Final Report Phase-2

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

Chapter 1

1.1 Engineering Materials
Materials are an important aspect of engineering design and analysis. The importance of
materials science and engineering can be noted from the fact that historical ages have
been named after materials. In the customer driven competitive business environment, the
product quality is of paramount importance. The product quality has been found to be
influenced by the engineering design, type of materials selected and the processing
technology employed. Therefore, the importance of materials and their processing
techniques cannot be undervalued in today’s world.

Materials form the stuff of any engineering application or product. It has been found that
the engineers do not give adequate attention to this important subject. Moreover, it has
not been adequately represented in the course curriculum of various universities.
Therefore, it becomes imperative to highlight the importance of engineering materials for
all engineers related to the various aspects of engineering applications. There is a wide
variety of materials available which have shown their potential in various engineering
fields ranging from aerospace to house hold applications.

The materials are usually selected after considering their characteristics, specific
application areas, advantages and limitations. The challenge for designers is to select an
optimal material suitable for the specific design requirements. The stringent design
requirements generally lead to development of new materials to meet the specific
operating conditions and environments. The new materials are developed from the
conventional materials by either by the intrinsic or the extrinsic modification. In intrinsic
modification, minor alloying or heat treatment is carried out. In extrinsic modification,
external reinforcements are added to the parent material to alter its properties in order to
meet the specific design requirements. The composite materials represent an example of
the extrinsic modification. The modification is usually done to improve the properties of
the existing materials. As the new materials are conceptualized and realized in the
laboratories, the hunt for their commercialization begins.

The engineers are then entrusted with the task of finding suitable techniques which would
lead to high quality cost-effective processing of these materials. In order to achieve this
objective, it is imperative for all engineers to have a fundamental understanding of the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 1
Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

existing materials and their processing techniques. It has been found that there are
adequate of courses in the curriculum of various universities where the processing
techniques for metals are dealt in detail. The processing of non-metals is usually not
covered as a core subject at the under-graduate level and therefore the engineers do not
have a fundamental understanding about the processing of important non-metals such as
plastics and ceramics.

The course has been designed to study the basic nature of different non-metals and the
manufacturing processes associated thereof. The various non-metals covered in the course
include glasses, ceramics, plastics and different types of composite materials.

1.2 Classification of Engineering Materials

Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) is a field of engineering that encompasses the
spectrum of materials types and how to use them in manufacturing. Materials span the
range: metals, ceramics, polymers (plastics), semiconductors, and combinations of
materials called composites. We live in a world that is both dependent upon and limited
by materials. Everything we see and use is made of materials. All of these require
materials specifically tailored for their application. Specific properties are required that
result from carefully selecting the materials and from controlling the manufacturing
processes used to convert the basic materials into the final engineered product.

Exciting new product developments frequently are possible only through new materials
and/or processing. Engineers deal with the science and technology of producing materials
that have properties and shapes suitable for practical use. Activities of these engineers
range from primary materials production, including recycling, through the design and
development of new materials to the reliable and economical manufacturing for the final

1.2.1 Metals and Alloys

Metals and alloys include steels, aluminum, magnesium, zinc, cast iron, titanium,
copper, and nickel. An alloy is a metal that contains additions of one or more
metals or non-metals. In general, metals have good electrical and thermal
conductivity. Metals and alloys have relatively high strength, high stiffness, ductility
or formability, and shock resistance.They are particularly useful for structural or load-
bearing applications. Although pure metals are occasionally used, alloys provide
improvement in a particular desirable property or permit better combinations of
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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

1.2.2 Ceramics
Ceramics can be defined as inorganic crystalline materials. Beach sand and rocks
are examples of naturally occurring ceramics. Advanced ceramics are materials
made by refining naturally occurring ceramics and other special processes.
Advanced ceramics are used in substrates that house computer chips, sensors and
capacitors, wireless communications, inductors, and electrical insulation. Some
ceramics are used as barrier coatings to protect metallic substrates in turbine
engines. Ceramics are also used in such consumer products as paints, and tires,
and for industrial applications such as the tiles for the space shuttle.

Traditional ceramics are used to make bricks, tableware, toilets, bathroom sinks,
refractoriness (heat-resistant material), and abrasives. In general, due to the presence
of porosity (small holes), ceramics do not conduct heat well they must be heated
to very high temperatures before melting. Ceramics are strong and hard, but also
very brittle. We normally prepare fine powders of ceramics and convert these into
different shapes. New processing techniques make ceramics sufficiently resistant to
fracture that they can be used in load-bearing applications, such as impellers in
turbine engines. Ceramics have exceptional strength under compression. Can you
believe that an entire fire truck can be supported using four ceramic coffee cups?

1.2.3 Glasses and Glass-Ceramics

Glass is an amorphous material, often, but not always, derived from a molten
liquid. The term “amorphous” refers to materials that do not have a regular,
periodic arrangement of atoms. The fiber optics industry is founded on optical
fibers based on high purity silica glass. Glasses are also used in houses, cars,
computer and television screens, and hundreds of other applications. Glasses can be
thermally treated (tempered) to make them stronger. Forming glasses and nucleating
(forming) small crystals within them by a special thermal process creates materials
that are known as glass-ceramics. Zerodur™ is an example of a glass-ceramic
material that is used to make the mirror substrates for large telescopes (e.g., the
Chandra and Hubble telescopes). Glasses and glass-ceramics are usually processed
by melting and casting.

1.2.4 Polymers
Polymers are typically organic materials. They are produced using a process known
as polymerization. Polymeric materials include rubber (elastomers) and many types

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

of adhesives. Polymers typically are good electrical and thermal insulators although
there are exceptions such as the semiconducting polymers. Although they have
lower strength, polymers have a very good strength-to-weight ratio.
They are typically not suitable for use at high temperatures. Many polymers have
very good resistance to corrosive chemicals. Polymers have thousands of
applications ranging from bulletproof vests, compact disks (CDs), ropes, and liquid
crystal displays (LCDs) to clothes and coffee cups. Thermoplastic polymers, in
which the long molecular chains are not rigidly connected, have good ductility and
formability; thermosetting polymers are stronger but more brittle because the
molecular chains are tightly linked.

Polymers are used in many applications, including electronic devices. Thermoplastics

are made by shaping their molten form. Thermosets are typically cast into molds.
Plastics contain additives that enhance the properties of polymers. Polymerization
occurs when small molecules, represented by the circles, combine to produce larger
molecules, or polymers. The polymer molecules can have a structure that consists
of many chains that are entangled but not connected (thermoplastics) or can form
three-dimensional networks in which chains are cross-linked

Fig. 1.1 Polymerization

Polymerization occurs when small molecules, represented by the circles, combine to

produce larger molecules, or polymers. The polymer molecules can have a structure
that consists of many chains that are entangled but not connected (thermoplastics)
or can form three-dimensional networks in which chains are cross-linked

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

1.2.5 Semiconductors

Silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide-based semiconductors such as those used

in computers and electronics are part of a broader class of materials known as
electronic materials. The electrical conductivity of semiconducting materials is
between that of ceramic insulators and metallic conductors. In some semiconductors,
the level of conductivity can be controlled to enable electronic devices such as
transistors, diodes, etc., that are used to build integrated circuits. In many
applications, we need large single crystals of semiconductors. These are grown
from molten materials. Often, thin films of semiconducting materials are also made
using specialized processes.

1.2.6 Composite Materials

The main idea in developing composites is to blend the properties of different
materials. These are formed from two or more materials, producing properties not
found in any single material. Concrete, plywood, and fiberglass are examples of
composite materials. Fibre glass is made by dispersing glass fibre in a polymer
matrix. The glass fibre make the polymer stiffer, without significantly increasing its
density. With composites, we can produce lightweight, strong, ductile, temperature-
resistant materials or we can produce hard, yet shock-resistant, cutting tools that
would otherwise shatter.

Advanced aircraft and aerospace vehicles rely heavily on composites such as

carbon fiber-reinforced polymers. Sports equipment such as bicycles, golf clubs,
tennis rackets, and the like also make use of different kinds of composite materials
that are light and stiff.

The engineering materials are often primarily selected based on their mechanical,
physical, chemical and manufacturing properties. The secondary points to be considered
are the cost and availability, appearance, service life and recyclability. In the present day,
strict environmental legislations have forced the designers and engineers to select the
environment friendly materials which have minimum environmental impact.

Materials are often selected for their mechanical, physical, chemical and manufacturing
properties for ensuring proper functioning under desired conditions. When several
materials are suitable for a particular design requirement, the cheapest one is usually

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

1.3 Composite Materials

A composite material (also called a composition material or shortened to composite,
which is the common name) is a material made from two or more constituent materials
with significantly different physical or chemical properties that, when combined, produce
a material with characteristics different from the individual components. The individual
components remain separate and distinct within the finished structure, differentiating
composites from mixtures and solid solutions.

Fig. 1.2 Composites

Composites are formed by combining materials together to form an overall structure with
properties that differ from the sum of the individual components.

Composite materials are generally used for buildings, bridges, and structures such as boat
hulls, swimming pool panels, racing car bodies, shower stalls, bathtubs, storage tanks,
imitation granite and cultured marble sinks and countertops.The most advanced examples
perform routinely on spacecraft and aircraft in demanding environments.

Fig. 1.3 A black carbon fibre (used as a reinforcement component) compared to a human hair

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

More recently, researchers have also begun to actively include sensing, actuation,
computation and communication into composites, which are known as Robotic Materials.

1.3.1 Typical Engineered composite materials include

 Reinforced concrete and masonry
 Composite wood such as plywood
 Reinforced plastics, such as fibre-reinforced polymer or fiberglass
 Ceramic matrix composites (composite ceramic and metal matrices)
 Metal matrix composites
 Advanced composite materials

1.4 Metal Matrix Composites

A metal matrix composite (MMC) is composite material with at least two constituent
parts, one being a metal necessarily, the other material may be a different metal or
another material, such as a ceramic or organic compound. When at least three materials
are present, it is called a hybrid composite. An MMC is complementary to a cermet.

1.4.1 Composition
MMCs are made by dispersing a reinforcing material into a metal matrix. The
reinforcement surface can be coated to prevent a chemical reaction with the matrix. For
example, carbon fibers are commonly used in aluminium matrix to synthesize composites
showing low density and high strength. However, carbon reacts with aluminium to
generate a brittle and water-soluble compound Al4C3 on the surface of the fibre. To
prevent this reaction, the carbon fibres are coated with nickel or titanium boride.

1.4.2 Matrix
The matrix is the monolithic material into which the reinforcement is embedded, and is
completely continuous. This means that there is a path through the matrix to any point in
the material, unlike two materials sandwiched together. In structural applications, the
matrix is usually a lighter metal such as aluminum, magnesium, or titanium, and provides
a compliant support for the reinforcement. In high-temperature applications, cobalt and
cobalt–nickel alloy matrices are common.

1.4.3 Reinforcement
The reinforcement material is embedded into a matrix. The reinforcement does not
always serve a purely structural task (reinforcing the compound), but is also used to
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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

change physical properties such as wear resistance, friction coefficient, or thermal

conductivity. The reinforcement can be either continuous, or discontinuous.
Discontinuous MMCs can be isotropic, and can be worked with standard metalworking
techniques, such as extrusion, forging or rolling. In addition, they may be machined using
conventional techniques, but commonly would need the use of polycrystaline diamond
tooling (PCD).

Continuous reinforcement uses monofilament wires or fibers such as carbon fiber or

silicon carbide. Because the fibers are embedded into the matrix in a certain direction, the
result is an anisotropic structure in which the alignment of the material affects its
strength. One of the first MMCs used boron filament as reinforcement. Discontinuous
reinforcement uses "whiskers", short fibers, or particles. The most common reinforcing
materials in this category are alumina and silicon carbide.

1.5 Aluminium (Al)

Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It
is a silverywhite, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass,
aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust it is the third most abundant element
after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less
common in the mantle below. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite. Aluminium metal is
so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extreme reducing
environments. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different minerals.

Fig. 1.4 Aluminium

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

Aluminium is remarkable for its low density and its ability to resist corrosion through the
phenomenon of passivation. Aluminium and its alloys are vital to the aerospace industry
and important in transportation and building industries, such as building facades and
window frames.The oxides and sulfates are the most useful compounds of aluminium.

Despite its prevalence in the environment, no known form of life uses aluminium salts
metabolically, but aluminium is well tolerated by plants and animals. Because of these
salts' abundance, the potential for a biological role for them is of continuing interest, and
studies continue.

1.6 Silicon Carbide (SiC)

Silicon carbide (SiC), also known as carborundum is a semiconductor containing silicon
and carbon. It occurs in nature as the extremely rare mineral moissanite. Synthetic Sic
powder has been mass-produced since 1893 for use as an abrasive. Grains of silicon
carbide can be bonded together by sintering to form very hard ceramics that are widely
used in applications requiring high endurance, such as car brakes, car clutches and
ceramic plates in bulletproof vests. Electronic applications of silicon carbide such as
light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and detectors in early radios were first demonstrated around
1907. Sic is used in semiconductor electronics devices that operate at high temperatures
or high voltages, or both. Large single crystals of silicon carbide can be grown by the
Lely method and they can be cut into gems known as synthetic moissanite. Sic with high
surface area can be produced from SiO2 contained in plant material.

Fig. 1.5 Silicon Carbide

AlSiC, pronounced "alsick", is a metal matrix composite consisting of aluminium matrix

with silicon carbide particles. It has high thermal conductivity (180–200 W/m K), and its
thermal expansion can be adjusted to match other materials, e.g. silicon and gallium

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

arsenide chips and various ceramics. It is chiefly used in microelectronics as substrate for
power semiconductor devices and high density multi-chip modules, where it aids with
removal of waste heat.

1.7 Secondary Processing of Metal Matrix Composites

Fabrication methods are an important part of the design process for all structural
materials, including MMCs. Considerable work is under way in this critical area.
Significant improvements in existing processes and development of new ones appear
likely.Current methods can be divided into two major categories, primary and secondary.
Primary fabrication methods are used to create the MMC from its constituents. The
resulting material may be in a form that is close to the desired final configuration, or it
may require considerable additional processing, called secondary fabrication, such as
forming, rolling, metallurgical bonding, and machining. The processes used depend on
the type of reinforcement and matrix.A critical consideration is reactions that can occur
between reinforcements and matrices during primary and secondary processing at the
high temperatures required to melt and form metals. These impose limitations on the
kinds of constituents that can be combined by the various processes. Sometimes, barrier
coatings can be successfully applied to reinforcements, allowing them to be combined
with matrices that otherwise would be too reactive. For example, the application of a
coating such as boron carbide permits the use of boron fibers to reinforce titanium.
Potential reactions between matrices and reinforcements, even coated ones, is also an
important criterion in evaluating the temperatures and corresponding lengths of time to
which MMCs may be subjected in service.

Relatively large-diameter monofilament fibers, such as boron and silicon carbide, have
been incorporated into metal matrices by hot pressing a layer of parallel fibers between
foils to create a monolayer tape. In this operation, the metal flows around the fibers and
diffusion bonding occurs. The same procedure can be used to produce diffusion-bonded
laminates with layers of fibers oriented in specified directions to meet stiffness and
strength requirements for a particular design. In some instances, laminates are produced
by hot pressing monolayer tapes in what can be considered a secondary operation.

Monolayer tapes are also produced by spraying metal plasmas on collimated fibers,
followed by hot pressing. Structural shapes can be fabricated by creep and superplastic
forming of laminates in a die. An alternate process is to place fibers and unbonded foils in

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

a die and hot press the assembly.The boron/aluminum struts used on the space shuttle are
fabricated from monolayer foils wrapped around a mandrel and hot isostatically pressed
to diffusion bond the foil layers together and, at the same time, to diffusion bond the
composite laminate to titanium end fittings.

Composites can be made by infiltrating liquid metal into a fabric or prearranged fibrous
configuration called a preform. Frequently, ceramic or organic binder materials are used
to hold the fibers in position. The latter is burned off before or during infiltration.
Infiltration can be carried out under vacuum, pressure, or both. Pressure infiltration,
which promotes wetting of the fibers by the matrix and reduces porosity, is often called
squeeze casting.Cast MMCs now consistently offer net or net-net shape, improved
stiffness and strength, and compatibility with conventional manufacturing techniques.
They are also consistently lower in cost than those produced by other methods, are
available from a wide range of fabricators, and offer dimensional stability in both large
and small parts.

For example, Duralcan has developed its "ice cream mixer" technology and process
controls to the point where it produces up to 25 million pounds per year of aluminum
composite billets. Investment casting has been modified at Cercast to cast Duralcan billets
into complex, net-shape parts. Pressure casting produces net shapes with exceptional
properties at Alcoa, while pressure less infiltration is used at Lanxide Corp. to fabricate
net-shape components.

At the current time, the most common method used to make graphite/aluminum and
graphite/magnesium composites is by infiltration. Graphite yarn is first passed through a
furnace to burn off any sizing that may have been applied. Next it goes through a CVD
process that applies a coating of titanium and boron which promotes wetting by the
matrix. Then it immediately passes through a bath or fountain of molten metal, producing
an infiltrated bundle of fibers known as a "wire." Plates and other structural shapes are
produced in a secondary operation by placing the wires between foils and pressing them,
as is done with monofilaments. Recent development of "air stable" coatings permits use
of other infiltration processes, such as casting, eliminating the need for "wires" as an
intermediate step. Other approaches are under development.

A particularly important secondary fabrication method for titanium matrix composites is

superplastic forming/diffusion bonding (SPF/DB). To reduce fabrication costs,

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

continuous processes such as pultrusion and hot roll bonding are being developed.Three
basic methods are being used to make whisker and particulate-reinforced MMCs. Two
use powdered metals; the other uses a liquid-metal approach, details of which are

1.8 Severe Plastic Deformation

Some definitions of SPD describe it as a process in which high strain is applied without
any significant change in the dimensions of the workpiece, resulting in a large hydrostatic
pressure component.However, the mechanisms that lead to grain refinement in SPD are
the same as those originally developed for mechanical alloying, a powder process that has
been characterized as "severe plastic deformation" by authors as early as 1983.
Additionally, some more recent processes such as asymmetric rolling, do result in a
change in the dimensions of the workpiece, while still producing an ultrafine grain
structure. The principles behind SPD have even been applied to surface treatments.

1.8.1 Types of Severe Plastic Deformation

 Equal channel angular extrusion or pressing
 High pressure torsion
 Accumulative roll bonding
 Repetitive corrugation and straightening
 Asymmetric rolling
 Mechanical alloying
 Surface treatments

1.9 Equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP)

Equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) is a processing method in which a metal is
subjected to an intense plastic straining through simple shear without any corresponding
change in the cross-sectional dimensions of the sample. This procedure may be used to
introduce an ultrafine grain size into polycrystalline materials. The principles of the
ECAP process are examined with reference to the distortions introduced into a sample as
it passes through an ECAP die and especially the effect of rotating the sample between
consecutive presses.

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

Chapter 2


Militky J, Kova V, Rubnerov [2016], aluminum based metal matrix composites
have been successfully fabricated by stir casting technique with uniform distribution of
zirconium dioxide particles. Tensile strength, hardness and impact strength of MMC’s
was improved with increase weight fraction of Zro 2 particle in Al7075 matrix. The
percentage elongation of the MMC’s decreased with increase in Zro 2 content, which
confirmed that Zro2 addition increased brittleness.

Mr. Kuldeep B., Arun L. R, Dr. Suneel Kumar N. Kulkarniet al. [2016], developed
affordable Al MMCs, reinforced with Sic and Al2O3 that reduced the weight and increase
the engine efficiency, and thereby reduced fuel consumption and vehicle emissions.
Considerable reduction in wear and friction is achieved by use of these particulates.
Furthermore, increased cylinder pressures (and therefore, higher engine performance) are
possible because Al MMCs can withstand high mechanical and thermal loads, and reduce
heat losses by permitting closer fit that can be achieved because of lower thermal
expansion coefficient of Aluminium MMCs.

Muhammad Hayat Jokhio, [2016], Manufacturing of aluminium alloy based

casting composite materials via stir casting is one of the prominent and economical route
for development and processing of metal matrix composites materials. Properties of these
materials depend upon many processing parameters and selection of matrix and
reinforcements. Literature reveals that most of the researchers are using 2, 6 aluminium
matrix reinforced with SiC particles for high strength properties whereas, insufficient
information is available on reinforcement of" Al 2O3" particles in aluminium matrix. The
series aluminium matrix usually contains Cu-Zn-Mg. Therefore, the present research was
conducted to investigate the effect of elemental metal such as Cu-Zn-Mg in aluminium
matrix on mechanical properties of stir casting of aluminium composite materials
reinforced with alpha" Al2O3" particles using simple foundry melting alloying and casting
route. The age hardening treatments were also applied to study the aging response of the
aluminium matrix on strength, ductility and hardness. The experimental results indicate
that aluminium matrix cast composite can be manufactured via conventional foundry
method giving very good responses to the strength and ductility up to 10%" Al2O3 "
particles reinforced in aluminum matrix.

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

G. Naga malleshwara Rao, Na Chen, Zhang et al. [2015], have reviewed on metal
matrix composites with high thermal conductivity for thermal management applications,
it emphasizes that the latest advances in manufacturing process, thermal properties and
brazing technology of SiC/metal, carbon/metal and diamond/metal composites has been
presented. Key factors controlling the thermo-physical properties were discussed in detail.
The problems involved in the fabrication and the brazing of these composites were
elucidated and the main focus was put on the discussion of the methods to overcome
these difficulties. This review shows that the combination of pressure-less infiltration and
powder injection molding offers the benefits to produce near-net shape composites.

P. Sathiamurthi, M. Vardavouliaset al. [2015], in their paper have studied on Thermal

Expansion and Thermal Conductivity behaviors of Al/Si/Sic hybrid composites. It clearly
highlights that Aluminium-Silicon based hybrid composites reinforced with silicon
carbide and graphite particles has been prepared by liquid phase particle mixing and
squeeze casting. The thermal expansion and thermal conductivity behaviors of hybrid
composites with various graphite contents (5.0; 7.5; 10 wt. %) and different silicon
carbide particle sizes (45 μm and 53 μm) has been investigated. Results indicated that
increasing the graphite content improved the dimensional stability, and there was no
obvious variation between the thermal expansion behavior of the 45 μm and the 53 μm
silicon carbide reinforced composites.

K. Sudershan kumar, Dr. K. Trirupathi Reddy, G. B. Veeresh Kumar et al. [2015],

this paper deals with the mechanical properties such as hardness, tensile strength and
wear resistance etc. of Al6061-SiC and Al7075-Al2O3 composites. The composites are
prepared using the liquid metallurgy technique, in which 2-6 wt. % of particulates was
dispersed in the base matrix in steps of 2. The SiC and Al2O3 resulted in improving the
hardness and density of their respective composites.

Further, the increased %age of these reinforcements contributed in increased hardness and
density of the composites. The microphotographs of the composites studied revealed the
uniform distribution of the particles in the matrix system. The dispersed SiC in Al6061
alloy and Al2O3 in Al7075 alloy contributed in enhancing the tensile strength of the

The wear factor K obtained using computerized pin on disc wear tester with counter
surface as EN31 steel disc (HRC60) and the composite pin as specimens, demonstrated
the superior wear resistance property of the composites.
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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

Pushpendra Kumar Sharma, Borse Rajendra Ret al. [2015], in their research thesis
have explained the thermal conductivity of metal matrix composites, which are potential
electronic packaging materials, has been calculated using effective medium theory and
finite element techniques. It has been found that Silicon Carbide particles in Al must have
radii in excess of 10 μm to obtain the full benefit of the ceramic phase on the thermal
conductivity. Comparison of the effective medium theory results to finite element
calculations for axisymmetric unit cell models in three dimensions and to simulation
results on disordered arrays of particles in two dimensions confirms the validity of the

K Suryanarayanan, [2013], International Journal of Innovative Research in

Science, Engineering and Technology This paper considers the potential of use Al-SiC
metal matrix composite (MMC) with particular reference to the aerospace industry.
Initially, the required properties are identified, after which, the work explores pure
aluminium and its importance in the industry along with its limitations. Using these
limitations, MMC’s were recommended as a possible replacement for aluminium and it is
seen that the exact set of properties depend on certain factors. Therefore these factors
such as reactivity at the interface, volume fraction of the reinforcing material, type of the
reinforcing material and distribution of the reinforcing material are reviewed using the
existing literature. Using the information available, the paper advocates the use of Al-SiC
MMC in the fuselage skins of high performance aircrafts. However, it must be noted that
the recommendations are purely based on the data available and the author’s
interpretation of it although every effort has been made to be as logical as possible.

Karthigeyan, [2010], Al7075 alloy composites containing different volume

fraction of short basalt fiber are developed using the stir casting process. The
experimental strength values of the composites are compared with the theoretical
values in this paper. The results suggested that the experimental values best suited
the theoretical values owing to the random distribution of basalt fibers in the
Al7075 matrix.

Zhao, [2006], studied the microstructures and mechanical properties of equal-
channel angular pressing (ECAP) processed and naturally aged ultrafine grained
(UFG) and coarse grained (CG) Al7075 alloys and their evolutions during heat
treatment. Their studies established that after the tests, natural aging, tensile yield
strength, ultimate strength and micro hardness of UFG samples were higher by

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Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

103%, 35% and 48% respectively than those of the CG samples. Their studies
show that severe plastic deformation has the potential to significantly improve the
mechanical properties of age-hardening Al alloys.

LM Tham, [2001], an unconventional approach to strengthening Al/Sic

composites through controlled matrix–reinforcement interfacial reactions was studied.
Composites with two distinct interfacial microstructures were prepared by varying the
contact time between the Sic particles and molten aluminium during processing. The
formation of a thin Al4C3 reaction layer along the particle–matrix interface was found to
increase the composite yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, work-hardening rate and
work-to-fracture, and change involving interfacial decohesion to one where particle
breakage was dominant. These changes were attributed to a stronger interface bond,
which is thought to result from the tendency for the Al4C 3 reaction layer to form
semicoherent interfaces and orientation relationships with the aluminium matrix and Sic
particles and for it to be mechanically “keyed-in” to both these phases. The stronger
interface bond also enhanced the levels of plastic constraint which, when coupled with the
greater work hardening, promoted local matrix failure, thereby reducing the composite

David L McDanels, [1985], Metallurgical transactions Mechanical properties and

stress-strain behavior were evaluated for several types of commercially fabricated
aluminum matrix composites, containing up to 40 vol pct discontinuous SiC whisker,
nodule, or particulate reinforcement. The elastic modulus of the composites was found to
be isotropic to be independent of type of reinforcement, and to be controlled solely by the
volume percentage of SiC reinforcement present. The yield/tensile strengths and ductility
were controlled primarily by the matrix alloy and temper condition. Type and orientation
of reinforcement had some effect on the strengths of composites, but only for those in
which the whisker reinforcement was highly oriented.

Ductility decreased with increasing reinforcement content; however, the fracture strains
observed were higher than those reported in the literature for this type of composite. This
increase in fracture strain was probably attributable to cleaner matrix powder, better
mixing, and increased mechanical working during fabrication. Comparison of properties
with conventional aluminum and titanium structural alloys showed that the properties of
these low-cost, lightweight composites demonstrated very good potential for application
to aerospace structures.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 16

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

2.2 Problem Definition

Based on the above literature it was observed that Metal matrix composite with different
reinforcements gives better mechanical properties compared to monolithic metals.
Secondary processing carried on metal matrix composites causes grain reinforcement and
improves the mechanical behavior. It was noted that limited work is conducted on Zn
alloy with secondary processing. Based on this it can be concluded that, further research
is necessary on zinc alloys with secondary processing.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 17

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

Chapter 3


3.1 Objectives
The material properties of the MMC can be further improved by secondary processing
like rolling, forging, extrusion etc. Secondary processing causes grain refinement within
the material and leads to improvement in material properties. Grain refinement is an
important technique for strengthening metals and alloys. In the present work, the
microstructure and mechanical properties of secondary processed Al-SiC metal matrix
composite is investigated.

The following objectives are describe as below

 Fabrication of aluminium metal matrix composites with varying percentage (0%,

2% and 4%) of SiC reinforcement.
 To study the mechanical properties of produced metal matrix composites.
 Secondary processing of produced metal matrix composites.
 To study the mechanical properties of secondary produced metal matrix

3.2 Selection of Materials

The matrix is the monolithic material into which the reinforcement is embedded, and is
completely continuous. This means that there is a path through the matrix to any point in
the material, unlike two materials sandwiched together. In structural applications, the
matrix is usually a lighter metal such as aluminum, magnesium, or titanium, and provides
a compliant support for the reinforcement. In high-temperature applications, cobalt and
cobalt–nickel alloy matrices are common.

The reinforcement material is embedded into a matrix. The reinforcement does not
always serve a purely structural task (reinforcing the compound), but is also used to
change physical properties such as wear resistance, friction coefficient, or thermal
conductivity. The reinforcement can be either continuous, or discontinuous.
Discontinuous MMCs can be isotropic, and can be worked with standard metalworking
techniques, such as extrusion, forging, or rolling. In addition, they may be machined
using conventional techniques, but commonly would need the use of poly-crystalline
diamond tooling (PCD).

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 18

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

3.2.1 Al 7075
The matric material we used in our composite is Aluminium 7075 as it generally used for
making automobiles (i.e. worm gears, regulating valve parts, keys, etc.) Parts and
aerospace (i.e. AR fittings, meter shafts, fuse parts etc.) parts due to its high strength,
stress resistant, workability and improved stress corrosion resistance. Aluminium 7075
has best machinability and it will result in a very nice finish.

3.2.2 Silicon carbide (SiC)

Silicon carbide (SiC), also known as carborundum is a semiconductor containing silicon
and carbon. It occurs in nature as the extremely rare mineral moissanite. Synthetic Sic
powder has been mass-produced since 1893 for use as an abrasive. Grains of silicon
carbide can be bonded together by sintering to form very hard ceramics that are widely
used in applications requiring high endurance, such as car brakes, car clutches and
ceramic plates in bulletproof vests. Electronic applications of silicon carbide such as
light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and detectors in early radios were first demonstrated around

Sic is used in semiconductor electronics devices that operate at high temperatures or high
voltages, or both. Large single crystals of silicon carbide can be grown by the Lely
method and they can be cut into gems known as synthetic moissanite. Sic with high
surface area can be produced from SiO2 contained in plant material. AlSiC, pronounced
"alsick", is a metal matrix composite consisting of aluminium matrix with silicon carbide
particles. It has high thermal conductivity (180–200 W/m K), and its thermal expansion
can be adjusted to match other materials, e.g. silicon and gallium arsenide chips and
various ceramics. It is chiefly used in microelectronics as substrate for power
semiconductor devices and high density multi-chip modules, where it aids with removal
of waste heat. Electronic applications of silicon carbide such as light-emitting diodes
(LEDs) and detectors in early radios were first demonstrated around.

Continuous reinforcement uses monofilament wires or fibers such as carbon fiber or

silicon carbide. Because the fibers are embedded into the matrix in a certain direction, the
result is an anisotropic structure in which the alignment of the material affects its
strength. One of the first MMCs used boron filament as reinforcement. Discontinuous
reinforcement uses "whiskers", short fibers, or particles. The most common reinforcing
materials in this category are alumina and silicon carbide.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 19

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

The methodology is explained in the flow chart bellow

Casting of Materials

Secondary Process ECAP

Preparation of specimen according to ASTM standard

Testing of materials

Result and Discussion

Fig. 3.1 Process flow chart

3.4 Fabrication of Composites

In this study, an attempt has been made to fabricate aluminum (Al-7075)/SiC (Silicon
carbide) MMCs by Stir casting process. The MMCs plates were prepared with varying the
reinforced particles by weight fraction of 5%, 10% and 15%. The average reinforced
particles size of SiC was 325 mesh respectively. The stirring process was carried out at
200rev/min rotating speed.Composition of samples chosen for the studyAl-SiC
composites have been prepared by varying the SiC weight percentage from 5 to 15%. The
weight of sample taken is 400 grams and the percentages are varied accordingly.

3.5 Stir Casting Setup for Metal Matrix Composite

The stir casting experimental setup used for fabricating Al-SiC MMC is shown in Figure.
It consists of furnace for heating the metal, Stirrer and motor for mixing of particles. First

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 20

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

of all, the SiC particles are preheated in a separate muffle furnace at 900 ᵒC for 2h in
order to remove the volatile substances and impurities present and to maintain the particle
temperature closer to melting point of aluminium alloy. The preheating of SiC particles
leads to the artificial oxidation of the particle surface forming SiO2 layer. This SiO 2 layer
helps in improving the wettability of the particle. Thereafter, Al7075 billets were charged
into the furnace and melting was allowed to progress until a uniform temperature of 750
ᵒC was attained. The flux is added to Al alloy during melting to prevent oxidation of the

Fig. 3.2 Stir Casting Setup for Metal Matrix Composite

The melt was then allowed to cool to 600 ᵒC (slightly below the liquidus temperature) to a
semi-solid state and silicon carbide preheated mixture was added to the melt in fragments
and manual stirring of the slurry was performed. Thereafter, small amount of Mg less
than 1% of the total weight is added to improve the wettability between the reinforcement
and the alloy. After performing 5min of manual stirring, rest amount of SiC is added
along with the hexachloroethane tablets for degassing the molten metal and to prevent
porosity in the cast composites.After the manual stirring, the composite slurry was
reheated and maintained at a temperature of 750 ᵒC±10 ᵒC (above the liquidus
temperature) and then mechanical stirring was performed. The stirring operation was
performed for 10 minutes at an average stirring rate of 200rpm.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 21

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

Platinum-Rhodium thermocouple was utilized in all cases to monitor the temperature

readings of the furnace. The permanent cast iron mould is preheated at a 200oC. The
optical micrographs of the as-cast composite revealed that the agglomerations of SiC
particles are uniformly distributed in the matrix. It is apparent from the microstructure
that the distributions of reinforcement particles become more uniform in the matrix as
their weight percentage increases.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 22

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

Chapter 4


4.1 Selection of process

Although powder metallurgy produces better mechanical properties in MMCs, liquid state
processing has some important advantages. They are as: better matrix-particle bonding,
easier control of matrix structure, simplicity, low cost of processing, nearer net shape and
the wide selection of materials. Liquid state fabrication of MMC’s includes two methods
which depend on the temperature at which the particles are introduced into the melt.

In melt stirring process, the particles are incorporated above the liquids temperature of the
molten alloy, while in compo-casting method the particles are incorporated at the
semisolid slurry temperature of the alloy. In both processes, the vortex is used for
introducing reinforcement particles. For the preparation of our composite we used stirring

Fig. 4.1 Stir casting experimental setup

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 23

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

4.1.1 Preparation of composites via stir casting

 First of all the Aluminium 7075 is melted in a furnace

Fig. 4.2 Melting of aluminium

 The temperature in the furnace is raised, in which the Aluminium is added till the
molten state is obtained

Fig. 4.3 Temperature indicator

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 24

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

 Then the reinforcement is added to the molten metal i. e. Silicon-Carbide. The

reinforcement before adding in molten metal is preheated.

Fig. 4.4 Reinforcement preheating Machine

Fig. 4.5 SiC Powder

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 25

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

 Then this molten metal is poured into the mould having a cylindrical shape.

Fig. 4.6 Pouring molten composites

 The dried metal took out off mould

Fig. 4.7 Cylinder shape mould

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 26

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

Chapter 5

5.1 Advantages
 Metal matrix composites higher specific strength and modulus over metals.
 Lower coefficients of thermal expansion than metals.
 Maintenance of high strength properties at high temperatures.
 AlSiC can be produced relatively inexpensively.
 The Al matrix contains high amount of dislocations, responsible for the strength
of the material.
 They have high strength to density ratio they are often used in transport
applications including automotive and aviation.
 In comparison with conventional polymer matrix composites, MMCs are resistant
to fire, can operate in wider range of temperatures.
 They do not absorb moisture, have better electrical and thermal conductivity, are
resistant to radiation damage, and do not display out gassing.

5.2 Applications of composites

 In the automotive and aerospace industry.
 In bio-medical field and rehabilitation applications.
 In defense, including rockets, and missiles.
 In the manufacture of sports goods, including tennis rackets, fishing poles and
durable consumer products.
 Used for electronic goods where components are substrate for printed circuit
 In superconductors and communication applications.
 In chemical plants and corrosion resistant products.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 27

Influence of secondary processing on mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composite

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Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 28

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