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Project in Science

Definition of Terms
1 Grading

2 Grading

3 Grading

4 Grading
fair test is an experiment or investigation in which one coordination
(Independent Variable)by keeping all other condition constant variables
changing factors
what is the effect of changing temperature of the surrending to the
appearance of peeled raw potatoes?
-Independent Variable-A conditions or factor which on investigator
changes during during the investigator.
example: varying temperature of the surrending.
-Dependent Variable-a condition which is affective by the independent
example: the change in appearance of the filled raw potatoes in herms of
-Constant Variable-Is a condition which is rept the same through the
example: size of potatoes
-Length of exposure to varying temperature.
-thermometers to be used.

-Scientific Method-An orderly way of solving a problem the use of method

is one of the factors that helped science flourished
Steps of the Scientific Method:
A. State the problem
identifying the problem in a Particular situation when start by making
certain observation.

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