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Social Constructivism is a theory of how people gain

knowledge through interaction with others.

What are the five attributes of Social Constructivism?

· Active – is the manipulation of information

· Constructive – the integration of prior knowledge is reflected on which assists
in building new mental models and creating new meanings
· Authentic – real world context learning, which is more effective and better
transferred into other situations
· Cooperative – by interacting with others, knowledge is given more meaning
and depth and learning is a natural social act
· Intentional – enabling learners the opportunity to articulate their goals which is
essential for meaningful learning – also promotes learner control

Why do teachers need to consider social constructivism when

planning, assessing or conducting?

1. Students are more likely to understand and be engaged by a topic if they can relate
it to their experiences and find meaning in the learning
2. Allows students to ask questions and explore what they know and create a deeper
understanding and meaning.

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