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2017 IEEE PES-IAS PowerAfrica

Grid Energy Storage Devices

N. Rampersadh Innocent E. Davidson

Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban University of Technology
Durban 4000, South Africa Durban 4001, South Africa

Abstract—The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into

Energy storage devices which will transform the way the world II. STRATEGIC CONTEXT
utilises, controls and dispatches electrical energy in the near Utilities are faced with issues regarding large scale
future. With the increasing amount of renewable energy being renewable energy connected to their grid considering that wind
injected into transmission and distribution grids and the rapid generation capacity is around 20 to 30% and it tends to be the
uptake of rooftop solar photo-voltaic installations in households,
strongest at night which is when the demand is low. Similarly,
energy storage is unlocking a new market in renewable energy
large scale solar power is ineffective when there isn’t sun
and enabling new opportunity. Government subsidies are
incentivising consumers to invest heavily in new and emerging penetration. Grid scale battery storage is expected to play a
renewable technologies. This trend is expected to overflow into vital role in the power sector of the future where it can support
the electricity transmission and distribution arena in the form of the injection of variable large scale renewable generation.
Grid-Scale Battery Storage; in the pursuit of greater flexibility, Strategically there is a need to gain real world experience to
control and utilization of electrical power. Energy storage has monitor and adopt power grids worldwide so as not to be
been in use for many years with the most common being pump lagging behind in implementation. Whilst this form of storage
storage hydroelectricity. Emerging technologies making is being investigated globally, with a handful of utilities
headlines and gaining momentum on the transmission and installing them for research and development; technology
distribution electricity grids are large-scale battery storage, maturity and mass production will drive down lifecycle costs.
flywheels, compressed air and hydrogen. The introduction and The introduction and application of cost effective grid-scale
application of cost effective grid-scale battery storage will be a battery storage will be a game-changer for the distribution and
game-changer for the distribution and control of electrical control of electrical energy.

Keywords— Energy storage device, renewable energy, Grid III. KEY CONCEPTS
scale storage, regulation, framework. Despite developments and uptake of renewable energy
generators, utilities still face technical issues, with the key
I. INTRODUCTION being intermittent supply of energy. The introduction of energy
storage will provide more value to renewable energy and
Energy storage is merely a method to change electrical power system operators. Key concept requirements are as
energy from a power grid network into a configuration that can follows:
be stored for changing it back into electrical energy when
required [1]. The initial implementation of the storage devices a) Demonstrate that energy storage devices increase the
goes back to the 20th century, when electrical stations were value and provide grid support when required
shut down, with lead-acid storage devices providing supply to
the residual loads on the direct current networks [2]. b) Prove that storage devices can meet grid standards in
terms of safety, quality and reliability
Transmission, distribution and generation of electrical
energy is changing worldwide due to the pressures of c) Commercial sense to deploy energy storage devices,
greenhouse gas reduction and unpredictable load profiles of drivers, applications and challenges
renewable energy. The evolution of energy storage devices has d) How the regulatory framework can be established, i.e.
the potential to reduce these pressures. Storage will play an who can own, operate and maintain storage devices, tariff
important part in increasing competition and increasing the structures.
supply of renewable energy by merely allowing renewable
energy to be delivered during peak times when it’s most IV. STORAGE TECHNOLOGY RECAP
required and deliver stored energy when the renewable energy
Energy storage systems can be categorized into energy
is not efficient.
ratings with a comparatively small-scale energy making them
beneficial for power reliability/quality or uninterruptible power
supplies (UPS); and those for administration of energy [4].

978-1-5090-4746-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 121

2017 IEEE PES-IAS PowerAfrica

Figure 2: Typical Battery Storage System and main power components

Figure 1: Energy Storage Technologies [Courtesy of EPRI]

From figure 1, storage is grouped into the following

different categories: which includes monitoring and control systems, a power
conversion system (PCS) and the battery itself [15]. Battery
cells consist of individual cells connected into modules and
then into battery packs. A battery management system consists
a) Mechanical storage in the form of potential energy of monitoring and control systems which is there to ensure
(pumped hydro storage or compressed air) and kinetic safety and to essentially maximize performance. The battery
energy (flywheels) management system controls the charge and discharge of the
b) Chemical storage in the form of hydrogen energy, battery and prevents individual cells from over charging.
thermo-chemical energy (solar fuels) The battery storage system also contains a power
c) Electrical energy storage in the form of capacitors and conversion system. Unlike conventional electric systems which
super-capacitors runs on alternating current (AC), batteries deliver direct current
(DC) electricity. The power conversion system, using bi
d) Thermal energy storage in the form of cold and heat directional invertors, converts the DC emitted from the battery
storage into AC for connecting to the power grid and with the use of
e) Electrochemical Energy storage (secondary and flow rectifiers, the AC flows back into the battery during charging.

B. Drivers and Application [1], [3], [6], [6], [10], [11], [12],
Grid scale battery storage is similar to a power plant which a) Increases in usage of renewable energy: as we know
utilises batteries on an electro chemical principle for energy that there is pressure to increase renewable energy onto power
storage. Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) and Compressed Air grids worldwide, and that renewable energy is vastly
Energy Storage (CAES) which has large capacity storage, intermittent that energy storage is becoming significantly
battery storage can range from a few kW up to medium MW important in demand management;
range. They are similar to other storage plant in that they
primary function is to serve to cover during the peak loads in b) Increasing network costs and poor utilization of
networks with not enough power and the network stabilization assets: The longer the utility assets last, the later capital
[7]. Their major advantage is that they do not need mechanical investment can be deferred hence efficiency of network can be
mass movement parts in order to start injecting power (like improved by improving asset utilization through reducing
other storage plants) [10]. They have start times typical 20mS. peak demand by using energy storage devices. Asset owners
Analysis have showed that energy storage devices along with could eventually start claiming return on investment for
renewable generators can enhance network transient stability. storage devices installed;
[14]. Currently there is more than 430MW of grid scale battery
storage systems installed in the market and it is expected to rise c) Increasing need for reliable backup power: The
up to 12GW by the year 2024 [9]. The market leaders for importance of backup power requirements in utility markets.
battery energy storage will be America followed by China, For example, secondary systems, tele-communication and data
Japan and Germany. It is envisaged that the take-off elsewhere centers, is becoming more stringent. The improved
will start in 2017 as the price of batteries decreases. performance of new energy storage devices is becoming the
proven solutions;
A. Description of a Battery Storage System d) Peaking power: can take up the role to provide
peaking power when required and reduce need for fossil fuel
peaking plants;
The battery is just a part of a larger storage system shown in
figure 2. The system contains few primary components e) Demand side management: Battery storage can take
up the role for demand side management thereby delaying
augmenting the network;

2017 IEEE PES-IAS PowerAfrica

f) Tariff changes: Pairing storage with renewables like have well organized recycling processes that will benefit
solar photovoltiac (PV) can enable end users to go off grid or industries to decrease environmental issues. Typical lifespan
consume less power from the grid. The electric vehicle (EV) for batteries are within a 10-year lifespan, however, there will
market will eventually take off and increase rapidly especially be occasions to reuse the battery for new applications.
with car manufacturers continuing to introduce. This increase Disposal and recycling standards will be a key challenge to
of EVs will put large energy storage capacity in businesses win over users of large scale batteries;
and homes and an opportunity to utilize the storage to increase e) Temperature of batteries when in storage: in many
uptake of renewables. countries the temperature varies, hence the batteries will need
g) Arbitrage: Generators and consumers of energy can to operate in harsh temperatures, example Australian heat and
utilize storage to prevent high electricity prices by transferring the freezing conditions in Europe;
load during high demand to less costly time of use tariffs. f) Lack of clear business case and value proposition,
h) Power Quality: Utility uses must provide a service to also due to low oil and gas prices;
ensure they keep the power supply voltage and frequency to g) Insufficient or inadequate incentives and policies.
an acceptable tolerance and this can be achieved by adjusting
the power supply to the changing demand. Power grids control
the frequency by adjusting the output of generators and in a
similar way battery storage can provide frequency control. VI. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK
i) Off or Isolated Grid application: where utilities Similar to all maturing technologies entering an established
provides a power supply to a smaller isolated power grid (an market, battery storage systems depend on favorable regulatory
frameworks and provision of incentives. Regulators worldwide
island or rural area), small capacity diesel generators and other
will eventually see the value in battery storage and incentivize
renewable generators can be boosted by battery energy storage
its usage to ensure technology take-off. Few countries have
and this can provide stable power to consumers, policy drivers which are leading to energy storage increase
j) Smart Grid: Energy storage combined with thyristor, with motives to include lowering the integration costs of
valves and other electronic devices will play a significant renewables. Demand management incentive schemes for
technical part and will have a major impact on the future of transmission and distribution business need to be considered by
the power industry leading to significant financial benefits. the regulatory bodies, and this could see businesses receive
The future grid with be enhanced by power flow in both additional income for choosing demand management solutions
directions by using PV, biomass, wind etc. and these over the transitional infrastructure asset build. This will lead to
renewables will be supplemented with battery storage. businesses to consider energy storage for demand management

C. Challenges [1], [3], [6], [6], [10]

High upfront costs: A significant barrier being high initial VII. COMMERCIAL FRAMEWORK
investment for battery energy storage is currently inhibiting Various commercial frameworks can exist when employing
widespread take-off and utilities can see this as poor return on energy storage systems onto a network. The energy storage
this investment. The components which make up the battery could be represented as a producer and consumer of electricity,
system are still expensive due to the raw materials, materials a contributor of market system ancillary support, or a provider
processing, manufacturing costs, invertors, and balance of plant of grid assistance when required. Key terms on what
costs; commercial framework applies are, who will own and operate
a) Safety: Deployment is potentially hampered due to the energy storage system, the location the energy storage
system will connect to the grid infrastructure, capacity and
safety concerns for batteries being used at a large scale.
dispatch rights.
Overheating, explosions, fire and burns are some of these
concerns. Manufacturers will have to work closely with The owner of an energy storage system will depend on the
utilities to ease these concerns. Safety specifications are role the storage system has, i.e. if the if the main task of the
required prior to any grid scale installation of battery system is to distribute power, then the asset owner is likely to
technology and to ensure these standards are not to be a generator with significant knowledge in energy trade. If
prescriptive so as not hamper innovation; the systems primary role is to provide network benefits, then
the grid operator will be better placed in owning the system.
b) Non standardization: There are currently no common
standards developed for battery energy storage devices.
Manufacturers are developing to their own internal standards
which cause issues for installation, maintenance and VIII. PROCUREMENT PATHWAY
compatibility; The procurement stage is after a business case has been
c) Grid interconnection barriers and excess capacity: justified, a location of the energy storage identified,
Lack of policy, standardization and electricity infrastructure to commercial framework selected. Process will essentially be
allow network connection of energy storage systems; preparing a specification and inviting tenderers. The aim is to
ensure the Specification provides more detailed technical and
d) Recycling and environmental: battery systems use performance information of the energy storage system and its
resources which are rare and expensive hence it is important to potential delivery phase. It introduces the requirements for the

2017 IEEE PES-IAS PowerAfrica

energy storage system, the design principles under which it is energy to essentially reduce greenhouse emissions. The
being progressed, the likely siting and conditions under which reduction in greenhouse emissions is driving away the coal
it would operate, and the expectations around engineering and fired plant and other traditional generation sources and driving
related delivery methodology to inform tenderers of what in renewable generation. Renewable energy poses tremendous
would be expected. issues to power grid operators, the key being the energy isn’t
available when required, and when the energy is available, it
Unless there is significant experience in the preparation of isn’t required. So why waste the energy?
the specification, it should not to be overly prescriptive,
therefore allowing tenderers to innovate and fit their product The paper has highlighted that energy storage devices could
capability within the requirements. With this in mind, it is potentially reshape the network and pave the way for a modern
noted that certain standards, functions and requirements of the power grid. The value they bring to the power grid operator
energy storage system, and contracting preferences, will be clearly out ways any challenges foreseen and will become the
mandatory for solutions put forward to meet the risk ‘must have asset’ when designing the power grid of the future.
expectations and appetite of the of the owner within the context
and operations of the regulatory framework. Key benefits energy storage device brings to an asset owner
IX. DEVELOPMENT NEEDS a) Increase the use of renewable energy and this in turn will
meet the emission targets posed by Government
a) Increasing acknowledgment and awareness by
Government of the vital part storage will take up in the b) Provide peaking power and reduce the need for fossil
modern network; fueled peaking plant
b) Promoting tax at the same time providing regulatory c) Power quality improvement in terms of voltage stability,
benefits for storage; frequency regulation,
c) Introduction of the electric and hybrid with plug in d) Demand side management, thereby deferring capital
power facilities; investment for augmentation
d) Increasing connection of intermittent renewable e) Off grid or isolated grid applications in rural areas and
generation; islands
e) Growing need for improved power quality and reliability f) Smart grid applications where use of PV, wind and
into the grid; biomass can be supplemented with the use of energy
storage devices which will enhance the power flow in
f) Develop energy storage engineering standards, data
both directions.
centers, and tools.
As more energy storage devices are being commissioned,
the manufacturers are learning and adapting from the past
X. NEXT STEPS IN RESEARCH safety concerns. Overheating, explosion, fire and burns are few
a) Develop a framework for storage ownership and of these concerns, however with the proper infrastructure in
place, these concerns can be easily mitigated. Each country
planning on installation of storage devices shall ensure reliable
b) Communication of the value of storage to the society; technical standards and specifications are prepared in
c) Establish consensus about priorities and actions and conjunction with the manufacturers. The high upfront costs are
work towards a common understanding amongst a significant barrier inhibiting wide spread take off however for
stakeholders; how long will these high costs last. Manufacturers will be
required to work closely with asset owners to ease these
d) Identify and introduce attractive incentives to benefit concerns.
individual user needs;
Different market models have been described of who can
e) Identify important challenges and possible solutions to own and operate an energy storage device. Similar to all
aid the deployment of storage and prevent delay; maturing technologies entering an established market, energy
f) Identify and learn from other countries worldwide to storage devices depend favorably on regulatory frameworks
create engineering standards and tools; being in place and the provision of incentives. With regulatory
framework being in place and the incentives for its usage, this
g) Ensure smooth integration of storage with Smart Grid will aid the wide spread take-off.
and Demand Response initiatives
The energy storage devices will occur as a ‘megashift’ to
the industry and key learning for the stakeholders such as
manufacturers, consumers, purchasers, asset owners,
XI. CONCLUSION regulators, retailers and policy makers all liaising with each
The power networks were designed and constructed when other to ensure the ‘megashift’ support the next generation of
energy couldn’t be viably stored in bulk capacity. When the power grid.
electricity was required, it had to be generated and as soon as it
was generated, it had to be used. The Government has set
renewable energy targets and this is simply pressure being
posed on utilities and power asset owners to accept renewable

2017 IEEE PES-IAS PowerAfrica

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