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Geochemistry 3 Article

Volume 10, Number 11
Geophysics 14 November 2009

Geosystems Q11008, doi:10.1029/2009GC002819


Published by AGU and the Geochemical Society

Evaluating the evolution of the Red River system based

on in situ U-Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis of zircons
Long van Hoang
School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen, Meston Building, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, UK (

Fu-Yuan Wu
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 9825, Beijing 100029, China

Peter D. Clift
School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen, Meston Building, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, UK

Anna Wysocka :
Instytut Geologii Podstawowej, Wydzial Geologii, Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, al. Zwirkii Wigury 93,
02-089 Warsaw, Poland

Anna Swierczewska
Ośrodek Badawczy w Krakowie, Instytut Nauk Geologicznych, Polskiej Akademii Nauk, ul. Senacka 1,
31-002 Krakow, Poland

[1] The Red River originates from SW China and SE Tibet and has a total length >1000 km. In this study,
we present new U-Pb dating and Hf isotopic analysis of zircon grains, from both modern and paleoriver
sands in order to constrain the provenance of the modern river and to decipher drainage evolution through
time. Our data show that the Yangtze and Songpan Garze blocks are the most important sources for
sediment, although this material is mostly reworked via younger sedimentary rocks in the upper reaches of
the Red River. Sands in the Da River and to a lesser extent the Lo River have zircon ages indicating that
they are minor contributors to the net flow, consistent with rock uplift, which is strongest in the upper
reaches of the Red River, rather than precipitation being the primary control on erosion. Sediments eroded
from the metamorphic rocks along the Red River Fault Zone appear to have made a greater contribution
during the Miocene. Zircon ages suggest that the Red River flowed north of the Day Nui Con Voi in the
Middle-Late Miocene. The Red River appears to have had a largely stable provenance since at least the
Late Miocene. Upper Miocene sedimentary rocks NE of the Red River indicate the presence of a separate,
large river in the Late Miocene. Hf isotope data indicate that the Irrawaddy River was never part of the Red
River system. Although we do not exclude the Salween, Mekong, and Yangtze rivers from having been
part of the Red River, any connection must have been pre-Middle Miocene.

Components: 37,447 words, 11 figures, 1 table.

Keywords: zircon dating; Hf isotopes; Red River; erosion; provenance.
Index Terms: 1040 Geochemistry: Radiogenic isotope geochemistry.
Received 1 September 2009; Accepted 15 September 2009; Published 14 November 2009.

Copyright 2009 by the American Geophysical Union 1 of 20

Geochemistry 3
Geosystems G hoang et al.: evolution of the red river system 10.1029/2009GC002819

Hoang, L. V., F.-Y. Wu, P. D. Clift, A. Wysocka, and A. Swierczewska (2009), Evaluating the evolution of the Red River
system based on in situ U-Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis of zircons, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10, Q11008,

1. Introduction Eocene and younger sediment deposited offshore,

indicating that the paleoriver was much larger
[2] The Red River is one of the largest modern [Clift et al., 2006a]. In addition, Nd isotope com-
drainage systems in Southeast Asia. The river orig- position becomes less negative in eNd during the
inates in SE Tibet and SW China, runs across the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene (>24 Ma). This
SW edge of the Yangtze Craton, into NW Vietnam suggested that the headwaters of the Red River
and terminates at the Gulf of Tonkin, in the north- were captured by the Yangtze River (possibly at the
western South China Sea (Figure 1). Most of sedi- Yangtze First Bend) at this time [Clift et al., 2006a]
ments deposited in the Song Hong-Yinggehai Basin (Figures 1 and 2).
(Gulf of Tonkin) have been eroded from SE Tibet [4] Clift et al. [2008a] used Pb isotopes in K-
and SW China and are delivered by the Red River feldspars to suggest that in addition to those sedi-
and its main tributaries, such as the Lo, Chay and Da ments generated by erosion in Yunnan, there is also
rivers [Clift et al., 2006b]. Although the total length a significant sediment influx to the modern Red
of the Red River and its catchment area observed River from the Cathaysia and SW Yangtze blocks
today are not as large as those of other rivers in the via the Lo River tributary (Figure 1). However,
regions, a significant annual volume of sediments because of modest numbers of grains that could be
(130  106 t/yr), including bed load, suspended analyzed using that method the extent to which
and dissolved load is transported to the Song Hong- different potential source rocks contribute to the
Yinggehai Basin [Milliman and Syvitski, 1992; total modern and ancient sediment budget has not
Schimanski et al., 2001]. been well defined. Most provenance studies sug-
[3] Weathering and erosion processes are con- gest that at least 50 and preferably more than
trolled by the interactions between lithological, 100 grains are necessary for a robust sediment
tectonic and climatic factors. Tectonic-climate budget [Ruhl and Hodges, 2005]. Added to this
interactions have been recognized to play an is the fact that there was considerable overlap in
important role in controlling the evolution of the isotope composition between several of the major
solid Earth, as well as in the transportation and sources.
deposition of sediments into the oceans. The Tibetan [5] In this paper, we use a combination of in situ
Plateau, which was formed as a result of the U-Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis of single
India-Eurasia collision starting in the Early Ceno- zircons extracted from modern sediments, as well
zoic, has been proposed as one of the best global- as from Miocene sedimentary rocks, to constrain
scale examples of such interactions [Molnar et al., provenance in the modern Red River. We further
1993; Prell and Kutzbach, 1992]. Uplift of the explore how provenance has changed in the past
Tibetan Plateau has not only changed crustal and test for changes in the river course through
deformation and atmospheric circulation patterns, time. U-Pb dating of zircons is a well recognized
but may also have caused the reorganization of and reliable tool for quantifying sedimentary prov-
major drainage systems in eastern Tibet during the enance [DeCelles et al., 2007], although when used
Cenozoic [Brookfield, 1998]. The Tibetan Plateau alone U-Pb ages can be misleading because of
appears to have gradually uplifted and in turn sediment storage and reworking [Campbell et al.,
changed the regional topographical gradient, with 2005]. As a result we combine U-Pb dating and Hf
eastern Tibet tilting eastward, toward the formerly isotope composition to improve our ability to
mountainous parts of the South China Block uniquely identify sources, following a successful
affected by Mesozoic arc magmatism (Cathaysia) method applied in other fluvial settings [Gerdes
in SE China [Wang, 2004]. Reversal of the conti- and Zeh, 2006; Iizuka et al., 2005; Liang et al.,
nental gradient may have triggered reorganization of 2008; Wu et al., 2007b]. We attempted to derive
major river systems [Brookfield, 1998; Clark et al., >100 grain analyses from each sample, following
2004]. The volume of rock eroded in the Red River the suggestion of Ruhl and Hodges [2005], although
catchment is much less than that present in as in several cases we achieved slightly less than this

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Figure 1. Location of the research area with major geological blocks and drainage systems shown. Insert shows the
location within SE Asia. Red dots show sampling locations, while stars indicate named localities.

target, making the statistics less than ideal, although rivers in SE Asia originate from eastern Tibet
still a huge improvement of earlier work. The main where they are situated very close to each other
objectives of this study were to define the potential (Figure 1). This special geometry may have been
source rocks and how much each of these sources caused by the tendency of rivers to follow geolog-
contributes to total clastic sedimentary load at any ical structures and by contractional deformation in
given time. We were particularly interested to test eastern Tibet that has pushed the river courses
the model of Clark et al. [2004] and see whether the closer together with time [Hallet and Molnar,
headwaters of the Irrawaddy, Salween, Mekong, 2001].
Red and Yangtze rivers formerly connected into
the Red River. [7] The Red River catchment comprises and is
surrounded by different geological blocks that
may formerly have contributed sediment to the
2. Geological Setting river, i.e., the Qiangtang Block in the NW, the
Yangtze Craton in the NE and the Cathaysia Block
[6] The modern Red River originates in Yunnan to the E and SW (Figure 1). The bedrock observed
province, China, effectively part of the SE Tibetan in the region is quite diversified in terms of age and
Plateau from where it runs in a SE direction lithology (Figure 2). In this study, we summarize
through SE China and northern Vietnam to the major geological features, which have been
Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea (Figure 1). Total described in several previous studies [Commission
length of the Red River observed today exceeds for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW),
1000 km, but it would have been much longer if it 2000; Hall, 2002; Leloup et al., 2001; Wang et al.,
used to be connected to the Yangtze and other 1998]. The oldest formations observed in the
rivers prior to the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene. region consist of Precambrian, largely Neoproter-
Apart from its major channel, the Red River con- ozoic (750–970 Ma), granite-gneiss, migmatite,
sists of two big tributaries that join in the lower amphibolite and mica schist exposed within the
catchment close to Hanoi; these are the Da and Yangtze Craton and along the Ailao Shan-Red
Chay/Lo rivers (Figure 1). Notably, all of the main River Fault Zone (RRFZ). These formations were

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Figure 2. Simplified geological map of Asia modified from CGMW [2000]. The region mainly consists of
Mesozoic-Paleozoic sedimentary and metamorphosed sedimentary rocks followed by minor magmatic formations.
AS, Ailao Shan; DNCV, Day Nui Con Voi; CBFZ, Cao Bang-Loc Binh Fault Zone. River names are in red type,
geological blocks are in blue type, and other labels are in black text.

overlain by Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (e.g., analysis [Wysocka and Swierczewska, 2005], and
conglomerate, quartzite, green schist, black schist, thus for reconstruction of the river development
sericite, carbonate), which have been partly meta- through time. A simple stratigraphic summary of
morphosed in places. Paleozoic metamorphic and the Miocene formations is shown in Figure 3.
sedimentary rocks are the most abundant sources
and are widely observed in many blocks including [8] Apart from sedimentary and metasedimentary
the Yangtze Craton, Cathaysia Block, RRFZ, and rocks, some magmatic rocks are also exposed.
Qiangtang Block. Mesozoic, mostly Triassic, for- The Proterozoic intrusive and volcanic rocks are
mations mainly consist of coarse-grained terrige- the oldest formations and are only observed in the
nous sedimentary rocks (e.g., sandstone, siltstone, Qiangtang Block (Central Tibet; 760–1100 Ma)
mudstone, calcareous mudstone) and thinly bedded (Figure 2). These formations mainly consist of
carbonate. These rocks are exposed within the granitoid and rhyolite, formed by partial melting
Yangtze Craton, parts of Central Tibet and northern of continental crust and having experienced several
Vietnam and most of the Songpan Garze Block. In deformation and metamorphic events [Harris et al.,
contrast, Cenozoic sedimentary rocks and uncon- 1988; Roger et al., 2003]. Most of the younger
solidated sediments are only observed along the magmatic rocks, which formed in Late Paleozoic–
major drainage systems and in coastal areas. Mio- Early Mesozoic (300–130 Ma) are acidic and partly
cene sedimentary rocks are observed along major basaltic volcanic rocks with minor associated gra-
river courses and are important for provenance nitic intrusions. Although these formations are

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Figure 3. Simplified stratigraphy of the Miocene sedimentary rocks along major rivers.

observed in several places, they are insignificant ‘‘First Bend’’ of the Yangtze, where the river first
sediment sources because of their narrow exposure. reverses its dominant flow from southward to the
NNE (Figure 2). This is the point where the head-
[9] India-Eurasia collision has resulted in a series
waters of the Red River may have been captured by
of regional faults developing with NW-SE and
the Yangtze River in the Miocene [Clark et al.,
NE-SW directions, in which the NW-SE faulting
2004] (Figure 1). This sand was collected in order
system is dominant [Leloup et al., 1995; Replumaz
to determine the detrital ages of material that would
and Tapponnier, 2003; Wang et al., 2000]. The perhaps once have been washed into the Red River
strike-slip RRFZ is one of the most important
system from sources in eastern Tibet but has now
structures in the region. These faults play an been lost from the Red River.
important role not only in controlling source rock
erosion, as well as directing the course of the major [ 11 ] Samples collected from sandstones were
drainage systems and their branches. crushed and subjected to mineral separation by
table shaker, magnetic separator and bromoform
3. Sampling Protocol and Analytical heavy liquid. Finally zircon grains were hand
picked under microscope. Because zircon is a
Techniques heavy mineral, which is abundant in both U and
Pb, and also has high Hf concentrations, the
[10] Samples used in this study consist of six
isotope system of this element can be used in
modern sediment samples (40529Y003 from the
conjunction with the crystallization ages to under-
‘‘First Bend’’ of the Yangtze River, VN05060801
stand petrogenetic processes, i.e., whether the rock
from the Red River at Lao Cai, RS0702 from the
was formed due to melting from the mantle or due
Red River at Yen Bai, VN05061101 from the Da
to reworking of preexisting continental crust
River, a tributary of the Red River, VN07060501
[Kinny and Maas, 2003]. The sandstone deposi-
from the Lo River, another tributary of the Red
tional ages are roughly assigned on the basis of
River, and Red River at Hanoi (Figure 1)). In
biostratigraphy and regional geological constraints
addition, we analyzed four sandstone samples
[Wysocka and Swierczewska, 2003], although these
(Middle Miocene from the Lao Cai Basin/RRFZ;
ages are tenuous because of the paucity of bio-
Upper Miocene, Yen Bai Basin/RRFZ; Upper
stratigraphic material [Nhan and Danh, 1975] and
Miocene, Lo River Basin/Chay River Fault Zone;
the common use of lithostratigraphic methods. All
and Upper Miocene, Na Duong Basin/Cao Bang-
samples were analyzed at Institute of Geology and
Loc Binh Fault Zone (CBFZ)). The most northerly
Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, using
modern sediment sample was collected at the
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a Neptune multicollector inductively coupled than 1000 Ma we chose a discordance threshold of

plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICPMS), an 20%.
Agilent 7500a Quadruple (Q)-ICPMS and 193
nm laser ablation system. Details of instrumenta- 3.2. Zircon in Situ Hf Analysis
tion and analytical method were presented by Xie et
[15] Hafnium is a decay product of the lutetium
al. [2008]. Here we briefly summarize the general
radioactive isotope, which is the heaviest rare earth
outline of the analytical process.
element and is found commonly within zircon
lattices. Lu-Hf dating has been used in geochrono-
3.1. Zircon in Situ U-Pb Analysis logic and petrogenetic studies [Blichert-Toft and
[12] Zircon is a U- and Pb-rich heavy mineral, Albarede, 1997; Kinny and Maas, 2003]. The
which is relatively abundant in many rock types, Lu-Hf system shares many of the advantages of the
making it a useful mineral for dating crystallization Sm-Nd system in terms of constraining the degree
and cooling below 750°C [Hodges, 2003]. Because of crustal reworking versus new melting from the
of this high closure temperature the U-Pb age is rarely mantle [Dickin, 2005]. Therefore, the Lu/Hf ratio
reset by metamorphic events, allowing the mineral to in the Earth is similar to that in chondrites [Nowell
be used as a robust provenance indicator, while et al., 1998].
recognizing that reworking via sedimentary deposits
can be an issue when matching detrital grain and [16] Hf isotope composition was determined by
bedrock ages [Campbell et al., 2005]. the established MC-ICPMS method [Iizuka and
Hirata, 2005; Nebel-Jacobsen et al., 2005], which
[13] Zircon U-Pb age determinations were under- was operated in static mode with integration for
taken using a Agilent 7500a ICP-MS machine. baseline of 30 s [Wu et al., 2006; Xie et al., 2008].
Zircon grains were first mounted and then washed The external standard used in this experiment was
in ethanol to eliminate any contamination [Wu et the 91500. 176Hf has two isobaric interferences of
al., 2007a]. The background of 204Pb was less than 176
Lu and 176Yb. 176Lu/175Lu = 0.02655 was
100 cps because of the high purity of argon and adopted in the interference corrections of 176Lu
helium used [Xie et al., 2008]. Every five samples on 176Hf assuming that their fractionations are
analyzed was followed by standard zircon of 91500 identical. Interference of 176Yb on 176Hf was
[Black et al., 2003b; Wu et al., 2006]. Each spot corrected using a mass bias obtained online and
analysis lasted for 30 s of background acquisition assuming 176Yb/172Yb = 0.5887 [Wu et al., 2006].
and 40 s of sample data acquisition. The aperture Because of the extremely low 176Lu/177Hf values in
system provided a constant energy density at the zircon (normally < 0.002), the isobaric interference
ablation site, which was a constant 30 mm spot size of 176Lu on 176Hf is negligible. During analyses,
in this study. 207Pb/206Pb, 206Pb/238U, 207Pb/235U GJ-1 and Temora, analyzed as unknown samples,
(235U = 238U/137.88) ratios were corrected using give weighted 176Hf/177Hf ratios of 0.282024 ± 49
the 91500 external standard. The fractionation (GJ-1, n = 58, 2 SD) and 0.282679 ± 63 (Temora,
correction and results of 2 0 7 Pb/ 2 0 6 Pb and n = 34, 2 SD), with 176Lu/177Hf ratios of 0.00026
Pb/238U ratios were calculated using GLITTER and 0.00130, respectively. These values are iden-
4.0 [Jackson et al., 2004]. The weighted mean U-Pb tical to those reported in literature [Morel et al.,
ages and Concordia plots were processed by using 2008; Wu et al., 2006]. Hf isotopic composition is
ISOPLOT 3.0 [Ludwig, 2003]. During analyses, calculated by using the following equations:
GJ-1 and Temora, run as unknown samples, give
weighted 206Pb/238U ages of 606 ± 4 (GJ-1, n = 58, 2   3
Hf =177 Hf
2s) and 415 ± 3 (n = 34, 2s) Ma. These compare eHf ð0Þ
¼ 4  S 7
 15  1000
176 Hf =177 Hf
well with the published ID-TIMS age of 416.75 ± CHUR;0

0.24 Ma for Temora [Black et al., 2003a], and 8

> h     i
< 176
Hf =177 Hf  176 Lu=177 Hf  elt  1 >
608.5 ± 1.5 Ma for GJ-1 [Jackson et al., 2004]. eHf ðtÞ ¼  S S   1  1000
>    >
206 238 >
: 176 Hf =177 Hf  176 Lu=177 Hf ðelt  1Þ >
[14] For this study Pb/ U ages are used for CHUR;0 CHUR

those grain younger than 1000 Ma, and for zircon h    i

1 1þ
Hf =177 Hf  176 Hf =177 Hf
grains older than 1000 Ma we used the 207Pb/206Pb THf ¼ 
  S  DM
176 Lu=177 Hf  176 Lu=177 Hf
ages to determine the crystallization age. Because S DM

some grains are discordant we chose to only plot  

Lu=177 Hf
those grains younger than 1000 Ma when the fLu=Hf ¼   S
176 Lu=177 Hf
discordance was less than 50%. For grains older CHUR

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where (176Lu/177Hf)S and (176Hf/177Hf)S are mea- The sandstone from the Yen Bai Basin (Figure 5b)
sured values of samples, (176Lu/177Hf)CHUR = has a much greater proportion of material from
0.0332 and (176Hf/177Hf)CHUR,0 = 0.282772 are young Cenozoic sources, is completely missing
measured values of chondrite [Blichert-Toft and the 400 Ma peak and has very few grains dated
Albarede, 1997], (176Lu/177Hf)DM = 0.0384 and around 1800 Ma, which are seen in the modern Red
(176Hf/177Hf)DM = 0.28325 [Griffin et al., 2000], River at Hanoi. Similarly, zircons from the Na
and t = crystallization age of zircon. Duong Basin (CBFZ) fall into a series of well-
defined peaks that contrast with the broader spread
4. Analytical Results of ages seen in the lower Red River. There are no
grains of 750 Ma age or from the Cenozoic, as
[17] In situ U-Pb ages of the zircon grains and their seen in the Red River, although several of the
eHf(t) are summarized in Table 1. The age distri- peaks are common to both systems (e.g., 250, 450,
bution of zircons taken from the modern sediments 1800 Ma). The greatest contrast between modern
collected from the Red River System and at the and ancient zircon populations is the sandstone
Yangtze First Bend are presented in Figure 4. The from the Lao Cai Basin, which is characterized by
U-Pb ages of these samples show wide distribution a simple age spectrum, 400 to 900 Ma (Figure 4).
ranges (30 – 2800 Ma) that generally suggest [19] Because of its effectiveness in constraining
inputs from a wide variety of sources, with the petrogenesis, as well as crystallization ages, the
exceptions of the Da River and especially the Lo zircon in situ Hf isotopic method is increasingly
River samples, which are dominated by grains with used for provenance analysis. The Hf data is
a more restricted age range. The Lo River is unique summarized in Table 1 and is presented as eHf
in showing a well-defined population clustered values versus ages for selected samples in Figure 6.
around 400 Ma. Although the Da River sample The grains are plotted relative to a depleted mantle
has a strong peak around 250 Ma, which is a evolution line and chondrite. Figure 6a shows the
typical Indosinian age [Lepvrier et al., 2004], the relatively restricted range of U-Pb ages for the
sand also contains a minority of grains spanning a zircon grains from the Lao Cai Basin, although
wide range of crystallization ages. Nonetheless, the even here there is a wide spread in eHf values. The
more complicated age spectra seen for the main other Miocene sandstones show a wide spread of
Red River at Hanoi, at Yen Bai and at Lao Cai, as ages and eHf values. Zircon grains from the
well as in the upper Yangtze, indicate that these modern Lo River show the most restricted spread
sediments were derived by erosion from a number of values. In contrast, zircons from the Da and Red
of heterogeneous and contrasting sources. We rivers show a wide spread of eHf values that at the
identify a number of common peaks, with 700– first order appears to be similar to those seen in the
900 Ma being seen at all locations in the Red River. Miocene sandstones at Yen Bai and in the Lo River
We also note that a 250 Ma peak is seen in most Basin.
samples, except the Lo River. Modest populations
dated at 1800–2000 Ma and 2200–2500 Ma are
seen at the Yangtze First Bend and in the Red 5. Discussion
River, especially at Lao Cai.
[20] The Red River System is generally seen as one
[18] Figure 5 shows the age spectra for zircons of the most important pathways for transporting
from fluvial sandstones collected from basins sediments eroded from eastern Tibet and Southern
associated with the RRFZ, as well as from the Na China to the South China Sea. However, evolution
Duong Basin, an isolated pull-apart basin located of this river and its major tributaries is unlikely to
to the NE (Figure 2). Because these basins lie be a simple history because the region has been
along the course of the modern river we targeted significantly affected by the Cenozoic tectonism
them as possible samples of the Red River system connected to the India-Asia collision.
in the past. The common occurrence of Early
Miocene and Oligocene-aged zircons in the sand- [21] In this study we use detrital zircon U-Pb
stones confirms that they are not older than this time, dating to track changes in sediment provenance
despite the uncertainties in their age assignments. connected to shifts in regional drainage patterns.
Sandstone samples collected from the Lo River We found that the U-Pb age spectra of zircon
Basin (Chay River Fault) have quite similar age grains collected from the modern Red River at
distribution patterns compared to the modern sand Hanoi and at Lao Cai have many of the same
from the Red River at Hanoi (Figures 5c and 5e). characteristics and age peaks (Figures 4b and 4f).

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Table 1 (Sample). U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes [The full Table 1 is available in the HTML version of this article]
207 207 206 208 207 207 206 208 176 176 176
Pb/ Pb/ Pb/ Pb/ Pb/ Pb/ Pb/ Pb/ Th U Age Dis Yb/ Lu/ Hf/
206 235 238 232 206 235 238 232 177 177 177 C
Pb 1s U 1s U 1s Th 1s Pb 1s U 1s U 1s Th 1s (ppm) (ppm) Th/U (Ma) 1s (%) Hf Hf Hf 2s eHf(0) eHf(t) 2s TDM TDM fLu/Hf

RS0702, Upper Miocene, Song Lo Basin (21°4005500N, 104°5502700E)

0.0526 0.0029 0.0260 0.001 0.0036 0.0001 0.0011 0.0000 311 130 26 1 23.1 0.5 22.7 0.4 1212 4126 0.29 23.1 0.5 12.6 0.038956 0.001296 0.282343 0.000016 15.18 14.69 0.55 1294 2043 0.96
0.0494 0.0033 0.0258 0.002 0.0038 0.0001 0.0011 0.0000 167 107 26 2 24.3 0.5 21.6 0.6 648 747 0.87 24.3 0.5 7.0 0.050969 0.001517 0.282934 0.000016 5.72 6.23 0.56 457 717 0.95
0.0484 0.0018 0.0270 0.001 0.0041 0.0001 0.0011 0.0000 116 51 27.1 1 26.1 0.4 22.2 0.6 662 1609 0.41 26.1 0.4 3.8 0.052516 0.001506 0.282717 0.000013 1.96 1.42 0.46 769 1207 0.95
0.0543 0.0039 0.0311 0.002 0.0042 0.0001 0.0013 0.0000 382 164 31 2 26.8 0.5 26.3 0.4 1222 1585 0.77 26.8 0.5 15.7 0.048715 0.001287 0.282919 0.000017 5.19 5.75 0.62 476 751 0.96

0.0471 0.0018 0.0297 0.001 0.0046 0.0001 0.0034 0.0002 54 50 30 1 29.4 0.5 69 4 22 739 0.03 29.4 0.5 2.0 0.017948 0.000534 0.282772 0.000014 0.01 0.64 0.49 672 1082 0.98

0.0527 0.0014 0.0343 0.001 0.0047 0.0001 0.0015 0.0000 317 29 34.3 1 30.4 0.5 30.5 0.6 753 1777 0.42 30.4 0.5 12.8 0.035435 0.000949 0.282784 0.000013 0.42 1.07 0.45 663 1056 0.97
0.0443 0.0020 0.0294 0.001 0.0048 0.0001 0.0013 0.0000 57 57 29 1 30.9 0.6 27.1 0.6 1355 1496 0.91 30.9 0.6 6.1 0.015569 0.000508 0.282757 0.000019 0.54 0.12 0.67 693 1117 0.98

0.0522 0.0018 0.0369 0.001 0.0051 0.0001 0.0013 0.0000 296 42 37 1 33 0.6 27.1 0.4 2986 1121 2.66 33 0.6 12.1 0.091860 0.002220 0.282783 0.000019 0.38 1.05 0.68 687 1058 0.93

0.0536 0.0019 0.0389 0.001 0.0053 0.0001 0.0015 0.0000 353 42 39 1 33.9 0.6 29.7 0.6 1876 2844 0.66 33.9 0.6 15.0 0.030479 0.000981 0.282677 0.000012 3.35 2.63 0.42 813 1295 0.97
0.0490 0.0012 0.0818 0.002 0.0121 0.0002 0.0039 0.0001 147 26 80 2 78 1 78 1 1091 2867 0.38 78 1.0 2.6 0.038495 0.001124 0.282553 0.000018 7.75 6.10 0.65 992 1574 0.97
0.0487 0.0027 0.0826 0.004 0.0123 0.0003 0.0032 0.0001 134 84 81 4 79 2 64 2 334 318 1.05 79 2.0 2.5 0.033124 0.000968 0.282600 0.000016 6.09 4.41 0.58 922 1468 0.97
0.0501 0.0028 0.0911 0.005 0.0132 0.0003 0.0034 0.0001 201 89 89 5 84 2 69 2 363 501 0.73 84 2.0 6.0 0.027472 0.000772 0.282658 0.000019 4.02 2.22 0.67 836 1337 0.98
0.0495 0.0023 0.1043 0.005 0.0153 0.0003 0.0086 0.0003 173 67 101 4 98 2 173 6 77 551 0.14 98 2.0 3.1 0.038484 0.001473 0.282791 0.000017 0.66 2.72 0.59 662 1039 0.96
0.0544 0.0024 0.1290 0.005 0.0172 0.0003 0.0091 0.0002 389 59 123 5 110 2 183 4 214 351 0.61 110 2.0 11.8 0.024889 0.000703 0.282840 0.000013 2.42 4.78 0.47 579 927 0.98
0.0580 0.0039 0.1442 0.009 0.0181 0.0004 0.0107 0.0004 528 103 137 8 115 3 215 9 112 400 0.28 115 3.0 19.1 0.077735 0.002362 0.283008 0.000020 8.35 10.70 0.69 358 548 0.93
0.0524 0.0014 0.1348 0.003 0.0187 0.0003 0.0093 0.0002 305 28 128 3 119 2 186 3 408 1278 0.32 119 2.0 7.6 0.085368 0.002691 0.283006 0.000015 8.29 10.69 0.54 364 553 0.92
0.0565 0.0013 0.1471 0.003 0.0189 0.0003 0.0010 0.0000 472 22 139 3 121 2 20.6 0.4 16100 5151 3.13 121 2.0 14.9 0.123262 0.004128 0.282518 0.000018 9.00 6.68 0.64 1133 1651 0.88
0.0517 0.0017 0.1566 0.005 0.0220 0.0004 0.0105 0.0002 271 40 148 4 140 3 211 4 213 756 0.28 140 3.0 5.7 0.130376 0.003267 0.282903 0.000021 4.64 7.41 0.75 526 785 0.90
0.0558 0.0017 0.1973 0.006 0.0257 0.0005 0.0350 0.0009 443 33 183 5 163 3 696 18 57 1276 0.04 163 3.0 12.3 0.020611 0.000604 0.282381 0.000020 13.81 10.30 0.69 1217 1955 0.98
0.0461 0.0029 0.1841 0.011 0.0290 0.0005 0.0116 0.0018 138 172 10 184 3 232 37 74 379 0.19 184 3.0 6.5 0.010483 0.000350 0.282819 0.000016 1.65 5.65 0.56 604 975 0.99
0.0546 0.0060 0.2240 0.024 0.0298 0.0007 0.0093 0.0002 395 252 205 20 189 4 187 3 166 270 0.61 189 4.0 8.5 0.050414 0.001365 0.282852 0.000018 2.82 6.81 0.63 573 900 0.96
0.0508 0.0010 0.2090 0.004 0.0298 0.0005 0.0079 0.0001 233 19 193 3 189 3 159 2 1476 2259 0.65 189 3.0 2.1 0.066371 0.002110 0.282509 0.000020 9.31 5.42 0.72 1083 1671 0.94
0.0573 0.0067 0.2484 0.028 0.0315 0.0010 0.0109 0.0006 502 194 225 23 200 6 218 12 97 123 0.79 200 6.0 12.5 0.090313 0.002666 0.282980 0.000023 7.37 11.42 0.80 402 609 0.92
0.0515 0.0014 0.2261 0.006 0.0318 0.0006 0.0095 0.0001 263 28 207 5 202 3 191 3 599 627 0.96 202 3.0 2.5 0.048931 0.001228 0.282831 0.000017 2.08 6.35 0.60 601 949 0.96
0.0462 0.0075 0.2107 0.034 0.0331 0.0010 0.0105 0.0006 9 288 194 28 210 6 212 11 68 77 0.89 210 6.0 7.6 0.022298 0.000759 0.282432 0.000019 12.01 7.51 0.69 1151 1840 0.98
0.0559 0.0019 0.2586 0.009 0.0336 0.0006 0.0101 0.0002 449 42 234 7 213 4 204 5 239 523 0.46 213 4.0 9.9 0.067029 0.001971 0.282757 0.000017 0.53 3.88 0.62 720 1114 0.94
0.0527 0.0013 0.2494 0.006 0.0343 0.0006 0.0110 0.0002 316 25 226 5 218 4 221 3 362 650 0.56 218 4.0 3.7 0.112703 0.002434 0.282827 0.000020 1.96 6.40 0.71 626 955 0.93
0.0551 0.0026 0.2624 0.012 0.0345 0.0007 0.0107 0.0003 417 66 237 10 219 4 216 6 88 167 0.53 219 4.0 8.2 0.056944 0.001451 0.282806 0.000021 1.19 5.79 0.75 640 1004 0.96
0.0496 0.0011 0.2426 0.005 0.0355 0.0006 0.0088 0.0001 177 21 221 4 225 4 177 2 1369 898 1.52 225 4.0 1.8 0.056538 0.001715 0.282772 0.000016 0.01 4.67 0.56 694 1081 0.95
0.0517 0.0043 0.2545 0.020 0.0357 0.0008 0.0112 0.0002 272 189 230 16 226 5 226 4 149 231 0.64 226 5.0 1.8 0.096742 0.002644 0.282888 0.000028 4.11 8.69 0.98 539 818 0.92
0.0525 0.0032 0.2678 0.016 0.0370 0.0008 0.0128 0.0004 308 94 241 13 234 5 257 8 139 234 0.59 234 5.0 3.0 0.048039 0.001287 0.282819 0.000020 1.66 6.61 0.72 618 974 0.96
0.0516 0.0027 0.2682 0.013 0.0377 0.0007 0.0119 0.0002 268 121 241 10 238 4 238 4 1057 1799 0.59 238 4.0 1.3 0.082843 0.002370 0.282655 0.000019 4.13 0.72 0.68 877 1343 0.93
0.0531 0.0033 0.2765 0.017 0.0378 0.0008 0.0113 0.0004 333 99 248 13 239 5 228 7 57 80 0.72 239 5.0 3.8 0.026268 0.000745 0.282766 0.000016 0.22 4.92 0.56 684 1094 0.98
0.0564 0.0047 0.2981 0.024 0.0384 0.0008 0.0119 0.0002 466 190 265 19 243 5 240 4 68 119 0.57 243 5.0 9.1 0.039872 0.001052 0.282800 0.000021 0.99 6.16 0.76 642 1017 0.97
0.0515 0.0019 0.2759 0.010 0.0389 0.0007 0.0100 0.0002 262 49 247 8 246 4 201 5 170 313 0.54 246 4.0 0.4 0.054850 0.001493 0.282250 0.000016 18.46 13.31 0.57 1432 2247 0.96
0.0514 0.0014 0.2772 0.007 0.0391 0.0007 0.0106 0.0002 258 28 248 5 247 4 213 3 330 470 0.70 247 4.0 0.4 0.099310 0.002419 0.282799 0.000025 0.96 6.00 0.89 667 1019 0.93
0.0525 0.0010 0.2903 0.005 0.0401 0.0007 0.0088 0.0001 309 18 259 4 253 4 176 2 1916 1851 1.04 253 4.0 2.4 0.097081 0.002694 0.282595 0.000017 6.27 1.16 0.60 974 1478 0.92
0.0529 0.0027 0.3124 0.015 0.0429 0.0009 0.0127 0.0004 322 75 276 12 271 5 255 8 118 243 0.48 271 5.0 1.8 0.048545 0.001223 0.282773 0.000022 0.02 5.76 0.78 683 1078 0.96
hoang et al.: evolution of the red river system

0.0633 0.0056 0.3932 0.033 0.0451 0.0010 0.0138 0.0002 718 193 337 24 284 6 278 5 69 80 0.87 284 6.0 18.7 0.022108 0.000608 0.282518 0.000020 8.99 2.86 0.70 1028 1649 0.98
0.0529 0.0036 0.3427 0.022 0.0470 0.0011 0.0120 0.0003 325 107 299 17 296 7 240 6 336 198 1.70 296 7.0 1.0 0.062842 0.001733 0.282937 0.000018 5.85 12.03 0.65 455 705 0.95
0.0529 0.0013 0.3646 0.008 0.0500 0.0009 0.0146 0.0002 323 25 316 6 315 5 293 5 178 350 0.51 315 5.0 0.3 0.046245 0.001354 0.282383 0.000016 13.76 7.12 0.57 1239 1950 0.96
0.0622 0.0028 0.4462 0.019 0.0520 0.0010 0.0223 0.0007 682 59 375 14 327 6 445 15 65 235 0.28 327 6.0 14.7 0.016046 0.000587 0.282648 0.000017 4.37 2.70 0.60 845 1356 0.98
0.0543 0.0013 0.4531 0.010 0.0605 0.0010 0.0151 0.0002 383 23 379 7 379 6 302 4 303 299 1.01 379 6.0 0.0 0.049797 0.001558 0.282241 0.000016 18.76 10.82 0.57 1446 2264 0.95
0.0579 0.0016 0.6698 0.018 0.0839 0.0015 0.0238 0.0004 525 29 521 11 520 9 475 8 107 202 0.53 520 9.0 0.2 0.027293 0.000777 0.282544 0.000015 8.07 3.12 0.53 996 1589 0.98
0.0609 0.0019 0.7582 0.022 0.0904 0.0016 0.0277 0.0005 634 33 573 13 558 10 552 10 187 234 0.80 558 10.0 2.7 0.032527 0.000941 0.282313 0.000027 16.25 4.30 0.95 1324 2104 0.97
0.0602 0.0028 0.7606 0.034 0.0916 0.0018 0.0272 0.0006 611 61 574 19 565 11 543 11 71 57 1.25 565 11.0 1.6 0.056444 0.001734 0.282329 0.000021 15.68 3.88 0.74 1329 2068 0.95
0.0597 0.0019 0.7564 0.023 0.0918 0.0017 0.0449 0.0009 594 36 572 13 566 10 888 17 178 439 0.40 566 10.0 1.1 0.054902 0.001620 0.282291 0.000018 17.00 5.15 0.63 1378 2152 0.95
0.0602 0.0043 0.7944 0.056 0.0958 0.0022 0.0478 0.0016 609 113 594 32 590 13 944 31 9 17 0.52 590 13.0 0.7 0.011304 0.000320 0.282117 0.000018 23.15 10.28 0.65 1570 2535 0.99
0.0638 0.0019 0.8664 0.021 0.0985 0.0017 0.0302 0.0006 734 63 634 11 606 10 602 11 64 719 0.09 606 10.0 4.6 0.067312 0.001963 0.282218 0.000015 19.61 7.05 0.54 1497 2315 0.94
0.0619 0.0014 0.8425 0.017 0.0988 0.0017 0.0266 0.0004 670 20 621 10 607 10 531 7 308 389 0.79 607 10.0 2.3 0.053579 0.001587 0.282369 0.000017 14.24 1.50 0.59 1266 1978 0.95
0.0655 0.0013 0.8965 0.016 0.0993 0.0017 0.0270 0.0004 790 17 650 9 610 10 539 7 258 507 0.51 610 10.0 6.6 0.012839 0.000387 0.282205 0.000016 20.07 6.79 0.56 1453 2344 0.99
0.0609 0.0018 0.8408 0.023 0.1002 0.0018 0.0259 0.0004 634 29 620 13 616 10 518 8 246 222 1.11 616 10.0 0.6 0.048781 0.001330 0.282489 0.000019 9.99 3.05 0.67 1088 1710 0.96

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Figure 4. U-Pb zircon age data of the modern sediments collected along the Red River and its tributaries and from
(a) the ‘‘Yangtze First Bend,’’ (b) the Red River at Lao Cai, (c) the Red River at Yen Bai, (d) the Lo River just above
its confluence with the Chay River, (e) the Da River, and (f) the Red River at Hanoi. The 200 – 300 and 400– 500 Ma
grains, which reflect erosion from the Indosinian and Caledonian orogenies, respectively, are observed in almost
every modern sediment. Only the Lo River (Figure 4d) shows no Indosinian influence.

This strongly suggests that much of the sediment in ancy is not unexpected and suggests that the Lo
the river at Hanoi is derived from erosion upstream River makes a significant contribution to the bulk
of Lao Cai, i.e., in the upper reaches of the river in modern load of the Red River, as has been inferred
SW China, rather than in the lower reaches. The from bulk sediment Nd and Sr isotope data [Clift et
largest observed difference between these two al., 2008a]. Our data suggest less input from the Lo
samples is that the Red River at Hanoi shows a River than inferred by Clift et al. [2008a]. This
significant peak at 400 Ma that matches one may reflect the fact that our zircon sand sample
observed in the Lo River. Because the Lo River was taken from quite far upstream in the Lo River,
joins the Red downstream of Lao Cai this discrep- while the earlier Nd and Sr work was performed on
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Figure 5. (a – d) U-Pb zircon age distribution of the Miocene sandstones collected along the Red River Fault Zone
and the Na Duong Basin, compared with the age range in (e) the modern river at Hanoi [Clift et al., 2006b] and (f) the
upper Mekong River [Bodet and Schärer, 2000]. The age spectrum of samples collected from the Yen Bai, Lo River,
Na Duong, and Hanoi Basins shows a wide range similar to the modern Red River, while the Middle Miocene in the
Lao Cai Basin has a very narrow age range.

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Figure 6. Diagrams showing the relationship between the Hf isotope character and the U-Pb age for grains from
(a) the Miocene sandstone samples and (b) the modern sediments from the Red River system. Mantle evolution
line is from Kinny and Maas [2003].

a sample taken at the Lo-Red confluence. Our work 2008; Lepvrier et al., 2004]. The sampled location
likely underestimates the net flux from the Lo lies on the Lo River upstream of its confluence
River. with the Chay River, so that we are unable to
constrain the influence of the Chay to the bulk
[22] The very restricted range of observed U-Pb sediment flux in the Red River. In contrast, the
ages in the Lo River (Figure 4d) indicates that this wide range of zircon ages in the Da River suggests
basin is filled by sediment eroded from rocks a very heterogeneous source composition, albeit
formed during a limited time period and that the with a dominance in grains formed during the
sources were not thermally overprinted by the Indosinian Orogeny.
Triassic Indosinian orogeny [Carter and Clift,

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Figure 7. U-Pb zircon age spectrum of the major potential sources to the Red River System and its neighbors: (a)
The Qiangtang Block has a narrow age span, while the age distributions of the (b) Songpan Garze, (c) Yangtze, and
(d) Cathaysia blocks are more diversified and complicated. (e) The Ailao Shan Block also has a narrow age span,
similar to the Qiangtang Block. References are provided in section 5.

[23] Further constraints on provenance can be 2006], in the Cathaysia Block [Li et al., 1989,
gained by looking at Figure 7, which shows the 2002; 2005], and the Ailao Shan and Day Nui Con
U-Pb age spectra derived from bedrock samples Voi Belts (RRFZ) [Schärer et al., 1990; Zhang and
collected from various potential source rocks. For Schärer, 1999] (Figure 1). The Qiangtang Block
comparison we compiled published bedrock data (Central Tibet; Figure 7a) is largely characterized
from potential source regions in the Qiangtang by a population centered at 210 Ma, possibly
Block of Central Tibet [Roger et al., 2000, 2003], linked to the latter phases of the Indosinian orog-
in the Songpan Garze Block [Bruguier et al., 1997; eny [Yin and Harrison, 2000]. A few older grains
Liu et al., 2004; Weislogel et al., 2006], in the span from 800–1100 Ma and at 2200 Ma. Not
Yangtze Craton [Hacker et al., 1998; Li, 1999; surprisingly, there are very few grains of this age in
Ling et al., 2003; Xue et al., 1997; Zheng et al.,
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the modern Red River because this block now lies zone of greatest monsoon precipitation, but it is an
outside the drainage. area of known modern rapid rock deformation
[Qiao et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2004] suggesting
[24] In contrast, grains from the Ailao Shan and that in this region tectonics may be the dominant
Day Nui Con Voi Belt, the ranges that form the
control on erosion rates rather than climatic pro-
core of the RRFZ (Figure 7e) show the Cenozoic cesses alone [cf. Reiners et al., 2003]. We note that
ages concentrated at 27–33 Ma. The very young
the heaviest monsoon rains are in recorded in
age and extremely narrow distribution of these
middle Red River and Da River basins, where
grains are related to melting and exhumation trig- erosion is more moderate.
gered by motion on the RRFZ [Gilley et al., 2003;
Leloup et al., 2001], although the total volume of [26] The Yangtze Craton zircon age spectrum is
these dikes is very small. Such grains are rare in the characterized by two high and narrow spikes cen-
modern river, indicating that despite deep exhuma- tered at 200 Ma, and at 800 Ma (Figure 7c).
tion only a modest amount of sediment has been Some older grains are also observed, but they do
generated from the rocks of the fault zone (Figure 2). not account for a significant portion of the total age
The Songpan Garze and Yangtze Craton (Figures 7b spectrum. The 800 Ma grouping is unique to the
and 7c) have more complicated age distribution Yangtze Craton, but is seen in the Red River
patterns. The highest age probability and most sediments at Lao Cai and Hanoi (Figures 4b and
numerous population of the Songpan Garze grains 4f), indicating derivation from the upper reaches
is centered at 270–290 Ma, and is followed by where the Red River erodes the craton’s edge. The
more peaks at 440 Ma (the so-called ‘‘Caledo- Cathaysia terrane (South China Block) has a wide
nian’’ orogeny, but no relation to the Paleozoic range of zircon U-Pb ages, mostly 800–1900 Ma,
events in Laurentia and Baltica), 1900 Ma but with a large peak at 1450 Ma (Figure 7d).
(Luliangian orogeny) and 2500 Ma. Because the Red River does not currently erode the
Cathaysia terrane it is unsurprising that there are no
[25] The Indosinian peak at 250 Ma is ubiquitous grains of this 1450 Ma age in the modern system.
in the region and is not unique to the Songpan It is also noteworthy that the older sandstones do
Garze. The origin of the Indosinian Orogeny is not contain grains of this age (Figure 5), consistent
debated, but is often linked to a collision between with models that indicate that the Pearl River was
Indochina and South China in the Triassic [Lu et never involved with drainage reorganization of the
al., 1999], although others argue that it is just a Red River [Clark et al., 2004].
reactivation event driven by accretion of Sibumasu
block to Indochina [Carter and Clift, 2008]. The
Caledonian Orogeny in East Asia is manifest by a 6. Reconstructing River Geometries
number of Early Paleozoic magmatic events and
metamorphism that has various been attributed to [27] The Upper Miocene sandstone sampled from
collision between North China and the Yangtze the Na Duong Basin was collected far from the Red
Craton or to a period of subduction under the River, but still has some similarities in the age
Yangtze Craton [Lu et al., 1999]. The origin of populations. The Na Duong Basin (Figure 5d)
the Luliangian Orogeny is even less well known seems to share some similar characteristics with
[Li et al., 2000], although it is noteworthy that it is the Songpan Garze (Figure 7b) and the modern
synchronous with a series of crustal formation sediment at the first bend on the Yangtze (Figure 4a)
events globally [Condie, 1998; Hawkesworth and (i.e., from sources in eastern Tibet), suggesting that
Kemp, 2006]. However, a 1.7–2.0 Ga population the Na Duong Basin was filled by a river derived
appears to be distinctive of the Songpan Garze from the north, but which is no longer active. The
block, but is also seen in the modern Red River at wide spread of ages suggests that it could have been
Hanoi and at Lao Cai (Figures 4b and 4e). Because quite a large river because the sources must have
the Red River does not now directly drain the been from a region with a heterogeneous age
Songpan Garze we infer that these grains were structure, in which case the modern Na Sa river
reworked via sedimentary basins now lying in the represents a reduced version of this older river.
upper Red River, and experiencing inversion and [28] In the Red River system itself we note that in
erosion. Our work broadly supports the findings of terms of U-Pb age and Hf isotope character the
Clift et al. [2006b] in showing that the main Upper Miocene sandstones in the Lo River Basin
sources of sediment came from the upper reaches show strong similarities with the modern Red
of the Red River in SW China. This area is not the River (Figure 6). We conclude that the Red River

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with the main river being located on the other (i.e.,

NE) side of the Day Nui Con Voi at that time
(Figure 9). Erosion from Cenozoic sources, pre-
sumably the rocks of the RRFZ was stronger here
than in any other sample analyzed, consistent with
Yen Bai’s proximity to the fault and suggesting that
the Day Nui Con Voi were more erosive shortly
after they finished the main phase of left-lateral
motion around 15 Ma [Gilley et al., 2003].
[29] Nonetheless, there is a wide spread of ages in
the Yen Bai Basin sandstone, which would indicate
deposition from a river draining a wide area with
heterogeneous sources. This is in stark contrast to
the Middle Miocene sandstone from the Lao Cai
Basin (Figures 4a and 5a), which has a very tightly
clustered range, indicative of erosion from a lim-
ited array of bedrocks, presumably in the local
area, although there are no bedrock data to confirm
this. Although the measured age range is typical of
the Yangtze Craton (Figure 7c), it is in contrast
with the wide range found in the modern river at
this point, suggesting that the basin was not filled
by a river draining as wide and diverse an area as it
does now. While it is possible that the Lao Cai
Basin sample indicates the absence of the Red
River at this time, it is equally plausible that the
river was active, but simply located on the east side
of the Day Nui Con Voi, leaving the Lao Cai Basin
[ 30 ] Regarding possible former connections
between the headwaters of the Mekong and the
Red River we note that zircons in the upper
Mekong have a resolvably younger age than those
found in the modern or ancient Red River [Bodet
and Schärer, 2000], being 200–240 Ma compared
to 230–270 Ma (Figure 5). This observation indi-
cates that any connection that might have existed
Figure 8. Maps showing the development of the rivers was severed before the Late Miocene.
in SE Asia since the Lower Miocene based on the
provenance interpretations presented here. The tectonic [31] Our conclusions drawn just on the basis of the
blocks are from Hall [2002]. Stages of the model are (a) U-Pb ages can be tested by the additional dimen-
Eocene to Early Miocene, (b) Middle to Late Miocene, sion of the Hf isotope data. Figure 10 shows the
and (c) the present. zircons from the Upper Miocene sandstone in the
Lo River Basin. We compare these with existing
data from the headwaters of the Salween, Irrawaddy
was largely in its modern form by the Late Mio- and Mekong rivers [Bodet and Schärer, 2001;
cene, assuming that the depositional ages are Liang et al., 2008], as well as our new data from
correct, but that the river was then located NE of the Yangtze’s first bend, each representing erosion
the Day Nui Con Voi range (Figure 2), in the from the upper reaches of those rivers. If the
course now occupied by the Chay River, not to drainage capture model of Clark et al. [2004] is
the SW as it is now (Figures 8 and 9). Interestingly, correct then we might anticipate finding grains from
the provenance of Upper Miocene sandstone in the these areas in paleo–Red River sands. Figure 10
Yen Bai Basin is different from the Lo River basin shows that there is no evidence to support flow
sedimentary rocks (Figures 5b and 5c), consistent from Irrawaddy sources into the Red River in the

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Figure 9. Map showing a close-up of the RRFZ showing how the local basin deposits found in the Middle Miocene
at Lao Cai can be reconciled with an active Red River at that time, flowing on the NE side of the Day Nui Con Voi.
Map based on that of Leloup et al. [2001].

Late Miocene. Although the sand does show some in the Paleogene would be consistent with paleo-
matches to the Mekong and Salween zircons younger elevation data for surface uplift in central and
than 1000 Ma, there is not much support for erosion southern Tibet prior to the Middle Miocene and
from their older components, and as noted above in possibly earlier [Harris, 2006; Rowley and Currie,
detail the Mekong grains tend to be younger than the 2006; Wang et al., 2008; Wu et al., 2007c]. Although
paleo–Red River sandstones (Figure 5). Further- major surface uplift in Yunnan and northern
more, Pb isotope data ( 20 7 Pb/ 20 4Pb versus Vietnam is dated as Late Miocene to Pliocene,
Pb/204Pb) from K-feldspars grains in the Hanoi respectively [Clark et al., 2005; Schoenbohm
Basin further indicate that these rivers were also
never part of the Red River system since the
Eocene [Clift et al., 2008a]. The K-feldspar grains
from this earlier study did not plot in the Mekong
or Salween fields, as defined by Bodet and Schärer
[2000]. The Yangtze River grains also show only
limited overlap with those from the Late Miocene
Red River, although its influence is hard to defi-
nitely exclude. Nonetheless, our study would sug-
gest that if the Yangtze did formerly flow into the
upper Red River then this connection was broken
prior to deposition of the Lo River Basin sand-
stone, i.e., early in the Miocene or earlier, as
indicated by bulk sediment Nd isotope data from
the Hanoi Basin [Clift et al., 2006a]. Unfortunately
there are no suitable sandstones predating those
analyzed here exposed in Vietnam or China, which
might allow us to examine earlier drainage systems.
Figure 10. Diagram showing the relationship between
Reconstruction of the drainage evolution during the
the Hf isotope character and the U-Pb ages for zircon
Paleogene will require drilling in the Hanoi Trough grains from the Upper Miocene of the Lo River Basin
or offshore Song Hong–Yinggehai Basin. compared with fields of compositions for the head-
[32] While a Paleogene loss of the Yangtze from waters of the Irrawaddy, Salween, and Mekong River, as
the Red River is earlier than originally envisaged determined by Bodet and Schärer [2000]. The field for
the upper Yangtze is derived from our own data from the
by Clark et al. [2004], large-scale drainage capture first bend sample.
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Basin Miocene seems to have a significantly dif-

ferent age spectrum to the contemporaneous Upper
Miocene in the Lo River Basin and the modern
river (Figure 5b), although on close inspection the
main differences are in the relative magnitudes of
the peaks. The differences are less apparent when
the Hf isotope is also considered (Figure 11a). The
grains in both samples appear to occupy similar
regions in Hf isotope and U-Pb age space, suggest-
ing that the sources may be quite similar, but that
the relative contributions from each particular
source to each sand have changed significantly.
[34] Figure 11b shows a close-up on the past
500 Ma of zircon ages, demonstrating that the
number of the Cenozoic grains with high eHf
values was much higher in the Late Miocene than
it is in the modern river. These grains are clearly
eroded from metamorphic and volcanic rocks in
the RRFZ, which ceased rapid motion after 15 Ma
and is presently in slow right-lateral motion
[Leloup et al., 1993; Replumaz et al., 2001]. The
RRFZ was clearly more important as a source in
the Late Miocene. In addition, we note that the
modern river has a higher proportion of Triassic
Indosinian grains. We conclude that the Late Mio-
cene Red River did not differ substantially from the
present system in its extent, but that the patterns of
erosion have changed, reflecting the changing
patterns of active rock uplift in the basin. Any
Figure 11. Diagrams showing the relationship between
the Hf isotope character and the U-Pb ages for zircon major drainage capture in the upper reaches must
grains from the modern Red River at Yen Bai and the have predated the Late Miocene.
Upper Miocene sandstone, also from Yen Bai. (a) The [35] Our proposed drainage evolution can be fur-
entire range of grain ages to 4000 Ma and (b) a close-up ther assessed through consideration of the offshore
of just the last 500 Ma. Gray band shows the age range of
grains associated with the Indosinian Orogeny. The
sediment budget because major loss of drainage
RRFZ field is defined from the range of values seen in area should be marked by a decrease in sediment
the Middle Miocene sandstone from Lao Cai. supply. Sedimentation rates in the Song Hong–
Yinggehai Basin increased sharply at the end of the
Miocene [Clift and Sun, 2006], although this is a
et al., 2006], it is important to remember that feature common across South, Southeast and East
drainage capture does not require large uplift but Asia [Clift, 2006] and is inferred to be caused by
could be caused by regional topographic gradient monsoon intensification. Nonetheless, this does not
change, at the start of the uplift process. In fact, favor the proposed Late Miocene drainage loss of
once major uplift has occurred and the rivers lie Clark et al. [2004]. The greatest fall in sedimenta-
in deep gorges headwater capture is much harder tion is seen to occur around 11 Ma, which would
to achieve. Our data only provides a lower bound be consistent with the pre–Late Miocene loss we
to the initiation of major surface uplift in the Red infer here, but again this decrease is a Pan-Asian
River basin. phenomenon. Reconstructions show that sediment
flux in the Song Hong – Yinggehai Basin was
[33] The Hf isotope data is also useful for resolving increasing slowly at the time of proposed headwa-
how different the Red River was in the past ter loss in the Oligocene [Clift and Sun, 2006],
compared to its present condition. In Figure 11 which would argue against this process happening
we plot Late Miocene zircons from the Yen Bai at all. However, because the Asian monsoon begins
Basin together with data from the modern Red to strengthen significantly in the Early Miocene
River at Yen Bai. As noted above, the Yen Bai
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[Clift et al., 2008b] the loss of drainage area might [39] Upper Miocene sandstones from Yen Bai
have been offset by the increased sediment flux confirm that the sources to the river during that
driven by the more erosive climate. period were equivalent to those known today, but
that the relative influences were different, particu-
7. Conclusions lar with more erosion from the RRFZ in the Day
Nui Con Voi at that time. Combined Hf isotope and
[36] In this study, we used in situ zircon U-Pb U-Pb ages show that the Irrawaddy, and probably
dating and Hf isotope compositions in order to the Salween and Mekong headwaters, has not been
constrain the provenance of detrital sediments in connected to the Red River since the Late Miocene,
the modern and ancient Red River system in order if ever [Brookfield, 1998; Clark et al., 2004].
to evaluate the evolutionary history of this drainage Comparison of old Red River sediments and grains
system and test models that link drainage reorga- from the Yangtze First Bend show some similari-
nization to Tibetan surface uplift, as well as assess- ties, but few characters that would require former
ing whether the modern erosion patterns are largely connection, although our data do not preclude this
a function of tectonically driven rock uplift or possibility. If large-scale headwater capture did
precipitation intensity. occur then it must have been earlier than the Late
Miocene, consistent with bulk sediment isotope
[37] The zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotope com- studies of the Hanoi Basin indicating Oligocene
positions demonstrate that erosion from rocks capture [Clift et al., 2006a]. We further demon-
formed during the Indosinian orogeny, which oc- strated that the Late Miocene sedimentary materials
curred widely during the Triassic, is very common from the Na Duong Basin may share the some of
and is not a useful provenance tool outside Cathay- the same sources as the Red River, but they were
sia. A combination of both types of age data fed by another drainage system, possibly the Na Sa
suggest that the Yangtze Craton and Songpan River.
Garze terrane are the most important sources to
the modern Red River (even though the Songpan Acknowledgments
Garze now lies outside the drainage), but that much
of this material is reworked via sedimentary basins [40] We kindly thank the National Environment Research
in the upper reaches. In contrast, the Cathaysia Council (NERC) in the United Kingdom, the College of
Block does not appear to have been an important Physical Sciences at the University of Aberdeen, and Chinese
source. The Ailao Shan Belt only has limited Academy of Sciences for funding and support for this project.
detrital sedimentary contribution. Because the We thank Mai Thanh Tan (Hanoi University of Mining and
dominant sources into the modern river lie in the Geology) and Fu-Kun Chen (Institute of Geology and Geo-
upper reaches away from the regions of current physics) and many other colleagues for sampling and technical
strongest summer monsoon rainfall, but in an area support.
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