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Question 1-10

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Ariff ________ on Monday.

A. plays football C. rides bicycle

B. plays computer games D. watches television

2. There are three ________________ on the tree.

A. bird C. giraffe
B. birds D. giraffes

3. Mother cooks fried noodles in the _________.

A. kitchen C. living room

B. garage D. bedroom

4. Arami has a new __________. It is blue.

A. bag C. cat
B. pencil D. hat

5. Who took my __________ ?

A. steak C. banana
B. pizza D. sausage

6. I like this ________________.

A. skirt C. jacket
B. cap D. shirt

7. Let’s look for ________________.

A. shell C. sandcastle
B. ice cream D. fish

8. It’s ______________ in Japan.

A. cold C. hot
B. cloudy D. snowy

9. Human and some animals have got _________.

A. tail C. legs
B. skeleton D. head

10. ___________ comes from plants.

A. Cow C. Goat
B. Cotton D. Handbag

(20 marks)

Question 11- 14
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

It’ s a lovely day on the (11) ________.

The (12) _______ is hot. One girl is wearing a

(13) ________ . There is a little boy playing a

(14) _________ . What a lovely day on the


11. A. jungle 12. A. sun
B. beach B. rain
C. desert C. weather

13. A. hat 14. A. computer game

B. cap B. guitar
C. sweater C. toy
(8 marks)

Question 15 – 19
Read and colour the picture.

15. 16. 17.

blue jeans green sweater red skirt

18. 19.

yellow socks orange cap

(10 marks)

Question 20 – 21
Look at the picture. Choose the correct spelling.

20. A. circle
B. circel
C. cercle

21. A. sharpener

B. sharpene

C. sharpener

(4 marks)

Question 22 – 25
Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

Example :

Can he play the drum?

Yes, he can. /
No, he can’t

22. Can he ride a go-kart?

Yes, he can.
No, he can’t

23. Can she ride a pony?

Yes, she can.

No, she can’t

24. Can he stand on one leg?

Yes, he can.
No, he can’t.

25. Can she dance?

Yes, she can.

No, she can’t.

(8 marks)

Question 26 – 27
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

26. A. Its raining here but it’s very beautiful.

B. It’s raining here but it’s very beautiful.
C. It’s raining here but it’s very beautiful

27. A. How many bones are in your finger!

B. How many bones are in your finger?
C. how many bones are in your finger?

(4 marks)

Question 28 – 31
Match correctly.


She is looking for shells

28. Yesterday was cold

and snowy.

29. Today is sunny and hot.

30. He can speak Spanish.

31. It crawls and fly

(8 marks)

Question 32 -36
Fill in the blanks with Yes or No

Is there a butterfly on a flower?

32. The butterflies are on the flowers.

33. There are two trees.

34. Are there any fruits on the tree?

35. Are there any bikes on the grass?

36.There are three logs.

(10 marks)

Question 37 – 39
Choose the best sentence for each situation.


A. No problem.
B. Get it on your own.
C. Sorry, I am busy.

37. A. I am sorry.
B. No! This is my book.
C. Go Away!

38. A. Thank you.

B. Good bye.
C. Are you sure?

39. A. Oh no!
B. Great idea!
C. I can skip.

(6 marks)

Question 40 – 44
Read. Circle the best answer.

I am a Zak. I am green. I’ve got one head, eight

legs and four wings. I can fly but I can’t jump.


This is a ___________.

A. Zak
B. Zuk
C. Zack

40. It has ______ head.

A. one
B. two
C. three

41. What colour is it?
It is ____________ .

A. blue
B. green
C. white

42. Does it have eight legs?

A. Yes, it does.
B. No, it doesn’t
C. No, it isn’t

43. What it can and can’t do?

It ______________________.

A. can’t fly and can’t jump

B. can jump but can’t fly
C. can fly but can’t jump

44. Zak is ______.

A. a human
B. a bird
C. a funny animal

(10 marks)

2Question 45 - 46
Match to the correct answer.


A Zak many legs and wings.

45. It has
is colourful.
46. Zak is not
a human.
(4 marks)

Question 47 – 50
Read the information. Answer all the questions.

Khalyssa’s Routine.

6.30 – 7.00 a.m. : Wake up and shower

7.00 – 7.30 a.m. : Eat breakfast and cycle to school

7.45 – 12.30 p.m. : Learning in classroom

12.40 – 1.40 p.m. : Religious class

2.00 – 2.30 p.m. : Lunch

2.30 – 4.30 p.m. : Doing homework

5.00 – 6.00 p.m. : Cycling at the park

8.00 – 8.30 p.m. : Dinner with family

9.00 – 10.00 p.m. : Do revision

10.30 p.m. : Off to bed

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

47. What does Khalyssa do in the morning?

She goes to school.

She cycles at the park.

48. What does Khalyssa do in the evening?

She does her homework

She has dinner with her family.

(4 marks)

Match to the correct phrase.

Do the revision 7.45 – 12.30 p.m.

49. She learns in

classroom. 9.00 – 10.00 p.m.
50. She has lunch.
2.00 – 2.30 p.m.
(4 marks)
__________QUESTION PAPER ENDS HERE ______________
Prepared by Checked by

Rozita BintiTaib Noor Mirza Binti Ariffin

Year 2 English Teacher Chief, English Panel

Verified by

Saifuzzaman B Mohd Dam

1st Senior Assistant


PKSR 2/2018

Nama Penyedia Soalan : Rozita Binti Taib

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman
Tahun :2

 Sila rujuk Jadual Spesifikasi Item untuk agihan soalan (Tajuk dan


1. En M. Akashah B Khairuddin
2. Pn Hayati Bt Ariffin
3. Pn Faridah Bt Johari
4. Pn Rozita Bt Taib

Disemak oleh,

Pn Noor Mirza Bt Ariffin

Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris

Disahkan oleh,

En Saifuzzaman B Mohamad Dam

Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran


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