03 WO Maintenance End User Manual

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo

Maintenance Work Order Process


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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo

Table Of Contents
1. About This Guide ........................................................................................... 3
2. Work Order (WO) Process ............................................................................. 4
3. Work Order Phases Summary ........................................................................ 5
3.1.1. Planned Work Order (PM & INSPECTION) Phases Summary ........................... 5
3.1.2. Follow-up Work Order (CM) Phases Summary Creation Phase ....................... 6
3.1.3. Un-Planned Work Order Phases Summary .............................................................. 7 EM Work Orders.............................................................................................................. 7 RM Work Orders ............................................................................................................. 7
3.2. Un-planned Work Orders Procedures........................................................................ 9
3.2.1. Reactive Maintenance Orders Procedures (RM) Mnt ........................................... 9 Supervisor Assign WO .................................................................................................. 9 Supervisor Plans WO .................................................................................................. 11 Supervisor Execute WO ............................................................................................. 13 Supervisor Complete WO Actuals .......................................................................... 14 Maintenance Coordinator Closes WO ................................................................... 17
3.3. Follow-up Work Orders Procedures (CM) Maintenance Procedures ............ 18 Supervisor Assign WO ................................................................................................ 18 Supervisor Plans WO .................................................................................................. 20 Supervisor Execute WO ............................................................................................. 22 Supervisor Complete WO Actuals .......................................................................... 23 Maintenance Coordinator Closes WO ................................................................... 26
1.1.1. (EM) Mnt Procedures ...................................................................................................... 27 Supervisor Creates EM WO ...................................................................................... 27 Supervisor Completes WO ........................................................................................ 29
3.4. Planned Maintenance Procedures (PM & INSP) Work Orders ................................................ 33 Supervisor Executes WO ....................................................................................................... 33 Supervisor Completes WO ..................................................................................................... 35 Maintenance Coordinator Closes WO ................................................................... 38

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1. About This Guide

This section briefly summarizes this document and how it can help you as a MAXIMO
Who Should Read this Guide?
This guide is for users who are new to MAXIMO® and will use MAXIMO to manage
the process for Work Order (WO).
How to Use this Guide
MAXIMO contains extensive Help that provides detailed instructions on how to use
the modules and applications.
This guide introduces you to the Maintenance Related Applications.
This guide includes a brief overview of MAXIMO’s modules and Applications as well
as an overview of MAXIMO navigation and tool bars that are common for all
MAXIMO applications, followed by a chapter that focuses on using the Maintenance

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2. Work Order (WO) Process

Work orders are the core of maintenance management. A work order specifies a particular task to be
accomplished, the labor/craft, materials, and tools needed to do the work. When you create a work
order in MAXIMO you initiate the maintenance management process and create a historical record of
work requested and performed.
You can use the Work Order Tracking application to plan, review, and approve work orders for pieces
of asset, locations, or other work charged to general ledger accounts.
You can use the Work Order Tracking application to perform every function related to processing work
orders. These tasks include creating, approving, and initiating work orders, checking their status
history, and closing or reworking them when appropriate.
Every work order in MAXIMO has a status that indicates its position in the work order processing
cycle. You can create work orders with different statuses depending on which application you use to
create or generate them.
If “Change Status on Child Work Orders?” Check box is selected on the top-level work order; MAXIMO
changes the status for entire hierarchy when record’s status is changed.
NOTE: Your system administrator sets the signature security authorizations that let users
change work order statuses.
▪ WAPPR — Waiting for Approval; default for work orders created in Work Order Tracking.
▪ WSCH — Waiting to be scheduled; default for work orders generated from Preventive
▪ APPR — Approved. After you approve a work order, MAXIMO reserves the work plan items in
inventory and records cost and rate data.
▪ WMATL — Waiting for Material. Indicates that you cannot initiate the work order because you
do not have needed material. After the direct issue items requisitioned for the work order have
been issued in Issues and Transfers, the work order status changes to approved.
▪ WPCOND — Waiting for Plant Conditions. Status for work orders that require a particular
plant condition in order to be worked on.
▪ WMANP— Waiting for Man Power. Status for work orders that requires Certain Labors to
execute work orders.
▪ INPRG — In Progress; default for work orders created in Quick Reporting. This status initiates
the work order.
▪ COMP — Completed. Indicates that all physical work is finished. If the asset is down,
MAXIMO displays a reminder message.
▪ CLOSE — Closed. Change status to CLOSE after the electronic "paperwork" on a work order is
complete and you want to finalize the record. MAXIMO removes inventory reservations for
items not issued to the work order. The work order becomes a history record and cannot be
▪ CAN — Cancelled. If you select multiple work orders, MAXIMO cancels the ones that have not
been initiated or for which no actuals have been reported. If the work order has been approved,
MAXIMO removes inventory item reservations for the work order. The work order becomes a
history record.
▪ HISTEDIT — Edited in History. Indicates that a work order with a status of CLOSE has been
edited. This status does not appear on a work order record itself, but is displayed in the Status
History to indicate that changes were made after the work order was closed.

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3. Work Order Phases Summary

3.1.1. Planned Work Order (PM & INSPECTION) Phases Summary

Creation Phase
Maximo will automatically generate WO by using crone task.

Execution Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(INPRG), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Define Work schedule information such as (Start Date, Finish Date ... etc)
▪ Define Project
▪ Define WO Priority
▪ Perform physically the required activities that mentioned in the Work order.
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF

Completion Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(INPRG), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Enter Work Order Actuals.
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF.
WO Status will be (COMP)
Closing Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(COMP), and then he will Route the WO through MAXIMO WF.

Maintenance Coordinator will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox

with status (WCLOSE), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Review and verify the WO information in MAXIMO system.
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF to take one of the following actions:
o Close WO.
o Result: MAXIMO will route WO out of WF process.
o Create Follow-up WO.
o Result: MAXIMO will route WO out of WF process and a follow-up
work order with WO type CM will be created by Maximo.

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3.1.2. Follow-up Work Order (CM) Phases Summary Creation Phase

Corrective Maintenance WO is created automatically from a Follow up WO.

Assignment Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(WASIGN), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Define Work Responsibilities such as (Labor, Craft, Crew ... etc).
▪ Define Work schedule information (Start Date, Finish Date)
▪ Route the WO through WF process for Planning.

Planning Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(WPLAN), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Review and verify the WO information in MAXIMO system.
• Project
• Location
• Assignment
• Priority
• Scheduled Dates
▪ Insert Work Plan (Job Plan).
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF for Execution.

Execution Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(INPRG), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Review and verify the WO information in MAXIMO system.
▪ Perform physically the required activities that mentioned in the Work order.
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF to take one of the following actions:
o Route the WO for Completion.
o Hold WO.

Completing Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(COMP), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Enter WO actual information in MAXIMO system.
o Route the WO through MAXIMO WF to Maintenance Coordinator.

Closing Phase
Maintenance Coordinator will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox
with status (WCLOSE), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Review and verify the WO information in MAXIMO system.
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF to take one of the following actions:
o Close the WO.
Result: MAXIMO will route WO out of WF process
o Follow-up work is required, Close WO.
Result: MAXIMO will route WO out of WF process

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3.1.3. Un-Planned Work Order Phases Summary EM Work Orders

Creation Phase
Supervisor will create EM WO from Quick Reporting Application with status (INPRG),
and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Enter the EM WO information in MAXIMO system.
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF.
Completion & Closing Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(COMP), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Review and verify the WO information in MAXIMO system.
▪ Perform physically the required activities that mentioned in the Work order or
finalize the WO actual information.
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF to Close the WO. RM Work Orders

Maximo automatically creates a reactive maintenance work order upon approved service

Assignment Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(WASIGN), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Define Work Responsibilities such as (Labor, Craft, Crew ... etc).
▪ Define Work schedule information (Start Date, Finish Date)
▪ Route the WO through WF process for Planning.

Planning Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(WPLAN), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Review and verify the WO information in MAXIMO system.
• Project
• Location
• Assignment
• Priority
• Scheduled Dates
▪ Insert Work Plan (Job Plan).
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF for Execution.

Execution Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(INPRG), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Review and verify the WO information in MAXIMO system.
▪ Perform physically the required activities that mentioned in the Work order.
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF to take one of the following actions:
o Route the WO for Completion.
o Hold WO.

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Completing Phase
Supervisor will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox with status
(COMP), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Enter WO actual information in MAXIMO system.
o Route the WO through MAXIMO WF to Maintenance Coordinator.

Closing Phase
Maintenance Coordinator will electronically receive the WO in his assignment inbox
with status (WCLOSE), and then he will perform the following tasks:
▪ Review and verify the WO information in MAXIMO system.
▪ Route the WO through MAXIMO WF to take one of the following actions:
o Close the WO.
Result: MAXIMO will route WO out of WF process
o Follow-up work is required, Close WO.
Result: MAXIMO will route WO out of WF process

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3.2. Un-planned Work Orders Procedures

3.2.1. Reactive Maintenance Orders Procedures (RM) Mnt Supervisor Assign WO

Step Action
1. Login Maximo System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

2. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

3. Review the WO information and fill in the mandatory fields (Project, WO Priority, Schedule Start &
Schedule Finish and Job) then click Save button.

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Step Action

4. Click Route Workflow button.

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo Supervisor Plans WO

Step Action
5. Login Maximo System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

6. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

7. Enter Work Order Plan.

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Step Action

8. Click Route Workflow button.

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo Supervisor Execute WO

Step Action
1. Login Maximo System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

2. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

3. Perform physically the required activities that mentioned in the Work order.

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo Supervisor Complete WO Actuals

1. From Actuals tab, review and update the Task Duration (if any).
Note: In addition, for adding new actual Tasks, click New Row button and then enter the Work plan
information such as (Task ID, Task Description, Duration ...etc).

Click Save button.

2. From Labor sub tab of Actuals tab, click Select Planned Labor button.

Select the Check Box for the required labor(s) lines, then click OK button.

Select Labor from associated Detail Menu, then review and update the Labor information and enter
the mandatory fields such as (Regular Hours, Start Date/Time, End Date/Time and Premium
information if any), then click Save button.

Note: to enter un-planned Labors, click New Row button and fill in the actual information.

Click Save button.

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3. From Materials sub tab of Actuals tab, review the actual consumed Items line.
Note: If there is any un-used Item, return it to the storeroom.

4. From Services sub tab of Actuals tab, review the actual services lines.

5. From Tools sub tab of Actuals tab, click Select Planned Tools button.

Select the Check Box for the required tool(s) lines, then click OK button.

Review and update the Tool information and enter the mandatory fields such as (Hours, Quantity
information if any), then click Save button.

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Note: To enter un-planned Tools, click New Row button and fill in the actual information.
For Stocked Tools, click Select Issued Tools button and complete the steps above.

6. Click Route Workflow button and click OK

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo Maintenance Coordinator Closes WO

Step Action
1. Login Maximo System by the Maintenance Coordinator user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

2. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

3. Review the WO information, and then click Route Workflow button.

Result: The Complete workflow assignment dialog will appear with 2 options.

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3.3. Follow-up Work Orders Procedures (CM) Maintenance Procedures Supervisor Assign WO

Step Action
9. Login Maximo System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

10. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

11. Review the WO information and fill in the mandatory fields (Project, WO Priority, Schedule Start &
Schedule Finish and Job) then click Save button.

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Step Action

12. Click Route Workflow button.

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo Supervisor Plans WO

Step Action
13. Login Maximo System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

14. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

15. Enter Work Order Plan.

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Step Action

16. Click Route Workflow button.

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo Supervisor Execute WO

Step Action
4. Login Maximo System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

5. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

6. Perform physically the required activities that mentioned in the Work order.

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo Supervisor Complete WO Actuals

7. From Actuals tab, review and update the Task Duration (if any).
Note: In addition, for adding new actual Tasks, click New Row button and then enter the Work plan
information such as (Task ID, Task Description, Duration ...etc).

Click Save button.

8. From Labor sub tab of Actuals tab, click Select Planned Labor button.

Select the Check Box for the required labor(s) lines, then click OK button.

Select Labor from associated Detail Menu, then review and update the Labor information and enter
the mandatory fields such as (Regular Hours, Start Date/Time, End Date/Time and Premium
information if any), then click Save button.

Note: to enter un-planned Labors, click New Row button and fill in the actual information.

Click Save button.

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9. From Materials sub tab of Actuals tab, review the actual consumed Items line.
Note: If there is any un-used Item, return it to the storeroom.

10. From Services sub tab of Actuals tab, review the actual services lines.

11. From Tools sub tab of Actuals tab, click Select Planned Tools button.

Select the Check Box for the required tool(s) lines, then click OK button.

Review and update the Tool information and enter the mandatory fields such as (Hours, Quantity
information if any), then click Save button.

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Note: To enter un-planned Tools, click New Row button and fill in the actual information.
For Stocked Tools, click Select Issued Tools button and complete the steps above.

12. Click Route Workflow button and click OK

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo Maintenance Coordinator Closes WO

Step Action
4. Login Maximo System by the Maintenance Coordinator user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

5. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

6. Review the WO information, and then click Route Workflow button.

Result: The Complete workflow assignment dialog will appear with 2 options.

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1.1.1. (EM) Mnt Procedures Supervisor Creates EM WO

Step Action
1. Login Maximo System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________


3. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

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Step Action
4. Review the WO information, and then click Route Workflow button.

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo Supervisor Completes WO

Step Action
1. Login Maximo System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

2. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

3. From Actuals tab, review and update the Task Duration (if any).
Note: In addition for adding new actual Tasks, click New Row button and then enter the Work plan
information such as (Task ID, Task Description, Duration ...etc).
For some WO tasks, it is required to capture the reading for specific points on Asset (Condition
Monitoring Meters), so the planner has to define the related fields such as (Measurement
Value, Measurement Date & Observation).

Click Save button.

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Step Action
4. From Labor sub tab of Actuals tab, click Select Planned Labor button.

Select the Check Box for the required labor(s) lines, then click OK button.

Select Labor from associated Detail Menu, then review and update the Labor information and enter the
mandatory fields such as (Regular Hours, Start Date/Time, End Date/Time and Premium information if
any), then click Save button.

Note: to enter un-planned Labors, click New Row button and fill in the actual information.

Click Save button.

5. From Materials sub tab of Actuals tab, review the actual consumed Items line.
Note: If there is any un-used Item, return it to the storeroom.

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Step Action
6. From Services sub tab of Actuals tab, review the actual services lines.

7. From Tools sub tab of Actuals tab, click Select Planned Tools button.

Select the Check Box for the required tool(s) lines, then click OK button.

Review and update the Tool information and enter the mandatory fields such as (Hours, Quantity
information if any), then click Save button.

Note: To enter un-planned Tools, click New Row button and fill in the actual information.
For Stocked Tools, click Select Issued Tools button and complete the steps above.

8. Click Route WF icon to close WO

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Step Action

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3.4. Planned Maintenance Procedures (PM & INSP) Work Orders Supervisor Executes WO
Step Action
17. Login Maximo System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

18. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description and then click the record

19. Review WO Asset/Location and Enter Priority

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Step Action
20. Enter Project Number

21. After PM work is finish click on Route WF icon & click ok to enter WO actuals

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IT Department – Applications Section – Maximo Supervisor Completes WO

Step Action
9. Login Maximo System by the Supervisor user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

10. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

11. From Actuals tab, review and update the Task Duration (if any).
Note: In addition for adding new actual Tasks, click New Row button and then enter the Work plan
information such as (Task ID, Task Description, Duration ...etc).
For some WO tasks, it is required to capture the reading for specific points on Asset (Condition
Monitoring Meters), so the planner has to define the related fields such as (Measurement
Value, Measurement Date & Observation).

Click Save button.

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Step Action
12. From Labor sub tab of Actuals tab, click Select Planned Labor button.

Select the Check Box for the required labor(s) lines, then click OK button.

Select Labor from associated Detail Menu, then review and update the Labor information and enter the
mandatory fields such as (Regular Hours, Start Date/Time, End Date/Time and Premium information if
any), then click Save button.

Note: to enter un-planned Labors, click New Row button and fill in the actual information.

Click Save button.

13. From Materials sub tab of Actuals tab, review the actual consumed Items line.
Note: If there is any un-used Item, return it to the storeroom.

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Step Action

14. From Services sub tab of Actuals tab, review the actual services lines.

15. From Tools sub tab of Actuals tab, click Select Planned Tools button.

Select the Check Box for the required tool(s) lines, then click OK button.

Review and update the Tool information and enter the mandatory fields such as (Hours, Quantity
information if any), then click Save button.

Note: To enter un-planned Tools, click New Row button and fill in the actual information.
For Stocked Tools, click Select Issued Tools button and complete the steps above.

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Step Action
16. Click Route WF icon to close WO Maintenance Coordinator Closes WO

Step Action
7. Login Maximo System by the Maintenance Coordinator user.
Enter the Username & Password.
User Name: _________________
Password: _________________

8. The WO record will appear in the Inbox / Assignment table with description, and then click the record

9. Review the WO information, and then click Route Workflow button.

Result: The Complete workflow assignment dialog will appear with 2 options.

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Step Action

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