2018 Form Proyeksi Keinginan S2

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Sample of Course Specification

(Program and Teaching Activity Plan for Semester)
Master in Biomedical Sciences Program
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

Master Study Program
Master in Biomedical Sciences Program
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health
Universitas Gadjah Mada


1 Study Program : Master in Biomedical Sciences

2 Department/Faculty : Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health
3 Course Name : Biostatistics
4 Course Code : KUD
5 Course Load/Semester : 2 SKS
6 Course Type: : Compulsory
7 Prerequisites : None
8 Co-requisites : None
9 Course Coordinator : Dr. Jarir At Thobari, DPharm, PhD
10 Course Instructors : Dr. Jarir At Thobari, DPharm, PhD
DR. Drs. Zulaela, MSc
11 Course Description : Statistics is a very important discipline which can be applied
to all fields of science. In this computerization era, statistical
methodology and its application to science has grown
rapidly. Statistics can be interpreted as a scientific method
that can be used as a tool in decision making or analyzing
research data. Choosing the wrong size or statistical tests will
lead to wrong decision making.

This course is focused on how to make students are able to

choose the appropriate statistical methods to analyze their
research data and able to interpret the analysis results well.
This course will discuss inferential statistical methods,
probabilities, significance tests, hypothesis tests, univariate
and multivariate analysis and their application in biomedical
research. Students will also be trained to use statistical
software in data analysis.
12 Course Objectives : 1. To identify and analyze statistical methods which can be
used to solve research problems in the field of
biomedical sciences.
2. To establish and apply the most appropriate data analysis
strategies to answer the research problems.
3. To interpret statistical analysis report to solve the
research problems in the field of biomedical sciences.
13 Student Outcome Able to use statistics for biomedical research

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

ELO Description Performance Indicators
ELO.1 Cognitive
ELO Mastering basic theoretical a. Comprehend the basic theoretical
1.1 concepts of biomedical concepts of biomedical sciences
sciences and their b. Competent to apply basic
applications. theoretical concepts of biomedical
sciences for the purposes of √
education, research, and
community service.
c. Capable of analyzing problems
related to biomedical sciences.
ELO Mastering the theoretical a. Comprehend theoretical concepts
1.2 concepts and applications of of biomedical sciences relevant to
anatomy, medical their majors.
anthropology, biochemistry, b. Competent to apply basic
biomedicine and human theoretical concept of biomedical
reproduction, pharmacology, sciences relevant to their majors for √
histology & cell biology, the purposes of education,
physiology, molecular research, and community service.
medicine, or parasitology. c. Capable of analyzing problems
related to biomedical sciences
relevant to their majors.
ELO Mastering the concept of a. Understand the concept of
1.3 academic integrity by plagiarism.
understanding plagiarism b. Apply the anti-plagiarism concept
concept in terms of when creating scientific √
plagiarism types, publications.
consequences of violation,
and its prevention.
ELO.2 Specific Skills
ELO Mastering basic lab work a. Able to demonstrate basic lab
2.1 skills in the field of works in the field of biomedical
biomedical sciences to sciences to explain the theoretical
support the comprehension concepts.
of theoretical concepts and in b. Capable of designing protocols and
conducting research. analyzing lab work results in
accordance with the objective.
ELO Developing the field of a. Able to search scientific literatures.
2.2 biomedical sciences through b. Able to analyze scientific literatures.
the study of scientific c. Able to perform critical appraisal of
literatures. scientific literatures.
d. Able to make use of scientific

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

ELO Description Performance Indicators
ELO Conducting research to a. Capable of identifying and
2.3 overcome problems in the processing problems in the field of
field of biomedical sciences. biomedical sciences.
b. Capable of designing research to
overcome problems in the field of
biomedical sciences.
c. Capable of conducting research in √
the field of biomedical sciences.
d. Capable of analyzing and drawing
conclusions from the reults of
research in the field of biomedical
ELO Delivering biomedical science a. Capable of writing scientific works
2.4 theory and disseminating and paper in the field of biomedical
scientific publications in the sciences with regard to basic writing
field of biomedical sciences rules (C2 & P6)
nationally and/or b. Capable of presenting scientific
internationally. works and paper in scientific forums
of biomedical sciences (C3 & P3)
c. Capable of publishing scientific
writings in the field of biomedical
sciences in national or international
journals (C6 & P6)
ELO.3 General Skills
ELO Utilizing information and a. Able to use search
3.1 technology in the context of engines/softwares to look for
developing knowledge in the literatures in biomedical sciences.
field of biomedical sciences. b. Able to use softwares to create
scientific papers in the field of √
biomedical sciences.
c. Able to use softwares to publish
scientific papers in the field of
biomedical science.
ELO Capable of communicating Capable of writing scientific papers in
3.2 effectively in English. the field of biomedical sciences in
ELO.4 Attitude
ELO Internalizing and a. Avoiding to commit academic
4.1 implementing values, norms, misconducts (e.g. cheating during
and academic ethics. examinations, plagiarism, and data √
fabrication or falsification).
b. Respecting all of civitas academica.

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

ELO Description Performance Indicators
ELO Exhibiting professionalism in a. Dicipline in terms of time and
4.2 carrying out duties. attendance in carrying out
academic duties. √
b. Carrying out academic duties well.
Keterangan: ELO: Expected Learning Outcome

Course Learning PI
14. Outcome (CLO) Students are capable to:
CLO-1. Understand the importance of biostatistics, the 1.1, 1.2,
meaning of population, sampling frames, samples, 1.3, 2.3,
parameters, variables, scales of variable measurement 4.1, 4.2
(continuous, categorical etc.), and types of statistical

CLO-2. Understand normal curves, descriptive 1.1, 1.2,

statistics, and table and graphic presentation of data; 1.3, 2.3,
and their applications in biomedical research. 4.1, 4.2

CLO-3. Understand hypothesis testing and its 1.1, 1.2,

application in biomedical research 1.3, 2.3,
4.1, 4.2
CLO-4. Understand parametric and non-parametric 1.1, 1.2,
statistical methods and their applications in 1.3, 2.3,
biomedical research 4.1, 4.2

CLO-5. Analyze data using statistical models such as 1.1, 1.2,

linear regression, logistic regression, cox regression, 1.3, 2.3,
and survival analysis; and able to interpret data 4.1, 4.2
analysis results of a research

CLO-6. Calculate the sample size according to the 1.1, 1.2,

characteristics of the research population 1.3, 2.3,
3.1, 4.1, 4.2

CLO-7. Choose the most appropriate statistical method 1.1, 1.2,

to prove hypotheses or research questions and to 1.3, 2.3,
interpret the results of the research 4.1, 4.2

CLO-8. Have the skills in data analysis using simple 1.1, 1.2,
statistical software 1.3, 2.3,
3.1, 4.1, 4.2

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

15. Weekly Course Plan

Course Learning Learning Assessment

Week Topics Subtopics Learning Media References
Outcome Methods Methods
1 CLO-1. Biostatistics 1.1. Introduction to Interactive PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
Understand the biostatistics and lecture Articles Direct feedback
importance of Types of data data analysis Assignment
biostatistics, 1.2. Why do we study Examination
types of data, and Types of statistics?
types of statistical statistical analysis 1.3. The application of
analysis statistics in the field
of biomedical
1.4. Types of data:
qualitative and
1.5. Types of statistical
analysis: descriptive,
parametric dan non-
2 CLO-1. Population 2.1. Definitions and Interactive PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
Understand the Variables, examples of lecture Articles Direct feedback
definition of Parameters population and Assignment
population, Scales of samples Examination
sampling frame, measurement 2.2. Definitions and
samples, examples of variables
parameters and parameters

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

2.3. Types of scales in
research and their
applications in
biomedical research
3 CLO-2. Normal curve 3.1. The importance and Interactive PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
Understand characters of normal lecture Articles Direct feedback
normal curve, Descriptive curve/distribution Assignment
descriptive analysis 3.2. Tabulating area under Examination
statistics, table the normal
and graphic Table of distribution standard
presentations of frequency 3.3. Overview of data
data, and their analysis: descriptive
applications in Data tendency and exploratory
biomedical 3.4. Table of frequency,
research Data distribution histogram, box-plots,
The relation 3.5. Data tendency: mean,
between two median, mode,
variables geometric mean
3.6. Data distribution:
range, standard
deviation, standard
3.7. The relation between
two variables: scatter
plot, correlation,
coefficients, table of
3.8. The application of
descriptive statistics

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

in biomedical
4 CLO-3. Hypothesis 4.1. Hypothesis testing: Interactive PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
Understand testing null and alternative lecture Articles Direct feedback
hypothesis testing hypotheses, one- Assignment
and its Type-1 error and tailed vs. Two- Examination
application in type-2 error tailed, statistical
biomedical tests, p-value,
research Confidence statistical
interval significance, and
drawing conclusion
Statistik 4.2. The concept of type-
inferential I and type-II errors
4.3. Confidence interval:
definition and its
4.4. The equivalence
between hypothesis
testing and
confidence interval
4.5. Overview:
inferential statistics
4.6. Inferential statistics
for single and group
samples: hypothesis
testing vs.
confidence interval
4.7. The application of
hypothesis testing in
biomedical research

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

5 CLO-4. Unpaired t-test 5.1. Overview the use of Interactive PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
Understand Paired t-test parametric test lecture Articles Direct feedback
parametric and Chi-square 5.2. Paired and unpaired Assignment
non-parametric Odds ratio (OR) student t-test Examination
statistical Relative risk (RR) 5.3. χ2 goodness of fit
methods and test and χ2
their applications independence test
in biomedical 5.4. Chi-square test for
research binary data
(pearson’s chi-
5.5. Chi-square test for
categorical dan
ordinal data
5.6. Odd ratio and
relative risk
5.7. The application of
unpaired and paired
t-test, chi-square,
OR and RR in
biomedical research
6 CLO-4. Wilcoxon test 6.1. Overview the use of Interactive PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
Understand non-parametric test lecture Articles Direct feedback
parametric and Mann Whitney 6.2. The differences Assignment
non-parametric between parametric Examination
statistical Mc Nemar and non-parametric
methods and tests
their applications Kruskal Wallis 6.3. Types of non-
in biomedical parametric test
research Friedman test

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

6.4. Case of single
Parametric test group: Sign test,
for a case of more Wilcoxon
than 2 groups 6.5. Case of 2 groups:
Sign test, McNemar
test, Wilcoxon
signed rank test,
Mann-Whitney U-
test, Student t-test
6.6. Case of more than 2
groups: Kruskal
Wallis, One Way
6.7. Case of Randomized
Complete Block
Designs : Friedman
6.8. Case of Balanced
Incomplete Block
Designs : Durbin
Test vs. ANOVA
6.9. The application of
non-parametric test
in biomedical
7 CLO-4. ANOVA Interactive PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
7.1. One way variance
Understand lecture Articles Direct feedback
parametric and Assignment
7.2. Two way variance
non-parametric Examination

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

methods and 7.3. Multi way variance
their applications analysis
in biomedical 7.4. Multiple
research Comparison Tests
(Fisher’s LSD,
Turkey, etc.)
7.5. The application of
variance analysis in
biomedical research
8 CLO-5. Able to Linear regression 8.1. General introduction Interactive PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
use and analyze to regression models lecture Articles Direct feedback
data using 8.2. Simple linear Assignment
statistical models regression model Examination
such as linear 8.3. Multiple linear
regression, regression model
logistic 8.4. Fitting regression
regression, cox model (coefficient
regression, and multiple
survival analysis; determination and
and able to variance estimation)
interpret data 8.5. Selecting regression
analysis results of model (backward,
a research forward, stepwise)

9 CLO-5. Able to Logistic Interactive PowerPoint Observation 1, 2

9.1. Binary data, odds,
use and analyze Regression lecture Articles Direct feedback
and odds ratio
data using Assignment
9.2. Logistic function
statistical models Examination
9.3. Logistic regression
such as linear

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

logistic 9.4. Hypothesis testing in
regression, cox Cox Regression logistic regression
regression, and 9.5. Kaplan Meier curve
survival analysis; Survival Analysis 9.6. Cox regression
and able to analysis and hazard
interpret data ratio
analysis results of 9.7. The application of
a research multivariate analysis
in biomedical
10 CLO-6. Able to Power and 10.1. Factors affecting Practical work PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
calculate the Sample Size power and sample using software Articles Direct feedback
appropriate size Interactive Case studies Assignment
sample size 10.2. Population, lecture Examination
according to the research samples,
characteristics of and sample
research selection
population 10.3. Methods of
calculating sample
10.4. Sample size for
prevalence and
10.5. Sample size for
cohort and case
control study
10.6. Software to
calculate sample

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

11 CLO-7. Choose 11.1. The algorithm of Interactive PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
the most how to choose lecture Articles Direct feedback
appropriate statistical analysis Case studies Assignment
statistical method to compare two Mini-quiz Examination
to prove independent
hypotheses or groups
research 11.2. The algorithm of
questions and to how to choose
interpret the statistical analysis
results of the to compare two
research dependent groups
11.3. The algorithm of
how to choose
statistical analysis
to compare more
than two
11.4. The algorithm of
how to choose
statistical analysis
to compare more
than two
dependent groups
11.5. The application of
algorithm in
12 CLO-8. Having the Data entry, 12.1. Software Practical work Practical work Observation 1, 2
skills to analyze editing, clearing introduction using software using software Direct feedback

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

data using simple Data 12.2. Data entry, data Interactive PowerPoint Assignment
statistical transformation editing and data lecture Articles Examination
software Data presentation transformation Case studies
12.3. Data presentation
(table and graphic)
13 CLO-8. Having the Descriptive 12.4. Descriptive analysis Practical work Practical work Observation 1, 2
skills to analyze analysis using software using software using software Direct feedback
data using simple 12.5. Continuous and Interactive PowerPoint Assignment
statistical Continuous and categorical data lecture Articles Examination
software categorical data analysis Case studies
14 CLO-8. Having the Parametric and 12.1. Parametric analysis Practical work PowerPoint Observation 1, 2
skills to analyze non-parametric 12.2. Non-parametric using software Articles Direct feedback
data using simple data analysis analysis Interactive Case studies Assignment
statistical lecture Assignment Examination

15 CLO-8. Multivariate 12.3. Linear regression Practical work Practical work Observation 1, 2
Having the skills analysis analysis using software using software Direct feedback
to analyze data 12.4. Logistic regression Interactive PowerPoint Assignment
using simple analysis lecture Articles Examination
statistical 12.5. Survival analysis Case studies
software 12.6. Cox regression Assignment

1. Poduri S.R.S. Rao, PSRS, 2017, Statistical Methodologies with Medical Applications, 1st edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
2. Peat J, Barton B, Elliot, E. 2008, Statistics Workbook for Evidence Based Medicine. Willey Blackwell

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

16. Assessment Rubric*
Course Learning Performance Unsatisfactory Poor Average Very good Excellent
Outcome Indicators (0 – 45) (45 – 52,49) (52,5 – 62,49) (62,5 – 74,99) (75 – 100)
CLO-1. Do not understand Partially understand Partially understand Partially Understand (60- Understand (>75%)
Understand the the concepts of (0-45%) the concepts (45-50%) the understand (50- 75%) the concepts the concepts of
importance of biostatistics, types of biostatistics, types concepts of 60%) the concepts of biostatistics, biostatistics, types
biostatistics, of data, and types of of data, and types of biostatistics, types of biostatistics, types of data, and of data, and types of
types of data, and statistical analysis statistical analysis of data, and types of types of data, and types of statistical statistical analysis
types of statistical statistical analysis types of statistical analysis
analysis analysis
CLO-2. Do not understand Partially understand Partially understand Partially Understand (60- Understand (>75%)
Understand the concepts of (0-45%) the concepts (45-50%) the understand (50- 75%) and apply the and apply the
normal curve, normal curve, of normal curve, concepts of normal 60%) and apply the concepts of normal concepts of normal
descriptive descriptive statistics, descriptive statistics, curve, descriptive concepts of normal curve, descriptive curve, descriptive
statistics, and and data and data presentation statistics, and data curve, descriptive statistics, and data statistics, and data
table and graphic presentation presentation statistics, and data presentation presentation
presentation of presentation
data; and their
applications in
CLO-3. Do not understand Partially understand Partially understand Partially Understand (60- Understand (>75%)
Understand the concept of (0-45%) the concept (45%-50%) the understand (50%- 75%) and apply the and apply the
hypothesis hypothesis testing of hypothesis testing concept of 60%) and apply the concept of concept of
testing and its hypothesis testing concept of hypothesis testing hypothesis testing
application in hypothesis testing

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

CLO-4. Do not understand Partially understand Partially understand Partially Understand (60- Understand (>75%)
Understand the concept of (0-45%) the concept (45%-50%) the understand (50%- 75%) and apply the and apply the
parametric and parametric and non- of parametric and concept of 60%) and apply the concept of concept of
non-parametric parametric statistics non-parametric parametric and non- concept of parametric and parametric and non-
statistical statistics parametric statistics parametric and non-parametric parametric statistics
methods and non-parametric statistics
their applications statistics
in biomedical
CLO-5. Able to Do not understand Partially understand Partially understand Partially Understand (60- Understand (>75%)
use and analyze the concepts of (0-45%) the concepts (45%-50%) the understand (50%- 75%) and apply the and apply the
data using linear, logistic, and of linear, logistic, and concepts of linear, 60%) and apply the concepts of linear, concepts of linear,
statistical models cox regressions cox regressions logistic, and cox concepts of linear, logistic, and cox logistic, and cox
such as linear statistical analysis statistical analysis and regressions logistic, and cox regressions regressions
regression, and survival analysis survival analysis statistical analysis regressions statistical analysis statistical analysis
logistic and survival analysis statistical analysis and survival and survival analysis
regression, cox and survival analysis
regression, and analysis
survival analysis;
and able to
interpret data
analysis results of
a research
CLO-6. Able to Do not understand Partially understand Partially understand Partially Understand (60- Understand (>75%)
calculate the the concept of (0-45%) the concept (45%-50%) the understand (50%- 75%) and apply the and apply the
sample size calculating sample of calculating sample concept of 60%) and apply the concept of concept of
according to the size size calculating sample concept of calculating sample calculating sample
characteristics of size calculating sample size size
the research size

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

CLO-7. Choose Do not understand Partially understand Partially understand Partially Understand (60- Understand (>75%)
the most the concept of how (0-45%) the concept (45%-50%) the understand (50%- 75%) and apply the and apply the
appropriate to choose the of how to choose the concept of how to 60%) and apply the concept of how to concept of how to
statistical method appropriate appropriate statistical choose the concept of how to choose the choose the
to prove statistical analysis analysis appropriate choose the appropriate appropriate
hypotheses or statistical analysis appropriate statistical analysis statistical analysis
research statistical analysis
questions and to
interpret the
results of the
CLO-8. Do not have the Have (0-45%) skills in Have (45-50%) skills Have (50-60%) Have (60-75%) Have (>75%) skills in
Have the skills in skills in data analysis data analysis using in data analysis skills in data skills in data data analysis using
data analysis using statistical statistical software using statistical analysis using analysis using statistical software
using simple software software statistical software statistical software

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

17. Grading System
- Grading components
Grading is formulated based on assignments 70% and final examination 30%

- Grading Scales
Final grade is determined based on students’ achievements as shown in Assessment
Rubrics (Table 16) with the following grading scales:

Absolut Score (Grading)

Grade Range Grade Range
A 75 - 100 C+ 57,5-59,99
A- 72,5–74,99 C 55-57,49
A/B 70-72,49 C- 52,5-54,99
B+ 67,5-69,99 C/D 50-52,49
B 65-67,49 D+ 47,5-49,99
B- 62,5-64,99 D 45-47,49
B/C 60-62,49 E <45

- Grading Plan

CLO Assignment Final Examination

(70%) (30%)
CLO-1. Understand the importance of V V
biostatistics, types of data, and types of
statistical analysis
CLO-2. Understand normal curve, V V
descriptive statistics, and table and
graphic presentation of data; and their
applications in biomedical research
CLO-3. Understand hypothesis testing and V V
its application in biomedical research
CLO-4. V V
Understand parametric and non-
parametric statistical methods and their
applications in biomedical research
CLO-5. Able to use and analyze data using V V
statistical models such as linear
regression, logistic regression, cox
regression, and survival analysis; and able
to interpret data analysis results of a

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

CLO Assignment Final Examination
(70%) (30%)
CLO-6. Calculate the sample size according V V
to the characteristics of research
CLO-7. Choose the most appropriate V V
statistical method to prove hypotheses or
research questions and to interpret the
results of the research
CLO-8. Have the skills in data analysis V V
using simple statistical software

18. Monitoring and Feedback

a. Monitoring Planning
Learning processes and outcomes are monitored using attendance list and examination
b. Students’ Feedback
Students’ feedback regarding teaching and learning processes of Biostatistics course is
obtained from questionnaires, distributed to students after the final exam. The
aforementioned questionnaire is as followed:
Course: Biostatistics
No. Aspects Scores
1 2 3 4 5
1 The availability of textbooks and references
2 Lecturers attendance
3 Lecturer’s comprehension in course materials
4 Lecturer’s teaching methods and strategies
5 The clarity in delivering course materials
6 Learning processes complies with Program and Teaching
Activity Plan for Semester
7 Lecturer’s efforts to make students active in class
8 The compliance of exam questions and course materials
Note: Please tick X in the available space of appropriate score column!
Score information: 1 = poor; 2 = fair; 3= average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

19. References
1. Poduri S.R.S. Rao, PSRS, 2017, Statistical Methodologies with Medical Applications,
1st edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
2. Peat J, Barton B, Elliot, E. 2008, Statistics Workbook for Evidence Based Medicine.
Willey Blackwell

Samples of course specification | Appendix 4

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