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The Tower Chronicle

Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Uitenhage South

P.O. Box 500 Uitenhage 6230
“Service above Self”
VOLUME 35 ISSUE 1 26 th JULY 2010
Volume 28, Issue 9 March 2004
Message from the President…
Fellow Rotarians, as this is my first month in the chair, I obviously I look upon the year
ahead with a degree of trepidation, but I know that with your support and commitment I
have a very good team behind me and that we will be able to achieve the goals that have
been set out for the next 12 months.

Congratulations to Vincent on a good year. You and your board have done us proud!

To my Board........we have a tough act to follow but I know that with your commitment we can do it.

The time has come when Rotary International is aggressively pursuing the revitalisation of “Service
Above Self” and an allegiance to Rotary in all Rotarians worldwide. And to this end District Governor
Frank is pushing all clubs in our District to implement training programmes that help to ensure that we
have knowledgeable Rotarians. This being in addition to the training that's being offered by the District
via PDG's Fred Roberts and Des Willis like PERLS, etc. I urge each one of you to commit yourself to
these initiatives, irrespective whether you're a “new” Rotarian or whether you've been around for many
years. Revision is healthy, not a waste of time! But more about that later.

And to my Ann, Leslie-Ann, I also wish you and your team of Anns an enjoyable and successful year in
whatever projects you take on. The Anns are an essential part of the ethos of our Club and your success
makes us proud and motivates us to excel.

In closing, I would just like to wish all the members of our Club a great year. Get involved, don't sit on the
sidelines. The greater your involvement, the more enjoyable Rotary becomes. Remember that a Rotary
Club is like a chain. It is only as strong as it's weakest link.

Until next time.



of the things we think, say or do:
1 Message from the President
2 Editorial
1. Is it the TRUTH?
3 How do I do a make-up?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4 Anns Corner
3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The Rotary Club of Uitenhage South
President: Shaun Gilbert Secretary: Alan Reynolds Bulletin Editor: Pierre van der Westhuizen
Editorial …

Hello fellow Rotarians,

Here we are at the beginning of a new Rotary year, and
what a year it's turning out to be! What with FIFA 2010
very successfully been hosted in South Africa and Bafana
Bafana doing us proud ( better than many cynics had expected ).
A U.S. Open with Ernie coming 3rd ( best Open showing by a
South African for some time now ) and a historic win by Louis
Oosthuizen of The British Open! AND that's just on the sports
Well it' a new year and a new President. Shaun, I know that
I speak for all the members of our club in wishing you an
enjoyable successful year at the helm.
You always talk about transparency and that's fine but
don't vanish! The President remains the captain of the
ship and as such you're the skipper.
Well I hope that I can “walk my talk” this year when I say
the plan is to have a bulletin issued every fortnight. But a
lot will depend on the co-operation of every one of you
submitting articles as per my requests ( more about that
later ).

Hou die blink kant bö…..

The new guard for Rotary in Uitenhage
Pierre 2010/2011

A request from our Attendance Officer............”Please ensure that you apologise to Elize at
Trevor Wait & Assoc. if you cannot make a Monday meeting. Her number is 041-9229006
and this must be done before 10:00am that Monday otherwise you will still be liable for
meal costs.”

We all have cellphones, etc. in order to contact somebody to apologise even if it is a late

HOW DO I DO A MAKE-UP? ( a common question for new Rotarians )

Although PP Richard has published this in his Rules and Regulations of Attendance, let's recap for those of you
who receive documents at a meeting, scan them, then fold them up and place them in a jacket pocket.......never to
be seen again!
If you miss a Club meeting and would like to maintain a 100% attendance record ( which should be everyone's aim
anyway ) you can gain an attendance credit by either:
– attending the regular meeting of another Rotary, Rotaract or Interact Club,
– attending and participating in a Club Service project or Club-sponsored community event or meeting duly
authorised by the Board,
– attending a Club Board meeting or, if authorised by the Board, a meeting of a service committee to which
you are assigned.
Additionally, you can choose to conduct an “e-Makeup” via the Internet. “e-Makeups” have become very popular
and eClub One, if not the only, is most certainly the most popular. There is a lot to be learnt about Rotary there.

CAUGHT BY OUR CAMERAS.........Induction Dinner and DG's visit

President Shaun inducted

by Immediate PP Vincent The new Presidential couple Rtn Leon – the MC

Uitenhage South Paul Harris Fellows – including 2 new Fellows

Rev. Sharon Nel and PP Mickey Swift

AG Ted Woodall, his Ann, Theresa, and

Anns President Leslie-Ann

President Shaun handing over a banner Club Treasurer Mukesh discussing high finance
to DG Frank with DG Frank and his Ann Emelia

From l-r: Rotary Ann Tabitha Gawe and

Rtn's Cumngce Gawe and Marilyn Klassen

DG Frank and Ann Emelia, AG Ted, Pres Shaun

and our Interact Presidents

A highway patrolman saw a car speeding along on the highway.
Glancing at the car, he was astonished to see a blonde
behind the wheel, knitting.
The Trooper cranked down his window and yelled:
“NO,” yelled the blonde, “SCARF!”
A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter.
"What are you doing?" She asked. "Hunting Flies" He responded.
"Oh. Killing any?" She asked. "Yep, 3 males, 2 Females," he replied.
Intrigued, she asked. "How can you tell?"
He responded, "3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone."
One night a man - who was in no shape to drive - wisely left his car parked
and walked home. As he was walking unsteadily along the road, he was
stopped by a policeman.
"What are you doing out here at 2 A.M.?" said the officer.
"I'm going to a lecture." the man said.
"And just who is going to give a lecture at this hour?" the cop asked.
"My wife." said the man.

ADULT: A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is

now growing in the middle.
TOMORROW: One of the greatest labor saving devices of today.
YAWN: An honest opinion openly expressed. Buy one, get one free!
Hello Everyone,

Thank you all for Shaun’s Induction Dinner. In his own words “…it was the best one yet…”. The décor,
dinner and fellowship were great and made a memorable night (& early morning after the party) for us.
We appreciate your show of support and look forward to a good Rotary year “Building Communities and
Bridging Continents”.

My own Induction was held earlier in June so the Ann’s are already well under way with the new
leadership: Pam Beaumont is our Treasurer and Irene Fish is the new Secretary. We were able to hand
over 3 x 21 litre cooking pots to the St Katherine’s Soup Kitchen (where they feed almost 300 people on
Mondays) and also took groceries and chocolates to the old folk at Ibhongo Lesizwe Old Age Centre in
KwaNobuhle. As the weeks go by I will let you know of the other good deeds we do & hope you will be
pleasantly surprised by our variety and number of charitable activities throughout the year.

We were saddened by the loss of Ursula Scharberg and our hearts and prayers go out to PP Hans and
family at this time.

As you know by now, the Ann’s meet once a month at an Ann’s home and the hostesses best recipe as
voted for by the attending Ann’s will be printed in this newsletter. We thank Ann Viviene Sandy for her
lovely QUICK GINGER PUDDING (this edition) and MUSHROOM TART (next edition) recipes. I
hope some of you Rotarians will get to taste them - one good reason to pass this bulletin on to your
“home Ann”!



In a pot, melt 125g margarine
Add 1,5 Tsp Apricot Jam
tsp bicarb
1,5 cups of flour
Mix until smooth.

In another pot, boil together
cups water
1,5 cups sugar
1 tsp Ginger

Drop teaspoonfuls of the mixture into the boiling syrup.

Put the lid onto the pot and simmer for 10minutes.
Enjoy with cream, custard or ice cream.

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