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Of course, everyone wants progress.

But you don't have to severe your roots and pretend to be

something else to keep up with others. This will be the saddest thing to happen to our youth. To
be lost among others, not having or knowing their identity. � for this .yes we are Filipinos by
blood but we cannot deny the fact that most youths of today cannot speak well with Tagalogs or
any dialects.Bat nila papalitan yung curriculum ng Filipino to Korean? Is it because it's popular
than any other language? So, Kung magbago ang trend, magpapalit ulit tayo ng curriculum?
Maybe adding it to our curriculum is better than removing Ours and changing it to any other

we must keep in mind that trend is changeable. What trends now don't last. Keeping what's
originally ours is the trend we must value more than any trends today. San na ang pinaglaban ng
dating mga bayani? freedom of speech & expression nsa Batas yan. To where we will use Korean
language??? So students get hook up with Korean Dramas? Food galore in most places by
patronizing kimchi & kimbap? How about our Filipino food? To mark Koreans here as our big
bosses?? They are getting into our industry, culture, way of life. So sad, to hurt our own language
marks how Korean colonialism was getting through our culture.Gumawa nalang ng Curriculum in
Korean Language, without disregarding the Filipino Curriculum.I disagree. Why do they need to
change it into korean language. Ano ba magiging benefit neto saten?.CHED should instead
reinforce the teaching of English language in all levels especially in early education. I don’t see
the the significant economical and cultural advantage of offering Korean courses in public
schools. Having a strong command of the English language can open up a world of opportunity
for Filipinos. Yes, Korean language can provide employment as well, but it’s incomparable to the
English language in this regard. I worked in the BPO industry, so I know the opportunities
someone can get just by having a good command of the English language.

CHED, the day we lose our identity as a country, is the day when we stop teaching the new
generation our language and our history. Only the Philippines has such a useless subject. other
countries focus on what the students need when they start working. Up to now, I have had no
use for Filipino or that stupid Rizal subject.Im fine with filipino people trying to learn korean, as
long as the prerequisite for enrolling is a satisfactory grade in filipino, english and mother tongue
respectively.We can just add korean language without removing our own language . Its ashame
to remove our own language.there is still a need to guide our next gen.. literature and culture
keep on growing... what we can cal our own.. this may be simple on your view, but this is very
alarming in the eyes of educators.Removing it from the college curriculum, I bet, neither mean
unlearning it nor depreciating its value. Putting regard on descriptive over prescriptive grammar
of Filipino language, having this inculcated in earlier stages of learning would be not less.
Furthermore, there are more avenues for learning it such as in mass media which is more
fascinating and could immerse us to the real context of the language compared to that of formal
education. If displacement of instructors is another concern, perhaps there are still more GEC
subjects that they may be are capable of teaching. On the other hand, offering Korean Language
in lieu, is apparently a need, perhaps not for everybody but for a number of Filipinos. Base on
my personal observation, no specific statistics, Koreans top in terms of foreign population here in
the Philippines due to our cost-efficient English as Second/Foreign Language Schools (ESL/EFL)
and wonderful tourist spots.

Speaking the language that they could easily understand other than the English language would
surely capture their hearts that they would love to stay, and relatively boost the economy of our
country. Therefore, I affirm this proposition. Everybody here blowing up about the removal of
filipino subjects as a REQUIREMENT in college need to remember that k-12 has already been
implemented, wherein filipino subj were taught there..part of the reason was to remove the
redundancy of retaking the same subjects over and over again during your college years. You will
still have the MANDATORY filipino subjects until senior hs. As for the implementation of korean.
This is an elective program where students choose whether or not to take it.. they arent forcing
you to take those is merely introducing a new pathway where students can branch off
to. They have also taken off mandatory units from math english and other subj, not just filipino
but people are just blowing things out of proportion. I disagree I prefer any of the official
international languages of the world such as Spanish or French. This will bring about relevance
as you enter the real world. an added advantage and skill set towards landing a job anywhere in
the world.Think of the positive effect in our country when we know so many language and the
hell we studied 10 years of Filipino Subjects in Elementary and High school. Is it enough?! Are
you just blind? College is the time we need to learn many things not a recap again of the 10
years we studied our own language. Especially Filipino being our mother tongue this is not
deleting or cutting our own language but making us more adaptable, compatible and flexible
when they apply for jobs.

Remove those useless subjects and replace them with relevant ones. Replacing it with Korean is
also useless. Let the students choose what foreign language they want. Or replace it with Bisaya.
There is money in speaking in different languages. �

Come to think of it we studied our own language 10 years straight during our Elementary and
High school periods. Even when we are still just a little kid. Isn't that enough or are you just
blind? This is not about cutting or deleting are mother tongue. It is about improving ourselves to
be adaptable and flexible to the fastest growing industries in the world.

This is just my opinion feel free to bashed me but this just my understanding and especially a
way to be competitive in different opportunities to find a job.

And btw I just know Tagalog and English. So that judge. Think first. Most of these people argue
about removing the filipino subject but before they would argue why they even need to study
the language if its already our language �. People are just skeptical because its korean but if its
spanish or something they wouldnt bother at all.I strongly disagree...we filipinos should own
what is ours.

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