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Mental Illness 2015; volume 7:5640

Diagnostic stability of acute schizophrenic symptoms is limited to 1 month

because F20 schizophrenia requires a period Correspondence: Shubham Mehta, Department
and transient psychotic longer than 1 month, whereas if acute psychot- of Psychiatry, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College,
disorders in developing ic disorders have polymorphic features or non- Agroha (Hisar) 125047, Haryana, India.
Tel.: +91.8295.762550.
country settings: an overview bizarre delusions, the diagnosis should be
changed to F22 persistent delusional disorder
Shubham Mehta after 3 months.1
Key words: Acute and transient psychosis; diag-
Acute and transient psychotic disorder is
Department of Psychiatry, Maharaja nostic stability; ICD-10.
consistently reported to occur in females
Agrasen Medical College, Agroha (Hisar), between early and middle adulthood.2-4 Conflict of interest: the author declares no poten-
Haryana, India Patients affected with ATPD do not have signif- tial conflict of interest.
icant pre-morbid dysfunctions.5 They are more
likely to experience shifting polymorphic fea- Conference presentation: the abstract was select-
tures, e.g., hallucinations or delusions of dif- ed for poster presentation at 9th International
ferent type, which usually change in either Conference on Early Psychosis (17-19 November
Abstract content or intensity from day to day or within 2014, Tokyo, Japan).
the same day.6 As a group, ATPD has different
Acute and transient psychotic disorders pattern of illness risk compared to schizophre- Received for publication: 18 September 2014.
(ATPD), introduced in the International Revision received: 10 January 2015.
nia, and different subtypes of ATPD may be
Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) diagnostic Accepted for publication: 3 February 2015.
genetically heterogeneous.7
system in 1992, are not receiving much atten- The concept of ATPD has been present in This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
tion in developing countries. Therefore, the psychiatry clinical practice for more than twen- Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY-
main objective of this article is to review the ty years. Unfortunately, it has not received NC 3.0).
literature related to the diagnostic stability of much attention from researchers, especially in
ATPD in developing countries. A PubMed developing countries, even when epidemiolog- ©Copyright S. Mehta, 2015
search was conducted to review the studies ical studies of the incidence of acute psychosis Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
concerned with this issue in the context of Mental Illness 2015; 7:5640
have shown that acute and transient psychosis
developing countries, as diagnostic stability is is ten times more common in developing coun-
more of a direct test of validity of psychiatric tries as compared to the industrialized coun-
diagnoses. Four publications were found. tries.8 The topic has been under-researched in developing country settings. The study had
According to the literature search, the stability probably because of diagnostic and classifica- to be preferably a follow-up study as these
percentage of the ICD-10 ATPD diagnosis is tion uncertainties surrounding ATPD. The studies include evidence of diagnostic stability
63-100%. The diagnostic shift is more com- present classification of the ATPD is also cum- and diagnostic consistency to test the validity
monly either towards bipolar disorder or schiz- bersome and is proving to be a barrier for of psychiatric diagnoses.9-11 Even so, studies
ophrenia, if any. Shorter duration of illness research and practice. Furthermore, its diag- based on data obtained from case records/reg-
(<1 month) and abrupt onset (<48 hours) pre- nostic stability has been questioned by various isters of patients were also included provided
dict a stable diagnosis of ATPD. Based on avail- researchers. they analyzed the diagnostic stability of ATPD.
able evidence, the diagnosis of ATPD appears World Health Organization is revising the
to be relatively stable in developing countries. ICD-10, and with ICD-11 publication expected
However, it is difficult to make a definitive soon, it is prudent to review the literature per-
conclusion, as there is a substantial lack of lit- taining to the diagnostic stability of ATPD in Results
erature in developing country settings. developing countries, since this entity entails
a different epidemiology and possible clinical Following these inclusion criteria men-
course in such settings.6 This may enable us to tioned above, 4 publications (3 from India and
understand how ATPDs affect patients chroni- one from Iran) were found suitable to be
Introduction cally. This may also allow us to delineate the included in this report (Table 2).3,12-14
factors predicting the diagnostic stability or In their study, Sajith et al.3 included forty-
Acute and transient psychotic disorder diagnostic shifts, if any. five patients with first episode acute polymor-
(ATPD) as a descriptive entity was recognized phic psychotic disorder without schizophrenic
for the first time in 1992 in the International symptoms (APPD). Patients were followed up
Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), which and assessed at regular intervals over a period
included it under psychotic disorders (F23) as Materials and Methods of 3 years. Thirty-three cases out of 45 (73.3%)
a three digit code.1 ATPD has certain key fea- retained their index diagnosis of APPD, while
tures, such as acute onset (within 2 weeks) A PubMed search was conducted using the 12 cases required diagnostic revision. 10 cases
and rapidly changing, variable polymorphic key words acute, psychosis, and diagnostic sta- changed to bipolar affective disorder and the
picture, which are accepted as required crite- bility and found 38 articles; while using key rest to unspecified non-organic psychosis.
ria and stress, which is an additional criterion. words acute, transient, psychosis, diagnostic Shorter duration of illness (<1 month) and
Most patients experience complete recovery in stability, course, 15 articles were found. The abrupt onset (<48 hours) predicted a stable
2-3 months.1 ICD-10 offers four specific and focus was on the issue of diagnostic stability diagnosis of APPD.
two non-specific subcategories of ATPD based primarily because it is more of a direct test of Thangadurai et al.13 while analyzing the
on variability of clinical picture, presence of validity of psychiatric diagnoses. The inclusion medical records of all patients with psychotic
schizophrenic symptoms, and duration of the criteria for this report were publications con- disorders in their set-up found that 87 patients
episode (Table 1). taining data on ATPD, diagnosed as per ICD-10 (13.9%) were diagnosed with acute psychosis
The duration of psychotic disorders with criteria and assessing its diagnostic stability (ICD-10 F23). Mean duration of follow-up in

[Mental Illness 2015; 7:5640] [page 13]

Brief Report

Table 1. International Classification of Diseases nomenclature of acute and transient psychotic disorders.
ICD-10 code Diagnostic subcategory of ATPD (F23) Duration, months
F23.0 Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder without symptoms of schizophrenia <3
F23.1 Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia <1
F23.2 Acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder <1
F23.3 Other acute predominantly delusional psychotic disorders <3
F23.8 Other acute and transient psychotic disorders <3
F23.9 Acute and transient psychotic disorders, unspecified <3
ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases; ATPD, acute and transient psychotic disorders.

Table 2. Studies assessing the diagnostic stability of acute and transient psychotic disorders.
Author Number of patients Duration of follow-up Study method Stability percentage
(in months)
Sajith et al.3 45 36 Prospective follow-up 73.3
Amini et al.12 10 cases of ATPD out of total 60 cases 12 Prospective follow-up 100
Thangadurai et al.13 87 13 Retrospective medical record review 64
Narayanaswamy et al.14 57 24 Retrospective medical record review 63.2
ATPD, acute and transient psychotic disorders.

their analysis was 13.2 months. The diagnosis nostic stability of ATPD in developing country difficult to make definitive conclusions. Also,
was revised to affective disorder in 8 patients settings and thus to build an understanding of the studies reviewed in this report have differ-
(9.2%), schizophrenia in 23 (26.4%), and 10 how this entity affects patients chronically. ences in design (prospective vs. retrospective
patients (11.5%) presented with recurrent Surprisingly, only four studies have evaluat- study designs) and length of follow-ups.
episodes of acute psychosis. In an another ed the diagnostic stability of ATPD in the con- Therefore, meaningful comparison is difficult.
recent study from India,14 records of 57 text of developing country settings with follow- Future research is required to further eluci-
patients who presented with the first episode up period ranging from 12-36 months. 63-100% date this diagnostic dilemma because certain
of acute and transient disorder over one year of patients retained their diagnosis of ATPD at important questions still remain unanswered:
were analyzed, and the follow-up data at the follow-up, suggesting a high diagnostic stabili- i) What are the biological validators of the
end of 1 and 2 years were recorded. The ty of this diagnosis. The factors which predict- diagnosis of ATPD, considering the diagnostic
records of 44 patients were available at the ed a stable diagnosis of ATPD, APPD to be stability of ATPD to be as high as 63-100%? ii)
conclusion of one year out of which 40 patients more specific, were shorter duration of illness What are the standard guidelines for the treat-
(70.2%) retained their diagnosis; 14% convert- (<1 month) and abrupt onset (<48 h) as sug- ment of ATPD? Antipsychotics are currently
ed to bipolar disorder, 8.8% to schizophrenia gested by an Indian study.3 used but there is no evidence base for this. iii)
and 7% were diagnosed as psychosis unspeci- On the other hand, in industrialized nations Considering high mortality in ATPD particular-
fied. Out of 43 patient records available at the like Europe, more than 50% of cases with ATPD ly from suicide,18 what prevention strategies
end of 2 years, 63.2% retained their diagnosis; tend to change diagnosis into another F2 cate- can be framed to reduce this?
21% were diagnosed as bipolar disorder, 8.8% gory schizophrenia and related disorders or These questions can serve as guide for the
as schizophrenia and 7% were diagnosed as affective disorders as revealed in a review by future research.
psychosis unspecified. However, unlike the Castagnini and Berrios.15
study of Sajith et al., these two studies did not Patients who had their diagnosis changed at
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Brief Report

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