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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo

Material Requisition Process Manual

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo

Table Of Contents

1. About This Guide ........................................................................................... 3

2. Material Requisitions (MR) Process ............................................................... 4

2.1. Material Requisitions Phases Summary ................................................................... 4

2.2. Desktop Requisitions Procedures................................................................................ 6

2.2.1. Supervisor creates MR ..................................................................................................... 6

2.2.2. Project Manager reviews MR ......................................................................................... 9

2.2.3. Supervisor Prints & Close MR ..................................................................................... 12

2.2.4. Supervisor updates MR ................................................................................................. 14

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1. About This Guide

This section briefly summarizes this document and how it can help you as a MAXIMO
Who Should Read this Guide?
This guide is for users who are new to MAXIMO and will use MAXIMO to manage
process for Material Requisition (MR).
How to Use this Guide
MAXIMO contains extensive Help that provides detailed instructions on how to use
the modules and applications.
This guide introduces you to the MR.

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2. Material Requisitions (MR) Process

Use the Desktop Requisitions application to create and submit a desktop requisition.
The requisition will contain the following information:
• Requisition Description.
• Required Date.
• Priority.
• Charge Info.
• Requisition Lines.
You can complete a desktop requisition using the three-step process, or you can save a
requisition as a draft and finish it later. You can also save a requisition as a template,
and use it later for creating additional requisitions with similar information.
Every MR in MAXIMO has a status that indicates its position in the Material
Requisitions processing cycle.
Note: Your system administrator sets the signature security authorizations that let
users change Desktop Requisition statuses.
▪ DRAFT — Draft; default for MR upon creation.
▪ WAPPR — Waiting on Approval; Status for MR that require a particular
review in order to take a suitable action for closing.
▪ APPR — Approve; Status for MR that converted either to PR record for
Direct Issue Items / Services or Inventory Reservation for Stocked Items.
▪ MR CLOSE — M R i s Closed; Change status to CLOSE after
requisition process is completed.
▪ CAN — Cancel; Change status to CAN after MR review.

2.1. Material Requisitions Phases Summary

Creation Phase
Supervisor will create the MR record and complete MR information:
▪ Define information, such as;
o MR Description.
o Required Date.
o Priority
o Charge Information (WO, Locations and GL Accounts).

▪ Define MR lines, such as;

o Item line type (Item, Material, Service, Standard Service, Tool or Stoked
o Required Quantity.
o Order Unit.

Supervisor will perform the following tasks:

▪ Review the added information in MAXIMO system, as above.
▪ Route the MR through WF process for review.

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Approving Phase
Project Manager will electronically receive the MR in his assignment inbox with status
(WAPPR), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Review and verify the MR information in MAXIMO system.
▪ Route the MR through MAXIMO WF to take one of the following actions:
o Approve the MR.
o Cancel the MR.
Result: MAXIMO will route the record out of WF process.
o Return the MR back to Requester for update.

Closing Phase
Once the MR record is approved, Supervisor will electronically receive the MR in his
assignment inbox with status (APPR), he will print the MR and route the record so that
Maximo will change status to MR CLOSE after requisitioning process had been

Note: For New Inventory Items required to be purchased, the item has to be coded first
in Item Master application and then proceed the MR cycle against item code.

Updating Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the MR in his assignment inbox with status
(WAPPR) in case the MR is returned from Project Manager, and then he will perform
the following tasks:
▪ Review and update the MR information in MAXIMO system.
▪ Route the MR through MAXIMO WF for review and approval.

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2.2. Desktop Requisitions Procedures

2.2.1. Supervisor creates MR

Step Action
1. Login MAXIMO System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

2. From Go To menu, open Desktop Requisition application from the Self Services module.

Result: The Create Requisition application appears with auto number.

3. Enter the MR information such as (Description, Priority, Required Date, Work Order or Location) and
then click Continue button.

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Step Action
4. From Requisitions Lines Items table, click New Row button.

5. Click Drop Down menu of Line Type field, and then select either Item (for Inventory Items), Material
(Non-Inventory Items), Standard Service (for coded services), Service (for non-coded services), or Tool.

6. Click Continue button.

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Step Action
7. Review the MR lines and then click Submit MR.

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2.2.2. Project Manager reviews MR

Step Action
1. Login MAXIMO System by the Project Manager user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

2. The MR record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description MR needs your review and
approval, and then click the record link.

3. Review and verify the MR information, and then click Route Workflow button.
Select “Review MR” action and then click OK button.

Result: The Complete workflow assignment dialog will appear.

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Step Action

(a) In case need to approve MR :

Select Accept MR action, then click OK button.

Result: MAXIMO will Stop the WF and create PR in case of items not available or storeroom not
selected OR items will be reserved for issuing.

(b) In case MR needs update :

Select Return for update action, then click OK button.

Result: MAXIMO will send MR to Supervisor for update.

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Step Action
(c) In case MR needs cancelation:
Select Cancel MR action, then click OK button.

Result: MAXIMO will route the MR to the Requester to UPDATE.

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2.2.3. Supervisor Prints & Close MR

Step Action
4. Login MAXIMO System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

5. The MR record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description Print and Close MR, and
then click the record link.

6. Click Print button.

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Step Action
7. Click Route WF icon

8. Select Close MR & Click OK

Result: MR status changes into MR CLOSE.

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2.2.4. Supervisor updates MR

Step Action
1. Login MAXIMO System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

2. The MR record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description Returned MR, Please
Update, and then click the record link.

3. Review and verify the MR information, and then click Save as Draft button.

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Step Action
4. From the Start Center click on the Route WF icon and submit MR.

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