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Use of Ultrasound to Increase Effectiveness of Isokinetic

Exercise for Knee Osteoarthritis
Mao-Hsiung Huang, MD, PhD, Yueh-Shuang Lin, MS, Chia-Ling Lee, MD, Rei-Cheng Yang, MD, PhD
ABSTRACT. Huang M-H, Lin Y-S, Lee C-L, Yang R-C. Key Words: Exercise; Osteoarthritis; Rehabilitation; Ultra-
Use of ultrasound to increase effectiveness of isokinetic exer- sonics.
cise for knee osteoarthritis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2005;86: © 2005 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi-
1545-51. cine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and
Objective: To investigate the effects of ultrasound (US) in
isokinetic muscle strengthening exercises on functional status
of patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). STEOARTHRITIS (OA) is a common disease associated
Design: Effectiveness of isokinetic muscle strengthening
exercises for treatment of periarticular soft tissue disorders was
O with significant morbidity, and its prevalence increases
with age. Radiographic abnormalities are present in more than
compared with and without pulsed and continuous US. 30% of people older than 65 years; approximately 40% are
Setting: Outpatient exercise program in a Taiwan medical symptomatic.2 OA occurs most frequently in the knee joint,
university hospital. one of the most common sites of major health problems in
Participants: One hundred twenty subjects with bilateral older subjects.3 Knee pain and quadriceps weakness are re-
knee OA (Altman grade II). ported determinants of disability in OA of the knee.4,5 Further-
Intervention: Subjects were randomized sequentially into more, restricted joint range of motion (ROM) is associated with
1 of 4 groups. Group I received isokinetic muscular abnormal posture and may result in disability.6
strengthening exercises, group II received isokinetic exer- OA is characterized by noninflammatory deterioration of the
cise and continuous US, group III received isokinetic exer- articular cartilage with reactive new bone formation at the joint’s
cise and pulsed US treatment, and group IV was the control surface and margins. Some studies7-9 have indicated that the
group. primary lesion of OA is in the articular cartilage, in which the
Main Outcome Measures: Therapeutic effects of isokinetic earliest change is diminution of mucopolysaccharide and chon-
exercise were evaluated by changes in ambulation speed and droitin sulphate relative to the collagen in the matrix, thereby
the Lequesne index. In addition, changes in knee range of unmasking the collagen. Normally, the matrix dissipates stresses
motion (ROM), visual analog scale for pain, and muscle peak hydrostatically, but when the collagen is unmasked, its fibers are
torques during knee flexion and extension were compared. subjected to excessive flexural and torsional stresses, leading to
Compliance in each group was recorded. rupture and the lesions characteristic of OA.10
Results: Each treated group had increased muscle peak The health of cartilage depends on the mechanical load it
torques and significantly reduced pain and disability after receives. Cartilage is an avascular tissue and the chondrocytes
treatment and at follow-up. However, only patients in within it depend on diffusion and convection for nutrition. This
groups II and III had significant improvement in ROM and process is enhanced by the cyclic loading induced by everyday
ambulation speed after treatment. Fewer participants in activities that produce deformations, pressure gradients, and
group III discontinued treatment due to knee pain during fluid flows within the tissues. Moderate to strenuous articular
exercise. Patients in group III also showed the greatest loading, such as that associated with regular distance running,
increase in walking speed and decrease in disability after seems to have no adverse affects on the health of normally
treatment and at follow-up. Gains in muscular strength in congruent joints. However, high impact joint loading, through
60°/s angular velocity peak torques were also noted in either a single traumatic event or repetitive events of less
groups II and III. However, group III showed the greatest severity, may lead to joint degeneration.11,12 Normal loads can
muscular strength gains with 180°/s angular velocity peak also accelerate degeneration in deformed, unconstrained, or
torques after treatment and follow-up. damaged joints because of instability of the arthritic joint and
Conclusions: US treatment could increase the effectiveness uneven loading force.12 Therefore, increasing the stability of an
of isokinetic exercise for functional improvement of knee OA, arthritic joint might theoretically prevent further deterioration.
and pulsed ultrasound has a greater effect than continuous US. With therapeutic exercise, OA patients may prevent accelerated
degeneration resulting from disuse without causing further degen-
eration and pain as a consequence of joint deformity or incongru-
ence. Several recent longitudinal studies conclude that carefully
From the Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Huang, Lee), School
controlled exercise programs, designed primarily for OA of the
of Sport Medicine (Yang), Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung; and knee, are indeed beneficial.13,14 Reported benefits include in-
Kun-Shan University of Technology, Tainan (Lin), Taiwan. creased joint mobility, increased strength, and enhanced perfor-
Supported by National Science Council of Taiwan (grant no. NSC-92-2314-B-037- mance in sports activities. Our previous report15 showed that
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research
isokinetic muscle strengthening exercise is more effective than
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the author(s) or upon any isometric or isotonic exercises for diminishing disability and im-
organization with which the author(s) is/are associated. proving muscular strength and ambulation ability. However, pa-
Reprint requests to Mao-Hsiung Huang, MD, PhD, Dept of Physical Medicine and tient compliance is an issue, and those studies with high compli-
Rehabilitation, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, No.100 Tzyou 1st Rd,
Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan, e-mail:
ance rates produced better results. Patient compliance depends on
0003-9993/05/8608-9466$30.00/0 many elements, including consistent education, encouragement,
doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2005.02.007 and follow-up. Injury and complications as direct consequences of

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, August 2005


inappropriate exercise,16 such as knee pain during exercise, weak- was unable to reach the zero position. The angle between
ness of leg muscles, and ROM, are the major reasons for poor maximum flexion and maximum extension was described as
compliance. the excursion range.
Therapeutic ultrasound (US) has been used to treat many
musculoskeletal diseases and is also reputed to reduce Measurement of Pain Severity
edema,17,18 relieve pain, increase ROM,19 and accelerate tissue The severity of knee pain was evaluated by the VAS26 after
repair.20-22 In a review of the effectiveness of US in treating patients had remained in a weight-bearing position (walking or
musculoskeletal conditions, Falconer et al17 found that most standing) for 5 minutes in the parallel bars. The VAS instru-
reports indicate that therapeutic US appears to relieve OA pain. ment consisted of horizontal lines 10cm long, with anchor
Some investigations23 have applied US to enhance the flexi- points of 0 (no pain) and 10 (maximum pain).
bility of connective tissues. However, few reports have dis-
cussed the effect of US on therapeutic exercise for OA. Measurement of Disability
Therefore, in this study we investigated the therapeutic effect of We evaluated each patient’s disability with the Lequesne
isokinetic exercise when combined with US treatment in patients index.27 The questionnaire included 11 questions about knee
with knee OA, including effect on ROM , knee pain, muscular discomfort, endurance of ambulation, and difficulties in daily
peak torque, and status of disability and ambulation speed imme- life. A maximum score of 26 indicated the greatest degree of
diately posttreatment and during the follow-up period. dysfunction. A score of less than 7 points indicated that the patient
had functional status acceptable for isokinetic exercise.15
Measurement of Ambulation Activity
Participants Ambulation activity was evaluated by the patient’s walking
One hundred twenty patients with bilateral moderate knee OA speed. The time it took to complete a predetermined distance of
(Altman grade II) with periarticular soft tissue pain, as identified 50m on a treadmill as comfortably and quickly as possible was
by painful sensations during palpation or passive stretching of the recorded. A distance was preset on the treadmill, and an alarm
arthritic knee under orthopedic examination. The locations of soft sounded when the 50m was completed. Walking time was
tissue pain were confirmed by the findings of musculoskeletal US recorded with a stopwatch by the same physiatrist.
images (as shown in US treatment) were selected. After radio-
graphs were taken and patients clinically evaluated by the criteria Measurement of Isokinetic Peak Torque of Knee Flexion
of stages of knee OA,24 they were randomly assigned to 4 groups and Extension
by a secure system of sequentially numbered I through IV opaque The maximal voluntary force capacity was evaluated by
sealed envelopes. The physician who assigned the patients was measuring the peak torque of the arthritic knee with a modified
blinded as to the treatment they would receive. Patients in each form of the method used by Snow and Blacklin28 in the
group received treatments 3 times weekly for 8 weeks. The 30 following positions: (1) extension concentric (ex/con), knee
patients in group I received isokinetic muscular strengthening extension with quadriceps contraction; (2) extension eccentric
exercises, the 30 in group II received isokinetic exercise and (ex/ecc), knee flexion with quadriceps contraction; (3) flexion
continuous US, the 30 in group III received isokinetic exercise and concentric (flex/con), knee flexion with biceps femoris contrac-
pulsed US, and the 30 in group IV served as controls and received tion; and (4) flexion eccentric (flex/ecc), knee extension with
neither strengthening exercises nor US treatments. All groups biceps femoris contraction. Subjects were seated and leaned
received 20 minutes of hot packs and 5 minutes of passive ROM against a backrest inclined at 16° from the vertical and with the
exercise on an electric stationary bike (20 cycles/min) of both seat inclined 6° from the horizontal. The axis of the knee was
knees before undergoing muscle-strengthening exercises. The aligned with the axis of the Kin-Com 505 exercise arm; accu-
therapeutic effects of these exercises were evaluated by changes in racy of alignment was checked by allowing the subject to
the arthritic knee ROM,25 visual analog scale (VAS),26 Lequesne extend the leg while pushing against the shin pad positioned
index,27 ambulation speed, and muscle peak torques (MPT) of over the lower third of the leg. If the pad did not move up or
knee flexion and extension measured with an isokinetic dyna- down the leg over the ROM to be tested, we considered the
mometer (Kin-Coma)28 before treatment, after treatment, and at knee to be aligned with the axis of the exercise arm. Gravity-
follow-up 1 year later. Compliance with the prescribed exercise compensated torque values were corrected with the exercise
program in each group was also analyzed after treatment was arm positioned 15° from horizontal.
completed. All the participants gave their informed consent for We use the Kin-Com’s exercise arm to set the test ROM.
the study and the Ethical Review Committee of Kaohsiung The angle at which knee flexor muscle shortening began (start
Medical University approved the study protocol. angle) was set at 20° from horizontal, and the angle at which
muscle lengthening began (return angle) was set at 85° from
Measurement of Knee ROM horizontal. To calculate torque, we measured the distance be-
Assisted active ROM was measured with a large plastic tween the point of application of the generated force and the
goniometer with 25-cm movable arms, marked in 1° incre- axis of rotation of the exercise arm, using the scale on the arm
ments. This device is reportedly reliable if the patient remains itself and keyed into the computer. Each subject used the same
in one position for all measurements.25 Measurements of knee radius for all tests. Exercise-arm velocity was set to 60°/s and
flexion and extension were taken with subjects lying supine on 180°/s, respectively, for the above isokinetic peak torque mea-
an examination couch, at maximum flexion of knee joint with surements.
the hip flexed. Concomitant hip flexion prevented premature
limitation of knee motion from possible rectus femoris short- US Treatment
ening. The fully extended knee was considered the zero posi- The locations of sonication (US treatment). The regions for
tion, and the degrees of maximum flexion, maximum exten- application of US were selected according to locations of
sion, and extension deficit, when present, were recorded. A tendinopathy, enthesopathy, Baker’s cyst formation, or bursitis
negative ROM score for extension indicated that the patient indicated by the real time 5 to 12MHz high-resolution linear

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, August 2005


Table 1: Average Knee ROM in Each Group Before and After Treatment
Time I II III IV (control)

Before 105⫾15 (60) 106⫾13 (60) 105⫾12 (60) 99⫾15 (60)

After 110⫾17 (50) 115⫾15*† (54) 119⫾15*† (60) 95⫾11 (56)
⌬ROM 5⫾10 9⫾14† 15⫾14†‡ 4⫾13
Follow-up 112⫾14 (42) 118⫾14*† (48) 124⫾18*†‡ (56) 98⫾17 (48)

NOTE. Values are mean degrees ⫾ standard deviation (SD). Values in parentheses are the number of knees in each group at various time
*Significant difference in Lequesne index in each group after treatment or follow-up (P⬍.05).

Significant difference in Lequesne index in each group compared with control at various time intervals (P⬍.05).

Significant difference compared with other treated groups (P⬍.05).

scanner,b followed by tender point findings on orthopedic ex- for extensors, and 5 repetitions of eccentric and concentric
amination. The most common periarticular soft tissue lesions contractions in angular velocities of 30°/s and 120°/s for flex-
included anserine bursitis, medial collateral enthesitis, popliteal ors. The start and stop angles for extension exercises were 40°
tendonitis, Baker’s cyst, and supra- and infrapatellar bursitis. and 70°, and the start and stop angles for flexion exercises were
Continuous sonication. The USc was set at a duty cycle of 70° and 40°. Patients were allowed 5 seconds of rest between
100%, with frequency of 1MHz and a spatial and temporal sets, 10 seconds of rest between different modes of training,
peak intensity of 1.5W/cm2. The US probe was applied for 5 and 10 minutes of rest between right and left knee training.
minutes to each treated region over the medial collateral liga-
ment (MCL), anserine bursa, and the popliteal fossa tender Compliance
points—a total treated area of approximately 25cm2. The pa- Compliance was determined by the number of participants
tient was kept in a supine position with bilateral knee flexion of who completed the treatment course divided by the number of
90° for MCL and anserine bursa, and in a prone position with initial participants. The major causes of noncompliance, and
bilateral knee full extension for treatment of the popliteal fossa the times at which the exercise program was discontinued,
tender points. Sonication was performed 3 times a week for 8 were also analyzed.
weeks. The intensity of sonication was adjusted to the level at
which the patient felt a warm sensation or a mild sting. Home Program Exercise Routine
Pulsed sonication. The same US was set at a frequency of After the 3 groups completed treatment, the patients were
1MHz and a spatial and temporal peak intensity of 2.5W/cm2, given a home exercise program consisting of 15 minutes on a
and pulsed at a duty cycle of 25%. The duration of US applied stationary bicycle or on a common bicycle with a device
to each region, and the posture of the patient being treated, attached to elevate the rear wheel for subjects who did not have
were as described for continuous sonication. Sonication was an exercise bike at home (18 patients).
performed 3 times a week for 8 weeks. The intensity of
sonication was also adjusted to the level at which the patient Statistical Analysis
felt a warm sensation or a mild sting. We used a paired t test to study the changes in VAS,
Lequesne index, ambulation speed values, and peak torques in
Isokinetic Exercise each group immediately after treatment and at follow-up 1 year
After each arthritic joint pain and ROM were evaluated, and later. One-way analysis of variance with the Tukey test was
blood pressure and heart rate were measured, hot packs were used to compare those differences between 3 treated groups,
applied and the quadriceps and hamstrings were stretched.The and the Dunnett test was used to compare the difference be-
patient then underwent a 5-minute warm-up exercise on a tween treated groups and the control group at zero time, after
stationary bicycle set without resistance. The isokinetic muscle treatment, and 1 year later. A statistically significant difference
strengthening exercise program was performed, as described in was defined as P less than .05.
our previous study,15 for left and right knees, 3 times a week
for 8 weeks (24 sessions). The isokinetic exercise program RESULTS
began with 60% of the average peak torque. Intensity of
isokinetic exercise increased from 1 set to 5 sets during the first Participants
through fifth sessions and remained at 6 sets for the remaining The 120 patients ranged in age from 42 to 72 years (mean
6th through 24th sessions. Each set consisted of 5 repetitions of age, 62.0⫾8.4y), with a female to male ratio of 4.2:1. The
concentric contraction in angular velocities of 30°/s and 120°/s duration of knee pain ranged from 6 months to 11 years.

Table 2: Average VAS Score for Knee Pain in Each Group Before and After Treatment
Time I II III IV (control)

Before 4.9⫾1.5 (60) 5.2⫾1.7 (60) 5.0⫾1.3 (60) 4.8⫾1.8 (60)

After 3.7⫾0.7 (50)*† 3.3⫾0.8 (54)*† 2.6⫾1.7 (60)*†‡ 4.3⫾1.6 (56)
⌬VAS 1.2⫾1.4 1.9⫾1.6 2.4⫾1.8‡ 0.4⫾1.6
Follow-up 3.5⫾1.7 (42)*† 2.6⫾1.4 (48)*† 2.2⫾1.8 (56)*†‡ 6.0⫾1.3 (48)*

NOTE. Values are mean score ⫾ SD. Values in parentheses are the number of knees in each group at various time intervals.
*Significant difference in VAS score in each group after treatment or follow-up (P⬍.05).

Significant difference in VAS score compared with control group at various time intervals (P⬍.05).

Significant difference compared with other treated groups (P⬍.05).

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, August 2005


Table 3: Average Lequesne Index of Patients in Each Group Before and After Treatment
Time I II III IV (control)

Before 6.7⫾2.1 (30) 7.0⫾1.6 (30) 7.1⫾2.1 (30) 7.0⫾1.1 (30)

After 5.2⫾0.9 (25)*† 4.8⫾1.0 (27)*† 4.1⫾0.6 (30)*†‡ 6.6⫾1.6 (28)
⌬Lequesne index 1.6⫾1.4 2.1⫾1.5 2.9⫾1.8‡ 0.4⫾1.6
Follow-up 5.1⫾1.8 (21)*† 3.9⫾1.5 (24)*† 3.1⫾1.4 (28)*†‡ 7.8⫾1.7* (24)

NOTE. Values are mean score ⫾ SD. Values in parentheses are the number of knees in each group at various time intervals.
*Significant difference in Lequesne index in each group after treatment or follow-up (P⬍.05).

Significant difference in Lequesne index compared with control group at various time intervals (P⬍.05).

Significant difference compared with other treated groups (P⬍.05).

Changes in ROM compared with the controls. Patients in group III showed the
The changes in average ROM of the arthritic knees for each most improvement, and group I showed the least improvement
group are shown in table 1. Ten subjects stopped the therapeu- both, after treatment and at the follow-up.
tic exercises because of intolerable pain during exercise (5
subjects in group I, 3 in group II, 2 in group IV). Contact with Changes in Peak Torque
13 subjects was lost during the follow-up period (4 subjects in The changes in mean peak torques of knee flexion and
group I, 3 in group II, 2 in group III, 4 in the control group). extension in concentric and eccentric contraction in all patient
The average ROM of each group was initially similar, but groups are shown in table 5 (60°/s) and table 6 (180°/s). All the
ROM scores later increased significantly only in groups II and average peak torque of 60°/s in ex/con, ex/ecc, flex/ecc, and
III after treatment. Patients in group III showed the greatest flex/con increased significantly in group II and group III, both
increase in ROM, both after treatment and in the follow-up after treatment and at the follow-up. Patients in group I showed
period. the least improvement in peak torques, but group I showed
significant improvements in muscle peak torques when com-
Changes in Knee Pain pared with the control group at follow-up. Table 6 shows that
The changes in average scores for knee pain in each group patients in group III had the most improvement in peak torque
are shown in table 2. Pain scores for groups I through IV were at 180°/s in all contraction modes (ex/con, ex/ecc, flex/con,
initially similar, but pain scores decreased significantly in all flex/ecc) after treatment and at follow-up, which correlates
treated groups; pain scores continued to decrease significantly closely with joint functional improvement.
in groups II and III at follow-up, whereas they were increased
in the controls. Patients in group III showed the greatest degree Compliance
of pain reduction, both after treatment and at follow-up. Compliance was .83 (25/30) in group I, .90 (27/30) in group
II, 1.0 (30/30) in group III, and .93 (28/30) in the control group.
Changes in Lequesne Index Reasons for withdrawal from the treatment included intolerable
Initially, the treated and control groups showed no signifi- knee pain induced by the prescribed exercises in 6 of 8 patients
cant Lequesne index differences. The changes in mean index (75%) and leg muscle weakness in 2 of 8 (25%). Treatment
values in each patient group are shown in table 3. The average compliance was greater in group III, suggesting that therapeu-
scores decreased significantly in all treated groups after treat- tic exercise-induced knee pain was the major reason for dis-
ment, and at the 1-year follow-up. Patients in group I had the continuing treatment.
least reduction in Lequesne index scores after treatment, and
patients in group III had the greatest reduction in disability DISCUSSION
after treatment and during the follow-up period. Physical disability is frequently reported in patients with
knee OA. However, the disability of these patients can only
Changes in Ambulation Speed partly be explained by degeneration of the knee joints. Several
The mean changes in ambulation speed in each group are other factors have been proposed as possible explanations for
shown in table 4. Initially, the average ambulation speed did their disability, including physical factors such as reduced
not markedly differ between treated and control groups, but the ROM of the knee joints. In a study of elderly Swedish subjects,
average ambulation speed increased significantly only in Odding et al29 found correlations between knee and hip joint
groups II and III after treatment. However, the average ambu- ROM and disability. They also found that restricted flexion of
lation speed increased in all treated groups at follow-up when the knees was a strong risk factor for locomotor disability in

Table 4: Average Ambulation Speed of Patients in Each Group Before and After Treatment
Time I II III IV (control)

Before 74.6⫾7.3 (30) 72.6⫾6.5 (30) 73.2⫾6.0 (30) 72.3⫾7.5 (30)

After 81.9⫾5.5 (25)‡ 90.9⫾4.1 (27)*† 92.4⫾3.4 (30)*† 75.6⫾3.5 (28)
⌬ambulation speed 9.2⫾8.6‡ 18.6⫾5.5 19.5⫾7.2 3.4⫾6.8
Follow-up 82.5⫾7.1 (21)*† 90.4⫾7.8 (24)*† 99.7⫾8.7 (28)*†‡ 67.1⫾4.3 (24)

NOTE. Values are mean m/min ⫾ SD. Values in parentheses are the number of knees in each group at various times intervals.
*Significant difference in ambulation speed in each group after treatment or follow-up (P⬍.05).

Significant difference in ambulation speed compared with control group at various time intervals (P⬍.05).

Significant difference compared with other treated groups (P⬍.05).

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, August 2005


Table 5: Mean Peak Torque of Knee Flexion and Extension in Concentric and Eccentric Contraction at 60°/s in Each Group
Before and After Treatment
Angular Velocity Time I II III IV (control)

60° (ex/con) Before 233.1 (60) 236.9 (60) 230.3 (60) 237.1 (60)
After 255.7 (50)*‡ 284.5 (54)*† 289.9 (60)*† 233.5 (56)
⌬MPT 21.5‡ 49.4 59.4 ⫺3.6
Follow-up 273.3 (42)*†‡ 321.5 (48)*† 336.1 (56)*† 221.3 (48)
60° (ex/ecc) Before 430.1 (60) 443.3 (60) 438.9 (60) 436.3 (60)
After 476.5 (50)*†‡ 514.3 (54)*† 518.3 (60)*† 444.6 (56)
⌬MPT 38.5‡ 71.2 79.4 7.5
Follow-up 485.1 (42)*†‡ 587.3 (48)*† 587.4 (56)*† 410.4 (48)
60° (flex/con) Before 280.6 (60) 278.5 (60) 270.8 (60) 275.5 (60)
After 299.4 (50)†‡ 319.0 (54)*† 317.9 (60)*† 267.8 (56)
⌬MPT 20.5‡ 41.3 47.9 ⫺8.5
Follow-up 289.8 (42)†‡ 333.2 (48)*† 348.6 (56)*† 237.3 (48)*
60° (flex/ecc) Before 337.3 (60) 344.5 (60) 341.8 (60) 347.1 (60)
After 373.4 (50)†‡ 399.6 (54)*† 401.3 (60)*† 338.1 (56)
⌬MPT 33.3‡ 55.0 60.1 ⫺11.2
Follow-up 379.6 (42)†‡ 416.5 (48)*† 423.6 (56)*† 296.9 (48)*

NOTE. Values in parentheses are the number of knees in each group at various time intervals.
*Significant difference in peak torque in each group after treatment or follow-up (P⬍.05).

Significant difference in peak torque compared with control group at various time intervals (P⬍.05).

Significant difference compared with other treated groups (P⬍.05).

activities primarily involving the lower extremities, such as with valgus deformity31; stretching of the medial or MCLs;
walking, climbing stairs, and rising from and sitting down in a microfractures and subchondral fracture; capsular distension by
chair. Steultjens et al30 reported that restricted joint mobility, effusion; and patellar and associated syndromes such as an-
especially in flexion of the knee, appears to be an important serine bursitis or prepatellar bursitis. Furthermore, the interac-
determinant of disability in patients with OA. tion of these factors would result in changes of intraarticular
The major causes of ROM limitation of the arthritic knee are and periarticular connective tissues.
joint pain and weakness of the quadriceps,30 which is one of the Periarticular connective tissue is composed of collagen
key muscles controlling the stability of the arthritic knee. Joint fibers within a proteoglycan matrix. The tissue may become
pain control and muscle strengthening exercise are therefore fibrotic, contracted, or shortened when subjected to immo-
important in a rehabilitation program for knee OA. bilization or inactivity due to arthritic joint pain, resulting in
Pain in the osteoarthritic knee may be caused by several joint capsule contractures and a limited ROM. Adaptive
conditions, including loss of articular cartilage, mechanical shortening of the muscles may also occur when a muscle
compression of either the medial knee compartment with varus immobilized in a shortened position demonstrates shorten-
deformity, mechanical compression of the lateral compartment ing within a week. After 3 weeks in this shortened position,

Table 6: Mean Peak Torque of Knee Flexion and Extension in Concentric and Eccentric Contraction at 180°/s in Each Group
Before and After Treatment
Angular Velocity Time I II III IV (control)

180° (ex/con) Before 180.5 (60) 178.1 (60) 184.1 (60) 185.3 (60)
After 203.2 (50)*† 222.3 (54)*† 265.3 (60)*†‡ 181.8 (56)
⌬MPT 23.5 47.1 71.3‡ ⫺3.4
Follow-up 212.3 (42)*† 233.1 (48)*† 279.4 (56)*†‡ 163.2 (48)
180° (ex/ecc) Before 482.6 (60) 483.3 (60) 493.1 (60) 488.3 (60)
After 575.5 (50)*† 604.1 (54)*† 653.3 (60)*†‡ 476.8 (56)
⌬MPT 93.5 123.1 163.7‡ ⫺13.2
Follow-up 592.3 (42)*† 635.3 (48)*† 696.7 (56)*†‡ 432.1* (48)
180° (flex/con) Before 184.7 (60) 187.6 (60) 191.8 (60) 186.1 (60)
After 225.7 (50)*† 246.4 (54)*† 279.8 (60)*†‡ 172.6 (56)
⌬MPT 38.4 61.6 86.3‡ ⫺14.0
Follow-up 235.5 (42)*† 277.2 (48)*† 331.7 (56)*†‡ 160.3 (48)*
180° (flex/ecc) Before 317.4 (60) 315.1 (60) 321.3 (60) 324.1 (60)
After 340.7 (50)† 359.3 (54)*† 395.5 (60)*†‡ 313.4 (56)
⌬MPT 25.3 43.6 75.2‡ ⫺10.7
Follow-up 342.1 (42)† 383.3 (48)*† 426.2 (56)*†‡ 290.1 (48)*

NOTE. Values in parentheses are the number of knees in each group at various time intervals.
*Significant difference in peak torque in each group after treatment or follow-up (P⬍.05).

Significant difference in peak torque in each group compared with control group at various time intervals (P⬍.05).

Significant difference compared with other treated groups (P⬍.05).

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, August 2005


the loose connective tissue in the muscle becomes dense 3. Felson DT. The epidemiology of knee osteoarthritis: results from
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ops,32 resulting in the instability of the joint. However, 1990;20:42-50.
through an appropriate physical modality such as the US we 4. McAlindon TE, Cooper C, Kirwan JR. Knee pain and disability in
used in this study, the patients in groups II and III had more the community. Br J Rheumatol 1992;31:189-92.
improvement in muscular peak torques and less disability, 5. O’Reilly SC, Jones A, Muir KR. Quadriceps weakness in knee
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Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, August 2005

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