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EP302 Modern Physics - Tutorial 2015-16

1. A chemist friend tells you that the spectrum of the one-electron ion of an element showed its
ns orbitals to be at the energies 0 cm–1, 2 057 972 cm–1, 2 439 156 cm–1 and 2 572 562 cm–1.
(a) Convert into more comprehensible units and identify the element.
(b) Calculate the energy required to remove the electron from this ion.

2. Jewett & Serway problem 40.48. In a vacuum tube, electrons evaporate from a hot cathode at
a slow, steady rate and accelerate from rest through a potential difference of 45.0 V. Then
they travel 28.0 cm as they pass through an array of slits and fall on a screen to produce an
interference pattern. If the beam current is below a certain value, only one electron at a time
will be in flight in the tube. What is this value? In this situation, the interference pattern still
appears, showing that each individual electron can be described as a wave interfering with

3. Jewett & Serway problem 41.27.

The wave function of a particle is given by:
ψ ( x ) = A cos kx + B sin kx
where A, B, and k are constants. Show that ψ is a solution of the Schrödinger equation with
V(x) = 0, and find the energy of the particle.

4. Jewett & Serway problems 41.16 and 41.22, modified.

A particle in an infinitely deep square well is in a quantum state described by the wave
2 ⎛ 2π x ⎞
ψ ( x) = sin ⎜ ⎟
a ⎝ a ⎠
for 0 ≤ x ≤ a and zero otherwise.
(a) Make a sketch of the probability density associated with this state.
(b) Determine the probability of finding the particle in an infinitesimal interval dx around
x = a/2.
(c) Determine the probability of finding the particle in an infinitesimal interval dx around
x = a/4.
(d) Determine the expectation value of x.
(e) Argue that the result of part (d) does not contradict the results of parts (b) and (c).
(f) What are the most probable positions to find the particle in a single measurement?

5. A particle in an infinitely deep square well has the time-dependent wave function
2 ⎛ 2π x ⎞ ⎛ − iE 2 ⎞ h 2 ⎛ 2π ⎞
ψ ( x, t ) = sin⎜ ⎟ exp⎜ t ⎟ with E 2 = ⎜ ⎟
a ⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ h ⎠ 2m ⎝ a ⎠
for 0 ≤ x ≤ a and zero otherwise.
h π h h 3π h
Consider the moments in time t1 = 0 , t 2 = , t3 = π , t4 = , and t 5 = 2π .
E2 2 E2 E2 2 E2
Find expressions for the wavefunction at these times and describe the time-dependence of the
wavefunction in a few words.

6. Jewett & Serway problem 41.49.

An atom is in an excited state 1.80 eV above the ground state with a lifetime of 2.00 μs. Find
the frequency and the wavelength of the photon emitted when this atom decays to the ground
state. What is the uncertainty in the energy of the emitted photon?
7. A wave is formed as the sum of two cosine waves with equal amplitudes, but slightly different
ψ ( x) = ψ 1 ( x) + ψ 2 ( x)
with ψ 1 ( x) = A cos(k1 x − ω1t ) and ψ 2 ( x) = A cos(k 2 x − ω 2 t ) . Use the trigonometric identity:
⎛a −b⎞ ⎛a +b⎞
cos a + cos b = 2 cos⎜ ⎟ cos⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
to write the sum as the product of two cosines. Use your result to sketch a graph of the wave
and to find the group velocity of the wave (hint: see Jewett & Serway p. 1205-6).

8. Jewett & Serway problem 41.28, modified.

Suppose a particle trapped in the ground state in a box of width a and infinitely high walls.
The right wall is suddenly lowered to a finite height and width, such that V(x) = V0 for
a ≤ x ≤ 2a and V(x) = 0 for x ≥ 2a.
(a) Qualitatively sketch the wave function for the particle a short time after the wall has
been lowered.
(b) What is the wavelength of the wave that penetrates the right wall?
(c) Consider the wave functions in all three regions x > 0, and write down the boundary

9. Indicate which of the following functions are eigenfunctions of the momentum operator
p x ≡ −ih : (a) x2, (b) exp(ikx), (c) exp(ax), (d) sin(kx), (e) 2x exp(–x2/2).
− h2 d 2
Repeat for the kinetic energy operator E kin ≡ .
2m dx 2
(More on operators in the 4th year course Atoms and Quanta II.)

10. Part of exam problem 2014; see also problem 13.

The harmonic oscillator potential is:

V ( x) = 12 k x 2

and the ground state and the first excited state of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator are
given by

ϕ 0 ( x ) = (a / π )1 / 4 exp (− ax 2 / 2 ) ϕ 1 ( x) = (4a 3 / π ) x exp(− ax 2 / 2)

1/ 4

where a = mω / h and ω = k / m .

(a) State the time-independent Schrödinger equation for the harmonic oscillator. (2 marks)

(b) Write down the equation for the probability distribution for the particle in the first
excited state and sketch a graph of this probability distribution. At what position(s) are
you most likely to find the particle? (2 marks)

(c) Find the expectation value for the position of the particle in the first excited state.
Compare this value with the positions obtained in (a) and clearly explain why these
results are not in contradiction. (3 marks)

11. For a spherically symmetric state of the hydrogen atom, the Schrödinger equation in spherical
coordinates is:
− h 2 ⎛ d 2ψ 2 dψ ⎞ e2
⎜⎜ 2 + ⎟⎟ − ψ = Eψ
2m ⎝ dr r dr ⎠ 4πε 0 r

Show that the wavefunction for an electron in the 2s state of the hydrogen atom
4πε 0 h 2 1
ψ (r ) = A(2 − r / a 0 ) exp(−r / 2a 0 ) with a0 = 2
and A =
me 4 2π a03
is a solution of this equation, and find the energy associated with this state.

12. A particle with kinetic energy E travelling along the positive x-direction encounters a
potential step, with potential energy:

U(x) = U0 for x < 0

U(x) = 0 for x > 0

(a) Make a sketch of the potential energy as a function of x, and represent the particle with
a horizontal dashed line. Indicate U0 and E in your diagram.
(b) Solve the Schrödinger equation to find the wave function for this particle for all x.
(c) Calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients, and discuss your result from both
a classical and a quantum mechanics perspective.

13. Part of exam problem 2014; see also problem 10.

(d) Two non-interacting particles with equal mass m are placed in the same harmonic
oscillator potential. Particle 1 is in the ground state and particle 2 is in the first excited
state. Derive an expression for the probability of simultaneously finding particle 1 in an
infinitesimal interval dx1 around x1 = 0 and particle 2 in an infinitesimal interval dx2
around x2 = 1 / a . (3 marks)

(e) (Not part of exam problem.) For the situation in (d), make a contour plot or a sketch of
the two-particle probability distribution (the probability of finding particle 1 in an
infinitesimal interval dx around the point x1, and simultaneously particle 2 in an
infinitesimal interval dx around the point x2).

14. Jewett & Serway problem 42.35, modified.

(a) Write out the electronic configuration for the ground state of oxygen (Z = 8).
(b) Write out the values for the set of quantum numbers n, l, ml, and ms for each electron in
the ground state of oxygen.

15. Exam problem 2013.

(a) The second row of the periodic table contains the elements Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, and
Ne. Write down the ground-state configurations of these elements, and briefly explain
how you have found these configurations. (3 marks)

(b) State Hund’s rule for the electrons in an unfilled n, l subshell of an atom and briefly
explain how this rule applies to the elements in the second row. (2 marks)
(c) Atoms with two valence electrons have singlet and triplet excited states. Briefly explain
this by starting with the Pauli exclusion principle and the one-electron spin wave
functions χ ↑ (ms = ½) and χ ↓ (ms = –½). Construct the four possible total spin wave
functions for the two valence electrons. List the eigenvalues for the total spin and its z-
component. (5 marks)

16. The familiar yellow light from a sodium-vapour street lamp results from the 3p → 3s
transition in Na. Evaluate the wavelength of this light, given that the energy difference
E3p − E 3s = 2.10 eV .

17. Jewett & Serway problem 42.50, modified.

In X-ray production, electrons are accelerated through a high voltage ΔV and then decelerated
by striking a target. Show that the shortest-wavelength X-ray that can be produced is
1240 nm ⋅ V
λ min =

18. Exam problem 2015.

In the X-ray emission spectrum of Tungsten the wavelengths of the lines of the K-series are:
Kα: λ = 0.210 Å, Kβ: λ = 0.184 Å, and Kγ: λ = 0.179 Å. In the X-ray absorption spectrum of
Tungsten the K absorption edge is at λ = 0.178 Å.

(a) Briefly describe how an X-ray emission spectrum is produced using an X-ray tube, and
what atomic process produces X rays. (3 marks)

(b) Construct an X-ray energy levels diagram for Tungsten. Indicate in your diagram the K
transitions and calculate the energies of the K, L, M, and N levels in keV. (3 marks)

(c) Calculate the minimum energy required to excite the L series in Tungsten. Calculate
the wavelength of the Lα line. (2 marks)

(d) Briefly explain what is meant by Auger electron emission. (2 marks)

19. A pulsed ruby laser emits light at 694.3 nm. Each pulse has a duration of 14.0 ps and contains
3.00 J of energy. Find the physical length of the pulse as it travels through space. Find the
number of photons in each pulse.
If the beam has a circular cross section of 0.600 cm diameter, find the number of photons per
cubic millimetre.

20. Jewett & Serway problem 43.2.

A K+ ion and a Cl– ion are separated by a distance of 5.00 x 10–10 m. Assuming that the two
ions act like point charges, determine (a) the force each ion exerts on the other, and (b) the
potential energy of attraction in eV.

21. Jewett & Serway problem 43.20. Photons of what frequency can be spontaneously emitted by
CO molecules in the state with v = 1 and J = 0?

22. Jeweett & Serwaay problem m 43.1. A van v der Waaals disperssion force bbetween hellium atomss
produuces a veryy shallow pootential welll, with a deepth of 1.0 meV.
m At abbout what temperature
t e
woulld you expeect helium too condense??

23. m problem 2015.

Exam 2
The figure
f show
ws the vibrattion-rotationn absorption
n spectrum of the HBr molecule.

(a) Make a pllot of the firrst six rotattional levelss of each off the two low west vibratiional levelss
(of the grround electtronic state)) of HBr. Label all levels withh appropriatte quantum m
numbers. State the appropriate
a selection ru
ules for trannsitions, andd indicate on
o your plott
a few off the transiitions that are respon nsible for the
t vibratioon-rotation absorptionn
spectrum of
o HBr. (4 marks)

(b) Write dow

wn the equaation for thee rotational and vibrational energgy levels off a diatomicc
molecule and
a hence derive
d expreessions for the
t energiess of the absoorbed photo ons.
(3 marks)

(c) By using the figure, calculate thhe frequenccy of vibrattion and thee moment of
o inertia off
the HBr molecule.
m (3 marks)

24. m problem 2014.

Exam 2
232 208
A piece of thoriium ore conntaining 1.00 kg of Th
90 d to also coontain 200 g of
T is found 82 Pb .
208 232
82 Pbb is the stab
ble final daaughter of the radioacttive series whose
w parennt is 90 Th . The half--
o the parennt is 1.4 × 10
life of yr. Thhe first dau
ughter of thee series is 228
88 Ra , and the second
daugghter is 89 A .

(a) Identify thhe type of decay

d from 23290Th to 2288
888 Ra , and fr
rom 228
88 Ra tto 228
89 Ac . Write
W downn
reaction eqquations forr both radiooactive decaays. (3 marks)

(b) Calculate the age of the

t rock (ie.. how manyy years havee passed sincce the form
mation of thee
rock). Whhat importannt assumption have you u made in calculating
c tthe age of th
he rock?
(3 marks)
(c) There aree a total off six α parrticles emittted in the decay of tthe radioacctive series..
Assumingg that the α particles have
h not esscaped from
m the rock, calculate how muchh
helium ( 42 He t α decays should be in the rockk.
H ) originaating from the (2 marks)

228 228
(d) The first daughter of the series, 88 Ra , decays to 89 Ac with a half-life of 5.7 yr. Using
228 232
the fact that the half-life of 88 Ra is very much smaller than the half-life of 90 Th ,
estimate how much 88 Ra should be in the rock. (2 marks)

25. Exam problem 2015.

The ground state of 9343Tc (atomic mass 92.9102 u) decays by electron capture and by positron
emission to different energy levels of the daughter nucleus Mo (atomic mass 92.9068 u). The
Mo energy levels are at 2.44 MeV, 2.03 MeV, 1.48 MeV, and 1.35 MeV, which all de-excite
by direct γ decay to the ground state.

(a) Write down the reaction equation for electron capture and identify A and Z of the
daughter. Calculate the disintegration energy for electron capture. To which of the Mo
levels is electron capture allowed? (4 marks)

(b) Write down the reaction equation for positron emission and show that the daughter is
the same as in (a). Calculate the disintegration energy for positron emission. To which
of the Mo levels is positron emission allowed? (3 marks)

(c) Draw the decay scheme and include all possible reactions. (3 marks)

26. The 145 Pm nucleus decays by alpha emission.

(a) Determine the daughter nucleus.
(b) Determine the energy released in this decay.
(c) What fraction of energy is carried away by the alpha particle when the recoil of the
daughter is taken into account?

27. Jewett & Serway problem 44.54.

(a) Why is the beta decay p → n + e+ + ν forbidden for a free proton?
(b) Why is the same reaction possible if the proton is bound in a nucleus, for example in:
7 N→ 6 C + e + ν
13 13

(c) How much energy is released in the reaction in (b)?

28. Jewett & Serway problem 44.61. A by-product of some fission reactors is the isotope 94 Pu ,
an alpha emitter with a half-life of 24,210 years. Consider a sample of 1.00 kg of pure 94 Pu
at t = 0. Calculate the number of Pu nuclei present at t = 0 and the initial activity in the

sample. How long does the sample have to be stored if a "safe" activity level is 0.100 Bq?

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