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Results of Homeland Security since 9/11


Positive Results of Homeland Security since 9/11

The United States has for many years been facing threats of terrorism and other national

security risks. The government has however been on the forefront in fighting these threats by

forming national security bodies to help the army more so in cubing external threats (Bush,

2003). During the 9/11 era, the United States was witnessing many national security threats like

the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack and hurricanes which caught the nation unaware and led

to massive destruction of properties and loss of lives. This made the government look for

possible solutions on ensuring that such occurrences are never witnessed again. These

consultations then led to the formation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The

DHS was mandated with ensuring the security of the U.S thus taking over from the 9/11 which

was seen as incompetent. Since Homeland Security was created, the U.S. has spent

approximately one trillion dollars to defend against groups like ISIS/ISIL, al-Qaeda, and even

lone wolf terrorists. Has it been worth the cost to the American taxpayer?

Homeland Security Mission

According to press release by the Department of Homeland Security (2002), “The vision

of homeland security is to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism

and other hazards.” . The DHS is a United States federal government cabinet department

mandated with the duties of ensuring public security for all American citizens (Bush, 2003). Its

role is more like the role of home or interior ministries in other countries. Its missions as stated

by President Bush while inaugurating it involved anti-terrorism, cybersecurity, border security,

immigration and customs, and disaster stoppage and management. The unit is considered as the

youngest of the U.S. cabinet. According to Americans, homeland security’s role is ensuring a

safe and secure home which is firmly against any terror attacks and other hazardous happenings

that could jeopardize the health and welfare of Americans.

Critical infrastructure protection

They are also mandated with Critical Infrastructure Protection which is almost close to

disaster preparedness and response. This, however, works on the concept of prevention is better

than cure whereby they try to eliminate threats before they occur so as to ensure the country

continues with its normal operations without disruptions (Homeland Security, 2018). The DHS

collaborates with other organizations like businesses, communities and the local governments all

over the United States to tighten the security of and resilience of America’s critical infrastructure

so as to recover or prepare for any hazard facing the nation. Critical infrastructure susceptibility

valuations are carried out by the foundation of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan’s risk-

based enactment of defensive plans intended to prevent, deter, and lessen the danger of terrorism

while at the same time aiding in apt, well-organized response and rebuilding in post-event

situation in case it happens (Homeland Security, 2018).


The major role and mission of the DHS is to protect the people of America from

terrorism and terrorist threats (Trump, 2017). Even though America might look stronger and

more resilient due to the beefed up security systems, terrorism threats are still persistent and

evolving each and every day. These threats are more complicated than earlier ones since they just

don’t come from known individuals are groups within the country but from other nations

(Trump, 2017). The attacks have also advanced in a manner that they can be carried out using

either sophisticated weapons or cyber-attacks. Due to the complicated nature of the attacks, it is

hard for the department alone to detect thus calling for every citizen of goodwill to help in

sharing any type of information however small. The communication is done through the National

Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) which gather and share detailed and timely information

about terrorist threats to the government, all organizations, first responders and the general


The NTAS uses gathered information to present a concise summary concerning a

potential threat, how they are working towards neutralizing the situation and to recommend the

possible solutions and actions that individuals, businesses, community and the government can

undertake for the sake of helping to neutralize, mitigate or respond to it. According to the

Homeland Security Department’s press release (2002), “a secure and resilient nation that

effectively prevents terrorism in ways that preserve our freedom and prosperity is the major

goal.” The DHS’ determinations to thwart terrorism are focused on concrete risk analysis

approaches on the cargo and passenger travelling system as well as the borderline and entry

points (Trump, 2017). In order to achieve that, the department’s officers try hard to detect

explosives and other forms of weapons, trace their place of origin and destination and confiscate

them in case the details are not satisfying. They achieve all this through the use of new

technologies that either detect or help in sharing crucial information on the same.


Billions of people are connected and served by the internet which interconnects huge

traffic all at the same time. Due to the high usage, some ill-intended people have taken advantage

of the anonymity to commit crimes and leave no traces (Cavelty, 2014). This has made the

internet be referred to as a cyber-criminal ground. Since the internet is one platform shared by

this entire people, criminals may sometimes tap into government signals and harvest very

important data which can be used to fight it back. According to Cavelty (2014), American’s

“daily life, economic vitality, and national security depend on a stable, safe, and resilient

cyberspace.” Cyberspace with the entire basic setup is susceptible to an extensive array of threat

originating the cyber itself as well as the physical surrounding. Refined cyber players and nation-

states utilize the openness to illegally gain data and cash, and are increasing skills to interrupt,

destroy, or impede the provision of vital services.

The DHS released a strategy which will aid in the execution of cyber-security

responsibilities that will be in play for the coming five years so as it keeps up with the pace of

the ever-evolving technology and changing criminal techniques. This will ensure that the

vulnerabilities are reduced as well as building resilience for responding to occurrences, pawn

malevolent actors within the cyberspace, thus making the cyber ecosystem more secure.

Homeland Security provides aid to possibly impacted bodies, examines the possible effect across

critical infrastructure, probes those liable together with other law enforcement associates, and

organizes national reaction to substantial cyber incidents (Cavelty, 2014).


Bush, G. W. (2003). Homeland security presidential directive 5. National Security Presidential


Cavelty, M. D. (2014). Breaking the cyber-security dilemma: Aligning security needs and

removing vulnerabilities. Science and engineering ethics, 20(3), 701-715.

Homeland Security. (2018, November 20). Infrastructure Security. Retrieved February 19, 2019,


Kettl, D. F. (2013). System under stress: Homeland security and American politics. Sage.

Obama, B. (2010). National security strategy of the United States (2010). Diane Publishing.

Trump, D. J. (2017). National security strategy of the United States of America. EXECUTIVE


United States. Office of Homeland Security. (2002). National strategy for homeland security.

DIANE Publishing

White, J. R. (2016). Terrorism and homeland security. Cengage Learning.

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