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1 Camp Break the Barrier


Overall Goals of the Program:

1. Improvement in initiating and maintaining social interpersonal relationship
a. Learning effective social skills that will increase social interactions
b. Allow autistic campers interact with the other camper to observe and learn social
c. Demonstrate social skills that will increase interpersonal relationship
2. Developing effective non verbal and verbal communication skills .
a. Creating activities that will allow the children to express their feeling as well as
demonstrate how to express non verbal communication
b. Learn effective communication skills when doing the activities
c. Communicating with other camp members
3. Modifying behaviors that will be socially accepted
a. Creating activities that will demonstrate behaviors that are not harmful and acceptable
b. Create actives that teach new behaviors that can be use when dealing with stressful
c. Observation of other campers without a disability that will allow our autistic campers to
observe behaviors that are accepted .
Comprehensive Program :
Camp Break the Barrier is an all inclusive camp that is open for children ages 5-12 autism spectrum
disorder are welcomed regardless of the severity of their disability as well as children who do not suffer
from autism spectrum disorder. In camp we believe that children with autism benefit most from the
relaxing nature setting and sense of community that only a summer camp can provide. The inclusion of
those with and without autism provides an environment that allows those with autism to observe socially
accepted behavior and aid in social integration. Recreational Therapy benefits those with autism by
cultivating social interaction, behavior management, communication, and motor skills. The Camp Break
the Barrier provides structured activities that are both safe and fun for all children. The duration of Camp
Break the Barrier is three weeks long from 9am - 12pm and allows both autistic and non-autistic
participants. To be classified as an autistic participant, proper documentation must be provided
demonstrating a clinical diagnosis of autism.
Assessment Tool
The assessment tool that Camp Break the Barrier will be using is The Social Attributes
Checklist- Assessing Young Children’s Social Competence. This assessment tool was created by D W.
McClellan and L.G Katz. The reason why Camp Break the Barrier selected this assessment tool is
because it can be used on all children, whether if they have a disability or not. This provides a baseline
for children on what is considered “normal” behavior. This helps staff to differentiate between children
who have autistic behavior and those who do not. This test measures individual attributes, social skills
attributes, and peer relationship attributes (Burlingame 2010). Children who have autism struggle with
2 Camp Break the Barrier

elements of individual social skills and peer relationships. Making this a perfect assessment to help
improve weakness that the child may have.

Protocol for Assessment Tool

The assessment tool is easy to administer and takes 3 weeks to gather observation of behavior making it
a perfect tool for the summer camp. The time needed to score the test is 10 minutes. Recreational
Therapist or camp leaders will administer the test for each child after each week of the camp (3
assessments for each child). The assessment can pinpoint changes in specific social behaviors based on
the first and last assessment (Burlingame 2010). The results will help camp leaders and RT’s place
children in specific activities that will help improve their social competence.

The Social Attributes Checklist

(+) (-) I. Individual Attributes- The Child:

1. Is usually in a positive mood.

2. Is not excessively dependent on adults

3. Usually comes to the program willingly

4. Usually copes with rebuffs adequately

5. Shows the capacity to empathize

6. Has positive relationship with one or two peers; shows the capacity to really
care about them and miss them if they are absent.

7. Displays the capacity for humor

8. Does not seem to be acutely lonely.

II. Social Skills Attributes- The Child Usually:

1. Approaches others positively

2. Express wishes and preferences clearly; gives reasons for actions and positions

3. Asserts own rights and needs appropriately

4. Is not easily intimidated by bullies

5. Expresses frustrations and anger effectively and without escalating

disagreements or harming others

6. Gains access to ongoing groups at play and work

7. Enters ongoing discussion on the subject; makes relevant contributions to

ongoing activities

8. Takes turns fairly easily

3 Camp Break the Barrier

9. Shows interest in others; exchanges information with and requests information

from others appropriately

10. Negotiates and compromises with others appropriately

11. Does not draw inappropriate attention to self.

12. Accepts and enjoys peers and adults of ethnic groups other than his or her
own .

13. Interacts nonverbally with other children with smiles, waves, nods. Etc.

III. Peer Relationship Attributes- The Child

1. Is usually accepted versus neglected or rejected by other children.

2. Is sometimes invited by other children to join them in play, friendship, and


3. Is named by other children as someone they are friends with or like to play and
work with

Total Score (number of (+))=

Authors: D.E McClellan and L.G. Katz. ERIC Identifier: ED450953: Publication Date: 2001-03-00 Sources:
ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education Champaign IL. March 2001
(Burlingame 2010)
We understand the transition of new environment can be challenging for all children , however for
autistic children may become overwhelmed stressful change that they become confused on what to do .
Research have found that a list of activities for the day has help autistic children calm down through the
transition as well as help them participate in the games .( Rouse 2009) For this reason before starting the
day each children will receive a list of activities that we will start of for the day.The activities list will
state the order of the activities that will be done for the day .The day will start off with a warm-up ,game
activities , and concluded with leaving for the day .The warm -up for each day will stay the same
however the activities will change and each activity will emphasize on one of the three overall goal of
the program .

Activities for the Day

1. Warm -up : Four corners, Four Cones : Move around the cones
2. Activities
a. Identifying Effects and Feeling
b. Faces and Voices
c. Inviting a Friend
4 Camp Break the Barrier

3. Conclusion

Warm up:
Activity Four corners , Four Cones : Move Around the Cones (Physical,

To provide opportunity for children to practice, modeling, instruction for a variety of
locomotion movements and sport skills. This activity will be used as a warm up that will
done at the beginning of each session, that will help with a predictable routine, which
is important for children with ASD.

The activity start as just a simple game of four corners, by placing four corners in the
middle of the facility or outdoor area. The objectives is to get children to move around
the the facility for warm up laps. Staff members will model several locomotor
movements like running, marching, skipping around the cones. Once the general
concept of four corners has been grasp by the children, staff members will then add
task cards to the cones to direct skill focus movements. Children will then check the
task cards, and complete each task as the approach the designated cone.

● Add music and watch for the children's reaction, to know the volume that works
● Have children use quick locomotor movement for long sides of the facility and
slow locomotor movements for short sides of the facility or outside area.
● Staff members can pair up with children and get their attention while they are
moving, to help enforce multitasking and cue them with “Ready?, Set, Go!”

Social Activities

Get a Partner: Zoo Pals (cognitive, Social)

To provide opportunities for children to test their understanding of techniques, develop cooperative
skills, and improve self- confidence.
Program Objective:
TPO #1: To be able to demonstrate knowledge of Zoo Pal techniques
5 Camp Break the Barrier

● EO 1: To demonstrate ability to distinguish patterns

● EO 2: To be able complete the short tasks assigned
TPO #2: To be able to demonstrate ability to communicate with partners
● EO 1: To demonstrate ability to greet partners
● EO 2: To be able to communicate what animal they are.
● EO 3: To demonstrate the ability to communicate ideas and feelings
TPO #3: To be able to cooperate with others
● EO 1:To be able to listen to their partner.
● EO 2: To demonstrate the ability to follow and give orders
Implementation Description:
This program is designed for a small group of three or four children in preschool, primary (K-2), and
Program Length and Duration:
This program had no specified length or duration.
Program Context
This program can be implemented in out-patient or inpatient agencies serving the described population
of children with autism and those who are not diagnosed with ASD. This program can be used within
community based settings.
One staff member is needed for every ten children. The number of staff should be increased if the
number of participants increase to ensure successful run of the program and based on the social
interaction levels of the clients.
A large open area it can be indoor or outdoor, free of noise restrictions. A safe environment with no
distractions not related to the program.
Equipment and Supplies
● Zoo animal plates (with a variety of animals)
● First Aid Kit
Suggestions for Modifications
● Select plates that reflect students interest
● Use different numbers of matching plates to organized students into small groups of three to
● If you are a special education teacher and are enforcing social skill of introductions use the same
script and procedures you use in the regular classroom in class.

Objectives and Performance Measures

Program: Get a Partner: Zoo Pals

Terminal Program Objective:

TPO 1. To be able to demonstrate knowledge of Zoo Pal techniques
Enabling Objective Performance Measure

1.To demonstrate ability to 1. Upon request, children will demonstrate ability to distinguish patterns by
6 Camp Break the Barrier

distinguish patterns. being able to walk around and looking at the other childrens animal plate
and finding the one that matches their own.

2. To be able complete the short 2. Upon request, children demonstrate the ability to accomplish short easy
tasks assigned tasks like walking and talking or jumping ten times with their partner as
they do a lap around the indoor or outdoor area. This is a great way to
visibly show partnership.

TPO 2: To be able to demonstrate ability to communicate with partners

Enabling Objective Performance Measure

1. To demonstrate ability to 1. Upon request, children will be able demonstrate the ability to greet partners.
greet partners. By walking up to the child who has the matching animal plate and saying “Our
plates match, we are partners” . Followed by “Hi, my name is..”

2. To be able to communicate 2. Upon request, children will demonstrate the ability to communicate what
what animal they are. animal they are. By first saying “What animal Am I looking for?”. Then looking
around and finding the child with the same animal plate and saying “I am a
blank, just like you…”

3. To demonstrate the ability Upon request, children will demonstrate the ability to communicate feeling and
to communicate ideas and idea during the time they are socializing with their partners. They will be
feelings instructed to ask a variety of question about what their favorite animal is, and
how they feel about the animal plate they were handed.

TPO 3. To be able to cooperate with others

Enabling Objective Performance Measure

1. To be able to listen to their 1. While communicating with their partners, children will demonstrate the
partner. ability to listen by:
● Not interrupting their partner while they are speaking
● Maintaining eye contact with their partner
● Ask appropriate questions, and respond to their partners questions.

2. To demonstrate the ability to 2. Upon request, children will be give orders to perform certain simple task, in
follow and give orders addition they will be instructed to give orders to their partners. Children will
demonstrate the ability to give orders by communicating effectively to their
partners, by making eye contact and instructing them what to do in details and

Content and Process Description

TPO No: 1 To be able to demonstrate knowledge of Zoo Pal techniques

EO No: 1 To demonstrate ability to distinguish patterns
Content Process
7 Camp Break the Barrier

Importance of demonstrating the When the activity starts children will look at what animal plate they have,
ability to distinguish patterns to and then have to look around at the other childrens plate and be able to
develop and strengthen cognitive distinguish the different plates to find that pattern that matches their
functioning. animal.

Materials needed ● Zoo animal plates, children, and one staff member

Distinguishing Patterns are By working on distinguishing patterns children are able to work on the
important to teach the cognitive activity techniques and working in with one another.

EO 2: To be able complete the short tasks assigned

Content Process

Importance of being able to During the activity children will be asked to complete task like walking
demonstrate ability to complete short and talking with their partner to show ability to complete task and
task assigned. Shows ability to multitask, while they do a lap around the facility or outdoor area.
mental/ cognitive function and follow

material s needed ● Zoo animal plates, Children, and one staff member

TPO #2: To be able to demonstrate ability to communicate with partners

EO 1: To demonstrate ability to greet partners
Content Process

Importance of being able to During the activity the children will be asked to conversate and greet with
demonstrate the ability to greet their partners as they accomplish task, in order to have a conversation with
partners, helps with social the their partner they will need to make eye contact and take turns speaking.
interaction and communication

Materials Needed: ● Children , and one staff member

EO 2: To be able to communicate what animal they are.

Content Process

Importance of being able to communicate During the beginning of the activity children will be asked to
what animal they are is key to get their communicate to the their children who are playing what animal they
thoughts across to their partners. are by relay on social skills to make contact and express themselves.

Materials needed: ● Children, One staff member, Animal plates

EO 3: To demonstrate the ability to communicate ideas and feelings

Content Process
8 Camp Break the Barrier

Importance of being able to communicate During the activity as children are interacting and socializing with
ideas and feelings works on their partner they will be given topics and questions to ask each other
psychological and emotional functioning. while walking around the room to that children can express thoughts
and feelings.

TPO #3: To be able to cooperate with others

EO 1:To be able to listen to their partner.

Content Process

Importance of being able to listen to partners. Listen to Throughout the activity children will interact with
partners improves social function and leads to a more one another and listen to what they have to say by
meaningful relationship. Listening to partner also making eye contact and facing towards each other.
maintains a safe environment.

materials needed to listen. ● Children

● One staff member

EO 2: To demonstrate the ability to follow and give orders

Content Process

Importance to being able to follow and During the end of the activity children will be given instructions by
give order, leads to a more affect and a staff member to instruct their partners to follow. For example one
successful activity session. And helps child will instruct the other child to jump or speed walk as they
develops cognitive functioning. make a lap around the activity area.

materials needed. ● Children

● Staff members
● Any objects need to complete tasks

Sequence Sheet

TPO EO Description Session Time


- - Introduction to program 1 -

- - 1. Build excitement for the activity 1 5

- - 2. Discuss the agenda for the day. 1 15

3. Included description and format of the activities for the day.

4. Discuss equipment needed 1

9 Camp Break the Barrier

5. Answer any questions regarding the format of the program 1 5

1 1&2 6. To be able to demonstrate knowledge of Zoo Pal techniques 10

2 1&2 7. To demonstrate ability to greet partners and communicate 20

&3 animal.

3 1&2 8. To be able to cooperate with others 15

- - 9. Any questions, comments? 10

Stomp and Catch (Physical, Cognitive, Social)

To provide opportunities where children can test and develop social skills and motor functioning by the
use of the Stomp and Catch techniques.

Program Objective:
● TPO 1: To demonstrate social skills
○ EO 1: To be able to demonstrate ability to take turns.
○ EO 2: To demonstrate ability to work in partners and make choices.

● TPO 2: To demonstrate motor skills using Stomp and Catch techniques

○ EO 1: To demonstrate the ability to stomp or jump to put ball into play
○ EO 2: To demonstrate motor planning
○ EO 3: To demonstrate coordination to catch or gather balls.
Implementation Description
This program is designed for children ages 5 to 12, with modifications this program also applies to
children who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Program Length and Duration
This activity should last about 30-45 minutes or until all the balls in the basket are gone.
Program Context
This program can be implemented in an outpatient or inpatient agency serving the described population.
It can be used in clinical or community based setting, however it is most effective in community setting.
One professional staff member are needed for every ten children. The number of staff may vary
depending on number of children, and their levels of motor and social skills.
A spacious area, with enough room for children to spread out. A safe area to prevent injuries to children.
Equipment and Supplies
● Stomp ball launchers for 2-3 children
● One bucket or basket of tennis balls per launcher
● Items for catching and retrieving
10 Camp Break the Barrier

● Catching net
● Tennis balls
● First Aid Kit
● Picker uppers
Suggestions for Modifications
● Use the ball stompers outdoors on the tennis court. Children on one side of the court stomp
tennis balls across the net. Students on the other side of the net get lots of practice returning
stomped balls with tennis rackets.
● Add a tennis ball shooter to the lesson. Students launch, catch or pick up the ball, and reload the
hopper. This increases the speed of launching, which increases the challenge for the retrievers.
● Rapid fire challenge: Tell students: “Stomp all the balls as fast as you can”
● Football fields are great places to measure the distance stomped.

Objectives and Performance Measures

Program: Stomp and Catch

Terminal Program Objective:

TPO 1.To demonstrate social skills
Enabling Objective Performance Measure

1. To be able to demonstrate ability to 1. Upon request, the child will demonstrate the ability to take turns and
take turns and change roles. change roles by doing the following
● Once all the balls in the basket are gone, the stomper stomps
and they move to the field and switch with their partner to
become the receiver.

2. To demonstrate ability to work in While engaging in the activity the children will demonstrate the ability
partners and make choices. to work in partners and make choices by:
● To be able to work together and talk among their partners and
make the decision of who would like to start off as the catcher
and and receiver.

TPO 2: To demonstrate motor skills using Stomp and Catch techniques

Enabling Objectives Performance Measures

1. To demonstrate the ability to 1. While engaging in the activity children will demonstrate ability to stomp or
stomp or jump to put ball into jump by:
play ● Children will use their motor skills to jump or stomp on the launcher to
send the ball flying.
11 Camp Break the Barrier

2. To demonstrate motor 2. While engaging in the activity, children will demonstrate the ability to plan
planning their motor behaviors by:
● Planning how high to jump at the right time when a ball or object is
placed on the launcher, to send the ball flying.

3. To demonstrate coordination 3. While engaging in the activity, children will demonstrate their coordination
to catch or gather balls. skills to catch or gather balls by:
● The child who is the receiver will use their coordination skills to catch
the balls in a net, with the hands, or picked up in a tennis ball picker

Content and Process Description

TPO No :1 To demonstrate social skills

EO No: 1 To be able to demonstrate ability to take turns.
Content Process

Importance of demonstrating the ability taking During the activity children will demonstrate taking turns once
turns: all the stompers have stomp and all the balls are in the basket,
Taking turns demonstrates ability to interact they will move to the field or outer area of the room to catch the
and cooperating with others. For children with ball.
ASD it is important to develop and improve
social skills.

Materials need to take turns ● Children (participants), one Staff member (to facilitate

EO 2: To demonstrate ability to work in partners and make choices.

Content Process

Importance of demonstrating ability to work in During the activity children will demonstrate their
partners and make choices: ability to work in partners by taking turns to be the
stomper and the catcher after each session they will
Working in partner is an important for children communicate who will be the next stomper and
especially children with ASD because it teaches them catcher.
how to socialize and communicate thoughts and

Material needed to work in partners ● Children (participants)

● One Staff member

TPO 2: To demonstrate motor skills using Stomp and Catch techniques

EO 1: To demonstrate the ability to stomp or jump to put ball into play
Content Process
12 Camp Break the Barrier

Importance of demonstrating the ability to During the activity the somper will demonstrate the ability to put
stomp or jump to put ball into play. the ball into play by placing the ball on the stomper and then
Putting the ball into play shows motor skill jumping on the stomper to launch the ball

Materials Needed for Putting the ball into ● Stomp ball launchers for 2-3 children
play ● One bucket or basket of tennis balls per launcher
● One Staff member/ professional

EO 2: To demonstrate motor planning

Content Process

It’s important to demonstrating motor Before the activity starts the children who are start at the stompers
planning because it shows motor will have to plan out in what directions are they going to stomp
development and helps children become and launch the ball to, so that their partner can catch it.
more independent and modible

Materials need ● Stomp ball launchers for 2-3 children

● One bucket or basket of tennis balls per launcher
● One staff member for every 2-13 children

EO 3: To demonstrate coordination to catch or gather balls.

Content Process

Importance of demonstrating coordination to catch or gather During the activity children will demonstrate
balls. coordination to catch of gather balls by,
keeping their eyes on the ball as it is being
Coordination is a key factor in motor skills development launched and running toward it to attempt to
especially in children with ASD they lack motor skills, so catch it.
working on coordination works on focusing on motor

Materials Needed ● One bucket or basket of tennis balls

per launcher
● Items for catching and retrieving
● Catching net
● Tennis balls

Coordination is important to improve motor skills By focusing on where the balls are being
launch towards, children are working their
motor skills to run and extend their arms with a
basket to catch the ball.

Sequence Sheet
13 Camp Break the Barrier

TPO EO Description Session Time


- - Introduction to program 1 -

- - 2. Build excitement for the activity 1 5

- - 2. Discuss the agenda for the day. 1 15

3. Included description and format of the activities for the day.

4. Discuss equipment needed 1

5. Answer any questions regarding the format of the program 1 5

1 1&2 6. To demonstrate social skills 15

2 1&2 7. To demonstrate motor skills using Stomp and Catch 15

&3 techniques

- - 8. Any questions, comments? Reflection 10

- - 9. Focus Group (staff members) 15

Funnel Shooters and Catching Nets (Physical, Cognitive)

To provide opportunity for children to work together and interact with one another; change jobs and
develop cooperative skills .
Program Objectives:
● TPO 1: To demonstrate cooperative skills
○ EO 1: To demonstrate work together to launch and catch balls
○ Eo 2: To demonstrate rotating positions
● TPO 2: To demonstrate motor skill development
○ EO 1: To demonstrate the ability to launch items to the catcher
○ EO2: To demonstrate eye contact

Implementation Description
This activity is designed for a small group of five children; three shooters and two catchers for children
with and without ASD. Children with physical and cognitive limitations in social and motor behavior can
be incorporated into the activity with modifications based on their individual needs.
Activity Length and Duration
This program should last for about 45 minutes with a four rounds or sessions where both partners are
14 Camp Break the Barrier

able to rotate roles from launcher to catcher.

Program Context
This program can be implemented in any agency serving the described population. The program can be
used in inpatient, and outpatient settings.
One staff member for every five students who is knowledgeable in the techniques of the funnel shooters
and catching nets program. Addition staff may be required depending on number of children and the
level of the participants dysfunction.
An open, spacious area either indoor or outdoor where children have enough space to spread out and
launch the items as far as possible. In addition there should be no distractions that can take away the
attention of the children from the program. A safe area that is appropriate for children with ASD.
Equipment and Supplies
● Funnel shooter
● First Aid Kit
● poly spots (number 1-5)
● Large quantity of items to launch (yarn balls, bean bags, tennis balls)

Objective and Performance Measures

Program: Funnel Shooters and Catching Nets

Terminal Program Objective:

TPO 1: To demonstrate cooperative skills
Enabling Objective Performance Measure

1. To demonstrate work 1. While engaging in the program, children will demonstrate the ability to work
together to launch and catch together with their peers to launch and catch balls:
balls ● Three people will work together to operate the funnel shooter, one
person will load the funnel, the second person will aim and the third
will give directions as to where to shoot.

2. To demonstrate rotating 2. While engaging in the program, children will demonstrate the ability to rotate
positions roles and duties with their group members.
● Children will have ten trials before they rotate positions in numbered
order (1 goes to 2, 2 goes to 3 and so on).

TPO 2: To demonstrate motor skill development

Enabling Objective: Performance Measure
15 Camp Break the Barrier

1. To demonstrate the ability 1. While engaging in the program, children will demonstrate the ability to
to launch items to the catcher launch items to the catcher by:
● Placing an item in the funnel, and pulling down and back and then
releasing to launch the items.

2. To demonstrate the ability 2. While engaging in the program, children will demonstrate the ability to use
to catch motor skills to catch the items, being launched.
● Catchers are in the field and may catch with hands, mitts or catching

Content and Process Description

TPO 1: To demonstrate cooperative skills

EO 1: To demonstrate work together to launch and catch balls
Content Process

Importance of working To start the activity two children will work together to launch and catch the ball
together to launch and catch one will launch and the other child will pay attention to the launcher to be able to
balls. catch the balls.

Materials need: ● Large quantity of items to launch (yarn balls, bean bags, tennis balls)

Eo 2: To demonstrate rotating positions

Content Process

Importance of rotating positions. It is Throughout the activity children while be rotating position once all the
important to show ability to rotate items have been launched, they will go from launcher to catcher for up to
positions because it focuses on four rounds.
teamwork, communicating, and
social skill which are all three
important factors that are
undeveloped in children with autism.

Materials need Children, one staff member at least

TPO 2: To demonstrate motor skill development

EO 1: To demonstrate the ability to launch items to the catcher
Content Process

Importance of being able to Throughout the activity children will take turns launching items to the catcher
launch items to the catcher using their motor functions children will determine the appropriate force to use
deals with motor skills. to ensure items will reach the catcher as best as possible.

Materials need: Items to throw (tennis balls, Yarn)

16 Camp Break the Barrier

EO2: To demonstrate eye contact

Content Process

Importance to demonstrate eye Throughout the entire activity children will need to make eye contact when
contact, helps develop and launching and catching the items, and when speaking to change positions with
improve social and cognitive their partners.
skills and functions . making
eye contact shows the other
person that they are being
spoken too.

Materials needed: Items to launch, children, one staff member (for every ten children)

Sequence Sheet

TPO EO Description Session Time


- - Introduction to program 1 -

- - 3. Build excitement for the activity 1 5

- - 2. Discuss the agenda for the day. 1 15

3. Included description and format of the activities for the day.

4. Discuss equipment needed 1

5. Answer any questions regarding the format of the program 1 5

1 1&2 6. To demonstrate cooperative skills 15

2 1&2 7. To demonstrate motor skill development 15

- - 8. Any questions, comments? Reflection 10

- - 9. Focus Group (staff members) 15

Tag, You’re It! (Physical, Cognitive, Social, Psychological Functioning)

To provide opportunity for children with ASD to develop social skills, and physical functioning and
build self confidence.
Activity Objectives:
17 Camp Break the Barrier

● TPO 1: To demonstrate the ability to test one’s physical functioning

○ EO1: To demonstrate ability to tag in the appropriate areas (shoulder, back or arm).
○ EO2: To demonstrate knowledge of how to tag with the proper amount of force.

● TPO 2: To demonstrate the ability to improve social skills

○ EO1: To demonstrate the ability to say “Tag you’re it” to their partner when they have
been tagged.
○ EO2: To be able to communicate with others

Implementation Description
This activity is designed for a partner or small group of children in preschool, primary (K-2) and
intermediate (3-5) with ASD or not.
Activity Length and Duration
This activity is designed to last for about twenty minutes, with roles being switch everytime the tagger
tags someone the roles change.
Activity Context
This activity can be implemented in any agency serving the described population of those diagnosed
with ASD and those who are not.
One adult or experienced peer who has the is needed for every child with ASD in the beginning of the
activity. Gradually increasing the size of the group as the child with ASD becomes more familiar with
how to play. Each Autistic child should be in a group with three or four peers who is capable and
knowledgeable to assist them in the activity.
An outdoor, open area free from distractions and that is environmentally safe to children as they will be
running around chasing their peers to tag them.
Equipment and Supplies
● A tag stick
● First Aid Kit
● Tagging hand
● Foam noodle or thunder stick (can supply the extra visual cue to help students with ASD
understand the “it” in tag games)

Objectives and Performance Measures

Activity: Tag, You’re It!

TPO 1: To demonstrate the ability to test one’s physical functioning
Enabling Objective Performance Measures

1. To demonstrate ability to 1. While engaging in the activity, children will demonstrate ability to tag in the
tag peers in the appropriate appropriate areas by:
areas (shoulder, back or ● Using the tag stick to to get the right touch with the proper amount of
18 Camp Break the Barrier

2. To demonstrate 2. While engaging in the activity, children will demonstrate the knowledge of how
knowledge of how to tag to tag with the proper amount of force by:
with the proper amount of
force. ● Being asked by an adult or experienced peer “where can you tag?” and
showing where.

TPO 2: To demonstrate the ability to improve social skills

Enabling Objectives Performance Measures

1. To demonstrate the ability to say 1. While engaging in the activity children will demonstrate their ability
“Tag you’re it” to their partner when to say “tag you’re it” by
they have been tagged. ● First actually tagging their peer and then making eye contact
with their peer while speaking to them to let them know that
they have been tagged.

2. To be able to communicate with While engaging in the activity children will demonstrate their ability to
others communicate with others by:
● Communicating with their experienced partner or other group
members that they have been tagged and are now it, by
specifically saying “ Tag, you’re it”.

Content and Process Description

TPO 1: To demonstrate the ability to test one’s physical functioning

EO1: To demonstrate ability to tag in the appropriate areas (shoulder, back or arm).
Content Process

Importance of being able to to demonstrate the In the beginning children will be asked to point to the
ability to tag in appropriate helps enforce appropriate places to tag, based on what they were told by
cognitive function. And allows for a safe experts before the activity.
environment and activity.

Materials needed: ● A tag stick

EO2: To demonstrate knowledge of how to tag with the proper amount of force.

Content Process

Importance of demonstrating knowledge of Before the activity takes place, the Staff members will do over
how to tag with the proper amount of what is acceptable in terms of tagging and demonstrated on all
key to work in cognitive and physical the kids how much force should be use, which would be a slight
functions. And to ensure a safe environment tap.
where no one gets hurt.

Materials Needed ● Tag stick

TPO 2: To demonstrate the ability to improve social skills

EO1: To demonstrate the ability to say “Tag you’re it” to their partner when they have been tagged.
19 Camp Break the Barrier

Content Process

Importance to demonstrate the ability to During the activity the child who is it will be instructed to say “Tag
say “Tag you’re it” to their partner when you’re it” to the other children, to tell the other children know that
they have been tagged. To ensure their they are now it and to stop running or trying to get away.
partner knows that they are now it.

Materials needed: ● Tag stick

EO2: To be able to communicate with others

Content Process

Importance of being able to communicate Throughout the activity children will be communicating with both
with others, teaches children how to their partner, group members, and staff to say “tag you’re it’, and
socialize and express themselves, these to let them know when they are tired or the game is over.
habits will be very useful in future life
events. .

Materials Needed: ● Children, and staff member to oversee

Sequence Sheet

TPO EO Description Session Time


- - Introduction to program 1 -

- - 4. Build excitement for the activity 1 5

- - 2. Discuss the agenda for the day. 1 15

3. Included description and format of the activities for the day.

4. Discuss equipment needed 1

5. Answer any questions regarding the format of the program 1 5

1 1&2 6. To demonstrate the ability to test one’s physical functioning 15

2 1& 2 7. To demonstrate the ability to improve social skills 15

- - 8. Any questions, comments? Reflection 10

- - 9. Focus Group (staff members) 15

Communication Activities
20 Camp Break the Barrier

Identifying Effects and Feelings ( social, cognitive )

Purpose :
Through this activity the children will learn to identify non-verbal cues; increase the importance of non-
verbal expression ;develop atternessives to facial expression ; increase social communication ;increase
of interpersonal relationships .
Activity Objectives :
○ TPO 1 : Effectively determining non-verbal cues of other people
■ EO : Demonstrate the correct facial expression moods other are
projecting or identifying
■ EO : Correctly identify other people kinesics behavior
○ TPO 2 : Demonstrate non- verbal communication in social interactions
■ EO : Correctly demonstrate kinesics
○ TPO3 : Increase of social interactions and interpersonal relationship
■ EO : Demonstrate the ability of understanding of the message that is
begin convey
○ TPO 4. : Demonstrate emotional expression
■ EO : To demonstrate the ability of mood that they are feeling
■ EO: To demonstrate the different emotional expression
Implementation Description
Population :
This program is designed for younger children ages 4 -8 years olds who are suffer with deficits in social
-emotional reciprocity , nonverbal communication, and behaviors used for social interaction .
Capacity :
This Activity should have a minimum of 10 campers and a maximum of 14 campers.
Program Context :
This activity can be implemented in any population serving with any deficits of language and social
reciprocity such as children suffering with autism spectrum disorder as as well as other children who do
not suffer any disability.Through this activity the campers will understand how to use nonverbal
communication cues in social interaction as well as expressing their emotions.( Dixon, Charles C.)
Structure of the Activity :
The length of this activity will about 1 hour and half and will be given wednesday and thursday out of
the 3 week of the camp in total the activity will be given six times .
Facility Requirement :
In an large open space preferably inside a room that is free of any book shelves or tables .
Activity Description :
When reading make distinct facial expression and voice alterations along with book. This gets the kids
really into it! Example yell for anger, laugh loud when silly.Have children create their mood and/or
feelings on the paper plate using as many craft mediums needed to create a unique face puppet. Hot glue
craft stick to back of paper plate to hold in hand. Staff will illustrate different moods and non -verbal
cues that goes with the mood .Have children take turns telling their moods and behaviors associated with
that mood/feeling. Or take turns identifying each others mood.
Staff :
The number of staff can be increased depending upon the number of children participating in the activity.
21 Camp Break the Barrier

However , usually three recreational are in duty and about six volunteer are overlooking that the children
are participating .The recreational will be the ones to read the books and explain to the campers the
different facial expression as well overlook campers.The group would work better if their is an even
amount of children participating because the group will take turn identifying emotional moods. If the
group is uneven then one of the volunteers can pair up with the campers.
Environmental :
Staff must be aware of any safety percussion and any hazardous situations. Staff must learn where to
locate the nearest exits,safety kit, and understand physiological or behavioral management. The
environment must must promotes social interaction that shy away from unobstructed like tables or
bookshelves . The activity must also provide an environment that is nurturing and supportive for all
Modifications :
Many of the autistic camper can suffer with hyperactivity senses which in many cases they may become
self-injurious and engage in harmful behaviors like head banging ,biting ,or scratching . In these
situations we may need add something that can distract them.If this occur the activity can modificated
into picture mood arrangement . For this activity camper will use a board that will provide the moods on
the top and the campers will have to distinguish which picture best describe the mood that is on the
Equipment and Supplies
First Aid Kit, Books ,Paper plates ,Coloring supplies ,Glue , Tongue Depressors

Objectives and Performance Measures

PROGRAM : Identifying Effects and Feelings


TPO 1 .Effectively determining non-verbal cues


1.Demonstrate the correct Correctly identifying the different moods of the character from the book.
facial expression mood Identifying moods that they partners are expressing when paired together.
others are projecting

2. Correctly identify Correctly identifying the the readers facial expression moods .
other people behavioral Correctly identifying different vocal expression .
action that identifies Correctly identifying the moods they partners are showing body language .
their moods

TPO 2. Demonstrate non-verbal communication interactions

22 Camp Break the Barrier

1. Correctly demonstrate Correctly illustrates their emotion through body language .

Kinesics Demonstrate the correct space between the partner and them is socially acceptable .
Shows facial expression either through their puppets or face when partner
Uses vocal expression when reading the book or talking to their partner.
Convey eye contact into the conversation

TPO 3 .Increase of social interactions and interpersonal relations hip


1. Demonstrate the ability of Understanding different gestures , expression , or emotions and when it
understanding of the message that is is applied .
begin convey Correctly identifying different kinesics

TPO 4. : Demonstrate emotional expression


1.To demonstrate the ability of their When campers are paired with other campers are showing their
mood expression through the puppets or facial expression

2. To demonstrate different Expressing different moods and not the same mood when paired with
emotional expression other campers
Identifying various types of mood
Expresses different non-verbal behaviors that goes with the mood

Content and Process Description

TPO No : 1 Effectively determine non-verbal cues

EO No 1 : Effectively are the correctly identifying facial expression others are projecting

IMPORTANCE Before starting any activity the campers will discuss the
Facial expression are a for the most part a way importance of why facial expression is an important factor in
to convey emotions into the conversations. It communication as well as using visuals to demonstrating the
express emotions in a way words can not . facial expressions when communicating .

Materials Pictures of different moods ,Two staff members ,Book

Techniques : Encourage campers Staff will have to be gentle,persistent during interactions

encourage time for autism campers to process .

TPO 1: Effectively determine non-verbal cues

23 Camp Break the Barrier

EO No 2 : Correctly identify other people's kinesic actions


IMPORTANCE: Illustrate the different vocal tones when reading the books and by
US American tend to be moderately demonstrating the different kinesics that describe the moods with the
expressive in their kinesics behavior help of staff .
when communicating. Understanding
to identify kinesis will help to
understand the speaker's emotion and
increase social interrelationship .

Materials need : Book , A recreational therapist two staff members

TECHNIQUES : Tell,Show,Do tell student what you want you campers to do wait 5 seconds then show
the student what to do wait 5 second and then do assist the student
performance task

TPO 2: Demonstrate non- verbal communication in social interactions

EO 1 : Correctly demonstrate kinesics when communicating

Importances of correctly After creating reading and creating puppets the campers will have to be
demonstrating kinesics: paired with another camper member and demonstrate kinesics and
By demonstrating kinesics the emotions l
speaker and the listener can connect
and show emotion

Material need : Glue , tongue depressor , plates , colors , camper

Techniques :Teamwork Use teamwork to have understand illustrating facial expression and speak
directly student to get them to stay focused as well to participate

TPO 3: To demonstrate the ability of mood that they are feeling

EO 1: Demonstrate the ability of understanding of the message that is begin conve y
Importances of understanding Practicing with their partner different emotional expression and different
messages : kinesics that illustrate a type of mood .
Autistic children have a hard time
distinguishing language and kincese
which make it harder for autistic
children to understand the message
convey cause them to become
socially isolated

Materials Staff members and recreational therapist

24 Camp Break the Barrier

Techniques Most autistic children are visual learners and staff members will have to
demonstrate or learn basic sign language for illustrating the activities to
campers by demonstrating what they have to do as well as applying tell
,show ,do technique .

TPO 4. Demonstrate emotional expression

EO 1: To demonstrate the ability of expressing moods
Importance of demonstrating Illustrating the mood that they are feeling in their puppet as well as to their
the ability of expressing moods: partner.
By expressing moods it will
allow people to understand what
the the person is feeling

Materials Glue , tongue depressor , plates , colors , camper

Techniques With staff supervision of the interaction and guide social exchanges .and
stand at a reasonable distance from student .

TPO 4. Demonstrate emotional expression

EO 2. To demonstrate the different emotional expression
Importance of emotions Save the all the puppets done before and encourage campers to create a
Expressing different emotional different mood from last time puppets
expression will provide between
other people to understand
feeling as will as it will provide a
better communication .

Material Box to save the puppets , puppets from children moods

Techniques Teamwork is need to be organized and collect all the puppets

Sequence Sheet

- - 1. Introduction to the program 1

2. Build excitement for the activity 2

3. Allow camper to cross off the activity from their list 5

4. Discuss what is the format of the activity 3

● Start off with reading
● Create puppets
● Pair up
25 Camp Break the Barrier

1 1&2 5. Reading of book 8

1 1&2 6. Two Staff members illustrating the moods and behavioral cues from the book 5

4&2 1&1 7. Create Plates that describe their moods 10

2 1 8. Pair campers with other campers to illustrate their mood 8

3 1 9. Staffer will overlook each pair and provide feedback 9

4 2 10 . Collect puppets 5

- - 11. Concluded activity 1

- - 12. Focus Group ( staff members ) 15

Faces and Voices

This activity will provide campers the opportunities for testing auditory dimension of emotional ;social
skills for communication ;understanding emotions and reading their own emotional reactions.
Program Objective
● TPO 1 . Expressing emotions with proper voice tones and inflation
○ EO : Demonstrate different types of voice intonation
○ EO : Demonstrate the ability to distinguish auditory dimension of emotional expression
without the use of words
○ EO : Demonstrate emotional tones in social communication
● TPO 2. Learning to integrate non-verbal and verbal emotional expressions
○ EO: Use paralanguage for emotional expression in conversation
○ EO : Demonstrate social connection through non -verbal and verbal connection
This program is designed for children who have deficits in nonverbal auditory dimensions of emotional
expression as well as language emotional expression . The activity will help autistic children to
distinguish the proper tone to express emotional when talking .
Structure of the Activity :
The length of this activity will about 1 hour and half and will be given Wednesday and Thursday out of
the 3 week of the camp in total the activity will be given six times .
Facility Requirement :
In an large open space preferably inside a room that is free of any book shelves or tables .
Program description
Divide your class or groups into teams of three to do this activity and each team will require a tape
recorder .First campers will practice basic facial expressions of different moods given in idex cards for a
while and after they can practice of intonation of moods of the same index cards moods. Next,one
member will record a sentence using different vocal expressions in the tape and ask their team to listen
26 Camp Break the Barrier

identify each member’s emotion by listening to the recording. When members have mastered voice
tones, move to combining voice tone with facial expression . Finally,add words to the mix and practice
putting faces,voices and words together.(Gutstein, S & Sheely, R. 2002).
For this activity two professional staff members to overlook each group and a least 6 volunteer members
to overlook groups and illustrate different intonation .The staff members must be able to express vocal
expression as well as facial description of the intone expression . Must be able to help camper members
who are struggling with the intone identification. Furthermore , staff members must be aware of campers
psychiatric and emotional conditions and if need be able to utilize behavioral -management techniques .
Staff member must always encourage the campers with positive energy and encourage positive self talk .
Environmental :
The member must also be aware of any safety percussion as well as creating an environment that is safe
for all students.For this the staff must be aware of any hazardous situations and learn where to find the
nearest exits ,safety kit, when to perform CPR , and understand physiological or behavioral management.
Make sure that the environment that facilitates promotes social interaction by shying away from such as
unobstructed room and reducing student dependence on a staff members.
Team members can make and watch videos of their expressing different emotions. They can also mix up
the voice tone of one emotion with the facial expression of another and see if other team members can
guess what they did.One effective variation is for Campers to tape themselves saying the same word
repeatedly but use a different tone of voice each time. Then the tape is played back and other Campers
try to guess what the feeling is.
First aid Kit ,Tape record ,Index cards ,Marker

Objective and Performance

PROGRAM : Face and Voice

TPO 1 .Expressing emotions with proper voice tones and inflation

1.Demonstrate different types of voice Distinguish the different vocal expression.
intonation Using vocal intonation to express an current emotion

2.Demonstrate the ability to distinguish Demonstrate emotional expression correctly either through facial
auditory dimension of emotional expression or vocal intonation
expression without the use of words Correct repetition of accents and inflation

3.Demonstrate emotional tones in social When communicating to other campers , illustrate intonation and
communication illustrate the intonation in the correct situation

TPO 2 . Learning to integrate non-verbal and verbal emotional

27 Camp Break the Barrier

1.Use paralanguage for emotional Understanding the vocal qualifiers ,vocal segregates ,and vocal
expression in conversation characteristics and the proper usage in a conversation
Properly understand that how something is said not what is said.

2. Demonstrate social connection Can multi channeled in a conversation using verbal and nonverbal
through non -verbal and verbal expression with their campers .
connection Understand the importance of using vocal expression with facial

Content and Process

TPO No 1. Expressing emotions with proper voice tones and inflation

EO No 1. Demonstrate different types of voice intonation
Importance of voice intonation Before one of the member of the group is picked to record in the tape , the
Using different voice intonation camper will have time to practice intonation with their group
can help campers distinguish the
emotions what is said .

Material Campers in a group

Techniques : Independence As a staff members we let children socialize and rely less on staffers and
just observe and come whenever help is need.

TPO NO 1: Expressing emotions with proper voice tones and inflation

EO No 2. Demonstrate the ability to distinguish auditory dimension in emotional expression
IMPORTANCE When distinguishing the intonation of the tape record it will help them
Distinguishing how something is distinguish the differences of emotional expression
said instead of what is said

Material Colored spots ,tape recorder

Techniques : poly spots To campers stay focused apply spots were students need to stand to do the

TPO 1: Expressing emotions with proper voice tones and inflation

EO NO 3. Demonstrate emotional tones in social communication
IMPORTANCE The camper will have to use tonal expression ,facial expression , and
Demonstrating emotional tones will words with other group members
describe the emotion the speaker is
feeling without saying words.
28 Camp Break the Barrier

Material Campers in a group

Techniques : Independence Allow campers to socialize and rely less on staff members but help only
if they need to be corrected

TPO 2. Learning to integrate non-verbal and verbal emotional expressions

EO1 : Use paralanguage for emotional expression in conversation

IMPORTANCE Allowing each member to use the tape record to practice intonation of a
Through modify or nuance meaning, sentence
such as prosody, pitch, volume,
intonation it can illustrate different

Material Tape recorder

Techniques : Teamwork Teamwork is need to make sure that everyone has used the tape recorder .

TPO No 2.Learning to integrate non-verbal and verbal emotional expressions

EO 2. Demonstrate social connection through non -verbal and verbal connection
IMPORTANCE The campers will practice using express facial expression ,intonation , and
By allowing nonverbal and verbal words with partner .
in communication it will bring trust
to the listener and a better
interpersonal connection

Materials Campers

Techniques : Independences Allowing them to rely less on staff and interact with the group .

Sequences Sheet

- - 1.Introduction to the program 1

- - 2. Build excitement for the activity 2

- - 3. Allow camper to cross off the activity from their list 3

- - 4. Discuss what is the format of the activity 5

● Form groups
● Practice facial expression
● Practice intonation
● Record intonation in the tape
● Practice of using facial expression , intonation , words all together
29 Camp Break the Barrier

- - 5. Form groups and give tape recorder and index cards with different moods 5

1 3 6. Campers will each get a index card and the mood in card using facial expression 8

1 1 7. Campers will each another index card and describe the mood by using intonation 8

2 1 8. Staff will choose one of camper from each group and record a sentence in the tape 8
using different intonation

1 2 9. The campers will come back to their group and the other group members will have 10
distinguish what mood they are expressing

1 3 10 . Campers will use the index mood cards again and practice facial expression with 7

2 2 11. Camper will grab another mood card and use facial expression , intonation , and 10
words to express their emotions

- - 12. Concluded 5

- - 13. Focus Group ( staff) 15

Inviting a Friend
Purpose :
Through this activity campers will increase social skills , interpersonal communication, and
independently apply these skills outside of the camp .
Program objective :
● TPO 1 . Demonstrate social skills effectively
○ Demonstrate clear communication skills
○ Able to convey the message clearly
○ Able to show confidence in the conversation
● TPO 2 . Demonstrate knowledge of social skills
○ Understanding verbal and nonverbal communication
○ Identifying other people feedback in conversations
○ Ability to convey feeling and communicate ideas
● TPO 3. Overcoming communication and social barriers
○ Demonstrate awareness of the campers capabilities and limitations
○ Demonstrate positive self talk to overcome any barrier
This activity is designed for individual children who lack of responsiveness and social reciprocity as
well as various communication problems . In this program is designed to work out the mechanics asking
friends over the house.
Structure of the Activity :
30 Camp Break the Barrier

The length of this activity will about 1 hour and half and will be given Wednesday and Thursday out of
the 3 week of the camp in total the activity will be given six times .
Facility Requirement : In an large open space preferably inside a room that is free of any book shelves
Activity Description
Start by making sure that campers have good reasons for wanting to have a friend come over to their
house. Now explain that you are going to learn all the steps of successfully inviting a friend over.We are
going to cover seven steps. Make sure that each staff members with campers role-plays each of the steps
and that staff members role play each step before .The seven steps to inviting a friend first is picking the
right person to invite , making the invitation ( Inviting should be direct and to the point.example I’d like
you to come over to my house.Can you come over?”),choosing the right date and time ( we ask that they
memorize two possible dates and times prior to inviting), finalizing with parents and friend( Practice the
step of how to follow up to see if the invitee checked and received permission) ,putting it on the calendar
, and preparing for host startin with general principles of being a good host. ( Gutstein, S., & Sheely, R.
Environmental :
The member must also be aware of any safety percussion as well as creating an environment that is safe
for all students For this the staff must be aware of any hazardous situations and learn where to find the
nearest exits ,safety kit, when to perform CPR , and understand physiological or behavioral
management.Make sure that the environment that facilitates promotes social interaction by shying away
from such as unobstructed room and reducing student dependence on a staff members.
One obvious variation is to help plan forgetting invite do verto a friend’s house.See if you can construct
a similar organized plan to help members be successful when they are at an “away game.”
Two professional staff members that are needed to oversee all role playing as well as explaining the
activities. Nine volunteers staff will oversee help the group role playing . Staff members will role play
as the parents when the children ask for permission as well as demonstrate the social interaction . When
overseeing staff members must correct any social interaction skills and illustrate social skills that
campers can use . Staff members must be aware of the campers social reciprocity and communication
deficit in social interactions . For this reason staffers must use the ability to assist clients with any
negative thinking and develop self talk .
Ready campers to participate ,First aid kit ,a phone (does not have to work) , Calendar

Objective and Performance

PROGRAM : Inviting a Friend

TPO 1 Demonstrate social skills effectively


1. Demonstrate clear Demonstrate clear communication by listening and clearly convey the message
communication skills to the other campers . Start and end a conversation as well as give attention to
the other speaker .
31 Camp Break the Barrier

2. Able to convey the message Able to convey the message clearly by ,Using the proper tone ,demonstrating
clearly methods to develop language skills and practicing with language skills with
other campers as well as correcting echolalia

3.Able to show confidence in Able to show confidence in the conversation by demonstrating a clear message
the conversation that is convey in a tone that shows friendliness and makes eye contact when
communicating the information

TPO 2. Demonstrate knowledge of social skills


1.Understanding verbal and Understanding verbal and nonverbal communication by teaching methods by
nonverbal communication learning rules of syntax and grammar in language as well as understand
different gestures , body language, and tones in a conversation .Understand
the importances of having verbal and non verbal in a conversation

2.Identifying other people Identifying other people feedback in a conversation by teaching methods of
feedback in conversations understand non verbal expression in a conversation ,methods of active
listening in a conversation , maintaining eye contact , and maintaining
appropriate body position with the speaker

3.Ability to convey feeling and While engaging in the activity the camper will demonstrate the ability to
communicate ideas convey feeling and ideas through communication by sharing thoughts and
ideas to other camp members ,Accepting feedback from other camp members
and does have desire to intact with the other camp members

TPO 3. Overcoming communication and social barriers


1.Demonstrate awareness of the While engaging the activity the campers will become aware of their
campers capabilities and limitations capabilities and limitations by sharing with the group and will encourage
or correct weakness and strength of the campers

2. Demonstrate positive self talk to Due to many of the camper difficulty to engage in social interaction many
overcome any barrier of the camper staff members will teach campers to self talk by stopping
camper negative thoughts ,replacing positive words to replace negative
thoughts ,breathing exercise ,encourage to try again if the first time was
not done correctly .

Context and Process

TPO 1 Demonstrate social skills effectively

EO 1. Demonstrate clear communication skills
Context Processes
32 Camp Break the Barrier

IMPORTANCE Provide illustration of how to communicate clearly when asking their

Demonstrating clear communication is partner and allowing campers to practice with their friend .
an essential tool for creating strong
relationships and will get the message
you are conveying

Materials Staff ,recreational therapist and campers

Techniques : Observation With staff supervision of the interaction and guide social exchanges .and
stand at a reasonable distance from student

TPO 1. Demonstrate social skills effectively

EOP 2. Able to convey the message clearly
Context Processes

Importance of conveying Campers will practice conveying messages to parents and friends to
messages :It is essential part of speech invite ask permission. As they are communicating staff members must
to get the message across clearly oversee and determine what they can do to make their message clear
without causing confusion or offence. as well as illustrating what can make their message clearly

Materials Poly spot , staff ,recreational therapy

Techniques : Observation With staff supervision of the interaction and guide social exchanges
.and stand at a reasonable distance from student and can also put poly
spot to make campers stay focused

TPO 1. Demonstrate social skills effectively

EO 3. Able to show confidence in the conversation
Context Processes

Importances of showing confidences: By allowing campers to ask friend to come over a specific date and
By showing confidences in the time will given confidence when inviting .Staff members will
conversation shows trust and empathy demonstrate and explain what makes confidence in a conversation .
in the conversations Give a list of what types of friend to ask over .

Materials : Recreational therapist , camper

Techniques : Positive feedback Encourage the students with autism to communicate without words by
calling the name of the person they are asking to invite .

TPO 2.Demonstrate knowledge of social skills

EO 1. Understanding verbal and nonverbal communication
Context Process

Demonstrating verbal and nonverbal When asking the friend or being a host making sure that non-
communication will demonstrate empathy as verbal and verbal communication are demonstrated . Illustrate
well trust . different nonverbal and verbal communication .

Material Camper paired ,staff members , recreational therapist

33 Camp Break the Barrier

Techniques : Show ,Do , Tell When explaining use consistent language ,shorter sentences , and
apply tell , show ,do ( inbetween wait 5 mins )

TPO2. Demonstrate knowledge of social skills

EO 2. .Identifying other people feedback in conversations
Context Process

Importance : Identifying people's feedback When asking their friend acknowledging their feedback by
can let the speaker see if you are offending teaching and illustrating how look for feedback .

Material Recreational therapist , camper

Technique : Role playing Patience in explaining and illustrating by role playing and tell
key points of what to look for

TPO 2. Demonstrate knowledge of social skills

EO 3 . Ability to convey feeling and communicate ideas
Context Process

By conveying ideas and feeling the lister will Provide them with instruction on what question to ask when
understand the speaker's emotions and message inviting a friend and asking percussion
that the speaker is conveying

Material Recreational therapist , staff

Techniques : Instructional Provide them with instruction by using consistent language

and encourage them express their feeling with words

TPO 3 . Overcoming communication and social barriers

EO 1 .Demonstrate awareness of the campers capabilities and limitations
Context Process
Importance of capabilities and limitations : Before asking a camper to come over their house , campers
By understanding the limitations we as must recognize what prevent them to asking friend and
recreational therapist can understand what recreational therapist will illustrate different methods that they
individual need to focus on as for capabilities use when asking a friend .
we can focus on enhancing those abilities for
communication .

Material need : Short phrase of ask a friend , recreational therapist

Techniques : Communication Illustrate consistent short phrase that camper can use and can
successfully convey the message

TPO 3. Overcoming communication and social barriers

EO 2 .Demonstrate positive self talk to overcome any barrier
34 Camp Break the Barrier

Importances of positive self talk : Each time a camper completes a task the staff members will
Having negative thought can be a barrier from demonstrate positive talk and campers will state what they did
effectively completing the activity well .

Material need : Staff members

Techniques : Positive feedback Always provide positive reinforcement using feedback or high

Sequence Sheet
(mins )

- - 1.Introduction to the program 1

- - 2. Build excitement for the activity 2

- - 3. Allow camper to cross off the activity from their list 5

- - 4. Discuss what is the format of the activity 8

● Pick a friend and ask them to come over
● Put the playdate in a calendar
● Call parents for permission
● Be a host

1 1&3 15. Have staff volunteer members illustrate how to ask a friend 8

1 2 6. Partner up campers with others and decide which one will ask the invitation 5

1 2&3 7. Campers will be given a date to ask the friend and ask the friend to come over on 10
that date

2 1&2 8. Recreational therapist will give positive feedback of the scene 7

1&2 2&3 8. Campers will then grab a phone and role play calling their partners ( staff members 9
can role play )

9. Will put the date in a calendar provided 5

2 1 10 . Staff members will role play what makes key components of being a good host 8

2 1 11. Campers will know role play being a good host 10

3 2&1 12. Recreational therapist will give feedback 10

- - 12. Concluded 4

- - 13. Focus Group ( staff) 15

35 Camp Break the Barrier

Behavioral Activities
Do What I Do, Not What I Say
Purpose: Through this activity, campers will understand and demonstrate proper greeting/simple social
Program Objective:
● TPO 1: Demonstrate understanding of performed actions in social context
○ Participants will verbally or nonverbally confirm understanding
● TPO 2: Properly perform demonstrated activities
○ Participants will successfully mirror action demonstrated by staff

This activity is designed for a partner or small group of children in preschool, primary (K-2) and
intermediate (3-5) with ASD or not
Structure of Activity
The length of the activity will be about forty five minutes with staff rotating in to ensure proper
behaviors are demonstrated
Facility Requirement
An open, quiet room free of any distractions or outside stimuli
Activity Description
Make sure that the camper knows how to match your simple movements. Play a simple game where you
say and, at the same time, non-verbally indicate what action you want the camper to take. In this version
both your words and actions will match. Once the camper demonstrates proficiency with the simple
matching activity, it is time to make it more challenging. Warn the camper that now you will be telling
them one thing with your body and a different thing with your words. Provide some sample items for
practice. Remind the camper to, “Watch my actions and do not pay attention to my words.” Now begin
providing discrepant information. If the camper has difficulty, stop and remind them once again to only
pay attention to your body and not to your words. Work as slowly as you need to. If the camper is having
difficulty, provide a small pause between your words and actions and gradually decrease the pause until
you are presenting both channels of information simultaneously.
The member must also be aware of any safety percussion as well as creating an environment that is safe
for all students.For this the staff must be aware of any hazardous situations and learn where to find the
nearest exits ,safety kit, when to perform CPR , and understand physiological or behavioral management.
Make sure that the environment that facilitates promotes social interaction by shying away from such as
unobstructed room and reducing student dependence on a staff members.
A good variation is to modify the game in just the opposite manner. Now the camper should only pay
attention to your words and disregard your body. The game is only interesting if the camper has to keep
looking at you while they are playing.
One staff member is required for each group of 3-4 campers. Staff must be competent in behavior
36 Camp Break the Barrier

managing techniques for stress and anger management.

Open room, first aid kit
Objective and Performance
PROGRAM: Do What I Do, Not What I Say
TPO 1 Demonstrate understanding of performed actions in social context

1. Verbal or nonverbal Participants will verbally confirm understanding of performed action or

confirmation of understanding nonverbally nod for confirmation

TPO 2 Properly perform demonstrated activities


1. Participants will successfully Participants will demonstrate the specified action at least once to show
mirror action demonstrated by understanding of proper action when greeting or in a specific social
staff situation

Context and Process

TPO 1 Demonstrate understanding of performed actions in social context
EO 1 Verbal or nonverbal confirmation of understanding
Context Processes

Importance of understanding: In Campers will observe and confirm their understanding of

order to change or fix behavior, demonstrated behaviors from the staff. This will ensure learning of the
participants must know what proper proper behavior so campers understand what to do in different
behavior is greetings or short social interactions

Materials staff ,recreational therapy

Techniques : Observation and By staff observing and questioning campers’ understanding of the
questioning actions, they can confirm that the campers have successfully
completed the game
TPO 2 Properly perform demonstrated activities
EO1 Participants will successfully mirror action demonstrated by staff

Context Processes

Importance of demonstrating: By When campers demonstrate the activity they know they are capable of
being able to demonstrate the proper performing that action in the proper social context and gain
action, campers will know they are confidence in their own abilities for the future
capable of performing that action

Materials staff ,recreational therapy

Techniques : Demonstration Clear nonverbal actions that will provide proper behavior in social
37 Camp Break the Barrier

contexts (handshake when greeting someone, waving at a friend)

Sequence Sheet
(mins )

- - 1.Introduction to the program 1

- - 2. Build excitement for the activity 2

- - 3. Allow camper to cross off the activity from their list 5

- - 4. Discuss what is the format of the activity 8

● Copy what is done
● Ignore what is said

1 1 5. Have staff volunteer members illustrate activity 8

- - 6.Group up campers (up to 6) 5

1 1 7. Campers begin playing with staff 10

1 1 8. Recreational therapist will observe and ask for understanding 7

2 1 9. Recreational therapist and staff observe to ensure mirroring 9

- - 10. Concluded 4

- - 11. Focus Group ( staff) 15

Two-on-Two Soccer
Purpose: To promote cooperative behavior and form a common goal to work towards while encouraging
each other
Program Objective:
● TPO 1: Promote cooperative behavior
○ Illustrate ability to work as a team
● TPO 2: Demonstrate understanding of common goal
○ Assign roles as goalie or fielder
○ Follow the “3-second rule”
● TPO 3: Promote positive encouragement and sportsmanship
○ Pass the “buddy” test
This activity is designed for campers ages 6-12 both with ASD and without
Structure of Activity
This activity will consist of two teams of two and will take approximately 10-20 minutes per game
38 Camp Break the Barrier

Facility Requirement
Large Open room or field free of distracting stimuli
Activity Description
STEP 1: The team-mates learn the basic rules. One person on each team is the “Goalie” and the other is
the “Fielder.” There are two major rules in our version of the game. Only the Fielder can score a goal,
the Goalie cannot. But the goal will only count if it comes right after a good lead pass from the Goalie.
So a goal only counts if it combines a good pass from the Goalie with a good kick by the Fielder. Goals
made in any other manner do not count. Second, there is a “three second rule.” If the Fielder or the
Goalie keeps the ball for more than three seconds, their team loses possession of the ball and it goes to
the other team. This means that the team-mates must keep passing the ball back and forth in order to
keep it. STEP 2: Teams spend a good deal of time in practice sessions prior to their first competitive
match. They become proficient at frequent back and forth passing and at making and receiving lead
passes. Make sure that each of the team-mates spends equal time practicing both the Goalie and Fielder
roles. STEP 3: Before you allow any competitive match, team-mates must practice making mistakes and
responding in an encouraging manner. Participants must first pass a “buddy” test, where they
demonstrate that they are emotionally going to support their team-mate no matter what, before being
allowed into the competitive arena. Furthermore, they must pass the sportsmanship test, where they
demonstrate that they can be good winners and losers.
The member must also be aware of any safety percussion as well as creating an environment that is safe
for all students.For this the staff must be aware of any hazardous situations and learn where to find the
nearest exits ,safety kit, when to perform CPR , and understand physiological or behavioral management.
Make sure that the environment that facilitates promotes social interaction by shying away from such as
unobstructed room and reducing student dependence on a staff members.
A common and appropriate modification is to first begin the game inside to allow all campers to grasp
the concept of the game before moving outside where more distractions may be present.
One staff member per occuring match is required. Several matches may occur simultaneously, so staff
must be assigned accordingly.
soccer ball, some type of tape or other boundary markers, and two goal areas
Objective and Performance
TPO 1 Promote cooperative behavior

1. Illustrate ability to work as a Campers will switch roles as both the goalie and fielder and practice passing
team back and forth before engaging in competition
TPO 2 Demonstrate understanding of common goal

1. Assign roles as goalie or Campers will decide their roles in order to compete against another group and
fielder try to win

2. Follow the “3-second rule” Campers must pass back and forth every three seconds and pass once before
39 Camp Break the Barrier

scoring in order to show work towards common goal

TPO 3 Promote positive encouragement and sportsmanship

1. Pass the “buddy” test They will pass a test that ensures positive reinforcement after teammates
making mistakes and sportsmanlike behavior in both losing and winning
Context and Process
TPO 1 Promote cooperative behavior
EO 1 Illustrate ability to work as a team
Context Processes

Importance of switching: In order to Campers will practice roles and passing techniques to show they are
understand the goal, campers must able to cooperate and work towards a common goal
switch with one another

Materials staff ,recreational therapy

Techniques : Observation and By staff observing and questioning campers’ understanding of the
questioning actions, they can confirm that the campers clearly understand how to
TPO 2 Demonstrate understanding of common goal
EO 1 Assign roles as goalie or fielder
Context Processes

Importance of assignment: By picking Campers will select their role on the team which will ensure that each
a role, campers can understand the goal of them has a clear understanding of the goal of the game and how
each of them will contribute

Materials Team member, opposing team

Techniques : Observation and By staff observing and confirming the campers’ roles on their team,
confirmation cooperation is ensured
TPO 2 Demonstrate understanding of common goal
EO 2 Follow the “3-second rule”
Context Processes

Importance of following the rules: By Campers will follow the 3 second rule to demonstrate they are both
following the rules, campers further participating in order to achieve the same goal
demonstrate understanding

Materials staff ,recreational therapy

Techniques : Enforcement/intervention By staff enforcing rules and intervening when necessary, the goal of
the activity is guaranteed to be achieved
TPO 3 Promote positive encouragement and sportsmanship
EO 1 Pass the “buddy” test
Context Processes
40 Camp Break the Barrier

Importance of testing: By passing a Campers will pass a buddy test by positively reinforcing one another
test, campers are sure to be ready for and demonstrate proper sportsmanlike behavior when both losing and
competition winng

Materials staff ,recreational therapy

Techniques : Testing By staff testing the campers, it ensures they are ready to act
appropriately towards each other and their competitors
Sequence Sheet
(mins )

- - 1.Introduction to the program 1

- - 2. Build excitement for the activity 2

- - 3. Allow camper to cross off the activity from their list 5

- - 4. Discuss what is the format of the activity 8

● Teams of 2 competing
● Basic rules

1 1 5. Group up campers into teams of 2 8

3 1 6. Enact the “buddy test” for each team 20

1 1 7. Campers will practice playing as both the goalie and fielder using passes 10

2 1 8. Competitive matches begin with assigned roles for each team 20

2 2 9. Therapist and staff will observe matches and enforce 3 second rule 5

- - 10. Concluded 4

- - 11. Focus Group ( staff) 15

Mistake Practice
Purpose: To teach campers mistakes are a common part of life and promote proper reactions when
campers or others make mistakes
Program Objective:
● TPO 1: Promote calm behavior after making a mistake
○ Keep score of “proper” mistakes
● TPO 2: Demonstrating self-talk
○ Use positive self-talk statements after “scoring”
● TPO 3: Promote tolerating mistakes made by others
○ Use proper partner statements after “scoring”
41 Camp Break the Barrier

A small class or group consisting of both those with and without ASD
Structure of Activity
This activity will take approximately 1 hour, indoors in a controlled environment
Facility Requirement
A large, open room free of distracting stimuli
Activity Description
To begin, tell campers that you are all going to have “mistake practice.” In “mistake practice” you get a
point for making the right type of mistake. Demonstrate different types of “small” mistakes, such as
misspelling, over-drawing a circle, leaving out a step in a problem and making the wrong decision in a
game. Practice making different kinds of small mistakes and then telling about them. Now have each
camper decide on one type of mistake to make. They are not to tell anyone what they have chosen. See if
their teammates can guess what the mistake was and when it was made. Next, insert Self Talk into
mistake-making. Practice simple self-statements that campers can make after a mistake. Examples of
statements are provided. The final step concerns mistakes that other people make. Tell campers that soon
they will do some activity together. But first they will choose in advance a mistake that one partner will
make that will affect the other. Choices include things like accidentally spilling a cup of candy belonging
to your partner, taking your partner’s turn, coloring together on a single sheet of paper and accidentally
coloring over your partner’s area. Before partners begin, they are to choose from a short list of responses
to their partner’s mistake
Self Talk Statements: “It’s no big deal.” “Everyone makes mistakes.” “I can fix that.” “Well, at least it’s
not a big mistake.” “I’m only human.”
Partner Statements: “Hey, it’s no big deal.” “It was only an accident.” “You’re only human. We all
make mistakes.” “I’m sure you didn’t mean to do it.”
The member must also be aware of any safety percussion as well as creating an environment that is safe
for all students.For this the staff must be aware of any hazardous situations and learn where to find the
nearest exits ,safety kit, when to perform CPR , and understand physiological or behavioral management.
Make sure that the environment that facilitates promotes social interaction by shying away from such as
unobstructed room and reducing student dependence on a staff members.
Campers can keep a simple “mistake diary” which chronicles the mistakes they and others made and the
way that they managed the mistake
3 Staff members are required for the small group to ensure participation and managing activity when
doing self talk and partner statements
Coloring pages, crayons or markers, drawing board, paper, pencils
Objective and Performance
TPO 1 Promote calm behavior after making a mistake

1. Keep score of “proper” Participants will intentionally make the “proper” mistake and score a point for
mistakes themselves, thus providing a calm or good reaction to a mistake
42 Camp Break the Barrier

TPO 2 Demonstrating self-talk


1.Use positive self-talk Campers will make statements from the provided self-statement examples or
statements after “scoring” statements that are similar to those examples after scoring
TPO 3 Promote tolerating mistakes made by others

1.Use proper partner statements Campers will make statements from the provided self-statement examples or
after “scoring” statements that are similar to those examples after scoring
Context and Process
TPO 1 Promote calm behavior after making a mistake
EO 1 Keep score of “proper” mistakes
Context Processes

Importance of scoring: promotes Campers will demonstrate proper behavior to score points and gain a
positive association with small mistakes positive association with small mistake behaviors

Materials staff ,recreational therapy

Techniques : Observation and correction By staff observing and correcting campers’ behaviors when necessary,
a positive reaction will promoted when performing mistakes correctly
TPO 2 Demonstrating self-talk
EO 1 Use positive self-talk statements after “scoring”
Context Processes

Importance of demonstrating: By Campers will demonstrate proper behavior of using positive self
showing the proper behavior, positive statements after making a mistake to show a development in reaction
association is developed to mistake behaviors

Materials staff ,recreational therapy

Techniques : Observation By staff observing the campers, they will know positive association is
being developed
TPO 3 Promote tolerating mistakes made by others
EO 1 Use proper partner statements after “scoring”
Context Processes

Importance of stating: By using Campers will demonstrate proper behavior of positive partner
positive statements, campers show good statements to show additional development in good reactions to
behavior after mistakes mistake behavior

Materials staff ,recreational therapy

Techniques : Observation By staff observing the campers, they will know positive association is
being developed
Sequence Sheet
43 Camp Break the Barrier


(mins )

- - 1.Introduction to the program 1

- - 2. Build excitement for the activity 2

- - 3. Allow camper to cross off the activity from their list 5

- - 4. Discuss what is the format of the activity 10

● Positive mistakes
● Seperate groups and one group together
● Point keeping
● Explain self talk and peer encouragement

- - 5. Demonstrate different types of small mistakes 8

1 1 6. Partner up campers into small groups up to 6 and begin 5

2 1 7. After campers grasp concept, introduce self talk after each “mistake” 20

3 1 8. Get campers into one group and enact positive partner statements 15

2&3 1&1 9. Review both positive self talk and partner encouragement 7

- - 10. Concluded 4

- - 11. Focus Group ( staff) 15

Program Evaluation:
The evaluation process of the program success will be based on the social attributes checklist done after
the activity is implemented and as well as analyzing whether the goals and objective of the program are
meet and improvement of the participant was achieved . For this reason the the areas that we will focus
on is the program quality, staff performance, place , and participation outcomes . In order to examines
the effectiveness and efficiency of program components both in the program process and implementation
different methods will be applied for obtaining such information. This include focus groups after and
before activity begins,survey questionnaires for both the staff and campers , and observation/assessment
of the goal objective .( Henderson, K. A. 2017)

Parts of programs What are we When and how What methods Who will be
that will be hoping to get out often will this will we use to involved with
evaluate of this evaluation take evaluate this conducting this
evaluation ? place ? activity ? evaluation ?

44 Camp Break the Barrier




Program Evaluation Survey

Program Evaluation
1.What is the title of the program to be evaluated ?

2. What were the primary therapeutic recreation service that this activity addressed to ?
a. Improvement of social interpersonal relationships
b. Improvement in social communication
c. Modifying social behaviors
3. What were the overgoals of this activity ?

4. After finishing the program were all the goal meet?

a. Yes
b. No ( if no what modification would you do to meet these goals )

5. Was the activity organize and easy to follow for our fellow campers ?

6. What were some ways that the activity did or not did not promote a safety environment as well as a
harmonies atmosphere ?

Personal Evaluation
1. As a staff member did you demonstrate pleasant personality and was able to help campers if help was
need ?
Above Outstanding Average Needs Improvement
2. Were you approachable and easy to get along with ?
Above Outstanding Average Needs Improvement
3. Did you demonstrate an open mind for new ideas or modification ?
Above Outstanding Average Needs Improvement
5. Did you respected all camp members as well as staff members ?
45 Camp Break the Barrier

Above Outstanding Average Needs Improvement

6. Did I encourage campers to do the activities ?
Above Outstanding Average Needs Improvement

Campers evaluation survey

1. Did you enjoyed the activity ?
a. Yes
b. No
2. Was the activity hard ?
a. Yes
b. No
3. What was your favorite part of the activity ?

5. What was your least favorite part of the activity ?

4. Would you like to do this activity again ?

a. Yes
b. No
Group Focus Meeting
During these focus meeting groups the all staff members must attend and discuss about the observation
done during the activities .Question that will be discussed in the focus group will be :
Before :
The Group will discuss the goals that we want to achieve in activity and describe how we are going to
achieve the goal . What modification can we do in order to achieve the goals as well as safety regulation
After :
The group will discuss the following questions and assign someone to record the discussion
implemented below :
1. How did the activity go ?
2. Did you see any improvement in the campers?
3. Did any modification have to be done during the activity ?
4. Do we have to do modification overall ?
5. Do you believe that the campers are improving in their non-verbal communication ?
6. Are campers expressing facial expression when communicating with their partner ?
Overall doing focus group before and after the activity will give the staff members an inside of what
needs to be achieved as well as what needs to be improved in the program . Furthermore , because it is a
done before and after the activity starts the staff members be analysis how the activity can help the
campers to achieve improvement in non -verbal communication , expressing facial expression ,and
increase in social communication into their daily conversation .
46 Camp Break the Barrier

Burlingame, J., & Blaschko, T. M. (2010). Assessment tools for recreational therapy and
related fields. Enumclaw, WA: Idyll Arbor.

Rouse, P. (2009). Inclusion in physical education. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Henderson, K. A. (2017). Evaluating recreation services: Making enlightened decisions (4th

ed.). Urbana, IL: Sagamore Venture Publishing.

Cooper, P. J., Calloway-Thomas, C., & Simonds, C. (2007). Intercultural communication: A text
with readings. Boston, MA: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.

Dixon, Charles C. Recreation Therapy Activities Used in Children's Hospitals,

Gutstein, S., & Sheely, R. (2002). Relationship development intervention with children, adolescents
and adults: Social and emotional development activities for Asperger syndrome, autism, PDD and
NLD. London ; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley

Alexander, M. G., & Schwager, S. M. (2012). Meeting the physical education needs of children
with autism spectrum disorder. Reston, VA: National Association for Sport and Physical
47 Camp Break the Barrier


Lab Activity Assignment

April 19,2018
By : Jennifer Becerra ,Victoria Escovedo
Michelle Lopez ,Ryan Smith

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