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5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

Seravo blog: Linux and open source – technology and strategy

10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still

using MySQL)
The original MySQL was created by a Finnish/Swedish company, MySQL AB, founded by David Axmark,
Allan Larsson and Michael “Monty” Widenius. The first version of MySQL appeared in 1995
(// It was initially created for personal usage but in a few years evolved into a
enterprise grade database and it became the worlds most popular open source relational database
software – and it still is. In January 2008, Sun Microsystems bought MySQL for $1 billion. Soon after,
Oracle acquired all of Sun Microsystems after getting approval from the European Commission in late
2009, which initially stopped the transaction due to concerns that such a merger would harm the database
markets as MySQL was the main competitor of Oracle’s database product.

(// of distrust in Oracle stewardship of

MySQL, the original developers of MySQL forked it and
created MariaDB in 2009
(// As time passed,
MariaDB replaced MySQL in many places and
everybody reading this article should consider it too.

At Seravo, we migrated all of our own databases from

MySQL to MariaDB in late 2013 and during 2014 we
also migrated our customer’s systems to use MariaDB.

We recommend everybody still using MySQL in

2015 to migrate to MariaDB for the following reasons:

1) MariaDB development is more open and

Unlike many other open source projects Oracle inherited from the Sun acquisition, Oracle does indeed still
develop MySQL and to our knowledge they have even hired new competent developers after most of the
original developers resigned. The next major release MySQL 5.7 will have significant improvement over
MySQL 5.6. However, the commit log of 5.7 (// shows that all contributors
are Most commit messages reference issue numbers that are only in an internal tracker at
Oracle and thus not open for public discussion. There are no new commits in the latest 3 months because
Oracle seems to update the public code repository only in big batches post-release. This does not strike as
a development effort that would benefit from the public feedback loop and the Linus law of “given enough
eyes all bugs are shallow” (//

MariaDB on the other hand is developed fully in the open: all development decisions can be reviewed and 1/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

debated on a public mailing list (// of in the public bug tracker

(// Contributing to MariaDB with patches is easy and patch flow is transparent in the
fully public and up-to-date code repository (// The Github statistics for
MySQL 5.7 show 24 contributors (//
09&to=2015-01-09&type=c) while the equivalent figure for MariaDB 10.1 is 44 contributors
(// But it is not
just a question of code contributors – in our experience MariaDB seems more active also in documentation
(// efforts, distribution packaging and other
related things that are needed in day-to-day database administration.

Because of the big momentum MySQL has had, there is still a lot of community around it but there is a
clear trend that most new activities in the open source world revolve around MariaDB.

As Linux distributions play a major role in software delivery, testing and quality assurance, the fact that the
both RHEL 7 (//
7.0_Release_Notes-Web_Servers_and_Services.html) and SLES 12 ship with MariaDB instead of MySQL
(// increases the likelihood that
MariaDB is going to be better maintained both upstream and downstream in years to come.

2) Quicker and more transparent security

Oracle only has a policy to make security releases (and related announcements) every three months for all
of their products. MySQL however has a new release every two months. Sometimes this leads situations
where security upgrades and security information are not synced. Also the MySQL release notes do not list
all the CVE identifiers (// the releases fix
( Many have complained
that the actual security announcements are very vague (//
discuss/msg00514.html) and do not identify the actual issues or the commits that fixed them, which makes
it impossible to do backporting and patch management for those administrators that cannot always simply
upgrade to the latest Oracle MySQL release.

MariaDB however follows good industry standards by releasing security announcements and upgrades at
the same time and handling the pre-secrecy and post-transparency in a proper way. MariaDB release
notes also list the CVE identifiers (//
5536-release-notes/) pedantically and they even seem to update the release notes afterwards if new CVE
identifiers are created about issues that MariaDB has already released fixes for.

3) More cutting edge features

MySQL 5.7 is looking promising and it has some cool new features like GIS support. However, MariaDB
has had much more new features (// in recent
years and they are released earlier (//, and in most
cases those features seem to go through a more extensive review before release. Therefore we at Seravo
trust MariaDB to deliver us the best features and least bugs.

For example GIS features were introduced already in the 5.3 series of MariaDB, which makes storing 2/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

coordinates and querying location data easy. Dynamic column support (MariaDB only) is interesting
because it allows for NoSQL type functionality, and thus one single database interface can provide both
SQL and “not only SQL” for diverse software project needs.

4) More storage engines

MariaDB in particular excels as the amount of storage engines and other plugins it ships with: Connect and
Cassandra storage engines for NoSQL backends or rolling migrations from legacy databases, Spider for
sharding, TokuDB with fractal indexes etc. These plugins are available for MySQL as well via 3rd parties,
but in MariaDB they are part of the official release, which guarantees that the plugins are well integrated
and easy to use.

5) Better performance
MariaDB claims it has a much improved query optimizer and many other performance related
improvements. Certain benchmarks show that MariaDB is radically faster than MySQL. Benchmarks don’t
however always directly translate to real life situations. For example when we at Seravo migrated from
MySQL to MariaDB, we saw moderate 3-5 % performance improvements in our real-life scenarios. Still,
when it all adds up, 5% is relevant in particular for web server backends, where every millisecond counts.
Faster is always better, even if it is just a bit faster.

6) Galera active-active master clustering

Galera ( is a new kind of clustering engine which, unlike traditional MySQL
master-slave replication, provides master-master replication
( and thus enables a new kind of
scalability architecture for MySQL/MariaDB. Despite that Galera development already started in 2007, it
has never been a part of the official Oracle MySQL version while both Percona and MariaDB flavors have
shipped a Galera based cluster version for years.

Galera support will be even better in MariaDB 10.1, as it will be included in the main version (and not
anymore in a separate cluster version) and enabling Galera clustering is just a matter of activating the
correct configuration parameters in any MariaDB server installation.

7) Oracle stewardship is uncertain

Many people have expressed distrust in Oracle’s true motivations and interest in keeping MySQL alive. As
explained in point 1, Oracle wasn’t initially allowed to acquire Sun Microsystems, which owned MySQL,
due to the EU competition legislation. MySQL was the biggest competitor to Oracle’s original database.
The European Commission however approved the deal after Oracle published an official promise to keep
MySQL alive and competitive. That document (// included an
expiry date, December 14th 2014, which has now passed. One can only guess what the Oracle upper
management has in mind for the future of MySQL.

Some may argue (// that in recent years, Oracle has 3/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

already weakened MySQL in subtle ways. Maybe, but in Oracle’s defense, it should be noted that MySQL
activities have been much more successful than for example OpenOffice or Hudson, which both very
quickly forked into LibreOffice ( and
Jenkins (// with such a momentum, that the original
projects dried up in less than a year.

However, given the choice between Oracle and a true open source project, the decision should not be hard
for anybody who understands the value of software freedom and the evolutive benefits that stem from
global collaborative development.

8) MariaDB has leapt in popularity

In 2013 there was news about Wikipedia migrating (
source-software/wikipedia-dumps-mysql--hooks-up-with-mariadb.html) it’s enormous wiki system from
MySQL to MariaDB and about Google using MariaDB (
oracle-mysql-for-mariadb/) in their internal systems instead of MySQL. One of the MariaDB Foundation
sponsors is Automattic, the company behind (// Other notable
examples are ( and Craigslist ( Fedora and
OpenSUSE have had MariaDB as the default SQL database option for years. With the releases of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 7 (//
7.0_Release_Notes-Web_Servers_and_Services.html) and SUSE Enterprise Linux 12
(// both these vendors ship MariaDB
instead of MySQL and promises to support their MariaDB versions for the lifetime of the major distribution
releases, that is up to 13 years.

The last big distribution to get MariaDB was Debian (and based on it, Ubuntu). The “intent to package” bug
(// in Debian was already filed in 2010 but it wasn’t
until December 2013 that the bug finally got closed. This was thanks to Seravo staff who took care of
packaging MariaDB (// 5.5 for Debian, from where it also got into
Ubuntu 14.04. Later we have also packaged MariaDB 10.0, which will be included in the next Debian and
Ubuntu releases in the first half of 2015.

9) Compatible and easy to migrate

MariaDB 5.5 is a complete drop-in-replacement for MySQL 5.5. Migrating to MariaDB is as easy as
running apt-get install mariadb-server or the equivalent command on your chosen Linux flavor (which, in
2015, is likely to include MariaDB in the official repositories).

Despite the migration being easy, we still recommend that database admins undertake their own testing
and always back up their databases, just to be safe.

10) Migration might become difficult after 2015

In versions MariaDB 10.0 and MySQL 5.6 the forks have already started to diverge somewhat but most 4/27
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likely users can still just upgrade from 5.6 to 10.0 without problems. The compatibility between 5.7 and
10.1 in the future is unknown, so the ideal time to migrate is now while it is still hassle-free. If binary
incompatibilities arise in the future, database admins can always still migrate their data by dumping it and
importing it in the new database.

With the above in mind, MariaDB is clearly our preferred option.

One of our customers once expressed their interest in migrating from MySQL to MariaDB and wanted us to
confirm whether MariaDB is bug-free. Tragically we had to disappoint them with a negative answer.
However we did assure them that the most important things are done correctly in MariaDB making it
certainly worth migrating to.

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Strategy (/category/strategy) article posted on 9.1.2015 with tags database (/tag/database)

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95 thoughts on “10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still

using MySQL)”
Joe Fletcher ( says:
24.4.2015 at 23:09 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35020)

Thanks! I just ran `sudo apt-get install mariadb-server` on a relatively new server
running one new WordPress install and didn’t miss a beat during the install!

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35020#respond)

Ethan says:
11.5.2015 at 20:02 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35028)

“One of our customers once expressed their interest in migrating from MySQL to
MariaDB and wanted us to confirm whether MariaDB is bug-free.”

No software is “bug-free.”

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35028#respond)

Otto Kekäläinen says:

12.5.2015 at 11:28 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35029)

@Ethan: This was a quote from our customer. I hope you get the joke..

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35029#respond)

jdk says:
19.5.2015 at 06:34 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35030)

I heard once that the only code that is bug free is the one that is never used 5/27
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or does nothing

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35030#respond)

Max Watson says:

20.7.2015 at 16:54 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35061)

Well, I made a software that echo “Hello World”, and I didn’t found any bugs!

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35061#respond)

M. Lar ( says:

24.9.2015 at 16:11 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35125)

Wait until you upgrade and it says ‘invalid syntax on line 1’

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35125#respond)

Alejandro says:
30.12.2015 at 14:48 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-

haha :) funny

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?

Claudio says:
5.5.2016 at 18:46 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-

That’s Murphy’s Law in action. Nothing is engineering if bug free.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?
Beat says:
23.7.2017 at 13:13 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-

Might be true for SW engineering. But not for many other

engineering fields.

Paulo says:
14.7.2017 at 17:00 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-53271)

Only because a human user is not a requirement for your program.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=53271#respond)

Sven says:

6.11.2017 at 14:51 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-56442) 6/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

Well, the correct message is “Hello World!”. So you’ve missed the

question mark and hence bugged it already. You shouldn’t be allowed
anywhere near a computer any more.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=56442#respond)

haris says:
24.4.2016 at 01:52 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-38135)

the only app that “bug free” is “Hello World APP”

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=38135#respond)

Claudio says:
5.5.2016 at 18:48 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-38781)

Even so, if it were written as:

now it would be buggy.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=38781#respond)

district says:
20.1.2017 at 15:04 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-46963)

you call them “bugs”, i call them “temporary features”.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=46963#respond)

Eric Omuro (// says:

15.11.2017 at 15:18 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-56700)

Programmer: You call them bugs, I call them income streams.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=56700#respond)

Tevya ( says:

30.6.2015 at 00:33 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35049)

So as a drop-in replacement, there shouldn’t be any issues with WordPress, WP

Plugins, etc, right?

My host offers migration from MySQL 5.5 to MariaDB 5.5 or 10.0. Should I go
straight to 10, or go to 5.5 first for compatibility reasons?

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35049#respond)

Otto Kekäläinen says:

30.6.2015 at 08:52 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35050)

@Tevya: It should be just fine to upgrade directly to 10.0. 7/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35050#respond)

Tevya ( says:

2.7.2015 at 01:18 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35052)

Thank you!

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35052#respond)

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Tim says:
7.7.2015 at 18:16 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35053)

After reading every word of this article i only can conclude that you are a VERY
frustrated probably past code backer which is against the real world and only happy
with open source, open company, community driven companies who put all their
company notes onto the surface to get bashed out in the open. One who cannot live
in a world without these ‘standards’. Thats fine, but those are not really reasons for
migrating to a product which is new and unknown for us.

I have read the article with interest and open to finding all those (10) good reasons
to migrate, but i have found none. I only found maybe-in-the-future reasons which
are all speculative, and reasons like ‘they are releasing one month later than the
previous management so the product sucks’. No the product does not suck, the
product works perfect. But it is you that cannot accept another way of how things are
handled. No offense, but that does not make a product bad or dead.

I am sorry, i am not going to migrate to Maria DB.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35053#respond)

Echizen ( says:

20.11.2015 at 20:41 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35176)

I know you’re Oracle evangelist, so don’t ever migrate to other DB :D

MariaDB developed by the original creator of MySQL, people behind the

development of MySQL for over years…no doubt for me there’s no reason to
not switch to MariaDB :P

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35176#respond)

Otto Kekäläinen says:

7.7.2015 at 23:31 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35054)

@Tim: if you like MySQL better, then go ahead and continue using it, I am sure you 8/27
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have some motivation for that but reading your argumentation you don’t reference
anything specific that would be better in Oracle MySQL than in MariaDB.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35054#respond)

Mario says:
23.7.2015 at 03:00 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35063)

Actually Tim with his “negative” comments he brings some truth about the status of
MySQL and MariaDB. For most companies, if the code is available or not, or how a
software is internally or externally developed is not a decisive factor in terms of
whenever is worth using that software. While MariaDB maybe more open, with more
OSS developers working for it, still MySQL get the job done, and get improved. If the
time when MySQL development and free releases are completely stopped, then
people will go for an alternative. But right now is.. Don’t fix what is not broken.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35063#respond)

Wadson92 says:
8.9.2015 at 16:03 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35109)

We know that MySQL gets the job done but you have to understand the open
source mentality. Oracle is one of the biggest db company and a direct
MySQL competitor. In my understanding, I don’t think that MySQL will improve
that much (and if it does it will do the Oracle way) for the simple reason that
the developers that made it what it is now resign to work on a brand new
project, MariaDB. I think if big companies like Google, Wikipedia,
migrated their db to MariaBD, there is a reason to do to.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35109#respond)

Chris says:
29.9.2015 at 02:43 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35130)

Don’t fix what isn’t broken?

How about features that simply don’t work properly in MySQL and might never
work: subqueries, server-side prepared statements, etc. These and many
other issues have been fixed in MariaDB.

So I guess the choice is yours: stick with the product whose failings you have
become comfortable with, or switch to a product that doesn’t have those

Oracle has no reason to significantly improve MySQL: they would rather sell
Oracle DB licenses instead. MariaDB wants to build a great product, so they
are doing it.

I predict that 10 years from now, MySQL will be the database that most 9/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

people just install on Windows desktops because they have heard of it.
Everyone else will have moved to MariaDB and will be happier for it.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35130#respond)

Sudha says:
27.8.2015 at 12:04 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35099)

Can anyone please let me know the steps to migrate a database which is on MySQL
5.6 to Mariadb 10.0? Also the users related to db- do I need to migrate them

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35099#respond)

Otto Kekäläinen says:

27.8.2015 at 15:08 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35101)

@Sudha: just backup your old database and then run ‘apt-get install mariadb-
server’ or an equivalent command on your chosen distribution. We have not
yet bumped into situations where migration from 5.6->10.0 would not be
possible automatically, but theoretically the projects have started to diverge,
so somebody might bump into problems.

Another even safer way would be to run mysqldump to get a dump of your
data, including mysql database and users table. Then purge MySQL away
and install MariaDB, and import the dump file into MariaDB and you should
end up with new server that has all the old data.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35101#respond)

Sudha says:
27.8.2015 at 12:09 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35100)

on Linux platform- missed to mention this earlier

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35100#respond)

Coenraad ( says:

4.9.2015 at 15:05 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35105)

I think you missed the most important reason: MySQL was started and written by
Michael “Monty” Widenius. He was basically booted from his own project by
corporate bullies, and couldn’t continue using the name MySQL (Which is named
after his daughter.) Hence, he continued the project under a new name. Named after
his other daughter. It was always, and still is, his brainchild, arguably MariaDB is
more MySQL, than MySQL is.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35105#respond)

Pingback: Mo-Data. Data made Easy10 Reasons to Migrate to MariaDB if you're still 10/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

on MySQL #mariadb #mysql - Mo-Data. Data made Easy (

hooli says:
11.9.2015 at 13:09 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35112)

As soon as MariaDB becomes bigger than MySQL, Oracle will buy it. Another carrot
on a stick to make some other developers get their Oracle payout.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35112#respond)

Coenraad ( says:

1.4.2016 at 20:33 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-36547)

I think he has learned his lesson and won’t do it again.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=36547#respond)

Tom says:
14.9.2015 at 01:35 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35115)

CentOS 7 installs MariaDB rather than MySQL by default, however you can install
repos to change this.

I for one choose not to use MariaDB for the simple fact that I’ve never been able to
get AUTO_INCREMENT_INCREMENT to work with it, whilst MySQL is fine

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35115#respond)

J.s. says:
17.9.2015 at 06:13 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35120)

The most important value of mariadb is its lgpl licenced c and java connectors

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35120#respond)

Muhammad says:
25.11.2015 at 08:10 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35179)

Most important part of story. When you live in Iran Oracle ban you for download the
mysql or other products. MariaDB is community base and no one can to ban you. So
MariaDB is my favorite and i feel freedom when use it.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35179#respond)

Ali says:
16.12.2015 at 02:44 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35197)

No one commented on Record Locking and FullText searches ?? 11/27
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Are they the same for Mysql and Mariadb or is one better than the other?

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35197#respond)

Ken says:
16.12.2015 at 16:47 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35198)

One thing I liked about MySQL was the GUI utilities that were available for it. I
haven’t seen anything similar for Mariadb (yet?).

I did install the MySQL Workbench, and, although it had some basic functionality, it
still lacked a lot of useful stuff.

I did move over to Mariadb, but still wish it had a good GUI tool built for it.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35198#respond)

Chris says:
15.5.2016 at 14:27 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-39436)

MariaDB is a plug-in replacement for MySQL. Can the GUI tools even tell the
difference? Seems like they should be able to talk to either back end…?

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=39436#respond)

Otto Kekäläinen says:

16.5.2016 at 13:00 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-39498)

In most cases the GUI can’t tell the difference and MariaDB is a drop-
in-replacement for MySQL.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=39498#respond)

e-standard (// says:

9.1.2017 at 08:16 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-

I am really struggling on my decision now,shall i update from

MYSQL 5.6.3 to MariaDB,the bad thing is After you upgrade
MySQL/MariaDB, there is no supported way to downgrade to the
previous version.I read a lot of comments here,still can not
finalized it.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?
e-standard (// says:
9.1.2017 at 09:01 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-

I want add something,have successfully update SQL 5.6.3 12/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

to MariadDB 10.1,there is no problem found,so i am sure

there is nothing to worry about it when you have decided
to do this,thanks for all these comments.

Pingback: MariaDB ve MySQL Kardeş Kavgası - WebMaster Bilgi Paylaşım Sistemi


Sam says:
19.12.2015 at 16:12 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35202)

Can anyone please let me know the steps to upgrade from MySQL 5.5 to Mariadb
10.0 in WHM ,do i just need to follow those 7 steps shown in WHM ,tick infront of all
warning in each step & choose “Unattended Upgrade” as the option to keep my old
settings ? [never done it before] [have backed up the database of my websites]

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35202#respond)

Otto Kekäläinen says:

19.12.2015 at 16:28 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35203)

What does WHM stand for? MariaDB 10.0 is quite well backwards compatible
with MySQL 5.5. What distribution do you use? You should be able to run just
‘apt-get install mariadb-server’ or ‘yum install mariadb-server’. Just to be safe,
back up your old database first with mysqldump.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35203#respond)

Sam says:
19.12.2015 at 16:54 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-

Hi Otto
Thanks for fast reply.
By WHM i meant – Web Host Manager for cPanel (WHM) .
I have backed up the databases of the websites running on the server.

There is actually a feature inside WHM for upgrading from Msql 5.5 to
Mariadb 10 . see this ss –

The process seems to be straightforward , but I have never done this

upgrading process before so wanted advise on it [regarding the what-
to-do steps in my above reply] if i need to take any more precautions , if
after upgrading it damages cpanel/WHM components [sorry i m newbie
& starting to learn all these stuffs :) ]

PS – i am a newbie in using putty commands so was thinking of 13/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

upgrading through the WHM feature .


Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35204#respond)

Dave says:
31.1.2016 at 08:25 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35225)

To the nay-sayers I have the following:

– Don’t think that insisting on open-source is just some hippy coderism – the visibility
of open source means no secret bugs that Oracle knows about but won’t be
bothered patching until the next quarterly cycle;
– If MariaDB is acquired down the track it won’t necessarily counter the preceding
arguments: the problem with Oracle owning MySQL is that the new owner is deeply
conflicted not that they are a big company;
– Oracle has demonstrated repeatedly that they have no interest in maintaining
Sun’s portfolio of developer-focused tools and services – just look at Glassfish, a
product to which I devoted months of development only to have Oracle kill it so we
would all “upgrade” to WebLogic. If Glassfish is any indicator MySQL is doomed.
Serious bugs filed 2 years ago still unfixed despite patches being submitted and no
way to get your code accepted upstream. These are very good reasons to migrate
away from MySQL. Oracles actions (or lack of) on this front speak much more loudly
than their promises.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35225#respond)

Camron Lent says:

13.2.2016 at 16:49 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35236)

This comment is by far the best one I have read. It accurately explains, with
an obvious example, why Oracle should not be trusted to manage MySQL. My
reality is that if MySQL becomes a problem I will need to switch, if MariaDB
becomes a problem I will need to switch.

Switching now to means that down the road I may, or may not, need to switch.
However Oracle’s track record suggests that not switching almost guarantees
that I will have to switch later. I’d rather have the possibility of not having to
deal with political bugs than the almost certainty of dealing with them.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35236#respond)

Junaid ( says:

5.2.2016 at 14:08 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-35229)

Good article explaining why we should not use MySQL, and particularly start to use
I already started migrating my projects from MySQL to MariaDB.
Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=35229#respond) 14/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

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#mysql | MoData (

Alexis ( says:

8.4.2016 at 21:14 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-37247)

I just change to MariaDB. The best choice. Thank you for the Explanation :)

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=37247#respond)

Pingback: What is MariaDB? | Nublue (//

Pingback: Centos 7 LAMPP stack | Nash-Notes (


Hosting Fever says:

17.5.2016 at 21:28 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-39590)

Sounds interesting but can’t take risk on my cpanel server with client’s sites. Will try 15/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

on local system first. Thanks

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=39590#respond)

Jimbo99 says:
20.5.2016 at 01:43 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-39747)

MySQL vs MariaDB. I just see this as the Open Office vs Libre Office game that
Open Source & Oracle are playing with each other. Oracle really has 3 DB products
now, Oracle, My SQL and since MariaDB is based off MySQL, it might as well be
Oracle’s 3rd database. I mean Oracle’s MySQL release determines the next
MariaDB and stable MariaDB lags. 2017, SQL Server moves to Linux. That’s going
to have an audience/target market of IT migration because it most likely will be
virtually 99.99999% compatible with Windows versions ?

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=39747#respond)

Dave says:
20.5.2016 at 10:45 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-39769)

Except MariaDB was forked years ago and is not coupled to MySQL’s release
process in any way. Oracle has nothing at all to do with it. Nice-to-haves from
MySQL are ported – the same is not true for fixes and new features rooted in
MariaDB. Look at Java and Glassfish – that’s what you have to look forward
to in MySQL from Oracle.
As far as MSSQL is concerned … I have spent a significant portion of the last
decade moving fed-up customers off it onto more stable, faster and less
encumbered alternatives. Don’t expect a rush to MSSQL on Linux. Too little
too late from Microsoft there.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=39769#respond)

FMR says:
21.5.2016 at 15:51 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-39843)

1. Really useful article! Could you just update it to current status?

2. Any news about MariaDB 10.1 on Debian (Sid)?

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=39843#respond)

Otto Kekäläinen says:

23.5.2016 at 10:13 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-39944)

1) We don’t plan to update old blog posts. Please do subscribe to our updates
so you can see if/when we write a 2016 or 2017 edition of this post.

2) For Debian questions, please post them to the Debian pkg-mysql-main 16/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

mailing list where Debian MySQL and MariaDB packagers might discuss
release plans.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=39944#respond)

FMR says:
28.5.2016 at 12:19 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-40239)

Thanks for the reply!

Asked here about MariaDB 10.1 in Debian:
May/thread.html#8997 (

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=40239#respond)


19.6.2016 at 22:25 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-41250)

In mysql we easily use workbench to create dumps. Which tool do you have in
Mariadb? Be aware that console interface and using command line stuff is hard for
non programmers. I will wait till you make such a simple tool. If you’ve not managed
to create one, the Mariadb is still young and Mysql is far ahead of you.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=41250#respond)

Panel says:
25.7.2016 at 10:26 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-42753)

try Adminer :) good php skript (tool) for any SQL database

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=42753#respond)

Dave says:
22.10.2016 at 04:02 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-44448)

Consider using the terminal. It is often a one-liner and could be finished

before you’ve even found the icon for Workbench, let alone connected to the
DB. I’ll grant you, using a WYSIWYG tool is often more convenient, but for
something as basic as dumping DDL/DML the command line is probably far
less hassle.

Here’s an example (which includes plenty of options you won’t need):

mysqldump \
–add-drop-database \
–add-drop-table \
–add-locks \
–allow-keywords \
–protocol=SOCKET \ 17/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

–delete-master-logs=FALSE \
–compress=FALSE \
–default-character-set=utf8 \
–max_allowed_packet=1G \
–host=localhost \
–dump-date=TRUE \
–force=FALSE \
–single-transaction=TRUE \
–user= \
–password= \
–databases “” > .sql

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=44448#respond)

Dave says:
22.10.2016 at 04:05 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-

blog engine removed some text it thought was markup:

mysqldump \
–add-drop-database \
–add-drop-table \
–add-locks \
–allow-keywords \
–protocol=SOCKET \
–delete-master-logs=FALSE \
–compress=FALSE \
–default-character-set=utf8 \
–max_allowed_packet=1G \
–host=localhost \
–dump-date=TRUE \
–force=FALSE \
–single-transaction=TRUE \
–user=”username” \
–password=”password” \
–databases “dbname” > dbname.sql

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=44451#respond)

Wolfgang says:
27.7.2016 at 10:17 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-42863)

Thanks for this article and all the comments.

It’s been more than a year since this article was written. Is migration still as easy as 18/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

just doing an “apt-get install mariadb-server”, or are there any traps now that must
be avoided?

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=42863#respond)

Deni Setiawan ( says:

27.8.2016 at 10:40 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-43756)

Thanx for the comparison article. Since XAMPP 5.5.30 and 5.6.14, XAMPP ships
MariaDB instead of MySQL. The commands and tools are the same for both. Is that

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=43756#respond) says:
27.9.2016 at 12:42 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-43917)

I want to develop my final year project using Microsoft Visual Studio using VB
language..can i use MariaDB for the database?

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=43917#respond)

Robert Te Kaat ( says:

14.10.2016 at 20:10 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-44310)

Funny to read that people are negative about mssql. I just started using mysql last
few weeks and came across several features I use on mssql that are not available
on mysql or have a lesser counterpart. I m currently trying to overcome a serious
performance issue that works fine on mssql. Also Workbench is very instable
especially when using the execution plan tab.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=44310#respond)

Dave says:
22.10.2016 at 03:56 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-44445)

If you’ve been in the business for long you shouldn’t be at all surprised.
MSSQL has a long and undistinguished history of terrible performance,
scalability and interoperability. Any issues you are having with MySQL should
be directed to Oracle. MariaDB is not MySQL despite maintaining a large
degree of compatibility, so MySQL Workbench may or may not provide stable
access to MariaDB – so far it continues to work for me but YMMV. If you have
a performance issue with MariaDB (or MySQL) don’t think you can apply the
solution you used for MSSQL successfully – design your solution for the tools
you are using rather than the tool you used to use. If you are having a
performance issue with MariaDB, post the details and someone may be able
to help you. Not sure if this is the ideal place though.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=44445#respond) 19/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

Albert Mhanda says:

26.10.2016 at 17:22 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-44556)

In response to questions regarding GUI for MariaDB, MariaDB installation comes

with a GUI called HeidiSQL. This GUI may not be as feature rich as Workbench but
it does a good job of some of the tasks like database dump for example.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=44556#respond)

Kirk Hilles says:

27.10.2016 at 18:36 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-44574)

I dunno. Look, I’m not a gung-ho type of guy, I’m a businessman at heart. I want
something that WORKS, not something where I spent hours and hours to get
something running. I want tools that help me out. Is MariaDB the best? I’m not sure,
but I do know it all rubs me the wrong way.

Look, I don’t have all of the information, so forgive me, but am I to assume that
Monty sold MySQL to Oracle, got paid many, many millions and now is developing a
competing product identically based on MySQL? Seems like double-dipping to me
and highly unethical. I’m also not a big fan of the name. I never knew originally that
“My” was one of his kids. What type of ego-maniac insists on products being named
on his family? I thought you were interested in an enterprise level product that
involves many, many, people, not just you.

I liked where MySQL was (and maybe is) heading. 5.5 is FAR more improved over
5.1 Prior to 5.5 it was like nobody bothered to test anything. They’d release a new
version with fixes to the bugs created in the last release. I remember when “else if”
broke in Stored Procedures.

I liked seeing something that worked great on Debian as well as Windows. I liked the
evolution of the tools (remember the buggy MySQL Query Browser. Oh god). Now,
I’m stuck on 5.5 on Debian. Oh sure, it’s is (or probably WAS) a dropin, but it’ll be
completely separate soon and then you have some tools that work on MySQL and
others for MariaDB.

I’m sorry, but I don’t like it. I see no evidence that Oracle is doing a bad job nor
preparing to NOT make it free, so I just see the separate as an Ego and maybe
financially-based thing. How long before MariaDB gets sold to a company too? I
don’t get why people blame Oracle for buying it when MySQL could’ve been
designed to remain open source forever and NOT SELL.

Again, just me.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=44574#respond)

Andrew says:
8.12.2016 at 23:49 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-45791)

Kirk, 20/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

Valid points, to a degree, but it seems like you may have overlooked that
Monty sold MySQL to SUN which had a fairly good track record of keeping
projects like MySQL the way they were intended. Then Oracle purchased
Sun, which was at first blocked by the EU BECAUSE OF THE CONFLICT OF
INTEREST between Oracle DB and MySQL. Oracle made promises to keep
MySQL free and keep development up to date through the end of 2014.

Monty, like most people in the open source community, knew of Oracle’s track
record of abandoning open source properties they acquire so he immediately
forked MySQL and created MariaDB. No one in their right mind believes that
Oracle would have put much effort into MySQL had Monty not done that and
Oracle definitely would not have kept up work on MySQL after 2014. So, if
you insist on continuing to use MySQL you STILL OWE MONTY a “thank you”
because without his efforts on MariaDB Oracle would have stopped MySQL
updates long ago.

Beyond that, MariaDB has performance and stability improvements above

and beyond MySQL. The fact that major Linux distributions have switched to
including MariaDB instead of MySQL speaks VOLUMES.

As for Monty naming his projects after his children, instead of calling him
names you should again be THANKING him for developing a FREE RDBMS.
If not for people like him you would have to pay BOAT LOADS of money for
MS SQL, Oracle, or some other RDBMS. If you want to create a FREE
RDBMS and name it something that you think is appropriate, go ahead, learn
how to write code and spend tens of thousands of hours creating one. How
much time would you have left to be a “businessman” if you did that?

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=45791#respond)

George Efthivoulidis says:

23.11.2017 at 00:45 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-


you seem to care mostly about cost and less about quality. Me too. I
have spent very little money for software, and I have no doubt when I
compare two products of same quality – the “good” is the “free” one,
the other is “bad”.


We OWE a big THANK YOU to those who indirectly pay people like
Monty. Oracle indirectly supported (through Sun) the past development
of MySQL and effectively the future development of MariaDB (actually
its customers, but the payment chain includes Oracle).

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=56868#respond)

Sudhir Patidar says: 21/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo
Sudhir Patidar says:
1.11.2016 at 09:36 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-44643)

Hi dear,
I want to switch fro mysql 5.5 to MariaDB 10.1
please there is any link/reference how could i migrate without losing my data.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=44643#respond)

Dhilen Jogi says:

6.1.2017 at 16:22 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-46587)


I’m working with OLTP system having Oracle 11g as back-end database.

Our co. management thinks to save licensing amount hence I wanted to explore
MariaDB for the replacement of Oracle 11g.

How can I achieve this migration to MariaDB?

One big question from management side will it support high number of
TPS(Transactions Per Second)?

Because our system have around 12 inner modules also very complex logic
implemented using stored procedures and functions.


Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=46587#respond)

Reindl Harald says:

18.7.2017 at 20:06 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-53325)

*lol* i hope you’re kidding

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=53325#respond)

Robert says:
26.1.2017 at 14:29 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-47127)

I work with clients that use both MySQl and MariaDB so I use to
create the apps as it generates standard PHP PDO code which works with both
databases. I have had clients switch from one to the other and apps work
unchanged because of PDO code.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=47127#respond)

Dude says:
1.2.2017 at 15:56 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-47367)

Oracle killed Borland in the 90’s. They will make more stupid decisions.
Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=47367#respond) 22/27
5/18/2018 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB (if still using MySQL) - Seravo

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Pingback: A quick note about how I created my LAMP server – Altoplace


Pingback: 10 razões para migrar o MySQL para MariaDB – Viraw


tony says:
16.3.2017 at 14:58 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-49163)

Hi all,

i have centos/cpanel and MySQL 5.5. I have some sites, wordpress, oxwall and a
script. The developer of the scipt says that it “might” have issues or its not working
with my sql 5.6 or mariadb.

Is this possible? (not to work i mean).

And my other question. How i will see MariaDB in cpanel? As i see Sql (when i make
the sql dbs) and phpmyadmin? or will change something from these that i see now
with mysql5.5?

thank you very much

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=49163#respond)

tony says:
16.3.2017 at 15:00 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-49167)

and to add a second question.

for wordpress, oxwall (Social sites) etc, which db you suggest? MariaDB or MySql
5.7 (the latest version of both).
cpanel+centos i have
thank you so much all in advance!

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=49167#respond)

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Web Designer (// says:

11.6.2017 at 09:06 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-52242)

The only problem i can see is the new software being released with mysql 5.7 only
features like json columns, etc. I think all the comunity should go with mariadb.

Reply (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql?replytocom=52242#respond)

Rauf S says:
7.7.2017 at 14:48 (10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql#comment-53151)

Just migrated mysql 5.6 to MariaDB10 without any issue. Performance seems to be
good. Will test few applications and share if any issue.

Cheers !

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