20 x Heavy Torpedoes (Un-Guided) or 1 20 -0 - +3
20 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3

United Kingdom – Royal Navy – Cold War Ship Data List 2
Centaur Class STOVL Carrier (Hermes) 1970
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +2 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Cat +1
Flight Deck, Ski Jump
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x Sea Harrier I/S 300 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bomb
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Invincible Class Carrier 1980

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 6 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +2 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+1 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Dart +2
Flight Deck, Ski Jump
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x Sea Harrier I/S 300 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bomb
1 x Sea King Helicopter AEW - 8 +2 - -3 -
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Fearless Class Assault Ship 1962

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Cat +1
Flight Deck, Transport [10], 6x Landing Craft, Floodable Dock
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x Wessex Helicopters T - 8 +1 - -3 -
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Type-82 Destroyer (Bristol) 1973
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 6 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +2 +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+1 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Dart +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
6 x Ikara Missiles 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Type-42 Destroyer 1975

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 6 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Dart +2
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Lynx Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo or
S 2 x Sea Skua Missiles
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Sea Skua Missile 8 +2 11 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Leander Class Frigate (Refit) 1963

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 +1 - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Cat +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Lynx Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Sea Skua ASM 8 +2 11 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
6 x Ikara Missiles or 1 12 +1 11 +2
4 x Exocet SSM 4 80 +3 11 +3
6 x Limbo Mortar Salvos 1 6 +0 - +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Type-21 Frigate (Amazon Class) 1974
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 +1 +1 +2
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Cat +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Lynx Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
S 2 x Sea Skua Missiles
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Sea Skua ASM 8 +2 11 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Exocet SSM 4 80 +3 11 +3
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Type-22 Frigate (Broadsword Class) 1979

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 +2
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Wolf +2
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Lynx Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
S 2 x Sea Skua Missiles
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Sea Skua ASM 8 +2 11 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Exocet SSM 4 80 +3 11 +3
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Island Class Patrol Vessel 1976

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
9 9 5 5+ 8+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 +0 +0 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Castle Class Patrol Vessel 1982
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
9 9 6 5+ 8+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +0 +0 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Flight Deck
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Swiftsure Class Submarine 1973

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 10 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
20 x Heavy Torpedoes (Un-Guided) or 1 20 -0 - +3
20 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3

Resolution Class Submarine 1968

Speed EW AS Light Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 9 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - +1 +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
16 x Heavy Torpedoes (Un-Guided) 1 20 -0 - +3
16 x Polaris SLBM 1 N

United Kingdom – Royal Navy – Modern Ship Data List
Invincible Class Carrier (Refit) 1980
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +2 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck, Ski Jump
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x Sea Harrier I/S 300 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bomb
1 x Sea King Helicopter AEW - 8 +2 - -3 -
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Queen Elizabeth Class Carrier 2017

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 12 6 9+ 12+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+3 +2 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck, Ski Jump
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-35 B Lightning I/S 1200 12 - - +3 2 x Brimstone ASM
2 x Merlin Helicopter AEW - 9 +3 - -3 -
2 x Merlin Helicopters ASW - 9 +1 +2 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Brimstone ASM 12 +3 12 +3
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Ocean Class Assault Ship 1998
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 5 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck, Transport [10], 6x Landing Craft
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x Sea King Helicopters T - 8 +1 - -3 -
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Albion Class Assault Ship 2003

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 5 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Goalkeeper CIWS +1
Flight Deck, Transport [10], 6x Landing Craft, Floodable Dock
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x Sea King Helicopters T - 8 +1 - -3 -
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Type-42 Destroyer (Refit) 1975

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 6 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +2 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Dart +2
Phalanx +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Lynx Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo or
S 2 x Sea Skua Missiles
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Sea Skua Missile 8 +2 11 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Type-45 Destroyer 2009
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 12 6 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+3 +3 +2 +2
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+5 +3
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Sea Viper (Aster 15 +30) +3 3+
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Lynx Helicopter or ASW - 8 +1 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
1 x Merlin Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +2 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Type-22 Frigate – Batch III (Cornwall Class) 1988

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +1 +1 +2
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Wolf +2
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Lynx Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
S 2 x Sea Skua Missiles
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Sea Skua ASM 8 +2 11 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1x Medium Gun 1 18 - - +2
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Type-23 Frigate (Duke Class) 1987
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +1 +2 +2
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Wolf +2
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Lynx Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
S 2 x Sea Skua Missiles
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Sea Skua ASM 8 +2 11 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1x Medium Gun 1 18 - - +2
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

River Class Patrol Vessel 2002

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
9 11 7 5+ 8+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +1 +0 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Flight Deck
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Upholder Class Submarine 1990

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 10 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
16 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3

Trafalgar Class Submarine 1983

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 10 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - +1 +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Tomahawk SSM 1 200 +2 11 +4
4 x Harpoon SSM 1 70 +3 11 +3
12 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3

Astute Class Submarine 1983
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 12 13 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - +1 +4
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Harpoon SSM 1 200 +2 11 +4
4 x Tomahawk SSM 1 70 +3 11 +3
12 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3

Vanguard Class Submarine 1993

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 10 13 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - +1 +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
16 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3
16 x Trident SLBM 1 N

United States Navy – Cold War Ship Data List 1
Essex Class Carrier (Modernised) 1942
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Angled Flight Deck, 3 x Catapults
Aircraft (1950s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-9 Cougar I/S 600 10 - - +1 2 x 500lb Bombs
4 x A- 3 Sky Warriors S 100 10 - - +1 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x A-1 Skyraider AEW - 8 +1 - -3 -
Aircraft (1960s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-8 Crusader I/S 400 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
4 x A-4 Skyhawk I/S 600 10 - - +1 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-1 Tracer AEW - 8 +2 - -3 -
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

Midway Class Carrier (Modernised) 1945

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Angled Flight Deck, 3 x Catapults
Aircraft (1950s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-9 Cougar I/S 600 10 - - +1 2 x 500lb Bombs
4 x A- 3 Sky Warriors S 100 10 - - +1 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x A-1 Skyraider AEW - 8 +1 - -3 -
Aircraft (1960s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-8 Crusader I/S 400 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
4 x A-4 Skyhawk I/S 600 10 - - +1 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-1 Tracer AEW - 8 +2 - -3 -
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

Iwo Jima Class Assault Ship 1961
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx (Post Refit) +1
Flight Deck, Transport [10], 6 x Landing Craft
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x Sea King Helicopters T - 8 +1 - -3 -
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

Austin Class Landing Ship 1961

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Flight Deck, Transport [10], 4 x Landing Craft, Floodable Dock
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defenc RADAR SONA Dogfight Weapon
e R
2 x Sea Night Helicopters T - 8 +1 - -4 -
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Galveston Class Cruiser 1957

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+2 +2 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-8 Talos +1 +2 +2
Flight Deck,
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x SH-2 Sprite Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Heavy Guns 4 18 - - +1
2 x Medium Guns 2 12 - - +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Providence Class Cruiser 1959
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 4 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+2 +2 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-8 Talos +1 +2 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Heavy Guns 4 18 - - +1
2 x Medium Guns 2 12 - - +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Long Beach Class Cruiser 1959

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 5 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +2 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +2 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-8 Talos +1 +2 +2
RIM-2 Terrier +1
Nuclear Powered
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Medium Guns 2 12 - - +2
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Albany Class Cruiser 1962

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 5 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +2 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +3 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-8 Talos +1 +2 +2
RIM-24 Tartar +1 +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Heavy Gun 1 18 - - +1
2 x Medium Guns 2 12 - - +2
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missile 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Leahy Class Cruiser 1962
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 5 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-2 Terrier +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missile 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Belknap Class Cruiser 1964

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 6 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+4 +3 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SM-2 Standard +2 +3 +2
Phalanx CIWS +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missile 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Forest Sherman Class Destroyer 1955

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
3 x Medium Guns 3 12 - - +1
6 x Hedgehog Mortar Salvos 1 6 -1 - +1
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Farragut Class Destroyer 1959
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 5 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-2 Terrier +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missiles 1 12 +1 11 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Charles F Adams Class Destroyer 1960

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 5 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+2 +1
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-24 Tartar +1 +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missiles 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Brooke Class Frigate 1964

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 5 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
6 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missiles 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Garcia Class Frigate 1966

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 5 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+2 +1
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-24 Tartar +1 +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missiles 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Skate Class Submarine 1957
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 - - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
18 x Heavy Torpedoes (Un-Guided) or 1 20 -0 - +3
18 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3

Skipjack Class Submarine 1959

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 - - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
24 x Heavy Torpedoes (Un-Guided) or 1 20 -0 - +3
24 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3

Permit/Thresher Class Submarine 1962

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
23 x Heavy Torpedoes (Un-Guided) or 1 20 -0 - +3
23 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3

Sturgeon Class Submarine 1967

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 9 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
24 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3

Lafayette Class Submarine 1963

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 9 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - +1 +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
12 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3
16 x Polaris SLBM N

United States Navy – Cold War Ship Data List 2
Iowa Class Battleship (Modernised) 1943/1980
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 9+ 12+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +2 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
9 x Battleship Guns 9 20 - - +4
8 x Tomahawk SSM 8 200 +2 11 +4
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Nimitz Class Carrier (Including Enterprise) 1975

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 5 9+ 12+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Rim- 7 Sea Sparrow +2
Rim-166 RAM +2
Angled Flight Deck, 4 x Catapults, Nuclear Powered
Aircraft (1970s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x F-4 Phantom II I/S 400 10 - - +2 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
4 x A-4 Skyhawk I/S 600 10 - - +1 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-2 Hawkeye AEW - 8 +3 - -3 -
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft (1980s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
8 x F-14 Tomcat I/S 500 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
2 x EA-6 Prowler [EW: 6/2] EW 800 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-2 Hawkeye AEW - 8 +3 - -3 -
2 x SH-60 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Forrestal Class Carrier 1955
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 9+ 12+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Rim- 7 Sea Sparrow +2
Angled Flight Deck, 4 x Catapults
Aircraft (1960/70s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x F-4 Phantom II I/S 400 10 - - +2 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
4 x A-4 Skyhawk I/S 600 10 - - +1 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-1 Tracer AEW - 8 +2 - -3 -
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft (1980s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
8 x F-14 Tomcat I/S 500 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
2 x EA-6 Prowler [EW: 6/2] EW 800 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-2 Hawkeye AEW - 8 +3 - -3 -
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft (1990s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-18 Hornet I/S 400 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
4 x F-14 Tomcat I/S 500 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
2 x EA-6 Prowler [EW: 6/2] EW 800 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-2 Hawkeye AEW - 8 +3 - -3 -
2 x SH-60 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
AGM-65 Maverick ASM 12 +2 12 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Kittyhawk Class Carrier 1961
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 9+ 12+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Rim- 7 Sea Sparrow +2
Rim-166 RAM +2
Angled Flight Deck, 4 x Catapults
Aircraft (1960/70s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x F-4 Phantom II I/S 400 10 - - +2 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
4 x A-4 Skyhawk I/S 600 10 - - +1 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-1 Tracer AEW - 8 +2 - -3 -
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft (1980s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
8 x F-14 Tomcat I/S 500 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
2 x EA-6 Prowler [EW: 6/2] EW 800 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-2 Hawkeye AEW - 8 +3 - -3 -
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft (1990s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-18 Hornet I/S 400 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
4 x F-14 Tomcat I/S 500 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
2 x EA-6 Prowler [EW: 6/2] EW 800 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-2 Hawkeye AEW - 8 +3 - -3 -
2 x SH-60 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
AGM-65 Maverick ASM 12 +2 12 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Tarawa Class Assault Ship 1976

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 5 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx +1
Rim-7 Sea Sparrow +2
Flight Deck, Transport [10], 4 x Landing Craft, 2 x Hovercraft, Floodable Dock
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x Sea King Helicopters or T - 8 +1 - -3 -
6 x AV-8 Harrier I/S 300 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bomb
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

California Class Cruiser 1974
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+4 +3 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SM-2 Standard +2 +3 +2
Phalanx CIWS +1
Nuclear Powered
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +2
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missile 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Virginia Class Cruiser 1977

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +2 +2
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+4 +3 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SM-2 Standard +2 +3 +2
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x SH-2 Sprite Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +2
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missile 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Ticonderoga Class Cruiser 1983
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 12 6 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+3 +3 +2 +3
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+4 +3 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SM-2 Standard +2 +3 +2
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x SH-60 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Medium Guns 1 12 - - +2
8 x Harpoon SSM 2 70 +3 11 +3
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missiles 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Spruance Class Destroyer 1975

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 5 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-7 Sea Sparrow +2
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x SH-60 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
8 x Tomahawk SSM 8 200 +2 11 +4
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Knox Class Frigate 1969

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-7 Sea Sparrow +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missiles 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Los Angeles Class Submarine 1976
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 10 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
20 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3
6 x Harpoon SSM 1 70 +3 11 +3

United States Navy – Modern Ship Data List
Forrestal Class Carrier 1955
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 9+ 12+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Rim- 7 Sea Sparrow +2
Angled Flight Deck, 4 x Catapults
Aircraft (1990s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-18 Hornet I/S 400 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
4 x F-14 Tomcat I/S 500 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
2 x EA-6 Prowler [EW: 6/2] EW 800 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-2 Hawkeye AEW - 8 +3 - -3 -
2 x SH-60 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
AGM-65 Maverick ASM 12 +2 12 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Kittyhawk Class Carrier 1961

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 9+ 12+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Rim- 7 Sea Sparrow +2
Rim-166 RAM +2
Angled Flight Deck, 4 x Catapults
Aircraft (1990s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-18 Hornet I/S 400 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
4 x F-14 Tomcat I/S 500 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
2 x EA-6 Prowler [EW: 6/2] EW 800 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-2 Hawkeye AEW - 8 +3 - -3 -
2 x SH-60 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
AGM-65 Maverick ASM 12 +2 12 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Nimitz Class Carrier (Including Enterprise) 1975
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 5 9+ 12+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx CIWS +1
Rim- 7 Sea Sparrow +2
Rim-166 RAM +2
Angled Flight Deck, 4 x Catapults, Nuclear Powered
Aircraft (1990s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x F-18 Hornet I/S 400 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
4 x F-14 Tomcat I/S 500 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
2 x EA-6 Prowler [EW: 6/2] EW 800 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-2 Hawkeye AEW - 8 +3 - -3 -
2 x SH-60 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft (2000s Airwing) Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
8 x F-18 Hornet I/S 400 11 - - +3 2 x AGM-65 Maverick ASM
2 x EA-18 Growler [EW: 6/2] EW 400 11 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x E-2 Hawkeye AEW - 8 +3 - -3 -
2 x SH-60 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
AGM-65 Maverick ASM 12 +2 12 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Wasp Class Assault Ship 1989

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 5 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx +1
Rim-7 Sea Sparrow +2
Flight Deck, Transport [10], 4 x Landing Craft, 2 x Hovercraft, Floodable Dock
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x V-22 Osprey or T - 9 +1 - -3 -
6 x AV-8 Harrier I/S 300 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bomb
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

America Class Assault Ship 2014
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 5 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Phalanx +1
Rim-7 Sea Sparrow +2
Flight Deck, Transport [10], 4 x Landing Craft, 2 x Hovercraft, Floodable Dock
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x V-22 Osprey or T - 9 +1 - -3 -
6 x AV-8 Harrier I/S 300 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bomb
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

San Antonio Class Landing Ship 2009

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 5 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
RIM-7 Sea Sparrow +2
RIM-166 RAM +2
Flight Deck, Transport [10], 4 x Landing Craft, Floodable Dock
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
2 x V-22 Osprey T - 9 +1 - -3 -
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Ticonderoga Class Cruiser (VLS Variant) 1986

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 12 6 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+3 +3 +2 +3
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+4 +3 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SM-2 Standard +2 +3 +2
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x SH-60 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +2
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
8 x ASROC Anti-Submarine Missiles 1 12 +1 11 +2
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer 1975
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+3 +3 +2 +2
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+4 +3 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SM-2 Standard +2 +3 +2
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x SH-60 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
8 x Harpoon SSM 8 70 +3 11 +3
8 x Tomahawk SSM 8 200 +2 11 +4
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate 1977

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +2 +1 +2
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+4 +3 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SM-2 Standard +2 +3 +2
Phalanx CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x SH-60 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
8 x Harpoon SSM 1 70 +3 11 +3
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Seawolf Class Submarine 1996

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 10 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
20 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3
10 x Harpoon SSM 1 70 +3 11 +3
10 x Tomahawk SSM 1 200 +2 11 +4

Virginia Class Submarine 1996
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 11 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
30 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3
10 x Harpoon SSM 1 70 +3 11 +3
10 x Tomahawk SSM 1 200 +2 11 +4

Ohio Class Submarine 1963

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 10 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 - +1 +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
12 x Heavy Torpedoes (Guided) 1 20 +2 - +3
24 x Trident SLBM N

Soviet Union – Cold War Ship Data List 1
Sverdlov Class Cruiser 1953
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
12 x Heavy Guns 12 18 - - +2
6 x Medium Guns 3 12 - - +1
6 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
Secondary Weapons 4 6 - - -3

Kynda Class Cruiser 1962

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +1
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-1 Goa +2 +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Light Guns 4 12 - - +0
8 x SS-N-3 Shaddock SSM 8 300 +1 10 +4
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

Skorry Class Destroyer 1949

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Heavy Guns 4 18 - - +2
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Neustrashimy Class Destroyer 1955

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Heavy Guns 4 18 - - +2
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Kotlin Class Destroyer 1956
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Heavy Guns 4 18 - - +2
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Kildin Class Destroyer 1957

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
12 x SS-N-1 Scrubber 12 25 +1 9 +2
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Kanin Class Destroyer 1960

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 5 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
12 x SS-N-1 Scrubber 12 25 +1 9 +2
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Kola Class Frigate 1951

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +0
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Medium Guns 4 12 - - +1
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Riga Class Frigate 1954
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 5 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +0
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Medium Guns 4 12 - - +1
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Petya Class Frigate 1954

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 4 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Medium Guns 2 12 - - +1
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Komar Class Missile Boat 1953

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
10 8 4 4+ 7+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
AK-630 CIWS +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x SS-N-2 Styx SSM 2 50 +1 10 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Osa Class Missile Boat 1960

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
10 8 4 4+ 7+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
AK-630 CIWS +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x SS-N-2 Styx SSM 4 50 +1 10 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Whiskey Class Submarine 1951
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 - - +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
12 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3

Romeo Class Submarine 1957

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 - - +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
14 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3

Foxtrot Class Submarine 1958

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+0 - - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
22 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3

November Class Submarine 1959

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 10 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
20 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +0 - +3

Echo Class Submarine 1960

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
12 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
6 x SS-N-3 Shaddock SSM 18 300 +1 10 +4

Charlie Class Submarine 1967

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
12 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
12 x SS-N-7 Starbright SSM 1 35 +2 11 +3

Hotel Class Submarine 1960
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 10 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
12 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +0 - +3
3 x SS-N-5 Serb SLBM N

Soviet Union – Cold War Ship Data List 2
Moskva Class Helicopter Carrier 1967
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+2 +1
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-3 Goblet +1 +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
4 x KA-25 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
6 x SS-N-12 Sandbox SSM 6 300 +3 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Kiev Class Carrier 1976

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 5 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+5 +3 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-3 Goblet +1 +1
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
AK-630 CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x Yak-38 Forger I/S 300 10 - - +2 2 x 500lb Bombs
2 x KA-25 Helicopters AEW - 8 +2 - -3 -
2 x KA-25 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Light Guns 2 12 - - +0
6 x SS-N-12 Sandbox SSM 6 300 +3 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Ropucha Class Assault Ship 1975
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-5 Grail +1
AK-630 CIWS +1
Flight Deck, Transport [10], Floodable Dock
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-25 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Light Guns 2 12 - - +0
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Ivan Rogov Class Assault Ship 1978

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+4 +2 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
AK-630 CIWS +1
Flight Deck, Transport [10], Floodable Dock
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-25 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Light Guns 2 12 - - +0
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Kresta I Class Cruiser 1967
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 5 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +1
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-1 Goa +2 +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-25 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
8 x SS-N-3 Shaddock SSM 8 300 +1 10 +4
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

Kresta II Class Cruiser 1968

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 5 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +1
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-3 Goblet +1 +1
AK-630 CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-25 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
8 x SS-N-3 Shaddock SSM 8 300 +1 10 +4
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

Kara Class Cruiser 1971
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 5 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+5 +3 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-3 Goblet +1 +1
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
AK-630 CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-25 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Light Guns 4 12 - - +0
8 x SS-N-14 Silex Missiles 1 30 +2 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

Slava Class Cruiser 1982

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 5 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +2 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+5 +4 +4
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-6 Grumble +1 +2 +2
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
AK-630 CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-27 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Medium Guns 4 12 - - +1
16 x SS-N-12 Sandbox SSM 16 300 +3 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

Kirov Class Battlecruiser 1981
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 5 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +2 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+5 +4 +4
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-6 Grumble +1 +2 +2
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
AK-630 CIWS +1
Flight Deck, Nuclear Powered
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
2 x KA-27 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Medium Guns 2 12 - - +1
20 x SS-N-19 Shipwreck SSM 20 300 +3 11 +4
14 x SS-N-14 Silex Missiles 1 30 +2 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
6 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Kashin Class Destroyer 1962

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 9 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-1 Goa +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Light Guns 2 12 - - +0
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Sovremenny Class Destroyer 1980
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +2 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +2 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-12 Grizzly +1 +3 +2
AK-630 CWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-27 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Medium Guns 4 12 - - +1
8 x SS-N-22 Sunburn SSM 8 150 +2 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Udaloy Class Destroyer 1980

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +1 +2 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +2 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-9 Gauntlet +1 +3 +2
AK-630 CWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-27 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Medium Guns 4 12 - - +1
8 x SS-N-14 Silex Missiles 1 30 +2 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Koni Class Frigate 1975
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 5 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +2 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Light Guns 4 12 - - +0
4 x SS-N-2 Styx SSM 4 50 +1 10 +2
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Nanuchka Class Corvette 1969

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
9 10 6 5+ 8+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +0
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +2 +2
AK-630 CIWS +1
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Light Gun 1 12 - - +0
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Grisha Class Corvette 1970

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
9 11 6 5+ 8+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+2 +2 +2
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
4 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Tarantul Class Corvette 1970

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
9 11 6 5+ 8+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
AK-630 CIWS +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Light Gun 1 12 - - +0
4 x SS-N-22 Sunburn SSM 4 150 +2 11 +3
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Pauk Class Corvette 1977
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
9 11 6 5+ 8+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +0
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
AK-630 CIWS +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Light Gun 1 12 - - +0
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Tango Class Submarine 1972

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
24 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3

Kilo Class Submarine 1980

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
20 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
4 x SS-N-27 Sizzler SSM 1 150 +2 11 +3

Victor Class Submarine 1967

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 11 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
16 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3

Alfa Class Submarine 1977

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 9 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
18 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3

Yankee Class Submarine 1967
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 10 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
16 x SS-N-6 Serb SLBM N

Delta Class Submarine 1976

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 9 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
19 x SS-N-8 Sawfly SLBM N

Typhoon Class Submarine 1981

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 9 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
20 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
19 x SS-NX-20 Sturgeon SLBM N

Russian Federation – Modern Ship Data list
Kuznetsov Class Carrier 1991
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 4 9+ 12+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-9 Gauntlet +2
AK-630 CIWS +1
Flight Deck, Ski Jump
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x SU-33 Flanker I/S 800 11 - - +3 2 x 500lb Bombs
2 x KA-27 Helicopters AEW - 8 +2 - -3 -
2 x KA-27 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
12 x SS-N-19 Shipwreck SSM 12 300 +3 11 +4
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Slava Class Cruiser 1982

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 5 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +2 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+5 +4 +4
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-6 Grumble +1 +2 +2
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
AK-630 CIWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-27 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Medium Guns 4 12 - - +1
16 x SS-N-12 Sandbox SSM 16 300 +3 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
Secondary Weapons 3 6 - - -3

Kirov Class Battlecruiser 1981
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 5 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +2 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+5 +4 +4
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-6 Grumble +1 +2 +2
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
AK-630 CIWS +1
Flight Deck, Nuclear Powered
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
2 x KA-27 Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
2 x Medium Guns 2 12 - - +1
20 x SS-N-19 Shipwreck SSM 20 300 +3 11 +4
14 x SS-N-14 Silex Missiles 1 30 +2 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
6 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Sovremenny Class Destroyer 1980

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +2 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +2 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-12 Grizzly +1 +3 +2
AK-630 CWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-27 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Medium Guns 4 12 - - +1
8 x SS-N-22 Sunburn SSM 8 150 +2 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Udaloy Class Destroyer 1980
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 11 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +1 +2 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +2 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-9 Gauntlet +1 +3 +2
AK-630 CWS +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x KA-27 Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Medium Guns 4 12 - - +1
8 x SS-N-14 Silex Missiles 1 30 +2 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Gepard Class Frigate 2003

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 12 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +2 +2 +2
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+3 +2 +2
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
4 x Light Guns 4 12 - - +0
8 x SS-N-25 Switchblade SSM 8 70 +2 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
8 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Steregushch Class Corvette 2007

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
9 12 6 5+ 8+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 +1
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
+4 +2 +2
AK-630 CIWS +1
Kashtan CIWS +1
SA-N-4 Gecko +2 +2 +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
4 x SS-N-25 Switchblade SSM 4 70 +2 11 +3
5 x RBU-600 Rocket Salvos 1 6 +0 - +0
4 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +1 - +3
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Akula Class Submarine 1984
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 9 13 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
28 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3

Oscar Class Submarine 1981

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 10 12 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
10 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
28 x SS-N-19 Shipwreck SSM 1 300 +3 11 +4

Borei Class Submarine 2013

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 10 13 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 - - +3
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
20 x Heavy Torpedoes 1 20 +2 - +3
19 x SS-NX-30 SLBM N

Argentine Navy –Falklands (1982) Ship Data List
Colossus Class Carrier (Vienticino de Mayo) 1942
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 - -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Angled Flight Deck, 2 x Catapults
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
6 x A-4 Skyhawk I/S 600 10 - - +1 2 x 500lb Bombs
1 x S-2 Tracker AEW - 8 +2 - -3 -
2 x Sea King Helicopters ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
500lb Bomb 0 -1 - +4
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Secondary Weapons 2 6 - - -3

Brooklyn Class Cruiser (General Belgrano) 1937

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 4 8+ 11+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +2 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Cat +1
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Alouette Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -3 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
15 x Heavy Guns 15 18 - - +2
Secondary Weapons 4 6 - - -3

Gearing Class Destroyer 1943

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - +2 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
6 x Heavy Guns 6 18 - - +2
3 x Hedgehog Mortar Salvos 1 6 -1 - +1
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Allen M Sumner Class Destroyer 1944
Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 8 4 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 - +2 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
6 x Heavy Guns 6 18 - - +2
3 x Hedgehog Mortar Salvos 1 6 -1 - +1
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Type-42 Destroyer 1975

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 10 6 7+ 10+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+1 +1 +1 -
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Sea Dart +2
Flight Deck
Aircraft Type Combat Radius Defence RADAR SONAR Dogfight Weapon
1 x Lynx Helicopter ASW - 8 +1 +1 -2 1 x Air Dropped Torpedo
Aircraft Weapon Range Accuracy Defence Damage
Air Dropped Torpedo 12 +1 - +2
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Drummond Class Corvette 1978

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
9 10 6 6+ 9+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
+2 +1 +1 +0
Air Defence Close Intermediate Long
Anti-Aircraft Guns +1
Aspide +1
Flight Deck
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
1 x Medium Gun 1 12 - - +1
4 x Exocet SSM 4 80 +3 11 +3
6 x Light Torpedoes 1 12 +0 +2 +2
Secondary Weapons 1 6 - - -3

Balao Class Submarine (Santa Fe) 1944

Speed EW AS Light Damage Heavy Damage
8 Submerged / 6 Surfaced 8 9 3+ 4+
Search RADAR Air Defence RADAR Fire Control RADAR SONAR
- - - +1
Weapon Rate of Fire Range Accuracy Defence Damage
10 x Heavy Torpedoes (Un-Guided) 1 20 -0 - +3


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